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on , oua ~~='If;;Ew:k~.f.:r '-.:-I' [,~ t..10l.DIlAM. itht ....

Date post: 09-Sep-2020
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WE '.IIIT IT.u WE GET IT. WITHCMTI' FEAJI 011 PAVOR - ADVERTIIING lIAS ItO ULATIOIf TO oua POLJC1" ,. / / ..... .-.. .... ..,...... co. • on , PIIOII& LUOK .. _ . ... - .... '.'1~."'!!NUIfr.aUftH~ALIMIDICI' YOL. ~No. 23 t..10l.DIlAM. p itht ._ CiiOiSi iOiihi.liu::HtGAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 25, 1940 ~ 194e .00 pet' year; Single CAp~ 5 .;;•• "~~=""'If;;E"w:k~.f.:r [,~ Rides' Bilt .: ,Be da-I I~or Vernon Brown ........ ' ..... -.:. ....... -I'" 0Wi.. ,. .... -, "'. . ..,~ ...."4 e~. ~ ~ CxP.IaIn- Auction Sale ......... NOT 0I:lt ef DetnIit..ne .... 1 Celli t'. ";;".-.. 11!!Q1Z" 3 1 .> ( '..,' ,- , State' Land. tW _ were OII till.,.-tillc tllon .. II- " '- g 21 . _ ' . -.der .... c4 lOti witIl __ ' ~'..... .. tr sf $ '... .. Itair-e-Q. II.,. "e'N Jut t..,. -1:.. ~ =.":...... _:.. .....-GeMn1 Y_ J. a.-.,. nrted to the State 011N""emMr3•• after Iut yUtl triP to the Cout • aM ... J i" ... ...,.. ... ""'. ."tile State Lud Ol&ct Itab amDtap of the ptCYitiollt of lhe Chief. Wehope that ....... _~ .,.. IIIIit.II7 c."... ... ...., ~ wItidI Stat, Lu4 Office "I'd Actill order -.ke ., (to the CatifCllllia Jtopca aN ..".................... ' ~ .. 01 .. dafniq,.. dlat tIIey -iPt npia JOItCllioe of the Shropshire lOind<s). foraBwe~ -.to ......,.. _ Ii::liIiIiI' _ coaW" witlaWd Ire- ~ (Ga. lb. ~la. ............... to t&y aboat Fbida --. J- c. I>rnctaIe, dUd of police 01 I u.. ... fIl tu-dd"'1M1It pnpertia. .AA __ '"4$~ iJ .. "~ Whea we anivc4 a.t PaJ=. hads,. e;.- PoiIIte Park, tPob to a tarp .:11111." :.. lIr. B_ arp4 ~ ~ to'fl'nicw~~,"'Mr. Br_ WIora IookiBe 'arq' ordIaa'a ....... ei ....-.u .. tile --.& fit... cf tu "8atlJtltet ,ropema widdI re-1"It ..... ,~,~. dIat~. at the ltatioc pIayiq. "fI1orida TIle '~ e&aJlhaaizd the iaIpartuce rr-:r .'= *fI..- r.itl. "P-" ea..c.t '''.'' '~'" 1I0CNl aDd Yata". we btIttau4 ow el leanIiac ... pm.. bMrIeq:I __ It. ' .... .... CDld u,httf' abolIt lIIII' aeck. _ riIile ill die Hnkc ,. the police. TIle , 1t II __ Ia " Saturda,. FeIwwu7 3 I'emIr'b4 to dI:e JIOI14;r tbat .. r~ for ~ a poIke of. ..... .... At M• ..-ic Ts n.. tII.ochllt W'U llarDed Diee of tM& '-' .. --- ..... a ... .mocl . :'t.: '= 'L "'ttilj~.: Be abowed "dq bees doia' ~1I'1 a -- perfect ~ " ComtDCtDOratinc the no...,. of", , ' .... -~.... ~t!oa J'OU ... the 5:.".. birth of Peter Dyitch TIChaikxlnb. the ... a4llpted,. ~ lD'ttIe,.... ~=~~~ Detroit Symphony Orch~tra wilt pia)' 1ic'. -thocI ;If -'to" aat.rd Kr. To -- - - aD all-Tsekaikonky proeraa .t l:be E. JDnhMs- • .-.-.aiM ........ ~ .fa ........ --- - A ...., fifth in the Mria of "PQt)" c:o-t • .. tbe BlIdd ~ eo- ..., ..' Saturday DiPt. Feb. 3. iD K.~ .,..,.. He Wiews the otbet .,. ... ..etr.' ~ - ....., Auditorill!ll. ........ efr,"'. 6:1...... · ..,.,'., tit ~ L_ ._ "-"0'>--._ a ........ i- ...... ,. .. -- Franco ClIme will eoDdud this, --- .... - ---- -- ..., Rir , 7 'n.r -.- c' prolfraJIl, makilaa hia 0111" appftralll« I ». ..- '"W"1dI tIIia ~ ~ T '-It. ..~ ate .. _< ..._ ~._. .. JftCtfraJIy .,.... ia tile eqiae«.. , _....... . tINt ,.. 111 01 the year ID ..... ~-priced Cl*- .. '6eW.. lJatcd Mt-. Gallaer. __ ' -.... tb II ....... __ "--.blJIIl i. eat .mes. The procI'IlB wiD be III&de .... - 1JIe tift mu. ...... - to .. up of the 5mb S:J1IIpIIooy (Pathet- "t~ _ t1Ie .. ject _ u..lL -. -..:=~..L.. Ole ~ 01 Qle WIWf WoU')', th. D ~<.;." r f- Vi_ lit' ... _ .... of __ traiJiI Ja.es , -.. A_ -.. ........ " -.. -r - ~ IIl.net, ~ ... ... ~ ~ - """'.... ~ ~ wtrida Kr_ J. H. .seIIrifttf', hi c:1IarIe .- - - ,- ~ tile _ v.u.e &lata 1tMI' .... Pr-.- liu aDd o.-clteatn., doe taDeflll ..... dq 1'1aYlI "&ppy da1W is ~ of tile Iaospital bicIIoIicaI ...u.J ja. ................ ~ .. lilt ~ __ JIcIa 0. nit. Jdat JIooIIwIt tiee OIl ooea-';""ic: ItaIiea." The works wiD AciD- Be c:ast a c:ritical eye at -- 19lO -.a,. di-riaioa at Parke Da-ria. tpOke. afIIt. .. .. ,..,.. .... on.. too. ~ __ .. ~ ~ -:-. ..._~ IraIak, ..... it __ hit back ... 1& .. that aD tbeee .... ""i care =-:-:.~ 'De • .,. -: ::.:.~;.:::a::3''= ==:=.: ~:t:: = be played ill the onIa' listed. ' .uI, ~)(- Bahba HlIttoll. .. ~ __ Iltie.ea «_' 'M..ItOIIIcI 1dSI~ ..... , ..... ~ ..... ..... .. tnI7 tIM .... ... toS=~::Uam~ it.~ttac~ sm, Mw tnmks.. We tIIeaPt itl'" __ of IIIie WL ne -*nt '--- --; fa r, I - ~ II tile _ w.e .. _0.. IDdlYiI1IaII .. tit-. AuditOr.GeDinI .. iBmIateria1 Ud irrde •• L ~ .... ..... ' ...... 1iICWIlI .......... ~ s:a- ~...... II. aM ...,. aI:ont .. BIt- ~ ~ eoIOD)' ••• the only appearuc:e tItiI -- of V-"""J.' e-....._ ..o:.L -""'!J . a:-- ~ .. .. ~ Jeq 1.0 est --.. ,. n~ ScbkoIailc. poptI!ar coacertmutet ... - ~ 1ref ~'t WNtc &1lT .... ~ ~," .... '. t .at" ...... .. RIr:I J!ItIlIII... ...InIW" tip.,. ........... tIill)' 1rt11 IIJp •• tM tIf tlIe OI'chelitn. all eokJiJt. Sdtkohtik ...... Afta' we .. ...., .. .. . ". '. "',- • -- ... -.... ..... ~ .. ~ tit _ ....... wiD _,. the 1010 title of tile ee.certe, [~~ 1Ieela b:t tbvt:;!a f:s:lIn .- ~ __ n-m4bcatlle~ '"'I........ .- ~ .. ----.J=-------,..-.---- -. pay tai.s. HOWCftl', ~ tIaIt -- &oat" it ........... ~6e .... d dP. 'JII' t -I"'" Gf"EVElffS I e., '. ' IISeDior FU'eWe1l :.r:l'~ wit~ ~:ua::IIl,,= of~ coaditions lIue bea& fUCh Rriatr dill oc... We MIollt ~_ ... :.:: .. ~ ~_~ Jae~ -. PAUL" DlIAC NOnCE Banquet Ja.ouary 31 IciaI ~ in Detroit as ~ put ~ tbat many ~ - till- A_ 11'01' .... ,. ''''.-\1 ..,. . - n. at,. flI. e.- P .... Ie - with the Detroit Symphcm Z1)'e&1'$ cere ~ have def.aultet III *~ \ ... Ji1or:idiaat, Warda A-. ~f.... a 55 n 7~ ..... --- n.,...... ...... ~ ... . ~ ' With Bruck BockstaA& pm ..... the ~ -.aU of tax obliptioM tbrwIh .. 6e ............ -.e ~ aN .", .-.It; .... ta ~~~ ..~ .u StateL ~ -:::.,.J .. ~ irst scAior farewell banquet wiJ1 be 1Fo_ .... _ ....... __ ~ faoJ1tClitbcirOW1l.the1qjsk~~ .»- T-Ir'. 1:'"""" &~ A_" _. _. ~hi!!!e! == ..l:__ 1 a-_ sa -.t1 .-,: die 'I - ..... . - ., 11heW WedDesda)' Janury 31 at 6:J01 Il .. _ .. ~ .. - c! --. -_. - Jo"" 1.~ ~. iIi"'''' ,--- .. ..:. :.:.- - - -.= .!:,::.....:!.~ _ "!"!!""~.~. "; •. _--. 4. ... .- _~ _ r 1 ...... ...a: _ .... - .. ... ......... '".."'..... '-__ , ,'~, Dik, .1oag'1ritb a J..-a .aD .... _ --u _ oL..!- "7 ":"'" - ..... ........ ... ~ ., ~ - "-"1---- --- - - .. --.- P'" D .... .... "'W.. "'1'H'InI r:lll ~~ - .. ~ ""'5 ~ Di08dIlei. ila. I.. &a reJI(IIIfW:' coat to Qenaa1' • ...-e to ..¥u' ~,~, "'11- i&bani Moor"; is dWnuB of the I Victor Kolar, jolMd me ~ - cIitilIe .., .. -. ---..-. J..IMs ~ baDt. • -. ~ tIlat • .. fraiIl fnli. ...,. adioII wIIidl add ..... ., ....... r,..... ba.nq1Jd. The procram 'PI i1tchIcIe ~ in._. of ~ late ~ GaIrio- whid!)aye 1Iea& made uaiIaWe thra lit -.n ~ the fad. tIlat ....... '. II' ~ -.- .. _ tile -.ada of u.x- ~ Yet, ~ .--,~,~ .. threc~: "DiaiDlI" "" Harold tnbch. ~ bimletf, bad 1Jle lkp"l"Woa en., the State LaM ()I.. ~ ~ .. ~ to "fill .... ') ...... .. -:""tiw. .. £""t., -' .."' .ti--'---.I S'-'-t A~ takA - tile reuat of the ~ ......... ,, __.... ,_.I ~ 61.- ~ IIair ..... . .' -- . ... ...... ~+.. "lIE- -, •..- ------...... eutier widl the ' -.. ~ .. 1IJU cna~ 10 - - -- , .., -- - . 'K' De.te:r -..cr.. ~t 1toeMYelt ... ...,. w.. .., IIOr "'Value Recdnl" by Bill Sc:baai&It, Inlt - ,.... apnu wbD were aabSe to anil tbc--ne. at f:an7. ,wan it a:DlI - KE.\lI ... :. d6ce ~. liplike to statcoi that __ .-td aCIt daIMI idq by :.:. .:...:.' '-:- ..... .. uti. farewell address tided ... .w.a. DDIknt"":e that.the lIUt ~ (1~ the. pIaM miabt ati1 repun:hue their ~I TJae~ ~. ~.:.~ -L..' ....... •.• if ,._ ...... ~:..._ a-:.ro-- .L.'_6~ .... PC;: ,~ ..... P.lIl A. R''---- -=-_'-t be _101 ~ to ~ ..-tiet.&om tile Itatt OD attrKthe _ ire, .... ~ ' a! .. ~ - - - .• "'~'" n ---- -..'-, - --- '" ,"T u _: __ ~:~~.~ best tilIaIt -.iIQ~ ~ do tlaat _ ~ . ~ ~. <:... ~ _ ..... ' ..... ~.~ - "'" ...... .uD1IC1iI "r .• .' -- 1 .1' ~,.~ fl~ ''-'''- .. -,,- ",_ ".- •.. 7 .... ~ ...... _ . ~ .. a piIM~'.~ r II_--.-~ .. ~ ~¥-...... 01" tiIa .~. '", "~ ,', .,.~-".to:..'¥';,,;::<. ,-'. _ . :- .e .".J!f.lI!fU , , .... ....' . .... .,. ... ,..... W'.-",,, . ., '.., ~~."I'''' ",.- ","< ~ .•~.. . . ....... .... widt dieir ......... .. ," 7 0 ',.' .' - .' - ." * .... k~ .......... .,. U-I. -..' ., • _0_0:.._ ~ 'A _ =----.l -" _ n..' cbeItra.. ........ ~ ....... 1tIf.. ~ ~ .. ~ -~P'OIlPJiathat.C0!'*7'Our -- rL.-_ .... _ "...,......- _ -....~-=-_- "...""'...... --- tD ~ Pals boaRpw. T~.'" ~' ~ .,...,.'..,.. .. ~~. iadudes the dcf_ of to be held .. lla.o. School. Friday Jas, Juice Lathr'Op, Acb. K__• J- 1!NIl_ ........ ~ .. * _., -'a.of tae.c ~ ~ ( ...,. IiPt ~ atarac:Ia ..... it a l:IiI. ~'1i:dleoI the --::"'t _" ~ __ H' h' A--"eair:& F.,..". t. The ...eaiq'. Ostrowski, EJa-.. aPi.ner,'aDll Sae dae -. ....Ill 1l'M'eBIher. D3, at atiee J,.inc ~.that - will k _ welIrJlliI a *at &1M! IRd. Aan .. ~~ ..- -. ,..,aIaD , eft.. 4UOUo the dainI COIK:Crt of tIze ._ ~ --, etIacr of Flarida c:hic---ery it die ,."" _iItaIJ. ~ ~ did J~ k eatI;IIIt .. the PI'OlIrUl win faOow 1M aame pattent Stephenson will .~ SJ1liii:t'hy by Vie-. dered fOl' tale 10 the ..... &ichIer IS' 11ae aiett of aace WU eE- 00IIe of her M1l1lpaip fur conquest in as the ftty esjoyab1e and successful tor H~ IIIId We Be& I)f ,,-- ~~ =~~ thIl b:d ~ 01' 9Ceeda 2$ craae. E~e who ---.. Iota siaiaed b,- Kr. H. K.' S&xIa of tJ. Cbiaa. J1u1lllt IaHDcd oar ri(iI&Dce. duee of 1afl fall •• ad i!u:fudes nl"-"'- ory Chime. , .• _ .._ ... _ "'0- of r_"_"_~ __ L of the UIeSKd n.lwlI.. uoa fOl' J9JI. U ... 1IIIder ~ arm or OD a II:a& &~ .. ,e_ .. r__ 'U< UAUIC .I::' __ L ill ~-d lISiaiatWe -- UIC _.... _ ..... ...-... the e-- -:."_ -'- _ ~ ~fnlIIl those catJ'1 ~ ~~~~ot:' ~ door prizes, Bill BodI's outstanding or- dip~. ~~';'.a pr::'b~ .>i his flJoo It Is !tOW' JDOI'e thaw '- 4ecada 'his:'::::" o;::.,~--:pcto.:==-t _~ •• Le __ jobI t t da Society --.......- un: ....... SClIIfIC ..-- Pnmier 'Netille CIsilmbedaia is re- -~ ~~..... - •. --.- .--r-', "" -"''- pbotosraphen 0.. ~a a~ fa.in, _ aDd. tile ~ or ~ tauit!ie$ for Jllll1ei to haft admoaished Sir Johu chesm and refreshments. ture in verse at his place. A todlmit- ~ tbe "a~. S~~ ~ I sale ~ see that at last the ~ ,:..1.. OIl Worth Aveaue. Yn~, wel~ of iaIellect, ai tienBt nces, of SiDJa. British ChaAceIlor of the Ex- tee headed by Jane Sto::km;r v -ote the to startle aDd cme tbe masic.al worid. bid of Z5% is submitted. la case other -- .~.- ... , ---.oc &lid froa1 _IL of fha' -' ,'-.t AR11IUR PASELK prophecies ilBd Edwin Bcuuett bad I Its messacc W'U.IIO -.ple. its appeal, bidders aceed this alDOllDt it is 11_ aa" tJlree of them --._iq' lln. Al- ~ '"'- ~ _aa. cheqaer. '. 01' ."mg aDlloanc= "'" --~ .._,- -,=-_... d I Ired r_ Vudcrbili(aud 4-\ as site life. Tbc .-eatat factor .. __ -I Briwa II apasclivg $1.000.00o per hoar FLOWER SHOP MOVES charge. of printing them on the dipJo. to nerve iUMI ::::::.:' ~"'". an • po~- c:essary to evter Uito competitin bid-- ....... T.. -.;'. -...... -'-LoA u ~ .. I .. '-... ...... ~ ........ A ..... ".. mas. The seatin" was arrall&'ed by lI&Dt that Ofg .......... itabon WU llIIeYI. t.