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KfK 2616 März 1978 On elastic structural elements for Nuclear Reactors. A critical review F. Povolo Institut für Material- und Festkörperforschung Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe

KfK 2616März 1978

On elastic structuralelements for Nuclear

Reactors.A critical review

F. PovoloInstitut für Material- und Festkörperforschung

Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe

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Institut für Material- und Festkörperforschung

KfK 2616

On elastic structural elements for Nuclear Reactors.

A critical review.


F. Povolo:~

Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H., Karlsruhe

:~ On leave from: Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica,Dto. Materiales Buenos Aires, Argentina.


The in-pile stress-relaxation behaviour of the materials usually

employed for the elastic structural elements, in nuclear reactors,

is critically reviewed and the results are compared with those

obtained in conunercial zirconium alloys irradiated under similar


Finally, it is shown that, under certain conditions, some zirconium

alloys may be used as an alternative material for these structural


Elastische Strukturelemente nuklearer Reaktoren

- Eine kritische Übersicht -


Es wird eine kritische Übersicht des in-pile Spannungsrelaxations­

verhaltens von Werkstoffen gegeben, die gewöhnlich als elastische

Strukturmaterialien in nuklearen Reaktoren verwendet werden.

Ein Vergleich mit dem Verhalten kommerzieller Zirkonlegierungen

- unter ähnlichen Bestrahlungsverhältnissen - zeigt, daß in be­

stinunten Fällen einige dieser Zirkonlegierungen als alternative

Werkstoffe für elastische Strukturelemente in Frage konunen.


Several elastic structural elements, mainly springs and spacers,

are included in the fuel bundles of nuclear power plants. These

elements are made with Inconel 718 and Stainless Steel (1.4980

= A 286 in the case of Atucha) and even if they show very good

mechanical properties, under servicing conditions, have the disad­

vantage of a large neutron absortion reducing considerably the

efficiency of the reactor. In fact, the cross-section for neutron

absortion of these alloys is of the order of 30 times higher than

that of the usual zirconium alloys.

It seems an interesting problem to look at the possibility of

substituting,from the metallurgical point of view, these structural

elements by similar ones but built with commercial available zir­

conium alloys.

If this is possible, from the point of view of the mechanical and

corrosion properties, one has the additional advantage of a possible

redesign of the fuel elements, reducing considerably fabrication

costs. The exact economic advantage has to be evaluated but a rough

estimate gives quatities that are important (at least 100.000 US-$,

per year, only from the point of view of the burn-up; this value

was estimated for Atucha).

It is the purpose of this report to review the mechanical properties

of Stainless Steels,Inconel 718 and several zirconium base alloys,

fundametally elastic properties and their degradation under service

conditions (temperature and neutron irradiation).

Finally, theavailable data will be analyzed and some additional

experiments will be suggested.

1. The problem of des~gn

The elastic structural elements are made mainly in two shapes:

springs with circular cross-section and sheets bent elastically.

The maximum shearing stress in aspring of mean radius R, supporting

a load P, is given by [1]

a = 16 P R/1f d 3

- 2 -

( 1 )

where d is the diameter of the cross-section of the coil, Fig. 1.

For a sheet (beant beam) of rectangular cross-section, bent initi­

ally to a radius Rand that after the application of the loadochanges to a radius Rl' the maximum shear stress applied to it is

given by [2]

( 2)

where E is Young's modulus and t the thickness of the beam, Fig. 2.

It must be pointed out that equations (1) and (2) are useful only

for rough estimates and one should include additional effects such

as the changes in temperature, irradiation growth, etc.

From equation (1) it is seen that the load supported by the spring

is proportional to the stress applied to the material so that if

this stress relaxes the supported load decreases in the same

proportion. For the case of the bent beam, equation (2), if the

stress relaxes Rl will increases and consequently the load supported

by the beam will be reduced.

Then, from the point of view of the use of the structural materials

as elastic members the important mechanical property is the stress­

relaxation (or the total creep strain) under servicing conditions.

Once the load that must be sustained by the elastic element, and the

limits between it can varies during service, has been established,

the maximum stress applied to the material can be determined·from

equations (1) and (2) with the appropriate geometrical dimensions.

From the stress-relaxation behaviour of the material, as a function

of temperature and neutron dosis, it may be seen if this conditions

are fulfilled. Then, the important property to be analyzed is the

stress-relaxation behaviour under working conditions (temperature

and neutron flux) since, as it will be shown, the behaviour of the

unirradiated material is not representative of the situation in-pile.

Finally, the approximate working conditions of the elastic elements

in the Atucha reactor are given in table 1.

