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ÇOMPLÎÊTE SALE -Y^riLLLAM · 2017-12-16 · CITY AFFAIRS. Meeting*TUUDay. LaCandeurLodge, at7 P....

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CITY AFFAIRS. Meeting* TUU Day. LaCandeur Lodge, at 7 P. M. -|)&ome Loan and Building Association, at 7 M: Sooth Carolina Institute, at 12 M. South Carolina-Agricultural Soaiety, at half- past T r. M. Auction Sales This Day. Miles Drake will sell at IC o'clock, at his s'vore, boots, shoes and hats. William McKay will sell at io o'clock, at Iiis «tore, household furniture, Ac. Tua HOLIDAY TKADIÍ.-As a general mle, the most extensive and liberal buyers of holiday goods do sot put off their purchases until the stocks have become low aad the crowd so great that they are unable to make satisfactory selec¬ tions. Indeed, as we happen to know, some of Ute most desirable customers in that branch of trade are already on the lookout for souvenirs of the coming season. Dealers who propose to engage in it-and which of them does not*- should therefore announce their attractions with¬ out delay, if they wish to reap an early harvest. We need hardly add, what they already know, that the advertising columns of THE NEWS, al¬ ways a reflex of tke business of thc city, are con¬ sulted now more than ever by t hose desiring bar¬ gains in any branch of trade. ^ÏHB CUF.APEST TET.-The NEWS Job Office 1? now printing bill-heads in the best style and ou fine paper, at $250 per thousand. Merchants, think of lt? ,_ Ona Piaras CuRMXT.-We especially Invite the attention of our merchants to Tris Naws Prices Current, issued this morning. Made up with the utmost care, and handsomely printed with entirely new type, it forms, with the business card of the house forwarding lt, the most attractive and wel¬ come weekly commercial circular that can be used. Price, for ten copies or more, with busi¬ ness card, two and a half cents per copy. Single copies, five cents. REAL ESTAT« SALSS.-Mr. A. C. McGlUlvray sold yesterday several tracts of pine barren land .in BL Stephen's Parish, aggregating 2S81 acres, for $935. He also sold the plantation In St. Luke's Parish, known as Boirfleld, and containing 2400 .aores, for $1000. Messrs. Lowndes ft Grlmball sold the house and .lot at the northeast corner of Smith and Monta _gne streets, known as No. 18 Smith street, for $8500. _ _ A RUNAWAY CAB AND A SMASHUP.-The railroad In Messrs. Bischoff & Co.'s store, though not extensive, docs a heavy business. The sched¬ ule ls frequently varied, bni the car is seldom idle. Yesterday, while lt was being rapidly pro¬ pelled through the store and worked by two Afri¬ can power, it acquired suoh a momentum that lt was Impossible to stop it, aud it came against the door at the terminus with a resistless force that broke through all barriers, scattered the freight In every direction, and demoralized the Africans. No lives were lost. $ -.-: InicORATIOK PROSPECTS are brightening. All the immigrants recently brought from Sweden by Mr. Ferio w have been satisfactorily located In Newberry County, and Mr. Perlow hlmsoir has gone on a visit to Florence, Sumter and Orange- ourg, for the purpose of making arrangements for the passage and reception of more immi¬ grants. The Newberry Herald says : "Mr. F. W. Bmggeman, agent of immigration, now in New York, writes as that the prospect for securing a good class of German farm laborers is more fa¬ ctorable than heretofore, and that he can fill very many more orders in the most satisfactory way." FOUR HAW MAH. CARS.-The South Carolina ^Railroad Company nave Just completed at their workshops, ia this city, four new mall cars of an .improved pattern, which wUi be put on the road immediately. Tho cars are about ten feet longer than the passenger cars in general use, and have .compartments for the mall carrier and express messenger. The interior of the car is of Southern pine, highly polished and varnished, and is fitted up with every convenience. The facilities for as¬ sorting and distributing the mail will be greatly increased in these ears, and they will supply a ?want that has been toas felt. They will ron on tate main road and Columbia and Augusta BILL POSTING.-Tho habit of ornamenting fences; wails and sides of houses with enormous and often unsightly posters has grown to be a nuisance, and it was found necessary io have the prohibition "stick no UlUa'» on every piece of property tho owners wished to preserve from the vandal hands of this class of advertisers. For sou»time thia monition. Uko the famous "beware of the dog," kept intruders from the sacred pre¬ cincts; hut the community were not sufficiently enlightened to please the street advertisers, and they resorted to board fences built for that pur¬ pose. Several Improvements have been effected .oa tho style and size of these boards, but the latest wrinkle is a neat posting board, with an arched top, that is placed against the sides of She buildings at the street oorners. Numbers of these have been rocectly erected in the city, and the uninitiated are now Informed of their in¬ tended use. ^ . SUPRKMJS COURT.-COLUMBIA Dec ember 8_ Present-Chief Justice Moses and Associate Jus¬ tice Winard. The oases of Thomas F. McDow, administrator, vs. Daniel W. Brown, executor, and Daniel W. Brown, executor, ads. Thomas F. McDow, admin¬ istrator, were continu*', by consent of counsel. William Wallace vs. W. M. Kerr. Appeal aban¬ doned. On motion, thc following cases wera ordered to -be docketed: Thomas C. Houge, Jr., et al, ads. Wm. C. Hönze, administrator. Uemphill for motion; J. J. Me¬ diare, contra. Biggera Mobley, et el, ads. John McKee, Sr., ad¬ ministrator. Hemphiii for motion; Moore, contra. J. D. Ooskey, sheriff, ads. William McMulleu. Moore for motion; Kershaw A Conner, contra. R. A. Pringle vs. Bella Sigar, et al. Moore for motion; AUlson, contra. A. J. Kibler vs. 0. Rives. Kershaw & bonnor for motion; & IL Hamilton, contra. Biggera Mobley va. w. j. Cureton. el »t. Ker¬ shaw A Conner for motion ; Moore A Allison, con¬ tra. Ames Cook vs. Alfred IL Moore, ct a!. Eeralaw, Conner and Moore.. The court then resumed the case cf Joseph Crews and others ads. S. S. Farrow A Bros. Mr. SoiRJaaa contlnuod lus argument, and was fol¬ lowed by Mr. W. D. Simpsoa for appellees up to the hour of adjournment. UNTTBD 8rATB8 ClROU-T COURT.-COLUMBIA, December 8.-no». Ono. S. BRYAN, PRBSIDIMC- Jury No. 2, charged with the case of United states vs. Bmaanel Parker, had to be discharged by the Judge until to-morrow, In consequence or the sick¬ ness of one of the jurors. DISTRICT COURT. Rx porte John P. June, or Manning. Petition for final discharge. G. D. Bryan, pro pet. The registrar's report la favor ot discharge was read and confirmed, and, on motion, tue judge slgued -order and cerUdeate of discharge. Bx parte Thomas Brown, of Richlind. Petition for final discharge. D. B. DeSanssure, pro pet. Rererred to C. O. Jaeger, and final hearing to take place before the court at Charleston, on 8th Janu¬ ary next, at 12 M. Rx porte O. Herber. Sass, assignee, in re Evans k CogswelL Petttioa to acU property whose title ls m dispote. W. K- Baohmau. pro pet. On hear¬ ing the petition, ordered thai assignee sell the mortgaged property oa first Monday in January next, Ac, for one-half cosh and the balance In one and two years, ftc. Ordered that J. C. Car¬ penter give notice to creditors, by notice affixed to sdvertlsment of sale, to prove claims on or be¬ fore first Monday of January next, and in fault to be forever debarred, Ac, ko. Assignee to exe¬ cute titles and bold proceeds, after payment of oosta, subject to further order of court. Ex porte John D. Wylie, assignee, in re P. D. Oreen, bankrupt. Peutlon for sale of property. S. H. AUlson, pru pet. Ordered that the assignee sell the property, Ac, and, after paying costs, ¿e., hold the remainder of the money aubject to Ute further order or thia court. Bx sarre Wm. EL Oreen, per procheln ami. in nip. Green, bankrupt. Petition ror sale of rearoetate. Rutledge A Young. Same order as atora, KILLING rx EDOEFIBL».-A report reaches us from Bdgefleld Courthouse so the eileot that the clerk of the court (a Mr. Ramsay) had boen killed. No particular» are given; but it ls supposed that the killing was thc result of aa old quarrel. MILI.KR'S ALMANAC for 1870, prompt and ac¬ curate as ever, oomes to us from the presses or Messrs. A. M. Williams à Brother. Among its raluable features we notice a table showing the raine of Confederate notes in greenbacks, as es¬ tablished by the act of the Legislature, passed in March last. _ CRUMBS.-The Orphan children are invited to attend tte matinee to-morrow afternoon. The cool change has brought out all Of thc Arabs In the city, ami the streets present avurie- gated appearance. The first shipment of Now Orleans molasses of this season was received yesterday by Messrs. Bischoff 4 Co., East Bay. A NATIVO NBSTOP.IAN.-Th? Rev. Arthur Bow¬ dan, a native of Bethlehem, in Judea, and a pres¬ byter in the ancient Ncstorlan Church, will preach next Sunday morning, in the Glebe Street Pres¬ byterian Church, or "The sufferings and the per¬ secutions of the Christians in Turkey.'" Mr. Bog- dan is officially delegated by lils church to visit the Doited States for the purpose of spreading this information so interesting to the friends of civilization everywhere. The public arc invited to hear him. RAILROAD AGR::K_KNT.-The Columbia Phoe¬ nix states that Colouel William Johnston, of the Charlotte, and Mr. H. T. Peake, of the South Car¬ olina Railroad, eutered into an agreement on Monday, in Augusta, to unite in the completion of the bridge at present ia course of construction by the Charlotte Railroad, at the foot of Washiag- ton street, upon the original plan, with or'y a single track, to be used jointly by the two roads when finished. The Charlotte Road will contLiue to use the present bridge of thc South Carolina Railrond until the new bridge is completed. EXTRBMHLY FISHY.-The exuberant energy of Captain Jenks, the street Inspector, has boon displayed to seme advantage on King-street, by the endeavor to convert that thoroughfare into a respectable place for vehicles. Ills ambition was laudable and the end desirable: but though King street ls now a shell road aad a pleasant drive, the change has been accompanied by "an ancient and a fish-like smell"-an aroma not in Lubln's extracts, that renders the atmosphnre noxious, and, walking down oar Broadway, ls a trial to the olfactories. Fortunately, the evil is not Irreme¬ diable. Time can work wonders, and the new shell road, like good wine, will Improve with age. A HODEL ESTABLISHMENT.-We invite the at¬ tention of the friends of THE NEWS in the city and throughout the State to the excellent facilities which our office enjoys for the prompt execution of all kinds of Book and Job Printing. . Fully pro¬ vided with new type and machinery of the latest and most approved pattern, and having a large and carefully selected stock of cards, envelopes and papers of ali qualities, THE NEWS Job Office ts now prepared to fill orders for every description of plain and ornamental printing ia the very best manner, and at rates at least as. low as any other establishment in the Southern States. Call at THE NEWS building (rip-stairs) and examine our scale of prices and specimens of our work. FIKHMEX'S COCKTKSIKS.-The Sunday Mer¬ cury, of Philadelphia, says: "At a stated meeting of the Weecacoe Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 19, held on Wednesday evening, 1st instant, the company were the recipients of a handsome and tasteful engraving, beaut Bully framed, of the Pal¬ metto Steam Fire Engine Company, of Charles¬ ton, S.C.^ The engraving was presented on be¬ hau- of the Palmetto boys throngh their esteemed president, Hugh Ferguson, Bsq., by E. D. Wood- raff, Jr., a member of the Weecacoe. and was re¬ ceived with warm thanks by the latter company. Resolutions appropriate to thc occasion, and ex¬ pressive of their obligation for the kindness ami brotherly sympathy of the Palmetto, were passíd unanimously and entered on the minutes." "A GROSS INDIGNITY TO SOBTH CAROLINA SBNATOHS.''-Under .nts heading the Radical pa¬ per in Richmond, Va.