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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13195–13216, 2015 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/15/13195/2015/ doi:10.5194/acp-15-13195-2015 © Author(s) 2015. CC Attribution 3.0 License. On the ability of RegCM4 regional climate model to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe: an assessment using satellite-based observations G. Alexandri 1,2 , A. K. Georgoulias 3,4,5 , P. Zanis 3 , E. Katragkou 3 , A. Tsikerdekis 3 , K. Kourtidis 2 , and C. Meleti 1 1 Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Physics Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece 2 Laboratory of Atmospheric Pollution and Pollution Control Engineering of Atmospheric Pollutants, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, 67100 Xanthi, Greece 3 Department of Meteorology and Climatology, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece 4 Multiphase Chemistry Department, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, 55128 Mainz, Germany 5 Energy, Environment and Water Research Center, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus Correspondence to: G. Alexandri ([email protected]) Received: 18 May 2015 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 8 July 2015 Revised: 3 November 2015 – Accepted: 10 November 2015 – Published: 27 November 2015 Abstract. In this work, we assess the ability of RegCM4 regional climate model to simulate surface solar radiation (SSR) patterns over Europe. A decadal RegCM4 run (2000– 2009) was implemented and evaluated against satellite-based observations from the Satellite Application Facility on Cli- mate Monitoring (CM SAF), showing that the model sim- ulates adequately the SSR patterns over the region. The SSR bias between RegCM4 and CM SAF is +1.5 % for MFG (Meteosat First Generation) and +3.3 % for MSG (Me- teosat Second Generation) observations. The relative contri- bution of parameters that determine the transmission of so- lar radiation within the atmosphere to the deviation appear- ing between RegCM4 and CM SAF SSR is also examined. Cloud macrophysical and microphysical properties such as cloud fractional cover (CFC), cloud optical thickness (COT) and cloud effective radius (Re) from RegCM4 are evalu- ated against data from CM SAF. Generally, RegCM4 under- estimates CFC by 24.3 % and Re for liquid/ice clouds by 36.1 %/28.3 % and overestimates COT by 4.3 %. The same procedure is repeated for aerosol optical properties such as aerosol optical depth (AOD), asymmetry factor (ASY) and single-scattering albedo (SSA), as well as other parameters, including surface broadband albedo (ALB) and water vapor amount (WV), using data from MACv1 aerosol climatol- ogy, from CERES satellite sensors and from ERA-Interim reanalysis. It is shown here that the good agreement between RegCM4 and satellite-based SSR observations can be par- tially attributed to counteracting effects among the above mentioned parameters. The potential contribution of each pa- rameter to the RegCM4–CM SAF SSR deviations is esti- mated with the combined use of the aforementioned data and a radiative transfer model (SBDART). CFC, COT and AOD are the major determinants of these deviations on a monthly basis; however, the other parameters also play an important role for specific regions and seasons. Overall, for the Euro- pean domain, CFC, COT and AOD are the most important factors, since their underestimations and overestimations by RegCM4 cause an annual RegCM4–CM SAF SSR absolute deviation of 8.4, 3.8 and 4.5%, respectively. 1 Introduction Modeling climate on a regional scale is essential for assess- ing the impact of climate change on society, the economy and natural resources. Regional climate models are limited-area models that simulate climate processes being often used to downscale dynamically global model simulations or global reanalysis data for specific regions in order to provide more detailed results (Laprise, 2008; Rummukainen, 2010). Sev- Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13195–13216, 2015



© Author(s) 2015. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

On the ability of RegCM4 regional climate model to simulate

surface solar radiation patterns over Europe: an assessment

using satellite-based observations

G. Alexandri1,2, A. K. Georgoulias3,4,5, P. Zanis3, E. Katragkou3, A. Tsikerdekis3, K. Kourtidis2, and C. Meleti1

1Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Physics Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece2Laboratory of Atmospheric Pollution and Pollution Control Engineering of Atmospheric Pollutants, School of Engineering,

Democritus University of Thrace, 67100 Xanthi, Greece3Department of Meteorology and Climatology, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,

54124 Thessaloniki, Greece4Multiphase Chemistry Department, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, 55128 Mainz, Germany5Energy, Environment and Water Research Center, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus

Correspondence to: G. Alexandri ([email protected])

Received: 18 May 2015 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 8 July 2015

Revised: 3 November 2015 – Accepted: 10 November 2015 – Published: 27 November 2015

Abstract. In this work, we assess the ability of RegCM4

regional climate model to simulate surface solar radiation

(SSR) patterns over Europe. A decadal RegCM4 run (2000–

2009) was implemented and evaluated against satellite-based

observations from the Satellite Application Facility on Cli-

mate Monitoring (CM SAF), showing that the model sim-

ulates adequately the SSR patterns over the region. The

SSR bias between RegCM4 and CM SAF is +1.5 % for

MFG (Meteosat First Generation) and+3.3 % for MSG (Me-

teosat Second Generation) observations. The relative contri-

bution of parameters that determine the transmission of so-

lar radiation within the atmosphere to the deviation appear-

ing between RegCM4 and CM SAF SSR is also examined.

Cloud macrophysical and microphysical properties such as

cloud fractional cover (CFC), cloud optical thickness (COT)

and cloud effective radius (Re) from RegCM4 are evalu-

ated against data from CM SAF. Generally, RegCM4 under-

estimates CFC by 24.3 % and Re for liquid/ice clouds by

36.1 %/28.3 % and overestimates COT by 4.3 %. The same

procedure is repeated for aerosol optical properties such as

aerosol optical depth (AOD), asymmetry factor (ASY) and

single-scattering albedo (SSA), as well as other parameters,

including surface broadband albedo (ALB) and water vapor

amount (WV), using data from MACv1 aerosol climatol-

ogy, from CERES satellite sensors and from ERA-Interim

reanalysis. It is shown here that the good agreement between

RegCM4 and satellite-based SSR observations can be par-

tially attributed to counteracting effects among the above

mentioned parameters. The potential contribution of each pa-

rameter to the RegCM4–CM SAF SSR deviations is esti-

mated with the combined use of the aforementioned data and

a radiative transfer model (SBDART). CFC, COT and AOD

are the major determinants of these deviations on a monthly

basis; however, the other parameters also play an important

role for specific regions and seasons. Overall, for the Euro-

pean domain, CFC, COT and AOD are the most important

factors, since their underestimations and overestimations by

RegCM4 cause an annual RegCM4–CM SAF SSR absolute

deviation of 8.4, 3.8 and 4.5 %, respectively.

1 Introduction

Modeling climate on a regional scale is essential for assess-

ing the impact of climate change on society, the economy and

natural resources. Regional climate models are limited-area

models that simulate climate processes being often used to

downscale dynamically global model simulations or global

reanalysis data for specific regions in order to provide more

detailed results (Laprise, 2008; Rummukainen, 2010). Sev-

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

13196 G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe

eral studies suggest that we can benefit from the use of re-

gional climate models, especially due to the higher reso-

lution of stationary features like topography and coastlines

and from the improved representation of small-scale pro-

cesses such as convective precipitation (see Flato et al., 2013,

and references therein). Usually, regional climate models are

evaluated and “tuned” according to their ability to simulate

temperature and precipitation (e.g., Giorgi et al., 2012; Vau-

tard et al., 2013; Kotlarski et al., 2014). However, as dis-

cussed in Katragkou et al. (2015), the role of other climato-

logical parameters should be included in the evaluation pro-

cedure of regional climate models (e.g., radiative fluxes, sen-

sible and latent heat fluxes and cloud properties).

The ability of regional climate models to assess surface

solar radiation (SSR) patterns has not received much atten-

tion despite the fact that SSR plays a core role in various

climatic processes and parameters such as (1) evapotranspi-

ration (e.g., Teuling et al., 2009), (2) hydrological cycle (e.g.,

Allen and Ingram, 2002; Ramanathan et al., 2001; Wang

et al., 2010; Wild and Liepert, 2010), (3) photosynthesis

(e.g., Gu et al., 2002; Mercado et al., 2009), (4) oceanic heat

budget (e.g., Lewis et al., 1990; Webster et al., 1996; Bodas-

Salcedo et al., 2014), and (5) global energy balance (e.g.,

Kim and Ramanathan, 2008; Stephens et al., 2012; Trenberth

et al., 2009; Wild et al., 2013) and solar energy production

(Hammer et al., 2003) and largely affects temperature and

precipitation. The same holds for the parameters that drive

SSR levels, such as cloud macrophysical and microphysical

properties (cloud fractional cover, CFC; cloud optical thick-

ness, COT; and cloud effective radius, Re), aerosol optical

properties (aerosol optical depth, AOD; asymmetry factor,

ASY; and single-scattering albedo, SSA), surface broadband

albedo (ALB) and atmospheric water vapor amount (WV).

However, in the last few years, there have been a few re-

gional climate model studies focusing on the SSR levels or

the net surface shortwave radiation, either to examine the

dimming/brightening effect (e.g., Zubler et al., 2011; Chi-

acchio et al., 2015) or to evaluate the models (e.g., Jaeger

et al., 2008; Markovic et al., 2008; Kothe and Ahrens, 2010;

Kothe et al., 2011, 2014; Güttler et al., 2014). These studies

highlight the dominating effect of cloud cover and surface


In this work, we go a step further, proceeding to a detailed

evaluation of the ability of RegCM4 regional climate model

to simulate SSR patterns over Europe, taking into account

not only CFC and ALB but also COT, Re, AOD, ASY, SSA

and WV. For the scope of this study, the same parameters

are extracted from satellite-based observational data (Satel-

lite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF),

CERES), data from an aerosol climatology (MACv1) and

data from the ERA-Interim reanalysis (see Table 1). First

a decadal simulation (2000–2009) is implemented with the

model and the output is evaluated against observations from

the EUMETSAT geostationary satellites of CM SAF. SSR

data from the Meteosat First Generation (MFG) satellites

Table 1. List of the parameters being analyzed in this work, their

sources, the original resolution at which the data were acquired and

the corresponding time periods.

