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On the Mechanics of Conscious Creation

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  • 8/9/2019 On the Mechanics of Conscious Creation


    On the Mechanics of Conscious Creation

    Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.

    May 27, 2012


      There are several articles by the author posted elsewhere on the site that

    emphasize the fact that human beings create their own perspective realities.


    Indeed, we create our own reality, and there is no ambiguity or any other

    guideline or rule about this.  We are ever, the Master of each moment we experience.

      Even at our worst when we feel seemingly helpless, we are the scripter of

    each moment of that experience.

      We are here on Earth attending the University of Duality to learn how to

    conscientiously, sensibly, and reliably create.

      There are no physical objects around us, no experiences in our lives that we

    have not created. This includes our own physical body.


    There is nothing about our own physical appearance that we have not

    designed and created; the very similar characteristics that we have been

    creating over and over throughout our lifetimes of reincarnations.

      The reality that manifests around us is co-created in concert with the

    collective mass consciousness, referred to as the macro, which is in

    harmonious light quotient [or synchronization frequency] with us.

      At its roots, consciousness is the very ‘innerspace’ of existence. 

      It is the foundation for creation, even the most principal concepts such as

    ‘time’ and ‘space.’ 

      Its activator is thought and its actuator is Light energy, which is generated

    [converted] from consciousness through Lord Metatron.

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    Here is what Archangel/Lord Metatron teaches us regarding conscious


    Crystalline Mind


    The reason that most of the books and commercialized teachings on

    manifestation do not work is because they do not have the understanding of

    deeper mind versus 3D brain.

      Most are about manifesting monetary wealth, and in most cases the only

    one truly benefiting is the publisher selling more copies of the publication.


    There are many relevant and crucial details that are unexplained in the texts.

      Even when we expand the mind, we must optimize and balance our auric

    field for the crystalline aspect of impeccability that allows creation tofunction.

      The divine mind is only achieved, only accessed, through crystalline

    resonance, within crystalline thought waves.

      Crystalline thought is above emotion, above petty feelings.

      It is achieved in detachment.

    Brain and Mind


    Mind is the builder, and focused will-power is what activates it.

      The more responsibility we appropriately take on, the more our natural

    frequency of vibration increase.

      Learning to program the brain is crucial. The brain is a biological computer

    with 3D filters and 3D programs that are in-built from birth.

      Unless we were born in a Tibetan Monastery, our programming has come

    from what we will term socio-cultural indoctrinations.

      Most social programming teaches us to accept a very limited view of human

    existence, and human ability.

      We are taught to believe only what we can detect through our 5-sensory


      The physical world of matter we see around us is imagery that we sensually

    interpret and project.

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      It is received in the eye, transferred via the optic nerve to the brain.


    What is received stimulates neurons, and a response occurs through a bio-

    chemical reaction.

      What we can generally see, hear, smell, taste or touch, we ‘believe’ to be

    ‘real’ and we accept it. We then decide if it is pleasing or not.

      The brain then releases neurons based on like or dislike. This is how our

    reality and attraction works.

      We are initially attracted to people who are pleasant-looking, with

    symmetrical facial attributes that are easy for us to discern.

      Similarly, we like people who smell good or have a soft, melodious voice.

      Our physical sensual body is the catalyst for people liking us.


    Likewise, the brain takes ideas and either accepts them or rejects them,according to our programmed parameters.

      In truth, the brain is unable to differentiate between an actual event and an

    inner, psychosomatic one, such as a dream.

      In a multidimensional mind, however, the two are the same.

      And, although we are, strictly speaking, multidimensional, and the human

    brain is capable of receiving information and frequencies from well above

    3D, most humans program it to deflect anything above 3D frequencies of

    vibration that do not resonate with our sensory conventionality.

      The brain computer thus only collects information that we allow it to


      In such limited 3D programming, the only parts of our brain that are activate

    are the right and left hemispheres of the upper cerebrum and portions of the

    lower cerebellum, with an activity level of only about 10-12 percent of our

    total brain capability.

      The brain processes in the neo-cortex of the cerebral hemispheres constitute

    the primary activity in the physical realm.

      The majority 90% portion of our brain remains unused, basking in dormancy

    and atrophy.

      This is because any thought that does not fit in with the limited thinking

    programs of our cultural dogma gets rejected automatically.

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    The Wisdom Within

      All of us desire wisdom greater than our own. ‘Seek and you shall find,’ and

    we can find it 'hidden' inside us. And sadly, this is the last place you look. It

    takes discipline, dedication, and work.


    The divine interface between God and man is within what our academics

    term the as the subconscious.