^ays: "A gross outrage was perpet rated on the Otb instant at Clover HUI Station, on the Danville- Railroad, by the authori¬ ties of that road, by ejecting from the cars three colored State senators from South Carolina, and treating them to Indignities. I nit ed States Sena¬ tors Sawyer and Robertson and several members of Congress from South Carolina, on their way to Congress, were accompanied by three State senators or the same State, highly respectable oolored men, all bright mulattoes. Ttie&e latter purchased first class tlcfceu at Columbia, and rode la a first class car through the re¬ constructed States of South and North caro¬ lina, without molestation ; but when they reached the Virginia line their troubles began. At Dan¬ ville they were ordered ont of the ilrst-cla.>s car, but refused to leave it. There w^s a good deal of excitement, and no effort was at onco mad< to eject them. On reaching Clover Hill Btatlou, however, two of them happened to get out to obtain refreshments, and whoa they would have entered again were refused admittance, and forced to take their places in a common cur. The third, Senator Wright, was tlieu ordered out, but persisted la retaining his seat. At Clover Sta¬ tion, however, hy order of President Buford, oar informant says, he was forcibly ami roaghly ejected, amid great confusion and excitement, and much to the Indignation of thc South Caro¬ lina senators and members, lt is said there was a lively time on board tho train." This is posi¬ tively too bad. The Old D jmlnion uodls recou- structlng. A GREAT BILÍ. TO-NIGHT AT THE ACADEMY.- Manager Ford has certainly discovered the secret of how to draw crowded houses here: "mt whether lt consists In the winning ways of thc witching Sisters who have already turned Hie heads of all young Charleston, or whether lt lies In thc inerra¬ ble drollery or lll3hop. wi.3 makes the old a3 well as young laugh untd the/ cry, is a point which the discriminating public must decide for itself. Whatever the attraction, the Academy-par¬ quette, galleries and boxes-was again crowded last night, and enjoyment was written on every face in the eager throng. Fra Diavolo. like every burlesque that the company has as yet presented, was charmingly rendered-thc fair Bianche, In top-boots, making so bright and taking a brigand that the whole audience became her ^il'irig cap¬ tives. A banjo solo .'rom : he sprite, little l-.'iU waa applauded to the coho. And t!:cn there was i'.:<:<\ -firstBeppo and then as Madam-.: Vanderpants-and as every bc Ij did nothing bul lauîu while Bishop -T.ÍS "i sight, and as it ls Impossible to describe Ids Inagitable appcarar.ee, we ixrtirar. aid advise our readers by all means to see us ina.m ot Bishop as possible, If they would drive àu'.l curt- away. . I Thc Chapman Sisters aro to have tuelr jeneUl this evening, and we uro sure that thc announce¬ ment will be enoQgh to crowd the Academy to its utmost capacity. By far tah best bill of thc sea¬ son is to be presented, including Bucicstone's cap- ital comedy, "The Pet of the Petticoats," togct ne¬ witt the classical burlesque of Lsion, which was so splendidly produced on Mouday last. The Sisters, as well aa Mr. Bishop, appear ia both pieces, and we caa safely promise our readers a rare treat. We have already alluded to tho ancestral claims which the fair toneaclariee onjoy to oar oouside- ration. Fifty years ago their maternal grand¬ mother, the famous Mrs. A. Brake, was the tragic qneen of the American s ¡age, and was ari especial favorite of the Charleston audiences of thar. day. Their grandfather was the eminent actor, Sam Chapman, who married a daughter of the tirst Jefferson. And whoever bus seen the charming young actresses must admit that their personal merits in nowise anbeseem their histrionic lineage. Let them have a house to-night which will give them m the futuro pleasant recollée:.oas or their reception and substantial appreciation by the cit¬ izens of Charleston. "Aladdin" wlK be presented at the matinee to-morrow-a glorious sight for the children. LUNCH at Torck's "Our Houao" to-day Trill consist of oyster soup, bolled mutton, with caper sauce, boUed rockash and the trimmings. Hotel Arrivals-December 9. CHARLESTON HOTEL. F. E. Baker, South Santce; A. Getty, City; w. Butler, Edgefleldt J. S. Asher, Albany, Ga.; T. Burwell Oreen. United States Army; W. B. Shaw, New York; Walter Blake, Savannah: J. E. Harri¬ son. Anderson: T. E. Rngzles, Mrs. T. E. Buggies and child, Boston; Mrs. Marpell and ehild, Massa¬ chusetts: W. Burtou Alexander. England; C. D. Kendall. Beaufort; J. C. Gillett, Georgia; O. M. Sadler, K. L. Singletary, South Carolina; E. B. Branson. Jr., Darlington: E. G. Kirhy. New York: C. Holmes, 9. Holmes, United States Army;H. W. Bradbury. J. W. Bradbury, Jr., Marion: J. Allen Duncan. Vf. <). Clark, Barnwell: J. H. Miller, Mrs. J. H. Miller. August;.; Philip Epstin, Gadsden's; W. I!. Wesson, Daniel E. Fltchett and son. North Carolina. Í'AY! LION HOTEL. E. W. Powers, J. C. Dupre. Florida: J. H. Black- man, C. and D. Railroad: L. W. Kennedy, Oliver Hewitt, Barnwell: John F. Nully. Oratigeburg: M. L. Coloy, Barnwell: J. A. Carey, Augusta: Thog. C. Andrews, Master J. C. Andrews, Orangebnra: J. W. Laold. Wlansooro; J. S. TidweU, Fairfield: J. B. Lassalm. Sout'i Carolina: AV. s. McDonald. Sumter; T. P. Harris, Tinimonsville: P. A. Eman¬ uel. K:awah; David Hart and wife, Washington: E. H. Casque, W. J. M. Lee. Leesville. MILLS no?EL. F J. Darlington, s. P. Darlington, West Chester; H. C. Francis and lady, J. B. S. Huggins, PhUa- delphla; A. S. Sylvester, New York; .1. P. South¬ ern, Columbia: S. Dudley RIK?, Philadelphia: Henry Le.vis. Now York; Wrn. Hacker. Philadcl- Wm. J. Eames, C. T. Sloan. New York: Eda Sew- BU, Botheny; C. N. Herbert, City: C. n. William*. T. S. Atley, St. Louis; J. B. Potter. 15.-ton; C. T. Aldrich, New York. BUSINESS NOTICES. MILLER'S ALMANAC for 1 s 70 now ready. For sale at Fogartie's Book Depository, and at A. M. Williams ft Brother, publishers. No. 9 Broad street, up stairs. Single copies Ten Cents. Libe¬ ral discount to the trade. decio For. Tua HOLIDAYS.-Cheap chromos, fine ¡¡Lotographs, handsome picture frames, a large stock of albums-cheaper than the cheapest. At C. C. Righter'*, No. 101 King street. BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office is now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business curds printed thereon, at $4 per thous¬ and. Send your orders. Every merchant and business man should have his card printed on his 'envelopes. CDbUnarrj. MORRIS.-Died, on the 25th November, at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Peter A. Porter, ar Niagara Falls, in the 5T:!i year of her age. MARIA EVANS MORRIS, widow or the late Geoa-e W. Morris, of South Carolina, and only daughter or Colonel Joseph Whaler, of this city. .funeral Notices. tt--THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT¬ ANCES of Mrs. Miriam L. Cohen and ramily, and of Mrs. isabel DeLeon auû family, are invited to attend th? Puñera! or Mrs. COHEN, at 10 o'clock TULS MORNINO, rrotn the residence of her brother, H.H. DeLeon, comer of Wcntworlh and Smith streets, decio ¿39-TJJE RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND acquaintances of Mr. EDWARD and Mrs. Sarah E. SMITH and ramily, are invited to attend the Funeral or the ronner, a; fae Second Presbyterian Church, Tin« AITELSOON, at hair-past 4 o'clock, duct') Special Notices. Pp£r NOTICE.-BY VIRTUE OF AN order made by the Judge of thc First Circuit, dated the 1st December, 1SG9, notice is hereby giveu to all Trustees and Guardians whose Bonds «.ere taken by the rormcr Masters ia Equity ror this County, to rome in and vouch their accounts berore mc ou or berore the loth January next, otherwise they will bc reported lu deranlt. JAMES W. GRAY, Special P.ercree, «I rio f3 Oiriee Courthouse. PST STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, LEXINGTON COUNTY-In Probate Court-Ex parte JAMES INABINET and JURIAH E. INABI- N ET-Petition for Partition or Real Batate.-lt ap¬ pearing to Wie satisraction of the Court that CAROLINE, ISABELLA, JURIAH and JOHN G BUERS, four of the defendants in the above en¬ titled case, are residents out or and beyond the limits or tltis State, on motion or Messrs. DETRBT- ILLE ft SlSTUUKK Tor the petitioners: lt is ordered, that the said ISAHELLA, JURIAH, CAROLINE and JOHN GBUERä, do appear, plead, answer or demur to the said petition within forty days lroin thc publication ot this order; ami in deranlt thereof a Judgment :JTU con/fessowUl be entered against them. ADAMEFIRD, novio fl3 Judtre nf Probate. L. C. p£r SOUTH CAROLINA. BEAUFORT COUNTY.-In Equity.-VT. F. DUTSON, Trustee, vs. P. 0. CRADDOCK, rt al.-Bill for Foreclosure and Sale.-lt appearing to my satisfaction that P.O. CRADDOCK arid W. R. MALLON, parties defendant tn this case, are absent rrotn and re¬ side beyond the Ilmita or this state, it ls ordered, on motion ol' Messrs. Coioock ft Dutson, com¬ plainant's solicitors, that they do appear and plead: answerer demur to thia said bill, within forty do) days rr.mi the date or this order, or the saul !>UI will be taken against them pro confesso. H. C. JUD!'. C. C. P. a:i 1 Ex. 02. Register Cour: cf Equity for Beaufort County. December 7. letft). declO.20,30 janP.ii ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-I hereby give notice io the Kindred and Creditors of JOHN BELL, late ol' CoIIcton County, deceased. Shat I will apply to tho Judge or Probate for CoI¬ Icton County, on the loth day of January, 1870, Io- a lina! discharge as Administrator of said Es- WM. S. MINUS, .cia rtulmo* _ 2 5- MILHAU'S GOLDEN COD LIVER Ol!..-With Hypo-phosphite or Lime, a great Im¬ provement; made with the best oil known, it unites efficacy with pleasant ilavor and easy di¬ gestibility. Sold by all respectable druggists. J. MILHAU'S SONS, No. 133 Broadway, dcc'.O ftulmo New York. JBaT* CONSIGNEES TER SCHOONER W. B. MANN will remove their Goods promptly Tuts DAY, at Brown's wharf, or pay the expense of Storage, ftc. All claims mus; be made on Wharf. WILLIAM ROACH A CO. dec!') _ fSf CONSIGNERS' NOTICE.-MER¬ CHANTS' LUCE.-Schooner B. N. HAWKINS wm discharge Cargo Ta.s DAY, a; Adger'a Wharf. Consignees will remove Goods before sunset or pay the penalties. No claims allowed after goods are removed. WM. ROACH i CO. deciu l fST CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP CHARLESTON are notiüed tia: site is discharging cargo at Adger'a South Wharf. Goods remaining on '.he wharf at sunset wll be ut owners' risk. JAMES AUGER ft CO.. decía i Arrant*. ¡ONSIG S EES PER S T E A ME R FALCON, from Baltimore, are hereby notified that sim w THLN DAY discharging cargo a'. Pier No. I. Union Wharves. Ail goods not. taken away at sunset will remain on wharf at cou- signées' risk. MORDECAI ft CO, deolO 2 Agents. ^'SHIPPERS PER STEAMERS DIC¬ TATOR, CITY POINT and PILOT BOY arc hereby notified itiat no freight will bc received after sun¬ set on the days of 'heir sailing. dec» i. I). AIKEN ¿ O*'-., Agent«. " NOTA : E. -J. N. M. WOH LTMAN Ñ Tor thc present occupies tiie store or Messrs. FARRAR BRO., corner East Lay and Cumberland streets, and will bc pica oed to see lils rrieuds. nov Li_ 7it-PE0PLE'S BANK OF SOUTH C A R O L1 NA.- CHARLESTON, NOVEMBER 30, 1809.-This Bank having resumed business, is now prepared to redeem Its outstanding bills. By order. JAS. S. GIBBES. dec2 President. OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTEnS remaining in the Postofflee nt Charleston, for the week ending December 9, 1S09. and printed officially in TUB DAILY NBWS, aa the newspaper having the largest eircnlatiou In the City of Charleston. S3- Persons calling for Letters Advertised, should state that they are "Advertised." jcs- Orllce hours from 8 A. M. to cyt P. M. On Sundays, from &X to C}< r. M. STANLEY C. TROTT. Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Alston. Miss H (Duncan, Miss AiMullian. Mrs Alston. Mrs Ce-] J Nellie lia Elie. Miss Ann [O-Donehoe, Mrs Alston, Mrs M J Evans, Mrs Sll-I Susm Angel, Miss Hes-I via ¡OCready. Miss ter Feriek, Mrs Rc- Catherine Aorry. Mr3 Mar-! becca O'Neil, Mrs Ceo garet Firzsiinons, Mrs O'Lston, Mrs Arnett, Chris- O P Hattie tina (French. Mrs M Owens, Mrs LK Usu, Hatty Oorhen. Mrs M Pelkis, Miss Browne, Mrs A iGreen, Miss S Di Louisa H IGereke, Mrs Cat- Perrv, Mrs Sa- Browue, Mrs- rina I rad Laura ¡Garrett. MlssiPerroneau, Miss Bailey, M i s sj Carry L W Emma iGaunon. Miss M'Peauchereau, P.areino, Mrs J j A I Mrs J Bahntge, MlssfGebSon, M r s Phillips, Mr3 Re- Sophia Sarah becca Renjt-r, Miss M Guiem,MrsPcg-.Pickens. Mrs A Ry Jane Beaufort, Miss Gray, Miss Mat- Powers, Mrs M Maggie He Ramsey. Mrs Blocker. Hrs CGrimbaUj Miss Lizzie W OM Rivers. Mrs Blaeklage, Mrs Grimball. Mrs Kliza CJ i Thomas i Rivers. Mrs M J I.laiik-. Miss H Hays. Mrs Della"Robinson, Mrs M I Hall, Mrs Aun Marr Boland, Mrs S Heat h, Mrs A Bj Rope, Mrs F Bonner. Miss Ljllensun, Mrs G Rollinson, Julia C I O Robinson, Miss Br»an, Mrs H C! Heath, - Lana Brooks, Mrs A C Hill, Miss Nelly- Simmons, Miss Bravbov, Mrs am Marv ll * Honestin, Mrs Smith, Mrs Fora Burton, Miss SW Smith, Miss Lilly Holmes, Mrs Kate Burkiev. Miss William ¡Sanders, Miss S Amelia Holmes, Mrs M O' Bnover, M r s' E Scott, Mrs Si- Eüza Johnson. Mrs E rah Bulwiukle. Mrs Jenklns,Mrs K E'Seymour, Sue F Jones. Mrs E 0 TjShephard, Catii- Bourke, Miss Jervey, Mrs Josi rme Kate C Sheller, Mrs Su- Cart, Miss Lau- King. M i s sj san ra Mary Stewart, Mrs easton. Mrs B J King, Mrs Mar- Lizzie Cunimet, Miss Ll tim Swinton. Mrs M ¡Kirby, Miss! Mary Cameron. Mrs Mary ¡Taylor, M19S L M Leepe, Mrs M J c Cant, Miss Lau- Lere, Mrs Caro-Terry, Mrs Polly ra Hue Templeton, Mrs Capers, Mrs B Lehre, Mrs SC Ann Carsten, M r s Loise, Mrs Chas Tobias, Mrs Joe William Loyal, Mrs L C Turner, Miss Caben. Belle Long, Mrs S C Hattie fastens, Mrs C Lucas.Mís» Kate|Whitty. Mrs N H Miles, Mrs E Li Ward, Mrs An- Campbell, MrsjMarke, Miss A net. JJ ¡Mare, Jennie j Wav. Miss ML Cliapin. Mrs S FiMaxwell, Mis* Wagner, Mrs Chandler, Miss Annie Lottie CM Mack, Mrs M ¡Williams, Mrs A Coulen. Mrs E Mehrtcns, Misa Williams, Mrs Cosgrove, Miss C Lotus. K Milos, Mrs M Williams, Misa Cochran, Miss S Miles, Mary Lizzie Crawford, Mrs Middleton. Mrs William/. Miss A A Maggie craig. Mrs C T Middleton, Mrs Wrlzru, Mrs O Cartis, Miss Jas E A Days, Mrs Hes-Murphy, Mri Walker, Mrs ter Mulligan,- Laura ¡iraké, M r BlMniUngS, Miss Webers, Miss A Marv A Weston, Mrs P Daly, Mrs Mulcahy. Cath-'Whealdmg, Mrs Derigors, Mrs Ml rine S Dixon, DlanuabJ Murphy, Mrs J ¡wing, Miss Mag- Dowling, Mrs MjMcEvpary, Miss gly A I HM. MEN'S LIST. Ackerman, lillis, E E Reed, Geo M Jumes ¡Hobson, Jas N llueves. Rev I) M Adams B C iioffman, A J Reynolds, p, Ahl, Daniel [Holmes, J B Reynolds, Juo E Albert, A J ¡Hook, Jwliu Itichard, J 0 Alexander, . Howard, ste- Richardson, James pheu A | Lick Alsdike, Mr Howland, John;Richmond. Geo Alston. JG S A Anderson. Ed- Huguiuia, Capt:Rigby, Wm B ward TA Robinson, 1st- Arnold, William Hunt, John G \ dore Arndt, Louis Hunter, John WíRogers, Col .ino liagot. R A Hutson, Daniel A Bee. Richaid Irwin. James .Savage. Sara! S Blrues, D Jackson, Stone-Sanders, Law- Bludworth, A Cl wall renee W Boyd, D A iJerrerson, C F Sanders, R .1 Brown, George werrey, LS Scriven, John Bunlges, Wm Johnston, FL Sclmackeuberg, Büggeln, John Johnsou, C T Diedrich Bull. E L Johnson, C Seeberger, Au- Buck, John W Jones, Assy gust Costello, RR uoues, A J Seaworlous, AI- Cuutpbtll, Jesse Ikelly. Wai i ired Chlsoiiu. Robert Klinmey, Jas B Shaw, Jonathan (colored) Kiddie, BcnJ B tólirelgh. Henry Cleapor, Phillip King, Tom fsinkler. Wm W iKiug. A C siuiniumt, i'rice Clear, M 'Klarreu, J M A Collins, (leo A Kitirrou, P W Simmons, Plisia Comstock. Har- Knight. Charles A ry Kueuler, Ser- Skinner. Joan R Connery, Mau- gcaut M rice Huck. Fraua ¿lawson, Clar- Cook, Henry A LaCostc, Sam euee L Coggin, Wm Lusage, Wm (Smith, Simson Cou*. Charles P Largcwood. W BlSmlth, Franklin Donel, Waac- Lee, Edwardo [Small,Jack imrton Lcwltu, TH Span, .lackey Davulaon, n M Leave, Kev Ja- stein. Alex I) Davis, W R cob (Stewart, Joseph Davis, TA Lippincott, Chasjsirauaa, Henry Davis, Wtu ¡i.oüg, A K [stringfellow, w Davenport, E Li Lockwood, W Hi R Dawson, Cl' ILounge, Cl vousjsi afford, Eat- Dawson, Dr. Ed-jM U T » melt ward [Madeura, Robt [sterling, BJ Deliay, Wm [Morant. Tims sterling, A Dock, John Martin, EdwardtSulllvan, John Douglas, Henry!Mathews, s M sullivan, lion Drei er. biedrlchlMay, James ll Tilos A Dugan, Patrick; Mayo, Maj R G Tavcl, E Durcc. /MauneC Meier, ..'omi F iT^iomat, Henry Dumphey, Mi- 'Miles, Tommy Tl A chad " Mlkell, liam:;- ¡Thompson, Dunn, R ton Morse Diwkins, Gen Miller, Wm mudall, RW Edwards, lien-Mienal, BW Tinsley, Tho.« ry B Melusin, AS |Tlerney,Michael Ellie, isidor Mlshaw, LoulsiTorner, Charles EUiou, TO <> ¡Trade .Evans, .ixsper Mitchell, JamealTrapler, E s Fagan. Denis Moloney, Martin Tully, G it Panier, A Poster Munroe. John Wagner. Levi Fees. Geo ¡Moore, Willie R [Walker, John Fischer, Mr (S?|Mooro, berkley Walsh. Pe*cr Eas) BayJ W Waring à. tilia- Plnnegau, Bob-lMorrls, Rlcliard ona err ii IMonitt, Henry Ward, Daniel Ford. Rev Jas T McDowell, l. T \V ird, Tonv Fripp. Wm McFenoa, An-Waring, WH Brazer, Albert I drew Warren, John B Frazer, SM McFailin, Simon B Gaillard, samWMcEntyre, ll C | Warren, WW E McMUlan. Taos Washington, Gaillard. J A ¡ J ' Basin Goldscbmidt, MeLeigh, Win (¿Washington, Aaron [McXeal, V Blakely Cosryin, Mu-r.ne. .Nei-m. .¡ames Webb, Mr (boat Goban;'.', ita- tXipson, Francis! buUder) mou S F li IWebb, S Graves,CaptGeo'Nlncles, Prank 'Weimer, J D I) E (Nolan, John ¡Wentworth, Gray, R P .North, C C Chas B (¡ros, Isidore lö'Briau, Mr [Wetherhorn. Glumly. L .O'Donnell, Thos Slgmond Grumme. WA O'Leary. DanleljWbite. Wm (col) Güttin, Hon L P Parham, Franki White, James E Gutierres, Yic-JPatteraoa, Jolin(Wiermann, K cmte I E Wiikev, James Hagood, w R [Patterson, Jas Williams, L J Ilaini. Johauu W Williams, Peter Banes, Prank [PincSncy, E Willis, Samuel M Hanlon. John [Potter, J Jack- Winter, Samuel Hansen, Peler son i A Hawkin-«, i : M Purcell. James Wood. Henry Buzzard, Maj E Randell. J Ycacts, Henry w Ransom, Nclnoii Yeadon, H W Heath, A B [RosWad A Co. Yeadon, Henry llcckt, Charles Rayfiw, ¿ames Ziegler, fleury Hey wald, Ja* E' L |. r.v' Perseus dciioslting letters In the Poetottlce will please place the stamp near the upper ruin hand comer of the envelope, and they wilt alau please to reinem mr that Without liic stamp :. let¬ ter cannot, be mailed, bar. will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. II OLHBS & MACBETU. No. 30 BROAD STREET, Chariostoa, s. C., BROKER, AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. win attend io Renting and Collecting of Rents and purchase arid sale of Stacks, Bonds. Gold, Silver and Real Estate). ALS./, To tho Purchase ol' Good*/ and Supplies Ix par¬ ties In the oountry upon reasonable terms. CEOUUii L. HOLMES.AI^J-ANOtiU ÖIACBÜTH. jaul lvr Ç\ H A R L B S HICKEY", G 7 L D B R , PORTRAIT ANi> IICTURB FRAME UANCPAC- TTJRER, No. 345 KING STRHBT, Charleston, S. C. OM Framas Regilt equal to nev/. I/joking- glasses ol' ali sizes fitted to Frames. Jost received, an assortment of Une Chromos and Engravings. decs w fia Jiu on B Insurance, R oo K L T K LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets over.$1,306,000 Issues alt kinds or Lile and Endowment Pull- cics. Dividends annually In cash. Only Com¬ pany having the Definite Guaranteed Surrender- Value Plan Policies, world-wide. Second to no Company In the United States lor stability, Ube- rallty and economy. Office No. 141 Broadway, New York. CHRISTIAN W. BUCK, President. WILLIAM M. COLE, Secretary. State Agency No. 35 Broad-street, second rioor. Local and Canvassing Agents wanted through¬ out the State. Apply In person or by letter to JAMBS G. HOLMES, JR., General Agent ror South Carolina. julylS mwremos I N S U R E IN THE SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANY, OF NEW YORK CITY. President, ROBERT L. CASE; vice-President, THBO." R. WHETIIOKK; Secretary. ISAAC U. ALLEN. General Agent for South Carolina. W. HCTSON TOWNSEND, Aiken. ORGANIZED IN 1802. Assets, December 31, 1868.$1,854,570 00 Amount insured in 1868.11,561,389 00 Claims paid. 143.53J0O No restrictions ou IravcL Only sound lives In¬ sured. Loan or portion or premium allowed when de¬ sired. Dividends declared annually. Last Dividend 50 per cent. All forms or Life and Endowment Policy issned. Attention is especially invited to the fen Year Nou-Forrelture and thc Return Premium plans. Insurance by the latter costs Ute policy-holder ONLY TIIK INTEREST OTON IIIS ANNUAL PREMIUMS, ror the Premiums themselves are returned at death In addition to the tull amouut or the Policy. This Company is chartered under the Laws or the State or New York, and lt Invites the closest scrutiny Into its condition as exhibited In oillcial reports of Insurance Departments of New York and Massachusetts. SPECIAL AGENTS IN THE STATE AT LAR/JE.-A. J NORRIS, J. B. WILKIE. J. M. DUTSON, C. A DSSAUSSURB, C. G. STEPHENS, J. J. MACKEY, R. P. GANTT, S. H. SYDN'OR, Ü. K. MOUZON, G. D. RHODUS, L. O. STEPHENS. REPKKBNCES.-H. Z. LA UREY. Esq., R. M. ALEXANDER, Esq., RICHARD CALDWELL. Esq.. IL H. NATHAN, Esq., Messrs. STOLL, WEBB ÍL CO., Messrs. H. COIJIA A CO. Dr. W. M. FITCH, Medical Examiner. . LOUIS SHERFESEE, Agent for Charleston. S. C.. OFFICE No. 40 »ROAD STREET. (Second Floor.) nov22 13 fjoviicalture, Agriculture, £"c BY PERMISSION OF TILE COURT OF PROBATE. Por sale at Retail and nt Low PHIUES, THE LATE CONRAD RING'S STOCK IN TRADE, All or which is of very recent importation«;, se¬ lected personally by Mr. Hint?, principally from the MeHsrs. Landreth's of Philadelphia, for this market. The stock consists ol' the best and most choice CABBAGE SEEDS, cf all kinds, Tomato Seeds, Guinea and Heston Squash Seeds, Turnip and Ruta Baga Seeds. Peas. Parsnip and Carrot Seeds, Karly and Sweet Corn Seeds, And all other kinds, common to Southern cli¬ mates. ALSO, PLOUGHS, Hoes, Spades and every varioty or Garden and Farm Implements, ou the mest Im¬ proved patterns. ALSO, BASKET and GLASS-WARE. A ISO, WHEELBARROWS and HARROWS. At tho Store, No. 353 west side or King, below George street, and known tor the last rorty years as LANDRETH'S AND RING'S SEED AND AGRI¬ CULTURAL WAREHOUSE. CEO. RING CHOLWELL, ilec4 1 mwfl2 Administrator. F Shirts ano fnrnisrjing töooüs. RESH ARRIVALS! LATEST STYLES ! COMFORTABLE FIT I LOWEST PRICES 8 S S S S S S s s S ' SCOTT'S S SSSSSSS s ss ss s s S STAR SHIRTS S S S S AND COLL A R S S S S S READY MADE H S S S AND MADE S S » S T O 0 R D E R . S S S S - S S MEN'S S S S S F U R N I S II I N G S SSSSSSS SSSSSSS S GOODS. S S S S* S S S s s s AT THE GREAT SHIRT EMPORIUM! LOOK FOR THE STAR SIGN, MEETING STRM BT, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL, novia nue O N E PR I CE! 35 H ¡G a * H ta _ 3 s * a ut * % = e « u I i = I ?? a ?d PH 3a _ S 1 > « 55 % g S a " ra H e - .ri r t S I a « * sa » « r- t: > 2 ta 53 ~ 3 5 J* a 0 NE PRICE nov 22 öaöolea ana fiarness. Q ADDLE EY WAR Ell OUSE. WILLIAM H A R R A L à CO., Nr. HATNK STREET, Wholesale and Retail Dealer« in SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, COACH AND HARNESS MATERIALS, Ac. KOVUJ imo J T. HUMPHREYS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AMD COMMISSION MERCHANT. - SALE* OP REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, ilOXDS. SECURITIES AND PERSONAL. PRO¬ PERTY ATTENDED TO. No. 27 BROAD STREET, Charleston, S. C. RlPSBSarcCS.