Parameter Source Resolution Period

SSR CM SAF MFG 0.03◦× 0.03◦ 2000–2005

SSR CM SAF MSG 0.05◦× 0.05◦ 2006–2009

CFC CM SAF MSG 0.05◦× 0.05◦ 2004–2009

COT CM SAF MSG 0.05◦× 0.05◦ 2004–2009

Re CM SAF MSG 0.05◦× 0.05◦ 2004–2009

AOD MACv1 1◦× 1◦ Climatology

ASY MACv1 1◦× 1◦ Climatology

SSA MACv1 1◦× 1◦ Climatology

ALB CERES 1◦× 1◦ Climatology

WV ERA-Interim 1◦× 1◦ 2006–2009

All above RegCM4 50 km× 50 km 2000–2009

(Tessier, 1989) are available for the period 2000–2005, while

data from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellites

(Schmetz et al., 2002) are available for the period 2006–

2009. These data are characterized by a high spatial (∼ 3–

5 km) and temporal resolution (15–30 min) and have been

validated in the past, constituting a well-established product

(e.g., Sanchez-Lorenzo et al., 2013; Posselt et al., 2014). In

Sect. 2.1, the basic features of the model are described along

with the simulation setup and the way various parameters are

calculated by the model. In Sects. 2.2 and 2.3, a description

of the satellite data from CM SAF and the other data which

are used for the evaluation of RegCM4 is given, while in

Sect. 2.4 we discuss the methodology followed in this paper.

Section 3.1 includes the evaluation of RegCM4 SSR against

data from MFG and MSG; Sects. 3.2 and 3.3 the evaluation

of CFC, COT and Re against data from MSG; Sect. 3.4 the

comparison of RegCM4 AOD, ASY and SSA with data from

MACv1 aerosol climatology; and Sect. 3.5 the comparison

of RegCM4 WV and ALB with data from ERA-Interim re-

analysis and CERES satellite sensors, respectively. The CFC,

COT, Re, AOD, ASY, SSA, ALB and WV data sets where

chosen so as to be consistent with the CM SAF SSR data

set. The potential contribution of various parameters to the

RegCM4–CM SAF SSR differences is estimated with the

combined use of the data mentioned above and a radiative

transfer model for the MSG SSR period (2006–2009). The

results are presented in Sect. 3.6, while the main findings of

this paper are summarized in Sect. 4.

2 Model description, data and methods

2.1 RegCM4 description and simulation setup

In this work, a decadal (2000–2009) simulation was im-

plemented with RegCM4.4 (hereafter denoted RegCM4 or

RegCM) for the greater European region with a horizon-

tal resolution of 50 km. The model’s domain extends from

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13195–13216, 2015 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/15/13195/2015/

G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe 13197

65◦W to 65◦ E and 15 to 75◦ N including the largest part

of the Sahara and part of the Middle East (see Fig. S1 in

the Supplement of this paper). RegCM is a hydrostatic, σ -

p regional climate model with a dynamical core based on

the hydrostatic version of the PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model

version 5 (MM5) (Grell et al., 1994). Specifically, RegCM4

is a substantially improved version of the model compared

to its predecessor RegCM3 (Pal et al., 2007) with regard to

software code and physics (e.g., radiative transfer, planetary

boundary layer, convection schemes over land and ocean,

land types and surface processes, ocean–air exchanges). De-

tails on the historical evolution of RegCM from the late

1980s until today and a full description of RegCM4’s basic

features are given in Giorgi et al. (2012).

Data from ECMWF’s ERA-Interim reanalysis were used

as lateral boundary conditions. RegCM4 through a simpli-

fied aerosol scheme accounts for anthropogenic SO2, sul-

fates, and organic and black carbon (Solmon et al., 2006).

The emissions of these anthropogenic aerosols are based

on monthly, time-dependent, historical emissions from the

Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5)

(Lamarque et al., 2010) with a 1-year spin-up time (1999).

This inventory is used by a number of climate models in sup-

port of the most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel

on Climate Change (IPCC, 2013). The model also accounts

for maritime particles through a two-bin sea salt scheme (Za-

key et al., 2008) and for dust through a four-bin approach

(Zakey et al., 2006). For each model layer a concentration

of anthropogenic SO2, sulfates, black carbon, organic car-

bon, sea salt particles and dust is calculated, from which,

according to a look-up table with associated optical prop-

erties, the model accounts for the aerosol extinction profiles

(see Solmon et al., 2006; Zakey et al., 2006, 2008, for more

details). For our simulation, the MIT–Emanuel convection

scheme (Emanuel, 1991; Emanuel and Zivkovic-Rothman,

1999) was used. Convection is triggered when the buoyancy

level is higher than the cloud base level. The cloud mix-

ing is considered to be episodic and inhomogeneous, while

the convective fluxes are based on a model of sub-cloud-

scale updrafts and downdrafts (see Giorgi et al., 2012). Za-

nis et al. (2009) reported for RegCM3 that the low strati-

form clouds are systematically denser and more persistent

with the use of the Grell (1993) convective scheme than

with the Emanuel scheme, a result with major importance for

the cloud–radiation feedback. The boundary layer scheme of

Holtslag et al. (1990) was utilized, while the Subgrid Explicit

Moisture Scheme (SUBEX) handles large-scale cloud and

precipitation computations. The ocean flux scheme was taken

from Zeng et al. (1998) with the Biosphere–Atmosphere

Transfer Scheme (BATS) (Dickinson et al., 1993) account-

ing for land surface processes.

The Community Climate Model version 3 (CCM3) (Kiehl

et al., 1996) radiative package handles radiative trans-

fer within RegCM4. The CCM3 scheme employs the δ-

Eddington approximation following its predecessor (CCM2)

(Briegleb, 1992). Especially for the shortwave radiation, the

radiative transfer model takes into account the effect of atmo-

spheric water vapor and greenhouse gasses, aerosol amount

and optical properties per layer (e.g., aerosol optical thick-

ness, asymmetry factor, single-scattering albedo), and cloud

macrophysical (e.g., cloud fractional cover) and microphys-

ical properties (e.g., effective droplet radius, liquid water

path, cloud optical thickness) and land surface properties

(surface albedo). The radiative transfer equation is solved

for 18 discrete spectral intervals from 0.2 to 5 µm for the 18

RegCM vertical sigma layers from 50 hPa to the surface.

The effect of clouds on shortwave radiation is manifested

by CFC, cloud droplet size and cloud water path (CWP),

which is based on the prognostically calculated parameter of

cloud water amount (Giorgi et al., 2012). Within the model,

the effective droplet radius for liquid clouds (Rel) is consid-

ered constant (10 µm) over the ocean, while over land it is

given as a function of temperature (Kiehl et al., 1998; Collins

et al., 2006). On the other hand, the ice particle effective ra-

dius (Rei) is given as a function of normalized pressure, start-

ing from 10 µm. The equations used for the calculation of Rel

and Rei are given below.


5µm T >−10 ◦C

5− 5(T+10


)µm −30 ◦C≤ T ≤−10 ◦C

Rei T <−30 ◦C,




p/ps > phigh


Reimin− (Reimax−Reimin)





I −plowI


p/ps ≤ phigh

I ,


where T is the atmospheric temperature, p is the atmo-

spheric pressure, ps is the surface pressure, Reimax = 30 µm,

Reimin = 10 µm, phigh

I = 0.4 and plowI = 0.0. The fraction

(fice) of cloud water that consists of ice particles is given as

a function of T , the fraction (fliq) of the liquid water droplets

being calculated as fliq = 1− fice.

fice =

0 T >−10 ◦C

−0.05(T + 10) −30 ◦C≤ T ≤−10 ◦C

1 T <−30 ◦C


Then, the radiative properties of liquid and ice clouds in the

shortwave spectral region are given by the following param-

eterizations, originally found in Slingo (1989) and revisited

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13198 G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe

by Briegleb (1992).

COTλph = CWP




]fph, (4)

SSAλph = 1− cλph− dλphReph, (5)

ASYλph = eλph+ f

λphReph, (6)

φλph =



, (7)

where superscript λ denotes the spectral interval and sub-

script ph denotes the phase (liquid/ice), while φ is the phase

function of clouds. It needs to be mentioned here that all the

equations presented above are given in Kiehl et al. (1998)

and Collins et al. (2004) with slightly different annotation.

The coefficients a–f for liquid clouds are given in Slingo

(1989), while those for ice clouds are given in Ebert and

Curry (1992) for the four pseudo-spectral intervals (0.25–

0.69, 0.69–1.19, 1.19–2.38 and 2.38–4.00 µm) employed in

the radiative scheme of RegCM. Especially for COT, in this

paper we calculated this parameter for the spectral interval

0.25–0.69 µm for both liquid and ice clouds so that it is com-

parable to the CM SAF satellite-retrieved COT at 0.6 µm (see

Sect. 2.2). Following the approach of Cess (1985), to derive

the bulk COT for the whole atmospheric column, the COTs

calculated for each layer are simply added. The total COT for

each layer is calculated by merging the COT values for liquid

and ice clouds.

