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·o·on - Memorial University of...

Date post: 09-Sep-2019
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.. VOLUME XXX. .. [TWO DOLLARS Pl!lll YEAR.] Local and other Items. .,.....,..,... -Tiut hritll'utioe Kulrel. aud l tbe barqutuiti••e Eoglaod for tbie port tbe weet.. hue tbo gooda for tbe apriug. tradu bere. . Tile btisrt. .tfrclic ia no• readJ for tbe Weat . IoJiee. Cole takea ebarK•• Capt. Allao remaiuiog aabore thia trip. · -AuotJter literary treat ia in atore for the c; 1 iz eoa llarb<.r Grace ues& Monday eveoioll wbllll in S' Paul's Hall th e Rn Mr Hood. 8 A, will duliver a popular lecture ou tbtt d your hel111 aod koep her full." e111Au'a utaliou as an eloquent platlbrm aufficieu' to giv! bim a full bouae. TU& Ic' E-Ftt!LUS. -'I'be steamer · t.\tr. c..;"pt. yesterday from tb li nlf to Meaert. Baiue Jol.toatoo with a full load of H•als. The Panlkr ie Mid to have taken ber II!AI<l ncar llird Rocke. briulfll the report 1 bQt tht! uptaiu bolla \lea the Mruliff waa on the t::. of a patch or boods It. is hoped that we ruport tnay be wciJ-fouudf'd. -'l' he S S &uger 1 Capt J Barb o&rrived at Sl J o hu'• 8t O.rl.lll)' wotuiug with a. full load or S! .LOO seals As will be aeen by tbe' c.loapalcb ro Greeoll· pond found elsewbcre, lbu IVai 01 Thuraduy a• .:ht :u r1ved at. Lh:&t place-toade . Shu reporra at.o lo11dod th e atcnmt ml Jf'auauar 1 llanger. Fal- C'OII and Kilt, aorl "" the tb tripe except tuu .4urura aod -·THI ; Hoos& OF ASSEliDLY.-Ou 'IUnrad" V th e liill we lt uuauitoou11 ly t-<1 uu by 1t select comruittee, withou1 A lieu11 Ul(t) th u l'rvllli,. r '""' 011 1 tul>l u t: uvc: ruor Ul nku'a to the of l'ila 'u iu co uuection with thu of tbtl lub· f:& c tory nt Jlaulio'1l l•o iut A 1\l 'l p eo. froco oar St. ,J nho·• co rr .: ll;•o •uf u••t plac.:a ho;fore . tb e J, co's readers aomo totere•liOJ( par- iu ceijp.:.•t Lo tl•e .Buclgott .. St. Jolm'8, 2 p.tn.., To-M.y. T ho l.nn. Rer .e i-t•er <>eoeral preauutei.IIJIII :)ud· ou 'l'buraday O!roloiog. Tho uxcesa of ruve on e uv .. r til tS is 1wo:nry-twu thou & '\nc.l tlol- ll\1 8. '('lie e8t1UII\tutl Wi deui!IIIIOOUS nuti Clllil0 tll8 for tlw is unu mi llion · ' o ur lnllldrctl ucul six rbuueand cl o llllr8, t • t: cXI•eodi· tnrc: one 111illion three lluutlrc:1 1111•1 !ft' VIl n rh<IJ 8 11!Jtl J'ho t.u e lf pi i\Cl' .. 19 l": r Ctlllt. nd 111\lt•n •u tlu•y 011 hr.. lto l •uol l•i6r. Uit ( 11ot &hip's l>iiiCUil) Juri teu ce:Jt uu bo il era, prupvllnrtl, wl\lerw ! .. ,. Ia. 11nd •"ll 41..U!Cp4../•n bo11ta Luilt. in the colu ••Y 1 llnd lor mille and factorira whiob are Tltu Houao iu Cowwittea of tbe Wh ole OD R.nbert A Goon. llt . U ., -tlti\O llnd Prnfenor of · 6nr ery of the Ooited Statu Uolleao EJitor of " Medieal Tr'ibouo," uye ov er uia o,.n ' addreaaiDfl tbtt proprietors of W aroers Cure : •· I be true to m1 coo17jotioua uoleas I a helpiug baud nod o ndoree .WI I L:uo,., t.o be J,tood and truatwort.by. Your di!