      Even our religious texts tell us that ‘God is within you’ that ‘you are a spark

    of the Divine.’ The subconscious mind, our ‘conscience,’ the 'back brain' is

    the God in us; the portion of our greater Self that contains the knowledge of

    'All That Is', the part of us that contains the Akashic Records, the soul

    memory of everything.


    Since the subconscious is the Divine Mind within us, the goal of spiritualgrowth is achieved by entering into that sacred 'Garden of Wisdom'.

      It is entered by silencing the ego mind.


    Meditation has ever been the gateway. It is the key to quieting the

    personality-ego narration and allowing the 'Voice of the Divine Soul' to be

    heard. Again, effort is required.

      The re-attainment of God-ness is the purpose of our individual existence on

    the polarity plane. We are born that we might become, as a conscious

    individual, a physical expression of God; A divine expression in Being-ness.  This challenge is our soul quest, our true purpose.

      Obtaining Godhood in physicality is achieved through immaculate desire that

    is actuated in the physical realm by merging with the wisdom of the non-



    We are here to learn. We are here to learn the expressions of our own

    Godliness within duality and indeed duality is a gift.

      We are here to learn how to co-create, for indeed, we are co-creators of the

    Universe, of the Cosmos.

      We are here to achieve Mastery, and so many of us are very close, very near

    that achievement.

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    The Divine Mind 

      When we have Divine Wisdom, we can create anything.


    When we have knowledge, there is nothing to fear, for then there is not a

    thing or establishment that can ever intimidate, threaten or enslave you.

      Divine Wisdom comes from Divine Mind. It occurs when we allow our mind

    to take the bridles over ego. This is a pre-requisite for obtaining the wisdom

    of Divine Creativity.

      It is this wisdom extracted from knowledge that gives us the ability to enter

    the Law of Creation.

      Once qualifying to reach the Divine Mind, be certain and clear about our

    intended desires and move to create and take action to have it manifested.  The human body is an instrument that can be used to access the amazing

    and extraordinary energies of the Divine. But there are dedicated doctrines

    for accessing the Divine. When wisdom is achieved, the body is fine-tuned,

    and the aura is maintained in balance, the doors to the ‘Law of Creation’

    through the ‘Law of Belief’ and the ‘Law of Attraction’ are opened. For this

    to occur, all systems must work in balanced harmony. If we use our body

    for physical gratification rather than as an instrument to achieve the divine,

    we will ‘reap what we sow.’   If we practice determination and wisdom by accepting the responsibility to

    reflect upon our actions and do not fall to ‘victim consciousness,’ we can

    then become the ever wise Master, directing our drives with acumen and

    focus our thoughts on worthy causes that will result in instant realization.

      It must be dealt with in defined terms. It will not work with 'MAYBEs.'

      For example, if one were taken into a deep hypnotic state, and asked "Can

    the mind heal the disease in this body?" the answer would be a resounding

    "Yes". But, it is the empirical answer to whether it is possible for the mind

    to heal the body; and not a directive to heal.

      The clarity and intensity we attach to our intent, desire, or goal determines

    to a great degree the imminence of its manifestation.

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    Evolvement Principles for Accessing the Law of Conscious Creation 

      1. Release of such Ego-based Controls as fear or doubt to be able to reach

    the higher consciousness aspect of the Divine-Mind. This is to say that there

    should not be any ambiguity with respect to fear or doubt regarding our

    intents and desires. Pre-requisite to dismissing doubt and fear is knowing

    the essence of our Self, that we are, indeed, a creator, a chip off the old

    block, the All Mighty God, and we know that, we alone, create our reality.

    This, in turn, leads to having self-love, self-respect and self-confidence,

    which are the catalysts for transmuting doubt and fear. The reader is

    referred to other relevant articles posted on the website that, in this

    regard, should shed more Light on the phenomenon of conscious creation.

      2. Have noble and benevolent thoughts and wishes.


    3. Maintain Balance and Clarity. That is, clearly know what you want

    consistently, and then communicate it articulately.

      4. Avoid sub-conscious thoughts as may originate from dream state.

      5. Multidimensionality Agreement. All the other Self-aspects and

    Higherself-expressions must resonate with your intents and wishes.

      6. Expanded Programming of the Brain by transforming thought into Belief.


    7. Avoid un-conscious creation. 

    8. Activate the crystalline aspect of Pituitary, Pineal, and Thymus. This

    connotates that you must first be noble in your intent and practice

    impeccability with regard to your wishes and intents.

      9. Finally, you must be able to maintain your Electromagnetic Field [EMF]

    energy Balance at all times, leading to chakric and auric integrity without

    any possibility of chakric mal-function or auric bleeding.