-Bon. HENRY BUIST. W. J. MA¬ CKATI!, Esq., General JAMES CONNER, T. R. WARING, Esq. 0ct4 MmsWaneouB. Ç* UFF, NIGGER, WHAT'S DE MATTER ? Ton lett dcm dere fritters. Sal, gal, stop dat clatter, I'se mies de SOLOMON BITTERS » For sale at RAOUL A LYNAH. dec2 Q-H, 0-H, LORD, 0-H NO ONE GRUNTS THUS IF THEY USE SOLOMONBITTERS For sale at RAOUL A LYNAH. doc2 N OONE NEED SHAKE FROM FEAR OF AGUS WHO DRINKS SOLOMO N'S BITTERS. For salo at <l9k RAOUL St LYNAH. -fuñen ©ooos, Ut. ^TILLLAM G. WHILDEN & CO. Have for the Holidays a rich assortment of VASES, TOILET SETS, CUPS AND SAUCERS, And Fancy Goods. No. 255 KING STREET, CORNER BEAUPAIN. deco S IL V E R TABLE RINGS, FRUIT KNIVES SUGAR SPOONS, And a variety or Fancy Silver for the Holidays, FOB SALE BY WILLIAM 0. WHILDEN A CO.. No. 255 King Street, corner Beaufaln. decs pARIAN, WEDGEWOOD, HAVRE FRENCH CHINA AND GRANITE-WARE, AND IN EVERY TABIBTY, FOR SALE BY WILLIAM G. WHILDEN A CO., No. 255 King Street, corner Beaufain. deco ÇOMPLÎÊTE SETS OF FINE CUT GLASS DECANTERS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, Cordials, Finger Bowls, Tumblers and Goblets, POB SALK BY WILLIAM 0. WHILDEN k CO., No. 255 King Street, corner Beaufaln. dec6_ -Y^riLLLAM G. WHILDEN & CO. HAVE POR SALE LEATHER RETICULES, TRAVELLING BAGS, Purses, Pocketbooks and Portemonnaies, suitable for Christmas Presents, at No. 255 RING STREET, CORNER BEAUFAIN. deco FINE ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CHATELAINS, VEST CHAINS, Brooches, Earrings, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ac, FOB SALE DY WILLIAM G. WHILDEN k CO., No. 255 King Street, corner Beaufaln. deco (£1 ILVER AND PLATED TEA SETS, BUTTER DISHES, CORDIAL STANDS, Castors, Caps, Strawberry Dishes, Ac, Ac, ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT WILLIAM G. WHILDEN A CO.'S, No. 255 King Street, corner Beaufain. decs_ V I S I TOR Once said il we only knew where the resident citizens made their purchases there we should get well served. To such we offer A DIRECTORY. Thc ladies who desire the latest styles of fash¬ ionable Head Dressing, curls Chignons or Braids, Go to M. A A ASHTON. The gentlemen who desire to be presentable in Adonis attire, for Wigs, Go to M. A A. ASHTON. Ali who desire the best German Colognes, Go to M. A A. ASHTON. For Diadem or Coronal Combs, all Go to M. A A. ASHTON. Those who require thc best Extracts, Go to M. A A. ASHTON. Every ose who desires good Hair Brushes or Combs, Go to M. A A. ASHTON. Of necessity all who require a good Tooth Brush, Go to M. A A. ASHTON. For genuine Talc de Venis, all must Go to M. A A. ASHTON. For Hair Dyes and Regenerators, nearly all Go to M. St A. ASHTON. In fact, nil who require genuine goods from the following houses : Society Uyglenlquc, 1 . Bailey's, 1 . Labln's, Atkinson's, 5 Cowdray's, « Gosnell's, -z Piver, * \x Lowe A Sons, > § Guerlain. O Yardley, -5 Henry A Dennison, J Rowlands A Sons, >- fGowlaud, J ° As also, Venis Goods in their lino from every reputable manufacturer in uie States, Go to M. A A. ASHTON, No. 240 King street, Five doors rrom Market street, novi mwfSmoa £evú\\)ev5. pACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, POR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. This article LS mannractnred at Um Company's Works under thc direction and superintendence or Or. RA VEN EL. It contains the samo elements or rertdity as Soluble Paclilc Ouano, except that it is not furnished with ammonia. It is prepared expressly for composting with cotton seed, whioh raralsbcs tho element or ammonia-the object be¬ ing to render that side-product or the plantation available to thc highest degree aa an element or fertility. $45 cash, or $50 on 1st November, 1870, for ap¬ proved city acceptance or other good security. For further, and particular Information, apply to the undersigned, J. N. ROBSON, Agent ror South Carolina, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. JOHN. S. REES^A 00., General Agents Ualümore. octa, winninowie v£ailoring, Ut. ÇA LOTH I N G , TAI LO RI N G AND ? J a .v r S H I N G GOODS. MBNKE A MULLKR, No. iii EC I tr ff ii ri: HST, Thr»;e Doors below Liberty street. Haverts*, received and opened a law and line üíiítortinont of Men's Youths' aad Boy's CLOTH¬ ING, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac. Consisting of Elegant OVERCOATS, Business and Dress Stilts, Whlto and Colored Shirts, Underwear Goods, Ac, English and Domestic Half Hose, Alexander's and Couvb>lcr's Kid Gloves, Buckskin, Doeskin, 'taJftikln: Glotl:, Cassi mere, Tweed; Silk and Thre-¿¿j Cloves, Limn aud Paper Collars, Cravats, Nock Ties, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Ac. Alao, a lanre and well assorted stock of BROAD¬ CLOTH, CASSI MK lil'., DOESKIN, BBAVKR Cl.GTli, Ac, a U.rge variety or thc new style PanH and Vest Patterns, which wc otfer to Bell by piece, yard or pattern, or malto np lato garments by nv asure, In the latest styles. our stock has been selected with great oare, and prices marked very low, In plain ligures. Eelng oonfldent that we oan oter inducements iinequaBed by any other house, we solicit buyers in our line to -rive us a call before purchasing elsswhere. All orders will receivo our prompt and very careful attention. Entire satisfaction ls guaranteed, octa mwDmos Unction Sales--(Elus Slag. B By MILES DRAKE, OOT8, SHOES AND HATS. TU LS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will sell at ay- Store, oorner of King and Liberty streets, 90 cases BOOTS and SHOES, fresh stock, CONSISTING OF: Cases Ladies' Fine Lasting CONGRESS Cases Ladies' Goat and Kid Polish Boots Cases Women's Gdat and Brui Bootees Cases Men's Calf, Kip i>:.d Wax Brogans Cases Men's Calf an j Kip Balmorals Cases Men's Cali, Creole and G. T. Congress Cases Mer.'3 Kip and Grain Boots Cases Men's Kip Ploughman's Shoes Cases Boys* Cair Congress and Balmorals Cartoons Misses' and Children's Saoes, various styles 25 cases, 150 dozen, Men's and 3oys' Wool and Felt Hats._ dec.10 By WM. McKAY, No. 136 Meeting Street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SOAP, STARCH, CUTLERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, NOTION'S, ic. At 10 o'clock THIS DAY (Friday.) ALSO, Household FÜRNITERE, Chairs and Sundries, saved from the late tire on East Bay. declO Unction Soles--iutnre Etona. By Z. B. OAKES. EX PARTE WM. SHEPHERD, IN¿RE JOSEPH PURCELL, BANKRUPT. Pursuant to the order of his nonor Judge Bryan, dated 24tU November, 1869, will be sold at pub¬ lic auction, at twb old Postornce, at ll o'clock, on FRIDAY, nth instant, All that TRACT OF LAND, sltnate, lying and being on the north side of the public road leading from Charleston to the Ashley River Ferry, in the Parish of St. Andrew, in the State aforesaid, con¬ taining 75>i acres; and also, a small TRACT OP LAND on the northern boundary of the above tract, and incorporated with it as one tract; bounding north and east on Lands now or late of -nowaid, south on Dorchester Road, west on Lands now or late of- Beckman, and north¬ west on Land now or late of Rev. P. O'NeüT. The above Farm Hes on thc Dorchester Road, a short distance above the Fork, about seven miles from the city. Aplat of the property, made by J. A. Michel, surveyor, may be seen at my omeo. Conditions-One-third cash: balance tn one and two years, with Interest at 7 per cent., secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage. of the pro- property, to contain power of sale in case of non¬ payment. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. dec2 tlismwfmwtlifO SALE BY TRUSTEES, UNDER AU¬ THORITY OF THE COURT OF EQUITY. AT PRIVATE SALͬ AN ELEGANT MANSION AND SPLENDID GROUNDS. Will be sold at Private Sale that elegant HOUSE at the corner ot Blake and Drake streets, with ail the surrounding garden and spacious grounds. This is one of the most complete and beautiful establishments in Charleston, commanding a fine view of the harbor, and embracing a large extent of grounds, thickly set with tree3 of every de¬ scription, forest, fruit and flowers, all selected and disposed with thc utmost care and taste. Thc House ls large and commodious, containing fourteen rooms, admirably arranged, with double piazzas on thc south, with a One large Kitchen and all other necessary outbuildings. In addition to this, there is another Dwelling House on the premises, situate on thc northeast corner, suitable for a small family. The Lot measures four hundred («WO) feet front on Drake street by about two huudredand eighty (jso) feet in depth" on Blake street. To any person wishing to establish himself in a handsome residence, with a fine garden and spacious walks ami grounds, the above property presentó a rare opportunity. ALSO, A body of MARSH LAND, oa the east of Bay street, separated from the above property by Bay street, embracing six hundred (6tvj) feet from north to south by three hundred (300) feet from east to west, on the west side of the Northeastern Railroad. Also, another body of Marsh Land, lying cast of said road, containing - feet. For further particulars and terms apply to WARDLAW it CAREW. Purchasers to pay W. & C. for papers. » decs wf E STATE SALE On TUESDAY, the 21st proximo, at the Courthouse, In Georgetown. S. C., at 12 o'clock M., will be sold at Public Auction, All that valuable PLANTATION known as Lark Hill, late thc property of Mrs. Eliza F. Heriot, situated on Black River, in Georgetown County, containing 91K acres of Swamp Land, most of which is now under cultivation, and 753 acres of High Land, be thc same more or less. Terms or Sale-One-third cash; balance In one, two and three years, secured by bonds and mort¬ gage of the property. Purchaser to pay for pa¬ pers and stamps. Possession given on first Janu¬ ary, 1370. EDWARD N. THURSTON, Qualified Executor of Eliza M. Heriot. deel ws6_ 'j^EFEREE'S SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Court of Common Pleas, for thc Fourth Circuit of the State of South Carolina, silting In Equity in the case of Morris K. Jesu p. ct al. vs. the Wilmington and Manchester ltuilruad Company, ct ul, will be sold at Public Auction, at the door of the Court¬ house in Wilmington, In the stateof North Caro¬ lina, at ll o'clock A. M., on WEDNESDAY, th« 5thdav of January, 1S70, All that portion of the WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER RAILROAD which lies within the State of South Carolina, with all the' ROLLING STOCK, Equipments, Depots, Workshops, Materi¬ als, and cvcrytldng pertainm; thereunto, to¬ gether with all the rights, privileges, franchises and appurtenances, as set forth and moro particu¬ larly described in the several mortgages men¬ tioned m "the proceedings. Thc terms or the sale are cash; the bonds of the Company secured by the mortgages mentioned in tin- report ol' the special referee, and flied in the case, to be accepted from thc purchaser pro rata as part payment in thc order of priority es¬ tablished by the report; provided that the same rateable proportion of cx<ii be paid in for the other bonds ot' the same grade of priority not In thc hands of the purchaser: and provided, also, that sutUctenr cash be paid tn to cover costa, charges and expenses of sale; the purchaser also to pay for papers. W. ALSTON PRINGLE, Spccl.il Referee. Charleston, loth November, WM. c 0 M M I S S I 0 N E R ' S SALE. By virtue of a decree Of the Court of Equity of the County of New Hanover, of the State of North Carolin», in the case of Morris K. Jesup, et al, vs. the Wilmington and Manchester Rail¬ road Company, et ai, Michael Cronley, Commis¬ sioner, duly appointed by the Court, will sell at Public Anctioi;, at thc door ol'the Courthouse, in Wilmington, in thc State of North Carolina, nt ll o'clock, A. M., on WEDNESDAY, the 5th day of January. 1870, All that portion of the WILMINGTON AND MAN- CHESTER RAILROAD which Iles within thc State of North Carolina, with all the rolling stock, equip¬ ments, depots, workshops, materials and every¬ thing thereunto pertaining, together with all the rights, privileges, fratichLses and appurtenances, as set forth ami more particularly described in tho several mortgages mentioned in thc pro¬ ceedings. Terms of sale are ash. The bonds ol thc sold Company, scoured by rho three Drat mortgages, to wit: The mortgage to Edward Sandford, dated May l. 1*51; the second mortgage to Edward Sandford, dated March l, liîj, and fue mortgago to George W. Dargan, iia::d the IStii of April, 1855. shall be accepted in full :i* part payment, according to the priority of said mortgages; and tho bonds o:' thc said com¬ pany, secured by the mortgage, to '.lie --aid Morris K. Jesup, shall bcaccopted pro rata as part pay. mont in the order of prloriti ostabuaheoin said mortgage. M.URONLY, Commissioner. Wilmington, N.e. novio toflSwl electioneers1 |3rmn:e Sales, Ste.2 Bj J. FRASER KATH2WES. JJICE AND PROVISION PLANTATION. At Private S<-.le- That valuable RICE AND PROVISION PLAN¬ TATION. «Gird Romney, situated at Sonth Ferry, ou tho Santee River, containing 1833 acres-too chared and ander bank, 300 ¡ugh Land, 87 clear¬ ed, eulance well timbered with cypress, oak, A«. The Plantation is now under cultivation, is well settled wit-li Dwelling, barns and negro houses, and known as one cr the best places on Cae riven Titles unexceptionable. Poe tonus, apply to J. FRASER MATHEWB8, Rp«l EstaUi Agent, No. 56 Broad street. oct2i> fill JENKINS i CUNNINGHAM, COTTON BROKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2 WARREN BLOCK, (upstairs,) ACOCSTA, GA. JOHN JEKK.'.NS. HOBT. E. CUKNINQELAH Sole agents for the sale of thc celebrated Dickson A Peeler Cotton Seed for the Statos of South Caro¬ lina and Georgia. References-J. T. Gardiner and J. J. Cohen A Sous, Augusto, Ga., ami Cleghorn, Herring A Co., Charleston, S. 0. and Augusta, Qa. uov23 timos
Page 1: ÇOMPLÎÊTE SALE -Y^riLLLAM · 2017-12-16 · CITY AFFAIRS. Meeting*TUUDay. LaCandeurLodge, at7 P. M.-|)&ome Loan and Building Association, at 7 M: SoothCarolina Institute, at 12M.