@Criotiooe of dileaaa of the kiJney11 and liver 'hue thtt mt.dical profeuiou to tb e filet lof great iuereaae. PbJIWIQI bawe been elperiwtutaiiJ tbia diaeue, aod while casting aboQr. for aD reUledJ, thei.l hue died on &heir b.ndt ." ' By Telegraph. · Ball DrowniD.r Ouualty at Lady Lake . - On Tbonda;r Jut about foor o'oloct. a aad drowuiol{ caaoahy occurred a' L.oke bywbiob Mr. Jamu Shetohao, of tbe road bJ tbac oarue. an ootuuely end. The.,partioulara, a. rar aa we ban bee .o Able to gleaq them, are u rollo,r•: Mr. Sbeeban left hia home in tha earJr moro- inll bound the •ooda, for the pilrpOIIO of CU"" tinll aolue a.mall tiruber. Uo bla wa,. thhb er, as ia uapal with- the people dwelling to or near I he otighborllood, he Cr<!P4!d the ,pllild. Th o wu at time anfBctently atronll to allow a tranait io 93fety, altbouuh t1111 upp11r and IOII ' vr parte of the lake \YOre free. {rt tbe middle nu iee-uridJ(e of abont SOO JArda ·•id!!, reacbinJC from ebore to ahore. waa lvh., and thia tllla been used lately by tbe .o nod .moo Dorin(l the pre vioua oillbt tbere bod been oonaiderablo froet, '"wbich bad wbat wu alaahy mai'tU iuto a C011\pact mLM.' Subaequeotly, ow- inR to the warru air and A' little auo, •·itb the aotioa. or tbo waves frum tlul et rong breeze throughout tbe day, t his ruaaa render ed un- aafe, and in plaoea the tfle coverinll pould uol bo bot aaturated aoow. Atl about 1 SO o'clock. the ume day. two mea coming ac r oBS fell tbrough ue11.r tho place' wbure Sheohao met bi• aad fate; ooe or tbOill Willi wirb oifttculty rMOued, and WU broulfla to a. udJ.:hboriuiOt houao lf'bure he wu Cl)mpellcd to n: u1Kin becauso of the effeoltt of hie Th1:1 soon thl\t 1011111 men haJ f all11u io tht1 pou•l this broujlbt 801118 or the Of lhd rneu, tben in to the lal:c 111 ur..Je r to warD t ere nuout thtl ltiiiO of thu ice. AmOIIJ( othera bo we ot in waa :;ib.:elum auc.l aou, a'IKd of tS year11 ur Slwrtl.f th eir nr , 1n!\l , was at>en cou•lll:: 11crou .the poetrl ou 1\ eli de drnwn by twc, Jogs, wluch i1t1 luul tnk t ·n with him to givo au easy pR8811$tll 1\Croae tho 11\k U. ·1 lo u. 'vifu liMit.: unt; Wllrninll hor hUll· i.;ueul to uo IJ,.cL:, thl\t tho icot WM 1\ud 1\tiYi!h. •d Uilll lu j! CI llri)UO..J tUU fOOt Of the laku.• Tbu tn"u the hut 'Y')ether he under· stoud th.e words cauuut l.us aaio . HO'Wcver Kept 011 his wny. 1\ut.l whe•! 