- 3 -

Table 1:


Instantaneous flux

Integrated flux

Total working time

T oe 573 K

~. oe 5 x 10 17 neutrons/m 2 s1

~ oe 1 x 10 25 neutrons/m 2t

t oe 8.000 h

(E > 1 MeV)

(E> 1 MeV)

2. Stress-relaxation and creep behaviour

a) Inconel 718

It was not possible to obtain information on the stress-relaxation

or creep behaviour of Inconel 718 under irradiation in conditions

similar to those given in table 1. There is some information,I

given by Huntington alloys [3] on the relaxation of springs of

unirradiated material. The data are shown in Fig. 3 and it may be

seen that the stress-relaxation, for temperatures of the order

of 573 K, is expected to be lower that 1 % in several thousand

hours. Recent reports [4, 5] give information only on the influence

of neutron irradiation on short term mechanical properties (mainly

tensiles) for temperatures above about 673 K and neutron fluences

up to 7.5 x 10 26 n/m2 • It is stated in those reports that creep

tests are in progress. The information given in the literature

sometimes refers to the creep behaviour of the material and not

to its stress-relaxation. In order to correlate nurnerically both

data, the creep rate of the material, in terms of stress, time,

etc., must be given [6].

In fact, if the creep rate, E , can be expressed asp

E = Acr n f (t) (3)P 0

where cr o is the applied stress, A is a constant related to the

material and to the temperature f(t),is a function of the time t,

then the plastic strain E after a time t in a creep experimentp 0

would be

nE = AcrP 0

tof f(t) dt + Cuo

During stress-relaxation, since Ep = - ä/E = Acr n f(t), the stress,

cr, after a time twill beo



- 4 -

to= - A E f f(t) dt + C2 =


n- E E /0P 0

If n = 1, then

In (0/0 ) = - E E /0 and % = exp (- E Ep/OO)o p 0 0

so that the stress-relaxation ßOrel , after the time t o is

If n i: 1

= 1 - [1 + (n-1) EE /0 ]l/(n-1)p 0


It must be pointed out that "time-hardening" [7] was assumed,

which is a reasonable assumption for the in-pile behaviour.

In fact, the in-pile creep of some zirconium alloys [8] and stain-

less steels [9] seems to be described by an equation like (3).

When creep data are reported, the stress-relaxation will be

estimated by equations (4) and (5) for several values of n.

It should be reminded, however, that this will give only an idea

of the order of magnitude of the stress-relaxation involved

since, in addition, uniaxial conditions were assurned on deducing

these equations [10, 11].

As an example, from the reported creep properties of Inconel 718

[3], shown in Fig. 4:

Ep = 0,2 %; T = 866 K; t o = 1,000 h; = 703 MPa

- 5 -

the estimated stress-relaxation is

n ßO rel %

o 48

1 38

2 33.7

3 28.6.

These values are reasonable, when compared with those shown

in Fig. 3 at lower stresses. The value for n = 0 is an over­


b) Stainless Steels

b.1 SS 1.4980 (A-286)

No published data have been found for the in-pile creep and

stress-relaxation behaviour of this steel. Some results for the

tensile and creep properties, in unirradiated material, can be

obtained from the supplier [1~]. For exmnple, at 873 K with

00 = 360 MPa astrain of 0.2 % is obtained after 1,000 h.

No data are reported at lower temperatures.

With these values, the estimate stress-relaxation is

n ßO rel %

0 89

1 59

2 47

3 40

The stress-relaxation of this steel, for temperatures of

573 K and below, is expected to be slightly higher than that

of Inconel 718.

b.2 Other stainless steels

Only few published data were found for the stress-relaxation of

stainless steel, during irradiation.

J. W. Joseph, Jr. [13] reported some values of the stress-rela­

xation behaviour of SS type 304, under neutron irradiatton.

Round specimens under compression were used and the irradiation

temperature was lower than 373 K. No stress-relaxation was ob­

served in the unirradiated specimens tested at the same tempera­

ture. The results are shown in Fig. 5 and, as discussed in the

- 6 -

paper, the data at the higher stresses are in error due to

the fact that the specimens were strained plastically.

In a later report by the same author and R. E. Schreiber [14]

some stress-relaxation data for the same material are reported,

but for measurements made in torsion with tubular specimens.

Essentially the same results were obtained as for compression

and they are shown in Fig. 6. The data shown in Fig. 5 are included

for a comparison.

There are some reported results on the stress-relaxation of

SS 302 and 347. These data are given in ref. [15] and it was

not possible, up to now, to obtain the original papers. The

data on the 302 steel are shown in Fig. 7 and were obtained

at an irradiation temperature of 583 K under a flux > 10 16 n/m 2 s

(~ 1 MeV), in compressionsprings.

The results in SS 347 are shown in Fig. 8 and were obtained at an

irradiation temperature of 333 K, in bending, for a stress of

53 HPa.

There are sorne data on the creep behaviour of SS 302 measured

in springs, wi th a diame"ter of 9 mm and a wire diameter of 1.5 mm,

under a stress of 407 MPa. These results, reported in [15],

obtained at irradiation temperatures between 293 and 333 Kare

shown in Fig. 9. It is seen that the plastic strain is large,

exceding the elastic strain, so that the stress-relaxation

is expected to be high.

