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Giannone, Richard. "The Lion of Judah in the Thought and Design of The Violent Bear It

Away." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 14 (1985): 25-32.

Gidden. Nancy Ann. "Classical Agents of Christian Grace in Flannery O'Comor's 'Greenleaf."'

Studies in Short Fiction 23. 2 (Spring 1986): 201-02.

Gordon, Caroline. "Heresy in Dixie." Sewanee Review 76 (Spring 1968): 263-97.

"Rebels and Revolutionaries: The New American Scene." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 3

(1974): 40-56.

Gordon. Sarah. "Flannery O'Connor and the Common Reader." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 10

(1981): 38-45.

---. "Flannery O'Connor, the Left Wing Mystic, and the German Jew." Flannery O'Connor

Bulletin 16 (1987): 43-51.

"Maryat and Julian and the 'not so bloodless revolution."' Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 2 1

(1992): 25-36.

"Milledgeville: The Perils of Place as Text." nunnery O'Connor Bulletin 20 (1991): 73-87.

Gossett, Thornas F. "Flannery O'Comor on Her Fiction." Southwest Review 59. 1 (1974): 34-


"Flannery ~ ' C O M O ~ ' S Opinions of Other Writers: Some Unpublished Comments." Southern

Literary Journal 6. 2 (1974): 70-82.

''No Vague Believer: Flannery O'Comor and Protestantism." Southwest Review 60. 3

(1975): 256-63.

Gregory, Donald. "Enoch Emery: Ironic Doubling in Wise Blood." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin

4 (1975): 52-64.

Greieff, Louis K. "J. D. Salinger's 'Teddy' and Flannery O ' c0~0r 'S 'The River': A

comparative Analysis." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 9 (1980): 104-1 l .

Griffith, Benjamin. "After the Canonization: Flannery O'Comor Revisited" Sewanee Review

97.4 (Fall 1989): 575-80.

Havird David "The Saving Rape: Flannery O'Comor and Patriarchal Religion." Mississippi

Quarterly 47. 1 (Winter 1993-94): 15-26.

Hawkes, John. "Flannery O'Connor's Devil." Sewanee Review 70 (Summer 1962): 395-407.

Hawkins, Peter S. "Faith and Doubt First Class : The Letters of Flannery O'Connor." Southern

Humanities Review 16.2 (1982): 91-103.

Hays, Peter L. "Dante, Tobit, and 'The Artificial Nigger."' Studies in Short Fiction 5 . 3 (1968):


Hegarty, Charles M. "A Note on Flannery O'Connor." Studies in Short Fiction 9.4 (1972): 409-


Heher, Michael. "Grotesque Grace in the Factious Commonwealth." Flannery 0 'Connor

Bulletin 15 (1986): 69-81.

Herncher, Walter. "O'Connor's 'The Displaced Person': The Problem of Doing Good." Notes

on Contemporary Literature 14. 1 (Jan 1984): 5-7.

Hicks, Granville. "A Writer at Home with Her Heritage." Saturday Review 25 (12 May 1962):


Higdon David Leon. "Flannery O'Connor's Sentence Titles." Stdies in American Fiction 17. 2

(Autumn 1989): 227-34.

Highsmith, Dixie Lee. "Flannery O'Connor's Polite Conversation." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin

11 (1982): 94-107.

Hines, Melissa. "Grotesque Conversions and Critical Piety." FIannery O'Connor Bulletin 6

(1977): 17-35.

Holsen Ruth M. "O'Comor's 'Good Country People."' Exp(cator 42. 3 (Spring 1984): 59.

HopKins, Mary Frances. "Julian's Mother." nunnery 0 'Connor Bulletin 7 (1978): 114-15.

Hynes, Joseph. "The Fading Figure in the Worn Carpet." Arizona Quarterly 42. 4 (Winter

1986): 321-30.

Ingram, Forrest, L. "O'Connor's Seven-Story Cycle." FIannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 2 (1973): 19-


Ireland, Patrick J. "The Place of Flannery O'Connor in Our Two Literatures: The Southern and

National Literary Traditions." Nunnery O'Connor Bulletin 7 (1978): 47-63.

