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The Journey This Time
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Back again. New here? Ketchup…

One.Drop Issue 1

One.Drop Issue 2

One.Drop Issue 3

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One Drop is a magazine that is

dedicated to the poetry and photo-ops of my

earthly and etherly experience. These are

moments of healing. One Drop refers to the

essence of every being. We each possess a

completely unique & completely pure energy.

If you have one drop of love in you, you have

enough. If you have one drop of imagination,

you have plenty. Give it time and attention

and watch it saturate your whole world.

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Let us open with poetry…

The Poet naked she pants

from fighting phantom shadows beneath heavy houston moons.

sips silent tears

of separation guilt and anxiety.

intoxicated tiny body

pummels breath into

lungs stretched from running running

running away.

see beyond her nakedness, her fighting, her intemperance

into her telling, telling eyes.

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According to certain ancient cosmologies, we choose

our destinies and parents before we are born. If this

scares you, don’t stop reading. Just come with me for

the ride. I’ll let you off safely at the end.

Imagine yourself before you were conceived or


Imagine the moment that you decide to come to

Earth (again). What prompts your decision?

Imagine handpicking your parents. How do you


Imagine that you have complete control over

your will to choose. What will you choose to do?

Ready, set, IMAGINE!

Imagination Station…

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One Drop: I want to dig...do you mind digging with me?

G.C. Denwiddie: Let’s dig.

OD: Good. Shovels in hand! Why this book on daughter and

her father?

GCD: Thankfully, I was blessed to grow up with a mighty

great dad; however, he came from a broken family. So this

book was really a dedication to him and a positive reflection

of black community. While things might not be ideal...you

can be the one to break the cycle. But this whole idea of “a

regular” family can lead to another discussion„

OD: Has your relationship with your dad always been


GCD: Yea. Really, I’ve been surrounded by a core group of

men; I’ve always had uncles and grandads around. My dad

and my mom had me a year before they got married. So the

story could have been a different one. I haven’t had that

convo with them, but my mom has alluded to it. My dad is

hilarious...even though I’m older, we still don’t talk about

certain things so candidly. For instance, there was a sex

scene on TV last night, and he just turned the channel..lol

OD: Hahah! In what ways have the dynamics of your

relationship changed since you've become a woman?

GCD: More of observing my parents... There’s this man I

really want to be with and I’m learning how to deal with him

by the way my mom deals with my dad. For instance, my

dad would look at women’s butts when my mom wasn't

around....it would burn me up! I confronted my dad about it,

and he was like, “I’m a man!"

OD: Did that settle it for you?!

GCD: From the convo that ensued, I learned that some

things aren’t worth the battle. I’ve alluded to this guy that I

really like, but my dad hasn’t met him yet. We both tiptoe

around the subject while letting the other know what we

need to let them know.

OD: I see„tiptoeing! Do you ever find yourself comparing

your special guy to your dad?

GCD: Yup. And they act just alike

OD: Does that make you feel secure?

deep cocoa skin that glows

flawlessly, Curly black hair,

And a brilliant smile with eyes

to match. G.C. Denwiddie

could be a model, no doubt.

But, she’s a writer. And she’s

just self-published her first

book. Although Daddy’s Girl

is a book for children, it

springs from a deep personal

history. Here, she opens up

about her relationship with

her father, the healing of

broken families, and the

adventurous exploits of her

career as a writer.

Lemme Do My Thing:

An Interview with

Author, G.C. Denwiddie

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“We’re talking about

real life pain, hurt.

And when you see it,

it really humbles you.

GCD: Idk, I guess. I’ve never thought it about that way, but

yes. But to refer back to your earlier question about how our

relationship has changed. I find that I was very much a

daddy’s girl, but now that I’m older, I really value my

mother for being the rock that holds my dad down. It’s

really my mom that has been an emotional rock for our

family. It’s similar to the first time you see that your parents

don’t know everything.

OD: What was that moment like for you?

