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ONE GIRL Business Outreach

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1 Online Store Christmas BUSINESS OUTREACH Prepared by: Ella Stoddart Adila Harsono Georgia Wilkins Samantha Belteky
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Online Store Christmas BUSINESS OUTREACH

Prepared by: Ella Stoddart Adila Harsono

Georgia Wilkins Samantha Belteky

Page 2: ONE GIRL Business Outreach


STRATEGY & PURPOSE A tiered card system has been developed to target Melbourne businesses and encourage them to purchase an eCard to forward onto their clients and staff as a substitute for traditional gift. This will be executed via electronic communications following the #giftswithadiff strategy communications. The business database includes local businesses that share similar views to One Girl based on their previous involvement with similar issues and causes. The tiers include:

• Card 1: $100 AU - can send one girl to One Girl’s Business Brains Program.

• Card 2: $300 AU - can send one girl to school for the year. Included in this document are the tools and copy needed execute the business outreach for the Festive Season.

-­‐ Return on investment research. -­‐ Timeline and guidelines for implementation. -­‐ eCard brief, specifications and designs.

o eCard confirmation copy. -­‐ Electronic mail marketing copy. -­‐ Business outreach targets summary (database complied in Microsoft

Excel). -­‐ Blog copy to be posted on the One Girl blog.

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RETERN ON INVESTMENT RESEARCH As requested from One Girl, here is a brief summary of research findings from competitors return on investment (ROI). Due to the limited access to data and resources, we are unable to accurately predict a ROI for the corporate Christmas card campaign. However, as highlighted via the data sourced from the Oxfam and World Vision 2014 Annual Reports, both organisations sought to increase their fundraising costs and expenditures and in turn received a sizeable gain reflected in an increase in total annual profits. Being the first year of implementation, the revenue received at the end of the campaign will be modest. However, as evidenced the Christmas cards are a valued source of income for the One Girl organisation. Thus, investing in reaching out to a new, larger yet targeted audience will yield a higher return.

Figure 1 Oxfam 2014 Annual Report

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Figure 2 World Vision 2014 Annual Report

TIMELINE & GUIDE Pre-Campaign To be conducted before 31 October 2015

• Create a ‘Christmas’ section to the online store • Upload the eCards into the online store

November 03 – Send out Electronic Mail #1 to Business Database. 10 – Post Blog Post to One Girl blog. 11 – Send out EDM Reminder #1 to Business Database. 24 – Send out Electronic Mail #2 to Business Database. December 03 – Send out Electronic Mail #3 to Business Database. 15 – Send out EDM Reminder #2 to Business Database. BUSINESS DATABASE The Business Database will be supplied in a separate Microsoft Excel document for ease of use.

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eCARD DESIGN BRIEF The following brief outlines the design and build concept behind the eCard that will be purchased from the One Girl online store. The eCard elements needed include:

• Body to be text-based message that explains the ‘donation’ that was made to purchase the card.

• Should feature the <Business Name> name in the card in the text-based message (mentioned in previous point).

o Multiple businesses will be purchasing the card so this element needs to be easily interchangeable.

• The card should feature a “Hi < Recipient name>” line at the start/top of the card to personalise it to the recipient (Staff/Client of the Business).

• It needs to be easily attached to the Business’ existing email database. As per communications with Katy Le Gall from One Girl, the RMIT Business Outreach team has built the aesthetic design of the eCard. One Girl will use existing contacts to code/produce the eCards’ functionality. CARD DESIGN SPECS Font: Founders Grotesk (One Girl supplied font) Copy Font Size: 14pt Raw files of artwork supplied. CONFIRMATION EMAIL The copy for the Confirmation Email that the purchaser will receive has been provided in the appendix. The mock designs for the eCards can be found on the following pages.

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eCARD 1: $100 AU - can send one girl to One Girl’s Business Brains Program. Message Copy: Dear <RECIPIENT NAME>, Every festive season $700million is spent on unwanted gifts that end up in the back of people’s cupboards or collecting dust on a mantle somewhere. Imagine what you could achieve with $700 million? We did! So this year, we put it toward one of the greatest gifts you can give someone. Ever. An education. This year, in your and our names, we donated $300 to One Girl, Melbourne’s own non-profit organisation that gives women and girls in Sierra Leone and Uganda access to education. This donation can send one girl to school for the year. Now she can focus on her studies with no worries. That means education and dreams coming true because of you! When a girl can fend for herself, she won’t need to endanger herself or give up on her dreams. Your holiday gift is a #GiftWithADiff. We hope your have a fantastic festive season and an amazing 2016! From the team at <PURCHASING BUSNESS’ NAME> & One Girl.

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eCARD 1: $100 AU - can send one girl to One Girl’s Business Brains Program.

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eCARD 1: $100 AU - can send one girl to One Girl’s Business Brains Program. Message Copy: Dear <RECIPIENT NAME>, Every festive season $700million is spent on unwanted gifts that end up in the back of people’s cupboards or collecting dust on a mantle somewhere. Imagine what you could achieve with $700 million? We did! So this year, we put it toward one of the greatest gifts you can give someone. Ever. An education. This year, in your and our names, we donated $100 to One Girl, Melbourne’s own non-profit organisation that gives women and girls in Sierra Leone and Uganda access to education. This donation can send one girl to their Business Brains Program. She’s getting all the entrepreneurial skills she needs and she’s on her way to becoming financially independent. When a girl can fend for herself, she won’t need to endanger herself or give up on her dreams. Your holiday gift is a #GiftWithADiff. We hope your have a fantastic festive season and an amazing 2016! From the team at <PURCHASING BUSNESS’ NAME> & One Girl.