    All of these criterions will be discussed in detail in due course with the

    exception of a more comprehensive discussion of impeccability as a

    required attainment for spiritual Mastery; and the phenomenon of chakric

    and auric energetics with a separate, thorough account of auric bleeding,

    which are covered elsewhere.

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    The Laws Relevant to Conscious Creation 

      There are three separately governed laws, all corollaries under the Law of

    Attraction, which pertain to the mechanics of conscious creations. These

    three laws have different criteria for achievement and include:


    1. The Law of Attraction - Thoughts has a frequency and attract like

    frequencies. Positive thoughts attract positive and negative thoughts

    attract negatives thoughts.

      2. The Law of Belief: You can only manifest what you believe is possible

    beyond doubt.

      3. The Law of Conscious Creation: The conscious ability to focally manifest

    objectives and events via the multidimensional mind.

    The Notion of ‘Survivability’ and the Role of Fear and Doubt

      Doubt and fear are the two major blockage frequencies that prevent

    manifestation of our intents or desires.

      Fear is mankind’s most devastating enemy that is often the catalyst for

    other Dark low-chakra energies to manifest, which may include wrath,

    greed, envy, hatred, as well as self-doubt. The author has discussed these

    issues in detail elsewhere.  The problem most humans have is due to their conditioning in 3D and blind

    acceptance of the defective mentality within the present 3D paradigm.


    Duality is often riddled with fear stemming from a need for ‘illusional’ 


      It is essential that we understand that the 3D brain, the ego-based aspect of

    us is radically conditioned for anxious concern for illusional 'survival' in our

    present paradigm of bondage-based duality.


    Such a 'survival code' embedded in our 3D consciousness is programmed as

    a dominant warning impetus to engage us ever so apprehensively within

    our perception of linear time flow in our physical sphere. 

      The Ego-based physical brain often utilizes 'fear' in duality as an alarm

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    mechanism to instigate defensive action.

      Since fear is catalyst for many Dark and negative emotions in duality such

    as depression, hate, self-loathing, etc., it is the one that can be most

    damaging to health as well as interfere with intent or desire manifestation.


    Fear also generates stagnation in the auric field, which can cause auric

    bleeding. As taught in the Metatronic Keys, the human aura must be intact

    and integral to amplify in order for the Law of Creation to optimally


      The presence of fissures or cracks in the auric field can disrupt the energy

    field and render it void in usefulness.


    The issue most humans have is not changing their beliefs in blindacceptance of the aforementioned 3D mental programming.

      So, what we need to do primarily is to avoid is fear.


    In fact, all negative emotions originate from fear.

      What transmutes fear is LOVE.

      As has been indicated elsewhere, LOVE, referred to as ‘Unconditional Love,’

    is not due to infatuation, insecurity, ego-based, or lust.

      LOVE is a complex science in itself.


    The true acceptance of LOVE for SELF is the key frequency essential to

    Master duality.

      When fear is accompanied by knowledge it is enlightenment. It is intriguing,

    and it has an element of surprise.

      Doubt is another primary obstacle that prevents manifestation of our

    intents or desires.

      Clearly, if we doubt, we do not believe.

      In this respect, even if one contemplates positive thoughts but within the

    deeper mind has self-doubt and is insecure about the probability of the

    intent or desire to manifest, the chances are the deeper mind creates just

    that, which is the intent or desire not to manifest. 

      Another unfortunate by-product of the 3D programming in duality,

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    exasperated by enslavement, is conditioning of the mankind to the extent

    of suffering from ‘inferiority complex;’ a status that humanity can never

    trust one SELF to ‘believe’ in the truth of life or anything else with certainty.


    This, of course, indicates that mankind can never be sure of anything as a

    result of contradictive accounts of misinformation always impressed upon

    him/her together with the condescending implications of inferiority,

    peasantry, and sheephood that he/she would never amount to anything


      All these examples are catalysts for foundation of deep doubt within the

    subconscious of humanity.


    Doubt in the brain creates a bio-chemical reaction and signals the blockage

    of the gateway to the seat of the soul, otherwise known as the Pineal.

      It activates a neuron carrier in the brain that flows from the Pituitary gland

    to the Pineal and blocks the 'gateway' from opening.

      The same process occurs in belief acceptance, hormones are released that

    have an as yet unrecognized function in opening doors to higher mind when

    the thought-light code is within the acceptance parameter in our



    So, again, we return to programming and its effect on manifestation withinthe Law of Attraction.

      The overall remedial action, of course, would be to raise our consciousness/

    vibrational frequency above 3D to be able to access the gateway into the

    Divine Mind within the ‘seat of soul,’ or to ascend to higher dimensions.