R. A. Wolfe and B. Z. Hyatt [16], reported some in-pile stress­

relaxation data in Almar 362, a maranging stainless steel.

The measurements were done at two nominal temperatures 333 and

586 K, by using the bent beam technique. The results are shown

in Figs. 10 and 11. The authors did not give the initial stresses

but the radii of curvature. These stresses were calculated

from the radii taking E~190 GPa and the reported thickness.

The stress relaxation can be calculated from the figures with

the equation

~a = 1 - R IR.rel 0

It may be seen that the stress-relaxation varies between 40

and 60 %, according to the temperature and the initial stress.

The two type of specimens, A or B, differ in the initial cold-

- 7 -

working conditions and thermal treatments. The B specimens

were stressed to values above the yield stress.

D. Mosedale et al [9, 17] and G. W. Lewthwaite and K. J. Proc­

tor [18], reported several data on the in-pile creep of SS

springs at stresses lower than 100 MPa. The data reported in

[18] were taken in two austenitic stainless steels, FV 548 and

ASI 316. The usual thermal treatments were given to the springs

with a diameter of 12.7 mm and a wire diameter of 1 mm. The

irradiation temperature was of the order of 373 K.

The results for the FV 548 springs are shown in Fig. 12.

These data correspond to the irradiation creep since the thermal

creep was subtracted out. The deflection, D, of the spring is

given in terms of the initial elastic deflection, D .eThe results for the ASI 316 springs are shown in Fig. 13. At

the stresses used, no thermal creep was observed in these

springs. The annealed spring crept transiently (~ 0.2 D ) andeconsiderably less than the cold-worked ones. An estimate of the

stress-relaxation can be made, form the values given in Figs.

12 and 13, by using equation (4) and the reported deflections

for the springs. The results are

a ßa rel %0

43.3 58

26.6 61 Fig. 12

41.8 41 Fig. 13

For the data reported in references [9] and [17] it was found

that springs made from seven austenitic stainless steels crept

far more in reactor, at temperatures of the order of 553 K,

than in the laboratory at the same temperatures. The specimens

were irradiated at a flux of the order of 3 x 10 19 n/m2 s

(> o. 1 MeV).

There are several addi tional ~su1fs reported in t.I1es~papers and they

will not be detailed. As an example, Fig. 14, taken from

reference [17], shows a comparison between the irradiation in­

duced creep in springs of ASI 316 and the thermal creep at a

much higher temperature. It is seen that the irradiation induced

creep is very high.

- 8 -

A stress-relaxation of the order of 30 % is obtained with

equation (4) from the data of Fig. 14, in the irradiated specimen

and after 4000 h.

Finally, K. D. Closs et al [19], reported some data on the in­

pile creep of SS 1.4981, cold-worked 15 %. The measurements were

taken in rods of 3 mm in diameter and 50 mm long.

The change in length as a function of the irradiation time

is shown in Fig. 15 and it is independent of temperature for

temperatures between 623 and 723 K. Using equation (4), with

E = 180 GPa [12], a stress-relaxation of the order of 90 %

is obtained, with the reported dimensions.

c) Zirconium alloys

Several data for the in-pile creep and stress-relaxation of

zirconium alloys have been published in the literature [20-27]

and only the most representative will be shown.

Fig. 16 (a) to (e), from reference [20], shows some results on

the stress-relaxation of zircaloy-4 with different thermo-mechani­

cal treatments and in Zr + 2.5 wt % Nb + 0.5 wt % Cu. It is seen

that the irradiation increases the stress-relaxation at both tem­

peratures. It must be pointed out that the stress-relaxation data

in zirconium alloys, given in Figs. 16 to 19, were measured by

the bent beam technique. Fig. 17, taken from reference [23],

shows the stress-relaxation behaviour of zircaloy-2 specimens

with different initial conditions, at various stresses. The

specimens were prepared from pressure tubes in hoop (transverse)

and longitudinal directions. The longitudinal specimens were

cutted with the neutral axis either in the tangential (T) or

in the radial (R) direction. These data were taken at temperatures

of the order of 573 K and at a fast neutron flux (E > 1 MeV) of

2 x 10 17 n/m2 s. As for the data shown in Fig. 16, the in-pile

stress-relaxation is higher than that observed in the unirradia­

ted material. Similarly, Fig. 18, taken from reference [22],

and Fig. 19, taken from reference [23], show the stress-relaxation

behaviour of Zr-2.5 wt % Nb at similar temperatures and neutron


- 9 -

Discussion and conclusions

Under the working conditions given in table 1, the Zr-2.5wt%

Nb alloy shows the lowest stress-relaxations when compared with

the rest of the commercial zirconium alloys (no data were found

for Zr-1 wt% Nb). In fact, from Figs. 18 and 19(c) it is seen

that this alloy relaxes 50 % or less if the appropriate thermo­

mechanical treatments are used. These values are valid for stres­

ses of the order of 200 MPa since the creep rate and consequent­

ly the stress-relaxation is expected to increase very rapidly at

stresses above about 300 MPa [26].