Jauss, David. "Flannery O'Connor's Inverted Saint's Legend." Studies in Short Fiction 25. 1

(Winter 1988): 76-78.

Johansen Ruthann Knechel. "Flannery O'Connor: The Artist as Trickster." Flannery 0 'Connor

Bulletin 21 (1992): 119-39.

Johnson Rob. "'The Topical Is Poison': Flannery O'Connor's Vision of Social Reality in 'The

Partridge Festival' and 'Everything That Rises Must Converge."' FIannery 0 'Connor

Bulierm 21 (1992): 1-24.

Jones, Madison. "A Good Man's Predicament." Southern Review 20.4 (Autumn 1984): 836-41.

Jorgenson, Enc. "A Note on the Jonah Motif in 'Parker's Back.'" Studies in Short Fictron 2 1 . 4

(Fall 1984): 400-02.

Katz, Claire. "Flannery O'Connor's Rage of Vision." American Literature 46. 1 (1974): 54-67.

Kennelly. L. B. "Exhortation in Wise Blood: Rhetorical Theory as an Approach to Flannery

O'Connor." South Central Review 4. 1 (Sjmng 1987): 92-105.

Kieft, Ruth M. Vande. "Judgement in the Fiction of Flannery O'Connor." Sewanee Review 76

(Spring 1968): 337-56.

Kirkland William M. "Baron von Hugel and Flannery O'Connor." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin

18 (1989): 2842.

Kissel, Susan S. "Voices in the Wilderness: The Prophets of 0 'Connor, Percy, and Powers."

Southern Quarterly 18. 3 (1980): 91-98.

Klevar, Harvey. "Image and hagmation: Flannery O'Connor's Front Page Fiction." Journal of

Modern Literature 4. 1 (1974): 121-32.

Klug M. A. "Flannery O'Connor and the Manichean Spirit of Modernism." Southern

Humanities Review 17.4 (Fa11 1983): 303-14.

Koon, William, "'Hep Me Not to Be So Mean': Flannery O'Connor's Subjectivity." Southern

Review 15 (1979): 322-32.

Larseu Val. "Manor House and Tenement: Failed Communities South and No& in Flannery

O'Connor's 'The Geranium.'" Flannely O'Connor Bulletin 20 (1991): 88-103.

Lasseter, Victor. 'The Genesis of Flannery O'Connor's 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find."' Studies

in American Fiction 10.2 (Autumn 1982): 227-32.

LeClair, Thomas. "Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood: The Oedipal Theme." Mississippi

Quarterly 29.2 (1976): 197-205.

Linehan, Thomas M. "Anagogical Realism in Flannery O'Connor." Renascence 37.2 (Winter

1985): 80-95.

Logan, Jan H. "Flannery O'Connor and Flaubert: A French Connection." Notes on

C o n t e m p r a ~ Literature 13. 5 OJov 1983): 2-5.

Lorch, Thomas M. "Flannery O'Connor: Christian Allegorist." Critique 10.2 (1968): 69-80.

Ludwin, Deanna. "O'Connor's Inferno: Return to the Dark Word" Fhnnery O'Connor Bulletin

17 (1988): 11-39.

Magistrale, Anthony S. "O'Connor's 'The Comforts of Home."' E.rplrcutor 43. 1 (Fall 1984):


Magistrale, Tony. "Francis Tarwater's Friendly Fiends: The Role of the Stranger in The Violent

Bear It Away." Notes on Contemporary Literature 15. 3 (May 1985): 4-5.

"O'Comor's 'The Lame Shall Enter First."' Explicator 47.3 (Spring 1989): 58-61.

"The Prophetic Intent of O'Comor's 'The Displaced Person."' Flannery O 'Connor Bulletin

23 (1994-95): 137-57.

Maida, Patricia D. "'Convergence' in Flannery O'Connor's 'Everyttung That Rises Must

Converge."' Studies in Short Fiction 7.4 (1970): 549-55.