LaCandeur Lodge, at 7 P. M.-|)&ome Loan and Building Association, at 7

M:Sooth Carolina Institute, at 12 M.

South Carolina-Agricultural Soaiety, at half-

past T r. M.

Auction Sales This Day.

Miles Drake will sell at IC o'clock, at his

s'vore, boots, shoes and hats.William McKay will sell at io o'clock, at Iiis

«tore, household furniture, Ac.

Tua HOLIDAY TKADIÍ.-As a general mle,

the most extensive and liberal buyers of holiday

goods do sot put off their purchases until the

stocks have become low aad the crowd so greatthat they are unable to make satisfactory selec¬

tions. Indeed, as we happen to know, some of

Ute most desirable customers in that branch of

trade are already on the lookout for souvenirs

of the coming season. Dealers who propose to

engage in it-and which of them does not*-

should therefore announce their attractions with¬

out delay, if they wish to reap an early harvest.

We need hardly add, what they already know,

that the advertising columns of THE NEWS, al¬

ways a reflex of tke business of thc city, are con¬

sulted now more than ever by t hose desiring bar¬

gains in any branch of trade.

^ÏHB CUF.APEST TET.-The NEWS Job Office 1?

now printing bill-heads in the best style and ou

fine paper, at $250 per thousand. Merchants, think

of lt? ,_

Ona Piaras CuRMXT.-We especially Invite theattention of our merchants to Tris Naws Prices

Current, issued this morning. Made up with the

utmost care, and handsomely printed with entirelynew type, it forms, with the business card of the

house forwarding lt, the most attractive and wel¬

come weekly commercial circular that can be

used. Price, for ten copies or more, with busi¬

ness card, two and a half cents per copy. Singlecopies, five cents.

REAL ESTAT« SALSS.-Mr. A. C. McGlUlvraysold yesterday several tracts of pine barren land

.in BL Stephen's Parish, aggregating 2S81 acres,

for $935. He also sold the plantation In St. Luke's

Parish, known as Boirfleld, and containing 2400

.aores, for $1000.Messrs. Lowndes ft Grlmball sold the house and

.lot at the northeast corner of Smith and Monta

_gne streets, known as No. 18 Smith street, for

$8500._ _

A RUNAWAY CAB AND A SMASHUP.-Therailroad In Messrs. Bischoff & Co.'s store, thoughnot extensive, docs a heavy business. The sched¬ule ls frequently varied, bni the car is seldom

idle. Yesterday, while lt was being rapidly pro¬pelled through the store and worked by two Afri¬can power, it acquired suoh a momentum that ltwas Impossible to stop it, aud it came againstthe door at the terminus with a resistless forcethat broke through all barriers, scattered the

freight In every direction, and demoralized the

Africans. No lives were lost.

$ -.-:InicORATIOK PROSPECTS are brightening.

All the immigrants recently brought from Swedenby Mr. Feriow have been satisfactorily located In

Newberry County, and Mr. Perlow hlmsoir has

gone on a visit to Florence, Sumter and Orange-ourg, for the purpose of making arrangementsfor the passage and reception of more immi¬

grants. The Newberry Herald says : "Mr. F. W.Bmggeman, agent of immigration, now in NewYork, writes as that the prospect for securing agood class of German farm laborers is more fa¬

ctorable than heretofore, and that he can fill verymany more orders in the most satisfactory way."

FOUR HAW MAH. CARS.-The South Carolina^Railroad Company nave Just completed at their

workshops, ia this city, four new mall cars of an

.improved pattern, which wUi be put on the road

immediately. Tho cars are about ten feet longerthan the passenger cars in general use, and have

.compartments for the mall carrier and expressmessenger. The interior of the car is of Southern

pine, highly polished and varnished, and is fitted

up with every convenience. The facilities for as¬

sorting and distributing the mail will be greatlyincreased in these ears, and they will supply a

?want that has been toas felt. They will ron on

tate main road and Columbia and Augusta

BILL POSTING.-Tho habit of ornamentingfences; wails and sides of houses with enormousand often unsightly posters has grown to be a

nuisance, and it was found necessary io have theprohibition "stick no UlUa'» on every piece of

property tho owners wished to preserve from the

vandal hands of this class of advertisers. Forsou»time thia monition. Uko the famous "beware

of the dog," kept intruders from the sacred pre¬cincts; hut the community were not sufficientlyenlightened to please the street advertisers, andthey resorted to board fences built for that pur¬pose. Several Improvements have been effected.oa tho style and size of these boards, but thelatest wrinkle is a neat posting board, with an

arched top, that is placed against the sides ofShe buildings at the street oorners. Numbers of

these have been rocectly erected in the city, andthe uninitiated are now Informed of their in¬tended use.


SUPRKMJS COURT.-COLUMBIA Dec ember 8_Present-Chief Justice Moses and Associate Jus¬tice Winard.The oases of Thomas F. McDow, administrator,

vs. Daniel W. Brown, executor, and Daniel W.Brown, executor, ads. Thomas F. McDow, admin¬istrator, were continu*', by consent of counsel.William Wallace vs. W. M. Kerr. Appeal aban¬

doned.On motion, thc following cases wera ordered to

-be docketed:Thomas C. Houge, Jr., et al, ads. Wm. C. Hönze,

administrator. Uemphill for motion; J. J. Me¬diare, contra.

Biggera Mobley, et el, ads. John McKee, Sr., ad¬ministrator. Hemphiii for motion; Moore, contra.

J. D. Ooskey, sheriff, ads. William McMulleu.Moore for motion; Kershaw A Conner, contra.R. A. Pringle vs. Bella Sigar, et al. Moore for

motion; AUlson, contra.A. J. Kibler vs. 0. Rives. Kershaw & bonnor

for motion;& IL Hamilton, contra.Biggera Mobley va. w. j. Cureton. el »t. Ker¬

shaw A Conner for motion ; Moore A Allison, con¬tra.Ames Cook vs. Alfred IL Moore, ct a!. Eeralaw,

Conner and Moore..The court then resumed the case cf Joseph

Crews and others ads. S. S. Farrow A Bros. Mr.SoiRJaaa contlnuod lus argument, and was fol¬lowed by Mr. W. D. Simpsoa for appellees up tothe hour of adjournment.


Jury No. 2, charged with the case of United statesvs. Bmaanel Parker, had to be discharged by theJudge until to-morrow, In consequence or the sick¬ness of one of the jurors.

DISTRICT COURT.Rx porte John P. June, or Manning. Petition

for final discharge. G. D. Bryan, pro pet. Theregistrar's report la favor ot discharge was readand confirmed, and, on motion, tue judge slgued-order and cerUdeate of discharge.Bx parte Thomas Brown, of Richlind. Petition

for final discharge. D. B. DeSanssure, pro pet.Rererred to C. O. Jaeger, and final hearing to takeplace before the court at Charleston, on 8th Janu¬ary next, at 12 M.Rx porte O. Herber. Sass, assignee, in re Evans

k CogswelL Petttioa to acU property whose titlels m dispote. W. K- Baohmau. pro pet. On hear¬ing the petition, ordered thai assignee sell themortgaged property oa first Monday in Januarynext, Ac, for one-half cosh and the balance Inone and two years, ftc. Ordered that J. C. Car¬penter give notice to creditors, by notice affixedto sdvertlsment of sale, to prove claims on or be¬fore first Monday of January next, and in faultto be forever debarred, Ac, ko. Assignee to exe¬

cute titles and bold proceeds, after payment ofoosta, subject to further order of court.Ex porte John D. Wylie, assignee, in re P. D.

Oreen, bankrupt. Peutlon for sale of property.S. H. AUlson, pru pet. Ordered that the assigneesell the property, Ac, and, after paying costs,¿e., hold the remainder of the money aubject to

Ute further order or thia court.Bx sarre Wm. EL Oreen, per procheln ami. in

nip. Green, bankrupt. Petition ror sale ofrearoetate. Rutledge A Young. Same order as


KILLING rx EDOEFIBL».-A report reachesus from Bdgefleld Courthouse so the eileot that the

clerk of the court (a Mr. Ramsay) had boen killed.No particular» are given; but it ls supposed that

the killing was thc result of aa old quarrel.

MILI.KR'S ALMANAC for 1870, prompt and ac¬

curate as ever, oomes to us from the presses or

Messrs. A. M. Williams à Brother. Among its

raluable features we notice a table showing the

raine of Confederate notes in greenbacks, as es¬

tablished by the act of the Legislature, passed in

March last._

CRUMBS.-The Orphan children are invitedto attend tte matinee to-morrow afternoon.The cool change has brought out all Of thc

Arabs In the city, ami the streets present avurie-

gated appearance.The first shipment of Now Orleans molasses of

this season was received yesterday by Messrs.Bischoff 4 Co., East Bay.

A NATIVO NBSTOP.IAN.-Th? Rev. Arthur Bow¬dan, a native of Bethlehem, in Judea, and a pres¬byter in the ancient Ncstorlan Church, will preachnext Sunday morning, in the Glebe Street Pres¬

byterian Church, or "The sufferings and the per¬secutions of the Christians in Turkey.'" Mr. Bog-dan is officially delegated by lils church to visit

the Doited States for the purpose of spreadingthis information so interesting to the friends of

civilization everywhere. The public arc invitedto hear him.

RAILROAD AGR::K_KNT.-The Columbia Phoe¬nix states that Colouel William Johnston, of the

Charlotte, and Mr. H. T. Peake, of the South Car¬

olina Railroad, eutered into an agreement on

Monday, in Augusta, to unite in the completionof the bridge at present ia course of constructionby the Charlotte Railroad, at the foot of Washiag-ton street, upon the original plan, with or'y a

single track, to be used jointly by the two roads

when finished. The Charlotte Road will contLiueto use the present bridge of thc South CarolinaRailrond until the new bridge is completed.

EXTRBMHLY FISHY.-The exuberant energyof Captain Jenks, the street Inspector, has boon

displayed to seme advantage on King-street, bythe endeavor to convert that thoroughfare into a

respectable place for vehicles. Ills ambition was

laudable and the end desirable: but though Kingstreet ls now a shell road aad a pleasant drive,the change has been accompanied by "an ancient

and a fish-like smell"-an aroma not in Lubln'sextracts, that renders the atmosphnre noxious,and, walking down oar Broadway, ls a trial to the

olfactories. Fortunately, the evil is not Irreme¬diable. Time can work wonders, and the new

shell road, like good wine, will Improve with age.

A HODEL ESTABLISHMENT.-We invite the at¬tention of the friends of THE NEWS in the city andthroughout the State to the excellent facilitieswhich our office enjoys for the prompt executionof all kinds of Book and Job Printing. . Fully pro¬vided with new type and machinery of the latestand most approved pattern, and having a largeand carefully selected stock of cards, envelopesand papers of ali qualities, THE NEWS Job Office tsnow prepared to fill orders for every descriptionof plain and ornamental printing ia the very best

manner, and at rates at least as. low as any otherestablishment in the Southern States. Call at

THE NEWS building (rip-stairs) and examine our

scale of prices and specimens of our work.

FIKHMEX'S COCKTKSIKS.-The Sunday Mer¬cury, of Philadelphia, says: "At a stated meetingof the Weecacoe Steam Fire Engine Company, No.19, held on Wednesday evening, 1st instant, thecompany were the recipients of a handsome andtasteful engraving, beautBully framed, of the Pal¬metto Steam Fire Engine Company, of Charles¬ton, S.C.^ The engraving was presented on be¬hau- of the Palmetto boys throngh their esteemed

president, Hugh Ferguson, Bsq., by E. D. Wood-

raff, Jr., a member of the Weecacoe. and was re¬

ceived with warm thanks by the latter company.Resolutions appropriate to thc occasion, and ex¬

pressive of their obligation for the kindness ami

brotherly sympathy of the Palmetto, were passídunanimously and entered on the minutes."

