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OneDrive for Business 101

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Office 365 Saturday Copenhagen #o365sdk2016 spbg.dk March 12 2016

Office 365 Saturday Copenhagen


March 12 2016




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Office 365 Saturday CopenhagenMarch 12, 2016


What is OneDrive for?

And what not...

François Souyri

Office 365 Saturday CopenhagenMarch 12, 2016


FrenchLives in London since 2004

SharePoint since 2004 (WSS2/2003)Director of a human size Office 365

consultancy in Londonhttp://sharepointfrancois.com


François Souyri

Paper processto Cloud



In this session

HistoryFeatures StorageSync tool

What's Next



OneDrive for Business

Consider …• Are my files my own or my employer’s?• What happens to OneDrive data when the user leaves?• What happens when a link is forwarded?• What happen when a user's data is compromised

(eg. laptop stolen)


Why did Microsoft build it ?

To overcome two issues in SharePoint:

- need to be connected to a network to use it - UI not user-friendly to everyone 


Get the names right (before)

SharePoint 2007 SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013 / Office 365

Microsoft Groove

SharePoint Workspace

SkyDrive Pro


Get the names right (now)

• OneDrive (for Consumer)• OneDrive for business / OD4B / OfB• Next Generation OneDrive for Business

Sync Client• Next Generation Sync Client (NGSC)


• Same information system for the organisation• Under the “umbrella” of Office 365 • 2nd after Dropbox

Why OneDrive and not another one?


Online BackupAccess to my files

anywhere, anytime• Mobile• Offline

Annotate filesAdvanced sharingSelective Sync

OneDrive for Business Features


Sharing GovernanceVersion ControlSearchDelve

Outlook attachment  IRM can be enabledMulti lingual

OneDrive for Business Features


OneDrive (consumer)• 5Go (free)

OneDrive for Business• 1Tb / user• (Government editions:


Storage (march 2016, as may change…)


WindowsMac OSX

AndroidiOSWindows Phone

Multi platform 


Advanced Sharing (user)

Share to any external users.  Even anonymously.  Set expiry date.  Set permission to re-share the link. 


Control (IT)

Manage invitations Manage sharing per

users Manage sharing


Enable IRM Auditing per OneDrive Compliance Center &

eDiscovery Third party



API to read and write files in OneDrive for Business  • Part of Office 365 API and Office Graph

The infamous Sync Tool …


the old: Groove.exe the new: OneDrive.exe

Two Sync Clients available (as March 2016)


Same code as consumer version of OneDrive.  Windows 7, 8.1, 10, Mac OS X 10.9. compatible

Current Limitations: (Beg. March 2016)

- no sync with SharePoint libraries 

- no real time collaboration on documents

Next Gen Sync Client


NGSC OneDrive Sync

Limitations• 5,000 items per

library• 20,000 items in total• 2Gb file max• 250 url characters

max• Forbidden characters

 \ / : * ? "<> | #%• Some forbidden file



What's coming ?

Unique Sync client to include + SharePoint libraries + Office 365 Groups


Can I use OneDrive for Business …

To store my MP3?To store my pictures?To publish Reports?To share document with my team?To store all My Documents?


Don't migrate your company data

To OneDrive for Business(only people’s personal files)


Main take away

Do edit Business Documents but Don’t leave them there when Final





Questions:• What happens to OneDrive when the user




Questions:• Are the files my own or my




Questions:• What happens when a

link is forwarded?



Questions:• what happen when a user's data is

compromise. (eg. laptop stolen)


OD4B Resources


MVP Blogs:• Hans Brender• Martina Grom• Toni Pohl

OneDrive blog Office 365 online community




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