      Conversely, discipline is the primary tool for manifestation in conscious


      Through discipline one must maintain positive thinking though imposition

    of benevolent and productive belief and intent and elude low-chakra


      However, recall that Positive thinking is meant to help approach life lessons

    and not circumvent the learning process itself.

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      Through discipline one can adhere to compassionate intents culminating in

    harmony with mass collective consciousness leading to positive



    The polarity aspect of the 'Law of Opposite Attraction' herewith comes into

    play. From a state of detachment what takes place is electromagnetics.

      Pure positive energy has the greatest 'magnetic' attraction to negative

    energy. So as our light shines brighter, the magnetic to polar opposite

    increases. It can be managed, but we must have the light, humility, the

    strength and discipline to deflect doubt and fear.

      Likewise, Law of Attraction indicates that one thought attracts another.

    Thus, positive energy attracts more positive energy; one intelligent thoughtattracts another.

      Similarly, when we dwell in self-pity, depression and issues of poor self-

    esteem, we draw more of the same to ourselves.

    The Nobility Aspect

      Every thought produces a bio-chemical enzyme. That enzyme works with

    the physical and nonphysical, in sync with the programming. One of the

    exceptions to the concept of 'Ask and it Shall be given', is that unless the

    asking is channeled from within, in sync with higher mind, it may have little


      So a human on the path of spirituality, in a relatively advanced state of

    consciousness, may well neutralize from a higher stance desires that would

    impede progress. There is then, a natural filtering for those in a state of

    grace. Goals must be worthy.

      The intent must be benevolent, not of an ego-based self-indulging type.


    Its primary purpose cannot be motivated by profiteering, a desire to besuperior to others, and be selfish.

      The desire or intent must be ‘for the good of all,’ and must resonate with

    the collective consciousness of those that share the same paradigm of

    reality with the individual who requests its manifestation.

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      The noblest goal is to learn the mysteries of life; to gain wisdom and

    Mastery. But to achieve these goals you will have to take on a well-defined

    path. It requires discipline and a firm will.


    If you are lazy, you will not be able to have your intents and desires

    manifested. You must take on the challenge to achieve it. So attempts to

    create a strive-free life may be in sheer conflict with a life intent set on

    learning. Goals have challenges. Do not plan challenge-free lifetimes. That

    is sloth.

    Clarity in Pronunciation of our Intents/Desires


    Finally, the importance of defined clarity in conscious creation cannot be

    essentially over-emphasized.

      We cannot fully materialize our wishes through unconscious programming

    through annunciation of such scenarios as 'Someday I will……’ 

      To get results the time is now. It is time to have a clear intent. It is time to

    make a firm wish. It is time to be resolved about our desire. It is time to

    commit ourselves fully to attain our goal(s). It is time to readily engage in

    planning to have our intent or desire to materialize. And, finally, it is time

    to project and articulate our noble, resolved, crystal clear, desires from ourinterior to exterior reality.

      Note when we procrastinate or defer conscious creation and resort to only

    partial assertion through unconscious indoctrination, in essence, we behave

    as if we are partially programming a computer program, as our mind is in,

    indeed, a computer. Is it any surprise that the software would not work, or

    more pertinently our desires do not manifest?

      Someday I will travel; one day I will be rich; someday I will realize my

    dreams; these then become merely 'MAYBEs', spaced in a distance.

      So what we are attempting to create always stays at the distance.

      The problem is that we are not working in the present. Yes, the dream is

    the first part, but it must be clear, concise and followed by definite actions.

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    Conscious versus Sub-conscious Projection

      Just as we have an existing in the physical when we are consciously awake,

    we also have non-physical sojourns in the dream state. Dreams constitute

    natural rhythms of being which connect us to our ethereal Higherselves; a

    state of being that is felt within. Therefore, in this respect we experience an

    interior reality as well as an exterior, and dreams serve as a therapeutic link

    between our interior and exterior realities and the universes.


    We are the creator of our dreams as we are of our physical reality.

      Furthermore, we are equipped with the means of detecting whether they are

    real or virtual.

      During conscious living in the physical we subconsciously remember and

    employ our dream state excursions in the etheric.

      Similarly, when we dream, our subconscious mind is connected to the

    physical in the waking state.

      In order to effectively create we must have a clear conscious intent rather

    than a vague notion springing out from a dream state.

    Multi Dimensionality Aspect of Conscious Creation


    Now, let us take this concept into multi dimensionality.  All lifetimes are simultaneous in the eternal now.

      In the present lifetime there is the focus on creating your reality.