"A GROSS INDIGNITY TO SOBTH CAROLINASBNATOHS.''-Under .nts heading the Radical pa¬per in Richmond, Va.^ays: "A gross outragewas perpet rated on the Otb instant at Clover HUIStation, on the Danville- Railroad, by the authori¬ties of that road, by ejecting from the cars threecolored State senators from South Carolina, andtreating them to Indignities. I nit ed States Sena¬tors Sawyer and Robertson and several membersof Congress from South Carolina, on their wayto Congress, were accompanied by three Statesenators or the same State, highly respectableoolored men, all bright mulattoes. Ttie&e latter

purchased first class tlcfceu at Columbia,and rode la a first class car through the re¬

constructed States of South and North caro¬

lina, without molestation ; but when they reachedthe Virginia line their troubles began. At Dan¬ville they were ordered ont of the ilrst-cla.>s car,but refused to leave it. There w^s a good deal ofexcitement, and no effort was at onco mad< to

eject them. On reaching Clover Hill Btatlou,however, two of them happened to get out to

obtain refreshments, and whoa they would haveentered again were refused admittance, andforced to take their places in a common cur. Thethird, Senator Wright, was tlieu ordered out, butpersisted la retaining his seat. At Clover Sta¬

tion, however, hy order of President Buford, oarinformant says, he was forcibly ami roaghlyejected, amid great confusion and excitement,and much to the Indignation of thc South Caro¬lina senators and members, lt is said there was

a lively time on board tho train." This is posi¬tively too bad. The Old D jmlnion uodls recou-


A GREAT BILÍ. TO-NIGHT AT THE ACADEMY.-Manager Ford has certainly discovered the secretof how to draw crowded houses here: "mt whetherlt consists In the winning ways of thc witchingSisters who have already turned Hie heads of allyoung Charleston, or whether lt lies In thc inerra¬ble drollery or lll3hop. wi.3 makes the old a3 wellas young laugh untd the/ cry, is a point whichthe discriminating public must decide for itself.Whatever the attraction, the Academy-par¬quette, galleries and boxes-was again crowdedlast night, and enjoyment was written on everyface in the eager throng. Fra Diavolo. like everyburlesque that the company has as yet presented,was charmingly rendered-thc fair Bianche, Intop-boots, making so bright and taking a brigandthat the whole audience became her ^il'irig cap¬tives. A banjo solo .'rom : he sprite, little l-.'iU waa

applauded to the coho.And t!:cn there was i'.:<:<\ -firstBeppo and

then as Madam-.: Vanderpants-and as everybc Ijdid nothing bul lauîu while Bishop -T.ÍS "i sight,and as it ls Impossible to describe Ids Inagitableappcarar.ee, we ixrtirar. aid advise our readersby all means to see us ina.m ot Bishop as possible,If they would drive àu'.l curt- away.

.IThc Chapman Sisters aro to have tuelr jeneUl

this evening, and we uro sure that thc announce¬

ment will be enoQgh to crowd the Academy to its

utmost capacity. By far tah best bill of thc sea¬

son is to be presented, including Bucicstone's cap-ital comedy, "The Pet of the Petticoats," togct ne¬witt the classical burlesque of Lsion, which was

so splendidly produced on Mouday last. The

Sisters, as well aa Mr. Bishop, appear ia both

pieces, and we caa safely promise our readers arare treat.We have already alluded to tho ancestral claims

which the fair toneaclariee onjoy to oar oouside-ration. Fifty years ago their maternal grand¬mother, the famous Mrs. A. Brake, was the tragicqneen of the American s ¡age, and was ari especialfavorite of the Charleston audiences of thar. day.Their grandfather was the eminent actor, Sam

Chapman, who married a daughter of the tirstJefferson. And whoever bus seen the charmingyoung actresses must admit that their personalmerits in nowise anbeseem their histrionic lineage.Let them have a house to-night which will givethem m the futuro pleasant recollée:.oas or theirreception and substantial appreciation by the cit¬izens of Charleston."Aladdin" wlK be presented at the matinee

to-morrow-a glorious sight for the children.

LUNCH at Torck's "Our Houao" to-day Trillconsist of oyster soup, bolled mutton, with capersauce, boUed rockash and the trimmings.

Hotel Arrivals-December 9.


F. E. Baker, South Santce; A. Getty, City;w. Butler, Edgefleldt J. S. Asher, Albany, Ga.; T.Burwell Oreen. United States Army; W. B. Shaw,New York; Walter Blake, Savannah: J. E. Harri¬son. Anderson: T. E. Rngzles, Mrs. T. E. Buggiesand child, Boston; Mrs. Marpell and ehild, Massa¬chusetts: W. Burtou Alexander. England; C. D.Kendall. Beaufort; J. C. Gillett, Georgia; O. M.Sadler, K. L. Singletary, South Carolina; E. B.

Branson. Jr., Darlington: E. G. Kirhy. New York:C. Holmes, 9. Holmes, United States Army;H. W.

Bradbury. J. W. Bradbury, Jr., Marion: J. AllenDuncan. Vf. <). Clark, Barnwell: J. H. Miller, Mrs.J. H. Miller. August;.; Philip Epstin, Gadsden's;W. I!. Wesson, Daniel E. Fltchett and son. NorthCarolina.


E. W. Powers, J. C. Dupre. Florida: J. H. Black-

man, C. and D. Railroad: L. W. Kennedy, Oliver

Hewitt, Barnwell: John F. Nully. Oratigeburg: M.

L. Coloy, Barnwell: J. A. Carey, Augusta: Thog.C. Andrews, Master J. C. Andrews, Orangebnra:J. W. Laold. Wlansooro; J. S. TidweU, Fairfield:J. B. Lassalm. Sout'i Carolina: AV. s. McDonald.Sumter; T. P. Harris, Tinimonsville: P. A. Eman¬uel. K:awah; David Hart and wife, Washington:E. H. Casque, W. J. M. Lee. Leesville.

MILLS no?EL.F J. Darlington, s. P. Darlington, West Chester;

H. C. Francis and lady, J. B. S. Huggins, PhUa-delphla; A. S. Sylvester, New York; .1. P. South¬

ern, Columbia: S. Dudley RIK?, Philadelphia:Henry Le.vis. Now York; Wrn. Hacker. Philadcl-Wm. J. Eames, C. T. Sloan. New York: Eda Sew-BU, Botheny; C. N. Herbert, City: C. n. William*.

T. S. Atley, St. Louis; J. B. Potter. 15.-ton; C. T.

Aldrich, New York.


MILLER'S ALMANAC for 1 s 70 now ready.For sale at Fogartie's Book Depository, and at A.

M. Williams ft Brother, publishers. No. 9 Broadstreet, up stairs. Single copies Ten Cents. Libe¬

ral discount to the trade. decio

For. Tua HOLIDAYS.-Cheap chromos, fine

¡¡Lotographs, handsome picture frames, a largestock of albums-cheaper than the cheapest. At

C. C. Righter'*, No. 101 King street.

BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Officeis now prepared to furnish good envelopes, withbusiness curds printed thereon, at $4 per thous¬

and. Send your orders. Every merchant and

business man should have his card printed on his


CDbUnarrj.MORRIS.-Died, on the 25th November, at the

residence of her daughter. Mrs. Peter A. Porter,ar Niagara Falls, in the 5T:!i year of her age.MARIA EVANS MORRIS, widow or the late Geoa-eW. Morris, of South Carolina, and only daughteror Colonel Joseph Whaler, of this city.

.funeral Notices.tt--THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT¬

ANCES of Mrs. Miriam L. Cohen and ramily, andof Mrs. isabel DeLeon auû family, are invited to

attend th? Puñera! or Mrs. COHEN, at 10 o'clockTULS MORNINO, rrotn the residence of her brother,H.H. DeLeon, comer of Wcntworlh and Smithstreets, decio

¿39-TJJE RELATIVES, FRIENDS ANDacquaintances of Mr. EDWARD and Mrs. Sarah E.SMITH and ramily, are invited to attend theFuneral or the ronner, a; fae Second PresbyterianChurch, Tin« AITELSOON, at hair-past 4 o'clock,


Special Notices.

Pp£r NOTICE.-BY VIRTUE OF ANorder made by the Judge of thc First Circuit,dated the 1st December, 1SG9, notice is herebygiveu to all Trustees and Guardians whose Bonds«.ere taken by the rormcr Masters ia Equity rorthis County, to rome in and vouch their accountsberore mc ou or berore the loth January next,otherwise they will bc reported lu deranlt.

JAMES W. GRAY, Special P.ercree,«I rio f3 Oiriee Courthouse.

PST STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,LEXINGTON COUNTY-In Probate Court-Exparte JAMES INABINET and JURIAH E. INABI-NET-Petition for Partition or RealBatate.-lt ap¬pearing to Wie satisraction of the Court thatCAROLINE, ISABELLA, JURIAH and JOHNGBUERS, four of the defendants in the above en¬

titled case, are residents out or and beyond thelimits or tltis State, on motion or Messrs. DETRBT-ILLE ft SlSTUUKK Tor the petitioners: lt is ordered,that the said ISAHELLA, JURIAH, CAROLINEand JOHN GBUERä, do appear, plead, answer or

demur to the said petition within forty days lrointhc publication ot this order; ami in deranltthereof a Judgment :JTU con/fessowUl be enteredagainst them. ADAMEFIRD,novio fl3 Judtre nf Probate. L. C.

p£r SOUTH CAROLINA. BEAUFORTCOUNTY.-In Equity.-VT. F. DUTSON, Trustee,vs. P. 0. CRADDOCK, rt al.-Bill for Foreclosureand Sale.-lt appearing to my satisfaction thatP.O. CRADDOCK arid W. R. MALLON, partiesdefendant tn this case, are absent rrotn and re¬

side beyond the Ilmita or this state, it ls ordered,on motion ol' Messrs. Coioock ft Dutson, com¬

plainant's solicitors, that they do appear and

plead: answerer demur to thia said bill, withinforty do) days rr.mi the date or this order, or thesaul !>UI will be taken against them pro confesso.

H. C. JUD!'.C. C. P. a:i 1 Ex. 02. Register Cour: cf Equity for

Beaufort County.December 7. letft). declO.20,30 janP.ii

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Ihereby give notice io the Kindred and Creditorsof JOHN BELL, late ol' CoIIcton County, deceased.Shat I will apply to tho Judge or Probate for CoI¬Icton County, on the loth day of January, 1870,Io- a lina! discharge as Administrator of said Es-

WM. S. MINUS,.cia rtulmo*


2 5- MILHAU'S GOLDEN COD LIVEROl!..-With Hypo-phosphite or Lime, a great Im¬

provement; made with the best oil known, itunites efficacy with pleasant ilavor and easy di¬

gestibility. Sold by all respectable druggists.J. MILHAU'S SONS, No. 133 Broadway,

dcc'.O ftulmo New York.

JBaT* CONSIGNEES TER SCHOONERW. B. MANN will remove their Goods promptlyTuts DAY, at Brown's wharf, or pay the expenseof Storage, ftc. All claims mus; be made on

Wharf. WILLIAM ROACH A CO.dec!')


fSf CONSIGNERS' NOTICE.-MER¬CHANTS' LUCE.-Schooner B. N. HAWKINS wmdischarge Cargo Ta.s DAY, a; Adger'a Wharf.Consignees will remove Goods before sunset or

pay the penalties. No claims allowed after goodsare removed. WM. ROACH i CO.deciu l

fST CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIPCHARLESTON are notiüed tia: site is dischargingcargo at Adger'a South Wharf. Goods remainingon '.he wharf at sunset wll be ut owners' risk.

JAMES AUGER ft CO..decía i Arrant*.

¡ONSIG SEES PER S T E A ME RFALCON, from Baltimore, are hereby notifiedthat sim w THLN DAY discharging cargo a'. PierNo. I. Union Wharves. Ail goods not. taken

away at sunset will remain on wharf at cou-

signées' risk. MORDECAI ft CO,deolO 2 Agents.

^'SHIPPERS PER STEAMERS DIC¬TATOR, CITY POINT and PILOT BOY arc herebynotified itiat no freight will bc received after sun¬

set on the days of 'heir sailing.dec» i. I). AIKEN ¿ O*'-., Agent«.


NOTA : E. -J. N. M. WOH LTMAN ÑTor thc present occupies tiie store or Messrs.FARRAR BRO., corner East Lay and Cumberlandstreets, and will bc picaoed to see lils rrieuds.novLi_7it-PE0PLE'S BANK OF SOUTH

C A R O L1 NA.- CHARLESTON, NOVEMBER 30,1809.-This Bank having resumed business, is now

prepared to redeem Its outstanding bills.

By order. JAS. S. GIBBES.dec2 President.


LIST OF LETTEnS remaining in the Postoffleent Charleston, for the week ending December 9,1S09. and printed officially in TUB DAILY NBWS,aa the newspaper having the largest eircnlatiouIn the City of Charleston.S3- Persons calling for Letters Advertised,

should state that they are "Advertised."jcs- Orllce hours from 8 A. M. to cyt P. M. On

Sundays, from &X to C}< r. M.STANLEY C. TROTT. Postmaster.


