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Selected Bibliography Primary Sources Williams, William Carbs. Paterson. New York; New Directions,l963 . The Autobioaraphy 1951. New York: New Directions, 1967. . I Wanted to Write a Poem: The Autobioaraphv of The Works of a Poet. Ed. Edith Heal. Boston: beacon, 1958. . Selected Essavs. New York: Random House, 1954. -- . Selected Letters. Ed. John C. Thinwall. New York: McDowell, 1957. - . Imaaination. Ed. Webster Schott. New York: New Directions, 1970. -- . lnte~iews With William Carlos Williams: S~eakinq Straiqht Ahead. Ed. Linda Wekhimer Wagner. New York: New Directions, 1976. . William Carlos Williams and James Lauqhlin: Selected Letters. Ed. Hugh Witemeyer. New Yo&: Norton, 1976. - . The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams. Vol. 1 (1909-39). Ed. A Walton Li and Christopher J. MacGowan. New York: New Directions, 1986. - . The. Vo1.2 (193962). Ed. Christopher MacGowan. Manchester: Carcanet, 1988. -- . Pictures from BtueahelAnd Other Poems; lncludina The Desert Music And Joumev to Love. London: Macgibbon & Kee,1963. -- . TheCo Norfolk, Connecticut: New Directions, 1951. -- . The Collected Later Poems of William Cados Williams. Rev. Ed. Norfolk, Connecticut: New Directions, 1963.

Selected Bibliography

Primary Sources

Williams, William Carbs. Paterson. New York; New Directions,l963

. The Autobioaraphy 1951. New York: New Directions, 1967.

. I Wanted to Write a Poem: The Autobioaraphv of The Works of a Poet. Ed.

Edith Heal. Boston: beacon, 1958.

. Selected Essavs. New York: Random House, 1954.

-- . Selected Letters. Ed. John C. Thinwall. New York: McDowell, 1957.

- . Imaaination. Ed. Webster Schott. New York: New Directions, 1970.

-- . lnte~iews With William Carlos Williams: S~eakinq Straiqht Ahead. Ed. Linda

Wekhimer Wagner. New York: New Directions, 1976.

. William Carlos Williams and James Lauqhlin: Selected Letters. Ed. Hugh

Witemeyer. New Yo&: Norton, 1976.

- . The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams. Vol. 1 (1909-39). Ed. A

Walton L i and Christopher J. MacGowan. New York: New Directions, 1986.

- . The. Vo1.2 (193962). Ed.

Christopher MacGowan. Manchester: Carcanet, 1988.

-- . Pictures from Btueahel And Other Poems; lncludina The Desert Music And

Joumev to Love. London: Macgibbon & Kee,1963.

-- . TheCollected Norfolk, Connecticut:

New Directions, 1951.

-- . The Collected Later Poems of William Cados Williams. Rev. Ed. Norfolk,

Connecticut: New Directions, 1963.

-- . InThe New York: New Directions,l956.

-- . A Recoanisable Imaae. Ed. Bram Dijkstra. New York: New Directions, 1978.

--- . Ash~hodel. That Greenv Flower & Other Love Poems. New York: New

Directions, 1944.

-- . "America, Whitman, and the Art of Poetry." The Poetry Joumal 8.1 (November

1917): 28-29.

- . "An Approach to the Poem." English Institute Essavs, 1947. New York:

Columbia UP, 1948. p 66.

- . "An Essay on Leaves of' Grass." One Hundred Years After. Ed. Milton Hindus.

Stratford: Stratford UP,1955. p 22.

- . "Studiously Unprepared: Notes for Various Talks and Readings: 1940-41 ."

Collection of American Literature. Ed. Paul Mariani. Sulfur 4 (1982): 12-13.

Secondary Sources

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Aheam, Barry, William Carlos Williams and Alteritv. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.

Altieri, Charles. fl

Understandina. Amherst: U of Massachusettes P, 1981.

- . Self and Sensibilitv in Contem~orarv American Poetry. Cambridge; Cambridge

UP, 1984.

- , "From Symbolist Thought to Immanence: The Logic of Post-Modem poetics."

Boundary 2.1(1973): 605-49.

-- . "What is Living and What is Dead in American Postmodemism : Establishing the

Contemporaneity of Some American poetry." Critical lnauiry 22.4 (Summer

1996): 76489.

Allen, James Sloan. "Self-consciousness and the Modemist Temper." Geomia Review

33.3 (Fall 1979): 601-20.