Within RegCM, CFC at each layer is calculated from rel-

ative humidity and cloud droplet radius. The surface radia-

tion flux in RegCM4 is calculated separately for the clear and

cloud-covered part of the sky. The total CFC for each model

grid cell is an intermediate value between the one calculated

using the random overlap approach, which leads to a maxi-

mum cloud cover, and the one found by assuming a full over-

lap of the clouds appearing in different layers, which mini-

mizes cloud cover. As discussed in Giorgi et al. (2012), this

approach allows for a more realistic representation of surface

radiative fluxes.

2.2 CM SAF satellite data

To evaluate the RegCM4 SSR simulations described pre-

viously, we use high-resolution satellite data from the SIS

(surface incoming shortwave radiation) product of CM

SAF. The data sets were obtained from EUMETSAT’s

MFG (doi:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/RAD_MVIRI/V001)

and MSG (doi:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLAAS/V001)

geostationary satellites. SSR data are available from 1983

to 2005 from six MFG satellites (Meteosat 2–7) and from

2005 onwards from MSG satellites (Meteosat 8–10). These

satellites fly at an altitude of ∼ 36 000 km, being located

at longitudes around 0◦ above the Equator and covering

an area extending from 80◦W to 80◦ E and from 80◦ S

to 80◦ N. In the case of MFG satellites, the SSR data are

retrieved from measurements with the Meteosat Visible and

Infrared Instrument (MVIRI) sensor. MVIRI is a radiometer

that takes measurements at three spectral bands (visible,

water vapor, infrared) every 30 min. SSR is retrieved using

MVIRI’s broadband visible channel (0.45–1 µm) only, at

a spatial resolution of ∼ 2.5 km (at the sub-satellite point).

The data are afterwards re-gridded on a 0.03◦×0.03◦ regular


The MagicSol–Heliosat algorithm, used for the derivation

of the SSR data analyzed in this work, has been extensively

described in several papers (see Posselt et al., 2011a, b, 2012,

2014; Mueller et al., 2011; Sanchez-Lorenzo et al., 2013).

The algorithm includes a modified version of the original He-

liosat method (Beyer et al., 1996; Cano et al., 1986). Heliosat

utilizes the digital counts obtained from the visible channel to

calculate the so-called effective cloud albedo. The modified

version incorporates the determination of the monthly maxi-

mum normalized digital count (for each MVIRI sensor) that

serves as a self-calibration parameter. To derive the clear-

sky background reflection, a 7-day running average of the

minimum normalized digital counts is used instead of fixed

monthly mean values. This method minimizes changes ap-

pearing in the radiance data recorded by different MVIRI

sensors due to the transition from one Meteosat satellite to

another, ensuring a data set that is as homogeneous as pos-

sible. Then, the clear-sky irradiances are derived using the

look-up-table-based clear-sky model MAGIC (Mueller et al.,

2009) and finally SSR is retrieved by combining them with

the effective cloud albedo.

On the other hand, MSG satellites carry the Spinning En-

hanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), a radiometer

taking measurements at 12 spectral bands (from visible to

infrared) every 15 min with a spatial resolution of ∼ 3 km

(at the sub-satellite point). The data used here are avail-

able in a 0.05◦× 0.05◦ regular grid. The SEVIRI broadband

high-resolution visible channel (HRV), which is very close

to MVIRI’s broadband visible channel, cannot be used for

the continuation of the SSR data set, since, unlike MVIRI,

it does not cover the full Earth disk. Furthermore, the use of

one of SEVIRI’s narrow-band visible channels directly in the

same algorithm as MVIRI (MagicSol) is not feasible – firstly

because of the spectral differences with MVIRI’s broadband

visible channel, and secondly because of the sensitivity of

cloud albedo to spectral differences of the land surfaces be-

low the clouds (especially for vegetated areas) (see Posselt

et al., 2011a, 2014). In this case, an artificial SEVIRI broad-

band visible channel that corresponds to MVIRI’s broadband

visible channel is simulated following the approach of Cros

et al. (2006). SEVIRI’s two narrow-band visible channels

(0.6 and 0.8 µm) and MVIRI’s broadband channel spectral

characteristics are used to establish a simple linear model.

This model is afterwards applied to SEVIRI’s 0.6 and 0.8 µm

radiance measurements to calculate the broadband visible

channel radiance (see Posselt et al., 2014, for more details).

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G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe 13199

The CM SAF SSR satellite-based product is characterized

by a threshold accuracy of 15 Wm−2 for monthly mean data

and 25 Wm−2 for daily data (Mueller et al., 2011; Posselt

et al., 2012, 2014; Sanchez-Lorenzo et al., 2013). Posselt

et al. (2012) evaluated CM SAF SSR data on a daily and

monthly basis against ground-based observations from 12

BSRN (Baseline Surface Radiation Network) stations around

the world, showing that both daily and monthly CM SAF

data are below the target accuracy for∼ 90 % of the stations.

Specifically for Europe, Sanchez-Lorenzo et al. (2013), us-

ing monthly SSR data from 47 GEBA (Global Energy Bal-

ance Archive) ground stations, proceeded to a detailed val-

idation of the CM SAF SSR data set for the period 1983–

2005. They found that CM SAF slightly overestimates SSR

by 5.2 Wm−2 (4.4 % in relative values). Also, the mean ab-

solute bias was found to be 8.2 Wm−2, which is below the

accuracy threshold of 15 Wm−2 (10 Wm−2 for the CM SAF

retrieval accuracy and 5 Wm−2 for the surface measurements

uncertainties). Applying the standard normal homogeneity

test (SNHT), Sanchez-Lorenzo et al. (2013) revealed that the

MFG SSR data over Europe can be considered homogeneous

for the period 1994–2005. Recently, Posselt et al. (2014)

verified the results of the previous two studies by using

a combined MFG-MSG SSR data set spanning from 1983

to 2010. They found that the monthly mean data set exhibits

a mean bias of +3.16 Wm−2 and a mean absolute bias of

8.15 Wm−2 compared to BSRN, which is again below the

accuracy threshold of CM SAF. Also, the data set was found

to be homogeneous for the period 1994–2010 in most of the

investigated regions except for Africa.

To investigate the differences appearing between the

RegCM4 and CM SAF SSR fields we also use CFC, COT and

Re CM SAF observations from MSG satellites for the period

2004–2009. A description of this cloud optical properties

product, also known as CLAAS (CLoud property dAtAset

using SEVIRI), can be found in Stengel et al. (2014). The

MSG NWC software package v2010 is used for the de-

tection of cloudy pixels, the determination of their type

(liquid/ice) and their vertical placement (Derrien and Le

Gléau, 2005; NWCSAF, 2010). The detection of cloudy pix-

els is based on a multispectral threshold method incorpo-

rating parameters such us illumination (e.g., daytime, twi-

light, nighttime, sunglint) and type of surface. According

to Kniffka et al. (2014), the CM SAF cloud mask accu-

racy is ∼ 90 % (successful detection of cloudy pixels for ∼

90 % of the cases) when evaluated against satellite data from

CALIOP/CALIPSO and CPR/CloudSat. The bias of the CFC

product was found to be +2 and +3 % for SEVIRI’s disk

when compared to ground-based data from SYNOP (lidar-

radar measurements) and satellite-based data from MODIS,

respectively (Stengel et al., 2014). The cloud physical prop-

erties (CPP) algorithm (Roebeling et al., 2006; Meirink et al.,

2013) is used to retrieve COT at 0.6 µm, Re and CWP. The

algorithm is based on the use of SEVIRI’s spectral measure-

ments at the visible (0.64 µm) and near infrared (1.63 µm)

(Nakajima and King, 1990). First, COT and Re are retrieved

for the cloudy pixels and then CWP is given by the following


CWPph = 2/3ρphRephCOTph, (8)

where ph stands for the clouds’ phase (liquid/ice) and ρ is

the density of water. According to Stengel et al. (2014), the

CM SAF COT bias was estimated at −9.9 % compared to

MODIS observations. The corresponding bias for CWP is

−0.3 % for liquid-phase clouds and −6.2 % for ice-phase

clouds. COT and CWP data are available from CM SAF at

a spatial resolution of 0.05◦× 0.05◦ on a daily basis. In this

work, Re values were calculated from the COT and CWP CM

SAF available data using Eq. (8).

2.3 Other data

In addition to the CM SAF SSR and cloud optical properties

data used for the evaluation of RegCM4, we also use ancil-

lary data from other sources, namely AOD, ASY and SSA at

550 nm monthly climatological values from the MACv1 cli-

matology (Kinne et al., 2013); monthly climatological broad-

band surface shortwave fluxes retrieved from CERES sensors

aboard EOS TERRA and AQUA satellites for a 14-year pe-

riod starting from March 2000 (Kato et al., 2013); and finally

monthly mean total column WV data from ECMWF’s ERA-

Interim reanalysis (Dee et al., 2011) for the period 2006–

2009. All the data were obtained at a spatial resolution of

1◦× 1◦. It should be mentioned that these data are similar

to the ones used as input within the MAGIC clear-sky radia-

tive transfer code (Mueller et al., 2009), which is used for the

calculation of CM SAF SSR. Therefore, they can be used in

order to examine the reasons for possible deviations appear-

ing between RegCM4 and CM SAF SSR (see Sect. 2.4). To

our knowledge, the uncertainty in the MACv1 aerosol param-

eters used here has not been reported anywhere in detail. The

CERES broadband surface albedo over land exhibits a rela-

tive bias of −2.4 % compared to MODIS. Specifically, over

deserts, the relative bias drops to−2.1 % (Rutan et al., 2009).

