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omedian Eric Golub to Entertain Us in January

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Inside This Issue... President’s Message 2 What’s Happening 3 December Meeting Recap 5 Political Education 7 Americanism/ Conservatism 8 Club & Member Milestones 10 About PVRW/AzFRW/ NFRW/Member Applica- tion 11 Save the Date: Our Meeting Schedule 14 Volume , Issue January 2018 Offering the spirit of Friendship to all Women who share our Republican Values Join Us On January 17th! 11:00 a.m. Social 11:30 a.m. Program/Lunch Grayhawk Golf Club: 8620 East Thompson Peak Parkway, The Fairway House, Scosdale REMINDER! The cost of the luncheon is $35 whether you are paying credit card, check or cash! AND please note our new policy: your reservaon MUST be made by Thursday, January 11th at midnight. Please honor this policy! To make a reservaon for our luncheon, contact us by email: [email protected]. On the Menu: Chicken Pot Pie Triple Mousse Coffee/Tea/ Wine Bar Comedian Eric Golub to Entertain Us in January World Net Daily, the Washington Times Commu- nies, been linked to by Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Hugh Hewi, and Mark Steyn, praised by Donald Trump, featured by the Polico, and been published in the Washington Times, Commentary Magazine, RealClearPolics.com, Fox News Naon Online, Donna Tempo Magazine, and other publicaons. He has been a ra- dio guest of Sean Hannity, Dennis Miller, Hugh Hewi, Armstrong Williams, Lars Larson, and many others, where he dis- cusses his desire to end Ideological Bigot- ry. He won the 2007 Bloggers Choice Award for Most Passionate Fan Base. Tele- vision appearances include OANN, NEWS- MAXTV, ABC, NBC, CBS, FNC, CNN and more. Dont miss this event! It promises to be entertain- ing and laugh inducing. And everyone knows we need some laughs these days! We hope to see you there. Conservaves have grateful hearts. To read more on what characteriscs comprise a conservave, turn to page 9! We are thrilled to announce that comedian Eric Golub is our January keynote speaker. Eric Golub has spoken in all 50 states and has 25 years of radio experience behind the micro- phone. He is Brooklyn born, Long Island raised, and has lived in Los An- geles since 1990. He received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Judaism and his Mas- ters of Business Admin- istraon from USC. He currently has three fatwas against him: One from a Palesnian group, one from the Daily Kos, and one from the Naonal Organizaon for Women. He is 100 percent alcohol, tobacco, drug, and liberalism free. Golub has wrien for Andrew Breitbarts Big Hollywood, Tucker Carlsons Daily Caller, and Eric Golub, our January speaker.
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Inside This Issue...

President’s Message 2

What’s Happening 3

December Meeting Recap 5

Political Education 7


Conservatism 8

Club & Member

Milestones 10


NFRW/Member Applica-



Save the Date: Our

Meeting Schedule


Volume , Issue January 2018

Offering the spirit of Friendship to all Women who share our Republican Values

Join Us On January 17th! 11:00 a.m. Social

11:30 a.m. Program/Lunch

Grayhawk Golf


8620 East Thompson Peak Parkway, The Fairway House, Scottsdale

REMINDER! The cost of the luncheon is $35 whether you are paying credit card, check or cash! AND please note our new policy: your reservation MUST be made by Thursday, January 11th at midnight. Please honor this policy!

To make a reservation for our luncheon, contact us by email: [email protected].

On the Menu:

• Chicken Pot Pie

• Triple Mousse

• Coffee/Tea/ Wine Bar

Comedian Eric Golub to Entertain Us in January World Net Daily, the Washington Times Commu-nities, been linked to by Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Hugh Hewitt, and Mark Steyn, praised by Donald Trump, featured by the Politico, and been published in the Washington Times, Commentary

Magazine, RealClearPolitics.com, Fox News Nation Online, Donna Tempo Magazine, and other publications. He has been a ra-dio guest of Sean Hannity, Dennis Miller, Hugh Hewitt, Armstrong Williams, Lars Larson, and many others, where he dis-cusses his desire to end Ideological Bigot-ry. He won the 2007 Bloggers Choice Award for Most Passionate Fan Base. Tele-vision appearances include OANN, NEWS-MAXTV, ABC, NBC, CBS, FNC, CNN and


Don’t miss this event! It promises to be entertain-ing and laugh inducing. And everyone knows we need some laughs these days! We hope to see you there.

Conservatives have grateful hearts. To

what characteristics comprise a conservative,

turn to page 9!

We are thrilled to announce that comedian Eric Golub is our January keynote speaker.