GCD: I’d never want to be disrespectful, but now that I’m

older, I challenge them more. I still haven’t found the right

way to do it. We've always had a relationship where we can

talk with each other.

OD: Is there an equal playing ground when you two talk, or

is there a boss?

GCD: We always joke. But I give him

the respect of the boss. Humor is a

major part in our life. That’s all we do.

Some people think that I’m over the

top, but come home with me; that’s

just how we are! We're always joking

and laughing. That’s a coping

mechanism my dad uses. He's

definitely the life of the party. My dad's name is Morris, but

sometimes my sister and I call him Maaarrruusss

OD: That is so cool. I am learning from you. My

relationship with my father, although very close, is in

definite need of humor. It's been plagued by such

seriousness. And i think I come across as overly serious

sometimes. Maybe.

GCD: Oic.We definitely don’t take ourselves too seriously.

And men that do...really irk me. lol

OD: Have you ever felt like you wanted to be serious with

your dad and couldn't?

GCD: No, I’ll let him know that I’m being serious. There’s

this nasty, broken familial history in my dad’s family...and

I’m like, “Well, why don't u talk about it?” But he’s

deliberate in separating himself from the history. I guess to

deal with it. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to really respect

a man who handles his biz and sticks to his guns— and

making it look easy is very important to me.

OD: Do you think your dad will ever address his

background emotions? And does it ever bother you that he

doesn’t now?

GCD: I dont think so. He deals with it in his own way.

OD: Does it feel like your responsibility to make him "be

healed"? I think I feel this way towards my family.

GCD: Yeah, I mean, that’s a major problem I have...feeling

obligated to help someone with their problems. But my dad

will tell you—and he and I tend to disagree on this—it is

what it is. You deal with life as it happens.

OD: Wow. Sounds like my dad. I

suppose so. Maybe it's an age


GCD: Yeah, idk if that’s a man

thing. You say age, I say man.


OD: Lol Maybe our children will

feel the same ways towards us.

GCD: I guess. But the type of things they went through„

maybe that’s why they are the way they are.

OD: It’s true. Those things seem so brutal in retrospect. I

wonder what in the world shifted.

GCD: I know I’ve lived a stress free life, so I’m trying to

make sense of it. I want to deal with it, but everyone can’t

go to counseling or even wants to...We're talking about real

life pain, hurt. And when you see it, it really humbles you.

And you think of all the people that are dealing with it.

OD: Yes. It is extremely humbling and confusing. And it

does make you feel completely obligated to eradicating it.

GCD: Ikr..For me I’ve dedicated my life to art to do so.

That’s what Daddy’s Girl is about...giving someone some

hope to keep going

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“Right now is a very exciting

time for me„I’m exploring

different genres on my blog„I

have a chick lit novel and an epic

fantasy short series.”

OD: It is a great beginning! Although i know that you've

been writing for a looong time!

GCD: Yeah. I was reading some old journals from when i

was like 8„ hilarious!

OD: Lol So what was your initial inspiration for Daddy’s


GCD: Spike Lee's wife came to Fisk and they promoted

their children's book...and it had all these beautiful

illustrations. I wanted to do one...so young black kids can

see people who look like them.

OD: I see. Do you plan to continue with children's books?

GCD: Yeah, it’s actually the first installment of a four book

series dedicated to black family.

OD: Oh great! I am looking forward to the rest! Do you plan

to publish in other genres?

GCD: Right now is a very exciting time for me. I’m

exploring different genres on my blog. I blog all the first

drafts of my writings for free. I’m interested in travel

narratives and nonfiction. Currently, I have a chick lit novel

and an epic fantasy short series that features an African

American protagonist. They're rough, but I’m hoping that

readers will offer insight that will make the final draft better.

OD: Wow. I'm on the site. You are putting in work! How

much/often do you write everyday? It's amazing that you're

exploring so many avenues at once. What is that like?

