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Online Review & Social Media. 5 Huge Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore.

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Page 1: Online Review & Social Media. 5 Huge Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore.

Online Review & Social Media

Page 2: Online Review & Social Media. 5 Huge Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore.
Page 3: Online Review & Social Media. 5 Huge Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore.

5 Huge Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore

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1. Location ServicesConsumers are out there and many want you to find them. Location features of social apps such as Foursquare, Ban.jo and Path are potential goldmines of important consumer data. The near field communication (NFC) technology in products like Google Wallet is just starting to show its potential. And while privacy issues surrounding location services will need to be resolved, consumers are still demanding that marketers understand all of their daily contexts and find ways to make their lives easier. If the rumors are true and the iPhone 5 has NFC embedded, expect these features to go from leading edge to mainstream.

2. New Ad FormatsWhile new online video and mobile platforms are — unsurprisingly — attracting a lot of heat, their marketing spend is still way out of whack, compared to the amount of time consumers spend there.Don’t just throw money at these new channels. Instead of pre-roll video ads and other “forced view” options, look to user-initiated solutions that respect the user’s time and interests. Research new ad formats that help brands look beyond clutter and “banner blindness,” such as in-image ads, which integrate brand messages elegantly within relevant content.

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3. User-Generated CurationUser-generated curation (UGC) is powered by content discovery apps such as Pulse, Flipboard, Fancy and Foodspotting. Content producers and merchants provide the feeds, and consumers tweak them to suit their interests and contexts, filtering data and curating personalized information platforms.These models can help brands become relevant to consumers and provide the next great opportunities for marketers. For instance, Pinterest has received applause from consumers and marketers alike, and has demonstrated the power that personal curation and relevance can have for engagement.

4. Advertise by FormatEveryone is excited about mobile’s potential, and tablets present appealing platforms or consumer engagement. If you’ve decided to advertise on mobile apps, what are you going to do with the user after you get him or her to tap? Will you use the platform to its full potential? Or will you roll out the same old display strategy you’ve been using online, praying that users will choose to interact with your ad?It’s time to get creative and imagine the new possibilities. Media industry guru Ken Doctor points to innovative advertisers who take advantage of the iPad’s unique format. “What’s better for an insurance company like Liberty Mutual than threatening you with disaster (tornado, earthquake, flood) and then, by simply tilting your iPad see the damage magically disappear,” he poses.

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5. Integrated MarketingBeing relevant to your customer in every context improves brand recall and enhances engagement. Ditch the silos in your advertising strategy (e.g. this is what consumers watch on TV vs. on their phones) and focus on the most important thing — your customer.In this increasingly interconnected world, consumers are not necessarily thinking in terms of silos. Research shows that 72% of consumers want to be engaged with an integrated marketing approach, but only 39% are receiving that. Google found that consumers had 74% brand recall when the advertiser’s integrated strategy carried across mobile, TV and online.While the world is not yet seamless, QR codes and “bridging” apps like Viggle deliver second screen relevance, and can help marketers unleash multiplatform, integrated relevance.Today’s profound advancement in tech and media is changing how we interact with and filter our world. Smart marketers can succeed by engaging with the trends that are resonating most with the emerging consumer of today.

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6 web design trends that are here to stay

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Rich typographyLong gone are the days when designers were limited to typefaces available on users computer. Web font foundries, such as Google fonts and Typekit allow you to use virtually unlimited number of fonts in your web designs, dramatically enhancing their appeal.

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Responsive designZeldman continues that we’re also experiencing a “standards nightmare”, but in the hardware space: “There’s a plethora of devices out there with widely differing abilities – it’s never been more confusing or challenging to create brilliant interfaces that work across them all.” Because of this, he expects responsive design to play a big role in 2012, “bridging the enormous gulfs between platforms”.

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Native support for plug-in featuresEven if Flash thrives in 2012, the march towards extra browser-native features and power will continue, says Opera web evangelist Bruce Lawson: “As support for the various aspects of ‘HTML5 and friends’ improves and comes to more browsers and platforms, we’ll see greater pressure for native browser support of features that we used to use plug-ins for: camera and microphone access with HTML5 getUserMedia, and other things further out, such as support for adaptive streaming of multimedia.”