Ashbery, John. The Tennis Court. Middletown: Wesleyan UP, 1962.

--- . "As We Know." New York: Viking Press, 1979.

-- . 'And The Stars were Shininq." New York: Farrar-Strans-Giroux, 1994.

Baldwin, Neil. To All Gentleness: William Carlos Williams: the Doctor-Poet. New

York: Atheneum, 1984.

Barthes, Roland. lmaae Music Text. Trans. Stephen Heath. London: Fontana, 1977.

Bawer, Bruce. "The Poetic Legacy of William Carlos Williams." New Criterion

7 (September 1988): 14-26.

Bell, Marvin. "Homage to the Runner." American Poetrv Review 5 (March 1976): 31-33.

Bradbury, Malcolm, and James Macfarlane, eds. M o d e m i s m : . London:


Bradbury, Richard. "Postmodemism and Barth and the Present State of Fiction."

Critical Quartetiy 32.1 ( Spring 1990): 60-72.

Breslin James E. B. William Carlos Williams: An American Artist. New York: Oxford UP,


- . From Modern to Contemvorarv American Poetrv 194565. Chicago: Chicago UP,

1 983.

Bremen, Brian A. Wlliam Carlos Williams And The Diaqnostics of Culture. New Yo*:

Oxford UP, 1993.

Blazing, Mutlu Konuk. A 9

Literature. Texas: Texas UP, 1977.

Brinnin, John Malcolm. William Carlos Williams. Minneapolis, U of Minnesota P, 1963.

Brown, Dennis. The Poetrv of Postmodemity. London: Macmillan, 1994.

Barthes, Roland. "From Work to Text" : Imaqe. Music. Text. Trans. Stephen Heath.

London: Fontana, 1977.

Bove', Paul A. DeStNCtive Poetics: Heideaqer And Modem American Poetry. New

York: Columbia UP. 1980.

- . "The World and Earth of William Carlos Williams: Paterson as A "Long Poem"

Genre XI (Winter 1978): 575-96.

Bruce, Book. "The Beat Generation." Contemporarv Literarv Criticism. Vol. 1. Detroit:

Gale,1973, 372.

Butcher, S. H., trans. -. New York: Hill and Wang, 1961.

Cary, Nelson. The Incarnate Word: Literature as Verbal Space. London: Illinois UP,


Carmth, Hayden. "PATERSON AS LYRICAL MEDITATION." Nation 25 (August 1951):


Calineseu, Matei. F i e faces of Modernitv. Durham: Duke UP, 1973.

Chabot, Bary C. "The Problem of the Postmodem." Zeitaeist in Babel: The

Postmodemist Controversy. Ed. lngeborg Hoestercy. Indiana: Indiana UP,

1997. 23-29.

Clark, Thomas. "Moving Images." New Statesman (23 July 1965): 126..

Creeley, Robert. "I'm qiven to write poems.": Quick Graph; Collected Notes and

Essavs Ed. Donald Allen. San Franscico; Four Sessions, 1970, 65.

Coffman, Stanley K. Imaaism: A ChaDter for the Histow of Modem Poetry. Norman: U

of Oklahoma P, 1951.

Coles, Robert. William Carlos Williams: The Knack of Survival in America. New

Brunswick: N. j., Rutgers UP, 1975.

Conrad, Bryce. Refiiurina America: A Studv of William Carlos Williams in The

American Grain. Urbana: Illinois UP, 1990.

Connaroe, Joel. William Carlos Williams' Paterson': Lanauaae And Landscape.

Philadelphia: Pennsylvania UP, 1970.

. "The Measured Dance: Williams' Pictures from Brueghel." Joumal of

Modem Literature 1 (May 1971): 565-77.

Charles Tomlinson. William Carlos Williams: A Critical Antholoay. Baltimore: Penguin

Books, 1972.

Culler, Jonathan D. On Deconstruction: Theorv And Criticism After Structuralism.

Ithaca: N. Y Cornell UP, 1982.

Cushman, Stephen. William Carlos Williams and the Meaninas of Measure. New

Haven: Yale UP, 1985.

Davie, Donald. Articulate Enerav: An lnauirv into the Syntax of Enalish Poetry. London:

Routledge, 1955.

Davidson, Michael. "Languages of Postmodemism." Chicaao Review 27 (Summer

1 975): 1 1-22.

Daiches, David. "William Carlos Williams' American Poetic Inscape." Yale Review XI. 1 .t

(Autumn 1951): 15160.