A detailed evaluation of the ERA-Interim WV total column

product does not exist. Only recently, the upper troposphere–

lower stratosphere WV data were evaluated against airborne

campaign measurements, showing good agreement (30 % of

the observations were almost perfectly represented by the

model) (Kunz et al., 2014).

2.4 Methodology

In this study, first of all, the RegCM4 SSR fields are evaluated

against SSR fields from CM SAF (MFG for 2000–2005 and

MSG for 2006–2009) for the European region (box region in

Fig. S1). Prior to the evaluation, the model and satellite data

are averaged on a monthly basis and brought to a common

0.5◦×0.5◦ spatial resolution. It should be mentioned that the

same temporal and spatial resolution was used for all the data

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13200 G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe

Figure 1. Seasonal NMB patterns of RegCM4–CM SAF SSR over Europe for (a) winter (DJF), (b) spring (MAM), (c) summer (JJA) and

(d) autumn (SON) from MSG SEVIRI observations. The seven sub-regions used for the generalization of the results are marked in (a):

northern Europe (NE), central Europe (CE), eastern Europe (EE), Iberian Peninsula (IP), central Mediterranean (CM), eastern Mediterranean

(EM) and northern Africa (NA).

utilized in this study. Maps with the normalized mean bias

(NMB) (hereafter denoted as bias) are produced on an annual

and seasonal basis. NMB is given by the following equation:


∑Ni=1(RegCMi −CMSAFi)∑N





)100%, (9)

where RegCMi and CMSAFi represent the RegCM4 and

CM SAF mean values for each month i, N is the number

of months, and RegCM and CMSAF are the RegCM4 and

CM SAF mean values. The statistical significance of the re-

sults at the 95 % confidence level is checked by means of

a two-independent-sample t test:

t = (RegCM−CMSAF)/

√(σ 2


)/N, (10)

where σRegCM and σCMSAF are the standard deviations

of RegCM4 and CM SAF total means. When |t | is greater

than a critical value that depends on the degrees of freedom

(here 2n− 1), the bias is considered statistically significant.

In addition to the whole European region (EU) and the land-

covered (LA) and ocean-covered (OC) part of Europe, seven

other sub-regions are defined for the generalization of our

results: northern Europe (NE), central Europe (CE), eastern

Europe (EE), Iberian Peninsula (IP), central Mediterranean

(CM), eastern Mediterranean (EM) and northern Africa (NA)

(see Figs. 1a and S1). The bias on an annual and seasonal ba-

sis is calculated per region. Apart from bias, other statistical

metrics (correlation coefficient, R; normalized standard de-

viation, NSD; modified normalized mean bias, MNMB; root

mean square error, RMSE) are also defined, calculated and

presented in the Supplement of this paper. Specifically for

the SSR results presented in the paper the normalized mean

error (NME) is calculated along with the bias in order to get

an insight into the absolute bias between the model simula-

tions and the satellite observations.



∣∣RegCMi −CMSAFi∣∣∑N

i=1CMSAFi100% (11)

The latitudinal variability in model and satellite-based SSR

and their difference is examined by means of seasonal plots.

Finally, the seasonal variability in SSR from RegCM4 and

CM SAF and their differences is investigated for each of

the 10 regions mentioned above. While NMB is primarily

used in this work for the investigation of the spatiotemporal

variability in RegCM4–CM SAF deviations, the real differ-

ence is given in the plots with the latitudinal and seasonal

variability for each region in order to get an insight into

the performance of the model, regardless of the SSR levels.

The same procedure is done separately for MFG data (2000–

2005) and MSG data (2006–2009) to see whether the two

data sets lead to similar results. Our results are mostly fo-

cused on MSG satellite-based observations, since CFC and

cloud optical properties data are only available from MSG


Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13195–13216, 2015 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/15/13195/2015/

G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe 13201

In order to interpret the observed differences between

RegCM4 and CM SAF SSR, the same detailed procedure

is repeated for CFC and COT for the period 2004–2009.

CFC and COT are the two major determinants of the trans-

mission of shortwave radiation through clouds (Gupta et al.,

1993) and along with AOD constitute the major controllers

of SSR (Kawamoto and Hayasaka, 2008). Therefore, we

also proceed to a detailed comparison of RegCM4 AOD at

550 nm (AOD550) against MACv1 climatological data. How-

ever, other cloud- (Re) and aerosol- (ASY, SSA) related pa-

rameters also play a significant role. Here, RegCM4 Re is

evaluated against observational data from CM SAF, while

RegCM4 ASY and SSA are compared against climatological

data from MACv1 (see Supplement). Specifically, the com-

parison of RegCM4 data with MACv1 does not constitute an

evaluation of the RegCM4 aerosol-related parameters, like in

the case of the cloud-related parameters above, since MACv1

data (Kinne et al., 2013) are climatological (based on a com-

bination of models and observations) and not pure observa-

tional data. However, a similar climatology (Kinne et al.,

2006) is used for the production of CM SAF SSR (Trent-

mann et al., 2013). In addition, Mueller et al. (2014) showed

that the use of MACv1 aerosol climatology instead of the

Kinne et al. (2006) climatology does not significantly affect

the CM SAF SSR product. Hence, this comparison allows us

to reach useful conclusions about the effect of aerosol repre-

sentation within RegCM4 on the simulated SSR fields by the

model. The same holds for the comparison of RegCM4 ALB

data with climatological data from CERES satellite sensors

and RegCM4 WV data with WV data from ERA-Interim re-

analysis (see Supplement). The CERES ALB 14-year clima-

tology is temporally constant, similar to the CERES clima-

tology used for the production of CM SAF SSR (Trentmann

et al., 2013). Finally, the ERA-Interim WV data used here

are the same as the WV data incorporated by the radiative

scheme of CM SAF. Unlike the RegCM4 evaluation results,

the comparison results discussed in this paragraph are pre-

sented in the Supplement.

Apart from a qualitative approach, we also proceed to

a quantitative study of the reasons that could potentially lead

to deviations between the RegCM4 and CM SAF SSR. Us-

ing data from RegCM4 and CM SAF and the Santa Bar-

bara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART)

model (Ricchiazzi et al., 1998), we estimate the potential rel-

ative contribution of the parameters CFC, COT, Re, AOD,

ASY, SSA, ALB and WV to the percent RegCM4–CM SAF

SSR difference (1SSR) over the seven sub-regions men-

tioned above. 1SSR is given by Eq. (12), expressing the

percentage of SSR deviation caused by the observed differ-

ence between RegCM4 and CM SAF for each parameter (p).

First, a SBDART simulation is implemented with a 3 h time

step for the 15th day of each month (Ming et al., 2005) us-

ing monthly mean RegCM4 data as input (control run) for

each region. The average of all the time steps per month ex-

presses the monthly SSR flux (SSRcontrol). The SSR fields

simulated with SBDART are almost identical to the RegCM4

SSR fields. This indicates that SBDART indeed can be used

to study the sensitivity of RegCM4’s radiative scheme to var-

ious parameters. Then, several SBDART simulations are im-

plemented in the same way, replacing each time only one

of the aforementioned input parameters with corresponding

values from CM SAF, MACv1 or ERA-Interim (SSR(p)).

SSRcontrol and SSR(p) are then used in Eq. (12) to calculate

1SSR for each month (i) and parameter (p).

1SSRi(p)= 100(

SSRicontrol−SSRi(p))/SSRicontrol (12)

The results of this analysis are presented by means of bar

plots for each sub-region. The procedure described above

was repeated assuming the simulated SSR fields with all the

CM SAF, MACv1 and ERA-Interim input data as the con-

trol run and replacing each time the corresponding parame-

ter with data from RegCM4. This was done in order to make

sure that the interdependence (the effect of changing a pa-

rameter is different under different conditions) of the exam-

ined parameters does not impact the validity of our results.

In addition, a method like the one introduced by Kawamoto

and Hayasaka (2008, 2010, 2011), which is based on the cal-

culation of the sensitivities of SSR on CFC, COT, AOD and

WV, was also implemented with similar results (not shown


3 Results and discussion

3.1 Surface solar radiation

As discussed above, we first examine the CM SAF and

RegCM4 bias patterns for the MFG (2000–2005) and MSG

(2006–2009) periods separately. This work focuses on the

MSG data set, since cloud property data, which are used in

order to investigate the reasons for the observed bias between

CM SAF and RegCM4 at a later stage, are only available

from MSG. However, we investigate both periods to examine

whether the observed biases are valid for the whole simula-

tion period and ensure that there are no differences when us-

ing one or the other data set. As shown in Fig. S2a and b, the

annual bias patterns are similar for both MFG-RegCM4 and

MSG-RegCM4. The main feature is a low negative bias over

land and a low positive bias over ocean. Overall, the RegCM4

simulations slightly overestimate SSR compared to CM SAF

over Europe with a bias of +1.5 % in the case of MFG and

+3.3 % in the case of MSG, while SSR from RegCM4 is

much closer to SSR from CM SAF over land (bias of−1.6 %

for MFG and +0.7 % for MSG) than over ocean (bias of

+7.2 % for MFG and +8.1 % for MSG). These values can

be found in Table 2 for the RegCM4-MSG period along with

the corresponding values for the seven sub-regions of interest

appearing in Fig. 1a, while the same values for the RegCM4-

MFG period can be found in Table S1 of the Supplement. It

should be mentioned that, hereafter, only results for the MSG

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13202 G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe

Table 2. Average RegCM4 SSR and CM SAF SSR (MSG SEVIRI) with their standard deviations (±1σ ) and the corresponding normalized

mean bias (NMB) and normalized mean error (NME) per season and region. When the difference between RegCM4 and CM SAF SSR is

statistically significant at the 95 % confidence level due to a two-independent-sample t test, the NMB values are marked with bold letters,

while in the opposite case they are marked with an asterisk. Positive NMBs are italic, while negative NMBs are underlined. ANN denotes

annual results and DJF, MAM, JJA and SON the winter, spring, summer and autumn results, respectively.