- I ..:_- bat the former OWIIU ma., witbia strode mtD Sab Fifth Ana. ~ ~-:-- .. "" .... ----- ... -. ~r .... --"'-IN far, iIi. ,hi;a iti.i'. :t.. vt t&.i.t tMe A..~- au n.-"" ~"''''''I' ~ priJlteIl .ilk pajilmes, white sweatel' CcaIti-..ate a smile, thiDk ncllt, be 1Iftt' of the Eaapire pn the _001 Bill Krrillier. Phillip Riqer is in I able. Yd U t~e "tarS away mUSICI' 30 days meet any sach bicL All fOt'lSla' 7eDow Ihoa and dark st<mes- ' ~e4. .... tnia ~ fot tipres, bat 1Iecaasc the uborUes a. The Artbur 1.. P ..sclk Flower Shop, charge of the printfng of the malll and ans retunl to it .as oae of the most OW'Dersmay also have the ~e of )'oar wwk," he :adYited. I ploiW tbi. IUIDOlIIICeIIICt tt:I their ad- formerly Iocattd in Ihe Punch and program whch is done in blue &lid ~ I famous .ympholries. POt Tel rep1ace4 sPr'adiag tbeir pay:nClts - n.. ~, Scale Dr. StanJcy Smitb llPOb oa 1leDw.. ftlltlIp. It appears that the British the color tchcme of the banquet dec:OI'- by anotbu, and withal a thiJIg of -- payment cootract whereaa othu ])id. "Witter t -'-- ..... A_ ,... __ of L_ b'- Judy Theatre Bldg., are now doing ations. iDg sincerity, on:whe~ fOignan.<:1 den Dlut ""'y cash for the fvD __ wa cr, ..~ ...- ... ' IDUIJ ~,. "_..., 'rcq1M'-_... ~ -IOY-o .... u .. w ...- IS mcollDteriIlC 110 troa '" busincss in their ncw location at 18119 tabl Ilea' Iarity .... ~ t'!l' d..-!!!k :!!d - 7 ;!!:t'~ m~ = t!eti!t he Jirted be:iua' sood 61lding Z4 IlliUioIJ dona.-, • clay for war The senior farewnn dinner replaces and UDf~ e uty. lU popa of their bid within 24 hours. It is tIM wbic:h to drink than; People. people, mcchauic:, hariDg good eyes'aht. live parposa, whereas it coaJd discover 1IO Kercheval The new Flower Shop and the jllDior-senior banquet of previoas I hue. at elsewhere. is 'llDsurpaued. sincerc desire of the State Land Off'_ an bean of.the ~ aiaht, _Juaned, yCiln of ~, all scieace coana means to help to thc poverty-strikeo Conservator, is just ene block east of yean .... hich had to be diseonlinued be- .Two other conc~ are schedvh:d for I Board that aU parties w-bo ~ casnal, ca" and fulin; ~tarll; white ill high school, ud a B average. areas, especiaDy that of Wales, in the Punch and Judy Theatrt, DO cause the upper classes of the high t~e orchestra .dtD"Tll&' t~e weck. The 1'1' had any interest in tbese ~ies Jaaaakaa hoata dotti1sa' the laDcbcaIM: ------- peueti1ne. school have bccome too large to be ac- s~h procram In the senes of free con- and wbo now ",ish to rcp.iD t1Je# au4 fast rep~ the hea'tJ', old, E ..... UIftA!!D C!'"-__ The -ensmmt that .rgued that it ehange has been made m ~he phone Icommodated two al a time in the caf- certs for school children will be played rights, shan haVt every opportvaity to Spauish tY1Jeof hoaH that UKd to be -~ ~ ..-. nlllllber. The Formal Openmg of the eteria. 1.12 p. m. Wednesday. Jan, 31 and Ihe do so and we believe that this melhool ao popaIar; eoco-t pabzu as tall as F_tureclla Club. ~ DO~. ~et, ~~ it S~:-~~ new Flower Shop will be announced in • ------ fifth concert in the Young Peoplc's Se. Wtll pecnlit us to meet every ~ the Bllbl BaiId ........ llam'. -:..- e:ra-- R _1 C!'L__ I .. m<>DC:y" ........ ~..... ~ ~..~ tbe Review earl, in February. Helm Jean. of 1040 KtnsingtOll Rd., fits wiil be offered at 10:45 a. m. Sat- able requcst of such ..-.. ...... s. -.. ,.•• ~. .. 0J' ... e~ enough, isn'l it? Vi K-'- m duct ,..,._- IiDtr Oft!' watet .nd wa1Is; hibiscus, __ ------ Grossc Pointe, has rccently been eltct- 'ardily, Feb. 3. ,clor ..... r ".' «:OIl "'We line becn serioaslj CCIIICdl1e4 Clkander aDd poiatsettas ,,-owing av Opminc their secood dlpgemmt on It is :tD error to consider this war Sa"e Ii-. ~ witIa -.e. td treasurcr of Pi. Bcta Phi sorority at t~esc two concerts and. EdIth R~cth o"cr tbe plight of a tew..&fred allll cIc-- over the place '. sna ...... ~- cars A' "Ca -- -_.. B ' I f MM, .... 'e 1oJe --. Elaiae ...... 1 the Ullivcrsity of Michigan, Miss Jean , Ttll"',n Wlli I,ccture. "MUSIC of the "yp- serving ne.dy ..... rsons who '6-~ 1 .....:.- rN ~ menean. so... pc.... ~ Qtrl~,e as direct rtlult of the Treaty 0 I" h I f h Sa d ~ ..~.... '''''- with lkevse pIRtcs from Maine to will headline Ihe new s!'ow- at the eh- I VersiiUcs since thc Trcat, of Locarno Anodt D_ SbtIIio, LEo 7liiJI. is a janior in the literary college. ,~y.s t C lIt e.. 0 t etaI' a y , ~orn. properlies invol\'cd in the com;. sale. CaI---oopsI '0.- ba R F '-'-'- lb ---~--------------- ----------lll1g program: Masters of Maslc. the H bel' that ha at .... e mca.n C8OII; s- oyale ritia;r ..... t. co-starred., became the reviscd basis of British, I f I f th \V d dil afternoon pro- owncr. we lCVC -we ..e kety chairs, bicycled by Amoses alld Amerieas own T ..nner Sisters.. The 'French and German relatiolJs .fter I ~ It e 0 e c ncs y least a temporary sobatiDn for tin. tit. ~ndr:;~dc, pilJmthe~~ ~; Dame CapclJa U1d Beatrice carry the I J92S. Thi.> ~ •.:~ent was DOt im- TESTS HEAT VALUE OF ~ ~~ composCl's who will be repre. ~tion.- We art qges~ t1Iat the Jung .Ione ; -tJ. _ ~ee n Loadoa and Paris poHd upon Gumany, And, Germany'. . _ I senlcd at tbe Wednesdily concert _ill mnstlgators fOf' the Old .'\gc ..... sml. ~cht, and the fisbinlJ teet; the At. as Velol aflef Yolaada do in this COlm- l1rlna' ....... ~ .~~ 'h~ :."!~ ll':':'a!::~~ ------------------------- I '... ... " _ ~_.. _""_+ ailce Burtaa and the \Velfare Depart. h!!tie Oee:::, ~;:":-&'''''''' &.ealltiiai ami try. Dwrin, the pa~t three years l!ley I it c~ected .hat illjllStiees thc'Ver- be llacn. MOU". l>.c ..~, , -_.,--_.,. ment! arran;:e to ".,thllotll propenia treacherous', Riila of -ar'- white 'h f Wagncr, Richard Strnss .nd SibelillS. of their clien15 from oar. r- .... hue appeared three limes at t e am- sai]ks Treaty may lsave caus~ to tbc "Harki Harki the Lark." by Schabert, beach, sprinlded witb people, cabaaas, _ Savoy in LondoIIl, the Berkely and Reich. is the ~g .chedakd fOl' the child- "We shall like",~" ,-""vc,&tc witJa C'OklI'fal UDIbnDu ud NO 1*Pft' bacs Brislo Hotels ilIso in Loudon. and Tbia is ODe t~ we should DOt ren's s;ng;ng. tOWllshill supen'isors and \;Ilaee all. OR baauaaa ltins; the __ lDOOII starnd in the Ambassadors in ran.. foraet- city ofticials in wilhho!dinJ otl1tT uses that hanp ill the sky over Detroit- The Tauncr Sister, Kiekcy. Betty M-.. L ---' Cl h tl'hch Ire not on the nlief roll, bid Ilut _bow, much more rosaunc. the and Martha ue making thcir Detroit News1ftck saY' tbe AIlics plan to UUJen ~ Iwb~ch frequcnlly .re m~e dcsen-nc ~"c ,Of salt .. it ~~d. ~t~ ftl~ ha~- debat Friday night. For the past sev- i extend thc French frontier to the G!'O\.tpM~ne I :! :::-.::::!:~;::;.::.c., ..... c .l, ..::, oi COlll's~ ~ uqrancc ~ nJBnt.~1OOIlIJft&' J;lS-1 enl 'DIOlIth, they have bftn iealared I Rhine at Cobk'uta. T1H: liI.-e publica. -- ha~ to d~nd trpon local authorities 1D1Il~ typical, tropic:aJ Paradne. with George OIRn and his Band. AI. tion fmhO' alr_, tt1rre 1ri1I be DO The Book Rnoie .. GrOllll !l'I'Of\SOl'edto call thesc cast'S 10 our attention. Ia Troe Story Department lIIoagh stin ill th~ir teens Ihe girls are cIe1Dilitariztd Rilint aonc. bv tht Molh",'s Chrb of the Grosse thi~ conTlfc:ion it ,hould be ?"mted out We nn across a local MW"SP'per tile _iliar artists, on se~l national hook I Fr~h ._rces cOfItend therc tt1IL Pointe High School \II'illmeet Ta~dal'.1 that N1r tax Ia~ rr.ak,= it t~:e dllty ('Of other day, • Xmas issue, in the 4efttist. aps. Competmg the ShOff are Junc 'Who IS nght? January .J) at I :-45in lite Grosse Pointc I local a~~c"in ...... fficers 10 c"empt fr"" office. In it 'IflIS an 'ad' expressi:.- the Glory •• a-~t~ dant: sta~ •• ft~ ~e-I - Mnnorial Cburch. Itaxal;OTl the proprrl)' of thMe .. ho are Seasons Grel'tin~. from. the Orkin !eM, the girl ... th Ihc RadIO Ml1ld. I It .... To be r-eumnber~d that the ~. Mrs, Douglas D. Martin ... ill re~~w. financial',. unah:e :0 tonlr,bute 10 :hc u.mpan ... 'Creaton of Sanintioa', 111 TM Royaletes do a groap of (okrr-ll1inlr of the Ga'!na1l pocket-bal1Jeshlfl ~Sca Islattd Lady~ by Franci, Gm' l CMt of l1:0\.trMm~"'1.and "'t Ihrre!Me • neat li'lll.: square of oon .... Ihe Orist fal produ(tion lIumbolrrs with Danny Grai S~l', closcly followed by Ihe opher MOl'l~, -Mandc' hy Rithard fre!lhl we ~rc ;\I<liC,r.1iM ["ar'ner the Child and Ihc four Wi5~ Ven wen ~dry supplying the da~e tCfDPO'. i self-dcstrlKlion of I~e I1roIry r~ 0: I ~troal. and "Frosl Flower' by Helen' re<;'<"",'h:I,lI' i(lr li'r "':;""";,I,n,l( of picturcd, .... ,r(,05I tht f"f' of thi, p;(t~e. ------- I lUTTlhu~,has hem ml~cd ~ thiS Hun.' '"rh pr,,~rr1C' h-rn thc sale in the the Orlrin Co. wi.hetl it'! patrons the' FalX FJtANCOI5 BEAt.rrY I colamn .s .a liga th ..I H,tler d,d not Mcml>e" of tne Mr>lher's Club arc I h~n<l. of 10r,,1 off;"al •." Men-it'st of Xma,sc!'- t:ndcrnca:h was! SALON OFFERINC SPECIALS I (Cofttmued Oll Pace Thne) I askcd to bring thcir fricnds. I It ,,'as al.o "'l1'~('.:.~ 1'1\' ~!r. Br,' ...... printed, ~The S"uth', oldcst and lar,r-l ,-- ----.- -- Ih~1 lilr><. ,,'''n ~fC \'1i~m'\ ar ,,'i:', :"e e~t exlrrminalor.' of rah, m;c~, roach-' Gr~,c Pomre ~omen .i11l11ldouht~cf'l ST. PAUL'S ALTER SOCIETY POINTERS CLUB I ~r"rr<!"fC I,' I-,c :1':1"'''"1 "'1.,T~ :.,,- .- ,.....,-_.. ',. r.""",,,,," II,. he '"ter~.tcd m the Bauty Spc-eoals I ~PONSORI BRIDGE TEA 1 I SPONSORS CARD PARri I mr', ,ltr;', ,,,",,,H :','1' ,. ';<1:\ 're.". '".."'._.~,... '" ,..._-,. '"'" I now hei"f( "itend by t~ Feii" Fran'j - -- '1 ._- _ . . I ~lrrr. Ii,:, ,,: "rr~rflir, to he n!irrrtl An "lll. and tired friend of ()III'S Cl'li, Rcallty S.IOCl lc>cued in thc Panch 'the Altar ~iCl, "I. St. Paul'! The Pointer, Cld" L'i)'1~ o,arl.,.o;" I "'f q'. '"1 r,,,l.1"a'M': "."'rh1.:. are dU!1ll:td u. t .... (mt of those stuffed, and In<iy Thnlre B~, AlthOllfr" the I Chrrrrh ;~ ~pon~ITlf!' II BridlrC-Tn, "n ~','rn::c, :re srr>"'Mln.il ~ '.conr! PHII'I a,'~ht,T(' ~~ l',C nr;"us "ff;cc. of the .hirl r!;nntr p ..~nir~., the Nhtr ni!l'ht. 'I r>ritC~ nn. t;,r<r 'lrfrldy ~f'f. ci:tl~ .'u ..e Tlle~l1av, Janlla~'. ,l')t_h', al 2 p. m, a: l.1 ht ",nn in thrir tl1lnr",,", :;.:w.' (."Ir:,' Hra "rrn', o l- I Il I 74«1 1 f C. S. S;>mcc:r. chm>iat at l~ River con!"'t nf nalunot lI:~ ~ here . U'r ('I<."C<. j~ rr' H 1 I P:4" "n th(' ('x-, h",." ("'nn'C,.,1"r~hl," l<"wrrf'f1 11 ha'" 10 TIn I ~~e hf'm(' c"( nanrl (:.:'"t",1", 1 '. to • RO'l~t: .~a~1C')'fl or the Mid".~~:n C:');, fr,f the Df't:-nit .r~a Th11 cnr'tant ~;H".. hnil;H~' 2i, .~t a ,"("ry rr~l;l""~!)~(" i _ prr",,,,,, iI.,"e hrr a;, in .he "'~y "fl ..:a~.rl'lrctrril .. f.lI<e~f'~elinr<:m~!e. fcr.'''" a\'rl1llf,. All, the hllic. of.t;,e .ohdatrd Ga~ C= .. ",'. ~~..,..." tr.t ro( hr.l. or 8.T.li . ..,..,.,.t..,t ,,'01 :~r ll:"C':' (an or .,,',-r .; d E"rol1 n" .. -Gro .. " .Pointe' ....... .. ed:ocre .00<1 and excellcnt c~am- rlOl, and workmansh,!, 'DC' which Ihe jl'arlSh and theIr fnend~ are cord,atly at ...ork 2 .t~ Il'ultruments ...t"ch N1f~ards both the Com~y and I'lrnt)" of tun, The ..:or:, ,.0;11beg.n .1 il'Of'llla .. D.~ Stwdio .. E Marie (e-ao" 0iII l. T'fI<Ol Salon has bee1l to IIOtelI. in~ to be prtsellt. ~~.. 4q, the be.t na~ 8:JO. I Antoft,LE. 7m.
Page 1: on , oua ~~='If;;Ew:k~.f.:r '-.:-I' [,~ t..10l.DIlAM. itht . …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-01-25.pdf · 2006. 2. 27. · ~ t'!l' d..-!!!k :!!d - 7 ;!!:t'~