      We may have a dozen ongoing lifetimes in their NOW moment


      Could it be that we are multi dimensionally 'outnumbered' with respect to

    the harmony of our intents and desire for conscious creation?

      If so, we have the ability in NOW mind to change the seeming past and

    create a unified harmonic of that we desire and believe. And this is exactly

    what we must do.

      We can have what we want, what we need, but the Belief must be harmonic

    in multidimensionality.

      In the new paradigm we are required to learn to create in responsible loving

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      It is not as simple as "Ask and it shall be given".

      It must be projected in clear harmonic mind.


    Mind is above the brain.

      Mind is multi-dimensional.

      The multi-dimensional aspect of human experience is quintessential to the

    understanding of the mechanics of the 'Law of Attraction'.

      A key part of understanding multi-dimensionality is that our higher self, the

    part of us above physicality, scripted certain of our 'life growth challenges,'

    and that these cannot be avoided or wished away.

      Rather they are 'required' courses in the curriculum of the 'University of

    Earth' that we ourselves have chosen to complete for higher good.


    And we cannot skip classes.

      They will come to us because we enrolled in the program, they are a part of

    the 'Law of Attraction' from higher mind, and cannot be deflected.

      This then is an area in which duality thinking, of trying to wish-away a

    seeming obstacle, seems to defy the 'Law of Attraction'.

      We may find ourselves in an uncomfortable scenario at work that all the

    'positive thinking' applications seem to fall flat.  That is because there is a lesson here that must be faced, and until it is faced

    it will repeat over and over again, until it is completed; because we have

    attracted it to us from higher mind, and duality-aspect brain is unable to

    avoid it. It is only completed when we master it.

      The brain is in 3D, the mind is of higher dimension, and within higher mind is

    your Divinity.

      The brain operates in 3D and in a manner of speaking; its 3D programming is

    somewhat dominant in the field of duality.

      It operates in a more confined paradigm, and to expand into mind, we must

    operate 'outside the box' to engage our true creativity.

      In order to illustrate the requirement of multidimensionality let us consider

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    the following example.

      Imagine that you have a number of lifetimes as a monk or priest where you

    have taken strict poverty vows.


    You have shunned the 'material' and adhere strongly to the BELIEF that

    money is 'the root of all evil'.

      You have need for abundance. You realize money is not evil, it is simply

    energy, and that it can be used for many positive things.

      You have read all the books, read all the articles on how positive thinking

    triggers the 'Law of Attraction', yet you are still not bringing in abundance.


    If the majority of your other lifelines living simultaneously with you are

    shunning, rejecting what they BELIEVE to be 'material things' and one

    lifetime trying to create abundance, which effort contains the most energy


      Money is not evil! It is energy. And, you must change the seeming past in the

    NOW mind in order to and create a unified harmonic of that you desire and


    Relevance of Law of Belief in Conscious Creation


    It is not the thought on its own, but Belief expressed in thought in clear mindthat is the creator.

      In the Law of Attraction, it is wise to substitute the word Believe for Think.


    While positive thought can encourage new belief, until we believe what we

    think we are not generating new reality. Belief generates reality.

      Thinking positive thoughts can only manifest if they are in sync with our


      For example, if at our core, we believe we are unworthy of abundance, or in

    our core mind, believe that the accumulation of abundance is materialistic

    and therefore wrong, we will not manifest abundance by merely thinking

    about it.

      If we believe money is the root of all evil, the Law of Attraction will not work

    for us until we change that core belief.

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    If we believe that we are poor and will always be scraping to make ends

    meet, then our very belief will create that experience.


    No matter if we work 2 or 3 jobs, our core belief is generated, projected into

    dimensionality and indeed will be manifested. We will struggle economically.

      If we believe we are not 'very smart,' our brain will take on that belief and

    we will be limited.

      If we believe we are not attractive, we will project that image to all around

    us telepathically.  We constantly project our beliefs, and their manifestations constantly "meet

    us in the face" when we view the world around us.

      They form the reflective mirrored- image of our realized beliefs.

      We cannot escape our beliefs.

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      They are, however, the method by which we create our experience.

      If we believe, in very simple terms, that people mean us well, and will treat

    us kindly, they will.


    If we believe that the world is against us, then so it will be so.

      If we believe that our body will age and begin to weaken at age 40, then it


      We are in physical existence to learn and understand that our beliefs,

    energetically translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions, causes all


      Our experience can change our beliefs, and at any time we are in control of

    what we choose to believe.

      The key is to form BELIEF through 'over-soul' by conscious choice and not

    through unconscious programming.


    There is a science behind the Law of Attraction, and that science is the Law of

    Belief. The Law of Belief governs what we create in our lives.