"Light and Enlightenment in Flannery O'COMO~'S Fiction" Studies in Short Fiction 13. 1

(1976): 31-36.

Male, Roy R. 'The Two Versions of 'The Displaced Person."' Studies in Short Fiction 7. 3

(1970): 450-57.

Marston, Jane. "Epistemology and the Solipsistic Consciousness in Ramery O'Connor's

'Greenleaf. "' Studies in Short Fiction 2 1 .4 (1 984): 375-82.

Martin, Carter. "Comedy and Humor in Flannery O'Connor's Fiction." Flunnery 0 'Connor

Bulletin 4 (1975): 1-12.

---. "The Genesis of O'Connor's 'The Partridge Festival."' FIunnery 0 'Connor Bulletin 10

(1981): 46-53.

Martin, W. R. "A Note on Ruby and Revelation." FIannery O 'Connor BuNetin 16 (1987): 23-25.

Martinez, Inez. "Flannery O'Connor and the Hidden Struggle of the Self." Flannery 0 'Connor

Bulletin 16 (1987): 52-61.

May, John R. "Flannery O'Connor and the New Hermeneutic." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 2

(1973): 2942.

---. "The Methodological Limits of Flannery O'Connor's Critics." Flonnely 0 'Connor Bulletin

15 (1986): 16-28.

Mayer, David R. "Apologia for the hagination: Flannery O'Connor's 'A Temple of the Holy

Ghost."' Studies in Short Fiction 11.2 (1974): 147-52.

McCarthy, John F. "Human Intelligence versus Divine Truth: The Intellectual in Flannery

O'Connor's Works." English Journal 55.9 (December 1966): 114348.

Mdullagh, James C. "Symbolism and the Religious Aesthetic: Flannery O'Connor's Wise

Blood." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 2 (1973): 43-58.

McDennott, John V. "Julian's Journey into Hell: Flannery O'Connor's Allegory of Pride."

Mississippi Quarterly 28. 2 (1975): 171-79.

McDowell, Frederick P.W. 'Toward the Luminous and the Nurninous: The Art of Flannery

O'Connor." Southern Review 9 (1973): 998-1013.

McKenzie, Barbara. "Flannery O'Connor and 'The Business of the Purified Mind."' Georgia

Review 33 (1979): 817-26.

"Flannery O'Connor Country on Film: A Photo Essay." Georgia Review 31 (1977): 404-26.

"Flannery O'Connor Country: A Photo Essay." Georgia Review 29 (1975): 329-62.

McMillan, Norman. "Dostoevskian Vision in Flannery O'Connor's 'Revelation."' Flannery

0 'Connor Bulletin 16 (1987): 16-22.

Meek, Knsten. "Hannery O'Connor's 'Greenleaf and the Holy Hunt of the Unicorn." Flannery

0 'Connor Bulletin 19 (1990): 30-37.

Mellard, Jarnes M. "Flannery O'Connor's Others: Freud, Lacan, and the Unconcious." American

Lrterature 61.4 (Dec 1989): 62543.

Michaels J. Ramsey. "'The Oldest Nun at the Sisters of Mercy': O'Connor's Saints and

Martyrs." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 13 (1984): 80-86.

Milder, Robert. "The Protestantism of Flannery O'Connor." Southern Review 11 (1975): 802-19.

Millichap, Joseph R. "The Pauline 'Old Man' in Flannery O'Connor's 'The Comforts of

Home.'" Studies in Short Fiction l l . 1 (1974): 96-99.

Ming, Zhong. "Disigned Shock and Grotesquerie: The Form of Flannery O'Connor's Fiction."

Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 17 (1988): 5 1-61.

Monroe, W. F. "Flannery O'Connor's Sacramental Icon: 'The Artificial Nigger."' South Cenh.al

Review 1.4 (Winter 1984): 64-81.

Montgomery, Marion. "A Note on Flannery O'Connor's Tenible and Violent Prophecy of

Mercy." F o m 7. 3 (1969): 4-7.