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Web app fragmentationWhile web apps should find increased success in 2012, Lawson fears the year will also be one of fragmentation, replacing one group of proprietary systems (native apps) with another. “The spirit of co-operation between browser vendors will continue for the HTML5 spec, but not filter into other web stack specifications,” he says, sadly, noting that we’ve already seen Chrome-only apps. “A severe case of ‘not invented here’ can be seen in the 10 – yes, 10! – different app manifest formats invented by vendors instead of collaborating to make the W3C one better. This harms developers and, worse, lack of interoperability hurts consumers.”

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Mobile gets biggerSpeaking of mobile, a no-brainer trend prediction is the continued growth of mobile traffic and usage. “Mobile web-based apps will dominate, and we’ll see the rise of mobile MVC frameworks like the one 37signals is working on,” opines Treehouse founder Ryan Carson.

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A device explosionEasy! Designs Principal Aaron Gustafson thinks growth in mobile will lead to a major challenge: “Designers and developers will have to embrace the smaller tablet form factors – think Nook Tablet and Kindle Fire instead of iPad – as cheap tablet devices flood the market.” Lobb adds that this will lead to more developers “needing to own multiple devices, in order to check site compatibility”.

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Social battles heat upThe importance of social networking sites will continue to grow throughout 2012, but opinions differ regarding potential outcomes. Developer Blaine Cook has an inkling that “Facebook will continue to wane in importance, and we’ll see more start-ups like Path, Instagram, Tumblr, and Spotify, where social interactions are being pushed out to the edges”. But Muller reckons “more social sharing networks and apps will try to take a piece of the Twitter and Facebook pie, but will actually end up integrating those into their service”. He also wonders whether Facebook will “offer tools to create sites, instead of just pages,” to satisfy people’s desire for “continued integration with social media, and services that allow you to share your life online”.

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Growth of the two-screen model“I think the two-screen experience will be big in 2012,” predicts Budd. With TV companies more aware of competition in the living room, they’re increasingly keen to push timely, relevant content to this second screen. “Examples in 2011 included the play-along version of a Million Pound Drop, and the Nature Watch tablet demo from the BBC,” continues Budd. “Numerous start-ups have moved into this space, including Shazam’s new TV-show tagging abilities, so expect much more in 2012.”

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- Part 1: Introduction

- Part 2: The Big Picture

- Part 3: Pages that needs to be launched

- Part 4: Launching/Media Strategy

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Website Analysis and Recommendation: TOTAL_OBJECTS - Caution. You have 19 total objects on this page. From 12 to 20 objects per page, the latency due to object overhead makes up from 75% to 80% of the delay of the average web page. TOTAL_IMAGES - Caution. You have a moderate amount of images. Consider using fewer images on the site or try reusing the same image in multiple pages to take advantage of caching. Using CSS techniques such as colored backgrounds, borders, or spacing instead of graphic techniques can help reduce HTTP requests.TOTAL_SIZE - Caution. The total size of this page is 192817 bytes, which will load in over 20 seconds on a 56Kbps modem - or 42.23 seconds on a 56Kbps modem. IMAGES_SIZE - Warning! The total size of your images is 133245 bytes, which is over 100K. SCRIPT_SIZE - Warning! The total size of external your scripts is 31512 bytes, which is over 20K.

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HTML Validator:Result: 46 Errors, 9 warning(s) : Checked using the W3 Validator.

Meta tags analysis:

Title: Title meta tag contains no errors.This tag contains 8 characters.Title relevancy to page content is fair.The Title relevancy to page content is 50%.

Description: Found no Arabic description meta tag.The description meta tag is used by most of the search engines.

Keywords: Found no Arabic keywords meta tag.The keyword meta tag is still used by many search engines.

Robots: Found no robots meta tag.This tag is not really required but helps spiders to index the web page.

Author: Found no author meta tag.This tag is not really required but helps for your (company) name recognition.

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Alexa Ranking: Due to the website not being SEO friendly, Alexa is not able to show any website data

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Website Mobile Checker:The website is not user mobile friendly as it is developed using a technology called flash which is not compatible with any of the mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android, blackberry...)

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Ways to improve the website:Change the design to a creative and unique concept that reflects Her Highness’s image and field.Fix all the errors shown in our reviewAdd the missing pages (Recipes, Build your Own Dish, Order Online…)Make the website Search Engine FriendlyAdd interactivity where possibleBuild a Mobile ApplicationBuild a social media presenceTo be Bilingual  .