oua POLJC1",.


/......-...... ..,...... co. • on ,


_ . ... - .... '.'1~."'!!NUIfr.aUftH~ALIMIDICI'YOL. ~No. 23 t..10l.DIlAM. p itht . _ CiiOiSi iOiihi.liu::HtGAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 25, 1940 ~ 194e .00 pet' year; Single CAp~ 5 .;;••

"~~=""'If;;E"w:k~.f.:r [,~ Rides' Bilt .: ,Be da-I I~or Vernon Brown........'.....-.:........-I'"0Wi.. ,..... - , "'. . ..,~ ...."4 e~. ~ ~ CxP.IaIn- Auction Sale......... NOT 0I:lt ef DetnIit..ne .... 1 Celli t'. ";;".-.. 11!!Q1Z" • 3

1 .> ( '..,' ,- , State' Land.tW _ were OII till.,.-tillc tllon .. II- " '- g 21 . _ ' .-.der .... c4 lOti witIl __ ' ~'..... .. tr sf $ '... •

.. Itair-e-Q. II.,. "e'N Jut t..,. -1:.. ~ =.":......_:.. .....-GeMn1 Y_ J. a.-.,. nrted to the State 011N""emMr3••after Iut yUtl triP to the Cout • aM ... J i" ......,.. . .. ""'. ."tile State Lud Ol&ct Itab amDtap of the ptCYitiollt of lheChief. Wehope that ....... _~ .,.. IIIIit.II7 c."... ... ...., ~ wItidI Stat, Lu4 Office "I'd Actill order-.ke ., (to the CatifCllllia Jtopca aN ..".................... ' ~ .. 01 .. dafniq,.. dlat tIIey -iPt npia JOItCllioe ofthe Shropshire lOind<s). foraBwe~ -.to ......,.. _ Ii::liIiIiI' _ coaW" witlaWd Ire- ~ (Ga. lb. ~la................to t&y aboat Fbida --. J- c. I>rnctaIe, dUd of police 01 Iu.. ... fIl tu-dd"'1M1It pnpertia. .AA __ '"4$~ iJ .. "~

Whea we anivc4 a.t PaJ=. hads,. e;.- PoiIIte Park, tPob to a tarp .:11111." :.. lIr. B_ • arp4 ~ ~ to'fl'nicw~~,"'Mr. Br_WIora IookiBe 'arq' ordIaa'a ....... ei ....-.u .. tile --.& fit... cf tu "8atlJtltet ,ropema widdI re-1"It ..... ,~,~. dIat~.at the ltatioc pIayiq. "fI1orida TIle '~ e&aJlhaaizd the iaIpartuce rr-:r .'= *fI..- r.itl. "P-"ea..c.t '''.'' '~'"1I0CNl aDd Yata". A£ we btIttau4 ow el leanIiac ... pm.. bMrIeq:I __ It. ' ........ CDld u,httf' abolIt lIIII' aeck. _ riIile ill die Hnkc ,. the police. TIle , 1t II __ Ia " Saturda,. FeIwwu7 3I'emIr'b4 to dI:e JIOI14;r tbat .. r~ for ~ a poIke of. ..... .... At M• ..-ic Ts n..tII.ochllt W'U llarDed Diee of tM& '-' .. --- ..... a ... .mocl . :'t.:'= 'L "'ttilj~.:Be abowed "dq bees doia' • ~1I'1 a -- perfect ~ " ComtDCtDOratinc the no...,. of",

, ' .... -~.... ~t!oa J'OU ... the 5:.".. birth of Peter Dyitch TIChaikxlnb. the... a4llpted,. ~ lD'ttIe,.... ~=~~~ Detroit Symphony Orch~tra wilt pia)'1ic'. -thocI ;If -'to" aat.rd Kr. To -- - - aD all-Tsekaikonky proeraa .t l:beE. JDnhMs- • .-.-.aiM ........~ .fa ........

--- - A ...., fifth in the Mria of "PQt)" c:o-t •.. tbe BlIdd ~ eo- ..., .. ' Saturday DiPt. Feb. 3. iD K.~.,..,.. He Wiews the otbet .,. ... ..etr.' ~ - ....., Auditorill!ll......... efr,"'. 6:1...... · ..,.,'., tit~ L_ ._ "-"0'>--._ a ........i- ...... ,. .. - - Franco ClIme will eoDdud this,--- .... - ---- -- ..., Rir , 7 'n.r -.-c' prolfraJIl, makilaa hia 0111" appftralll« I» . ..- '"W"1dI tIIia ~ ~ T '-It. ..~ ate .. _< • ..._ ~._. •.. JftCtfraJIy .,.... ia tile eqiae«.. , _....... . tINt ,.. 111 01 the year ID ..... ~-priced Cl*-

.. '6eW.. lJatcd Mt-. Gallaer. __ ' -.... tb II ....... __"--.blJIIl i. eat .mes. The procI'IlB wiD be III&de.... - 1JIe tift mu. ......- to .. up of the 5mb S:J1IIpIIooy (Pathet-"t~ _ t1Ie .. ject _ u..lL -. -..:=~..L.. Ole ~ 01 Qle WIWf WoU')', th. D ~<.;." r f- Vi_lit' ... _ ....of __ traiJiI Ja.es , -.. A_ -.. ........ " -.. -r - ~ IIl.net, ~ ... ... ~ ~ - """'.... ~

~ wtrida Kr_ J. H. .seIIrifttf', hi c:1IarIe .- - - ,- • ~ tile _ v.u.e &lata 1tMI' .... Pr-.- liu aDd o.-clteatn., doe taDeflll..... dq 1'1aYlI "&ppy da1W is ~ of tile Iaospital bicIIoIicaI ...u.J ja. ................ ~ .. lilt ~ __ JIcIa 0.nit. Jdat JIooIIwIt tiee OIl ooea-';""ic: ItaIiea." The works wiDAciD- Be c:ast a c:ritical eye at -- 19lO -.a,. di-riaioa at Parke Da-ria. tpOke. afIIt. .. .. ,..,.. .... on.. too. ~ __ .. ~ ~ -:-. ..._~IraIak, ..... it __ hit back ... 1& .. that aD tbeee .... ""i care =-:-:.~ 'De• .,. -: ::.:.~;.:::a::3''===:=.: ~:t::= be played ill the onIa' listed. '.uI, ~)(- Bahba HlIttoll. .. ~ __ Iltie.ea «_' 'M..ItOIIIcI 1dSI~ ..... ,..... ~ ..... ..... .. tnI7 tIM .... ... toS=~::Uam~ it.~ttac~sm, Mw tnmks.. We tIIeaPt itl'" __of IIIie WL ne -*nt '--- --; fa r, I - ~ II tile _ w.e .. _0.. IDdlYiI1IaII .. tit-. AuditOr.GeDinI.. iBmIateria1 Ud irrde •• L ~ .... ..... ' ...... 1iICWIlI .......... ~ s:a- ~...... II. aM ...,. aI:ont .. BIt- ~ ~ eoIOD)' • • • the only appearuc:e tItiI -- of V-"""J.' e-....._

..o:.L -""'!J . a:- - ~.. .. ~ Jeq 1.0 est --.. ,. n~ ScbkoIailc. poptI!ar coacertmutet ... - ~1ref ~'t WNtc &1lT .... ~ ~," .... '. t .at" ...... .. RIr:I J!ItIlIII... ...InIW" tip.,. ........... tIill)' 1rt11 IIJp •• tM tIf tlIe OI'chelitn. all eokJiJt. Sdtkohtik

...... Afta' we .. ...., .. .. . ". • '. "',- • -- ... -.... ..... ~ .. ~ tit _ ....... wiD _,. the 1010 title of tile ee.certe, [~~ 1Ieela b:t tbvt:;!a f:s:lIn .-~ __ n-m4bcatlle~ '"'I. ....... .- ~.. ----.J=-------,..-.---- - . pay tai.s. HOWCftl', ~ tIaIt-- &oat" it ........... ~6e .... d dP. 'JII' t -I"'" Gf"EVElffS I e., '. ' IISeDior FU'eWe1l :.r:l'~wit~ ~:ua::IIl,,=of~ coaditions lIue bea& fUCh Rriatr dilloc... We MIollt ~_ ... :.:: .. ~ ~_~ Jae~ -. PAUL" DlIAC NOnCE Banquet Ja.ouary 31 IciaI ~ in Detroit as ~ put ~ tbat many ~ - till-A_ 11'01' .... ,. ''''.-\1 ..,. . - n. at,. flI. e.- P.... Ie - with the Detroit Symphcm Z1)'e&1'$ cere ~ have def.aultet III*~ \... Ji1or:idiaat, Warda A-. ~f.... a 55 n 7 ~ ..... --- n.,...... ...... ~ ... . ~ ' With Bruck BockstaA& pm ..... the ~ -.aU of tax obliptioM tbrwIh •.. 6e ............ -.e ~ aN .", .-.It; ....ta ~~~ ..~ • .u StateL ~ -:::.,.J .. ~ irst scAior farewell banquet wiJ1 be 1Fo_ .... _ ....... __ ~ • faoJ1tClitbcirOW1l.the1qjsk~~.»- T-Ir'. 1:'"""" &~ A_" _. _. ~hi!!!e! == ..l:__ 1 a-_ sa -.t1 .-,: die 'I - ..... . - ., 11heW WedDesda)' Janury 31 at 6:J01 Il .. _ .. ~ .. - c! --. -_. - Jo"" 1.~ ~. iIi"'''' ,---.. ..:.:.:.-- - -.=.!:,::.....:!.~ _ "!"!!""~.~. "; •. _--. 4. ....- _~ _ r 1 ...... ...a: _ .... - .. ... ..........'".."'..... '-__, ,'~, Dik, .1oag'1ritb a J..-a .aD .... _ --u _ oL..!- "7 ":"'" - ............. ... ~ ., ~ - "-"1---- --- - - .. --.- P'" D .... .... • "'W.. "'1'H'InI r:lll ~~ - .. ~ ""'5 ~ Di08dIlei.

ila. I.. • & a reJI(IIIfW:' coat to Qenaa1' • ...-e to ..¥u' ~,~, "'11- i&bani Moor"; is dWnuB of the IVictor Kolar, jolMd me ~ - cIitilIe .., .. -. ---..-.J..IMs ~ baDt. • -. ~ tIlat • .. fraiIl fnli. ...,. adioII wIIidl add ..... ., ....... r ,..... ba.nq1Jd. The procram 'PI i1tchIcIe ~ in._. of ~ late ~ GaIrio- whid!)aye 1Iea& made uaiIaWe thra

lit -.n ~ the fad. tIlat ....... '. II' ~ -.- .. _ tile -.ada of u.x- ~ Yet, ~ .--,~,~ .. threc~: "DiaiDlI" "" Harold tnbch. ~ bimletf, bad 1Jle lkp"l"Woa en., the State LaM ()I..~ ~ .. ~ to "fill .... ') ...... .. • -:""tiw. .. £""t., -'.."' .ti--'---.I S'-'-t A~ takA - tile reuat of the ~ .........,, __.... ,_.I ~ 61.-

~ IIair ..... . .' -- . ... ...... ~+.. "lIE- -, •..- ------...... eutier widl the ' -.. ~ .. 1IJU cna~ 10 - -- - • , .., -- - . 'K' De.te:r -..cr.. ~t 1toeMYelt ... ...,. w.. .., IIOr "'Value Recdnl" by Bill Sc:baai&It, Inlt - ,.... • apnu wbD wereaabSe to anil tbc--ne. atf:an7. ,wan it a:DlI - KE.\lI ... :. d6ce ~. liplike to statcoi that __ .-td aCIt daIMI idq by :.:. .:...:.' '-:- ..... .. uti. farewell address tided ... .w.a. DDIknt"":e that.the lIUt ~ (1~ the. pIaM miabt ati1 repun:hue their~I TJae~ ~. ~.:.~ -L..' ....... •.• if ,._......~:..._a-:.ro-- .L.'_6~ .... PC;: ,~ ..... P.lIl A. R''---- -=-_'-t be _101 ~ to ~ ..-tiet.&om tile Itatt OD attrKthe_ ire, .... ~ ' a! .. ~ - - - .• "'~'" n ---- -..'-, - --- '" ,"Tu_: __ ~:~~.~ best tilIaIt -.iIQ~ ~ do tlaat _ ~ .~ ~. <:... ~ _ ..... ' ..... ~.~ - "'" ...... .uD1IC1iI "r . • • .' --1 .1' ~,.~ fl~ ''-'''- .. -,,- ",_ ".- •.. 7 .... ~ ...... _ . • ~ .. a piIM~'.~ r II_--.-~ .. ~ ~¥-...... 01" tiIa

.~. '", "~ ,', .,.~-".to:..'¥';,,;::<. ,-'. _ . : - .e • .".J!f.lI!fU

, , .... ....' ..... .,. ... ,..... W'.-",,, . ., '.., ~~."I''''",.-","< ~ .•~.. . ........ .... widt dieir ......... .. ," 7 0 ',.' .' - .' - ." *.... k ~ .......... .,. U-I. -..' ., • _0_0:.._ ~ 'A _ =----.l -" _ n..' cbeItra.. ........~ ....... 1tIf..

~ ~.. ~ -~P'OIlPJiathat.C0!'*7'Our -- rL.-_...._ "...,......-_ -....~-=-_- "...""'...... ---• tD ~ Pals boaRpw. T~.'" ~' ~ .,...,.'..,.. .. ~~. iadudes the dcf_ of to be held .. lla.o. School. Friday Jas, Juice Lathr'Op, Acb. K__• J- 1!NIl_ ........ ~ ..* _., -'a.of tae.c ~ ~ (...,. IiPt ~ atarac:Ia ..... it a l:IiI. ~'1i:dleoI the --::"'t _" ~ __ H' h' A--"eair:& F.,..". t. The ...eaiq'. Ostrowski, EJa-.. aPi.ner,'aDll Sae dae -. ....Ill 1l'M'eBIher. D3, at atiee J,.inc ~.that - will k_ welIrJlliI a *at &1M! IRd. Aan . . ~~ .. - -. ,..,aIaD , eft.. 4UOUo the dainI COIK:Crt of tIze ._ ~ --,etIacr of Flarida c:hic---ery it die ,."" _iItaIJ. ~ ~ did J~ k eatI;IIIt .. the PI'OlIrUl win faOow 1M aame pattent Stephenson will .~ SJ1liii:t'hy by Vie-. dered fOl' tale 10 the ..... &ichIer

IS' 11ae aiett of aace WU eE- 00IIe of her M1l1lpaip fur conquest in as the ftty esjoyab1e and successful tor H~ IIIId We Be& I)f ,,-- ~~ =~~ thIl b:d ~ 01' 9Ceeda 2$craae. E~e who ---.. Iota siaiaed b,- Kr. H. K.' S&xIa of tJ. Cbiaa. J1u1lllt IaHDcd oar ri(iI&Dce. duee of 1afl fall •• ad i!u:fudes nl"-"'- ory Chime. , . • _ .._ ... _ "'0- of r_"_"_~ __L of the UIeSKd n.lwlI.. uoa fOl' J9JI. U... 1IIIder ~ arm or OD a II:a& &~ .. ,e_ .. r__ 'U< • • • UAUIC .I::' __ L ill ~-d lISiaiatWe -- UIC _.... _ ..... ...-... the e-- -:."_ -'- _

~ ~fnlIIl those catJ'1 ~ ~~~~ot:' ~ door prizes, Bill BodI's outstanding or- dip~. ~~';'.a pr::'b~ .>i his flJoo It Is !tOW' JDOI'e thaw '- 4ecada 'his:'::::" o;::.,~--:pcto.:==-t _~•• Le__ jobI t t da Society --.......- un: ....... SClIIfIC ..-- Pnmier 'Netille CIsilmbedaia is re- -~ ~~..... - •. --.- .--r-', "" -"''-pbotosraphen 0..~a a~ fa.in, _ aDd. tile ~ or ~ tauit!ie$ for Jllll1ei to haft admoaished Sir Johu chesm and refreshments. ture in verse at his place. A todlmit- ~ tbe "a~. S~~ ~ I sale ~ see that at last the ~,:..1.. OIl Worth Aveaue. Yn~, wel~ of iaIellect, ai tienBt nces, of SiDJa. British ChaAceIlor of the Ex- tee headed by Jane Sto::km;r v -ote the to startle aDd cme tbe masic.al worid. bid of Z5% is submitted. la case other-- .~.- ..., ---.oc &lid froa1 _IL of fha' -' ,'-.t AR11IUR PASELK prophecies ilBd Edwin Bcuuett bad IIts messacc W'U.IIO -.ple. its appeal, bidders aceed this alDOllDt it is 11_aa" tJlree of them --._iq' lln. Al- ~ '"'- ~ _aa. cheqaer. '. 01' ."mg aDlloanc= "'" --~ .._,- -,=-_... d IIred r_ Vudcrbili(aud 4-\ as site life. Tbc .-eatat factor .. __ -I Briwa II apasclivg $1.000.00o per hoar FLOWER SHOP MOVES charge. of printing them on the dipJo. to nerve iUMI ::::::.:' ~"'". an • po~- c:essary to evter Uito competitin bid--

.......T.. -.;'. -...... -'-LoA u ~ .. I • .. '-... ...... ~ ........ A ..... ".. mas. The seatin" was arrall&'ed by lI&Dt that Ofg..........itabon WU llIIeYI.t.- I .. :_- bat the former OWIIU ma., witbiastrode mtD Sab Fifth Ana. ~ ~-:-- .."" ....----- ...-. ~r ....--"'-IN far, iIi. ,hi;aiti.i'. :t..vt t&.i.t tMeA..~- au n.-"" ~"''''''I' ~priJlteIl .ilk pajilmes, white sweatel' CcaIti-..ate a smile, thiDk ncllt, be 1Iftt' of the Eaapire pn the _001 Bill Krrillier. Phillip Riqer is in Iable. Yd U t~e "tarS away mUSICI' 30 days meet any sach bicL All fOt'lSla'7eDow Ihoa and dark st<mes- ' ~e4. .... tnia ~ fot tipres, bat 1Iecaasc the uborUes a. The Artbur 1.. P ..sclk Flower Shop, charge of the printfng of the malll and ans retunl to it .as oae of the most OW'Dersmay also have the ~e of

)'oar wwk," he :adYited. IploiW tbi. IUIDOlIIICeIIICt tt:I their ad- formerly Iocattd in Ihe Punch and program whch is done in blue &lid ~ I famous .ympholries. POt Tel rep1ace4 sPr'adiag tbeir pay:nClts - • n..~, Scale Dr. StanJcy Smitb llPOb oa 1leDw.. ftlltlIp. It appears that the British the color tchcme of the banquet dec:OI'- by anotbu, and withal a thiJIg of -- payment cootract whereaa othu ])id."Witter t -'-- ..... A_ ,... • __ of L_ • • b'- Judy Theatre Bldg., are now doing ations. iDg sincerity, on:whe~ fOignan.<:1 den Dlut ""'y cash for the fvD __