It is clear that a stress-relaxation of the order of 50 % is too

high when compared with the values expected, from out of pile mea­

surements, for Inconel 718 (less than 1 %), Fig. 3, or SS 1.4980.

The question is: Are the out of pile data representative of the

in-pile behaviour? Unfortunately, as pointed out before, it was

not possible to obtain information on the in-pile creep or stress­

relaxation of these materials. However, if the stress-relaxation

of Inconel 718 and SS 1.4980 is affected by irradiation in a way

similar to the reported steels, shown in Figs. 5 to 15, then their

in-pile stress-relaxation is expected to become of the same order

of magnitude as that found in Zr-2.5 wt% Nb.

It is evident that an important experiment would be to measure the

elastic behaviour of the structural elements after servicing, i.e.,

when the fuel elements are changed. If the stress-relaxation is

found to be of a few 10%, then these elements can be made of Zr-2.5

wt% Nb it the working stresses are of the order of 150 MPa. No cor­

rosion problems are expected since this zirconium alloy shows ex­

cellent corrosion behaviour.

Finally, more experimental work is needed on the in-pile stress­

relaxation of zirconium alloys, stainless steels and Inconel 718,

since the out of pile data are not representative, specially at low

temperatures. For example, the irradiation induced creep and stress­

relaxation in stainless steels seem to decrease slightly with in­

creasing temperatures [9,17,18]. This is an interesting proble~ too,

- 10 -

from the point of view of an understanding of the fundamental

mechanisms of irradiation damage.


I wish to express mey thanks to Prof. L. Fernandez and Lic. R.

Giadanes, of CNEA, and to Dr. K. Herschbach, Ing.M. Schirra and

Dipl.-Ing. C. Wassilew, of KFK, for their contribution to this


This work was performed within the Special Intergovernamental

Agreement on the Scientific and Technological Cooperation be­

tween Argentina and the Federal Republic of Germany.

- 11 -


[1 ] S. Timoshenko;

"Strength of Materials" (Part I). Van Nostrand Reinhold

Co. (1958), p. 290.

[2] F.V. Warnock and P.P. Benham;

"Mechanics of Solids and Strength of Materials". Pitrnan

(London), (1965), p. 161.

[3] Huntington Alloys;

"Inconel alloy 718 11• The International Nickel Co. (1973).

[4] Semi-Annual Progress Report;

"Irradiation Effects on Reactor Structural Materials". Re­

port HEDL-TME 75-95; UC-79b (1975).

[5] J.M. Steichen and A.L. Ward;

IIEffect of strain rate on the tensile properties of irradi­

ated Inconel 718 11• Report HEDL-TME 76-14; UC-79h, p (1976)

[6] J.B. Conway, R.H. Stentz and J.T. Berling;

IIFatigue, Tensile and Relaxation behaviour of Stainless Steels ll,.

USAEC, Technical Information Center (1975).

[7] I. Finnie and W.R. Heller;

IICreep of Engineering Materials ll• McGraw-Hill, N.Y. (1959).

[8] D.E. Fraser;

IIStress-relaxation testing of small bent bearns ll• Report AECL­

3782 (1971).

[9] D. Mosedale, ,G. W. Lewthwai te and 1. Ramsay;

"Further creep experiments in the Dounreay fast reactor". Proc.

- 11 a -

Conf. on Irradiation Embrittlement and creep in fuel clad­

ding and core components. BNS, London (1972).

[ 10] F. Povolo;

"The determination of creep constants from stress-relaxation

in bending and torsion". J. Nucl. Mater. 68 (1977) 308.

[11] F. Povolo and E.H. Toscano;

"On stress-relaxation in bending. An example for Zry-4".

J. Nucl. Mater., to be published.

[12] Röchling'sche Eisen- und Stahlwerke GmbH, Völklingen (Saar)

"Handbuch für hochwannfeste Stähle und Legierungen". p. 49

[13] J.Walter Joseph, Jr;

"Stress-relaxation in stainless steel during irradiation"

AEC Report DP-369 (1959).

[14] J.W. Joseph,Jr; and R.E. Schreiber;

"Relaxation of torsional stresses in stainless steel during

irradiation". AEC Report DP-669 (1962).

[15J R.E. Schreiber;

"Mechanical properties of irradiated stainless steels. A com­

pilation of the data from the literature". AEC Report DP-579


[16] R.A. Wolfe and B.Z. Hyatt;

"Viscoelastic analysis of in-pile stress-relaxation", J.Nucl.

Mater.45 (1972) 181.