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- Part 1: Introduction

- Part 2: The Big Picture

- Part 3: Pages that needs to be launched

- Part 4: Launching/Media Strategy

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Part 1: Introduction

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Brands today have the incredible opportunity of interacting with consumers on the #1 social network in the world – Facebook – and creating relationships with them that are long lasting, personal and relevant.

Companies today no longer control their own brand, the power has shifted to the masses. It is the public’s desire and feedback that will decide the brand’s fate in the end. Therefore it is clearly apparent that Facebook must play a major role in every brand’s social media marketing plan.

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The platform that allows users to send a receive 140 character messages known as tweets. You opt in to follow users whose content you want to receive.

The stats “Twitter” was the top word of 2009, according to the Global Language Monitor. Average age is 39100 million-ish users

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No brainer

The best Rolodex ever

Lead generation

Create your company's social hub on the world's largest professional network.

Send updates to your company followers and get your message spread across LinkedIn.

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def (wikipedia.com) - "A type of website with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video."

The Stats Approximately 200 million blogs

The majority of web users interact with blogs every single day

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There was a time when YouTube was considered a wild-wild west of content — a place where marketers shied away from uploading their commercials, let alone building a branded channel. But these days, YouTube has become more mini-van than stagecoach.

From Toyota Sienna’s high-profile television commercials urging consumers to visit their YouTube channel, to Harley Davidson’s fan-centric YouTube universe, there has been a noticeable shift in corporate adoption of the platform.

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Social media has been in use for marketing purposes since time immemorial. Google plus marketing is a brand new concept all set to invade the Social media market with a boom. The brand value attached to G+ makes it very special. The people are going to talk and any place where there is chatter; there is also a potential marketing hub.

As expected, Google Plus has taken the world by storm and its popularity index can be estimated from the fact that within four weeks of its launch, the number of G+ users shot up to 18 million.

Over the years, Twitter and Facebook have managed to carve a niche in net based marketing but the opportunities of World Wide Web are immense, therefore paving the way for another internet giant-Google to come out with their advanced and user friendly social networking site called Google plus which is designed to emerge as an enormous social media marketing tool with added emphasis on people’s privacy and sharing of information to various degrees.

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Digital Approach

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The Online Local Media Scene Developments

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Currently in KSA, we are embracing

Search(SEM & SEO?)

Bloggers Outreach(Blogs, Forums)

Social Networks(FB, Twitter & linkedin)

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Let’s go back to numbers…

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In numbers

Search(SEM & SEO)

Bloggers Outreach(Blogs, Forums)

Social Networks(FB, Twitter,

linkedin & youtube)

15M searches per day in the middle east

91% of Saudis use search engines to gather information online

The reach of these 4 websites combined stands at 68% of KSA internet users

Youtube is the most visited entertainment website in KSA (4.8 M users)

KSA ranked no. 1 country in the world in terms of blogging & forums usage

KSA blogs & forums reach in KSA stands at 73%

Source: Internet World Stats, Social bakers & Adplanner

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KSA Internet reach and availability



Yes No



Yes No



Home Friends' Home Work School/College Internet Café Others


Availability at home Primary Place of access

internet accessibility is 85%, and the penetration of

internet at home is 79%, both of which are much higher

than predicted by conventional sources

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KSA Online Users DemographicsGender Nationality

Age Marital Status



Males Females



Saudi Nationals Expats





15-24 yrs 25-34 yrs 35-44 yrs 45+ yrs




Single Married with children Married without children Divorced/Widdow

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• More than 80% of internet users access the internet at least once a day• KSA internet users are adept at interacting with multiple media at the

same time, especially during 1600 hours to 0100 hours.• 90% of KSA internet users use the internet in the Arabic language and

10% use it in English• Internet has emerged as the main source of information and news (In

fact 63% of KSA users say that the internet is a replacement for print media as a source of information)

• Almost 81% of online users find online advertising interesting and 39% of them click on ads

Online Users Key Insights

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Understanding our Target Audience (Youth & Females)

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Reasons for surfing the web B


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6% 5%3%

1% 1% 1% 1%




12% 17%

16% 15%13% 13%




9% 8% 8% 8%5% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2%

Primary Secondary

Base: All Pop

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Frequency of usage of Internet








Daily (7 days a week) Almost daily (6 - 5 days a week) 4 - 3 days a week 3 - 2 times a week 2 - 1 days a week Less than that

Page 45: Online Review & Social Media. 5 Huge Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore.