Eric Golub has spoken in all 50 states and has 25 years of radio experience behind the micro-phone. He is Brooklyn born, Long Island raised, and has lived in Los An-geles since 1990. He received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Judaism and his Mas-ters of Business Admin-istration from USC.

He currently has three fatwas against him: One from a Palestinian group, one from the Daily Kos, and one from the National Organization for Women. He is 100 percent alcohol, tobacco, drug, and liberalism free.

Golub has written for Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood, Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller, and

Eric Golub, our January speaker.

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2 President’s Message

Happy New Year! Hello to everyone!

It is quite an honor to be se-lected as your president for the 2018/2019 term. In fol-lowing Jan Stephenson, and Joan Lang before her, I cer-tainly know that I have big shoes to fill. Jan, and Joan, and the members of their in-credibly capable boards, have

been instrumental in guiding our club to where it is today. Did you know that last year we were the second largest Republi-can Women’s club in Arizona? And we have been bestowed the honor of the Best Republican Club in Ari-zona (2014) and received the AZGOP Team Player award (2017). I can only hope to maintain the momentum they both created.

Our current board is super fabu-lous (see page 11 for our list of la-dies)! Plus, we have a number of individuals helping us that are not on the board. However, there is always room for addi-tional help. Would you like to join us? If so, give me a call or drop me an email and let me know where your interests lie. It’s because of wonderful people like each of you stepping up to the plate that we are the highly successful Republican club that we are. Current needs include newsletter editor (yes, I’d be willing to turn this function over to someone else!), and Fundraising Chair (we’re looking for some new ideas!). Plus I have an idea for a twice annual book sale. If you like books, and like to organize projects, drop me a line! We could really use your help.

In closing, we are all aware that this is an election year. And we know there are many challenges facing our Republican candidates at all levels within the state of Arizona as well as nationally. Many of them will be seeking our help! We’ll be sure to share candidates needs as they come to us. We must win in 2018! We cannot lose the momentum put into action by President Donald J. Trump. Thank you for all that you do!


Cheryl D. Pelletier 480-406-9227 [email protected]

Our membership drive for 2018 is in full swing and we hope you’ll renew (or join as a new member) today.

Dues are now $50. For a mere $4.20 per month, you become a member of this well-respected and second largest Republican women’s club in Arizona. Named the “Best Arizona Republican Club” in 2014 and the “AZGOP Team Player Award” in 2017, our members are super volunteers and are able to make a REAL difference in our state. Join us today!

Contact Membership Chair Sherry Gray at [email protected] or call her at 480.220.7405. Thank you!

May This New Year Turn All Your Dreams Into Reality And All Your Efforts

Into Great Achievements!!

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3 AzFRW President’s Message

This was retrieved from the AzFRW.com website on November 17, 2017


The Arizona Federation of Republican Women (AzFRW) is chartered under the National Federation of the Republican Women (NFRW), which is the larg-est grassroots network of Republican women in the United States. By joining one of our many local clubs, you automatically become a member of both the AzFRW and the NFRW.

We are dedicated to empowering Republican women of all ages and backgrounds, strengthening the Re-publican Party, and working to influence the crucial issues that our community and nation face.

The AzFRW provides the avenue for women to influ-ence policy, develop candidates and elect the leaders of Arizona. We are a multi-generational, multicultural organization that provides the structure and support for political activists to learn, engage and flourish.

The AzFRW works closely with the Arizona Republi-can Party (AZGOP), County Republican Committees and the Republican National Committee (RNC) to bolster the size and strength of the Republican Party through the recruitment of qualified candidates for office and the fortification of our grassroots commu-nity network. In addition to political education and participation, our platform includes community service, supporting our troops, scholarships and literacy.

Please consider joining one of our many Federated clubs. Let's work together to make a difference in our community. We would be thrilled to count you as part of our organization and look forward to getting to know you better while working to strengthen the Republican Party and preserving our Constitutional principles.

Loraine Pellegrino AzFRW President

In Loving Memory

Condolences to Palo Verde member, Dinah Schwarz,

on the death of her husband, Rolf Schwarz,

an Associate Member of Palo Verde.

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4 Supporting Our Community

Our 2017 Christmas Project: Shop with a Cop

A group we strongly support is the Scottsdale Police Department. Because we believe that “Blue Lives Do Matter”! One way we confirm this support is by par-ticipating in their annual outreach program “Shop with a Cop”. In December, we proved our support for the Scottsdale Police with our time and treasure. That’s because we donated our time and $1,000 to this extremely important outreach program. We’ll be doing it next December and hope you will join us!

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5 Thank You Palo Verde RW!

