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Oojs 1.1

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In JS: CLASS Constructor FN new FN() => FN() { this } FN = CLASS (FN = FN, FN = DATA) Objects Prototype / __proto__ Inheritence Rewriting / Augmenting built in objects
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OOJS Object Oriented Programming in Java Script >> text and code snippets from a great book >> Object-Oriented Java Script >> by >> Stoyan Stefanov
Page 1: Oojs 1.1

OOJSObject Oriented Programmingin Java Script

   >> text and code snippets from a great book

>> Object-Oriented Java Script>> by

>> Stoyan Stefanov


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Main Topics


ObjectsPrototype / __proto__Inheritence

Rewriting / Augmenting built in objects

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JavaScript has many uses for functions, where most programming languages

have a special syntax for some object-oriented features, JavaScript just uses functions.

 [BASIC CONCEPTS ABOUT FUNCTIONS]more parameters -> ignored  less parameters -> undefined  N.B.

An arguments array is created automatically inside each function.  

>>> function args() { return arguments; } >>> args(); [] >>> args( 1, 2, 3, 4, true, 'ninja'); [1, 2, 3, 4, true, "ninja"]


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global variables -describes variables you define outside of any function

local variables -which are defined inside a function

N.B. It is also important to note that if you

don't use var to declare a variable, this

Variable is automatically assigned global


>>> function f(){ local=2; } >>> local; ERROR >>> f(); >>> local; 2


A local variable overwrites any global variable with the same name.

GOOD PRACTISE - have less global var. 

var a = 123; function f() { alert(a); //undefined var a = 1; alert(a); } f();

Scope of Variables

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How to define constructor functions which can be used to create (construct) new objects.

Inside function invoked with new you have access to the value this = contains the object to be returned by the


Augmenting (adding methods and properties to) this object = add functionality to the object being created.

function ConstructorFn (name){

this.name = name; // publicage = ‘’; // privatethis.sayHi = function() { return ‘Hi! Im am ’ + this.name; }

}var vObj = new ConstructorFn(‘Vali’);vObj.name; vObj.sayHi(); // sayHi=reference, ()=execute

In JS: CLASS <=> Constructor FN

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JavaScript programs run inside a host environment (the browser for example).

Now that you know about objects, it is time for the whole truth:

- host environment provides a global object- all global variables are properties of the global object

If your host environment is the web browser, the global object is called window.


// global variable >>> var a = 1;  >>> window['a'] >>> window.a  

The Global Object

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Let's go back to the case where you define a constructor function and call it without the new operator.


>>> function Hero(name) {this.name = name;} >>> var h = Hero('Leonardo');  >>> typeof h "undefined"

>>> typeof h.name h has no properties  

In such cases this refers to the global object and all properties set with this become properties of window.

 >>> name "Leonardo"

>>> window.name "Leonardo"

The Global Object

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Imagine the String() constructor didn't exist. Create a constructor function MyString() that acts like String() as closely as possible.

function MyStringConstructor(str){

var _self = this; // this in some context may refer to other object

_self.length=0; // public properties


/* self invoking or call expl - init(str); executed when object instanciated */

( function(str){

_self.length = 0; _self.string = str; var i=0; while( _self.string[i] ) { //self.i = takes i as literal, not


_self[i] = _self.string[i];

i++; } _self.length=i; }


Rewriting built-in objects

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_self.toString = function(){ return _self.string; }; _self.charAt = function(index){

validate(index,'index'); return _self[index]; }; _self.concat = function(str){ return _self.string + str; }; _self.slice =



validate(index1,'index');validate(index2,'index2');if (index2<0)

index2=_self.length + index2 -1;

var slice = '';for(var i=index1;i<=index2; i++){ if (_self[i]) slice +=

_self[i];}return slice;};

Rewriting built-in objects

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// private inner function (as local var), no this operator

validate = function(val, rule){ switch(rule){ case 'index': if(val > _self.length || val < 0 ){ throw new Error('Index must be < '+ _self.length + ' and > 0.'); } case 'index2': if(val > _self.length || val < -_self.length ){ throw new Error('2nd index must be < '+

_self.length + ' and > +-'+_self.length); } }};} //close constructor fn

Rewriting built-in objects

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http://jsbin.com/agadaf/9/edit(open js & console tabs)

var sObj = new MyStringConstructor('rodica');





console.log(sObj.concat(' is coding')); console.log(sObj.slice(1,3));console.log(sObj.slice(0,-2));

Rewriting built-in objects

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The prototype Property

The functions in JavaScript are objects and they contain methods and properties.


Methods : apply(), call() .Properties : length, constructor , prototype.


>>> function foo(a, b){return a * b;} >>> foo.length 2 >>> foo.constructor Function() >>> typeof foo.prototype "object" // <=> foo.prototype = {}

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Adding Methods and Properties Using the Prototype

function Gadget(name, color) { this.name = name; this.color = color; this.whatAreYou = function(){ return 'I am a ' + this.color + ' ' +

this.name; } }  Adding methods and properties to theprototype property of the constructor function is another way to add functionality to the objects:


Gadget.prototype.price = 100; Gadget.prototype.rating = 3; Gadget.prototype.getInfo = function() { return 'Rating: ' + this.rating + ',

price: ' + this.price; };

>>> var newtoy = new Gadget('webcam', 'black');

 >>> newtoy.name; "webcam"  >>> newtoy.whatAreYou(); "I am a black webcam"  >>> newtoy.price; 100  >>> newtoy.getInfo(); "Rating: 3, price: 100"

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prototype is "live"

you can modify the prototype at any time and all objects (even those created before the modification) will inherit the changes.