• wa cr, ..~ ...- ... ' IDUIJ ~,. "_..., 'rcq1M'-_... ~ -IOY-o....u..w...- IS mcollDteriIlC 110 troa '" busincss in their ncw location at 18119 tabl Ilea' Iarity ....~ t'!l' d..-!!!k :!!d - 7 ;!!:t'~ m ~ = t!eti!t he Jirted be:iua' • sood 61lding Z4 IlliUioIJ dona.-, • clay for war The senior farewnn dinner replaces and UDf~ e uty. lU popa of their bid within 24 hours. It is tIMwbic:h to drink than; People. people, mcchauic:, hariDg good eyes'aht. live parposa, whereas it coaJd discover 1IO Kercheval The new Flower Shop and the jllDior-senior banquet of previoas Ihue. at elsewhere. is 'llDsurpaued. sincerc desire of the State Land Off'_an bean of.the ~ aiaht, _Juaned, yCiln of ~, all scieace coana means to help to thc poverty-strikeo Conservator, is just ene block east of yean ....hich had to be diseonlinued be- .Two other conc~ are schedvh:d for I Board that aU parties w-bo ~casnal, ca" and fulin; ~tarll; white ill high school, ud a B average. areas, especiaDy that of Wales, in the Punch and Judy Theatrt, DO cause the upper classes of the high t~e orchestra .dtD"Tll&'t~e weck. The 1'1' had any interest in tbese ~iesJaaaakaa hoata dotti1sa' the laDcbcaIM: ------- peueti1ne. • school have bccome too large to be ac- s~h procram In the senes of free con- and wbo now ",ish to rcp.iD t1Je#au4 fast rep~ the hea'tJ', old, E.....UIftA!!D C!'"-__ The -ensmmt that .rgued that it ehange has been made m ~he phone Icommodated two al a time in the caf- certs for school children will be played rights, shan haVt every opportvaity toSpauish tY1Jeof hoaH that UKd to be -~ ~ ..-. nlllllber. The Formal Openmg of the eteria. 1.12 p. m. Wednesday. Jan, 31 and Ihe do so and we believe that this melhoolao popaIar; eoco-t pabzu as tall as F_tureclla Club. ~ DO~. ~et, ~~ it S~:-~~new Flower Shop will be announced in • ------ fifth concert in the Young Peoplc's Se. Wtll pecnlit us to meet every ~the Bllbl BaiId ........ llam'. -:..- e:ra-- R _1 C!'L__ I .. m<>DC:y" ........ ~..... ~ ~..~ tbe Review earl, in February. Helm Jean. of 1040 KtnsingtOll Rd., fits wiil be offered at 10:45 a. m. Sat- able requcst of such ..-.. ......s.-.. ,.•• ~. .. 0J' ... e ~ enough, isn'l it? Vi K-'- m duct ,..,._-IiDtr Oft!' watet .nd wa1Is; hibiscus, __ • • • ------ Grossc Pointe, has rccently been eltct- 'ardily, Feb. 3. ,clor ..... r ".' «:OIl "'We line becn serioaslj CCIIICdl1e4Clkander aDd poiatsettas ,,-owing av Opminc their secood dlpgemmt on It is :tD error to consider this war Sa"e Ii-. ~ witIa • -.e. td treasurcr of Pi. Bcta Phi sorority at t~esc two concerts and. EdIth R~cth o"cr tbe plight of a tew..&fred allll cIc--over the place '. sna ...... ~- cars A' "Ca -- -_.. B ' I f MM, .... 'e 1oJe --. Elaiae ...... 1 the Ullivcrsity of Michigan, Miss Jean , Ttll"',n Wlli I,ccture. "MUSIC of the "yp- serving ne.dy .....rsons who '6-~ 1.....:.-

rN ~ menean. so... pc.... ~ Qtrl~,e as • direct rtlult of the Treaty 0 I" h I f h Sa d ~ ..~.... '''''-with lkevse pIRtcs from Maine to will headline Ihe new s!'ow- at the eh- IVersiiUcs since thc Trcat, of Locarno Anodt D_ SbtIIio, LEo 7liiJI. is a janior in the literary college. ,~y.s t C lIt e.. 0 t etaI' ay

, ~orn. properlies invol\'cd in the com;. sale.CaI---oopsI '0.- ba R F '-'-'- lb ---~--------------- ----------lll1g program: Masters of Maslc. the H bel' that ha at....e mca.n C8OII; s- oyale ritia;r ..... t. co-starred., became the reviscd basis of British, If I f th \V d dil afternoon pro- owncr. we lCVC -we ..ekety chairs, bicycled by Amoses alld Amerieas own T ..nner Sisters.. The 'French and German relatiolJs .fter I ~ It e 0 e c ncs y least a temporary sobatiDn for tin. tit.

~ndr:;~dc, pilJmthe~~ ~; Dame CapclJa U1d Beatrice carry the I J92S. Thi.> ~ •.:~ent was DOt im- TESTS HEAT VALUE OF ~ ~~ composCl's who will be repre. ~tion.- We art qges~ t1Iat theJung .Ione ; -tJ. _ ~ee n Loadoa and Paris poHd upon Gumany, And, Germany'. . _ I senlcd at tbe Wednesdily concert _ill mnstlgators fOf' the Old .'\gc .....sml.~cht, and the fisbinlJ teet; the At. as Velol aflef Yolaada do in this COlm- l1rlna' ....... ~ .~~ 'h~ :."!~ ll':':'a!::~~ ------------------------- I '... ... " _ ~_.._""_+ ailce Burtaa and the \Velfare Depart.h!!tie Oee:::, ~;:":-&'''''''' &.ealltiiai ami try. Dwrin, the pa~t three years l!ley I it c~ected .hat illjllStiees thc'Ver- be llacn. MOU". l>.c ..~, , -_.,--_.,. ment! arran;:e to ".,thllotll propeniatreacherous', Riila of -ar'- white 'h f Wagncr, Richard Strnss .nd SibelillS. of their clien15 from oar.

r- .... hue appeared three limes at t e am- sai]ks Treaty may lsave caus~ to tbc "Harki Harki the Lark." by Schabert,beach, sprinlded witb people, cabaaas, _ Savoy in LondoIIl, the Berkely and Reich. is the ~g .chedakd fOl' the child- "We shall like",~" ,-""vc,&tc witJaC'OklI'fal UDIbnDu ud NO 1*Pft' bacs Brislo Hotels ilIso in Loudon. and Tbia is ODe t~ we should DOt ren's s;ng;ng. tOWllshill supen'isors and \;Ilaee all.OR baauaaa ltins; the __ lDOOII starnd in the Ambassadors in ran.. foraet- city ofticials in wilhho!dinJ otl1tT uses

that hanp ill the sky over Detroit- The Tauncr Sister, Kiekcy. Betty • • • M-..L---' Cl h tl'hch Ire not on the nlief roll, bidIlut _bow, much more rosaunc. the and Martha ue making thcir Detroit News1ftck saY' tbe AIlics plan to UUJen ~ Iwb~ch frequcnlly .re m~e dcsen-nc~"c ,Of salt ..it ~~d. ~t~ ftl~ ha~- debat Friday night. For the past sev- i extend thc French frontier to the G!'O\.tpM~ne I:! :::-.::::!:~;::;.::.c., .....c .l, ..::, oi COlll's~~ uqrancc ~ nJBnt.~1OOIlIJft&'J;lS-1 enl 'DIOlIth, they have bftn iealared I Rhine at Cobk'uta. T1H: liI.-e publica. -- ha~ to d~nd trpon local authorities1D1Il~ typical, tropic:aJ Paradne. with George OIRn and his Band. AI. tion fmhO' alr_, tt1rre 1ri1I be DO The Book Rnoie .. GrOllll !l'I'Of\SOl'edto call thesc cast'S 10 our attention. IaTroe Story Department lIIoagh stin ill th~ir teens Ihe girls are cIe1Dilitariztd Rilint aonc. bv tht Molh",'s Chrb of the Grosse thi~ conTlfc:ion it ,hould be ?"mted out

We nn across a local MW"SP'per tile _iliar artists, on se~l national hook I Fr~h ._rces cOfItend therc tt1IL Pointe High School \II'illmeet Ta~dal'.1 that N1r tax Ia~ rr.ak,= it t~:e dllty ('Ofother day, • Xmas issue, in the 4efttist. aps. Competmg the ShOff are Junc 'Who IS nght? January .J) at I :-45in lite Grosse Pointc I local a~~c"in ...... fficers 10 c"empt fr""office. In it 'IflIS an 'ad' expressi:.- the Glory •• a-~t~ dant: sta~ •• ft~ ~e-I - • • Mnnorial Cburch. Itaxal;OTl the proprrl)' of thMe .. ho areSeasons Grel'tin~. from. the Orkin !eM, the girl ... th Ihc RadIO Ml1ld. I It ....To be r-eumnber~d that the ~. Mrs, Douglas D. Martin ...ill re~~w. financial',. unah:e :0 tonlr,bute 10 :hcu.mpan ... 'Creaton of Sanintioa', 111 TM Royaletes do a groap of (okrr-ll1inlr of the Ga'!na1l pocket-bal1Jeshlfl ~Sca Islattd Lady~ by Franci, Gm'l CMt of l1:0\.trMm~"'1.and "'t Ihrre!Me• neat li'lll.: square of oon .... Ihe Orist fal produ(tion lIumbolrrs with Danny Grai S~l', closcly followed by Ihe opher MOl'l~, -Mandc' hy Rithard fre!lhl we ~rc ;\I<liC,r.1iM["ar'ner theChild and Ihc four Wi5~ Ven wen ~dry supplying the da~e tCfDPO'. i self-dcstrlKlion of I~e I1roIry r~ 0: I ~troal. and "Frosl Flower' by Helen' re<;'<"",'h:I,lI' i(lr li'r "':;""";,I,n,l( ofpicturcd, ....,r(,05I tht f"f' of thi, p;(t~e. ------- I lUTTlhu~,has hem ml~cd ~ thiS Hun.' '"rh pr,,~rr1C' h-rn thc sale in thethe Orlrin Co. wi.hetl it'! patrons the' FalX FJtANCOI5 BEAt.rrY I colamn .s .a liga th ..I H,tler d,d not Mcml>e" of tne Mr>lher's Club arc Ih~n<l. of 10r,,1 off;"al •."Men-it'st of Xma,sc!'- t:ndcrnca:h was! SALON OFFERINC SPECIALS I (Cofttmued Oll Pace Thne) I askcd to bring thcir fricnds. I It ,,'as al.o "'l1'~('.:.~1'1\'~!r. Br,' ......printed, ~The S"uth', oldcst and lar,r-l ,-- ----.- -- Ih~1 lilr><. ,,'''n ~fC \'1i~m'\ ar ,,'i:', :"ee~t exlrrminalor.' of rah, m;c~, roach-' Gr~,c Pomre ~omen .i11l11ldouht~cf'lST. PAUL'S ALTER SOCIETY POINTERS CLUB I ~r"rr<!"fC I,' I-,c :1':1"'''"1 "'1.,T~ :.,,-.- ,. ....• ,-_.. ',. r.""",,,,," II,. he '"ter~.tcd m the Bauty Spc-eoals I ~PONSORI BRIDGE TEA 1 I SPONSORS CARD PARri I mr', ,ltr;', ,,,",,,H :','1' ,. ';<1:\ 're.".'".. "'. _.~,...'" ,..._-,.'"'" Inow hei"f( "itend by t~ Feii" Fran'j - -- '1 ._- _ . . I ~lrrr. Ii,:, ,,: "rr~rflir, to he n!irrrtl

An "lll. and tired friend of ()III'S Cl'li, Rcallty S.IOCl lc>cued in thc Panch 'the Altar ~iCl, "I. St. Paul'! The Pointer, Cld" L'i)'1~ o,arl.,.o;" I "'f q'. '"1 r,,,l.1"a'M': "."'rh1.:. aredU!1ll:td u. t .... (mt of those stuffed, and In<iy Thnlre B~, AlthOllfr" the IChrrrrh ;~ ~pon~ITlf!' II BridlrC-Tn, "n ~','rn::c, :re srr>"'Mln.il ~ '.conr! PHII'I a,'~ht,T(' ~~ l',C nr;"us "ff;cc. of the.hirl r!;nntr p..~nir~., the Nhtr ni!l'ht. 'I r>ritC~ nn. t;,r<r 'lrfrldy ~f'f. ci:tl~ .'u .. e Tlle~l1av, Janlla~'. ,l')t_h', al 2 p. m, a: l.1 ht ",nn in thrir tl1lnr",,", :;.:w.' (."Ir:,' Hra "rrn',o l- I Il I 74«1 1 f C. S. S;>mcc:r. chm>iat at l~ River con!"'t nf nalunot lI:~ ~ here .

U'r ('I<."C<. j~ rr'H1 I P:4" "n th(' ('x-, h",." ("'nn'C,.,1"r~hl," l<"wrrf'f1 11 ha'" 10 TIn I ~~e hf'm(' c"( nanrl (:.:'"t",1", 1 '. to • RO'l~t: .~a~1C')'flor the Mid".~~:n C:');, fr,f the Df't:-nit .r~a Th11 cnr'tant ~;H".. hnil;H~' 2i, .~t a ,"("ry rr~l;l""~!)~(" i _prr",,,,,, iI.,"e hrr a;, in .he "'~y "fl ..:a~.rl'lrctrril .. f.lI<e~f'~elinr<:m~!e. fcr.'''" a\'rl1llf,. All, the hllic. of.t;,e .ohdatrd Ga~ C= .. ",'. ~~..,..." tr.t ro( hr.l. or 8.T.li . ..,..,.,.t..,t ,,'01 :~r ll:"C':' (an or .,,',-r ..; d E"rol1 n" .. -Gro .. " .Pointe' ......... ed:ocre .00<1 and excellcnt c~am- rlOl, and workmansh,!, 'DC' which Ihe jl'arlSh and theIr fnend~ are cord,atly at ...ork2 .t~ Il'ultruments ...t"ch N1f~ards both the Com~y and I'lrnt)" of tun, The ..:or:, ,.0;11beg.n .1 il'Of'llla .. D.~ Stwdio .. E Marie

(e-ao" 0iII l. T'fI<Ol Salon has bee1l to IIOtelI. in~ to be prtsellt. ~~.. 4q, the be.t na~ 8:JO. IAntoft,LE. 7m.

Page 2: on , oua ~~='If;;Ew:k~.f.:r '-.:-I' [,~ t..10l.DIlAM. itht . …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-01-25.pdf · 2006. 2. 27. · ~ t'!l' d..-!!!k :!!d - 7 ;!!:t'~











Oi-It ••

'...ill t5


.,..1 •




I 21'" ii'

·ea-. II......b India there are tOW' Ill"

cutes: T'h. Brabmaa. _ .........ar.d .cholan, the ItdIatrini or ...!ion. Ihe Valsy.. or lnCIrdlutlr .,..lb. Su<ll"U. ~rvacu or -.ria. Out.-.Ide of cut.et are U. UIl ........ b1Mo01 .. hom tbete • J'OP11.000,1180 •



UTiiti 8'

,,- ,



t 71 1

1SO19 Jefferson EastBetween MaryiuHI .nd Way\am



VanDe Cleaners. Cut v_ ~au.. Pt ........In.~ ..t".....t,o s..- A. 4: p,


PLADI DRESS£! ~ ~... -~3Pc.surrs ~C9(;




B,. HARRY FRENCH. RDUter of 1.........Aak h.. to pia,. yoar f.Yflrite IMlody-no matt ..how old or new. Malic front • to 1:31 Saad.,.n-emrs; II to 1:31 week cia,. eveninn.


Phil Geist's Beer Store(F...-v Bill ....... >

1753. MACK AVE. NIAGARA 28Z.R_ ......

II011UCASE. -ur



(WHITE! EXCEPTED)IUi VALUE NOW .._......_-_._ $U5$l5I VALUE NOW _-" .._ f1.1S$S.II VALUE NOW _ $3.15

---.,. ~ s.Je e:-cu-.$I'" T_ BOW 7tC; $1.51 TJeIo $1.1.;$2... T_ $1.11; $Z.5I T~ $IM;$3.5t T... $Z.II.


AIeo e-.. ...e.- ~ '



THIS SUNDAy •••••• Chicken Fricas5e with

R• h D .- (JUST LlICEIe umpIngs HOME: COOKING ,

• Roast Turkey and Dressingand the uaual a la carte menu at reasonable priCei

~al Fr1dt .....AnticipatinC coiJtiIluatioil of the

trend toward (reater use of tll'otictropic:al fruits in the Americ.n diet.1,500 ,crn in the rich Ever,ladesadj.cent to Miami. Fla .• have ~opened to cultivate papayas, sapo-dlliu. a",ocado~ cua ...u, man,oeJand pomegranates,

"RIt a.ossa POINTE •• vr ••

Total. ---- .28z..- (lI) G.Sipworth. f. 3Balliett, f. -- 1Katm', , eo 2De Winter .... 1Tru.tham, C, ..

NY" Aft! t. !ltMnltaAver.,t monthly llSs'~tllnCl!Iil'h'en

coiie,e students by the NationalYouth .dmini.,tration last year was$12. Graduate st1Jdllnt~ rteei"'@dabout $'8.

In a solfmn initiation ceremony alIhe hiB" Ichool llost .....eek four newm~mbrrs were admitted to Ihe Thes-pians. n~lional h"nor '''Cl~ty for dra-mollics Iltld~nlJ of the secondaryIchools. Th.ir pins ...~rf pres~nted toIht'TTI in ass~ml>ty T"~~day.

The new memb~rs we MarjorieKaufman. Franc~, Fr~i,,".ld. JackH,,)'t, and Anne Brook •. All are mem-b~rl of the J~nmtry lfTaduatinr c1us.

19c28c30c45c; ;





PL. 8500


... .... A.... )WI •• 1 TU,MI.



B••• tihI, a 1'1 Pr.aed'" H-d-finniaMd_ ie ~ --..,. _ ..,. _ _......... pc f I' .

Supreme Dry Cleaners• -ALL THAT THE N.UIE 1IIPUU-

l1li. IIII!* ... ..... E." t '''118 HI 1_

Dr. o..LI A.. LairdTo Speek At TowaHall Weclne.ch,.

o. Mulier's 11ZZS~1 ........ 11 ...