DeMuth, James. "William Carlos Williams's 'Paterson': A Search for Language, A

Recovery of Words." The Libfan' Chronicle 45. 1-2 ( 1881): 150-56

Derrida, Jaques. "Structure Sian and Play in the Discourse of the Human sciences.":

Writima and Difference. Trans. Alan Bass. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1978.

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Poet's Career." Yearbook of Com~aritwe and General Literature 29(1980):10-18.

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Princeton UP, 1991

Doyle Charles, ed. Williams Carlos Williams; The Critical Heritaqe. London: Routledge,


-- . W w . London: Macmillan, 1982.

Driscoll, Keny. William Carlos Williams And The Maternal Muse. Ann Arbor. UMI

Research Press, 1987.

Dorensky, William. The Modem Voice in American Poetry. Gainesville: Florida UP,


Duffey Bernard. A Poetlv of Presence: The Writinas of William Cados Williams

Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1986.

Dunn, Allen. "Williams' Liberating Need." -e 16 (1989):


Eliot, Thomas Steams.The Use of Poetrv and the Use of Criticism. London: Faber and

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Giroux. 1957.

- . The Sacred Wood: Essavs on Poetrv and Criticism. London: Methuen, 1920.

Ellenburg, William Arthur. "The Descent Beckons; William Carlos Williams' Poetic

Journey." Q& 49 (1988): 1445. A. U of Emory.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Emerson's Essavs. Ed. Thomas Y. Cromwell. New York: the

Cross Roads Publishing Company, 1961.

Emerson, Edward W., ed. Journals of RalDh Waldo Emerson. Cambridge, Mass;

Riverside Press, 1909-1914.

Emig Rainer. Modemism in Poetrv: Motivations. Structures and Limits. London:

Longman, 1995.

Engles, John, ed. The Merrill Studies in Paterson. Columbus: Merrill, 1971.

Fenollosa, Ernest. The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry. Ed. Ezra

Pound. San Franscico: City Lights, 1936.

Federman, Raymond. Criifiction: Postmodern Essavs. New York: U of

New York State P, 1993.

Fisher - Wirth, Ann W. William Carlos Williams and Autobioqraphy. University Park:

Pennsylvania State UP,1989.

Fish, Stanley. Doina What Comes Naturallv: Chanae. Rhetoric. and The Practice of

Theorv in Literature and Leaal Studies. Dufham: Duke UP,1989.

Fowler, George, "Prose Rhvthm and Metre*: Essavs on Stvle and Lanauaae, ed.

Roger Fowler. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966.

Foucault, Michael. "Subject and Power." m y 8 (S,ummer1982): 777-96.

-- . The Order of Thinas. London: Tavinsock, 1974.

Frail, David. The Earlv Politics and Poetics of William Carlos Williams. Ann Arbor: UMI

Research P, 1987.

Freud, Sigmund. Civilization and Its Discontents(l930): The Standard Edition of

the Com~lete Psvcholwical Works. London: Hogarth Press, 1953.

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Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Truth and Method. Trans. Garret Burden and John Cummings

New York: The Cross Roads Publishing Company, 1985.

Gee, James Paul. "The Structure of Perception in the Poetry of William Carlos

Williams." Poetics Today 6 (March 1985): 375-79.

Ginsberg, Allen, Robert Duncan. "Early Poetic Community." Allen Verbatim Lectures on

Poetrv. Politics and Consciousness. Ed. Gordon Ball. New York: MacGraw

Hill, 1974.

Gray, Richard. American Poetrv of The Twentieth Century. London: Longman, 1990.

Graff, Gerald. "The Myth of Postmodem Breakthrough." Literature aqainst itself: Literary

Ideas in Modem Society. Chicago: Chicago UP,1979.

Guirnond, James. The Art of William Carlos Williams: A Discoven, and Possession of

America. Urbana: Illinois UP, 1968.

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-- . Paracriticisms: Seven S~eculations of the Times. Urbana: University of Illinois

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Hawkes, Terence. Structuralism and Semiotics. London: Methuen, 1986.

Harland, Richard. Su~erstructuralism: The Philoso~hy of Structuralism and Post

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Heidegger, Martin. Poetrv . Thouaht. Lanauaae. Ed and introd. Albert Holfstadter

New York: Harper ar~d Row, 1971.

Heller, Michael. Conviction's Net of Branches: Essavs on the Obiectivist Poets and

m. Carbondale: Southem Illinois UP, 1985.