Internet in day to day life

Using the Internet is fun & entertaining

The Internet helps to keep me up-to-date with the latest news

The Internet definitely helps me to do my job better

I need the Internet to stay in touch with people

The Internet is an important educational tool

The internet reflects liberation

Blogs are an excellent way to get information about products and services

I think the internet has helped me enhance my social life

I don"t think I can survive without internet access

I think the internet is a replacement for print media for news sources

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%



















































Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree

Page 46: Online Review & Social Media. 5 Huge Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore.

• In general 55% of the users agree that the internet stands for liberation and self-expression, resulting with the high interest in blogs.

• 90% of Saudi internet users use the internet in the Arabic language and 40% use it in English.

• Internet has emerged for TP TA as the main source of information and news

(In fact 63% of Saudi ‘s say that internet is a replacement for print media as a source of information)

• Blogging is an integral part of Saudi’s online experience.• Almost 81% of our online users find online advertising interesting and

39% of them click on ads, the main barrier is the safety of sharing information like credit card number, etc…

Executive Summary

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Proposed Designs

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2. The Big Picture

Smartest Media will develop and maintain all the Facebook Pages and keep them all under one umbrella which is INDOMIE.


1. Share Links between pages2. Show the Brand Name all around the Pages3. Share the website link4. Share Photos and Videos

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2. The Big Picture

HOW SOCIAL MEDIA CAN IMPACT YOUR BUSINESSUsing social media is a great way to make your business seem friendlier and to form closer relationships with your customers. By engaging in social media, your company can interact directly with customers and by creating interesting and useful content you can position yourself as an expert in your field. DRIVE WEBSITE TRAFFIC AND ENCOURAGE RECOMMENDATIONSIt's quick and easy to set up a company profile on the major social media sites and then start publishing your own content. If your content is interesting, other users will share it with their friends, which will generate interest in your business and click-throughs to your site. Such personal recommendations are a highly effective way to promote a business and using social media has the potential to massively expand your reach.

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2. The Big Picture

GET INSTANT CUSTOMER FEEDBACKSocial media is not just a way to talk to your customers, but also a great way to listen. By monitoring what people are saying about you on Twitter, blogs and other social networking sites and talking to customers directly, you can get real time feedback on what customers are thinking about your products and services. Lots of free tools exist for monitoring and listening on the social web, including Google Alerts.

BROADCAST NEWS, ARTICLES AND OFFERSto' articles and videos: Demonstrate your knowledge of your products and provide useful information that other users will want to share.Competitions: Competitions generate lots of excitement and are fun to do.Company news: Publish interesting news and developments about your company. You might, for example, post news about awards won or even a picture of a team fundraising event to give a feel for the people behind your brand.Product launches and reviews: Keep your customers up to date with your latest products and make product recommendations.Special offers: Everyone loves a bargain so share frequent special offers exclusively with your social media connections.

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2. The Big Picture

MARKETINGTo promote this social media initiative, INDOMIE will place prominent links to its social media accounts on its web page and all future marketing materials. The web site’s home page will receive a facelift to reflect these additions, with clearer navigation and several strong calls to action. Once INDOMIE’s social media presence has been established, it can consider hosting giveaways, contests and other social media events that will spread news of its existence virally across the net.

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Steps that needs to be accomplished:

1) Open Page – As a company, you should open a Social Network page. We have often seen the mistake of many companies opening a group or a personal profile for a company. Social Network has created Social Network pages for commercial companies to be able to carry on conversations with their consumers. Pages (unlike personal profiles or groups) enable brands to view insights such as fans demographics, number of interactions with fans, etc. Insights which are a necessary part of evaluating and assessing your brand’s marketing activities.


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2) Content is king – When we’re initially building your Social Network page, we should fill it up with interesting and relevant content. Content doesn’t need to be specifically about the brand. Our team will find insightful articles that have to do with your company’s vision and perspective and post them. Add dynamic content such as screenshots of highlighted areas on your site, videos of explaining your service, stuff that people would be able to look at when they make the decision of joining your fan page or not. We want to make sure that before we start inviting people to our page, we will have good high quality content to show them. We will make sure to continuously upload great content to our page on a daily basis so that fans will want to see our page on their news feed when they open up their Social Network in the morning.