LE. 7781 W... u.I 5, •• h We Deli.er


BLOOD SAUSAGE.Pot ROilstBeef.FRYING CHICKENS ••Porterhouse Steak •

proeched bit reaardlet tlIroap tile Sir Hubert Wilkina IWh7 Correctift GroNe ,Eua... ""? I.- ......a'ftlllle of bioloo &ad bl1.... a da~. T A At • _'-:_'_':__1. ~ tile ~l" of ..istry, His "'*'"- illclllCk Bachelor of I 0 ppear . ..... .... wvu (Ow?' •• r.- .... 0.) Cure .... ill aD Ulphiblq .. Au.Artl. MUler ol Art .. Doo:t ... of Philo- laaalate of Arb NeecIecl pqtIe. A. tile .... tIer poIU'ed tile cham. tralia,".-oa utUlet, tlJl.t busopb~&lidDoetor of Scientt. A a~tinl, , , pqne. he U1DOl111CeIi to au raat" ="~Id~ ~e~

Dr. Dcaald A. Lair4, 1lI~. ~~-'f h~ hat ~qbt ,at thy..lIlIl"': .SIJ'Huber,t W,lIrulI, famout exp~u, Here ~re tbe n.utet for aU to lee ttlm, lhat it wu Peiper Heidlit .._ tht OIl!)' 1Il&Jftll\a1 ImowB wtUch .....ill be the Detroit Towa Hall .p ••ku IIIICJ 0 0111"&, yoaulll. e.. lWlUappear III perlOlI at the ~roit In. and coa.ider: 1<- doIl't PUUtee the 'pelllq).lDca,.W. ~ 1dterinI • lIOUDd. .ia the Fuher Theatre llQ1 Wedae.. Northwatera. ia .dditiou to' hia worl.; lrihlt. of Arts, WoOdward al Kirby, The Stale's payroll reached an In- When he left Ill. ~ I'OlIIII, tb.u" J.lI.. olI, at 11 •. m..'Ia h~ k(twe • .It Colpte ainee 1924. , nut SWl~y af~ernOOll, January Z8. at time lriah in 1939, toealinS $25~.llO11 hOitest uid, "I'. COia, to 6re Ulat"'Wh" Introvert at Estrew,"?", the ol;3O, to t~1J of h,.s.dv.enturel and show lr llIore tbaa 17.000 perlOCl",Tbli willmanl If I've IDld him 0ftU, I've toW.- director of CGlpte PtYdwWlc./ Dauahter. of Americ=aa ~e thr~1 motIOn plct~es he ~k on I$329,719 more than Ihe prevIous "ear. him • daRn timet 10 .lItelltioa theica1 Laborator wilt I! X p Ia i a W.... I Cot. bu varIOUS polar f'xpt'd,tlOl\' Wllh doc The DIIIDber of employs WloS more thaa YE."l.R, 1 believe lliiJ " 192i1." We all Imuu ..,:.pie ''-1 -Yo ..ad what each I onieta. sled. airpiaa" and ~ubmarinc. /5,l00 .laMe ,the I~d of 1935: draDlc • Iovd toul to -the boatef. an'tn»e eM do to de,'I!1op his bflt points. " - The State. defiCit was at lelost $JO.. her clwnpa,aDe aDd IUeatly coqratul.

Wore tit.. 100,000 caple. of Dr. W,a. 1.I'11H F. G.Iock, opeaed her I~I.ouo Iasl Jul, 1 .nd .....ilI be about aUd the butler 011 hia fortllcomial'• ~,- , . . d heMe 011 Gr.nd M,," BoaI r' last $Z,z46,OOQ are-Ier BUt Jill, 1. dismiuaL&.41Cd. teatl - IlltrowrSlOIl an n.1 T - - h U' b' t f I' .

• L. L__ bl" h-' H' J lIe Y. to t III _If: ,''''' p er 0 There e&n be little quesl.iOll that la cue )'OU'YI mi'led it, WallertrO'f'efilOlO 1161'e ...... a pu ts eo. It h D hI f &- 'leall CoIon.,t.. ..:.. .. :_ L_ b!look. "S~WIt, We Need It aad t e ~. era 0 .......er ~ I _-....-.a aeed ••• nd.l~t I e tallpay. Winchell h.. suaetted the folloMtlaH to Get 't" s a but tellu of IFoIIowanc the bllSUlelt of the ~"II"I I en .ilI force. the adoption of Ia_ to as hil epitaph: "Here Ii.. Wiac:ben it.I::" .. Ilia I, wa I laboratory • talk linn by Wr .. Verne Baqham, I pnwidl: (1) c:enualized tild tilkter the dilt he lo1'ed '0 well."Dr • -,-~ L_


~Cl""lli.a_....t I f": I '"Ana._elltl of Coloftia1 PIowerl" ~tioD oi revtllue from uitliq O\'e"bet.rd on the beach. Two WOlD." IAInI _I IIUUlIR rr-- a - tJ e/t' eel , • ' •• la' ~ records of .Ieep __ t.... ~ 1'1'" Y JOY .', ~eesl (2) UIIproved buqetary COlI. etl about swy years old were talkiqfroat~. t oace lite tea lable wu laid with • lac.. trot of .U e>qltnditurc,; and (3) uni. about 51. Petcnburc, Olle laid, "Younr:::; ~~ted • bordered wbite liam cllt-wwk c:lotlt fOl'lll r~ by local unltJ to the knDw it uHd tu be a Il'cat IlIllrimolliall_.. :..o~ n.. La- ~ ttewIpiId" ~r and ealtered with all I,ttr<Kti", ar- State before .raDII,in-aid, the prelent centre. I rell1ell1bcr years a&,o wbell II'-~ ..... .." a rea IIII' ."'" 01 locf I .' flower f b ,. fIeeec of edIioo .. He is a freqaeltt~. ra~elllt1lt co u prmc IOUree 0 t e peat ~lJe In COIl 0 cov- Wli tbere, I wat siUinl' m tile parktribM« to Rea4cr. DCa .. Ladiet '~"Ia ~ta1 . howL Pale yellow erl\llltQt,. are d~el1lllned. t'ne day, ",heft suddenl,. a .... 1 old IlWl j

H Y__ I ~ WeekI &ad tapers, kna ..... III low I~e!' Cllulle. Tltue II notblAl aad .hould be aoth- came up 10 me aDd Mid, 'Are 10U seelc,-:.~ ~ _ ...I:.-t' ~.. ttieb. lIanbel the ceaterpteee. . lira. Iq or a partisan political aatolr. in ingl' I p"e him ODe AUI'at,. look Ud- - -- lOllS. at w.... U 1.. .. ----- un__ -pt.... • . . h ""- • . d •...aaI ... fIJ'CboIaIic:al joaruls. Ralp" --..... ...-..... -~.... lOIUIectioa Wit wa.tmc an 1'&11'111 said, 'Yea. Bat aot aa)'Ofte u old ...

. be.... hlack wool ~k with ~hitlll aec:eats ~adt ~ Such desirable reo )lOlL'" • , IU.... ~ ,.~ and a match ... hat, "" .. Mild. ••••••••••••• >Or1ttI m Itate .nd COllnty IOvetDmenl ADd lIOW for • qllick dip ia -the II

Y:ra. GlGck - .ssitted b,. tke Co- too cften b_e mt.naled with polit- Ocean before the SUII wean out.beste_ •• Y:n. I...ere1 Georre V.Dder, CAPT. 81. BUBlCaor 'WIUUNS ica! ambitioq car purposea. Abolition 01 ." •• TI~E I .-: IJl4 Kn. Ro,. It. De Hart.- Dttrinc hi. tWeatyytan ctf potu ez. ase1eu or onrlappin. public job. ia a rue 'fact

.. ... ~ ... .. .,. TItnkiac ,oa. siaeercly JOltI"o plontioa. Sir Hubert hu beea the first .&ttbaa example. A...... ...-.. ., ------------ l'nd ODly llUIl 10 uae a tu_riDe wdcr But tlte people Ire tired el wute p F:Ol'LIC ...... __ .. ,.......... 1MIo • Serriee .; Ami<- i<:e•. tbe lint to I" .... airplal"e 'Dd II:IClUDtiBlr eoJts and tbey bow tlt&t tut ,... bwaeerit, ....... ,.... T'" FREE ,.UOU the Arctic Ocean and tbe tnt that e:s:pendilves caa be controlled if fJahoMIQ •• ~ "-Sa- .. ua- :=£.rhe... .. I • rig t(l II" about the North Pok ill. the dark the actual facts as to inOOllle .nd OI1t1'o lmportaat llollll1t,J. Ihifuam; to eal'"

~ I-aI'l' 1[' ' ".' ...... •of wiater, Motion pictures which Sir are reported accaratel" and clar" nle It. dIv .-eu- .1IM ~_~ M I'", L £., ROBEIt'rS ltADlO SERVICE II HJj~'; ~~~hohw next:1'Subnda!_iad~e fnllD lDOIIth tl) ~Ih. ~ =-..."'-:-:~ .~~ -= 6'. ' I ..L-

HIlI Eo w..-........ . nat ..... "".ur • ota ate nularctte, • dlet1oltar7 .-sa. 1Mt........ ~..., L. ....., ~TV. z..-- K~i1et . of flJ'iadiDl' iet', Esk!mo life StudeDt Spe.keh Will 4IIee1'D_ et wlll& .. ........ MONDAY _ 1'UESDA Y _ WEDNESDAY

alA. nW~ • e:- P-... ..... :1~:~:'C;"~U:1'i ;:r~-:Diacawth

~~ '~tdhO Dtr~=,0;:::' wttk..wic:.E FS~WAVE"" :It1.25, .... KJ.c-a, .. U-... pictvt:c• ~rom the air • ow iubcr.s Yea ProDIeDIa ;t. :o.....;.w• .:;...., .. GlIIed ...._n.CiIr .. ' ......... _ AIIw'" m. ~ crashlllS Into the sea. IItqt1ou. ••• 4lll11eaU ...... __ ...........

IF"'" ell, .. a.-..... S. MADER .Sir Hubert's persoual 'ppearance Itt "Ycxath aJtd Its Chaorinr £anrOft- tIlet"~. MJ4'C'f •• ., ., Wlll.t E' ,..... F · Be . S I...................... fw • . Detroit i. lponsored b, the W«1d Ad-1Illellt" win be the thaae of the thr.. :"'~ =:..~-= r e IX ranCOlS - ~ Illy a on... ..... ., P.. GaOSIZ POIIITE eAaUtZT JtlOP "'tattlJ'e Series. th~ p 11 ~ I ic: I«tl1re ispeeches to be presented by IllIdent fue POUtett.a .., .. ..",. ~ 0eiIft, ...... e.- ......~...... - I .. . ..... b.< I..... course at the Detroit la'titutt of Arts. speaJren.t the llnflaatioa exercises'cI resolt et iacewc-c ,,&nil aM F I P-.cII & .w,. ~ ewe........ - ., .. "'1 ,.,. - ------ tht lar&eat iIlid .....intu class Grosse 'bree4tlll'. _ u.. ..... tJItIC ,'- .. ~

- .. tq a.4 tnIJJ' aneefttl U4 eeuld-... <:iIF a.l. • IIsr' ............... a ....... LOCHMOOR CAGERS Pomte Hiah SchOol has eler had on ... ~ && all de .. '- ...... dI,Ps, _t COIiiWER Go P.' EAGLES February 1 at B:15 o'clock in the J{igh '&J14hnt&.rIq" OM •

.. ......,.. 1M III . • -I Scbool Auditorium, Taet '- .-iderauQIt. UIoQhUt:J.iii. - IL S. T.. - -. If . . A fast Lochll1"01"A. C. basketbaD' The-h: Kboof Orehettra, wbieh wiD. .- et otb... ... k • d"'" re--- MO~OR TUNE UP Jatell to *iq-kJa4H-. IC .,pnd-........... ITII' ..--. ' .. , •• -. teaaa ~feattd a wtII-b.lanctd GrosseIlUke ita fint .ppa.rance on a com. au. the Yiewtobtt ., tlte odl.......--.. $2 .. Poiate Eq'et quiJJttt by the score ofjll1er:c:emtltt procram, wiJl play the pro:. _ &114 hie, to aDlJ' tIt~ 00I4n

.All ......... lie.......... .ViiJ 34 to 26 last Weo:Ine'day at the Muoa c:essional"Panlp and-Chlvalry" b7 Rc:ob- Il-.t. fll.ttImr f:UJ. "WII&~. .., • • .. • _"1t :re woul« dlat 1It_ ataOltlC 40 to J'OlI.-- .' R ~ • ... .. ISchoo1 trYm. ".'.~ "',Iu&, speed &lu! co- ens. after whac:h Dr. rraJlk Flit '"" 1;Ie y...... so to tiI-." J

.... WI - • ,J ...... . ~..IJD£~ fI!£W !)1!TRe~ .Clper&ticm, the i.' ,::::-.oor fi.e reuineG Idelinr the m'fl;Ptlon. .• I Tact .. , IO~ .. be alloW'll ..- ......... a-. ;;f ~ I: is-roit I"OINT!l IaD early ld.d throllKhoat the nme. Th.. A r_lI. r1tnir _n .......-..~. Id!!'l'l~ "!,,<If!,~ _ _ ~:' ~~~ I../, Sc:oriaa' honon wert .hared by Wal. eral of dte ~ which tbe; ba",e I tilta&' ... ltklll. it *' do •• WO!IJlt

4 ". , I -" '.' aceom"lA It 1lU ........ ClIp ....... .. ..... .. K.c:IIe,aI..c.Iieuz ter Kry;-ey (If the Loc:hDlClOt'Athletic: beeR rebeamlllr tktoua'h the term. 1a -'PtQbtc ae ~lr ~ .............. -- _..... '. -f!L'. Cub aad ~iU Sipwortb of the Eaclet T_ Pb-'ud • bur wert cMlId. to O'Ie wlilo .. fadq & ~ *u-........ ~ .we at aline pomts each. pi the COllRtImlC:cmeat ~b6. AI. t108. Ie ma; Ire .... _ .. .. lit-'. ' ...... y P~a:..., ~- - ......... - ~ I' A. C. (M) , G. F. T. freol Fitt will speak OIl ''Youth 'Dd. '~e::'I0,,==-=w::.,::

-- -'" c:. --- ~." S)1IIOllI, f. . :z 1 $ ~ EnmClllDmlt." "Youth.ad .. 4 paC 1tIIa at ILIa !C ..... '. . Her4lert. f. _ ... 1 1 ~ G ._ Quit' 'Ie e." ."'Youth and lUnt-.ay .,. e.- II-

. . aIII;r", .. - - a ':-~,~.:!.'...,!\~-;~~ttiir'_ !w'ri-=.J , " ~~":"':«~::"

J>hiarb, c. ------ .. 1 1 3, Katrfmaa .ill tli.s.etm "Yoatb &lid Edit- Bow lra'. did 1~'1Ife __.th, eo -.--- __ 1 0 2 ratiou." ,ur,. till! llftpHt ••. WWnl (r..t.u

AI h . 3 • 8 Con t th tJ' f Ih la t 43:'l. 11: "BelaoW .,. .mat. ...S Clmer. g. ---,-- '" trary 0 e .prac. ce 0 e ••. a,lIrulatf. rncI 'ull ta. .ot break;Kr)twy, I. (c.) --_.. 1 9 two yean the soIoi.t will be a voealist ud tlte QIOldaS tax .laan II. _Clark, C. -----.- 1 0 2 instead of a puilt. ),fUlTelta P1em. IIUellcll."Y n. ~ .......tJaat .0

iar will .iq "Thi .. Alone" by VieteM' wllkh IIlu aJ:ed,. MIa 1Illtl't, _6 34 U-l.~ d ror __ .:-.: __ " a... n....._ ,it 117 tta ... "alt. -r _ea.ee

~u~n ... """_.... vr .",...... be.OII NQ' to wftdea au 100'-F. T. Her IOIlI'I 1W111precede the preltllta- .... aeth1ty ..... a(ftBet!l. lIT celli" 9 lion of the cia .. It, Paul A. Rehmus, ktadll-. "C"1l._ ltlnt cn4emaatiOll

,0 2 principal E. R. VlIIKleeck .aperinte1l. of tb. r.1tlt faD. TII......., 1JI1' tlas"-lbt taflt:y "ltfdt tao 4 dellt, will p:eteDt the diplomu. ht 41al1 ...... t C..........

1 3 AnnouoctJllent will be made of the ",be eacolll'q!tHat. 0.. et tlte 1oYe-o B names of the bonor boy and girl who,., 1,. QaaUtI. tUt aJd. "1' work wfUi

L_' ib- othen Ia aradou .. _. Well _,. ".names wi11 be the lint to lJC ansa. ,rilr ta tlte wor4a of a 1C1ftd It,...

Totall --._-.- ,,22 4 26 ed on the Mothers' Qub tr~hy. A die. lCbn.ua. Set... B,. .. I, No. II):tionary, the award of Trimty College, "Grado" SPtrit .... eu willi. •• :

F ..•th Luther ..- Church will be prescnted. Th BaUlch-Lomb I llliNIf WDlt1d andcntahe."...... . ill b 01 h TBet CI- .ot neu an It luIo",; nScit1lce a......ard w. e prctellte to! It abaa Ita ... ltatlaee. It .. ~

boy or au-l .....ho nu doDe ouhundana' It.... III all .. ~ .0'" ~Sunday, 10:"5 A. ld:. - The allistant work' in Kience'and mathcmatica dur- bula_ dIckl ... & -.ut. CII'

pUt« will preach on Ibe theme "When i1I, his or her high Ichool years. eIIlllreln waft.. w.. uee taett'ltlGod Spca1c:s" and the choirs will wor- • altltoda I. 4eaUlt1' 'w1t1t. otIten ....ship God and .ill&' Hil praises in fOng. The orcbe~tl1l will play the recession. eMU ba ....,.. an to 1NIttw '..,...

lol -Festival March" by Bergen. A. ia lee tJtaa tIoee tIl. IJteouWvat. 01'9:15 A. M:. - Interestinr Bibl~ .. ady yeUI past Ihe Yotherl' Oub .....ilI dec- t•• unrWal, 4latapoll:ea IIIlltridUJ,

clan" for all those who dellre tit .. . , WIaOM Iateattou ...,. be Pralaewor-Learn more ab-:ut God's Word aud its ~te the al1di.tOl'lum a~d WID enter~m lily. Peopl. oeeulOllall1 lIel.....