[17] G.W. Lewthwaite and K.J. Proctor;

"Irradiation-creep in a materials testing reactor". J. Nucl.

Mater. 46 (.1973) 9.

- 12 -

[18] D. Mosedale and G.W. Lewthwaitei

"Irradiation creep in some austenitic stainless steels

Nimonic PE 16 alloy and Nickel". Proc. Conf. on Creep

strength in steel and high temperature alloys. ISI, Shef­

field (1972).

[19] K.D. Closs, K. Herschbach and W. Schneideri

"Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum bestrahlungsinduzierten

Kriechen an stabilisierten Stählen". Proc. Conf. on Irradia­

tion behaviour of fuel cladding and core component materials.

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[20] P.H. Kreyns and M.W. Burkarti

"Radiation-enhanced relaxation in Zircaloy-4 and Zr-2.5 wt%

Cu alloys". J.Nucl. Mater. 26 (1968)87.

[21] E.F. Ibrahim, E.G. Price and A.G. Wysiekierskii

"Creep and'stress-rupture of high strength zirconium alloys",

Can. Metallurg. Quarterly 11 (1972) 273.

[22] P.A. Ross-Ross, V. Fidleris and D.E. Fraser;

"Anisotropic creep behaviour of zirconium alloys in a fast

neutron flux" , Ibid. p. 101.

[23] D.E. Fraser, P.A. Ross-Ross and A.R. CauseYi

"The relation between stress-relaxation and creep for some

zirconium alloys during neutron irradiation". J. Nucl. Mater.

46 (1973) 281.

[24] A.R. CauseYi'

"In-reactor stress-relaxation of zirconium alloys".ASTM Sympo­

sium on Zirconium in Nuclear Applications. Portland, Oregon

(1973). ASTM STP 551.

- 13 -

[25] A.R. CauseYi

"In-reactor creep of Zircaloy-2, Zircaloy-4 and Zr-1.15

wt% Cr-O. 1 wt% Fe at 568K derived from their stress-re­

laxation behaviour". J.Nucl. Mater. 54 (1974) 64.

[26] C.E. Coleman, A.R. Causey and V. FidleriSi

"Uniaxial in-reactor creep of Zirconium-2.5 wt% Niobium

at 570K". J. Nucl. Mater. 60(1976) 185.

[27] A.R. CauseYi

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irradiated zirconium alloys stress-relaxation specimens".

J. Nucl. Mater. 61 (1976) 71.

- 14 -

Fig. 1

- 15 -

\ /\ /

\ /Ro/\ /


Fig. 2

- 16 -


811 K/421 MPa1



6866 K/491 MPa



c0 4.....cuxcu(1)

K/4210::: 3 866 MPa


Ol&.-_---L__~__..L....__ _...I.__..........__.l..__ ____L__..........__.L__ ___J

oTime, hr

Fig. 3: Relaxation of helical coil springs made from 3.76 mm - diametercold-drawn Nr. 1 Temper wire. (Springs annealed 1255 K/lh andaged 991 K/8h. F.C. to 894 K, hold at 894 K for total aging timeof 18 h). Data taken from Ref. (3).

- 17 -




F:C 500~


::; 400Cf)




0.5% PlasticStrain


Temperature, K

Stress to Producein 1000 h~

1.0% PlasticStrain

950 1000

Fig. 4: Creep-rupture properties (1000 h) of hot-rolled, 15.88 mm ­diameter bar (1255 K/lh, W.Q. and aged 991 K/8h, F.C. to 894K, hold at 894 K for total aging time of 18 h). Data taken fromRef. (3).














1. Temperature of sp~cimens during irradiationwas less than 373 K

2. Fast neutrons Include all those with energiesgreater than O. 1 Mev

3. Numbers above each data point are total numberof specimens for which data were averaged toobJain po int. 4



oo 2 X 10



4 X 10 24 6 X 1024


8 X 1024

10 x 1024

Exposure I fast neutrons / rn2

Fig. 5: Stress relaxation in type 304 Stainless Steel during irradiation. Data taken from Ref. (13).

- 19 -


- 50

- 100

- 150

--~~I'-.. TorsionI ...........~--I--+----+--+---4



\;~~20 --- ----~--J- f------f-----~-_+---~-__l

\>-~. I

i I~i ~, "~.iO"~I ,I . ~! ~ j -1-- ~~orsion ~;>--

I\,:~ I~~ i

Tension "ß,. i Torsionc----F



-+=;:..,:-~4==rr---jI 1 I



iN: I ~'5 f--l---I----+-~t>--+-----1---r--"'""'t_~r_r__-___t_-____1


I Dat~ spreods show~ represent one standard deviationO!-.-.JIL.-~_---l_~----J...---7------l.-_--:;---'---;'n----J0o 2 4 6 8 10

Fast Neutron Exposure, 1024 n/m2,per unit

Fig. 6: Comparison of shear stress-relaxations in tensileand torsional specimens of 304 Stainless Steel.Data taken from Ref. (14).