Wreaths Across America Michelle Creveling

This year, over one million people volunteered to support Wreaths Across America as the program paid tribute to veter-ans with over 1.5 million wreaths at 1,422 cemeteries nation-wide.

Since December 16th, hundreds of volunteers, including found-er of Wreaths Across America, Wayne Hanson, his wife Ann, and the Worcester family after traveling down from Maine through the storm ridden East Coast, have been back to the cemeteries, picking up wreaths that were blown over by the winter winds. Each wreath was placed again as a reaffirmed sign of respect.

Thousands of volunteers who will go out later this month to help "retire the wreaths" in an effort that is every bit as much about the Mission to Remember, Honor, and Teach.

NBC with Lester Holt captured the stories of our volunteers at locations all across the Nation:


Thank You Palo Verde RW! Palo Verde Outreach and Palo Verde Republican Women working together this year raised $4,620 for 308 wreaths which were shipped to thirteen locations around the United States, five wreaths of which were shipped to Arlington Na-tional Cemetery. Thank you for your generosity and for you dedication to American Veter-ans who have proven Freedom isn’t Free. Blessing to you and your families in this coming year.

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6 December Luncheon Recap

What a terrific Christmas/Holiday party! Attendees were treated to the Ignite Sweet Adelines who were truly fabu-lous!!! Kevin Knight from Congressman David’s Schweikert’s office filled us in on what’s going on in Washington DC, and member Julia Graham installed our new executive officers for the 2018/2019 term. We look forward to another great year in 2018. Thanks to member Lucky Perry for these terrific photos!!!

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Judge Michael Reagan, Constable David Lester; SCOTTSDALE CITY COUNCIL- Kathy Littlefield.

Paula Linker Political Education/Legislation

Political Education and Legislative Action

ELECTIONS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER Traditional Election Day is November 8, 2018, but it is really October, when Early Ballots are mailed out. The Primary is August 28, ballots out sooner. So November is really July.


My Cox connection has been giving me no end of connectivity problems. Last week I was blocked from email usage and no specific reason was given. A lot of information was wiped out. Therefore I am forming a new “Send” list. If you wish to re-ceive these five daily updates and notices, from the RNC and on pending legislation in process for comment then send me an email saying “Add me to the Notices” list. My email is in the Club Roster.

Information on City Council and Pot Proposition was hi-jacked midway by Cox. I will resend on my next daily post.

VOTER REGISTRATION: If you have moved—even

across the street or down the hall—you are a new voter and must re-register. NOTHING TRAVELS WITH YOU. When you do BE SURE YOU CHECK PARTY AFFILIATION AS REPUBLICAN. That is how you qualify to vote in the Republican Primary. Be sure to check PEVL. That is for the Permanent Early Voting List. More on that in regular PVRW-RNC notices. Specific dates and other details following in regular PVRW-RNC notices. You can register on-line at SERVICE AZ.GOV. or I have some paper hard copy forms to mail in.


THE SAME AS BEFORE. Signing a petition does not obligate you to support, donate, volunteer, or vote for that candidate. Simply, in order to qualify for the Primary ballot, a candidate must receive a certain number of valid signatures. If enough voters don’t sign, the candidates must use financial resources to get walkers to obtain signatures. See below for those cur-rently on hand at our luncheon meetings.


The Legalization of Recreational Marijuana is Back on the Ballot.

We beat them before and we have to do it again. But this measure will be even tougher to smack down because of all the money behind the pro-legalization side.

We will be all hands on deck for this one. As the grassroot citi-zen organizations adamantly opposed to this begin re-questing help, please do so. There will be a great need for writing postcards and making phone calls. As help is requested, please help where you can. And for-ward help requests to your email lists. We don’t want to become the next Colorado!

Together we fight, together we’re strong, together we can win!

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About The Patriot Newsletter The Patriot is published for Palo Verde RW club members and interested friends. It is emailed in color or sent via the United States Postal Service in black and white. The Patriot is distributed by the second week of each month with the exception of July and August. If you wish to submit an article, or provide content for this newsletter, please contact Cheryl Pelletier, Editor, at: 480.406.9227 (cell) or email Cheryl at [email protected].


On Proper Flag Etiquette Gayla Coletto/Americanism Chair

Formal Occasions

Parades and Reviews: In parades or reviews, at the moment the flag passes, non-uniformed persons should stand at atten-tion facing the flag with their right hands over their hearts. Per-sons in uniform and veterans should face the flag and render the military salute.

Processions: In processions, the flag should be to the right of the marchers. When other flags are included, the U.S. Flag should be centered in front of the others or carried to their right.