3) Networking – After we’ve uploaded enough interesting content, suggest our page to relevant members in your network. Obviously the more of a social networker we are and the more connections you’ve already managed to attain in your personal network, the easier this step will be. Keep building your network of connections for the future.


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4) Find your target audience - Finding the people within Social Network that will take an interest in your brand and in our campaigns and make sure they know our page exists. In today’s world wide web, people are getting more and more used to information finding them and not vice versa. Those brands that have understood this point and are reaching out to their target audience within Social Network and creating relationships with these individuals, are already placing the competition at a huge disadvantage.

5) Keep the conversation awake – We will create live discussions on the page by both utilizing the status feature and also the discussions app.


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6) Excite people about your brand again and again - We will create frequent contests and special campaigns for fans to take part in and reward them for their participation with either social or monetary incentives that have to do with your brand. In this manner we are ensuring that those people who enter the contest are potential future clients who take a true interest in the products.

7) Create a Welcome tab – A Social Network page that says “Welcome” to all the new comers is both welcoming and a good opportunity to let them know what they can find on the page. We will utilize it to express the benefits of joining our page, promote special campaigns we’ve got going on at the moment.

8 ) Bring Value - We will create other tabs that are relevant to the brand – for example, a “Reserve Online” tab , a “Order Online” … We should build fun applications for fans and potential fans that will not only help us create exposure for the brand but will also give added value to the users who install it.


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9) Utilize Social Network’s Insights - How many interactions did we have with fans this week? How many people commented on the posts? Where are our fans located? Are they mostly female or male? The answers to these questions will of course enable us to make better use of your page plan of future activities.

10) Increase the exposure - Promote the Social Network page on the email signature, on the homepage, in other social networks that we will be a part of and in all outgoing materials to bloggers and journalists. Let the employees and customers know about the page so that they can become a part of the conversation.Building a good, solid Social Network page may look easy and it is the best Social Network pages that excel at making it look so easy, however, maintain an online community is not at all easy. Just like any community, it has needs and thoughts and opinions and as administrators of a Social Network page we are responsible for keeping its interest.


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Part 4: Launching/Media Strategy

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Before we write our first post, there are several things we need to do.

1. Pick a namePicking a name is no trivial matter. We should make sure that we pick a name that is consistent with what our customers know us by so that they’ll find us when running a search.

2. Pick a vanity URLIf you want to easily promote your Facebook Page, you need a URL that is easy to put into emails and on fliers. You need a vanity URL for EX: www.facebook.com/indomieksa

4.1 Facebook

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3. Update The About sectionA simple way to drive traffic to your website is to update the About section under the Cover Photo. It is one of the few areas that allows us to hyperlink, and we can use this to our advantage.

4. Tell the story with a cover photoA picture tells a thousand words. The 851×315 cover photo will tell prospective fans whether we’re worth Liking or not.

5. Promote The PageInvite friends and family;Invite current customers;Create signage at your store with a call to action to Like the Page!Add a call to action to the receipts;Add a Facebook Like box to the website.

4.1 Facebook

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6. Tag other PagesA good way to build the network is by building relationships with other brands. One way to push this along is by starting conversations with these brands or sharing their content with your fans.

7. Target by RegionSchedule a post for people in a completely different time zone , Target by country!

8. Shared PhotosWe should make sure that we share photos to the Timeline. Studies have shown that Facebook users interact with photos and videos more than any other type of content.We don’t need to share professional photos here. We could share photos we’ve taken with our phone, a screen grab, whatever. But visual is always better. Tell a story with pictures!

4.1 Facebook

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9. Link ThumbnailsWhen we share links, whether to our site or someone else’s, we will makesure that there is a relevant thumbnail associated with it!This is one of the biggest mistakes we see regularly when it comes toFacebook marketing. If there is no thumbnail, no one will share it.It looks sloppy and fans are much less likely to interact with it.

10. Be InterestingWe should not use the Facebook Page as a PR tool. The fans don’t want to constantly hear about how great we are. They don’t want every new post to be about another product. Being interesting is all about being human. The fans don’t want to follow a robot. They will not interact with a brand.

They respond to people. We will share interesting and helpful information that the fans will value. Get personal while remaining professional. If we make the priority of our page to be about our fans instead of about us, we’ll be on the right path.