10 27


I0 22 I0 23 I0 24

Fast (>' Mev) Neutron Exposure,




100 11 I I I, i ifl"!'1llTTW~ k'll'i'll\ '11!'iii I/I!I!,IIIIII:I'

'0 3 I· 11, I I:! i Ili'I I!, 1IIIili ! ,I;! I I I I i 11 I

I 'I'''' " ' "" I !' 111' I I ! I I '.. ! r 'li 11 i, l:i;::1 'I'; 01 ~i:! 11


'1 I i II:i','!Cf) I H+ i~'i",'II! I DII' IJII 'l'+M'Cf) . --- !; I , I I i i 'I 1 1

Q) 80 -------t--- I

.• --, ~ i, i '--+-+- - t r-,- ----1" -,-H ----t--+i-+,," --- j I I "I tH~ , ! I I 1I1 : i I : - -. t - i' I I ! I :! 11 I I I I I i ! ;+- , " I" , ! I! 'li .' --{ i 1 : i, I I

'!! I

(f) : :,: I ! 11 • i :, I, i i I I 1- 3 I !'! I I I 'I I' i , I:' ', i,' I I 1 , i li': 'I' I . I' , " j : I' I

O~ : ' I !+4+ti-'!:;I i '11 m"! 'I i : il'II'1 I i : ;,1, :" . " I" I I!, , , , I '. " ,I ", I I ' . 1 I I I I I I

CI) I I ,I I, I' I I :: I 'I i 11 'I i : i " i·.c. i I i '1


:. : i , ' , i I --~----t t.' 2 'i : I I' i I' i i' i I [

(f) ! I, i ! I: . : li::; ::,;'! : i ! I I' II! 1


:! i liE 60 I tmt' .\, " " +t H-H'i I ,;, "lliH' IV~-----+--~+-+-++++++---r-!-!i-+-+r' ;--'-f --t- . j I I I 1 I 0=' 1 I ! I I 11 I! I i i I i. ': I I , ,I' I I' I ; 400E ' I I I I i" I, I I' I

)( ! i : I1I ' ". 11 i II I I~ I 111 i i [li: [lil'!1 1111I1 i

Fig. 7: Stress-relaxation of Stainless Steel 302. Data taken from Ref. (15).





10 27102610251022

10 23 1024

Fast(>lMev) Neutron Exposure, rn-2

10 21



71 ' 55




""cnCl>L--([)L-o 0_-Q) cn

.s::. ~(f)ff1


Fig. 8: Stress-relaxation of Stainless Steel 347. Data taken from Ref. (15).


I i I Ii I 11

I 11



l i II I I

I I111


~ i! ,llli'll I:. ii1.iil ! '+ 1II


!!! IIII1 .:J 1 'i '#WIIII I I I I I !I,j ! + I;'I I,! I _~,c 4 - - ·-.---t -_. i 1" ! \--- - ---t,-. -

~ es .1 I ,I '-I! i:! 111! I I I! I I i il III'IIII!U...... I I: ' 1

'!II '. :1 ': I

1 I I \,~ 2 ' -+ i I I :

u I.:! !I 'I' ','i I- I I' 'Itf) I 1 i

o 111'1 11II

: 1 I 1 1

1i I 1'1 1

0' I I _l.~"""""""'~:-:--..<...-..oL.1~~&.:-=-"'-~-'--4.L.~--..L-""""""~"'"10


221023 1024 10 27

Fast (>1 Mev) Neutron Exposure. m-2

Fig. 9: Creep of Stainless Steel 302. Data taken from Ref. (15).

- 23 -


1.0 .-------,~--~----.----.......---.__---r_--___,0.9



a: 0.6.....


LU 0.5a:::::>....:;a:::::>0 0.4u..0(/)


0.3SPECIMEN TYPE cr (MPa)-- -0

0 03 A 3830 018 A 2260 025 B 1100

6. 026 B 850

0.20 I 2 3

FLUENCE ( 1025 n/m2 • E> I MeV)

Fig. 10: In-pile stress-relaxation of Almar-362 at a nominaltemperature of 333 K. Data taken from Ref. (16).

- 24 -

I. 0 ~----,r---""I----r---...-----.,r------..,..---_




-0:: 0.6......o



~ 0.5.....~a:::::::>ul.L OAo(f)







TY PE 00


A 396A 230

B 772B 660

764 5E > I MeV)

2 3FLUENCE (10 25 n/m2

O. 2 '-- ~ ___L. ----"'I--- ...L_.. ~ __L ~


Fig. 11: High ternperature in -pile relaxation of Almar-362. Data taken fromRef. (16).