---. "Beyond Symbol and Surface: The Fiction of flannery O'Connor." Southern Review 22

(1968): 188-93.

---. "Flannery O'Connor and the Jansenist Problem in Fiction "Southern Review 14. 3 (1978):


"Flannery O'Connor: Prophetic Poet." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 3 (1974): 79-94.

"Flannery O'Connor's Tenitorial Center." Critique 11. 3 (1969): 5-10.

"Flannery O'Comor's Transformation of the Sentimental." Missrssippi Quarterly 25. 1

(1971): 1-18.

Montgomery, Marion. "In Defense of Flannery O'Connor's Dragon." Georgia Review 25. 3

(1971): 302-16.

"Some Reflections on Miss O'Connor and the Dixie Limited." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin

5 (1976): 70-81.

---. "The Prophetic Poet and the Loss of Middle Earth." Georgia Review 33. 1 (1979): 66-83.

--. "Eric Voegelin as Prophetic Philosopher." Southern Review 24. 1 (Winter 1988): 115-33.

"Flannery O'Connor and Onnie Jay Holy and the Trouble with You Innerleckchuls." Studies

in the Literary Imagimtion 20.2 (Fall 1987): 67-76.

"Grace: A Tricky Fictional Agent." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 9 (1980): 19-29.

---. "On Flannery O'Connor's 'Everything That Rises Must Converge.'" Critique 13.2 (1971):


---. "Miss O'Connor and the Christ-Haunted." Southern Review 4. 3 (1968): 665-72.

---. "Vision and the Eye for Detail in Poe and O'Connor." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 6 (1977):


Morton, Mary L. "Doubling in Flannery O'Connor's Female Characters: Animus and Anima."

Southern Quarterly 23.4 (Summer 1985): 57-63.

Muller, Gilbert H. "The City of Woe: Flannery O'Comor's Dantean Vision." Georgia Review

23.2 (1969): 206-13.

Murphy, George D. "Flannery O'Connor and the Integration of Personality." Flannely

0 'Connor Bulletin 7 (1978): 85-100.

Napier, James J. "Flannery O'Comor's Last Three: 'The Sense of an Ending."' Southern

Literary Journul14.2 (Spring 1982): 19-27.

Napier, James J. "In 'Parker's Back': A Technical Slip by Flannery O'Connor? "Notes on

Contemporary Literature l l . 4 (Sept 198 1): 5-6.

Nichols Loxtey F. "Flannery O'Comer's 'Intellectual Vaudeville': Masks of Mother and

Daughter." Studies m the Literary Imagination 20. 2 (Fall 1987): 15-29.

---. "Keeping Up with Dr. Crane." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 20 (1991): 22-32.

"Shady Talk and Shifty Things." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 14 (1985): 44-58.

Niland Kurt R. "A Memoir of Mary Ann and 'Everything That Rises Must Converge.'"

Flannery 0 'Cannor Bulletin 22 (1993-94): 53-73.

Nisly, Paul W. "The Prison of the Self Isolation in Flannery O'Connor's Fiction." Studies in

Short Fiction 17. 1 (1980): 49-54.

--. 'The Mystery of Evil : Flannery O'Connor's Gothic Power." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin

11 (1982): 25-35.

Ochshom Kathleen G. "A Cloak of Grace: Contradictions in 'A Good Man Is Hard To Find."'

Studies in American Fiction 18. 1 (Spring 1990): 1 13-17.

Oliver, Bill. "Flannery O'Connor's Compassion." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 15 (1986): 1-15.

Olschner, Leonard M. "Annotations on History and Society in Flannery O'Connor's 'The

Displaced Person.'" Flonnery 0 'Connor Bulletin 16 (1987): 62-78.

Orvell, Miles D. "Flannery O'Connor." Sewanee Review 78 (1970): 184-92.

Ower, John. 'The Penny and the Nickel in 'Eve+ng That Rises Must Converge."' Studies in

Short Fict~on 23. 1 (Winter 1986): 107-10.

