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oncampus integration (not only) via MOOCs

Date post: 14-Apr-2017
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integration (not only) via MOOCs Creating Perspectives through Education, Brussels Slides: http://bit.ly/daad16-refugees Anja Lorenz Fachhochschule Lübeck

integration(not only) via MOOCs

Creating Perspectives through Education, BrusselsSlides: http://bit.ly/daad16-refugees

Anja LorenzFachhochschule Lübeck

Applications for asylum & registrated refugees in Germanybpb (09.02.2016): Zahlen zu Asyl in Deutschland http://www.bpb.de/politik/innenpolitik/flucht/218788/zahlen-zu-asyl-in-deutschland#Antraege

Facts (Germany 2015)

1,091,894 registered refugees476,649 applications for asylum

university entrance qualification- 16% of all refugees- 30% of Syrian refugees

Federal office of Migration and Refugeeshttps://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Meldungen/DE/2016/201610106-asylgeschaeftsstatistik-dezember.html

our mission

OPEN UPaccess to higher education

FAST & WITHOUT bureaucracy

Mission agenda

1. un-tutored courses2. tutored courses and MOOCs3. networking with other initiatives

→ first help becomes part of our institutional strategy

integration.oncampus.defrom 0 to 13 first (un-tutored) courses in 2 weeks

1st courses

self-registration→ no certificates or documents needed

quickly opened-up from existing courses → untutored

free of charge for anybody: refugees and regular students

ECTS credits by FH Lübeck

no exam fee for refugeesjust started summer term 2016

2nd level

tutored courses

3,600 registrations Everyone is welcome!

German pronunciation training for (Syrian) learners



6 weeks MOOCteam of Prof. Jürgen Handke (Marburg University)

today 2.368 learners 1,640 at course start – 2,138 at the end

850 facebook group membersdata from 10th May 2016

Videos to practice German pronunciation (Arabic/German comparison)

Videos to practice German pronunciation with German keywords

having one’s pronunciation checked via uploaded voice recordings

Digital Badges & CertificatesSimple imitator, Language juggler,

Tone expert, Communication specialist

It’s all on YouTube(?)

Reach relevant community

148.086 suscribers

promotion video published at January 23th


registered learners of the deu4arab MOOC (23.01.2016: 167 | 24.01.2016: 611)

Map of learners (May 10th 2016)

Residence status in Germany (answers to the survey at course start, N=171)

43.6% running asylum procedure

41.5% entiled to asylum in GER

10.6% on the jouney but not in GER

4,3% others

County of birth (answers to the survey at course start, N=150)



Current country of residence (answers to the survey at course start, N=144)



integration is no competition

Networking 4 refugees

iMOOX & mooin

Lübeck, Kiel, Maro, VHS (Germany), iMOOX (Austria), OpenClassrooms (France)

partners of kiron university: MOOC Makers meet refugee activists

Proud to be part of it!

(some more time for platform features?)

Network 4 refugees

Thank you!

Creating Perspectives through Education, BrusselsSlides: http://bit.ly/daad16-refugees

Anja LorenzFachhochschule Lübeck

Anja Lorenz@anjalorenz

[email protected]://about.me/anjalorenz

Barriers against access to higher education

FederalismVerification of university entrance qualificationUnsure perspective of remaining at a locationLanguage

Lorenz, Wulff, Wittke (2016): #refugeesWelcome an der Fachhochschule Lübeck. Schnelle und unbürokratische Bereitstellung von Bildungsangeboten. GML²: Grundfragen Multimedialen Lehrens und Lernens in Berlin (im Druck).

mooinown MOOC plattform since 03/2015

8 MOOCs in 2015

40 MOOCs planned until 2020

https:// . .de

What does it need to offer a MOOC for refugees?

Feature check

refugees use mobile devices

responsive platform

Access to mooin (19.05.2015)

desktop:78,46% mobile:



Access to mooin (01+02/2016)tablet:37%



support of Arabic means RTL

multilingual, Google Translate

Multilingual surface & integrating Google translate

bilingual content

What does it mean to offer a MOOC for refugees?

Reality check

Bug fixing

understand standard replacements | translate add-ons

direction of navigation in RTL-languages

direction of navigation in RTL-languages

Review, maintenance, learners’ support, social networks

Arabic-speaking student assistents

Arabic-speaking support needed → Arabic-speaking assistants/lecturers hired

Arabic-speaking support needed → Arabic-speaking assistants/lecturers hired

Use keyboards with Arabic symbols