MOD SAT bias (NME) MOD SAT bias (NME) MOD SAT bias (NME)

EU 175.0± 106.5 169.3± 96.7 3.3 (11.7) 77.1± 57.1 74.2± 57.2 3.9 (13.3) 206.8± 83.0 206.7± 67.0 0.0∗ (12.2)

LA 173.1± 106.9 171.9± 97.2 0.7 (11.7) 78.1± 61.0 78.0± 60.8 0.1∗(12.7) 202.7± 85.7 208.7± 68.6 –2.9 (13.0)

OC 178.2± 105.6 164.9± 95.7 8.1 (11.8) 75.3± 49.7 67.7± 49.8 11.3 (14.5) 213.8± 77.8 203.2± 64.2 5.2 (10.9)

NE 104.0± 81.2 113.7± 93.4 –8.5 (17.4) 19.3± 12.0 12.7± 16.8 52.4 (71.0) 137.6± 53.4 160.4± 60.8 –14.2 (17.0)

CE 134.5± 89.2 136.1± 83.1 –1.2 (14.3) 42.3± 20.8 42.8± 24.4 −1.1∗ (22.9) 158.1± 55.6 174.0± 51.3 –9.1 (15.6)

EE 132.3± 92.0 139.5± 89.8 –5.2 (12.9) 37.5± 17.5 38.8± 22.1 –3.4 (20.1) 155.2± 61.2 179.4± 57.7 –13.5 (16.4)

IP 197.9± 95.1 194.7± 84.4 1.7 (9.7) 91.7± 26.9 98.6± 27.5 –7.0 (12.6) 224.8± 56.5 224.0± 46.3 0.4∗ (9.6)

CM 209.8± 98.6 195.1± 85.1 7.5 (10.6) 97.3± 29.1 96.7± 27.1 0.6∗(9.1) 243.7± 59.2 225.9± 46.2 7.9 (11.1)

EM 219.3± 101.6 205.6± 90.3 6.7 (9.9) 105.1± 36.8 101.8± 33.7 3.3 (11.4) 251.4± 68.8 235.6± 54.4 6.7 (10.7)

NA 261.8± 82.3 243.8± 69.5 7.4 (8.9) 164.7± 35.2 161.8± 31.9 1.8 (6.3) 303.8± 41.3 280.2± 33.7 8.4 (9.3)


MOD SAT bias (NME) MOD SAT bias (NME)

EU 281.6± 70.6 265.2± 55.2 6.2 (11.1) 126.3± 77.4 123.3± 71.3 2.4 (11.3)

LA 278.6± 71.7 267.0± 55.0 4.4 (10.7) 124.9± 79.0 126.1± 72.8 –0.9 (11.0)

OC 286.7± 68.2 262.1± 55.3 9.4 (11.9) 128.7± 74.5 118.6± 68.4 8.4 (11.8)

NE 198.7± 45.5 219.4± 43.3 –9.4 (13.8) 52.9± 38.2 53.4± 44.3 −1.0∗ (22.1)

CE 245.6± 47.9 228.9± 38.2 7.3 (12.0) 84.4± 46.8 90.9± 48.2 –7.2 (13.9)

EE 248.4± 44.9 242.8± 36.5 2.3 (9.0) 80.1± 46.0 88.8± 48.8 –9.8 (13.6)

IP 317.5± 29.1 296.3± 32.3 7.2 (8.9) 148.6± 53.9 151.8± 50.4 –2.1 (9.6)

CM 331.3± 27.3 299.9± 25.1 10.4 (10.8) 157.7± 53.5 149.8± 45.4 5.3 (10.4)

EM 339.3± 29.1 312.8± 28.1 8.5 (8.9) 171.8± 63.0 163.7± 55.9 5.0 (9.5)

NA 353.5± 20.5 320.5± 21.7 10.3 (10.3) 217.2± 49.5 205.8± 39.7 5.5 (8.1)

CM SAF SSR data set are presented within this paper, while

the results for the MFG data set are included in the Supple-

ment (Figs. S3 to S5).

As presented in Fig. 1, some differences appear in the sea-

sonal bias patterns. A strong positive bias is observed during

winter over northern Europe. For the rest of the regions the

winter patterns are very close to the spring and the annual

patterns. In contrast to the annual patterns, in summer, the

positive bias extends over Europe until the latitudinal zone

of 50◦ N, while in autumn the bias patterns are quite similar

to the annual ones. In winter, the RegCM4 simulations over-

estimate SSR compared to CM SAF for the whole European

domain, the bias being +3.9 %. Over land the bias is nearly

zero (+0.1 %), while over ocean there is a significant bias of

+11.3 %. As shown in Fig. 1a, NE is the sub-region with by

far the strongest bias (+52.4 %). Also, NME is 13.3 % for

the whole European domain (12.7 % over land and 14.5 %

over ocean), NE and NA being the regions with the high-

est (71.0 %) and lowest (6.3 %) value, respectively (Table 2).

The seasonal and annual model- and satellite-derived values

with the corresponding biases and NMEs and their statistical

significance at the 95 % confidence level according to a two-

independent-sample t test appear in Table 2. The latitudinal

variability in RegCM4 SSR, CM SAF SSR and their differ-

ence is presented in Fig. 2a. As mentioned in Sect. 2.4, the

differences given in the figures with the latitudinal and the

seasonal variability are not normalized by the average SSR

levels of each region and hence should not be confused with

the bias values appearing in the text. For example, while the

RegCM4–CM SAF difference is∼ 7 Wm−2 over NE in win-

ter (comparable to other regions), a strong bias of ∼ 52 %

characterizes this region due to the low insolation levels at

these latitudes. Overall, RegCM4 slightly overestimates SSR

at latitudes lower than ∼ 40◦ N; a negligible difference be-

tween RegCM4 and CM SAF is observed until the latitu-

dinal zone of ∼ 52◦ N, while a significant difference is ob-

served for higher latitudes. In spring, a zero bias is observed

between the model and CM SAF for Europe. When discrim-

inating between land- and ocean-covered regions, a negative

bias is observed over land (−2.9 %) and a positive over ocean

(+5.2 %). The regions with the highest negative bias are NE

(−14.2 %), EE (−13.5 %) and CE (−9.1 %), while the re-

gions with the highest positive bias are NA (+8.4 %), CM

(+7.9 %) and EM (+6.7 %) (see Table 1). This is also re-

flected in Fig. 2b, where RegCM4 clearly overestimates SSR

for latitudes less than ∼ 44◦ N, and significantly underesti-

mating SSR thereafter. NME is 12.2 % for the whole Euro-

pean domain, with 13.0 % over land and 10.9 % over ocean.

NME ranges from 9.3 % (NA) to 17.0 % (NE) (Table 2). In

summer, a positive bias of+6.2 % is calculated for the whole

European domain, with the bias being +4.4 % over land and

+9.4 % over ocean. As seen in Table 2, the bias is positive for

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13195–13216, 2015 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/15/13195/2015/

G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe 13203

all the sub-regions, ranging from +2.3 % (EE) to +10.4 %

(CM), except for NE (−9.4 %). RegCM4 clearly overesti-

mates SSR for latitudes less than∼ 55◦ N and underestimates

SSR for higher latitudes (Fig. 2c). For the whole European

domain, NME is 11.1 % (10.7 % over land and 11.9 % over

ocean), ranging from 8.9 % (EM, IP) to 13.8 % (NE) (Ta-

ble 2). A positive bias of +2.4 % is found for Europe in

autumn, with the corresponding values being −0.9 % over

land-covered and +8.4 % over ocean-covered regions. EE

(−9.8 %) and CE (−7.2 %) are the regions with the strongest

negative bias, while the regions with the strongest positive

bias are the ones to the south, namely NA (+5.5 %), CM

(+5.3 %) and EM (+5.0) (see also Table 2). This is also seen

in Fig. 2d, where RegCM4 overestimates SSR for latitudes

less than ∼ 42◦ N. NME is 11.3 % for the whole European

domain, being 11.0 % over land and 11.8 % over ocean. NME

ranges from 8.1 % (NA) to 22.1 % (NE) (Table 2).

The seasonal variability in RegCM4 SSR, CM SAF SSR

and their difference, for the whole European domain, for the

land- and ocean-covered part of Europe, and for the seven

sub-regions of interest, is presented in Fig. 3a–j. For Eu-

rope as a whole, the largest difference between RegCM4

and CM SAF SSR is observed in summer, with July being

the month with the highest RegCM4–CM SAF difference

(20.3 Wm−2). Over land, the difference between RegCM4

and CM SAF SSR is nearly zero for winter and autumn

months. During spring, in March and April, RegCM4 un-

derestimates SSR, while in summer SSR is overestimated,

especially in July. However, over ocean, SSR is overesti-

mated by RegCM4 in all months. The highest RegCM4–

CM SAF differences are observed during the warm period

(May–September). Over NE, RegCM4 underestimates SSR

for the months from March to September and overestimates

SSR during the winter months. The seasonal variability in

the difference between RegCM4 and CM SAF is pretty sim-

ilar over CE and EE. The simulations underestimate SSR

in spring (especially during April) and autumn and overes-

timate SSR in summer. Over IP, SSR is overestimated again

in May and during the summer and underestimated in Febru-

ary, March, November and December. For CM and EM, the

seasonal variability in the difference between RegCM4 and

CM SAF is almost identical. RegCM4 significantly overes-

timates SSR from April to October, while for the rest of the

months the difference is nearly zero. Finally, over NA, the

seasonal variability in the difference is close to the one ap-

pearing over CM and EM, but here SSR is also overestimated

by RegCM4 in March.