Memorials, Burials, and Funerals: During these services, the flag should lay over the casket with the blue field covering the head and left shoulder. The flag must not be lowered into the grave or allowed to touch the ground.

National Anthem

The “Star Spangled Banner” was written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key and declared the national anthem in 1931. When the an-them is played or sung, citizens should stand and face the flag to show respect for the United States. A non-uniformed person wearing a hat must remove it with the right hand and hold it against the left shoulder, right hand resting over the heart. Those in uniform and veterans should stand at attention and salute the flag. If the flag is not displayed, face the music in-stead.

Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Whenever the Pledge of Allegiance is recited, non-uniformed persons should stand at attention facing the flag with their right hands over their hearts. Persons in uniform and veterans should

remain silent, face the flag and render the military salute.

Displaying the Flag Properly

Because the U.S. Flag is the symbol of our country, it should always be displayed in the most prominent, most honored position. No other flag should ever appear more important.

On a Wall: When displaying the flag on a wall, display it with the union uppermost and to the observer’s left.

In a Multi-National Flag Displays: In the U.S., the United States flag is to be displayed first—to “its own right”—followed by the flags of all other countries (at equal height and in alphabetical order) to the left (the observer’s right) of

the United States Flag.

Among Subordinate Flags: When the U.S. Flag is among a group of subordinate flags, the U.S. Flag should be at the center and the highest point—the position of prominence.

Displayed from a Staff: When displayed from a staff, the flag should hold the position of supe-rior prominence, in advance of the audience, and to the speak-

er’s right (facing the audience). If other flags are displayed, they should be displayed to the speaker’s left.

On a Pole: When several flags are flown from the same pole, the U.S. Flag should always be at the top—except during church services by naval chaplains at sea when the church pennant may be flown above the U.S. Flag on the ship’s mast.

On a Lapel: When the Flag is displayed as a lapel pin, it should be worn on the left lapel, near the heart.

Among Peers: When flags from two or more nations are dis-played, the flag code forbids the display of any nation’s flag in a position superior to another in time of peace. Therefore, each flag should be of approximately equal size and flown at the same height.

The United Nations Headquarters Building in New York City, where the U.N. Flag holds the most prominent position, is the only U.S. location exempt from this position.

This information was retrieved from www.annin.com on January 10, 2018.

The American Flag is a symbol of freedom to all Ameri-cans. It is important that we be familiar with the prop-er ways of honoring and displaying it.

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9 What is a Conservative?

What is a Conservative? After much internet surfing and thought, my personal

definition boils down to this: I believe that conservatives love our country as found-ed. We know it’s not perfect, and there is room for improvement. But we certainly don’t want to erase it and start over again.

As conservatives, we believe that America IS a great country. We believe in individual freedom, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We believe our capitalist, free-enterprise system is good and that more and more government control over all as-pects of our lives leads to socialism and even communism when taken to its extreme.

A perfect mediation on conservativism comes from Yuval Levin of National Review Online:

To my mind, conservatism is gratitude. Conservatives tend to begin from gratitude for what is good and what works in our society and then strive to build on it, while liberals tend to begin from outrage at what is bad and broken and seek to uproot it.

Yuval is certainly on to something.

Speaking of gratitude, Daniel Greenfield of FrontPageMag.com wrote that “Thankfulness is not just a passive act. It’s a moving and transformative experience that changes us. Choosing between gratitude and resentment is a fundamental personal and political choice. It defines how we respond to the challenges and blessings of life. And it shapes how we view our country.”

“If we lose our ability to be thankful for the good things in our lives,” Greenfield wrote, “we lose everything.”

Mr. Greenfield is right on. I am always reminding my husband that if we are not grateful for what we have, then God cer-tainly won’t bestow upon us additional blessings. After all, as parents do we continue to give our kids things if they aren’t grateful for the things we’ve already given them? Of course not!

In closing, I want to share with you what Jonah Goldberg, also of National Review Online, wrote in his June 20, 2015 arti-cle, When We Say Conservative, We Mean…” He ties what I am trying to convey into one elegant bow:

Gratitude captures so much of what conservatism is about because it highlights the philosophical difference between (American) conservatism and its foes on the left (and some of its friends among the libertarian camp). The yardstick against which human progress is measured shouldn’t be the sentiments and yearnings that define some unattainable utopian future, but the knowable and real facts of our common past. So-called liberals love to talk about how much they just want to do “what works,” but it’s amazing how often “what works” doesn’t. Even more remarkable is how the man-tra of “what works” is almost always a license to empower the “sophisters, calculators, and economists who would recon-struct society upon abstract designs.” In contrast, the conservative belief in “what works” is grounded in reality, not hope. Gratitude is just one facet of love, which is why conservatism is so inextricably bound up in patriotism. To be patriotic, one must love one’s country for what it is, not what it can be if only the right people are put in charge and allowed to “fundamentally transform” it.