Alston. Miss H (Duncan, Miss AiMullian. MrsAlston. Mrs Ce-] J Nellie

lia Elie. Miss Ann [O-Donehoe, MrsAlston, Mrs M J Evans, Mrs Sll-I SusmAngel, Miss Hes-I via ¡OCready. Miss

ter Feriek, Mrs Rc- CatherineAorry. Mr3 Mar-! becca O'Neil, Mrs Ceogaret Firzsiinons, Mrs O'Lston, Mrs

Arnett, Chris- O P Hattietina (French. Mrs M Owens, Mrs L K

Usu, Hatty Oorhen. Mrs M Pelkis, MissBrowne, Mrs A iGreen, Miss S Di Louisa

H IGereke, Mrs Cat- Perrv, Mrs Sa-Browue, Mrs- rina I radLaura ¡Garrett. MlssiPerroneau, Miss

Bailey, M i s sj Carry L WEmma iGaunon. Miss M'Peauchereau,

P.areino, Mrs J j A I Mrs JBahntge, MlssfGebSon, M r s Phillips, Mr3 Re-Sophia Sarah becca

Renjt-r, Miss M Guiem,MrsPcg-.Pickens. MrsARy Jane

Beaufort, Miss Gray, Miss Mat- Powers, Mrs MMaggie He Ramsey. Mrs

Blocker. Hrs CGrimbaUj Miss LizzieW OM Rivers. Mrs

Blaeklage, Mrs Grimball. Mrs KlizaCJ i Thomas i Rivers. Mrs M J

I.laiik-. Miss H Hays. Mrs Della"Robinson, MrsM I Hall, Mrs Aun Marr

Boland, Mrs S A« Heat h, Mrs A BjRope, Mrs FBonner. Miss Ljllensun, Mrs G Rollinson, Julia

CI O Robinson, MissBr»an, Mrs H C!Heath,- LanaBrooks, Mrs A C Hill, Miss Nelly- Simmons, MissBravbov, Mrs am Marv

ll* Honestin, Mrs Smith, Mrs Fora

Burton, Miss SW Smith, MissLilly Holmes, Mrs Kate

Burkiev. Miss William ¡Sanders, Miss SAmelia Holmes, Mrs M O'

Bnover, M r s' E Scott, Mrs Si-Eüza Johnson. Mrs E rah

Bulwiukle. Mrs Jenklns,Mrs K E'Seymour, SueF Jones. Mrs E 0 TjShephard, Catii-

Bourke, Miss Jervey, Mrs Josi rmeKateC Sheller, Mrs Su-

Cart, Miss Lau- King. M i s sj sanraMary Stewart, Mrs

easton. Mrs B J King, Mrs Mar- LizzieCunimet, Miss Ll tim Swinton. MrsM ¡Kirby, Miss! Mary

Cameron. Mrs Mary ¡Taylor, M19S LM Leepe, Mrs M J c

Cant, Miss Lau- Lere, Mrs Caro-Terry, Mrs PollyraHue Templeton, Mrs

Capers, Mrs B Lehre, Mrs SC AnnCarsten, M r s Loise, Mrs Chas Tobias, Mrs JoeWilliam Loyal, Mrs L C Turner, Miss

Caben. Belle Long, Mrs S C Hattiefastens, Mrs C Lucas.Mís» Kate|Whitty. Mrs N

H Miles, Mrs E Li Ward, Mrs An-Campbell, MrsjMarke, Miss A net.

JJ ¡Mare, Jennie jWav. Miss MLCliapin. Mrs S FiMaxwell, Mis* Wagner, MrsChandler, Miss Annie Lottie

CM Mack, Mrs M ¡Williams, Mrs ACoulen. Mrs E Mehrtcns, Misa Williams, MrsCosgrove, Miss C Lotus.

K Milos, Mrs M Williams, MisaCochran, Miss S Miles, Mary LizzieCrawford, Mrs Middleton. Mrs William/. Miss

AA Maggiecraig. Mrs C T Middleton, Mrs Wrlzru, Mrs OCartis, Miss Jas E ADays, Mrs Hes-Murphy, Mri Walker, Mrs

ter Mulligan,- Laura¡iraké, M r BlMniUngS, Miss Webers, Miss AMarv A Weston, Mrs P

Daly, Mrs Mulcahy. Cath-'Whealdmg, MrsDerigors, Mrs Ml rine SDixon, DlanuabJMurphy, Mrs J ¡wing, MissMag-Dowling, Mrs MjMcEvpary, Miss glyA I HM.


Ackerman, lillis, E E Reed, Geo MJumes ¡Hobson, Jas N llueves. Rev I) M

Adams B C iioffman, A J Reynolds, p,Ahl, Daniel [Holmes, J B Reynolds, Juo EAlbert, A J ¡Hook, Jwliu Itichard, J 0Alexander, . Howard, ste- Richardson,James pheu A | Lick

Alsdike, Mr Howland, John;Richmond. GeoAlston. JG SAAnderson. Ed- Huguiuia, Capt:Rigby, Wm B

wardTA Robinson, 1st-Arnold, William Hunt, John G \ doreArndt, Louis Hunter, John WíRogers, Col .inoliagot. R A Hutson, Daniel ABee. Richaid Irwin. James .Savage. Sara! SBlrues, D Jackson, Stone-Sanders, Law-Bludworth, A Cl wall renee WBoyd, D A iJerrerson, C F Sanders, R .1Brown, George werrey, LS Scriven, JohnBunlges, Wm Johnston, F L Sclmackeuberg,Büggeln, John Johnsou, C T DiedrichBull. E L Johnson, C Seeberger, Au-Buck, John W Jones, Assy gustCostello, R R uoues, A J Seaworlous, AI-Cuutpbtll, Jesse Ikelly. Wai i iredChlsoiiu. Robert Klinmey, Jas B Shaw, Jonathan

(colored) Kiddie, BcnJ B tólirelgh. HenryCleapor, Phillip King, Tom fsinkler. Wm

W iKiug. A C siuiniumt, i'riceClear, M 'Klarreu, J M ACollins, (leo A Kitirrou, P W Simmons, PlisiaComstock. Har- Knight. Charles A

ry Kueuler, Ser- Skinner. Joan RConnery, Mau- gcaut M

rice Huck. Fraua ¿lawson, Clar-Cook, Henry A LaCostc, Sam euee LCoggin, Wm Lusage, Wm (Smith, SimsonCou*. Charles P Largcwood. W BlSmlth, FranklinDonel, Waac- Lee, Edwardo [Small,Jackimrton Lcwltu, TH Span, .lackey

Davulaon, n M Leave, Kev Ja- stein. Alex I)

Davis, W R cob (Stewart, JosephDavis, TA Lippincott, Chasjsirauaa, HenryDavis, Wtu ¡i.oüg, A K [stringfellow, w

Davenport, E Li Lockwood, W Hi RDawson, Cl' ILounge, Clvousjsi afford, Eat-Dawson, Dr. Ed-jM U T » meltward [Madeura, Robt [sterling, BJ

Deliay, Wm [Morant. Tims sterling, ADock, John Martin, EdwardtSulllvan, JohnDouglas, Henry!Mathews, s M sullivan, lionDrei er. biedrlchlMay, James ll Tilos ADugan, Patrick; Mayo, Maj R G Tavcl, EDurcc. /MauneC Meier, ..'omi F iT^iomat, HenryDumphey, Mi- 'Miles, Tommy Tl Achad


Mlkell, liam:;- ¡Thompson,Dunn, R ton MorseDiwkins, Gen Miller, Wm mudall, RWEdwards, lien-Mienal, BW Tinsley, Tho.«ry B Melusin, AS |Tlerney,Michael

Ellie, isidor Mlshaw, LoulsiTorner, CharlesEUiou, TO <> ¡Trade.Evans, .ixsper Mitchell, JamealTrapler, E sFagan. Denis Moloney, Martin Tully, G itPanier, A Poster Munroe. John Wagner. LeviFees. Geo ¡Moore, Willie R [Walker, JohnFischer, Mr (S?|Mooro, berkley Walsh. Pe*cr

Eas) BayJ W Waring à. tilia-Plnnegau, Bob-lMorrls, Rlcliard onaerr ii IMonitt, Henry Ward, Daniel

Ford. Rev Jas T McDowell, l. T \V ird, TonvFripp. Wm McFenoa, An-Waring, WHBrazer, Albert I drew Warren, John BFrazer, SM McFailin, Simon BGaillard, samWMcEntyre, ll C | Warren, WW

E McMUlan. Taos Washington,Gaillard. J A ¡ J ' BasinGoldscbmidt, MeLeigh, Win (¿Washington,Aaron [McXeal, V Blakely

Cosryin, Mu-r.ne. .Nei-m. .¡ames Webb, Mr (boatGoban;'.', ita- tXipson, Francis! buUder)mou S F li IWebb, S

Graves,CaptGeo'Nlncles, Prank 'Weimer, J D I)E (Nolan, John ¡Wentworth,

Gray, R P .North, C C Chas B(¡ros, Isidore lö'Briau, Mr [Wetherhorn.Glumly. L .O'Donnell, Thos SlgmondGrumme. WA O'Leary. DanleljWbite. Wm (col)Güttin, Hon L P Parham, Franki White, James EGutierres, Yic-JPatteraoa, Jolin(Wiermann, K

cmteI E Wiikev, JamesHagood, w R [Patterson, Jas Williams, L JIlaini. Johauu W Williams, PeterBanes, Prank [PincSncy, E Willis, SamuelMHanlon. John [Potter, J Jack- Winter, SamuelHansen, Peler son i AHawkin-«, i : M Purcell. James Wood. HenryBuzzard, Maj E Randell. J Ycacts, Henryw Ransom, Nclnoii Yeadon, H W

Heath, A B [RosWad A Co. Yeadon, Henryllcckt, Charles Rayfiw, ¿ames Ziegler, fleuryHey wald, Ja* E' L |.

r.v' Perseus dciioslting letters In the Poetottlcewill please place the stamp near the upper ruinhand comer of the envelope, and they wilt alauplease to reinem mr that Without liic stamp :. let¬ter cannot, be mailed, bar. will be sent to the DeadLetter Office.


Chariostoa, s. C.,



win attend io Renting and Collecting of Rentsand purchase arid sale of Stacks, Bonds. Gold,Silver and Real Estate).

ALS./,To tho Purchase ol' Good*/ and Supplies Ix par¬

ties In the oountry upon reasonable terms.CEOUUii L. HOLMES.AI^J-ANOtiU ÖIACBÜTH.jaul lvr

Ç\ H A R L B S HICKEY",G 7 L D B R ,


No. 345 KING STRHBT,Charleston, S. C.

OM Framas Regilt equal to nev/. I/joking-glasses ol' ali sizes fitted to Frames.Jost received, an assortment of Une Chromos

and Engravings. decs w fia Jiu on


R o o K L T K



Issues alt kinds or Lile and Endowment Pull-

cics. Dividends annually In cash. Only Com¬

pany having the Definite Guaranteed Surrender-Value Plan Policies, world-wide. Second to no

Company In the United States lor stability, Ube-

rallty and economy.Office No. 141 Broadway, New York.

CHRISTIAN W. BUCK, President.WILLIAM M. COLE, Secretary.State Agency No. 35 Broad-street, second rioor.

Local and Canvassing Agents wanted through¬out the State.

Apply In person or by letter toJAMBS G. HOLMES, JR.,

General Agent ror South Carolina.julylS mwremos




President, ROBERT L. CASE; vice-President, THBO."R. WHETIIOKK; Secretary. ISAAC U. ALLEN.

General Agent for South Carolina. W. HCTSONTOWNSEND, Aiken.


Assets, December 31, 1868.$1,854,570 00Amount insured in 1868.11,561,389 00Claimspaid. 143.53J0O

No restrictions ou IravcL Only sound lives In¬sured.Loan or portion or premium allowed when de¬

sired.Dividends declared annually. Last Dividend 50

per cent.All forms or Life and Endowment Policy issned.Attention is especially invited to the fen Year

Nou-Forrelture and thc Return Premium plans.Insurance by the latter costs Ute policy-holder

ONLY TIIK INTEREST OTON IIIS ANNUAL PREMIUMS,ror the Premiums themselves are returned atdeath In addition to the tull amouut or the Policy.This Company is chartered under the Laws or

the State or New York, and lt Invites the closestscrutiny Into its condition as exhibited In oillcialreports of Insurance Departments of New Yorkand Massachusetts.SPECIAL AGENTS IN THE STATE AT LAR/JE.-A. J



Dr. W. M. FITCH, Medical Examiner.. LOUIS SHERFESEE,

Agent for Charleston. S. C..OFFICE No. 40 »ROAD STREET. (Second Floor.)nov22 13

fjoviicalture, Agriculture, £"c


Por sale at Retail and nt Low PHIUES,


All or which is of very recent importation«;, se¬lected personally by Mr. Hint?, principally fromthe MeHsrs. Landreth's of Philadelphia, for thismarket. The stock consists ol' the best and mostchoiceCABBAGE SEEDS, cf all kinds,Tomato Seeds,Guinea and Heston Squash Seeds,Turnip and Ruta Baga Seeds.Peas. Parsnip and Carrot Seeds,Karly and Sweet Corn Seeds,And all other kinds, common to Southern cli¬


PLOUGHS, Hoes, Spades and every varioty orGarden and Farm Implements, ou the mest Im¬proved patterns.


A ISO,WHEELBARROWS and HARROWS.At tho Store, No. 353 west side or King, below

George street, and known tor the last rorty years as


CEO. RING CHOLWELL,ilec4 1 mwfl2 Administrator.

FShirts ano fnrnisrjing töooüs.RESH ARRIVALS!LATEST STYLES !



