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OneSource Employment Solutions

Date post: 09-Feb-2022
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CONDITIONS OF SERVICE TIME SLIP/CONTRACT CLIENT hereby confirms its agreement with ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS as to the terms and conditions of services rendered by ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS now or in the future. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS reserves the sole right to establish the wages and fringe benefits, if any, of its employees, and assumed responsibility for the payment of such compensation, the withholding and payment of all required payroll taxes, and the maintenance of Workmen's Compensation insurance as required by state law. 2. CLIENT agrees to not directly or indirectly hire the employee named above, except with the written permission of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS, and agrees that such employee shall remain as an employee of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS, furnishing services to client at the existing rate(s), for a period of not less than 16 weeks from the date of termination of such employee's assignment with CLIENT. 3. CLIENT agrees to pay existing rate(s) for a period of 480 hrs. before ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees are eligible for hire. 4. CLIENT agrees to pay a fee equal to 20% of annual salary should ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employee be hired prior to 480hrs. conversion period or before terms of any other contractual agreement set forth by ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS are met. 5. CLIENT agrees to comply with the applicable laws and ordinances relating to health and safety and in particular agrees and undertakes to provide any safety equipment, clothing, or devices necessary or required by law for any work to be performed, or used by CLIENTS employees in the performance of similar work. CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold harmless ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS for claims, damages or penalties arising out of violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, or any similar state law with respect to work places owned, leased or supervisedty CLIENT and to which ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees are assigned. 6. CLIENT acknowledges that ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENTSOLUTIONS insurance does not cover claims of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees under the Jones Act, damage to loss of or loss of use of CLIENTS owned, non-owned or leased vehicles (including contents and cargo), machinery, equipment or material while being used by or in the care, custody or control of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees, and that ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS does not assume liability for loss of or loss of use of CLIENTS owned, non-owned or leased vehicles (including contents and cargo), machinery, equipment or material while being used by or in the care, custody of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees. 7. CLIENT assumes and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS from any claims of bodily injury (including death) or loss of, and loss of use of, or damage to property arising out of the use of operation of CLIENTS owned, non-owned or leased vehicles, machinery or equipment by ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees, and from any claims of or on behalf of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees brought under or by virtue of their employment as a seaman or as a member of the crew of any vessel. 8. CLIENT agrees that it will not entrust ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees with unattended promises, cash checks, negotiables or other valuables without the priorwritten permission from ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENTSOLUTIONS. ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS will not be responsible for claims made under its Fidelity Bond unless such claims are reported in writing to ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS and the local police by CLIENT with fourteen (14) days after notice of loss. Do not pay employees directly or advance any funds to them. 9. CLIENT agrees to terms of NET UPON RECEIPT, and understands that unpaid accounts will be considered in default after ten (10) days, after which a default charge will be imposed at 1 1 /2% per month on unpaid balances (ANNUAL PERCENT RATE OF 18%)orthe maximum legal interest rate, whichever islower. CLIENTagreesto pay the default charge together with reasonable attorneys fee for the cost of collection. 10. All represented "guarantees of service" are conditional upon receipt of payment in full of all invoices within 30 days of the date of the invoice. OneSource Employment Solutions Off. (602) 944-2620 FAX (602) 997-1845 2320 W. PeoriaAve. Suite B140 Phoenix, AZ 85029 f COMPANY NAME SUPERVISOR ^ COMPANY ADDRESS EMPLOYEE NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER / / DAY & DATE MON. TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. SUN. Starting Time Finish Time Less Time Off TOTAL HOURS TO NEAREST 1/4 HOUR. FOUR (4) HOUR MINIMUM PER DAY. OVERTIME RATE AFTER 40 HOURS WILL BE BILLED. WEEK ENDING DATE Month / Day /Year Straight Time Hrs. Straight NOTE: CLIENT MUST INITIAL ALL OVERTIME Overtime Hours Overtime I certify that the hours shown above represent my total hours worked on this assignment during the week and that they were properly verified by the client or by an authorized representative. X EMPLOYEE MUST SIGN HERE I certify that the hours shown above are correct andthat the employee performed satisfactorily and further agree to the terms and conditions set forth on the reverse side hereof. X AUTHORIZED CLIENT SIGNATURE TITLE DATE REMARKS FUTURE ORDERS: JOB FINISHED J J JOB CONTINUING Please check the appropriate box - If your assignment has ended, please contact our office for further reassignment. OneSource Employment Solutions While: Client; Yellow: Office; Pink: Office; Gold: Employee
Page 1: OneSource Employment Solutions

CONDITIONS OF SERVICE TIME SLIP/CONTRACTCLIENT hereby confirms its agreement with ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENTSOLUTIONS as to the terms and conditions of services rendered by ONESOURCEEMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS now or in the future.


1. ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS reserves the sole right to establishthe wages and fringe benefits, if any, of its employees, and assumed responsibilityfor the payment of such compensation, the withholding and payment of all requiredpayroll taxes, and the maintenance of Workmen's Compensation insurance asrequired by state law.

2. CLIENT agrees to not directly or indirectly hire the employee named above,except with the written permission of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS,and agrees that such employee shall remain as an employee of ONESOURCEEMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS, furnishing services to client at the existing rate(s), fora period of not less than 16 weeks from the date of termination of such employee'sassignment with CLIENT.

3. CLIENT agrees to pay existing rate(s) for a period of 480 hrs. before ONESOURCEEMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees are eligible for hire.

4. CLIENT agrees to pay a fee equal to 20% of annual salary should ONESOURCEEMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employee be hired prior to 480hrs. conversion periodor before terms of any other contractual agreement set forth by ONESOURCEEMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS are met.

5. CLIENT agrees to comply with the applicable laws and ordinances relating to healthand safety and in particular agrees and undertakes to provide any safety equipment,clothing, or devices necessary or required by law for any work to be performed, orused by CLIENTS employees in the performance of similar work. CLIENT agrees toindemnify and hold harmless ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS for claims,damages or penalties arising out of violations of the Occupational Safety and HealthAct of 1970, or any similar state law with respect to work places owned, leased orsupervisedty CLIENT and to which ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONSemployees are assigned.

6. CLIENT acknowledges that ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENTSOLUTIONS insurancedoes not cover claims of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employeesunder the Jones Act, damage to loss of or loss of use of CLIENTS owned, non-ownedor leased vehicles (including contents and cargo), machinery, equipment or materialwhile being used by or in the care, custody or control of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENTSOLUTIONS employees, and that ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS doesnot assume liability for loss of or loss of use of CLIENTS owned, non-owned or leasedvehicles (including contents and cargo), machinery, equipment or material whilebeing used by or in the care, custody of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONSemployees.

7. CLIENT assumes and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless ONESOURCEEMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS from any claims of bodily injury (including death) orloss of, and loss of use of, or damage to property arising out of the use of operationof CLIENTS owned, non-owned or leased vehicles, machinery or equipment byONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees, and from any claims of or onbehalf of ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS employees brought under orby virtue of their employment as a seaman or as a member of the crew of any vessel.

8. CLIENT agrees that it will not entrust ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONSemployees with unattended promises, cash checks, negotiables or other valuableswithout the priorwritten permission from ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENTSOLUTIONS.ONESOURCE EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS will not be responsible for claims madeunder its Fidelity Bond unless such claims are reported in writing to ONESOURCEEMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS and the local police by CLIENT with fourteen (14) daysafter notice of loss. Do not pay employees directly or advance any funds to them.

9. CLIENT agrees to terms of NET UPON RECEIPT, and understands that unpaidaccounts will be considered in default after ten (10) days, after which a default chargewill be imposed at 1 1 /2% per month on unpaid balances (ANNUAL PERCENT RATEOF 18%)orthe maximum legal interest rate, whichever islower. CLIENTagreesto paythe default charge together with reasonable attorneys fee for the cost of collection.

10. All represented "guarantees of service" are conditional upon receipt of payment infull of all invoices within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

OneSource Employment SolutionsOff. (602) 944-2620FAX (602) 997-1845

2320 W. PeoriaAve. Suite B140Phoenix, AZ 85029





/ /











LessTime Off




Month / Day /Year

StraightTime Hrs.





I certify that the hours shown above represent my total hours worked on this assignment duringthe week and that they were properly verified by the client or by an authorized representative.

XEMPLOYEE MUST SIGN HEREI certify that the hours shown above are correct and that the employee performed satisfactorilyand further agree to the terms and conditions set forth on the reverse side hereof.





Please check the appropriate box - If your assignment has ended, please contact our office forfurther reassignment.

OneSource Employment SolutionsWhile: Client; Yellow: Office; Pink: Office; Gold: Employee