Park Clara Claiborne. "Crippled Laughter: Toward Understanding Flannery O'Connor."

American Scholar 5 1.2 (Spring 1982): 249-57.

Petry, Alice Hall. "Julian and O'Connor's ‘Everything That Rises Must Converge."' Studies in

American Fiction 15. 1 (Spring 1987): 101-08.

---. "Miss O'Connor and Mrs. Mitchell: The Example of 'Everytlung That Rises."' Southern

Quarterly 27.4 (Summer 1989): 5-15.

--. "O'Co~or's 'Everything That Rises Must Converge."' Explicator 45.3 (Spring 1987): 51-


"O'Connor's 'Parker's Back."' Explicator 46. 2 (Winter 1988): 38-43.

Pierce, Constance. "The Mechanical World of 'Good Country People."' Flannety 0 'Connor

Bulletin 5 (1976): 30-38.

Pope, Robert. "Beginnings." Georgia Review 36.4 (Winter 1982): 733-51.

Powers, Douglas. "Ruller McFamey's Cutting Loose." Flannety O'Connor Bulletin 18 (1989):


w o n , Virginia '"Strange Country': The Landscape of Flannery O'comor's Short Stories."

Mississippi Quarterly 36.4 (Fall 1983): 55768.

Quinn, M. Bernetta. "View from a Rock: The Fiction of Flannery O'Connor and J. F. Powers."

Critique 2.2 (1958): 19-27.

Rath, Sura P d . "Comic Polarities in Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood." Studies in Short

Fiction 21. 3 (Summer 1984): 251-58.

Robinson, Gabriele Scott. "Irish Joyce and Southern O'Co~or ." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 5

(1976): 82-97.

Rowley, Rebecca K. "Individuation and Religious Experience: A Jungian Approach to

O'Connor's 'Revelation."' Southern Literary Journal 25.2 (Spring 1993): 92-102.

Rout, Kathleen. "Dream a Little of Me: Mrs. May and the Bull in Flannery O'Comor's

'Greenleaf" Studies in Short Fiction 16.3 (1979): 233-35.

Rubin, Louis D., Jr. "Flannery O'Connor's Company of Southerners: or, 'The Artificial Nigger'

Read as Fiction Rather than Theology." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 6 (1977 ): 47-71.

Scheick Williarn J. "Flamery O'Connor's 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find' and G. K.

Chesterton's Manalive." Stud~es in American Fiction 11.2 (Autumn 1983): 24145.

Schleifer, Ronald. "Rural Gothic: The Stories of Flannery O'Connor." Modern Fiction Studies

28. 3 (Autumn 1982): 475-85.

Schroeder, Michael L. "Ruby Turpin, Job, and Mystery: Flannery O'Comor on the Question of

Knowing." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 2 1 (1992): 75-83.

Scouten, Kenneth. "The Mythological Dimensions of Five of Flannery O'Comor's Works."

Flunnery 0 'Connor Bulletin 2 (1973): 59-72.

____ "'The Artificial Nigger': Mr. Head's Ironic Salvation." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 9

(1980): 87-97.

--m . "'The Partridge Festival': Manuscript Revisions." Flunnery 0 %onnor Bulletin 15 (1986):


Sederberg Nancy B. "Flannery O'Comor's Spiritual Landscape: A Dual Sense of Nothing."

Flunnery O'Connor Bulletin 12 (1983): 17-34.

Sexton. Mark S. "'Blessed Insurance': An Examination of Flannery O'Comor's 'Greenleaf."'

Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 19 (1990): 38-43.

---. "Flannery O'Comor's Presentation of Vernacular Religion in 'The River."' Flannery

O'Connor Bulletin 18 (1989): 1-12.

Shackelford D. Dean "The Black Outsider in O'Connor's Fiction." Flannery 07Connor

Bulletin 18 (1989): 79-90.

Sharp, Roberta. "Hannery O'Comor and Poe's 'Angel of the Odd."' Flannery 0 'Connor

Bulletin 7 (1978): 116-28.