100 yftr•lll from thu ehorot, tuu alid.t witll t.l1e ruin Wl!nt throu..:u. li e lny o ut on 1uot l!lh.lu, 1\tlll w"' hnlf iu thu wi\ICr and lu tlf out. wifu ran Mid &larue · ed lbO liviUJ,! auOUt ODII·lbird of llmill! our on thu r<>ad. ln 11. sl.t :> rt time, u1en with 1: 111 · •lt: rs , lout:c ll'8 noJ . rupee. iu, 1\1 111 did ll\ 't'ry t hinS[ pu8!iule w effect n rui\C uc. A uutu with n lurlder J•H&binl-{ nud t.lrnwiu.c it :af.er hi•o reaoh t-d within 41) fe et · ; thu iCll wuulc uot •i!PJIOrt tGe ru•ti wu r? rCI!tl to rwturo. The ao ul tile 1111furtuptttu rnao triold, wit b11 .. ui& ieaulr.-tlu.- : lc.,. eo bl\?tbat It coulo 11o; autltl\iu thu letl.lt burclen. The men relllislug th11 dau .. or of tbe uufortuuatu msu'a position reaortt:d to cvc:ry meaua to 111 no him. '•itbOJlt ancoeae Sheehan waa uo'' a coneiderable tiloe iu tbo w&ter-upwarda of An hour. The wife aod aoo lfere fmutic to aee the huaband and f :uber slowly uat aurely "PIHOtLCb· iug, hie enJ, nod lhey to 8"'" him. Sheellao all tbe tiwa t.lid uot ut.t11r a wortl to be heard by lua frieo da. lu a fe.v mioutea, while the mea were a rutcue, he waa seen to alip and \ben auddeo lf to dlakppaar and wu uever afrerrrarda Pre•ioualy to thia. a boy wu aeo' to towo . for a boat, aod abort· 11 aftar &be mao bad gone down, a partJ of wen witb a boac. arrived. 'fho body could no' be recowored. J..ater on a aooond boa' wu taken io; abo.at nine o'oluck &he body waa brou.:h' to &be IQrface wltb a b waa couveJed out _,_ bJ aorrowloe frieoJa. . IIAUPA¥. M.S., 28.-Briah&died ,...,. l tb .. ..a. b tth I f I day aaor·=-•. 'l"bd fuaeral wUI lake place 00 . l .,le o, ..... 1 mea pruent a e t 1oe o t ee ..... ,. ClliWalt7 Uaa& &be ID&D aaaoambed to tbe ohilliug SaturdaJ. . elea&l or &be water .... d I bat be .... Jead or d,7- Roehclale Llaoola, -.. of Preelan• Liooolo; ioa aa the tim• be r..n back into UJe lall:e. Tha laaa beta American IDiat.ter &o Cina& IIOCIJ foaod oa the bottom aoder I btl boll' 1u Britain. aaclMara& Hai...W to GenuaJ. whiob be weo\ dowo, In about f1 fatboruaof wa.ler 61ad8tooe prucilel to a& dae Paroell a1 d · o0 banquet, J.oadoa, on April ltth. Tile plaoe •be• tbe caaa fJ oocume 111 1 moaotller 8abermeo wi&la atlll· prda off &be poiat to &lie of tbt1 "ruu uus factioa the uno•naoemean of the reoe"al of 1\. where We take CtSaceL A 1arae lao& leafe for Newfouudlaud The roueaueaa of tbe ice maJ bo irouiued for baiL from the fact that the rtoga. after beinl( Clll looae, Muca n.-Tbe reaohation OeD111riDir tbe go... fell LbroUKb &he ioe, 'bree or foar timea eromeut becaue il bad no' diaallowed the Je.ait they reached Lbe abore. l'Atatea Acl of Qnebee waadefeated laa& oilfhl Ia Mr. Sbeebam wu iu · hia 67th Jeer: wu •ell· tbe Houe of Co&um6ae only Lhir&eoCJ wotiutt for known ab:»u& kJwn ; wa1 e& •obtlr,ioduatrioua mao. it. No Catholic took pau in Che dt1batt1 excepl lie Ieana a wife, L•O aooa. aod Lwo daugb'«!r. one the Mioia&er of Jaatioe and \be leader of tbtt Up· of whom ia a widow. Whbiu tho put thro4)eara poaitioo. ...,; , tbia family