I ·0



" '60--0

•·4 to

- 25 -


(m-2 )Flucncc (E >1 HeV)

Fig. 12: Creep of cold-worked FV 548 springs; e 43.3 MPa,o 26.6 MPa.Data taken from Ref. (18).

- 26 -


0 + 0+ 0 -

+ ~0 0 o Co I d-o X X·6 Workcd


u J-X x0 ·4---0

<:x/ • •

2 - -- -. - --e-e- Anncalcd

•QL-... L.- ..a..- ........_--..._

Q 2 3 )( 1,024


Fig. 13: Creep af 316 springs; 9 41.8 MPa and, fram first experiment,a 39.5 MPa, + 38.2 MPa, x 62.5 MPa. Data taken fram Ref. (18).



I I --r--

• 395/~ (~). 22·~ MPa , 538K ~ T .c.. 553K-6 -I-I


- ­_-e --6.0 - 30 % erel - -+---------




+,33 MPa , X, 27·5 MPa

---+-+-~-+-+ +- + +-+-+---......-+~-+-+~,+ - ~/+_X_X_X_X_X_X~."'X_X X-X x-x-'-x I X x-








o I I I I I Io 1·0 Z·O 3-0 4·0

TIME (103h)

Fig. 14: Comparison of irradiation creep at 538K-553K and thermal creep at 773K of cold-workedM316 (Batch 2) springs. Data taken from Ref. (17).

- 28 -


160 r--n 3K----++----h638K-~+~I---623K---""'+


.--1. 4981. (15% c. w. )

G=150 HPa

~ (E>O.1MeVl=58)(1018 n/m2


140E::1. 120 -

.• ~·_·;;:ctoron


<I 100 • ••• •.. .. ......r::: ~.

~ 80 ä ....~ •

~ ~ .60

~ 40r.ncoQ)

~ 20uI=:


O---...,....--r"--..,.-------,---+-,...-ooor----+-------~2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

time I h ]

Fig. 15: In-pile creep of Stainless Steel 1.4981. Data takenfrom Re f. (1 9) •

14cf> = 2 4 X IOnv (> 1 HeV)~ ~----.....f..-r





--..l.- I ,


IN - PIL E 5 83 K , 66 • 2 HPa

IN-PILE 333 K, 53.8 HPa

OUT - OF-PI L E 583 K, 75.6 MPa

OUT-OF-PILE 333 K, 66.2 HPa




~• .1

1 I

~-----. -ci]__--~=-----lLJ:r--------___ ., 1-




z 700-~

<X 60x<X--.JW 50er~zw 40 .-uerwCl. 30





Fig. 16a: Relaxation of alpha-annealed Zircaloy-4. Data taken from Ref. [20].

.... .-----





o I N - PI L E 583 K, 106 HPa

o IN- PILE 333 K, 103.5 MPa

• OUT - OF - PI LE 553 K, 69 MPa

14.• ::24XIQ nv



90 .-


z 70 --0-~

<t 60x<t-.JW 50Cl:


Z.W 40uCl:wCL 30




TI ME. h

Fig. 16b: Relaxation of beta-quenched Zircaloy-4. Data taken fram Ref. [20].

o IN-PILE 583 K, 111.8 MPa

o IN-PILE 333 K, 102.1 MPa

'" -e e OUT -OF _PILE 583 K, 118 MPa

10,{-" • OUT -OF- PILE 333 K, 142.1 MPa

oL-- i i i I I I I I I I I I I I Io 1000 2000 3000


100I I I I I I I I I I -I I I



Ir/J : 2.4 X 10'4 nv

80 ------z 70 --0-~


<t:....JWa:: 50~

z40 I Iw ~


I w



a.. 30


Fig. 16c: Relaxation of 15% cold-worked Zircaloy':""4. Data taken fram Ref. [20].





<t)( 60 ---<t.....JWer 50I-z.w 40uerwa.. 30



I ' ,i 1 -T --,


o IN-PILE 583 K, 103.5 MPa

o IN- PILE 333 K, 107.6 MPa

.OUT-OF-PILE 583 K, 107.6 HPa

• 0 UT - OF - PI LE 333 K, 127 MPa

ep 14 I w= 24 X 10 nv N



I I I i

0'-:- I i I 1000oTI ME. h

2000 3000

Fig. 16d: Relaxation of 79% cold-worked Zircaloy-4. Data taken from Ref. [20].




z0 70--~

<tX 60<t....JUJa:~

zwua:UJa.. 30



c •,o I N - PILE 583 K, 237. 4 HP a

o I N- PILE 333 K, 265 !''1Pa

• OUT- OF- PI LE 583 K, 241,5 l''1Pa

• OUT- OF· PI LE 333 K, 241. 5 ~Pa

ep: 2.4 X 10 14 nv

( e)


0"1 I I ! I I ! ; \ I I I i :

o 1000 2000 3000TIME, h

Fig. 16e: Relaxation of Zr+2.5 wt% Nb + 0.5 wt% Cu. Data taken from Ref. (20).