4.1 Facebook

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11. Deals, Discounts and OffersThe one thing fans and prospective fans want more than anything else is access to deals and discounts.We also suggest making it so that there are separate views for fans and non-fans. Indicate that access to these deals is available by liking the page, providing motivation.

12. Contests and PromotionsPeople love contests. Highlight a photo or video contest in one of the tabs. Always make it so that only fans can participate, providing separate view for non-fans requiring them to like the page first.

13. SubscriptionsEmbed a form that allows users to subscribe to the weekly newsletter.

4.1 Facebook

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14. Ways to ContactFans can contact us through Facebook Messaging now. We should make the address, phone number and email address available in the description of the company. It’s a good idea to create a tab that details all of the places you are on social media so that fans can follow you there as well.

15. Announce Specials as UpdatesIt could be once per day or once per week, but set a regular schedule when we can announce a new special. Maybe it’s the “Sale Item of the Week.” Maybe it’s your “Happy Hour Specials of the Day.” Or maybe it’s simply “20% off of meals for Facebook Fans only!”

Like we said, exclusivity isn’t required. As a restaurant in a business district, announce every morning what your lunch specials are. You’ll be amazed at how that impacts your lunch rush.

4.1 Facebook

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16. Facebook OffersA fantastic tool available to businesses small and large is Facebook Offers. You can create an official Offer through the Facebook Publisher tool and set a description, “good through” date, number available and terms and conditions.

When someone claims an Offer, they will be sent an email verification that they would then take to your store for redemption. Claiming the Offer would also go into their friends’ News Feeds and Tickers, thereby providing the chance of it going viral.

4.1 Facebook

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17. Targeting Ads at Non-FansThis is what most people think of when discussing Facebook ads.You create an ad that provides some features or benefits of your page and finish with a call to action to like.Pretty basic stuff. But many brands fail to optimize their ads and therefore don’t reach the success they should. Here are some important factors when creating these ads:

1) Imagery: Don’t rely on your logo. Close-up images of faces work best.2) Copy: Be short and to the point. Show value quickly. End with a call to action (“Click Like for…”)3) Offer something of value in exchange for a Like. Creating an ad talking about how great you are isn’t going to be enough. Offer something of value in exchange like exclusive deal. 4) Focus evaluation of these ads on Cost per Like. The click through really doesn’t matter. In the end, all you should care about is how much it costs you to get each new fan.

4.1 Facebook

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18. Targeting Ads at FansDon’t stop at targeting non-fans. There is value in targeting your current fans as well.A well-known and controversial number floating around is 16%: the percentage of Facebook fans who see any one of your posts.

Fans are also going to be much more willing to interact with your ad than non-fans. They recognize your profile photo. They know who you are and trust you. It’s a great way to make sure that your important posts are never missed.

4.1 Facebook

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First things first. Who are you trying to connect with?

1. Describe your target audience on Twitter. If you’re not an active participant on Twitter, then research. Do the homework and write it down, including Twitter handles of actual target users. If you’ve been able to go so far as develop a persona that represents your customers that spend time on Twitter or social media sites in general, that’s even better.The first step in scoring is knowing all about the goal.

2. What outcomes are expected from Twitter participation? Besides being able to say you have 50,000 followers, of course. Incidentally, we experiment with Twitter accounts and those that have a substantial number of followers do not always result in the the most retweets and web site visits. This is important in the fans/friends/followers game. It’s not how many connections you have, it’s who you’re connected with that determines the propagation of tweets, spread of links, traffic, etc.

4.2 Twitter

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Where does Twitter fit in?

3. Where does Twitter fit within your overall online marketing strategy? Is Twitter meant to be a customer service tool? Brand monitoring? Monitoring for sales opportunities? Promotion of other corporate social activities? (ie blogging, Facebook, YouTube, Etc) Does it support some other communications function?.

As a communications and social networking tool, Twitter can connect with customers, prospects, journalists, employees, candidates, investors and marketing partners. Understanding where Twitter fits within the overall mix of online marketing and communications will help with: allocating monitoring and engagement resources, establishing a working social media policy, workflow management and reporting. You may very well find a number of synergies available through Twitter, such as connecting with journalists and bloggers for PR purposes but also encouraging link usage when citing the company to assist with SEO efforts.