3.2 Cloud fractional cover

CFC plays a determinant role for the SSR levels. There-

fore, we compare the CFC patterns simulated with RegCM4

against CFC patterns from MSG CM SAF for the com-

mon period 2004–2009. Overall, CFC is underestimated by

RegCM4 over Europe by 24.3 % on an annual basis (13.7 %

Table 3. Annual normalized mean bias (NMB) of RegCM4–CM

SAF CFC, COT, Rel and Rei; RegCM4–MACv1 ASY and SSA;

RegCM4–CERES ALB; and RegCM4–ERA-Interim WV. When

the difference between RegCM4 and CM SAF or CERES or ERA-

Interim is statistically significant at the 95 % confidence level due

to a two-independent-sample t test, the NMB values are marked

with bold letters, while in the opposite case they are marked with an

asterisk. Positive NMBs are italic, while negative NMBs are under-



EU –24.3 4.3 –36.1 –28.3 –35.3 –1.1 –4.2 1.6 12.0

LA –13.7 7.3 –47.7 –26.4 –32.1 –1.8 –4.3 –28.3 11.4

OC –38.4 –2.5 –18.3 –31.1 –42.0 0.1 –4.1 131.1 12.8

NE –20.3 54.3 –32.8 –31.3 –75.9 1.0 –5.6 5.2 13.1

CE –19.7 24.1 –45.1 –24.0 –63.6 0.0∗ –5.9 –22.7 14.0

EE –16.0 30.9 –44.6 –24.2 –64.6 2.1 –3.5 –40.7 10.8

IP –13.7 –13.9 –46.1 –27.3 –7.4 –1.5 –4.8 –3.8 14.4

CM –31.2 –30.7 –26.7 –27.6 –19.3 –0.7 –3.5 85.9 10.4

EM –28.8 –22.0 –29.3 –28.4 –34.2 –0.0 –2.3 35.4 10.9

NA 0.4∗ –39.8 –47.3 –30.0 25.0 –7.9 –3.5 –26.4 8.7

over land and 38.4 % over ocean) despite the fact that, over

specific regions (e.g., within IP and NA), CFC is overesti-

mated (see Table 3). Underestimation is observed for all sea-

sons, NA being the only region with a bias of+8.1 % in win-

ter and a bias of+13.1 % in autumn (see Table S3). As shown

in Fig. 4a–d, the underestimation of CFC from RegCM4 is

stronger over ocean, especially in summer, while strong over-

estimation is observed over regions in western NA in win-

ter and spring, eastern NA in summer, and the whole of NA

during autumn. The latitudinal variability in RegCM4 CFC,

CM SAF CFC and their difference is presented in Fig. 5.

A clear, strong underestimation of CFC from RegCM4 is ob-

served for all the latitudinal bands and seasons apart from

latitudes around 30◦ N, where CFC is slightly overestimated

in autumn. The seasonal variability in RegCM4 CFC, CM

SAF CFC and their difference, for the whole European do-

main, for the land- and ocean-covered part of Europe, and

for the seven sub-regions of interest, is presented in Fig. 6a–

j. CFC is underestimated steadily by RegCM4 throughout

a year, with the underestimation being much stronger over

the ocean than over land (see Fig. 6b and c). This underes-

timation is observed for all the sub-regions except for NA,

where CFC is underestimated from April to September and

overestimated for the rest of the months.

Generally, lower CFCs would lead to higher SSR levels.

However, a comparison of the SSR bias patterns appear-

ing in Fig. 1a–d with the CFC bias patterns appearing in

Fig. 4a–d, as well as the biases appearing in Table 1 and

Table S3 and the differences and other metrics appearing

in Table S2 and Table S4, reveals that, for some areas and

seasons, the RegCM4–CM SAF SSR deviations cannot be

explained through the corresponding CFC deviations (e.g.,

land-covered regions during spring and autumn). This is in

line with the findings of Katragkou et al. (2015), where the

WRF–ISCCP SSR deviations could not always be attributed

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13204 G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe

Figure 2. Latitudinal variability in RegCM4 SSR (red), CM SAF SSR (blue) and their difference (orange) over Europe for (a) winter (DJF),

(b) spring (MAM), (c) summer (JJA) and (d) autumn (SON) from MSG SEVIRI observations.

Figure 3. Seasonal variability in RegCM4 SSR (red), CM SAF SSR (blue) and their difference (orange) over (a) the whole of Europe,

(b) land, (c) ocean, (d) NE, (e) CE, (f) EE, (g) IP, (h) CM, (i) EM, and (j) NA from MSG SEVIRI observations.

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to CFC deviations. As discussed there, the role of microphys-

ical cloud properties should also be taken into account. Fol-

lowing this, in the next paragraph we go a step further, taking

into account the effect of COT.

3.3 Cloud microphysical properties

3.3.1 Cloud optical thickness

COT is a measure of the transparency of clouds and, along

with CFC, determines the transmission of shortwave radia-

tion through clouds (Gupta et al., 1993). In this paragraph,

the RegCM4 COT patterns are compared against COT pat-

terns from MSG CM SAF for the common period 2004–

2009. Overall, COT is overestimated by RegCM4 over Eu-

rope by 4.3 % on an annual basis, the bias being positive

over land (+7.3 %) but negative over ocean (−2.5 %) (see

Table 3). In addition, COT bias varies with seasons, being

positive in spring and autumn and negative in winter and

summer (see Tables S5 and S6). As shown in Fig. 7a–d, pos-

itive biases are mostly observed over land-covered regions of

CE, EE and NE and negative biases over NA and the regions

around the Mediterranean Sea. In fact, there is a strong lati-

tudinal variability in the RegCM4–CM SAF COT difference

for all the seasons as presented in Fig. 8a–d. RegCM4 under-

estimates COT for latitudes below ∼ 45◦ N in winter, spring

and autumn and for latitudes below ∼ 50◦ N in summer. The

seasonal variability in RegCM4 COT, CM SAF COT and

their difference for the whole European domain, for the land-

and ocean-covered part of Europe, and for the seven sub-

regions of interest, is presented in Fig. 9a–j. In general, the

RegCM4–CM SAF COT difference is not steadily positive

or negative but varies from month to month over both land

and ocean. RegCM4 steadily overestimates COT throughout

a year only over NE and underestimates COT over CM and

NA. It needs to be mentioned that there are no COT retrievals

over NE for December and January due to limited illumina-

tion at those latitudes during this period of the year. This is

also the reason for there being missing grid cells in the top-

right corner of Fig. 7a–d.

A comparison of the SSR bias patterns appearing in

Fig. 1a–d with the CFC (Fig. 4a–d) and the COT (Fig. 7a–

d) bias patterns reveals that COT could explain part of the

RegCM4–CM SAF SSR deviations that could not be ex-

plained through CFC (e.g., NE, CE, EE). The same conclu-

sions can be reached by comparing the seasonal variability in

SSR, CFC and COT over the region of interest (see Figs. 3,

6 and 9). However, other parameters are expected to be re-

sponsible for the remaining unexplained RegCM4–CM SAF

SSR deviation.

3.3.2 Cloud effective radius

Re is a microphysical optical property expressing the size

of cloud droplets in the case of liquid clouds and the size

of ice crystals in the case of ice clouds. Re of liquid (Rel)

and ice (Rei) clouds plays a critical role in the calculation of

the optical thickness of clouds as well as their albedo (see

Eqs. 4–7 in Sect. 2.1). The evaluation of RegCM4 Rel and

Rei against observational data from CM SAF reveals a sig-

nificant underestimation over the whole European domain

(bias of−36.1 % for Rel and−28.3 % for Rei) (see Tables 3,

S7 and S8). This is also apparent in the maps appearing in

Figs. S6 and S8. In the case of ice clouds, the biases over

land and ocean do not differ significantly. However, for liquid

clouds, the bias over land is more than double the bias over

ocean (see Tables 3, S7 and S8). This is due to the very low

RegCM4 Rel values appearing over land, while the CM SAF

data set does not exhibit such a land–ocean difference. A pos-

sible explanation for this could be the fact that a different ap-

proach is used over land (constant Rel of 10 µm) and ocean

(Eq. 1) for liquid clouds, while for ice clouds the parameteri-

zation is the same for land and ocean (Eq. 2). The fact that the

average Rel value over land (5.65±1.06 µm) is very close to

the lowest Rel boundary (5 µm) according to Eq. (1) possibly

points towards an underestimation of the liquid cloud height

and vertical development. Also, this Rel land–ocean differ-

ence is responsible for the COT land–ocean difference (see

Table 3) according to Eq. (4). In general, the underestimation

of Re would result in more reflective clouds and hence in un-

derestimated SSR levels. It should be mentioned here that

the latitudinal and monthly variability in RegCM4 Rel and

Rei as well as CM SAF Rel and Rei and their difference, for

the whole European domain, for the land- and ocean-covered

part of Europe, and for the seven sub-regions, is presented in

the Supplement of this paper (Figs. S6 to S9). A constant

underestimation of Rel and Rei is observed for the whole of


3.4 Aerosol optical properties

As discussed in Sect. 2.4, AOD along with CFC and COT

constitute the major controllers of SSR. A comparison of

the RegCM4 AOD550 seasonal patterns with climatological

AOD550 values from MACv1 is presented in Fig. S10a–d.