Hoffman, Daniel, ed. Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams. Philadelphia:

U of Pennsylania P, 1983.

Hoiden, Jonathan. Rhetoric of Contem~orarv Lvric. Bloomington: U of Indiana P, 1980.

Hollander, John. Rhvme's Reason: A Guide to Enalish Verse. New Haven: Yale UP,


Hirch, David H. "Postmodemism and American Literary History." -w

1 (Winter 1991): 40-60.

Hutcheon, Linda. "The Politics of Postmodemism: Parody and History." Gultua

Critiaue 5 (Winter 1986-87) 179-207.

Iser, Wolfang. T w

Bunvan to Beckett. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1974.

Jameson , Frederic. The Prison-House of Lanauaae. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1972.

-- . "Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of late Capitalism." New Left

Review. 146 (July-August, 1984): 507-23.

Jarrell, Randel. "A View of Three Poets." Partisan Review I 8 ( December 1951 ): 699.


Review 18. 6 (December 1951): 698-700.

Johnson, John. "Postmodern Theory and Postmodern Fiction." m l 6 . 2 (Winter 1987):


Johnson, William A. Towards a Redefinition of Modernism." Boundaiy 2. 1.3 (Spring

1974): 539-554.

Johnson, John. "Postmodern Theory I Postmodern Fiction." m .16 .2 (Winter 1987):

139- 58.

Juhaz, Suzane. Metaohor and the Poetrv of William Carlos Williams. Pound, and

Stevens. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 1974.

Kellet, Marilyn. "Honest Sirnolicitv in William Carlos Williams' 'Asohodel That Greeny

Flower.' " Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1985.

Kenner, Hugh, The Pound Era (Berkeley: California UP, 1971)

Koch, Vivienne. William Carlos Williams. Norfolk: New Directions, 1950.

Kutzinski, Vera M. Aaainst The American Grain: Mvth and Historv in William Carlos

Williams. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1987.

Larissy, Edward. Readina Twentieth Centuw Poetrv: The Lanauaae of Gender and

Obiects. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.

Levin, Harry. "What was Modernism?" Varieties of Literaw Exoerience: Eiahteen

Essays in Work1 Literature. Ed. Stanley Bumshaw. New York: New York UP,


Levertov, Dennis. "Ideas in Things." Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams: The

y l Ed. Daniel Hoffman.

Philadelphia: U of Pennsylania P, 1983.

Li, Victor P. H. "The Vanity of Length: The long poem as a problem in Pound's Cantos

And Williams' Paterson." Genre XIX (Spring 1986): 20.

Lowney, John. American Avant Guarde Tradition. London: Associated University

Presses, 1977.

Mariani, Paul. William Carlos Williams: A New World Naked. London: MacGraw, 1981.

- . A Usable Past : Essavs on Modern 8 Contemporaw Poetrv. Amherst: U of

Massahusettes P, 1984.

Mazarro, Jerome. William Carlos Williams: The Later Poems. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1973.

-- . ed. Profile of William Carlos Williams. Columbus: Merrill, 1971

- . Post Modem American Poetry (London: Illinois UP, 1980)

Marling, William. William Carlos Williams and the Painters: 1909-1923. Ohio: Ohio

UP, 1982.

Markos. DonaM W. IDEAS IN THINGS:The Poems of William Carlos Williams. London:

Associated University Presses Inc, 1994.

Martz, Louk L. poem of the Mind: Essavs on Poetrv. Enalish and American. New York:

Oxford UP, 1966.

Macgowan, ChMopher J. William Carlos Williams's Earlv Poetrv: The Visual Arts

Backaround. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1984.

Macksey, Richard and Eugenio Donato, eds. The Structuralist Controversy. Baltimore:

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Marshall, Donald G. Contemporan, Critical Theon,: A Selective Biblioara~hy. New York:

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Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. The Phenomenoloav of PerceDtion. Trans. Colin Smith

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Miki, Roy. Pre-Poetics of William Carlos Williams: Kora In Hell. Ann Arbor, Mich., Umi

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Myres, Jack and David Wojahan, ed. A Profile of Twentieth Century Poetry.

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Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Use and Abuse of History. Trans. Adrian Collins. New York:

Macmillan, 1986

Noms, Christopher. The Truth About Postmodemism. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers,

Olson, Charles. The Special View of Histoty. Ed. Ann Chatters.(Berkeley: Oyez, 1970).

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