GCD: I write in the morning from about 8-12. Not

nonstop—editing, blog posts, emails. It’s what i want to do,

I love it. I hope to make a full time income by July. It’s

teaching me patience. Everything I’m working on now is

from years of built up writing that I needed to get out. By

March, I hope to have streamlined many of my projects.

OD: Fascinating. And what is your process like for writing?

Do you have any rituals?

GCD: The best writing advice I’ve received was from Alice

Randall, who told me to treat it like a regular job„put your

8 hours in like everyone else. I wake up, read scripture,

pray, eat, put on Kwaw Kese “Lemme do my thing”, and

begin to write.

OD: You are a drop of golden rainbow! A lot going on, but

beautifully crafted. You lead an exciting life, woman! Do

you feel centered? What keeps you balanced?

GCD: Yes. My family.

OD: Good stuff. I love how the convo comes full circle. It

begins and ends with family.

GCD: Defintely. Definitely

OD: Before we sign off„“one drop” refers to the essence

that we each possess. Via this interview, we're only getting a

drop of you, compared to the vastness that is your spirit. Can

you give us a description of what potent essence we can get

from even just one drop of you?

GCD: My one drop is slippery change, the constant of life.

OD: Love it! :))) Thank you for your art.

GCD: Thanks for enjoying.

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Get your copy of Daddy’s Girl here at a discount price!

Follow this writer on Twitter @G.C.Denwiddie

Get constant sneak previews of this future bestselling author’s work on her blog:


Explore her site surrounding spirituality www.saidinlove.com

And read her reviews of other independently published books at


Check out G.C.’s ritual jam “Let Me Do My Thing” by Ghanaian hip hop artist

Kwaw Kese ft. Black Prophet

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Is the only guy who has my name tattooed on his body

Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up in

one day

Has the entire state of Alaska tattooed on his side

Gotted kicked out of the U.S. Navy for inciting a small

race riot

Took me to get my first tattoo

Skydives when he can

Taught me how to drive

Teaches wilderness survival courses for delinquent teens

Made me shoot pistols and machine guns…just so I

knew how

Took me skylighting and bungee jumping when I was 15

Came to all of my softball & volleyball games and cross

country meets

Quit a career as a welder to become a broke, college

student and budding filmmaker

Has the most paranormal, near-death, embellished, real-

life stories of anyone I know

Hid from the police on Christmas Eve. But that’s another

story all together…

My Dad

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According to Wikipedia (his official website offers no bio ) Gary Clark Jr. picked

up a guitar at the age of twelve and five years later, the mayor of Austin, Texas

(his hometown) named May 3rd Gary Clark Jr. Day. He’s been hailed as the

“future of Texas blues.” But he is so much more than what you might think of

when you imagine the blues. His music is soulful rock with occasional touches of

1960’s doo wop and, yes, rapless hip hop.

Since then, Clark has played countless major shows and gone on tour around the

world. He has performed with The Rolling Stones, Alicia Keys, and in the White

House, to name a few. His songs appear in films including House of Lies, Think Like

a Man, and in the video game Max Payne 3. He also debuted as an actor alongside

Danny Glover in the film Honeydripper.

In the above clip, he performs “Please Come Home” at the Dave Matthews Band

Caravan in 2011. Just over halfway through the clip his physical language changes;

his face and body contort in a way that reminds you of a summertime tent revival.

Is he suddenly possessed by the same spirits that led Muddy Waters, Jimi, and

Etta? Watching him makes you feel like that kid on the pew watching as the Holy

Ghost makes its way through the adults. Yes, you are beholding a sacred

moment. No, you are not intruding. The doors of this man’s temple are wide

open. And we have been specially invited. Come get lifted.