On an annual basis, RegCM4 overestimates AOD over the

region of NA (bias of +25.0 %) (see Table 3). The over-

estimation is very strong during winter and much weaker

in spring and autumn (see Tables S9 and S10). This over-

estimation over regions affected by dust emission has been

discussed comprehensively in Nabat et al. (2012) and has

to do with the dust particle size distribution schemes uti-

lized by RegCM4 (Alfaro and Gomes, 2001; Kok, 2011).

Nabat et al. (2012) showed that the implementation of the

Kok (2011) scheme generally reduces the dust AOD overesti-

mation in RegCM4 over the Mediterranean Basin. However,

a first climatological comparison of RegCM4 dust AODs

with data from CALIOP/CALIPSO (A. Tsikerdekis, per-

sonal communication, 2015) has shown that both schemes

overestimate dust AOD over Europe, and therefore the se-

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13206 G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe

Figure 4. The same as Fig. 1 but for RegCM4 and CM SAF CFC.

Figure 5. The same as Fig. 2 but for RegCM4 and CM SAF CFC.

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G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe 13207

Figure 6. The same as Fig. 3 but for RegCM4 and CM SAF CFC.

lection of a specific dust scheme is not expected to drasti-

cally change our results. However, AOD is significantly un-

derestimated over the rest of the domain. This should be

expected as RegCM does not account for several types of

aerosols, both anthropogenic (e.g., nitrates, ammonium and

secondary organic aerosols, industrial dust) and natural (e.g.,

biogenic aerosols), which potentially play an important role

(Kanakidou et al., 2005; Zanis et al., 2012). This overesti-

mation/underestimation dipole in winter, spring and autumn

is also reflected in Fig. S11. RegCM4 overestimates AOD

for latitudes below ∼ 40◦ N in winter, for latitudes below

∼ 35◦ N in spring, and for a narrow latitudinal band (∼ 30–

33◦ N) in autumn. In summer, RegCM4 steadily underesti-

mates AOD compared to MACv1. The seasonal variability in

RegCM4 AOD550, MACv1 AOD550 and their difference, for

the whole European domain, for the land- and ocean-covered

part of Europe, and for the seven sub-regions of interest, is

presented in Fig. S12a–j. In general, RegCM4 clearly under-

estimates AOD throughout a year over regions that are not

affected heavily by Sahara dust transport. This underestima-

tion would cause an overestimation of SSR if all the other pa-

rameters were kept constant. The opposite is true for the re-

gion of NA, where AOD, except for summer, is significantly


As in the case of COT and Re, in order to fully assess the

contribution of aerosols to the observed RegCM4–CM SAF

SSR deviations, one has to take into account ASY and SSA

besides AOD. A comparison of RegCM4 ASY with climato-

logical values from MACv1 reveals a small underestimation

from RegCM4 over Europe (bias of −1.1 %) (Tables 3 and

S11). As shown in Fig. S13, RegCM4 underestimates ASY

for latitudes below ∼ 40◦ N and slightly overestimates ASY

for the rest of the region. Except for NA, where RegCM4

underestimates ASY throughout the year, RegCM4 slightly

overestimates ASY for the warm period over NE, CE and EE,

while for the rest of the sub-regions the RegCM4–MACv1

difference is close to zero (see Fig. S14). In contrast to the

case of ASY, RegCM4 steadily underestimates SSA com-

pared to MACv1 over Europe by 4.2 % (see Tables 3 and

S12 and Fig. S15). Moreover, as shown in Fig. S16, SSA is

underestimated on an annual basis for the total of the sub-


www.atmos-chem-phys.net/15/13195/2015/ Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13195–13216, 2015

13208 G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe

Figure 7. The same as Fig. 1 but for RegCM4 and CM SAF COT.

Figure 8. The same as Fig. 2 but for RegCM4 and CM SAF COT.

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G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe 13209

Figure 9. The same as Fig. 3 but for RegCM4 and CM SAF COT.

3.5 Other parameters

Apart from the major (CFC, COT, AOD) and minor (Re,

ASY, SSA) SSR determinants, which are discussed above

in detail, there are also a number of other parameters that

could impact the simulation skills of RegCM4 compared to

CM SAF, since these parameters are used as input within the

radiative scheme of the model.

As previously discussed, WV is another parameter that

affects the transmission of solar radiation within the atmo-

sphere. RegCM4 is found here to overestimate WV com-

pared to ERA-Interim reanalysis all over Europe with a bias

of ∼ 12 % (see Tables 3 and S13). This becomes more than

obvious when looking at the bias map and the seasonal and

latitudinal variability in the two data sets (see Figs. S17 and


In line with the study of Güttler et al. (2014), RegCM4

exhibits a significant underestimation of ALB over CE,

EE and NA (see Table 3) compared to climatological data

from CERES (see Sect. 2.3). In general, there is a strik-

ing difference between land- and ocean-covered regions

(Figs. S19 and S20). Over land RegCM4 underestimates

ALB by 28.3 %, while over ocean ALB is strongly overesti-

mated by 131 %. As previously mentioned, the comparisons

of RegCM4 with non-observational data presented in this

paragraph do not constitute an evaluation of RegCM4. How-

ever, these comparisons give us an insight into how several

parameters affect the ability of RegCM4 to simulate SSR.

3.6 Assessing the effect of various parameters on


As discussed in detail in Sect. 2.4, the potential contribu-

tion of each one of the aforementioned parameters in the

deviation between RegCM4 and CM SAF SSR is assessed

quantitatively with the use of the SBDART radiative transfer

model. The results of this analysis are presented in Fig. 10.

The percent contribution of each parameter to the RegCM4–

CM SAF SSR difference is calculated on a monthly basis.

Results for NE are not included in this paper, since COT and

Re are not available from CM SAF during winter (Decem-

ber, January) and also due to the low insolation levels for

several months at high latitudes. Results for NA are also not

presented. This region is characterized by a significant day-

to-day variability in cloudiness and aerosols and therefore

the statistical significance of a monthly analysis like the one

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13210 G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe

(a) (b)

(c) (d)










40 Central Europe SSR (CFC) SSR (COT) SSR (Re) SSR (AOD) SSR (ASY) SSR (SSA) SSR (WV) SSR (ALB)












40 Eastern Europe SSR (CFC) SSR (COT) SSR (Re) SSR (AOD) SSR (ASY) SSR (SSA) SSR (WV) SSR (ALB)












40 Central Mediterranean SSR (CFC) SSR (COT) SSR (Re) SSR (AOD) SSR (ASY) SSR (SSA) SSR (WV) SSR (ALB)












40 Iberian Peninsula SSR (CFC) SSR (COT) SSR (Re) SSR (AOD) SSR (ASY) SSR (SSA) SSR (WV) SSR (ALB)












40 Eastern Mediterranean SSR (CFC) SSR (COT) SSR (Re) SSR (AOD) SSR (ASY) SSR (SSA) SSR (WV) SSR (ALB)




Figure 10. 1SSR (%) caused by CFC, COT, Re, AOD, ASY, SSA, WV and ALB for (a) CE, (b) EE, (c) IP, (d) CM and (e) EM.

presented here would be limited. Another source of uncer-

tainty would be the use of spatial averages within the radia-

tive transfer simulations, since the western and eastern part of

the region differ significantly by means of aerosol load and

cloud coverage and hence the region cannot be considered


It should be mentioned that the potential percent contri-

butions to the RegCM4–CM SAF SSR difference presented

in Fig. 10 do not include the relative contribution due to al-

gorithmic issues of the CM SAF product used here and also

uncertainties introduced by the method itself (e.g., SBDART

simulation accuracy, use of monthly data, spatial averaging).

Therefore the contributions appearing in Fig. 10 are not di-

rectly connected to the RegCM4–CM SAF differences pre-

sented in Fig. 3. In fact, part of these differences is due to

the overestimation of SSR by CM SAF due to the method

used for the production of the data set. Hence, the 1SSR

values presented below do not include the bias introduced by

the CM SAF algorithm. As mentioned in Sect. 2.2, CM SAF

was found to overestimate SSR compared to ground obser-

vations over Europe by 5.2 Wm−2 for the 1983–2005 MFG

period (Sanchez-Lorenzo et al., 2013) and by 3.16 Wm−2 for

the 1983–2010 MFG–MSG period (Posselt et al., 2014). Fol-

lowing these studies, the CM SAF MSG data (2006–2009)

used in this work are validated using ground-based obser-

vations from 26 stations (23 stations from the World Ra-

diation Data Center (WRDC) and 3 independent stations)

evenly distributed around Europe (see Fig. S21). Overall, it

is found that CM SAF overestimates SSR on an annual ba-

sis by 4.5 Wm−2 over CE, 8.8 Wm−2 over EE, 2.4 Wm−2

over IP, 7.8 Wm−2 over CM and 4.5 Wm−2 over EM, the

overestimation being much higher during the warm period

(Fig. S22).