I.. • od I'f 11n lbe cafeltn.l foUow,nB the exercts- lhat tlte, are taett_ .. tI Uaat till.,..app lea tlOn to m em Ie., ItS, h notltbt* till)" C&SI ~o aboat 1t lII1t

6:30 P .. M. -. Cn15adrrs l~nch~OIP, Each Itudent wiD receive four tick. rerret I~ faet. Tltere".o r.Utydter. which lhss 1.. Karpmslci, a I d 't d . d..... lit cruele 01' ~. or tho",U_member of the Groue Poinle HiP ets an a capac, y crow II expc "'" word I ot' dee« •••••

. ------ ODe 11Ioald ctatlll for ltt_1t tb.School flocully, will speak on Etlropean Do d Ci' ,____ .bllity to eQrtlU l1'ery &004 LIlacondition I. I r er dies -..-. ue Itrour &Dd lOvely ellaraeceM:e

J,{OlIday Evening - At 7:00 o'clock Buket BaIl Standing wlateh hIlets God. SO.eUlIt!!, ItIhe Churd' "'orker's Trainill&' Qan ~t. maclt wort aa«" Pl'l7tl1' to dem-

. oAlltnl' thelL It may tab 11&'.,11 meft, BASKE:T BALL t1en~ aucl ,. ... ttlle. aa4 .teadtut

The third lecture in the series "The Jadud;"I limes of Jan, 19, I94/). etlort to do eo. bat aa t..... tia...W.y of Salvation a, Taughl by the Won Lost Pu thoIlSlltllllllt .... Ib.lan_, &a. BU-L h eh "'Jl b' h ro...u," of nao. a,. J'OP1l!ate4 byUI er'n nrch, ....., e, il~en. by t e Fordson .....__ ...4.. 0 8 th~lr oppMitea, =all II God'. l1kflle"pastor at 8:00 0 clock. We mv,le you IGrOise Pointe ---J 1 6 ~mtlll ..... r eJ ... l'fl'.

to worship al Faith Luth.,ran Chl1rcb: Royal Oak ......__ .2 2 .. Every .. nut ,.nota .. at. lilt\Vc prurh the Old GosPfl for modern 1"" . - 2: 4 ~!!!!!!:!::; :.=;l. .~l.:.i" :...:'1"... oLinrL ." _,_ ... v~ ....... _._-'" He caa al1raJ' be lure tllat till)" WUI

I"me.. \V)'lndotte .... ..1 3 2._ It ba 1a reflectlDI' God. Not to coa.MI. OCftKlnS _.0 4 0 done evil but 1I0t to eo1IIel_D ~r.

DRAMATIC HONOR SOCIETY n' W..... e.-, ....n: not to tblnk of .elf but to tlaill"INITIATES FOV- MEMB ", e of olhen; Itot tll be arrald. r ..'... ERS Gro,"e Po,nlc at "'yandolle pre!sed, or RI(~Oaacioa., but aym.

Monroe at Royal Oalc. patlletlcall:v 'Ien to tile problem. 01loll, Clcmons at Fordson. otb~n and qulel; to hIp to .~~

tbem - ear.le.t lleetre lIIleh .. tll11.111 be n))ronteC .. till t" rnc:toae-Dell' of 101'11.

A •.... ttln t. ]fRt' IIfl a•• "orl1ltor e:tampl" ... e ... what tact beused hi lIIultrallalr Ill. teaelt11t1' Il~parables on lIIlbJeet. "'lib whldl Ial'r>artlcular aa,UeDc. "'u ~IJ;<flln II lAr. , ••

Tn "lkff'nC'e anti " ... 111, wit" K~'tn !he SCr!ptur"" Mary Baker £4<:alatel (PII. 478, 47il: "Jesu. bellelIII Selellce till ptrrec:t lIla •• who a,

"--Ie. • ., Paa.a Ca•• ' pf'e~ed10 blm wllere si.llla.ll: lllortl -~_..... - man apl"'I" to mortal •. II dr.. "~

When the Pan.ma eanal was r~t maa llle S.... lou!' N" Go¥I'. 0"-openf!d, in IlH4, rnltlly New YIlTl< I;~f'!'!.!!.• ncf till. correct .. lcw I

TlflVlIpapel'll took no notiee of the m.n beal~ tbe Ilelt." ~itb .ue~e-venl whatever. 'the ~..ason was """ nr men, OU ('Ould Dot be tit,thlt WAr had broken Clut !n Europe tball 10"ln(, vaclou •. lad eo .....• few days before. Since thai time aIf'. And ...1111tbeM QUlllflf!l;:j1l 1100.000 vessels c.rryin, halt. b!l- teIOU.tl~I, 011", tnd.r

Strak Sit' lion ton., or eargo h.ve mO\'M tboucbtrul ec)naldentloD. lnd .I'D ... • II th" h th . t • 1I1';f'ntIIelpfnlll_ WIll be I.. ftrei:llSo wlrm ,s the sun on the !mOw- r u, II vo;al'r~ay. I true Chrlul1ne ... _ :r"e C~

covered hEclghls or "oralberl/. an I I BCj~ ll,,",,(W.Austfl3. l'aC'h wm!rr that male sld- F:arLh'l, _ '. SpolI'TS Oill'n ~lrlp to tilE' ",ai.'1 and .re The coldest pl .• 'c,' nn l'arth is be. ,. L_,n danger of sW.burn rather thar. lifYcd to be a remote POlllt m eut. 01' t_ Mt _ ,.. e.-fl"tezmi. em As... P.... ItnWw'e ---..

s...-. eo.- P.... t<I sa- Jtz4

s-.t.s.m.,. « Fonli Cek-.~ « Cluabwt Aze ....SI.75 t_P. -. ,. .n.se t_

AlITHOi'IZED DISTItIBUTOItSc.--.... S~ N.. "'Oriaiur PecMlle.tu0Ip StN. iii. l..Itip v.., 1It .........k.,.... 5~ N.e sa.. Bitd, W...

s-. F'lIcJ Oi!




Page 3: on , oua ~~='If;;Ew:k~.f.:r '-.:-I' [,~ t..10l.DIlAM. itht . …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-01-25.pdf · 2006. 2. 27. · ~ t'!l' d..-!!!k :!!d - 7 ;!!:t'~


Drivin, Licenses ~No operator's Iiclll,"'sc"- UGKo chauffeur', lieensc .. J.OG

Sienal. :Failure 10 Jive prO9ft' dpaL_ I.Q)

Tralfic: .,iolatiOft other thu .. e 5.111

CARL SCHWEIKART.Township Clerk, \.roue Poin~.

Township, Wayne County. Michi,an

Sid's Breakfast B.r


Be.t Delivery Serrice iaGroue Pointe

5t.eeI. f erPicket. f .....W"-. for eel. ,.....----OotMi LiDe Potb, !t.IlIII • W..... P. .-I _ 1'_" II"

MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO.1t413H.,.. £,atalial,. U. "-a -

Tell Mr, tIlia -me, to ....... ia- _ tIla _. n.. .... a'"JiM f..

You'! bel I"Ud ~ .WUtlaa' ,.. Jt..-A.-w- .. ....,.,..net, ..... De,.. '-*Yut ....., 7 w ....... CDId eab, _ceDat roUa s • ,'0 I _ p eO '1T,.,. _ eaa-.1aaa en-. A.IIlIl .......Iatn>. ;. ....,. ~ ~OPEN AT 7 A. M. ECOftOMlCAL I'aJaS PREVAIL

Willeford's Market17898 Mack, at WaabiDatoD Rei. TU. 2.4tOI




YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIF!ED that the Prima."Y EJec.tioa for the nomiDatioa of c:ueIiciIltes for T..........ip oIF-ua. tobe voted upon at the AmuUl1 EIec:tioa, ab.u lie WcI m theTownaLip of CroNe PoiIIlte0IlI the third ...... ,. ia F"""',1t40, and that if,.ou have not .......,. rqiatered, :r- ...,.do10 by appeariar before the TOWDIbip Qerk .. bia .Hice ia theMUIlicipai BuiJdina irn the ViDqe of Croeae Poiate PullWayne CouDtJ'. Michia .... oa _..7 clay up to ................ r u.twentieth (10) cia)' preceerJia, Mid Pn.a.r,. iJectiaa •

YOU ARE FURmER NOTIFIED that the TowuIUpClerk will 1M! in IIi. ~ m t.~ M!:!!'icil'a! Brie!=; m theVillage of Grosse Poirlte Park, Wayne Coanty, Micbipa, 0IlIthe twentieth (ztth) ., ....~ ... eJ.ctioa bet_ ...the houn of 8:10 o'dodt in the forenooa aad 8: .. o'clock illthe evenin., Ea.tern StaDdardT-, for tIte purpoae of ac-cepting ~gi.tratiOft ..

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that rqistntion ....ya110 be made with the rupecti.e Vila.,. Oerka 01 the ViDareof GrnllU Pnmt'!! P~:-k, CrGUe Pointe Shores, CroNe PointeFarm. and Grolse Poillte Woocla _ M,. ... ,. up to Md ia-eluding the twentieth (Zlth) cia, p"eeeeclin~ MIdn electioa.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the poIlin,,laces for Mid election ~I be open from 7:.. o'doc:k in theforenoon to 8:01 o'dock in the e.etlinr. Eastern St.nciardTime,

Driving:Right of traffic _ 5.00Against traffic _._ _ 5.00

Speedin!l':25.35 miles per bour __ __ .11.0035--lO miles per hClur _ 10.0045 and upwards 15.00


Ontinaace EutitJecI "TrdicVioIa~ B..... u."


RE501.\'F.D: That the l'~n"lties tohe col!ecttd hy Ihe TrafflC \'io1"lio"Rtlr~.ll fM olftn,.! C('lmmilte,", a~a'nqthe Traff,c regulations of the Cit), shalla. f"!I"ws: .rarkinll:: I

In:pro~edy _ ~2 ()(I ;

In pronrblled lOne 200'In ,treet , , 2.00In alley 2 ()i)

Within 15 fert of hy'"'ran!... 2 ()() iTn front oi !>",',",,"g .ntrance ~.1Il .

Fa,I':re to Stllfl: !:\ t ,top ,lr"l .1 M\\.hrn IfH.ir:r .1:ev "r <1ri,.",". ,I ~1

• . IRUllnID' Inr"Ullh red liaht.. __ 5.00 I

Section 1. Section 12. of an Ordinanee entitltd "Traffic Violali()ns Bu-reau," and adopted KCI"ember 20, 1931.

CASH .. i. j,ereby rep~aled.CARRY I See,ion 12. This or..!inance .1,all take'

dfecl I.. 'tnly (20) daY5 after puhlica-tion hereof.


Trend of Event.




•MeekCoal & Supply Co.




lie22 KERCHEVAl. Ilndt631' EAST WARREN

Odorleu Clean inI'Save. You Money:vour Clothe. Wear

Longer.M.', J-pc. ScUta•s.-...ucl Fona PreMed• IIiDar repain inchIcIecI

I AN ORDINANCE(Continued from Pae-e One) to AMEND Sectiou t ud • of

ex~t to will the war. Put II of AD Or1Iinuce Eotit.Ai i wilJll4l~, w~jj-illiorme<i source. ! led "Traific Ordiauc:e."

abroad confirm a news story dated __frOll! Lau.anne. Switurland, and car- THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTEried lately by one of the bio; Neh' Y".k ORDAINS:dailies.

Nui bipip are at prfscnt very un.man)". war with the Allies, Their wive.certain of the linal onlrnme of Ger-have afready been evacuated to safetyin neutral lands.

Puceful Switzerland is the countrythe Nui leaden have cilo.en 15 theidbl haven of refuge for their families.

Except for Frau van Ribbentrop.wbo is belined 10 be ;n South America.the toplli,ht hoalessts of Nazi offiiul-dom are under cover somewhere alon,the shores of Lake Genev ...~ As anaddilional measure of nfety. their off.sprin,. are accompanying them.

Some day the German people will be"too hot to Itandle" and those o£ theirhusbands \\'ho will be fortunate tlIoughto slip across the Swiss border io time,will join them there ...,.

The b"Mrty-loving Swi" beam at reopOrts of this exodu., for. so long astbese Fraum tak!! refuge in their coun-try, there ia little danger <tf any Ger.llIall aqrenioo. Unless some day, asthey theaaelvcs .ay with a sillnificantwink. th" Nazi leaders in person makea ush in!() Switzerland.

B.t.,..gain. thaI day the Swiss peo-ple wiT!have nothing to fear. The '1I1,arwill be over. And, the Germans .. iiI beso busy firuring out the cost of Hitler'sdictatorship that they won't have timefor new aggressions.



• Mea'. 3-pc. Saita• lAdies' Plain DreaMs

cw.n- a...-a. F_ P..........Dr.eea -.and aad kept to aize

TU. 2..4000- TU. 2.1600


RESOLVED FURTHER: That theCut Out: Chief Clerk of the Traffic Vioiatioll

Section 1. Sediona I and' of Part Muffler cut.out open 3.00 BurclU .hall iuue to each offender a11 Ilf an Ordinance entitled "Traffic Exceuive Kojse or Horn J.OO printed receipt 'ianed by Mid aerieOrdinance" and approved ]"nuary 16, _""Wi,,&, the amnunt Ilf penalt, aft't1926, :lre hereby re'P'aled. 11.1~.~ts: Ihe offense for which it i. paid, tM

\\ IlnOUt .ny _ ..__ ~.lJU Isame receipts to be nurnbend llec'ill.PART II One Headlighl out 1.00 ning with number 1 and a duplicate

TRAFFIC REGt:LA TIOXS Tail light out 1.00 thereof to be filed with the Cily Cleric

S. ( ) . . Glarini headJill'hlS _ 1.00 Iby the Chief Clerk of Ihe Tra!ie Vio-"CI.on l. a Any penon driVing . . • •

a vehicle on & street, hiihway or alley Turns:. . lat.on B~reau when Mill Chief O~rleshaU drive the ume at a careful and Prohibited left __ 3.00 , make. bls lISOolhly report to the CitY,prudtnt speed not greater than nor less Improper _." 3.00 CounciLthan is reasonable and proper. having ILicense Plates: ~ORBERr F. ~EFF,

ff. City Clerk.due regard 10 Ihe tra IC. surface Ind }{issing 1.00width of the strnl, highway, or alley, Obscured or dirty _ _ 1.00 Adopted January 15, 1940-and of any othcr condition then exist- Improper platcs 1.00 Published January 25, 1940.inC, and no person shall dri\'e any veh- ------ _ide upon a street. highway, or alley ala speed rreater than will permit himto brinr it to a stop within the anuredclear dislance abead.

(h) Subject to the provisions of .ub-division (a) of this sect.on, and except-inr in alleys where the ral.e of speedshall not he ,reater than seven milesper hour, it shall be prima facie lawfulfor the driver of a vehicle to drive Ihesame II a speed not exceedinll" the fol.lowing, but in any case where suchspeed would be unsafe it .hall not be) Ilawful:

TWenty. fin miles an hour on all Ijii:j!il

slteets lod hiehways excepting fifteen mm"

::le~e~~:~~ ~:.:~:. business ,section ThOUghtful Husbands!(c) The speed limitation set fortb in

this ordinance shall not apply to vehi. G-Ive Your Wlf. A Treatde. when operated 'With due regard forsafety under the direction of the po-Lice in the chase or apprehension ofviOlators of the law or of peraon.ebarged .,..;th or suspected of any luchviolation, nor to lire department or lirepatrol nhiclet ",'hen traveling in re-spea se to a fire alarm, nor to public orprivate ambulance when travelillr inemerStftcics.

Section 9. (a) Any vehicle over-lakinI' and panine anolher shall passto the left side of the overtaken vehi-cle and lIot pull Mer to the right untilcleat thereof. no. C-t7."'~ F__

ea~:) oth~ ::h:~;a ,::tngshan pall 'I 5 I D ' 5 C A F E I

(c) All slow.moving vehicles ,hall S ... .,..,.. ... E~. - P--. IIfI. ...keep II .near the risht curb as practical "'C". • ....

(d) AU vehide. about to make a ,15Z41 E. W....... at a....rirbt.halld turn shall keep as near theright curb as practical Operators may I!~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~!~~~i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Ima"ke a rif"'Il-banci turn at all times ~II••••••••••••••••••••••••••from the moving traffic lane neare.tthe r.ght CIIrb when proceeding withtraffic, except where prohibited by traf-lie eontro! dema or traffic ofI~,provided that the operatot' sb.n yield SeiaeiI "" ~' 1IIIlI;i' •._ ...... 7 .. 1 l"'"'".tbe right-of-way to pedestrians Iaw_ .-ioa; f.. '- Iaaatioa $I _ ...