      Within the Law of Belief are the addendums of the life 'set ups' we plan and

    contract to ourselves for growth. Indeed the lessons we self-arrange are met

    through our confrontation and disciplined effort.


    But in less obvious circumstances of abundance lack and untowardrelationships, we must not only change the nature of our conscious thoughts,

    but also the belief in those very expectations, and then act on those beliefs.

    Unconscious Programming

      We create our own reality from what we choose to believe about ourselves,

    and the world around us. Period. If we do not deliberately and consciously

    choose our own beliefs, we are unconsciously programmed.


    We will mindlessly absorb them from our 3D culture, schooling and

    surroundings. If we are accountable and responsible for our actions, how can

    we afford NOT to question our beliefs? How we define ourselves, and the

    world around us, forms our belief, which, in turn, forms our reality.

      Once we fully comprehend that our beliefs form reality, then and only then

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    we are no longer a captive of the events we experience.

      We simply have to learn the mechanics and methods.

      It is only when we believe, and program that belief to fully override and

    replace previous erroneous beliefs, that the integral field of the triad of the 3

    step function of own, change, and action is completed.

      In the process, thoughts must harmonize with beliefs and be followed by


      The remaining pat of this manuscript is dedicated to the phenomenon of

    conscious creation.


    Conscious creation occurs when we are advanced on the path to have our

    intents and desires manifested.

    Expanding Our Domain of Belief

      Herein is one of the great reasons the 'Law of Attraction' does not work for

    us: limited belief from limited thinking programs. To be so narrow-minded is

    to be closed to the grand possibility of anything existing beyond the small

    band of frequency that can be perceived through the five senses of our

    physical 3D body.


    So how do we expand our brain? How do we open to mind? How do wereprogram the computer?

      The answer is simple but seemingly a difficult hurdle for many of us to

    accomplish. It is by committing to action. It is by examination and study, and

    willing self to open.

      Accordingly, the very desire to expand attracts powerful thought frequencies

    that will allow for expansion. And then every occasion, in which we openly

    accept an idea that is beyond our accepted parameters, that idea activates

    yet another part of our brain into purposeful use.

      Each time we do that, the expansive idea will offer itself as a carrier to

    expand our field of belief, and allow greater Cosmic reasoning.

      That process, sincerely repeated, will attract new ideas with study and


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      In kind, this cycle will activate other portions of our brain for more

    expansion, new programming and new reception, by accepting in clear mind.

      When we have no doubt, when we know and it is absolute, it is Belief.


    It is through expanded mind that we begin the steps of creating our destiny.

      How do we functionally expand the brain and open the doors to Divine

    Mind? It is not done in one illuminating flash realization. It does not occur

    instantly in one-step.


    The sacred pathway to what we may term 'Enlightenment ' is achieved in

    deliberate steps.

      There are many in metaphysics that want to open the book of knowledge

    and skip over to the final chapter. It doesn't work that way.

      It begins by self-exploration. By carefully auditing what works and does not

    work for us.


    In this method we allow fresh and expansive ideas to enter the brain from

    the Divine Mind as high frequency thought. Then we process and

    contemplate it, experience the new concept by embracing it; acting it out;

    evolve it and drive it with emotion; and live the new information into

    knowledge and wisdom.

    Creating and Manifesting our Desired Reality

      So we speak today about creating our world!

      It is a permanent truth that we create our reality. But it is also a resounding

    fact that ninety percent of humanity is doing so from a vastly unconscious


      Even those who are able to manifest their dreams, often show little wisdom

    in what they chose to create.


    In current times, most humans who develop the power of will utilize it to

    manifest ambitions of power and wealth, and thus create for themselves an

    even greater lesson and burden to work through.

      Our religious texts tell us that it is harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom

    of God, than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

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      For most that is indeed true, yet abundance is not an evil.

      Rather it is simply a responsibility, like power, that is balanced only with true

    wisdom, the wisdom is called love.


    And love, true love, unconditional love cannot be grasped as yet on our

    planet by most of us.

      It can be imagined, but not truly acquired, because the third dimension, the

    dimension ninety percent of humankind exists within, is a conditional



    True love is a frequency. It is not need, passion, romance, or sexual.

    Conscious Creation

      The Law of Conscious Creation is concerned with the conscious ability to

    focally manifest objectives and events via multidimensional mind.

      It needs to be emphasized again that if we have a goal or objective in 3D that

    would conflict with higher self, it will not in most cases be manifest, unless it

    is chosen as a growth lesson.