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G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe 13211

As seen in Fig. 10a, apart from the bias introduced by the

CM SAF retrieval methodology, the percent RegCM4–CM

SAF SSR difference (1SSR) over CE is mostly determined

by CFC, COT and AOD. However, for specific months, Re

and the other parameters also play an important role, lead-

ing to an underestimation of SSR. CFC leads to a significant

overestimation of SSR on an annual basis ranging from 3.7 %

(April) to 18.6 % (January). Apart from in July, COT leads to

an underestimation of SSR, April being the month with the

highest underestimation (1SSR of −13.3 %). AOD, on the

other hand, leads to an overestimation of SSR over CE rang-

ing from +4.6 % (June) to +9.5 % (January). As mentioned

in Sect. 2.4, the procedure was repeated assuming the sim-

ulated SSR fields with all the CM SAF, MACv1 and ERA-

Interim input data as the control run and replacing each time

the corresponding parameter with data from RegCM4. The

results from this repetition were similar to the results pre-

sented above, showing that the effect of the interdependence

of the parameters investigated here is low and does not affect

the validity of our results. The same holds for all the sub-

regions. The results from the inverse procedure and the dif-

ferences to the results presented here are given in Figs. S23

and S24, respectively.

In line with CE, 1SSR over EE is mostly determined

by CFC, COT and AOD (Fig. 10b). Apart from in April,

CFC leads to an overestimation of SSR, December being

the month with the highest overestimation (+22.9 %). Apart

from in June and July, COT causes an underestimation of

SSR, March/August being the month with the highest/lowest

underestimation (−15.8/−0.2 %). On the other hand, AOD

leads to an overestimation of SSR the whole year, Decem-

ber/May being the month with the highest/lowest overesti-

mation (+12.3/+4.2 %). Re also plays a role, leading to an

underestimation of SSR, which ranges from −1.06 % (July)

to −2.5 % (February). All the other parameters play a minor

role, generally leading to an underestimation of SSR.

Over IP, despite the fact that the dominant parameters

are CFC and COT, for some months AOD, SSA and Re

contribute substantially to 1SSR (Fig. 10c). CFC leads

to an overestimation of SSR, January/September being

the month with the highest/lowest overestimation of SSR

(+9.1/+1.1 %). COT causes an important overestimation

of SSR from April to October (e.g., +3.7 % in June) and

a significant underestimation during March (−2.8 %). On

the other hand, Re leads to an underestimation of SSR that

ranges from −1.3 % in April to −0.3 % in August. The same

holds for SSA, with an average annual SSR underestimation

of −1.2 %, while AOD exhibits a mixed behavior leading to

either underestimation (a maximum of−6.1 % in December)

or overestimation (a maximum of +4.9 % in March).

As seen in Fig. 10d, 1SSR over CM is mostly determined

by CFC, COT, AOD and SSA. CFC causes a significant over-

estimation of SSR ranging from +3.2 % (July) to +11.9 %

(December). COT leads to an overestimation of SSR on an

annual basis, October being the month with the highest over-

estimation (+4.6 %). AOD causes an overestimation of SSR

over CM for the period from March to October (average

1SSR of+2.2 %) and an underestimation during winter (av-

erage 1SSR of −2.3 %). SSA, on the other hand, causes

an underestimation of SSR on an annual basis ranging from

−0.5 % (July) to −1.9 % (December).

1SSR over EM is dominated by the relative contribu-

tion of CFC, AOD and COT (see Fig. 10e). CFC causes

an overestimation of SSR on an annual basis ranging from

+1.7 % (August) to +12.2 % (December). Apart from in

February, AOD causes a significant overestimation ranging

from +0.5 % (March) to +6.0 % (September). Apart from in

March, COT leads to an overestimation of SSR, February be-

ing the month with the highest overestimation (+4.3 %). SSA

also plays a role, in some cases comparable in magnitude to

that of COT or AOD (e.g., January, March).

In summary, for the total of the five sub-regions, CFC,

COT and AOD are the most important factors that determine

the SSR deviations between RegCM4 and CM SAF on an

annual basis. The underestimations/overestimations of CFC,

COT and AOD by the model cause an annual absolute devia-

tion of the SSR compared to CM SAF of 8.4, 3.8 and 4.5 %,


4 Conclusions

In the present study, a decadal simulation (2000–2009) with

the regional climate model RegCM4 is implemented in or-

der to assess the model’s ability to represent the SSR pat-

terns over Europe. The RegCM4 SSR fields are evaluated

against satellite-based observations from CM SAF. The an-

nual bias patterns of RegCM4–CM SAF are similar for both

MFG (2000–2005) and MSG (2006–2009) observations. The

model slightly overestimates SSR compared to CM SAF over

Europe, the bias being +1.5 % for MFG and +3.3 % for

MSG observations. Moreover, the bias is much lower over

land than over ocean, while some differences appear locally

between the seasonal and annual bias patterns.

In order to understand the RegCM4–CM SAF SSR devi-

ations, CFC, COT and Re data from RegCM4 are compared

against observations from CM SAF (MSG period). For the

same reason, AOD, ASY, SSA, WV and ALB from RegCM4

are compared against data from MACv1, ERA-Interim re-

analysis and CERES since these data are similar to the ones

used as input in the retrieval of CM SAF SSR.

CFC is significantly underestimated by RegCM4 com-

pared to CM SAF over Europe by 24.3 % on an annual ba-

sis. Part of the bias between RegCM4 and CM SAF SSR

can be explained through CFC, with the underestimation of

CFC leading to a clear overestimation of SSR. It was also

found that RegCM4 overestimates COT compared to CM

SAF on an annual basis, suggesting that COT may explain

part of the RegCM4–CM SAF SSR deviations that could

not be explained through CFC over specific regions. In addi-

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13212 G. Alexandri et al.: On the ability of RegCM4 to simulate surface solar radiation patterns over Europe

tion, RegCM4 significantly underestimates Rel and Rei com-

pared to CM SAF over the whole European domain on an

annual basis. A comparison of the RegCM4 AOD seasonal

patterns with AOD values from the MACv1 aerosol clima-

tology reveals that RegCM4 overestimates AOD over the re-

gion of NA and underestimates it for the rest of the European

domain. ASY and SSA are slightly underestimated by the

model. The comparison of RegCM4 WV against data from

ERA-Interim reanalysis reveals a clear overestimation over

Europe. In line with previous studies, RegCM4 significantly

underestimates ALB over CE, EE and NA compared to cli-

matological data from CERES, with a striking difference be-

tween land and ocean.

The combined use of SBDART radiative transfer model

with RegCM4, CM SAF, MACv1, CERES and ERA-Interim

data for the common period 2006–2009 shows that the dif-

ference between RegCM4 and CM SAF SSR, apart from

the bias introduced by the CM SAF algorithm, is mostly ex-

plained through CFC, COT and AOD deviations. In the ma-

jority of the regions, CFC leads to an overestimation of SSR

by RegCM4. In some cases, COT leads to a significant un-

derestimation of SSR by RegCM4, while for the majority of

the regions it leads to an overestimation. AOD is generally

responsible for the overestimation of SSR. The other param-

eters (Re, ASY, SSA, WV and ALB) play a less significant

role in the RegCM4–CM SAF SSR deviations. Overall, CFC,

COT and AOD are the major determinants of the SSR dif-

ferences between RegCM4 and CM SAF, causing an abso-

lute deviation on an annual basis of 8.4, 3.8 and 4.5 %, re-

spectively. These results highlight the importance of other

parameters apart from CFC, which has been examined in

previous model evaluation studies (e.g., Jaeger et al., 2008;

Markovic et al., 2008; Kothe and Ahrens, 2010; Kothe et al.,

2011, 2014; Güttler et al., 2014).

Overall, it is shown in this study that RegCM4 adequately

simulates the SSR patterns over Europe. However, it is also

shown that the model significantly over- or underestimates

several parameters that determine the transmission of so-

lar radiation in the atmosphere. The good agreement be-

tween RegCM4 and satellite-based SSR observations from

CM SAF is to a great extent a result of the conflicting effect

of these parameters. Our results suggest that there should be

a reassessment of the way these parameters are represented

within the model so that SSR is well simulated, but also for

the right reasons. This would also allow for a safer investiga-

tion of the dimming/brightening effect since the SSR devia-

tions would be safely dedicated to one or the other parameter.

It is suggested here that a similar approach should be imple-

mented in the future in the same or other regional climate

models, with various setups also utilizing new satellite prod-

ucts (e.g., CM SAF SARAH).

The Supplement related to this article is available online

at doi:10.5194/acp-15-13195-2015-supplement.

Acknowledgements. This research received funding from the

European Social Fund (ESF) and national resources under the

operational program Education and Lifelong Learning (EdLL)

within the framework of the Action “Supporting Postdoctoral Re-

searchers” (QUADIEEMS project), from EPAN II and PEP under

the national action “Bilateral, multilateral and regional R&T coop-

erations” (AEROVIS Sino-Greek project), and from the European

Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework

Programme (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC grant agreement no. 226144

(C8 project). The authors acknowledge the provision of satellite

data by EUMETSAT through the Satellite Application Facility

on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) (www.cmsaf.eu) and the use

of MACv1 aerosol climatology data (ftp://ftp-projects.zmaw.de).

Special thanks are expressed to ECMWF (www.ecmwf.int) for

the provision of ERA-Interim reanalysis data, NASA Langley

Research Center for making CERES data available via the CERES

ordering tool (http://ceres.larc.nasa.gov), the World Radiation

Data Center (WRDC) for making available ground-based surface

radiation data (http://wrdc.mgo.rssi.ru), and IESRD/NOA and

HCMR for the provision of surface radiation data from the station

of Athens and Herakleion, Greece.

Edited by: S. Kazadzis


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