.......... AIro ~ M.... fully within the cross-walk. The ope- up; if ia~ ill tile 1seIt ..... -. dlat Mj hi._ ....-- • rator shall !lilt make a right turn when

II ~ p~~ Redia Ser-ri:e Ii..ciq a red traiiie eontroi signal un'll MeA iCiiJ %Sc ill coia to lLe AAASMI. T_ I.u.I eo.. Boa iJ7.n'l' ~ ....NotnI D....... les. such turn is permitted by risht L.n.iD~: Miehi~ ~ ~ ~ H.t J __.... eI lie-

". ~;. NI ~n . h if' I d I. I'A L~""0...,_._-E--' R ~~:)~~:b::e~ a:u:


t:on::ke e~ M3~ -,... of 1aDda I-ted ill 4Z ~

left-hand turn ,hall keep II near the

~:;~:c~in~~h~rset~~e~si~:::~~~~nw:~~ Ishall yield tbe right-of-way to any veh- t WE OFFER YOUicle approachine from Ihc oppo.ite di- : H;erheat n.._Ua- Meats and Groeerieareclion which is wilhin the iotersection I .. ",uau",Tor M c10M tberelo as to constitute an Pbuimm-.diate haurd, b!.:t :::d epti"i.tUi',

having so yielded and hating given "signal u requited by thia ordinance,may make luch left tur.n and the op_enton of all other vehicles approach-inc tile iateneetioll frOID said oppo.itedirection shall yield the right-of-wayto the vehicle making the left turn;provided, that It an interJection atwhich a traffic sipal i. located, anoperator intending to makc a left lurn.hall permit vehicles boum' straightthrough in the opposite direction topass through the intersection beforemaking the turn.

NORBERT P. NEFF.City aerlc.

Adopled January IS, 1940.Published January 25. 1940.I



...... ~."s-.u., ,.,. ... wi-Yea aa be done -.iJJanel ~ wid!the aid .of dI,s hanel,eJearic: ~ IIecaUMof iu dea.alians, rilekettlt ca.n be IIIId in u,~ ;!': == h;;;a. st.ply pi... UIlO rise _elearic: outlet. u,,, at10' Derroit Edisoa "e:..

Flnt Doll. lIaftiSlave, were iIItrlldueed into Amer-

ka in VirliDia ill 1.11.

I' ,


-_ ....!.!-



_t Ei,ht o'Oodt

The Public II CordiaU, Innted to Att_

• I



I ,. • e

COMPLETE BEAUTYSERVICE-M.ke it • replar hahit to visit JalDmec;.f .. Lpert Beaut,. Help.

Jakimec Beauty SalOD

LEo IZ3I,.. B,ullMfielcl at oW ....

Sixth Church EdificeKercheval and Manistique Avenues

, II

Thi.1ectare will he palttished ill 'lin ift tr.f!Crone Pointe Rmew ofFebruary I. Copie. mil' be obtained by &ending five cents to CrONePointe Rniew. iSI21 Kerchnal A"etlue, Croue Pnmte Park, Mieh.


I' •


Friday Evening, January 26, 1940

ElltitJed-"Ouiatiu sa.ee. the La"" o~ C*1 DemoutratiD, Suhataaee aDd Supply".,.JUDGE FREDERICK C. HILL~ C. S. B.

'" Lo. .bpI-. Cali'__

M... ~ of tile Bov.I of Lecbre ..llip of T1te Mot'-' O,,"re'"TIMF....' Qwdo of a.n.t, Scieatiot,i..... to ... M_llwMtu

Washinpon Barber Shopi BARBERS-NO WAlT1NG-1Ieuty SIMopla ~

H-.• te ., .... ,. • to •TUXEDO ,Z.".


"Jaldm.." eel'" ~

r.Pnnch& Judy, Theatre.Kercheval at Fuber Road NI 3898Friday .... .sa--.,. JIID8U'y ,. ud 13


Sat. It Po ~ no. "-- F.-iIJ'. USaf.,. ia Namben"

~!,,-M~,,-T~:r J:::--:"7 zs. :: iiiWI ==PAUL MONI in .r- Hiltoa'a

"WE ARE Nar ALONE"Lat.t "MU'Cb III Time ...... Walt [);~.! "F~ !J!.! B!1U"

Wednesday-Tlaanday Ja.aaary 31 and FeIwuary.1TYRONE POWER-WARREN WILLIAM .


Tbunday. Janulry 25. 1M)-






Page 4: on , oua ~~='If;;Ew:k~.f.:r '-.:-I' [,~ t..10l.DIlAM. itht . …digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../gpreview/1940-44/40/1940-01-25.pdf · 2006. 2. 27. · ~ t'!l' d..-!!!k :!!d - 7 ;!!:t'~


Thursday, ]euary 25, 19«)

"-Ill PkMfftl .PlutfCII with a ~ ntnal8l

c:laUned to be 30 ~ ~t or mo...II'NW ~u :.1'", mulmum strer&gthavlilable with prtSe!lt methods andmaterials .... beinl made by Ullin,bl.Jh preaurI cI.urinI poJ.ymeriz.a,.tloD.


••• ELECf •••




• y.... E..... 1I11 .. LepI P"' .....

Joe', Village Shop16101 Mack at DevoDshire

(F'ocwul,. at KercheYal &lid St. Clair)


WaID. tW.' ..... '-, 'mn

n. Newed .. MOlt B... tifaI Gift ad T'OJ Shop iD theGroueP~-.

~ - ...... Gila.. '1'.,... :N'enkiea, ... at -S .......Eap.t ...... --.. , .

"LooIr ,. tile Sip ;" 1M yo... 5oWier'

Yoa are hereby notifiecl that the Board of RegbtratiOli for thePrimary Election to be held in the VdIap of Graue Pointe Park on

Tuesday, February 13, 1940

Notice of Registration. .

Primary .ElectionGrosse Pointe Park, Mich.


Will.be in seuioa on s.tarday, January 20th:, 1940, and Saturday,January 27th, 1940, between the houn of 8:00 o'clock in the fore-DOOD and 8:00 o'clock in the eveniql Eastern Standard Time, in thereapectivevotiq Precincb, to-wit:

William G. 5tamman,Village Clerk

The Vot:iM BootII ill tile MaicipN BaiWiq aitaatecl 011 Jefferson Ave-Dae behnea Mar:rIaad A ............ Lakepoiate AYenUe m the Vil1alt'e ofGroMe POUlte Park for Votiq ~ No. I which ahaD emiwace.n terTi.tory SovtII of th ceater Iiae of Kerelanal A...... for ib eatft ~ in theViBac_ 01 GroNe PoiDte Park.

11M Votiq BcotJ. ill tIae Georp Defer Sc:hooI lihsated DIll Kerc:bevafAftftve betweea Nottiarhua RoIlIlI ad BaJfoar Road m the Villare ofCroue Pointe Park for Votiq Pncinct,,~ 2, wIUda .. n ~ aD tern.tory North of th CIa. line ., Ker .... AYeIl'INl for ita ealire learth intJae ViIIq. of en... Poine hrtr.

VotIq PhICiDct No. I, III t~ Soudl vl the cezrter Iiae01 KecheqJ AYeDae for ita ~ .. tile ViIIqe ., GrOIN PointePark. at theMUIIic:ipaI B"Pm". nitaated .. Je«enaa ATCmIe betweeaMar,Iud A....... I ...... A...... ill .. ViDap aI Groue PoiDtePark.

Vo&, PreciDct No.2, all ~ Nortil aI the ceater !iDeaI Kacbe'VIII A...... ita ill 1M VikIap of Croaae Pomt.Park, at tile Gearp DeE.- ScIIoeI,. litaatell _ ~ AftnUe betweeaNottLe" Ro.4 ad .... RoM ia 1M ViIIap eI Graue PoiDle Park.

You are further aotified. that if you hAve Dot already regiateredyou may do 10 by appearing before the Board of Registration uponthe above mentioQed day. or by re.utl'atioD with the Village ClerkaDy day up to aDd indudiq Saturda,., February 3, 1940.

You are further nonfaed that at said Primary Election candi-dates will be nomiDate4 .for the foUolriq offices:

3 Villace Commissioners for two-year term1 VillagePresident for tw.ye.r termYou are further noti6ed that tIM polling places for said Prim.

ary Election shall be opeD from 7:80 o'clock in the forenoon to 8:00o'clock in the evening, Eastern Standard Time, at the followingplaces, to-wit:

TROOP atAJI ibYesture cereIilony was held last

Frida,. for AmI Wedhotf,.SaJI;. Gryui.aDd Elizabeth PaweD. Patrols werealso formed. -8. 8.

Door UlAt the !rat IDeetin&' of this )"UJ'

~ .m:.' wore aniforms rece.iyed .tChrislmU., N", ,--'Cera for Patrol UW," 'elCeted. V...pia "Spoor is thelIeW Jlitralla4et. aad Pbylis Carbozethe ~te'_ patTo1 teallft'. Au Hicb&ad Loa F1etdtcr ~ their tender-fOlIi ~ '