4.2 Twitter

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Measure twice, Tweet once.4. Measurement with Twitter can be tricky such as identifying referrers via various URL shortening services, but it’s the most important. By “measurement”. Followers is just one dimension. Based on what the brand is trying to achieve, a mix of data points and measurement tools should be implemented. Some example metrics:

Tweets publishedRetweets & potential reach from those retweetsNew targeted Twitter users that are followed by the brand’s Twitter accountNew followers of the brand’s Twitter account acquiredDirect traffic from Twitter to brand’s web pages. URL shortening services should be used like bit.lyMentions of the brand in Tweets without linksHow many lists the brand Twitter account is included inWhat new Twitter users has the brand’s Twitter account added to it’s own organized lists?How many engagements or discussions the brand’s Twitter account has with other usersConnections (follow, retweet, @message, DM) with targeted Twitter users

4.2 Twitter

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Bogs being created every day, it’s a mystery to many bloggers how to make their blog stand out. There are many types of blogs or purposes for blogs and a certain number of tactics are applicable to just about all of them.

The main marketing strategies tips for creating a blog are:

1. Enable automatic trackback and ping functionality.2. Create Feedburner Pro account and enable feed tracking.3. Setup a Google account for Sitemap, validate and prep for future submission.4. Identify authoritative blogs, web sites and hubs for outbound resource links and blogroll.5. Format archived posts, related posts.6. Enable statistics for tracking – Google Analytics, ClickTracks.7. Submit RSS feed and Blog URL to prominent RSS and Blog directories / search engines.8. Engage in an ongoing link building campaign.

4.3 Blog

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9. If podcast or video content are available, submit to Podcast and Vlog directories.10. Submit blog url to paid directories with categories for blogs – Yahoo, BOTW, bCentral,

WOW, JoeAnt.11. Optimize and distribute a press release announcing blog.12. Request feedback or reviews of your blog in relevant forums, discussion threads. If you

have a resourceful post that will help others, point to it.13. Research and comment on relevant industry related blogs and blogs with significant

centers of influence.14. Post regularly. Each post must be unique and high value.15. Monitor inbound links, traffic, comments and mentions of your blog – Google Alerts,

Technorati, Blogpulse, Yahoo News, Ask Blogs and Feeds.16. Always respond to comments on your blog and when you detect a mention of your blog

on another blog, thank that blogger in the comments of the post.

4.3 Blog

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17. Make contact with related bloggers on AND offline if possible.18. When making blog posts always cite the source with a link and don’t be afraid to mention

popular bloggers by name. Use keywords in the blog post title, in the body of the post and use anchor text when you link to previous posts you’ve made.

19. Use social networking services, forums and discussion threads to connect with other bloggers. If they like your stuff, they will link to you.

20. Remember when web sites were a new concept and the sage advice to print your web address everywhere you print your phone number? The same advice applies for your blog.

21. Once your blog has 1000 or more subscribers, show your Feedburner badge22. Host images with Flickr making sure to include an anchor text link in the image description

back to the post where the image is used.23. Use your blog to gain press/media credentials at relevant industry conferences and use

the event to create content, connections and increase your knowledge.

4.3 Blog

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1. The Test Tube on YouTubeLook at your YouTube channel as a new, exciting learning lab. Be malleable in your approach to both the content and design of the channel. Don’t be concerned with acquiring thousands of friends and subscribers right away. Use this time to test, gather insights, and see what works for your brand and what doesn’t. Unlike your company’s website and traditional marketing collateral, the look and feel of the channel can be changed, tweaked and optimized without a huge investment of time and money.

2. Be a Social Media ExpertThink of your YouTube channel as an extension of your brand that lives and breathes. You’ll need someone like us who is dedicated to tending to that page, building your audience by reaching out to fans, and managing your profile online.


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3. Don’t Just Re-purpose Old ContentYou should post your television commercials online, but don’t let that be the only content on the channel. Remember that television commercials are designed for a one-way medium, and that while audiences may want the ability to see your commercials on-demand, if that’s all you have to offer, they will never visit your channel again.

And don’t just post your commercial and 15 derivative videos about the making of it, or “director’s cuts” of the same, unless they have legitimate value as content in their own right. YouTube is an opportunity for your brand to go beyond traditional “push” marketing tactics and to create videos that address multiple audiences and a variety of consumer needs.