So, there you have it. To me a conservative is one who is truly grateful. A conservative is grounded in ‘what works’ rather than in ‘hope.’ And most importantly, a conservative is patriotic, because in the words of my beloved President Ronald Reagan, conservatives absolutely love “our shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people eve-rywhere” for what it is, rather than what it can be. Because to conservatives, America is a true God-given miracle!


Retrieved on 12/6/2017: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/420055/conservatism-definition-difficult-produce

Retrieved on 12/6/2017: http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/268511/why-left-hates-thanksgiving-daniel-greenfield

The following was prepared by Cheryl Pelletier for her Dodie Londen Excellence in Public Service Series class held in December. She spent a lot of time on it and she wanted to share!

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Birthdays and New Members

January Birthdays!

Barbara Cardinal 1/7

Tess DeBlander 1/16

Erika Greaves 1/1

Jeanne McGill 1/23

Kathy Shields 1/23

Lucille Van Valkenburg 1/23

Jim Bohlander 1/14

Larry DeSanto 1/6

Son Hee Williamson 1/24

Bronwen Mole 1/2

Susan Kay Schultz

Sonya Luke

Ewa Fröliche

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Palo Verde Republican Women was chartered in

January 1974 under the guidance of Mrs. Joan

Wood who became the club’s first president. Most

of the charter members had been a part of Scotts-

dale Republican Women, one of the most active

groups in the state of Arizona. The club eventually

withdrew from the National Federation of Republi-

can Women and member Joan Wood and others

who wished to remain in the Federation formed

Palo Verde RW. From the beginning, Palo Verde

RW maintained a reputation as a vigorous and

active club, and has remained a powerful force

within the Federation to this day. We educate our

members through programs presented at our

monthly meetings (the third Wednesday of every

month—except July and August), through our

monthly newsletter (The Patriot), and by attending

AzFRW quarterly meetings.

2018/2019 Palo Verde RW Officers

Cheryl Pelletier President

[email protected]

Diana Tull 1st Vice President, Programs

[email protected]

Sherry Gray 2nd Vice President, Membership

[email protected]

Jan Stephenson 3rd Vice President, Community Service

[email protected]

Teresa Funk Secretary

[email protected]

Liz Van Valin Treasurer-Budget

[email protected]

Americanism Gayla Coletto

Armed Services Susan Kay Schultz

Arrangements Carol Comstock

Awards/Hours Cheryl Pelletier

Bylaws/Goldmine Eileen Fiedler

Chaplain Edith Stock

Education/Literacy Jan Stephenson

Hospitality Anita Rodriguez

Parliamentarian Michelle Creveling

Patriot Editor/Webmaster Cheryl Pelletier

Patriot Distribution Marjorie Collins

Social Media/Photography Kelly Sallaway

Political Education/Legislation Paula Linker

2018/2019 Palo Verde Republican Women Committee Chairs

Palo Verde Republican Women (PVRW) is a member of the Arizo-

na Federation of Republican Women (AzFRW) and the National

Federation of Republican Women (NFRW).

Annual PVRW dues are: $50 for Active Members; $25 for

Associate and Pachyderm Members.


About Palo Verde

Republican Women

A Proud Member Of NFRW: Palo Verde Republican Women

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January 17: Conservative Comedian

Eric Golub

February 21: Hillsdale Trained Gayla

Coletto on the Wonders of Our Constitu-


March 21: Popular Children’s Author

Nancy Kay Arnold on George and

Martha Washington

April 18: Arizona Superintendent of In-

struction Candidate Forum

May 16: TBD

Save the Dates! Our 2018 Program/Luncheon Schedule

Palo Verde Republican Women

Follow Us On Twitter, Like Us On Facebook,

and Visit Our Website Regularly!

Women of Palo

Verde RW like to be

on the cutting edge.

We’ve created a

website, a Face Book

page, and a Twitter

account to help you

stay informed. Be

sure to like us on

Facebook, follow us

on Twitter, and

check out our

website daily for the

latest news and



Follow us on Twitter. Our handle is


Palo Verde Republican Women: Offering the spirit of Friendship to all Women who share our Republican Values

June 20: TBD

July and August (Summer Break)

September 19: TBD

October 17: TBD

November 21: Veteran’s Program

December 19: Annual Christmas Party