llU been •lllit41d b,J aad otortality,- Fioaocial agita&IOD Ia Paria cootiooea. withio thac time eilt rua10bere of the faruily ban 'l'bere were aaicidea in llontecarlo bee., removed by t.leath;-theae were two iA t•o montbt. two daughter., aud two aont-'ia-law The fuoer· MARCH SO,-A atorm at Samoa wrecked &breo al 'Q( tho will take plAce to-morrow American and three \iermao abipa, pinty·lix (Soot.lay) at 2.80 frow bia.Jate relldeooe, t.d1 Germau dro•oed. Pond Road. 1 lu tbe ant aeaaion of t.be Britiah Cabinet i& --- it propoa4lld &ll iot.rodace a laod purcbaae echeme Oburch of llliaaion at Hear't'e ».· for &eland to bo followed by a loal g onromeo& ltgbt and Sotlly Oovo. bill making uteoaire obaufcea ta die atanagemeot uf ioteroal a.ffaira. The virtually , a.dopra liberal aoioniai ecbemo;, Y eaterday tbe fiouae of Commoua dnoted the whole .... ioa. to eologiea of Briabt. Smith, Uladatone, aocl Hartioctoa were Ule priocipal apeaker.. Lord Daoranu oompelee for Americao 'cap. Fre&tCb aD&Dim.lJIIJ deoided to · cole BoaJ. ... r. . ·A atpallo plot acatan the <!ar bu beeo dia· co•ered ; tbere bave beeo aamen.u a& OdNM, Mo.oow. aod liitff. · . Lo..t'FI'IItWr olltdaabara .. Ia dead A le.did• Swiill ...... OOIDIDllted taiofde OW• loa to 1011 a, • "'* •Jadloate. -- Your reader• will not· bue forgoUeo the late Church Mi11loo New Perlioao iu tbe Pariah Heer&'a Cooteu, . It IDaJ iotereal or &hem t.O know thar. a aimiliar work i1 uow beinl( c6rrled ou In other ,..u.lemeota of lbe aame parieb. 'l'be followloflll Ule echeme of work drawo op b)' &be Rn. A. C. W "'boroc, Tho work commeooed · at Ueart'a oa Toeeday, 26tb .Marob, aod corlbludea oa &tdr· daf, ; .aod a' dctill;r <Joye, 00Uliii8Poiot oa Suday, Slat March, eoda on l'banday, '"' April. Oo eadb daf "-e Mlaioa il at wt&b·a Re•. W. Dow. of oa npn1811!1 or CoDfMl6b.+ itrYioe, wblob ........ ao boar.- Ia tmcedla&eiJ ,... lllltfti0- 6oo bt, Hr. Weporott i lllea Ociaa• tu wbenaD&ioDI to I fllflher aaaiated JCeala :( SJl(GI& COi»J&S TWO· CENTS.) NUMBER iS B .. Mu' E. 0. G.. darllogchlld- W.aud Olu&lOald Weuer. aged 6 aaoollla. t 1 Real Eatate worUI .... .... '. 15.0CO 6.000 1 do .......... [. 2,000 2,000 1 . do ........... 1,000 1,000 ol do. .......... ISO() 2.000 10 ltoal .Eatatea .................. 800 s.ooo SO Furoi&are aieta . :.. ........... 200 .. 6 00(). At 2 p.m. GO . do . ......... ,... 100 8,00l 2u0 Gold Wato!Jea .... ........ 50. 10.000 On lb t7th loat,, at the Oot'a, O. Drowoed, In eroaalng Lady OG e,.nlog. 18th lo.L, lb. Jamea •ltaY PODCI road •pel 67yean .-R.l.P. . . · pa88BN(t ¥.RlZ.ES, VALUE 1000 Silver Watcbea ... ..... ....... 10 10.0(10 1000 'l'oile' Seta ....... .. ..... 