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eCARD 2: $100 AU - can send one girl to One Girl’s Business Brains Program.

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ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS Please note, below are mock designs. One Girl will use own Electronic Mail system. These designs were created at mailchimp.com All pictures and underlined text to be linked to the One Girl Online Store. <EDM 1 – Tuesday 3 November 2015> SUBJECT LINE: “It’s never too early to look for GREAT holiday gifts” Imagine if there was a quick and thoughtful way to wish your fellow employees and clients a Merry Christmas whilst making a positive change to the lives of women less fortunate. Yes, it’s a thing. It’s a One Girl thing. We are Melbourne’s own non-profit organisation that gives women and girls in Sierra Leone and Uganda access to education. We want to see a world where women and girls are creating and leading change in their communities. Each year over $700 million gifts go unwanted, this is your opportunity to give a gift with a difference. You could be part of the movement by helping us send one million girls to school, beginning this Christmas! Go on, have a flick through our online store and get ready to see a few smiles, because this year, your #GiftsWithADiff will stand out.

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<EDM 2 – Tuesday 24 November 2015> SUBJECT LINE: “Don’t panic, but... it’s one month until holidays and we’ve got gifts sorted for you!” Christmas is fast approaching and we know how stressful it can be, that’s why One Girl is lending a helping hand. We want to make this festive season a little less stressful with some gift ideas that will ensure your gift, isn’t next year's re-gift. Did you know around $700 million worth of gifts go unwanted throughout the holiday period? This season, we dare you to ditch the unwanted gift and buy #GiftsWithADiff. Have a look at our Christmas cards, they have some serious life changing power. Our cards build schools, educate girls and make them financially independent. Spoil your fellow employees and loyal customers with life changing donations. This is your chance to create positive change across the globe while thanking your teams for all their hard work this year.

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<EDM 3 – Thursday 3 December 2015> SUBJECT LINE: “Cards that can change lives? Yes, it’s a thing!” With the holidays just around the corner, One Girl has sorted out life changing and dare we say, hassle free gift shopping options for YOU! Through our holiday cards, you’re not only thanking your colleagues, you’re changing and shaping the lives of deserving girls in Sierra Leone. Through #GiftsWithADiff you can support one of our favourite programs, Business Brains. This is where we teach young girls entrepreneurial skills that allow them to be financially independent. So far, we’ve trained 3011 girls and with your help we can do so much more. This festive season change a life by sending a deserving girl to Business Brains for as little as $100. Go on, have a flick through our online store and get ready to see a few smiles, because this year, your #GiftsWithADiff will stand out.

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EDM REMINDER COMMUNICATIONS These are short communications to be sent out to the Business Database at One Girls’ discretion. Please note, below are mock designs. One Girl will use own Electronic Mail system. These designs were created at mailchimp.com All pictures and underlined text to be linked to the One Girl Online Store. <EDM REMINDER 1 – Tuesday 10 November 2015> SUBJECT LINE: “TICK TOCK GOES OUR CHRISTMAS CLOCK”

Just in case you need a reminder… The holidays are fast approaching and we know you’re extremely busy, so we want help make this Festive season a little less stressful with a helpful reminder. This year, don’t forget about your fellow co-workers or the girls in Sierra Leone. Head to our online store and check out our #GiftsWithADiff.

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At One Girl we know that it can be difficult to find the time shop for presents, especially this close to the holiday season. That’s why we thought we would bringing the shop to you! Save your precious time and head to our online store to check out our life-changing holiday gifts. We promise it will be a gift like no other, we promise it will be a #GiftWithADiff.

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BLOG Publish Date: 10 November 2015 Blog Title: “In the name of science, buy a gift this Christmas!” Here at One girl, we know how exciting receiving a present can be... but did you know it’s been scientifically proven that giving a gift to someone (no, not yourself) can release an array of endorphins, making us feel pretty warm and fuzzy. Makes sense, right? So, the easiest way to feel good this season is simple, buy some special presents for some special people! We know, buying a gift can be stressful and overwhelming, some would even call it a fine art. We’ve all been a victim of receiving that scented candle, but more importantly we’ve all been guilty of re-gifting that scented candle! At One Girl we’ve witnessed incredible generosity and that has led us to believe that the holiday season is all about sharing, giving and thanking. We’ve been lucky to see firsthand how the gift of giving can change lives. This festive season we are asking you to join One Girl and come together in buying #GiftsWithADiff. Imagine how many happy and fuzzy endorphins would explode out of that brain… THOUSANDS! This season, we kindly ask that you up your gift game and let the endorphins go wild (we promise you won’t regret it). Buy something that has the power to change, buy #GiftsWithADiff.

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Blog Mock Design

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APPENDIX PURCHASE CONFIRMATION EMAIL Thank you! By purchasing a One Girl card you have done something amazing! Shortly, we’re going to send you a personalised eCard for you to share amongst your colleagues and loyal customers, wishing them a fantastic Festive Season and Happy New Year, and to share your contribution to one of the greatest gifts anyone could ever receive! Ever! An education! You’re awesome, Chantelle, with the rest of team One Girl.
