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Presentation for Ohio LinuxFest 2011.
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Dru Lavigne Community Manager, PC-BSD Project OLF, September 10, 2011 So You Want to Write a Technical Book....
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Dru LavigneCommunity Manager, PC-BSD Project

OLF, September 10, 2011

So You Want to Write a Technical Book....

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● What you should be doing before you submit a book proposal● Should you self-publish or co-author?● Will you become rich and famous? is it worth the work?● How to submit a book proposal● What to expect in contract negotiations● What to expect when it comes time to actually write the book with a deadline looming over your head● How to promote your book

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● based on my experience, YMWV

● technical writer since 1998, primarily on open source since 2000

● author of 3 technical books

● currently manage documentation for three projects (2 open source)

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● the rules of the writing game are changing, making it a great time to be a tech writer

● opportunities abound: zero barriers to entry, numerous free publicity methods

● how do you get noticed in a sea of info?

● how do you make money, or launch a career, when so much is available for free?

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● noone gets paid to write docs for “free” software (not true)

● besides, if you're not a developer, you're a nobody in open source (still true, but getting better)

● writing is a skill (use it or lose it)

● writing is an art (it needs to be explored)

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What you should be doing● open source is still a Wild West of missing and incomplete documentation--pick a project and start writing!

● enough work to last a life time or two!

● you get to pick your hours, language, what to write about and in what style

● it's all archived and searchable

● honed writing skills are an asset to any employer

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What you should be doing

Get your work (and your name) out there!

● vital if you're looking for writing contracts or envision a book in your future

● don't wait til work is “polished”, but always write your best

● be anal with grammar and spelling, even with casual works (email, blog posts)

● do your research (or it will bite you back)

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What you should be doing

Write daily!

This allows you to:

● become an expert while building a body of work

● define your style

● gain an audience

● find out what you like to write about, and whether you really do like to write

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What you should be doingTools of the trade:

● blogs (personal, work, pet project)

● book reviews (Amazon, publishers)

● articles & how-tos (gratis or paid)

● review board of peer-reviewed journal

● write one chapter of a book

● contribute to online magazine

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What you should be doing

What publishers want to see:

● the size of your audience

● that your expertise is currently “hot”

● the scope of your work

● a well-thought out proposal

● that you (and your topic) exist in Google

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Co-author? ● one way to get your foot in the door

● allows you to share the workload (and the proceeds)

● ideally, you already have a working relationship with the co-author

● ideally, the co-author has been published before or is deemed an expert on the topic

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● IMHO: use a big publisher for your first book, do what you want for the rest

● this establishes your reputation and you benefit from publisher's experience

● if first book is a hit, your bargaining power increases with that publisher

● learn from the publisher's editing cycle, layout

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Self publish?

Self-publishing may be better when:

● market is small or topic is too niche to interest mainstream publishers

● you're the expert in that market and your audience is aware of your promotion avenues

● you want to cut out middle-man and control revenue cut, promotion, and production

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Self publish?

Dead tree or e-book?

● publish on demand systems (e.g. Lulu.com) allow you to create soft or hard cover bound books in small batches

● most publish on demand systems allow you to create a storefront and/or sell through Amazon as well as provide an ISBN

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Self publish?

Dead tree or e-book?

● the epub/Kindle market is growing


● retail price is lower (usually less than $10) but proceeds can be higher than a book royalty (35% or 70%, depending upon country of sale)

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Self publish?

e-books make it easy to self-publish:


http://pubit.barnesandnoble.com/pubit_app/bn?t=support (US only)

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Is it worth the work? What you should know beforehand:

● for technical books, 10,000 hard copies is a “best seller”

● 3 months f/t (50+ hrs/wk) is considered fast

● a very small % of books gets promoted by mainstream publishers and small publishers have less resources

● publishing is a gamble--this is reflected in the contract

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Is it worth the work?

● don't expect to make a lot of money: you could probably make more working the hours you put into the book

● don't expect to become famous

● write as if your book is the tech best-seller of the year

● even if the book doesn't make money and you don't become famous, the process can be very satisfying and result in unexpected gains (e.g. future employment, speaking engagements)

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Submitting the proposal

Research before you write the proposal

● every mainstream publisher has specific instructions on their website: find them and follow them to the letter

● a proposal isn't something you whip up in an hour

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Submitting the proposal

● proposals are detailed: typically the entire table of contents, the first chapter of the book, a synopsis, proof that you understand who the audience is and which books compete with yours

● you basically need to envision the entire book in your mind

● publishers know that books evolve as they are written, you should understand this too

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Contract negotiations

● if this is your first book, the publisher is gambling on your success

● don't expect to get a sweet contract for the first book

● royalties are on the net (not the retail price) of the book

● ask friends who are published if they have a recommended lawyer to review the contract

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Contract negotiations● is the time frame realistic?

● who retains copyright? it should be you

● do you get distribution rights? (aim for these after a period of time e.g. after first year)

● do you want translation rights? what are the translation royalties?

● what are the royalties for non-print distribution?

● can you live off of the advance while writing the book?

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What to expect

What you should know beforehand:

● default is still Word template with no revision control--ask to gauge flexibility

● you will learn a lot working with your editor--aim for daily feedback and push if your editor becomes AWOL

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What to expect Writing is hard work:

● expect to put in a full day, every day: the amount of time available seems like a lot, it's not

● ideally you are getting regular feedback and fixing edit requests will be in addition to your writing

● you will literally have no life if you attempt to write a book while working f/t--aim to get enough vacation days, flex time, reduced hours, etc.

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● don't expect the publisher to care as much about your book as you do

● make sure your book has a Kindle version

● make sure your book is on Google:


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● approach reviewers for a review and try to get a good one on slashdot; check with the publisher for policy on review copies

● use social media (blog, tweet, FB, LinkedIn, etc.) and use book cover as your profile image

● Amazon, Google, Lulu, etc. have guides on promoting your book

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Slides: http://slideshare.net/dlavigne/olf2011

Contact: [email protected]