High Priest of




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LoVE Process. a is

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Unfold. to


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As individuals, we must search inside of ourselves for

the materials that will give rise to the Phoenix of this

era. That is, we must gather all the dusty, chalky

ashes of our shamed and guilt-ridden selves and

bring them to the common circle. Politics and

religion have never sufficed. Such divisions are false and


What is true is that we each act upon anguishes from our

childhoods. What is true is that we reach for arms in

the dark, wanting to feel safe and loved. What is true is

that we bare our fangs at every slight reminder of our

earliest nightmares. What is true is that we actually

believe those ugly things that those other hurting

children said on playgrounds where rage and

ignorance were kings of the hill. What is true is that

we are still frightened, sassy, upset children. And

we seek every method of pacification.

We must create paths of healing. And we must

understand that each path to wholeness will be

completely unique. We must accept one another as

children who simply do not yet know better. We must

accept ourselves as humble recipients of a life that

we have not always understood, but that has always been

precious. This is unconditional love. And this is the

only environment suitable for healing.

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I'm a late bloomer. Pretty much everything from my

period to my first kiss happened 2 to 5 years after

almost every other teenage girl I knew. I used to

spend hours calculating symptoms and writing mental

proofs on flirtatious interactions. I just wanted to feel

like a woman, dammit.

It didn't help that I decided to attend an

HBCU after growing up in schools

that were less than

1% black in

population (and

curriculum for

that matter). So I

was 18 years old

before I discovered

Floetry, Jill Scott,

or (I cower in

shame) watched my

first full episode of

The Cosby Show or

Good Times (and

those were class

assignments). I don't

even have to go into detail about how few

classic black films I had not seen (and still have not,

to be honest).

Part of my "black innocence," (I think we

should give it a name, in order to better explore it)

was a result of lack of exposure. I was raised by my

grandparents in the rural foothills of East, Tennessee.

I was the eldest grandchild, so I was constantly left to

locate and pop my own cherry. The other part lied in

the fact that my first 9 years of life were given strict

parameters by Pentecostalism—no tv, no Santa, no

jewelry, no pants (only skirts, that is ).

Needless to say, I was thirsty when I got to

Fisk. And I met Spike Lee, Mint Condition, Zora

Neale Hurston, bell hooks, The Five Heartbeats,

What's Love Got to Do With It?...I met these greats

in classrooms, through

friends, lovers, the

world wide web, you

name it. And as I

sucked the face of

my reflection, I felt,

once again, that I

was the last one to

get it. The last

black person on

earth to learn how

to play spades,

dominoes, dance

two-step, and do

the bunny hop. I

had no clue what a Delta or

an Omega was. I've lost count of how many times I've

had my "Black Card" revoked.

Discovering popular 2 -15 years after it is

popular used to make me feel lame. But I have come

to realize that I am living in my own pace.While

Floetry was at their height, I was listening to Tracy

Chapman, Santana, Bela Fleck, and Donny

Hathaway. They were just some of the CDs that my

dad had at home. The matter was simple enough. I ate

what was put in front of me or I went hungry.

Last Egg to Hatch Editorial

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One of the perks of being a late bloomer is the

richness of emotional appreciation that accompanies

my discoveries. As I entered into the depths of my

first heavy duty relationship, Sade sang "King of

Sorrow" just for me. And just as I was getting sick of

redundant relationships, Dead Prez told me about

"Mind Sex" and my mind was blown. Age and

experience lends depth and texture to understanding.

Another perk of being a late bloomer is that,

while others are already spending time and energy

perfecting their knowledge of the latest lyrics or

techniques, I am free to do my own explorations of

culture and ideas.

Sure, I used to feel like a carrot in a bag of skittles.

But hindsight is always 20/20.

My late blooming, I now realize, is as organic

as the small hens in my Uncle's chicken coop back

home. Uncle JB's hens aren't pumped full of steroids

or growth hormones. His hens are naturally lean in

the winter and, although plumper in the summer,

they're never as big as the monster chicken parts you

see for sale in grocery stores and fast food chains.

After overexposure to this gigantichicken, you might

look at some natural hens and scoff. Call us skinny.

But this here hen is brooding some golden eggs.