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4. Broadcast Your Best SelfMake the feature reel on the channel the most entertaining or best piece of content that you have. If a viewer visits your channel, you’ll only have one chance to impress them with your content, so if you don’t entertain them or offer some overwhelmingly valuable information, you’ll lose an opportunity.

5. Juice Your Marketing: Extract Extra ValueTry to integrate your YouTube channel into the rest of your marketing programs and cross reference/promote your content. You can extract more value out of your event marketing if you think about ways to co-produce video content. Remember, integrating marketing channels and initiatives is well known for producing a campaign “multiplier effect.” Whether it’s video shot at a trade show or a promo for an upcoming event, just make sure that the video is well produced and edited for length.


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1. Create a Powerful Profile on Google PlusThis seems to be the most obvious step to start with but your online marketing success on Google will largely depend upon how good your Google+ profile looks. It is said that first impression is the last impression, so, take the first step and create a Google Plus profile in your name. Choose a nice profile picture that reflects your identity. Avoid putting your own website or product screenshot as a profile picture. Remember that customers like having friends, not companies publicizing products or services.

2. Add Your Company InformationThe most crucial step will be to put all relevant information about your company, product and services on your profile. Write about what you do and how people get benefited by your services. It is not a bad idea to include future plans. You must guard against making your profile appear robotic or like an organizational monster. People hate seeing selfish businesses trying to intrude in their personal space or entice them into making deals.


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4. Share on StreamThis is your place to share and interact with other Google+ users for intensive Google Plus Marketing. Post important information and news updates about your company here.

5. Showcase Your Pictures and VideosPeople like to see before they believe. Putting a nice collection of photos and videos about your business will be a good idea. When people visit a profile, most of the time, they check the photos and videos in the first place. An attractive album capturing all facets of your business can work wonders for your reputation. Do not forget to tag those who you would like to inform about a picture or video.

6. Plus One Button - An idea that will change everythingRecently Google introduced "+" button in its search results. The idea behind a + button is very close to Like button on Facebook. This one single innovation here will change the way people market their business on Internet very soon. As Google suggests, every + 1 will be considered as an actual vote given by an individual to a website


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7. Exploit the G + Technology and Rank HighThis is probably the most important and significant piece of information you can ever get. Well, as we talked about the +1 Metric, you must focus on getting +1 votes from people around you. To achieve this, post updates via Streams and encourage your friends to cast + votes on your posts regularly. Be innovative and fun while doing this or be ready to face cold response from people.

8. Finally - The Advantage of Being A Part Of Google NetworkThe notification system of Google + is the most efficient and exhaustive ever. You could be browsing any of the sites under Google’s wings but you’ll never miss updates from their networking site. This is a major reason why people will spend more and more time on Google.

The Google EffectGoogle Plus Marketing will impact your online presence significantly as Google has more users that any others site in the world.


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The following sample marketing plan requires two to three people to serve as online “voices” for INDOMIE.

Each spokesperson should ultimately have:A written, step-by-step guide to tasks and responsibilitiesA daily and/or weekly schedule of when each task must be completedA clear expectation of the time and commitment necessary to complete each task Content such as blog and Twitter posts can be approved ahead of time. Spokespeople should, however, have the freedom to post short online comments, answer e-mails and make referrals as they deem appropriate. (This may require creation of an ethics book or some other document to guide individual responses.) Ideally, each spokesperson’s voice will evolve over time so that readers become familiar with his or her personality. One spokesperson may be outgoing and passionate about prevention, for example, while another is more formal and academically focused.This will improve accessibility to INDOMIE resources by helping visitors relate to the spokespeople and feel comfortable contacting them for more information.

Note on INDOMIE Spokespeople

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Idea 1:Ability to order online to any of the designated stores Idea 2:Geolocator for all the branched across the Kingdom.

Idea 3: CompetitionUsers should post images of their favorite meals taken and the owner of the picture with most likes will win valuable prices. Idea 5: Competition - GAMEThe Game will be a Race where the user should deliver INDOMIE packs on time to the client while trying to avoid all obstacles. This game will have many levels of difficulty, in addition it will be directly Linked with the FB Profile of the user. The Above are only some few thoughts of what we will be developing, more ideas will be presented every month to be incorporated on the Social Pages.

Social Media Applications

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