// add a new method to the prototype Gadget.prototype.get = function(what) { return this[what]; };  >>> newtoy.get('price'); 100 >>> newtoy.get('color'); "black“

The own property takes precedence over the prototype's. 

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Overwriting Prototype's Property with Own Property

The own property takes precedence over the prototype's.

function Gadget(name) { this.name = name; } Gadget.prototype.name = 'foo';  >>> var toy = new Gadget('camera'); >>> toy.name; "camera"  >>> delete toy.name; true  >>> toy.name; "foo"

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Enumerating Properties

propertyIsEnumerable() ; hasOwnProperty();   

// constructor fn

function Gadget(name, color) {   this.name = name;   this.color = color;   this.someMethod = function(){return 1;} } Gadget.prototype.price = 100; Gadget.prototype.rating = 3;  

// new objvar newtoy = new Gadget('webcam', 'black');  for (var prop in newtoy) { // if (newtoy.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {  console.log(prop + ' = ' + newtoy[prop]);        // }} name = webcam color = black someMethod = function () { return 1; } price = 100 rating = 3 

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Not all properties show up in a for-in loop. For example, the length (for arrays) and constructor properties will not show up. The properties that do show up are called enumerable.


>>> newtoy.hasOwnProperty('name') true >>> newtoy.hasOwnProperty('price') false  

>>> newtoy.propertyIsEnumerable('name') true >>> newtoy.propertyIsEnumerable('constructor') false  

Any properties coming down the prototype chain are not enumerable:  >>> newtoy.propertyIsEnumerable('price') false  Note, however, that such properties are enumerable if you reach the object contained in the prototype and invoke its propertyIsEnumerable().  

>>> newtoy.constructor.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable('price') true

Enumerating Properties

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This method tells you whether that specific object is used as a prototype of another object.


// object monkey var monkey = { feeds: 'bananas', breathes: 'air' };  // Human() constructor fn function Human(name) { this.name = name; } Human.prototype = monkey;  >>> var george = new Human('George'); >>> monkey.isPrototypeOf(george) true


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You can change monkey and all instances will inherit the change:

>>> monkey.test = 1 1

>>> george.test 1

Now let's completely overwrite the prototype object with a brand new object:

>>> Human.prototype = {paws: 4, hair: true};

 It turns out that our old objects do not get access to the new prototype's properties; they still keep the secret link pointing to the old prototype object:  

>>> george.pawsundefinedAny new objects you create from now on will use the updated prototype:

>>> var newHuman = var Human();>>> newHuman.paws4

Change / Overwrite Prototype

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__proto__ is not the same as prototype:

__proto__ is a property of the instances, whereas prototype is a property of the constructor functions.  The secret link is exposed in Firefox as the __proto__ property , it does not

exist in Internet Explorer . 

>>> var developer = new Human();  >>> typeof developer.__proto__ "object"  >>> typeof developer.prototype "undefined"  

The Secret __proto__ Link

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Can you get from the developer object to the prototype object? Well, you could, using constructor as the middleman, so having something like developer. constructor.prototype should point to monkey. The problem is that this is not

very reliable, because constructor is more for informational purposes and can easily be overwritten at any time. You can overwrite it with something that's not even an object and this will not affect the normal functioning of the prototype chain. 

>>> developer.constructor = 'junk' "junk" >>> typeof developer.constructor.prototype "undefined"  It seems like the prototype is now all messed up ...but it isn't, because the developer

still breathes "air":  

>>> developer.breathes "air" >>> developer.__proto__ Object feeds=bananas breathes=air  

You should use __proto__ only for learning or debugging purposes.

The Secret __proto__ Link

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The built-in objects such as the constructor functions Array, String, and even Object, and Function can be augmented through their prototypes, which means that you can, for example, add new methods to the Array prototype and in this way make them available to all arrays. Let's do this.  

Array.prototype.inArray = function(needle) { /* this points to array obj, .length, [i] – are properties of the obj */

for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) { if (this[i] === needle) { return true; } } return false; }  Now all arrays will have the new method. Let's test:  >>> var a = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];

>>> a.inArray('red'); true >>> a.inArray('yellow'); false

Augmenting Built-in Objects

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What you consider a missing feature today and decide to augment a prototype for, might be a built-in method tomorrow.

However, what if you have already written a lot of code that uses the method and your method is slightly different from the new built-in implementation?

If you decide to augment the prototype of built-in objects with a new property, do check for existence of the new property first.


if (!String.prototype.reverse) { String.prototype.reverse = function() {

/* use array obj reverse method, pass to it the str split in array */

return Array.prototype.reverse.apply(this.split('')).join(''); } } >>> "Stoyan".reverse(); "nayotS"

Augmenting Built-in Objects

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In this illustration, an object A contains a number of properties. One of the properties is the hidden __proto__ property, which points to another object, B. B's __proto__ property points to C. This chain ends with the Object() object, which is the highest- level parent, and every object inherits from it.

 This is all good to know, but how does it help us? The practical side is

that when object A lacks a property but B has it, A can still access this property as its own. The same applies if B also doesn't have the required property, but C does. This is how inheritance takes place: an object can access any property found somewhere up the inheritance chain.


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Prototype chaining is the default way to implement inheritance, and is described in the ECMAScript standard.

JavaScript works with objects, not classes. You need to create an instance using the new Shape() constructor and after that you can inherit its properties.

// 3 constructor functions function Shape(){ this.name = 'shape'; this.toString = function() {return this.name;}; }  function TwoDShape(){ this.name = '2D shape'; } function Triangle(side, height) { this.name = 'Triangle'; this.side = side; this.height = height; this.getArea = function(){return this.side * this.height / 2;}; }  

// inheritance magicTwoDShape.prototype = new Shape(); Triangle.prototype = new TwoDShape();