      For example if a human desires wealth, and that wealth would either be

    misused or stop the growth process, the higher self may reject such a desire

    from manifesting.  In some cases, humans who have all of their 3D material 'needs' met are less

    compelled to search for expansion.

      Such is the conscious human, the Master, and we can only thus evolve by

    discovering within Self the Laws of Conscious Creating; the discovery of

    which is totally a regulated science.

      It is a matter of application, self-analysis, and experience.

      We are powerful spiritual beings having a human experience.


    We are truly magnificent Beings of power, intelligence, and Love.

      When we discover that, we become the manager of our own thoughts and

    we thus have the key to every situation.

      We must optimize the Law of Attraction, Law of Belief, and Law of Creation,

    which are the abilities of the Divine, within each of US, the transforming and

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    regenerative agencies by which we may make what we will.

      We can indeed intentionally manifest our world, and in doing so experience

    what is termed the Kingdom of Heaven.


    Conscious Creation is our destiny, and we can all make our lives the golden

    experience we responsibly desire.

      The key to conscious creation is raising one’s consciousness by any measured

    parameter: energy, natural frequency of vibration, or light quotient.

      The vast majority of humanity, however, is not yet attuned to its own

    consciousness, so it is driven by its unconsciousness, which is also subject to

    manifesting its fears and its nightmares.


    There is now a higher light quotient upon the planet now, than has existed

    since the Golden Age of Atlantis.

      In terms of pure quanta, there are now enough humans of a sufficient light

    quotient to bring about the Ascension.


    Approximately ten percent of humankind carries the minimum light needed

    for transition to the 5th


      However, the light quotient during the Golden Phase of Atlantis, while fewer

    in numbers, was of a higher caliber within the individuals.


    Indeed there were thousands Masters of pure light that walked the earth asenergy holders in the Golden Age, and there are far fewer of that capacity

    and frequency today.

      So it is incumbent on those of us on the golden path to increase our light,

    and become greater beacons.

      That we term the Ascension that we herald as 2012 is but a beginning, NOT a

    completion in greater terms.

      It is a completion of the age of darkness, and the beginning of a phase of

    greater access to higher dimension.

      For most of humankind, December 21, 2012, will seem to be just another

    day, and many will wonder what all the commotion was all about.


    While some of us will sense and utilize the ability to access higher dimension,

    and live within the fifth dimension, most will choose to remain in the third.

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      Indeed it is their prerogative, and within duality it "is what it is", yet it is not


      Once we learn the mechanics of conscious creation, it is essential then to

    utilize the engine of genuine desire with image visualization and emotion to

    complete the process of physical manifestation.

      The imagery we see is mental interpretations of digital frequencial fields of

    core consciousness units.

      The frequency that our brain receives is actually a digital code, a crystalline

    pattern of symbols, X's and O's, that we interpret and translate into images

    and feelings.


    When clear intent is projected, the physical body releases our objective in

    the form of a digital code to the sublime body, the intact Auric Field in a

    quasi-fluid, congealed light code, propelled and accelerated from the chakric


      The Aura must be intact and optimal in 13-20-33 cycle and reach.


    It is then driven by our will.

      There is nothing more stimulating, more worthy of materialization, than our

    manifested desire to evolve, to change for the better.


    These are, indeed our lifetime missions.  It is not enough to pray or meditate to visualize the desired goal being

    accomplished if we do not to act upon our inner voice, the drive within,

    where our very meditations, prayers, and visualizations originate.

      Intent, focus and meditation must unequivocally be accompanied with


      Becoming impeccable, and eventually achieving our spiritual Mastery or

    enlightenment does not connotate, as some religions indirectly imply, that

    we are suddenly in a blissful state of oblivion, or in some distant state of


      We are as much a part of a nirvana now as we ever will be.

      We simply need discover it within us.

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    The Bio-Chemical Process

      The human brain has two hemispheres, one dealing with intellect, one with



    The brain works through bio-chemical activations and stimulus.


    Our brain transforms the thoughts we generate into thousands of bio-

    chemicals every second.

      Every emotion we feel, every moment of joy and fear produces a chemical

    enzyme in our body. Some can act as obstructions.

      The intensity and clarity of a thought program is extremely important for it

    to become a belief.

      Our brain is, in essence, a 3D living computer.


    The brain screens what is determined as real or unreal; believable orunbelievable according to the light quotient programmed into the brain.

      The bio-chemicals produced are projected with acceptance ingredient or

    rejection ingredient.

      These in turn become the catalyst to allow or disallow the gate to higher

    mind to open accordingly.

      Therefore, not every thought of the ordinary brain reaches into Higher Mind.

      Thoughts that are congruent with belief move to reproduce the inner image

    within the brain and through each nerve fiber of the physical body.