- 34 -

1 00 r-------------------------"""------






ClLU><<:---JLUc-:-.,..--:::> O. 10

-- ----------~






(Jo 172 MPa

o 2 3 4

TIME x 10- 3 h

5 6 7 8

Fig. 17a: Unrelaxed stress ratio as a function of time for Zircaloy-2 at566K, stress-relieved. The autoclace tests were performed at573 K. Data taken from Ref. (23).

- 35 -

1. 00 ~---------------------------------,



I- 6 0c::ea::V)V)



0 0.10 0-0UJ><c::e.:..J

103 MPaUJ 0a::Z:::> ~ 172 MPa

o 3 4 5 6 7 8

TIME x 10':"3 h

Fig. 17b: Unrelaxed stress ratio as a function of time for Zircaloy-2 at566 K, stress-relieved. The autoclave tests were performed qt573 K. Data taken from Ref. (23).

- 36 -

1 08,.....--------------------------,









c.w. ZIRCALOY·~_

o T

6 R

172 MPao

o 2 3



x 10-3 h

6 7 8

Fig. 17c: Unrelaxed stress ratio as a function of time for Zircaloy-2 at566 K, cold-worked. The autoclave tests were performed at 573 K.Data taken from Ref. (23).

- 37 -

1 00 r------------------------~...,





.. '1LICA::



-JUJ 0 10a:::z::J

c W ZIRCALOY-2..- ---


r"" 103 MPa.-.J

t::. 172 MPa

+ 241 MPa

o 2 3 4

TIME x 10- 3 h

5 6 7 B

Fig. 17d: Unrelaxed stress ratio as a function of time for Zircaloy-2 at566 K, cold-worked. The autoclave tests were performed at 573 K.Data taken frome Ref. (23).

- 38 -

1.00 r------






0"0 = 172 MPa0







L-_~ L --'-__-----1-__.....J

o 2 3 4

TIME x 10- 3 h

5 13 7 B

Fig. ] 7e: Unrelaxed stress ratio as a function of time for Zircaloy-2 at566 K, cold-worked. The autoclave tests were performed at 573 K.Data taken from Ref. (23).

- 39 -

1" 00 r--------------------------....-..,


c.~_~.~"""z I RCAL'p..1:..2.


7 8-~


o IO~-r-rr~

II"L. .L ._.l J ~---L-.J-J 2 3 4 5 6


TIME x 10- 3 h

Fig. 17f: Unrelaxed stress ratio as a function of time for Zircaloy-2 at566 K, cold-worked. The autoclave tests were performed at 573 K.Data taken from Ref. (23).

ow><«......wZ .2,:)





- 40 -













.1o 2 3 4 5


6 7

Fig. 18: Results from stress-relaxation tests with specimensfrom heat-treated Zr-2.5 wt% Nb tubes. Tests performedat' 558 K and at a nominal initial stress of the orderof 150 MPa. Data taken from Ref. (22).

- 41 -

1 00 ,----------------------~--~----~__,








cUJ><e:t-JUJ O. 10a:::z::::>

H.T. Zr-2.5 wt % Nb(Jo

0 103 MPa

~ 172 MPa

+ 241 MPa

o 2 3 4 5 6 7 B

TIME x 10-3h

Fig. 19a: Unrelaxed stress ratio as a function of time for Zr-2.5 wt%Nb. Inreactor tests at 566 K and autoclave tests at 573 K,heat-treated. Data taken from Ref. (23).

- 42 -






LUa: H T.....V)

c 0LU>CC 6...JLU O. 10a:z --:=l

Zr-2 5"d:. N:






= 172 HPa

2 3 4 5 6~

/ a

TIME x 10-3 \HOURS)

Fig. 19b: Unrelaxed stress ratio as a function of time for Zr-2.5 wt% Nb.Inreactor tests at 566 K and autoclave tests at 573 K, heat­treated. Data taken from Ref. (23).

- 43 -

1.00 r-----------------------------,










0 10-Ju.J0:::Z~

c.w Zr -·2 . 5 ~t N!l---_._-------


0 103 MPa

L). 172 MPa

+ 241 MPa

o 2 3 4 5 6 7 B

TIM E x 10-- 3 h

Fig. 19c: Unrelaxed stress ratio as a function of time for Zr-2.5 wt% Nb.Inreactor tests at 566 K andautoclave tests at 573 K, ·cold-wor­ked. Data taken from Ref. (23).

- 44 -

1.00 r--------------------------.









C. W Zr - 2 . 5w t % NIl




a: :-. 172 MPao




o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TIME x 10- 3 h

Fig. 19d: Unrelaxed stress ratio as a function of time for Zr-2.5 wt% Nb.Inreactor tests at 566 K and autoclave tests at 573 K~ cold-wor­ked. Data taken fromRef. (23).