8S S


s sS


SCOTT'S SSSSSSSS s s s s s s s


S T O 0 R D E R . SS S

S- S








35 H ¡Ga * Hta

_ 3 s * a

ut * % = e «

u I i = I ?? a?d PH 3a _ S 1 >

« 55 % g S a"

ra H e - .rir t S I a «* sa » « r- t: >

2 ta 53 ~ 3

5 J* a0 NE PRICE

nov 22

öaöolea ana fiarness.



Wholesale and Retail Dealer« in






No. 27 BROAD STREET,Charleston, S. C.

RlPSBSarcCS.-Bon. HENRY BUIST. W. J. MA¬CKATI!, Esq., General JAMES CONNER, T. R.WARING, Esq. 0ct4



Ton lett dcm dere fritters.

Sal, gal, stop dat clatter,I'se mies de SOLOMON BITTERS »

For sale at RAOUL A LYNAH.dec2

Q-H, 0-H, LORD, 0-H









-fuñen ©ooos, Ut.


Have for the Holidays a rich assortment of




And a variety or Fancy Silver for the Holidays,FOB SALE BY

WILLIAM 0. WHILDEN A CO..No. 255 King Street, corner Beaufaln.decs



WILLIAM G. WHILDEN A CO.,No. 255 King Street, corner Beaufain.deco


DECANTERS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES,Cordials, Finger Bowls, Tumblers and Goblets,


No. 255 King Street, corner Beaufaln.dec6_


LEATHER RETICULES, TRAVELLING BAGS,Purses, Pocketbooks and Portemonnaies, suitable

for Christmas Presents, atNo. 255 RING STREET, CORNER BEAUFAIN.deco


Brooches, Earrings, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ac,FOB SALE DY

WILLIAM G. WHILDEN k CO.,No. 255 King Street, corner Beaufaln.deco


Castors, Caps, Strawberry Dishes, Ac, Ac,ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT

WILLIAM G. WHILDEN A CO.'S,No. 255 King Street, corner Beaufain.decs_


Once said il we only knew where the residentcitizens made their purchases there we should getwell served. To such we offer

A DIRECTORY.Thc ladies who desire the latest styles of fash¬

ionable Head Dressing, curls Chignons orBraids, Go to M. A A ASHTON.

The gentlemen who desire to be presentable inAdonis attire, for Wigs,

Go to M. A A. ASHTON.Ali who desire the best German Colognes,

Go to M. A A. ASHTON.For Diadem or Coronal Combs, all

Go to M. A A. ASHTON.Those who require thc best Extracts,

Go to M. A A. ASHTON.Every ose who desires good Hair Brushes or

Combs, Go to M. A A. ASHTON.Of necessity all who require a good Tooth

Brush, Go to M. A A. ASHTON.For genuine Talc de Venis, all must

Go to M. A A. ASHTON.For Hair Dyes and Regenerators, nearly all

Go to M. St A. ASHTON.In fact, nil who require genuine goods from the

following houses :Society Uyglenlquc, 1 . Bailey's, 1 .

Labln's, .£ Atkinson's, 5Cowdray's, « Gosnell's, -z

Piver, * \x Lowe A Sons, > §Guerlain. O Yardley,-5Henry A Dennison, J Rowlands A Sons, >-

fGowlaud, J °As also, Venis Goods in their lino from every

reputable manufacturer in uie States,Go to M. A A. ASHTON,

No. 240 King street,Five doors rrom Market street,

novi mwfSmoa





This article LS mannractnred at Um Company'sWorks under thc direction and superintendenceor Or. RAVENEL. It contains the samo elements

or rertdity as Soluble Paclilc Ouano, except that

it is not furnished with ammonia. It is preparedexpressly for composting with cotton seed, whioh

raralsbcs tho element or ammonia-the object be¬

ing to render that side-product or the plantationavailable to thc highest degree aa an element or

fertility.$45 cash, or $50 on 1st November, 1870, for ap¬

proved city acceptance or other good security.For further, and particular Information, apply

to the undersigned,J. N. ROBSON,

Agent ror South Carolina,Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf.JOHN. S. REES^A 00.,General Agents Ualümore.

octa, winninowie

v£ailoring, Ut.



? J a .v r S H I N G GOODS.

MBNKE A MULLKR,No. iii EC I tr ff ii ri: HST,

Thr»;e Doors below Liberty street.

Haverts*, received and opened a law and lineüíiítortinont of Men's Youths' aad Boy's CLOTH¬ING, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac. Consisting ofElegant OVERCOATS, Business and Dress Stilts,Whlto and Colored Shirts, Underwear Goods, Ac,English and Domestic Half Hose, Alexander'sand Couvb>lcr's Kid Gloves, Buckskin, Doeskin,'taJftikln: Glotl:, Cassi mere, Tweed; Silk andThre-¿¿j Cloves, Limn aud Paper Collars, Cravats,Nock Ties, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders,Umbrellas, Ac.Alao, a lanre and well assorted stock of BROAD¬

CLOTH, CASSI MK lil'., DOESKIN, BBAVKRCl.GTli, Ac, a U.rge variety or thc new style PanHand Vest Patterns, which wc otfer to Bell by piece,yard or pattern, or malto np lato garments bynv asure, In the latest styles.our stock has been selected with great oare,

and prices marked very low, In plain ligures.Eelng oonfldent that we oan oter inducements

iinequaBed by any other house, we solicit buyersin our line to -rive us a call before purchasingelsswhere.

All orders will receivo our prompt and verycareful attention.Entire satisfaction ls guaranteed,octa mwDmos

Unction Sales--(Elus Slag.



TU LS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will sell at ay-Store, oorner of King and Liberty streets,90 cases BOOTS and SHOES, fresh stock,

CONSISTING OF:Cases Ladies' Fine Lasting CONGRESSCases Ladies' Goat and Kid Polish BootsCases Women's Gdat and Brui BooteesCases Men's Calf, Kip i>:.d Wax BrogansCases Men's Calf an j Kip BalmoralsCases Men's Cali, Creole and G. T. CongressCases Mer.'3 Kip and Grain BootsCases Men's Kip Ploughman's ShoesCases Boys* Cair Congress and BalmoralsCartoons Misses' and Children's Saoes, various

styles25 cases, 150 dozen, Men's and 3oys' Wool and

Felt Hats._ dec.10

By WM. McKAY,No. 136 Meeting Street.



At 10 o'clock THIS DAY (Friday.)ALSO,

Household FÜRNITERE, Chairs and Sundries,saved from the late tire on East Bay. declO

Unction Soles--iutnre Etona.



Pursuant to the order of his nonor Judge Bryan,dated 24tU November, 1869, will be sold at pub¬lic auction, at twb old Postornce, at ll o'clock,on FRIDAY, nth instant,All that TRACT OF LAND, sltnate, lying and

being on the north side of the public road leadingfrom Charleston to the Ashley River Ferry, in theParish of St. Andrew, in the State aforesaid, con¬taining 75>i acres; and also, a small TRACT OPLAND on the northern boundary of the abovetract, and incorporated with it as one tract;bounding north and east on Lands now or late of-nowaid, south on Dorchester Road, west onLands now or late of- Beckman, and north¬west on Land now or late of Rev. P. O'NeüT.The above Farm Hes on thc Dorchester Road, a

short distance above the Fork, about seven milesfrom the city. Aplat of the property, made byJ. A. Michel, surveyor, may be seen at my omeo.Conditions-One-third cash: balance tn one and

two years, with Interest at 7 per cent., securedby bond of purchaser and mortgage. of the pro-property, to contain power of sale in case of non¬payment. Purchaser to pay for papers and

stamps. dec2 tlismwfmwtlifO




Will be sold at Private Sale that elegant HOUSEat the corner ot Blake and Drake streets, with ailthe surrounding garden and spacious grounds.This is one of the most complete and beautiful

establishments in Charleston, commanding a fineview of the harbor, and embracing a large extentof grounds, thickly set with tree3 of every de¬scription, forest, fruit and flowers, all selectedand disposed with thc utmost care and taste.Thc House ls large and commodious, containingfourteen rooms, admirably arranged, with doublepiazzas on thc south, with a One large Kitchenand all other necessary outbuildings.

In addition to this, there is another DwellingHouse on the premises, situate on thc northeastcorner, suitable for a small family.The Lot measures four hundred («WO) feet front

on Drake street by about two huudredand eighty(jso) feet in depth" on Blake street.To any person wishing to establish himself in

a handsome residence, with a fine garden andspacious walks ami grounds, the above propertypresentó a rare opportunity.

ALSO,A body of MARSH LAND, oa the east of Bay

street, separated from the above property by Baystreet, embracing six hundred (6tvj) feet fromnorth to south by three hundred (300) feet fromeast to west, on the west side of the NortheasternRailroad. Also, another body of Marsh Land,lying cast of said road, containing - feet.For further particulars and terms apply to

WARDLAW it CAREW.Purchasers to pay W. & C. for papers. »decs wf


On TUESDAY, the 21st proximo, at the Courthouse,In Georgetown. S. C., at 12 o'clock M., will besold at Public Auction,All that valuable PLANTATION known as Lark

Hill, late thc property of Mrs. Eliza F. Heriot,situated on Black River, in Georgetown County,containing 91K acres of Swamp Land, most ofwhich is now under cultivation, and 753 acres ofHigh Land, be thc same more or less.Terms or Sale-One-third cash; balance In one,

two and three years, secured by bonds and mort¬gage of the property. Purchaser to pay for pa¬pers and stamps. Possession given on first Janu¬ary, 1370. EDWARD N. THURSTON,

Qualified Executor of Eliza M. Heriot.deel ws6_'j^EFEREE'S SALE.

By virtue of a decree of the Court of CommonPleas, for thc Fourth Circuit of the State ofSouth Carolina, silting In Equity in the case ofMorris K. Jesu p. ct al. vs. the Wilmington andManchester ltuilruad Company, ct ul, will besold at Public Auction, at the door of the Court¬house in Wilmington, In the stateof North Caro¬lina, at ll o'clock A. M., on WEDNESDAY, th«5thdav of January, 1S70,All that portion of the WILMINGTON AND

MANCHESTER RAILROAD which lies within theState of South Carolina, with all the' ROLLINGSTOCK, Equipments, Depots, Workshops, Materi¬als, and cvcrytldng pertainm; thereunto, to¬gether with all the rights, privileges, franchisesand appurtenances, as set forth and moro particu¬larly described in the several mortgages men¬tioned m "the proceedings.Thc terms or the sale are cash; the bonds of the

Company secured by the mortgages mentionedin tin- report ol' the special referee, and flied inthe case, to be accepted from thc purchaser prorata as part payment in thc order of priority es¬tablished by the report; provided that the samerateable proportion of cx<ii be paid in for theother bonds ot' the same grade of priority not Inthc hands of the purchaser: and provided, also,that sutUctenr cash be paid tn to cover costa,charges and expenses of sale; the purchaser alsoto pay for papers. W. ALSTON PRINGLE,

Spccl.il Referee.Charleston, loth November, WM.

c 0 M M I S S I 0 N E R ' S SALE.

By virtue of a decree Of the Court of Equity ofthe County of New Hanover, of the State ofNorth Carolin», in the case of Morris K. Jesup,et al, vs. the Wilmington and Manchester Rail¬road Company, et ai, Michael Cronley, Commis¬sioner, duly appointed by the Court, will sell atPublic Anctioi;, at thc door ol'the Courthouse,in Wilmington, in thc State of North Carolina,nt ll o'clock, A. M., on WEDNESDAY, the 5thday of January. 1870,All that portion of the WILMINGTON AND MAN-

CHESTER RAILROAD which Iles within thc Stateof North Carolina, with all the rolling stock, equip¬ments, depots, workshops, materials and every¬thing thereunto pertaining, together with all therights, privileges, fratichLses and appurtenances,as set forth ami more particularly described intho several mortgages mentioned in thc pro¬ceedings.Terms of sale are ash.The bonds ol thc sold Company, scoured by rho

three Drat mortgages, to wit: The mortgage toEdward Sandford, dated May l. 1*51; the secondmortgage to Edward Sandford, dated March l,liîj, and fue mortgago to George W. Dargan,iia::d the IStii of April, 1855. shall be accepted infull :i* part payment, according to the priority ofsaid mortgages; and tho bonds o:' thc said com¬pany, secured by the mortgage, to '.lie --aid MorrisK. Jesup, shall bcaccopted pro rata as part pay.mont in the order of prloriti ostabuaheoin saidmortgage. M.URONLY, Commissioner.Wilmington, N.e. novio toflSwl

electioneers1 |3rmn:e Sales, Ste.2Bj J. FRASER KATH2WES.


At Private S<-.le-That valuable RICE AND PROVISION PLAN¬

TATION. «Gird Romney, situated at Sonth Ferry,ou tho Santee River, containing 1833 acres-toochared and ander bank, 300 ¡ugh Land, 87 clear¬ed, eulance well timbered with cypress, oak, A«.The Plantation is now under cultivation, is wellsettled wit-li Dwelling, barns and negro houses,and known as one cr the best places on Cae rivenTitles unexceptionable.Poe tonus, apply to

J. FRASER MATHEWB8,Rp«l EstaUi Agent, No. 56 Broad street.

oct2i> fill





JOHN JEKK.'.NS. HOBT. E. CUKNINQELAHSole agents for the sale of thc celebrated Dickson

A Peeler Cotton Seed for the Statos of South Caro¬lina and Georgia.References-J. T. Gardiner and J. J. Cohen A

Sous, Augusto, Ga., ami Cleghorn, Herring A Co.,Charleston, S. 0. and Augusta, Qa.uov23 timos