Shaw, Mary Neff. "'The Artificial Nigger': A Dialogic Narrative." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin

20 (1991): 104-16.

Skaggs, Memll. "Submission and Fidelity, Assertion and Surprise: Two 'Southern Woman'

Films." Southern Quarterly 24. 3 (Spring 1986): 5-13.

Slattery, Dennis Patrick "Evil and the Negation of the Body: Flannery O'Connor's 'Parker's

Back.'" Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 17 (1988): 69-79.

Slow Lame Love. "The Rhetoric of the Seer: Eye Imagery in Flannery O'Comor's

'Revelation."'Studies in Short Fiction 25.2 (Spring 1988): 135-45.

Smith Peter A. "Flannery O'Comor's Empowered Women." Southern Literary Journal 26.2

(Spring 1994): 35-47.

Sonnenfeld, Albert. "flannery O'Connor: The Catholic Writer as Baptist." Contemporary

Literature 13.4 (Winter 1972): 445-57.

Spaltro, Kathleen. "When We Dead Awaken: Flannery O'Comor's Debt to Lupus." Flannery

O'Connor Bulletin 20 (1991): 3344.

Spivey, Ted R. "Flannery's South: Don Quixote Rides Again." Flanney O'Connor Bulletin 1

(1972): 46-53.

''Flannery O'Comor, the New Criticism, and Deconstruction." Southern Rmiew 23. 2

(Spring 1987): 271-80.

---. "Flannery O'Connor's Quest for a Critic." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 15 (1986): 29-33.

Stoneback H. R. "'Sunk in the Cornfield with His Family': Sense of Place in O'Connor's 'The

Displaced Person."' Mississippi Quarterly 36. 4 (Fall 1983): 545-55.

Swan, Jesse G. "Flannery O'Connor's Silence-Centered World." Flannery 0 'connor Bulletin 17

(1988): 82-89.

Strickland, Edward. 'The Penitential Quest in 'The Artificial Nigger. "' Studies in shortfiction

25.4 (1988): 453-59.

Streight h n Howard. "Is There a Text in This Man? A Semiotic Reading of 'Parker's Back."'

Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 22 ( 1993-94): l - l l .

Tate. J. 0 . "A Good Source Is Not So Hard to Find." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 9 (1980): 98-


"On Flannery O'Connor: Citizen of the South and Citizen of the World." Flannery

0 'Connor Bulletin 13 (1984): 26-43.

"The Essential Essex." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 12 (1983): 47-59.

"Flannery O'Connor's Counterplot." Southern Review 16 (1980): 869-78.

---. "The Force of Example: Flannery O'Connor and Stephen Crane." Flannery 0 'Connor

Bulletin 1 1 (1982): 10-24.

"The Uses of Banality." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 4 (1975): 13-24.

Tate, Mary Barbara. "Flannery O'Comor at Home in Milledgeville." Studies in the Literary

Imagination 20. 2 (Fall 1987): 3 1-35.

Taylor, Henry. "The Halt Shall Be Gathered Together: Physical Deformity in the Fiction of

Flamery O'Connor." Western Humanities Review 22. 4 (1968): 325-38.

Tedford Barbara Wilkie. "Flannery O'Comor and the Social Classes." Southern Literary

Journal 13. 2 (Spring 1981): 27-40.

Thompson, Terry. ' W e b u g , Doodlebug: The Misfit in 'A Good Man Is Hard To Find.'"

Notes on Contemporary Literature 17.4 (Sept 1987): 8-9.

ToIomeo, Diane. "Home to Her True Country: The Final Trilogy of Flannery O'Comor. "

Studies in Short Fiction 17.1 (1980): 33541.

Trowbridge, Clinton W. "The Symbolic Vision of Flannery O'Comor: Patterns of Imagery in

The Violent Bear It Away." Savanee Review 76 (1968): 298-318.

---. "The Comic Sense of Flannery O'Connor: Literalist of the Imagination." Flannery

O'Connor Bulletin 12 (1983): 77-92.