I love you, girl vs. I love you, girl: (Who drew) The line between

friendship and romance(?).

I WENT TO SALT LAKE CITY DURING 2013 SUNDANCE!!!!…and didn’t see a damn

thing. Not at the “official festival” anyways. Those tickets are expensive and sold out

waaaay in advance. However, I didn’t let that stop me from getting my indie film groove on.

As I roamed the city on foot, I repeatedly stumbled into the most amazingly designed

building in SLC—the main public library (google for photos). It just so happened that they

were having a used book/dvd sale. $2 and up. I scooped some intriguing titles and made my

own film festival.

I bought 8 films, but I’m going to tell you about my favorite. Its original title is Sancharam

(2004) which is Malayalam for The Journey. Written, produced, and directed by Ligy J.

Pullapally. Let’s skip to the entrée: it’s an Indian lesbian love story. Friends, then lovers,

Kiran and Delilah, are shattered and then reborn as their childhood friendship evolves into a

tender intimacy. Yet, as you can expect, their community does not make room for their

love. And this is where the real transformation begins.

This film is a new favorite for several reasons. I believe that true friendship is the basis of

genuine love. In this movie we see Kiran and Delilah’s friendship as a tiny seed between two

seven year olds. Stronger, deeper attraction unfolds like a monsoon in September—

naturally. Secondly, both lead actors are fairly new to acting, making their performance is

pure and powerful. No pretending. Real talk. Thirdly, there is no expectable ending. In fact,

as the credits roll, you realize that it really is about the journey. Finally, this film was made

by a woman who wanted to say something serious, beautiful, and true about youth, love,

and metamorphosis. Plus, the soundtrack is a score!

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i walk along the creek. branches ramble and reach for my jacket and

hat. thorns remind me to be watchful of my step. the creek pours

swiftly past me on its way to an important date. i find a branch

fallen (or placed?) across the water. i consider crossing. i wonder

if it is rotten. i imagine the possible consequences. i could fall

into really cold water if the log is rotten. or i could lose

balance and fall. the worst: some scrapes and an icy bath. nothing

major. if i stay on this side, i’ll certainly stay dry. but i won't

even have tried.

i press away the wiry stalks in front of me and step lightly, but

firmly onto the narrow log.

step. step. step. step. step.

next step is on land. i made it. i am victorious. i have taken a

chance and i have completed my task and i am daring and triumphant.

i weighed the possibilities and options and still made the

uncertain move. i feel great. ready to explore more.

i climb uphill to the railroad tracks. i balance along the rail.

then i hear water rushing. i descend back down across mossy rocks

and twiggish vines to find a lovely place where the creek bubbles

over large stones. on the bank of the creek is a large flat rock

welcoming me. front row at the water show. a train passes behind

me. the train whistle and the rushing water blend into one another

and i am right in the middle. the moment is lucid. then water from

the sky. rain begins. i bid adieu to my country chapel and climb

back up and along the tracks toward home. i collect rusty red

railroad spikes as i go. i collect 5.

when i am back at the crossing log, i toss each spike over to free

my hands for balancing. i steady myself across. when i get to the

other side, i only find 4 spikes. i search. everything on the

ground is the color of railroad rust in december.

winter red.

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Let us close with poetry…

The Other Poet early morning quiet lingers reminder of the hours to come reminiscent of those gone the fridge bumbles a considerate fly hums lowly jasmine ashes powder the window unit the Sun, the only one there could be, settles certainly through closed blinds onto my lap suddenly, nearly new to me, i see my shadow

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Thank you, mom and dad for being available and willing when I

asked to be conceived.

Thank you, Divinity for being present and accessible in All.

Thank you, Creative Energy around me that manifests in friends,

children, good food, laughter, and art.

Thank you, Destructive Energy that assists me in shedding old skins

and perceptions.

Thank you, Children and Superheroes for inspiring courage to be like


Thank you, Reader for sharing your time and energy with One.Drop.

For The Ones who make a way

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