"",Geosp, i,.. the ~ 1cacIeS'•.Iteij.a ~ ,.. fie JOOiitbt' IllOth-ert .JMt-~'~ ... 1Joep ..COIIIIIUl-

~~~~:-~, ..-.~ wbieIt tkq_ . 'TIM: ICoatspIu 10 YiRt the Oli:a, Cola plant this_th and haft • theaae party ill~. -!l.ll.




,... 19«) ~ODfUNOW 011 DlSPLA Y'

a.tt.r, Costs L.ss

The State LandOffice Boardannounces •••


State..oned propertiesAIrtiDg'-13, 1940at9 A.H... • • lit the ~ oj'. • •

TIle Couoty Treasurer



~'?f~1940 MODERN

AUTOMATIC LIGHTING •••one of many new featuresNo mnre ~ M~ mr.QC's. I.. ilie l:.caucifuI mod.era Gas IUIps. buraen lJkbt alttomllticaUl'" }lUCIIInI - dle bamer aacI SC&l'C c:oolt.ill.. It li,.htsiadI! •.. Othe 8reIl _ feaurft iDC1ude IUtO-aatic 0ftSl baI COCla'oI IISOt'e • CUt'llte dlall eve~,~c:tic:k~ simmer CODtrOI OIl all wp buroers., a ~.ota-- dl.t -.lies aLl pt'e'i'ious sp«d cookin8nrordt. Tarpr ftDtiJared OYeas., wboI.. meal~ bcoiJen,. ADd. dozeq _ a4Y&IIU&aI

MICAII'II COIiSOllI'TE' US CO.'AJIIYJ4A:" OP1":lCl.-o ..... II' ~ ~~11:117Cmrof "Wft~~.:l-~, \4<If"," 1'-1~1'" HplIlflli ....\ -J:i:t"1 \\',."...,-..~...... ~Jl~ 10W6:1CQf'I(::It .....- ...~ H.".,.."t'IW'lr:-l:4f,(\J~"l <'''''l'l''."'1.-IA"-I)lrl '-~''''' ~l'I-t1il':!V!lI'''r,~ .. ". __,....... s..r-7:;J .. W \.Cl'alafH~"," ""UJKl«tt' - t;Qu. f rJf' .sm..

Ce==6re New. 'ral\1! d1t(k tM!lex!unQea. r~J1 tolToWDIeDCl Club '.r.n. '_tot., II .. tIa..i 8ICIdtI'lI ScL __ 1 N-a-- , ..,. c.-....... I11M 1"&rioas aftmlGoD actiritieI aftu , &ad old ... ~ uti lZ:OO mid.1IUOI -- II elIIIII tM notnp AmerIcas.o-w 'P-;;'--Ibtillc coatest .. whi~b t.h~ will a .. emblt at .th~ Calino i The newly et«-;:;:lfieffS of TOWIl.IDChL ' The Fiftll 6raa7or Kn, Sehooll ==~~.::.~~~tn=;. tbnIqp the'1'IOQ4 .. « nea J for a PIellIC ,upper, croup 11QCIq, anel ItIld Cllb ~o. '1, for the year of 19«1 'wUhel to aDJIOace tbe,. have juat n. a moath, wIlBt wWa ~ anpo., ricIe, will be tile linter of the cia, came&. are a. follO'll'l: Presidtllt, 1.. E. Seboe. Tl'Cllllbly Notes turned frotl all extended imaaina" eqWvaJeD& llIDlIIIIIlt el li&*t 'IIOUid..... tM EuWde Camp Fire Girb G. The COlIImittee ill eIIa"!,, ftf ~lle berlein j lira' \'kt p-t!l(J(nt, !'!. ~. _ Itrip thro~ Soath Amer~a with their can N.•• IDClIdh. Abclu& I.mIIrtaiIt tMir dads Cl;!I. Sanda Y6ftUOOUtI,I' putJ are: 14r. Charlet NuttiDe, ebair- Morehead; '«ond .iee pr"ideat, WIllo The 61 CI&a. at TrOlllbly School ba. teaeber, 14~ Harri.burc. cuel.lea, ~ DON tIwa IIaJt •1...,.,& mall. of the Southeast (".amp C\ll'l'mlt. ~u~las; .eereta,.,., 14r$. Florenee E. just .tarted die UJlit of ~lledicine &!ld Before their departure they cele- toll" 'IrOUId be bul'IIell.na. will .eet at the a_ Cuino tee; MrL (kill Freer. c:hair-.n of the WIII~m5, 185 Morall road, GrOl$e Health" i.a eoeial Itllelia bra,ed a boil voy ... e luach_, plan lied- ...... at Z:JO p. IL to rqialcr Southeast GllUdiall AQOciatioll; 14rs. Pointe: trealllr~, Mrs. A V. ~aktr. Ten pupi/a are maki~ a 1llun1 in the and carried out by the ehildrea. By ..... ClItu ~------------ C J. Crockford, chainull of l!le 1054, Marl,,?~OUIh avelllle, DetrOit back of the'dass rOOlll. It ilIuatratea .teamtr, rail, plane; by caaoe, balsa CCC -..olIeM haft ~ that

",.,. ad • e-.nct ..... Northeal! G~r:1i.1:: Association, lad \\ atcb tnlS paper for later all. the llIaeu-ea to health •• uch al the horseback tbey traveled over this pea; ~t:.t~:.=::::.tr;:' ::T..... Mr. & O. Fried:1Iftd oi tbe Detroit !)e. nounc~ment. of tile Secoad ADnu.al lIIedic:iae 1lI&II, lAuiI Pasteur. and the coatinent throll&'h the pampas, the IMID ill .. 'VII'" 01 the DOrUl. forll:

- c.a.e.- S,... parbnellt of R.ec:retaioa. Valen.hno: DllIner and ~ance, to be battle aa:a&l.t ,elJow fever. They plan IlIahOl, the deserts. and the mountains. of the Coeur d'Alene ri.... in ~ho.a.- a- ---- ..~.".a.__.. ~e1dt th~ ~bo,.e menlJoaed ~ll ,CIrl to visit t!'ll: Cl::~:it Chi.lf~b to see tbe I The lives of the people as inlluenced......... .. PIa, ~ ~u .ay, eD~uary 13th, becin~ Red CrOM .wee Ar'Irical dreuinal for by the ciftl of nature in the varioul

..... CWo Karl E. Cutlip, D. S. C. WIt_h_I_.6_n_e__diall_er_a_t_6_:.1J__ P_.M_.,_a tbe W&f'riD,r ~.. countri" of our U&,OOCi lIeiMhbon" ,.ere." .w.a-a A_ Mu.n.,. IG7 CHIRCIPODIST ~ I The dan motto iI MHeaJtb i. better studied.- - -------- t,ball wealth.. Addc frOlll the illterest Many times the Y01.lngster. stopped

,.. JlAn1IlAl, FOOD SERVICE ... I e_ r •• nal aI_ ComplJ!yiaa s.:nts. which this llait COIttaiJu, tile childrea to .ketch. At Rio de Janeiro they

IIIDP - If • to~ arc lOin. 10 realize h" importut the made a frieze of tbil busy market place- ~... 13230 E. Jeffenon B;r .. .- ...._._,,--- 4cYelOptnellt of ated.icaJ lcieace iI to and b.arbot'. Later they colutrueted... • Iqb. ''7 U1BIlN wtatef' wtada 1IIotr, ~ the -riel today. froID .hoe boJ:u. a me of illlimal....... '- Jl'_..... at CopIib. MW' r__....... "PJexlODt-.hl.II'OW'1 SO....... whOle habitat is this resion. ),fent in.... _~ ---......_. AoLL ----'- l.EDa 7. .110m. beauty treatmeut to __-. - --- --=- --_. ....the retllnI of ~ IC~I eoa- 0. L c-.. 1'reltM... terestina- was the pahd of animals they... VII. 'tJ! ........... ,....... , pl.aloe tll.t, ~ ~ 01 eottoD fA. drew. Captivatill&' sceaes were c1rawn


I :... 1rItlollt pTopn creued liO-1old betweeD 1800 and th. in their serapbooks which a1rea<ly in.I • ~ llldil care, Ill." b. Civil war. eluded puspar!, leUtrs, stories, andRECONDITIONING PERMANENTS • • • • =.~~:::~ • poems bascd on the trip alona- with

11IE IIETiIOD THAT IS kiND TO YOUR HAIR I =~.~ Illew. items, map', and traveling Jiter-Perfeet eJeu. ature. Real gCOlTapben they madeGABRJELEEN :, : ,... U f. tll, nlllllerous map', !'''y~;~~lpolit!C011a::d

RD..LING MACHINE ; I.SI ";'.~ of a GIRL Iproduct maps.HELEIit£ CURTIs - ' 3.. ' =.e::. ':. ~ How they elljoyed the Spanilh son ••SPEaAL , %.51 01 tU &lid and music I What fun ;t ...."s to ~nl

W. ~ a Cr=ati •• - H..,. ~ ~ Scout. a fnv steps of the tangolThe Beautv Box a .... ".-- Ja&'4riM QaItia The tourists bade farewell to Soutb10 ac. caIId Am"rica at Caracas ccn\';nced they

.. II)' cold W'~ .. II Iaot roca.. .ere leavin£ bebilld a und of .'Ut reom.... 51 OAK ST.- D&IJ.T racial ....... wtr.1I. ....aIld water IIeJp keep. eoaa~ SOIIrcel. of potential we:llth. and of

I 7 7 p? 7$I' • j nott. nmootllull 7lIWlc-fa tJae .... _ Ic:ouIlUe61 people tnendly to tlle Unitedtar ~inote,or at &DJ' t1me. The IlIOIIthfy acrihe mee!:nc was !Ida I S tateL

hce-wu!dec "*-It '" • 111Mart. at Grout Poillte v..... School lastJteaember tat ......... atIIuIao ~....tJolI &I 1FOl1&I l:IeiaIaetq &ad 18ft,. KOIIda.T. Wa,. ill which the reports~d tJw. -.. WbkJl ... ,. ~ be iaaprcwtd were discuaaed.10 !UpJ • J8rt fB tIliI IleIat7 ~ The editcr r ... ----.. that ey-ttR .. nlOII1d be c.... wteIa P'e*t _,~_"care. 0UYe &lid PIla ou... tor .. nuibe .houJd It.each week eitber aatIIIce, are botb ~.. report or the reuon for lIOt preparinc~.-p ..... 'tI1tIa t'- Wi •in III:artJ1y J"H'GIBIDM"ed for" -. itII the complete cooperationpIufoa ..... of aD the acribes this year', repotts

.......... ..... Will be CYCD better tbaIl thou of JastHot water fn IUPUT ~ ... year.

a1IoiW be noIded. AJwaji'';: 1Ua..... WUu for ~I.... tJae fMLWIIkt up pJea17 tit Wet,. rId&lather with 7llIU' eoIQJezIoa ~COYer t.aee and aec:t 'tI1tIa ....JJI'adIltc .. &lid ...ward. n., 'It1th tile ....tfpa our ...,. Jut .epect lit ...&Il4I "A'WUtJeI tau ........

III lI.dlIWlIa to tJae ..........,........... -............... • 1rllIIdIrad Wp .. nUlQ.IatIac . c!rellJatioII.. Uae tU IInU&'8J1tQ' wItIl .............. ~1ItnIb-~ atn ntteau. totJae eJdIa .. d atd-. at tile ~..- off ............ IettN...... careftIftT WftII WIIlrII __ •'lad .. 0. ...u.c wttII .-.:IJIIIb of 'nIr;r ODK..... Pat tillfMe oIr7 wttII .. nott toweL

GAS IS BEST ••• Cooles


0111' mectiq of JUlW)' 12 was wen%tt=d:4. We 'Um"e «n&inly gIacf tohaft with liS Gladys HaDlluah and14arpret Beafelz, a1thc-... b Marpretis U 014 member it was the lira, meel-iDe alIe atteDded, bIlt .be toM US .he1IriIl be attellciiutr rqularly • Now, Ie t'lhaft the re~t of out lIew membera at-leIId u it pleas" oar Pres1claf, EIvaNeilsa to lee \II all theft.

We milled out iOCiaI ehainnall,Hdea Eaclre. 0lIl" first vice presideat,Betty Hoyt, Better aaap out of it &I1dteII 1I8'why the wonied 1ook-if it is

'- ......--------." Tez, we, IhaIl c:otIle oat ill a bod,. lAd-------------------------------------- take CUe of _


. America.nillll Chairman, Ruth Crosslet '111 !lOt bear yOg Uying tbe bl ues&I1J' more, sportilla- a aew Dodge aedall.

Chaplaill Mary ]&I1e Stroud, yag hadbetter let tbose tu:ic:abs alone, or eIse.

,OrPUds to OW" youngest member,Carrie. Finll, who was 8J yeara you,,&,] &I1l1Uy5. S<1rry we are a little latebat will be Oft time next year.

Oar Legislative Chainnn. EleanoreThoinu, cot oat of a lick bed to brin.to us tbe Iliee reply OD the VeterausBin to be passed, I IIope, ill Washinlr.toa, frOlll our &'oocI. Senaton Prentiss11. Browu aad Artaw Vandenburg.We c:ertaiJlly appreciate the 1'00<1 'piritalld hope th .. other cha:rmtll will hall'die tb'!in in the lame way: although,yours truly. tlle Kribe, haa btc'll layingdown ('ft It.'! job duri~ tn: hdid.aywll'!n ,..... t.ad a lot of nice pub:ic:ily towl':te .bc-,.;. !lut I sb;,:J impro~ as I.... P'::It <,'I th, pan, ~"',J '.

Oar Comrade CIlarlie Bishop neednot be afraid "f our ~crg.:ln ••at .."rms,..hen be can ,;,me O'Jt ..nd lid'll!!, 1I~'

.00<1 'II""" as ..-as given u~ January 12. ,

~~r ~~~t :~c~3;;!~:r~d!,~~~~~~~~;~~~iat Eastwood tiarC:"nl ::':!. y,irb, I~:'!jhelp the boys ~C;:tlckeh 2nd tllcn :hey Iin tUili wll1 h"lp us st~l u,lr Ie. .,r.l':'s. !

1 exp,.ct to '''e all the ",,,mOt" \\"itl] I

Kislon and tnimble \,,"ednesday, Jan.uary 19. at our secretar,', Cbra Bish-!OIl's home 2t S Lake Court.. Grosse:Pointe, 2t 8 p. m., as .'e have a lot of istitches to make in our qUIlt for~!ar(h 16. Our chairman, Kate Por •ler. has all our picceJ cut and reddy to,\litc;' for U$.

So lon~ until nc"t ...,,~:.-Jih:1 llei ilil ba.

, ..i:....~~..


~-. ~.

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...,.,..- ............

_•• - - tee ".n-, oftvw. 4 4 ........


EDWARD F. TABERof the Taber-Deacon Co.

For additional information

Telephone CAdillac 1816

12 Room Home andComplete FurnishingsAt 18450 FalrfleidAvel1ue

Fumiabing. for living room, dining room.breakfast room, library, billiard room. gameroom, laundry and four bedroom ••

This i.an unusual opportunity for diM:rim ..inatin!, !JP-n!'1,. wh~ w.,....!I~ ~ t.~rifty to obtainfine furniahinsr. at a fraetion of their worth;The owner of thU home has been prominentin Detroit bUline .. for year. and ia leaviq'the city.

'The furniahings are exceptionally be iaquality. Many pieeea have been collectedfrom foreign countrie ..

OpeD from 11 L Ia. to a p....------SALE CONDUCTEDBvl-----

PoiDte LutheraJl1

M... ah LutlwraaCharcll

NOTICE OFPrimary ElectionG 'p. '.n I ,...rosse olnte rarK, IY11Cb.


You are hereby notified that the Primary Election for the noaa-ination J oIfieer. in aeeordanc:e with the Village Charter will be heldin the Villap of Groaae Pointe Park on

Tuesday, February 13, 1940and that the poll. fOr said election shall be open from 7:00 o'clock inthe forenoon to 8:08 o'clock in the evening, Eastern Standard Tune.

You are further DOti6ec1 that candidate. for the following of-fices will be JIOIIIinateci at Aid'Primary Election, to-wit:

3 VIII••• Commissioners for two-year term1 Villa.e President for two-y•• r term

William G. Stamman,Village Clerk


You arelurther llotified that the polling plaet!'1~f"" ~.Jd Pt.6:!a..~E;lection aha1l be ~e foUowiDg placea:

1M Votiar Booth ia the Maaicip.I BuiIcIiq litaated OD oW.... Aft-... _t.-. Mar,laadA..... aad I .k .. ainte A__ in tIM ViIIqe 01en.... PoiDte Park 101' VoWa,- PnciDc:t No. 1 wIUda MaD .... _ aD t.n.tOl')' SoatIa of tile ceDtt.rliDe of Kercheval A....... 10f' ita .. tin ..... ia tMViIIqe of GroNe PoiDte Park.

n. Votiq- BootJa m the Gewp Defer School .mated Oft Kwd.n.IA.,.. Nt.... Nottiaclaam R_ .... BaIf_ RoM n. 11MViIIep 01GrosH Poiate Park for Volin, Precinct No. Z. wtaids ...... aD tllTi-t..,.. Nerth 01 tile C81ter Iiae of Kerc::henI A...... for it. _tire ~ •tIM v-. of Grout Poiate Park.

You are further notified that if you have not already rqiatered.you may do ao by appearing before the Board of Registration which .will be in aeaaion on Saturday, January 20th, 1940, aDd Saturday,January 27th, 1940, between the hOUri of 8:00 o'clock in the forenoonaDd 8:00 o'clock in the evening, Eastern Standard Time, at the re-.pective voting precinct&, to-owit:

votiq Pnciaet No. J. embracin! .n tfllrrit",,!" ~1th ,., the center ...of KerdInaI A.... _ for ita ... tire leD~h in the ViDqe of Groae PoiateP..... at the Manicipe.l B.ildin., situatecl on ~ A~ ... t ....Mary""" A.eoae IIIMILalcepoiate A.enue in the ViDq. 01 GroNe Point.Park.

VotT.... Preciftct No. 2, embr.cin, all territOI"}' Nort:'. of the cent .. lineof Kerc:hnaI A•• ae for ita entire lenath in the ViDa•• of GroMe Point.Parle. .t the Georp Deft'/' Scbool., .ib.ted on Kerche..1 At"eft1M bet ...Nottinp.1II ROIICI UICI Balfour Road in the ViI1qe of Groue Pointe PU'k.

You are further noti6ed th~t registration may a1aobe made withthe Village Clerk any time up to and including Saturday, February3, 1940.

Southeast Corner of Kercheval andLakewood Avenues. A. H. A. Loeber,paslor. 1434 Lakewood Avenue. Tele-phone LEnox 2121.

On the comine SUlIday, January 28,the sermon will treat the word of St.Paul: "Lest I.Should Be E.xalted,n Theseo-ice will take place at 11 :15 ..... M.The SaJlday School .. ill be in sessionfrom 10 to 11 o'clock.

The first of the special Mid ......eekLenten Services will be held a week Ifrom next \Vednesday, on Ash.\Ved- IDelday, February '1, at 7;45 P. Y. I

... tIuat -.. _ thr-P _,w... ......... __. ~ tF1I ..... ...,. .. ..-: ....., ...... JUI"IlI:F:..'" t un W'tJ:jts t A

a-p•• elaU ....An O¥ambo tribe:man hu been

sentenced to death by the hiJh courtof SouthweIt Alriea at WilldhoR tormurderlq hilneph!!W, iT, by chop-PiD&: 011 hill hands WIth aD u.

Y. w. ~ A.. WlDterP~BeaiuJanuary 2tth


fGraue Pointe u"br&ry .Her. are to8IC-=.nt addition.to HWHAT MUST I eo TO BE

th, GrotH Poin~ Public Library: LOST? ", .. ill be the subject of the .er.Carbbe.n Treuuter, by IVaD T. San- mon at the Grou. Poinl. Lutheran

11'. time to fill those Ion, winter Urlon. AlOftI' with hi. p'ncil drawin... Church, .. orshipiD&' in the Richardnenia,s .. ilb new aelivilie.l TII. tie ... nd hi. aseinatinl' d.. criplionl Mr.::: ",'X'I audilorium, Kerche,'al and Mc.term of cla .. el and .ports opcninl' in SanderlOtl, a Briti.h zoologisl, lell. Ihe Kinley, Sunday morning, January 28th,all Y.W.C.A. branch .. on January 29 story 0{ hi. travels in Jamaica. Trin;- al 11 o'clock, preached IIy the Rev.offers evcrythiull' a Kirl or woman could dad. Haiti, and Dutch Guiana.. :.r. L::tncr Canup, D. D., putor. IdUlre - fUll. friend., hobbie., exercise, Science, Today a,nd Tomorrow, by What is hell? How do we know thereopportullities for building up lIulth WaldellUlll Kaempffert. Mr. KaemPf-1 i. a hcll? Are people aoinC to hell?alld acquirin, skin ill many !ield., Mr.. fert discUls" the social a.pect. of .ei- What mult l do to ao there? TheseSturt G. Baits i. chairman of :ll: ""«:, life in tOe .olar aystem, the mys- and other questions wiD be answe'red inY.w.e.A. education department. ter)' of the atOlJl, electricity, etc. This th ... rmoo next Sunday mornini'.

To aet people ready for outd~ makes inter .. tin. reading fll!' studenll Sunday School It Sl;45 A. M" .. ithslimmer play the Y.W.C.A. i. oJferiq of scimce as wcll as laymen. e1a.. eI for all as .. and i'rade •• Younawinter iJutruction in swimmina, 11011, Music u a Profession, by Howard Peo;>le's Society will meet at the par-tenni., badminton, ridinc and r(lller Tauoman. Tbi. book should appeal to 50na,e at "/ P. M.• Sunday, 28th. Pro-.~tina. Matt :Mann, University of those ",'ho intend 10' oecome camposers, t araB .. ill eon.isl of devotion, lessonMichigan .wimllliq coach, will come conductors, tcachers, or students of study, business and#social hour.ill from Ann Arbor to give advanced music, It has many practical luCgcs- The world necd. Ihe power of the.wimmin, and divinl' ill.truction. #tions, and diac:ussu the problem. and Christian Church in a .pecial Dlanner r,Fill'Ure si<..iing on roller skates will opporlunities ill. the preselll day Illu,i- to.day. Every citizen in Grosse Point"

be JOmCthin. new at Hichland Park cal 'worilt. - need. it. IF you are unchurched, bringBranch. International Center Y.W.C.A. No .Arms, No Armor, by Ro'bert ynur fom;'y ""04 h~~~ ~!':~ ' ....~':l 0: CO.1


it olferina special Enclish cla"e. for Henriques. A novel which duls witb taucht ,nd. pr~ached. We n'eed severalthose tt> ....hom Enr.i!h i. a !01'c!z,: life in the £:'-.a!i:b .1'm,. more expeflenced S u D day Schoollanauaae and also .peeial ",ocabulary No Wind of Slame, by George!!e teachers.building cIa.sles. Heyer, Thit i. CICI' of the best of the

"Marriage A. a Career" i6 especially new detectin .tories.impor1ant foe engaged girl. Ind younC Bride of 1& Thousand Cedars, by0<' older married women who wisb to Bruee LallCalter. \ A pleasantly ro-make & llleusa of marriage. Mr,. Doris mantic tale which Is • slory o{ Ber-'eynolds Ballll1an, a cradl1llte nurse, i•• muda ill the Civil W'1. "\ays.'"~ Inlier ilf this group in which thete.. ill" be frank discussion of thc emo-tiortaJ and economic aspects ",hiehmake or break a happy marriage.

Other subjects of special interesl toaU girl. and women are f1ow.r care.photography. lOCial dancing. creativewriting, old-fasbioRed dallciDll, IYm- au rr.. Coalnuium, typewriting, f\ling, 1anguagea, Gae made from Welsh aIIthra<:itecookery. dressmaking, art, public speak- IIused to operate a motorbus whiching, per~onality, voice and diction, pi. ba~ completed successfuJ tests inana, masic appreciation, etc:, Stockport,~. The necessary

Dr. ], ]. Sherman will lead a group plant imporUd from Franee tabsill "Current Affaire." which will be up live back rows in a 31-seater.......e important than ,,'er in a electiOl1 lin,le-de<:k buI. On the trial run in-.... the hilly eountry aroUDd Marple andyear. Mrs. Ruth Huston.Whipple's M,U\lr the bull traveled at the nor-

. ' e!ass in public s~aking ,..~!l be of .pe- mll1 speed of a bus usina: petroleum,, .,. cial interest to club 'II'Olnen. Nun.. neept that It wal lllirhtly Iklwer all'/Will enjoy uF10wer Care" with an ex-I the ucej:lUcmall)' ~ &radell. The

pert from the FTDA discuuiag ar- ~ta bav. been particular~ tDCOUJ'-• , , aPl' bee.use they promISe a newr... .gments for all seasons. ReirlstratlOn IlIOUrCe of C!OIIIUIIIptien for Welsh

for aU classes lIUIy be made !lOW. De- c:oa1 and lMJcause, with • war toseipti\'e booklet. may be stewed at aU IIIbt. 8ritaiD will have unlimitedBranchet to tbe Y.W.C.A. , .upJ)1i.~ 01, PM'l"r rnr hnme lIP.~r.f!,

A strong, helpful banking connection is as vital to theindividUAl or the sma!! bugim::ss who s.;rV'es pureiyneighborhood needs, as it is to the giant industrieswhose markets, literally, cover the world.

It shaJlcontinu.: to be our earnest endeavor to serveevery customer according to his individual require-ments, regardless of the size of the account.

Thi5» and the safeguarding of funds deposited in ourcare, is the greatest service we can oWer in return forthe confidence reposed in us.

You are cOrdially invited to make: use of the completebanking fac..-ilitieswhich we ,provide in this community.


JEFFERSON.PHILIP BRANCHs. WiJW.d H--.., M.....Freel MoMaIe, AM'to Manq..


Neighborhood Bank


:11-.._A_D_d_'_The__ B_ri_tJ_egtYJO-...-_m_' _' ~_ore...,.-.__

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Gr.pefnaJt •FANCY FLA. NEW



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Pork Rout ~ ,-U.12cnESHDRESSED


Roast of Bee' .. 21cc. c. WIIOL& OR SILUIIC HALF

ISmokedH.m. .. 23c

: S. .. C I .. k" ......• SlLVEJlPlJ.tt ~ M ItftIOC£IIS

\EXClUSIVE AT KROGERS!~ .•....,.--- ..•...'- .........j PIC K LE FOR K GoIF.t Eo.... _ •• , • ......... 1ft_: -;O~ ~ wi lOe Poo. CAKE Wl Loee-'. CIIdI ...l ..

6615 &316offo,,~o1\«ft.OIif'OSIl( u c; .1'J!t!tt" co. FITZROY 20~S

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--.. -....,............. L.l.CJVII'C& --W .... ... ...-, •a.:.. =- w:::-.. rACTORY....... ::-i.....') 29.5J [XP£ITS

DOOIt 1lIAK PARD YOOR CAot0.- E...,. E..... Ciii I. s....-...... P., s.y_ c_II ct... e- .....