Walden, Daniel. "Flannery O'Connor's Dragon: Vision in 'A Temple of the Holy Ghost.'"

Studies in American Fiction 4. 2 (1976): 230-35.

Walls Doyle W. "O'Connor's 'A Good Man Is Hard To Find."' Explicator: 46.2 (Winter

1988): 4345.

Walston, Rosa L. "Flannery: An Mectionate Recollection." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 1

(1972): 55-60.

Westarp, Karl-Heinz. "'Judgement Day': The Published Text versus Flarmery O'Connor's Final

Version." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 11 (1982): 108-22.

m-- . "'Parker's Back': A Curious Crux Concerning Its Sources." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 1 1

(1982): 1-9.

"Teilhard de Chardin's Impact on Flannery O'Connor: A Reading of 'Parker's Back."'

Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 12 (1983): 93-1 13.

Westling, Louise. "Flannery O'Connor's Mothers and Daughters." Twentieth Century Literature

24.4 (1978): 510-22.

"Flannery O'Comor's Hilarious Rage." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 22 (1993-94): 1 19-32. %-

Westling, Louise. "Flannery O'Connor's Revelations to 'A."' Southern Humanities Review 20. 1

(Winter 1986): 15-22.

Whitt, Margaret. "Flannery O'Connor's Ladies." Flannery O 'Connor Bulletin 15 (1986): 42-50.

"You Will Know Them by Their Shoes." Flannery O'Connor Bulletin 21 (1992): 97-99.

Willson. Lawrence. "Leftover Letters." Sewanee Review 96. 2 (Spring 1988): 283-86.

Winn, Harbour. "Everything That Rises Must Converge: O'Connor's seven-story cycle."

Renascence 42.4 (Summer 1990): 187-2 1 1.

Wood Ralph C. "Flannery O'Connor, H. L. Mencken, and the Southern Agrarians: A Dispute

i I : over Religion More Than Region." Flannery 0 %onnor Bulletin 20 (1991): 1-2 1.

"Flannery O'Connor, Martin Heidegger, and Modem Nihilism: A Reading of 'Good Country

People."' Flanneiy 0 'Connor Bulletin 21 (1992): 100-18.

"From Fashionable Tolerance to Unfashionable Redemption: A Reading of Flannery

O'Connor's First and Last Stories." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 7 (1978): 10-25.

---. "The Catholic Faith of Flannery O 'C0~0r ' s Protestant Characters: A Critique and

Vindication." Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 13 (1 984): 15-25.

"Where Is the Voice Coming From? Flannery O'Connor on Race." Flanneiy O'Connor

Bulletin 22 (1 993-94): 90- 1 18.

Wray, Virginia F. "'An Afternoon in the Woods': Flannery O'Connor's Discovery of Theme."

Flannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 20 ( 1991): 45-53.

"Flannery O'Connor in the American Romance Tradition." FIannery 0 'Connor Bulletin 6

(1977): 83-98.

"Flannery O'Connor's Master's Thesis: Looking for Some Gestures." Flannery O 'Connor

Bulletin 8 (1979): 68-69.

Wyatf Bryan N. "The Domestic Dynamics of Flannery O'Connor: Everything That Rises Must

Converge." Twentieth Century Literature 38. 1 (Spring 1992): 66-88.

Wynne, Judith F. 'The Sacramental Irony of Flannery O'Connor." Southern Literary Journal 7.

2 (1975): 3349.

Young Thomas Daniel. "Flannery O'Connor's View of the South: God's Earth and His

Universe." Studies in the Literary Imagination 20.2 (Fat1 1987): 5- 14.

Zacharasiewicz Waldemar. "FIannery O'Connor among Creative Readers Abroad: A Late

Encounter with the Georgia Writer." Shrdes in the Literary Imagination 20.2 (Fall

1987): 51-65.

Zaidnan, Laura M "Varieties of Religious Experience in O'Connor and West." Flannery

O'Connor Bulletin 7 (1978): 2646.