      These then become the catalysts for forming our new reality.

      The endocrine system plays a prominent role in conscious creation.

      It is now activating from dormancy and is utilizing the crystalline energy of

    the Ascension.

      Indeed, its importance is now recognized as during Ascension this crystalline

    energy is being amplified.

      The Pineal, Pituitary Thymus, and Hypothalamus, in particular, act as

    receiving and transmitting crystals and, in matter and antimatter, physical

    and nonphysical in the Harmonic Cycle of Divine interface.

      The Pineal is roughly the shape of an acorn with the textured ridge pattern of

    a pine cone, thus inspiring its name.

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      The Pineal plays a very important role in conscious creation and generation

    of our reality and manifestation.


    It serves as the gateway between the higher dimensional consciousness, the

    divine mind, and the ego-based brain of the physical domain.


    It is a bridge from physical to ethereal, from duality to the Infinite Mind.

      It is an interface between the 3D brain to high dimension.


    Edgar Cayce, the renowned metaphysician and visionary prophet often

    referred to the Pineal gland as the ‘seat of the soul.’

      Therefore, the study of the Pineal gland is an essential requisite in fully

    understanding the mechanics of conscious creation and any governing

    principle regarding its manifestation.


    Very similar to quartz, the Pineal is a finely tuned calcite crystal that ispiezoelectric, a condition that creates electricity under slight differential


      It is the endocronic gland that opens the gate to mind.

      Each thought or belief must pass the Pineal prior to projecting to the Divine

    Mind. In this respect it acts as a frequency screen, a filter of kinds.

      Thus Pineal controls our sojourns to the ethereal and the divine realm.

      The Pineal acts as a frequency screen or a filter of sorts.


    This involves a physical process.

      Our brain transforms the thoughts we generate into thousands of bio-

    chemicals every second.

      These bio-chemicals are sent as coded neurons, and are the delivery

    mechanism of this thought-energy, containing all the coded data necessary

    for translating any thought or image into physical or virtual reality.

      The Pineal interprets frequency of thought into a bio-chemical electrical

    current which runs throughout our body.


    The Pineal gland receives mental enzymes as coded transmissions with clear

    reference to their originating point.

      A primary function of the Pineal gland is that it screens frequencies.

      Each image, each thought, being interpreted and organized according to its

    frequency signature.

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      Next, the information must be acceptable and pass the required criterion of



    Whatever knowledge we allow ourselves to believe can only become a

    reality by the Pineal first opening the gate to the Divine.


    In essence, the Pineal is a highly complex biological crystalline computer that

    serves as a ‘Stargate’ to the higher dimensions.

      According to the frequency of a thought or emotion, the Pineal controls what

    is to enter the creative ethereal portal of the Divine Mind.

      This is a protection mechanism that prevents negative thoughts from being

    manifested. It prevents any thought that is negative such as fear or doubt,

    hatred, etc. from entering.


    Likewise, any thought that is contaminated with the feeling of doubt cannotqualify as a belief, and is thus filtered.

      What is more is that fear is quite degenerative to auric health and may cause

    severe auric bleeding by way of creating auric fissure or cracking.

      The phenomena of auric bleeding as well as fear have also been discussed by

    the author in great detail elsewhere. What is important to emphasize here is

    that auric system must be fully intact otherwise energy disruption may

    interfere with the mechanics of conscious creation.


    Doubt is one blockage that prevents manifestation of our desires. If we

    doubt, we do not firmly believe. Doubt in the brain creates a bio-chemical

    reaction. It activates a neuron carrier in the brain that flows from the

    pituitary gland to the pineal and blocks the pineal doorway from opening

    and ingress.


    The Pineal works with the Pituitary to open the bridge, the gateway between

    the physical and the ethereal, between brain and mind.

      The natural progression of the process is that first an idea or a thought must

    be confirmed as belief without the further blemish of doubt due to fear or


      The belief is next reviewed and filtered by the Pituitary to be genuine and

    worthy and then the results are transmitted to the Pineal.

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      After further scrutinization by the Pineal and when confirmed through

    Thymus as to have clear and firm emotional support, the resolved intent gets

    transmitted through the Pineal gate to the Divine Mind.


    It does this by interpreting the frequency of thought into a bio chemical

    electrical current throughout our body and into our mind.

      The Hypothalamus serves as a ‘universal translator.’ 

      Your wishes manifest through clear mind intents, the force of will that will

    drive your beliefs by the acceleration of emotion and feeling.

    Note: Archangel Metatron mostly and now almost exclusively channels through

     James Tyberonn.

    Picture from [Earth-Keeper.com]