6 Per 8.8 C-.cripl from HaiU r:o.,.ID«• JoDM, &frd, Llod Puloog, Baaru, io under tbe Act. of w,c.on, Rl.hnp hd ..., · Per Co.._ from Glugo..,.Kre Kltcbell, Kr 11nd Mra' lta.tb.INOo, IUUrt Latitfe, J Dawaoo, R B Blair llqrretrW, A S 'E 8l841r, J Ldleuurler.- T 0 Keooed7, Wonloy. Oeo beo, ,B2 Vic., cbap 86. for &he benefit of the Df. otecao &cle&iea of Col- oniz.Atiou of the pro\tioco of Quebec. TIOXBTS - - .. r ILOO Olfera are made to all wiooera to' pey theil' f"rizea cash, le• a commi.-loo of 10 p c. : Capital Prize-on Real Wiooer.' namei not publithed uoleu apeeialJJ. worth lllborized. · · Koowllog aod J (' Scraag. . )\ ' 000 00 8. B. LEFEBVRE, sec'retary: •· '111 ' OffieeL 19 St .• Monr-ntlll, ca. J?UBLICAUCTION --- THU_ RSDAY ' NEXT, Apl. 4, at 11 o'clock, on the premi.ees of . .. ... Messrs. Jillard Br,s.- C9., THE . : I THE . . . .. & · Twin ·o · Household Furniture, Bal- an . ce of Utensi18 & S.hop Fittings, Dry Goods, a. nd a Carriage. wtty Le aeen dn "application would call: attel;ltion ' to ' their the <!ay previous to 11rtlu son of1889. I By ot ·•ler <1f 'fH · ouR SrfANDARD HERRIN.G I NETS, 40 to 60 Rans, made from the H Shepard Gold ·Medal" 14/6 Twines, now l\rchS02i PROCLAMA\ f!ON. . almflst .exclusively adopted in the Maritime c·o D, & HERK.ING\ SEINES. B y UTIIORITY of & Prec.,pt froru their Jou .. and otuer Jue- ce" r our Lttdy tLtS Queeu, dlltetl Merchnnt and Fisherman. can depend a. Seine from US tha.t will fish well, haudlc eastly, and wear satzsfocttm.ly. . tht1 b doty of lhrch, l&s9, I r -> I give Notictt, tltllt n c:enPntl Qultrler Seuiooaot I lie t•eaco for tl1t1 AAicl IJis triut, ill ho holln iu . th!J Court I lo usu "' Brig•ts on UA th" day AJiril, ot Kl11teu o' cluck ·n th e Wb tl ll All K e.-ptl'l.l or ll t' t M .. j t,(8 auJ Con8tl\ltlut wit hill tilts s.id Vitt 1 rtot, and nil othtr IHl l'MOiut co •• ccroetl, are harub1 directed to goverur Accord;-.,giJ. . 1 .. f The Bank F.isbcrmen are now usmg arg e quanbttes o our . BRAND OF ·LINES .t Jt>'R'N •. . - Sheriff cqrpoN . NETTING iu Sheets, for Work and Repairs. Sberifl'a Office, llarbnr Grace, t Mftroh 27. 1AA9. · f $100] ONE [$100 Hundred Dollars Ca,sh -FOR- Half-Patent and Patent,' all sizes. In Newfouodll\ud . wbo aeod (until Slat .Taly) number of W oodilra Germao llalt.- inll Powdur (blu11) Wrappers, aa follows: WE are now ·prepared to supply all the abov.e at short notice and. our Newfoundland patrons can rely upon LO\YEST RA.TES, . Cor• respondence solicited and samples givoo. $50 tO the 26 ramiJju OACb 9e od iU!( \Vrap• per. repreaeoc.iog uot lt:a nlau tbao 1 1.20. . I 1842. : CAPITAL $350,000. . ONE $25 to the f•miliea ea Wrap· uot leaa valuo tbAa I a:rards at Boston, 1869, Philadelphia.. 1876, London Fish..- 1883. · . ceata. . ' HUNDRED $25 to l be 60 fllfuiliel eaoll aeoairg w:rap· per. repreaeutiog not leaa y&Juo tbao SO ceuta. American Net & Twine Co., New York Office, . 1.99 F,ultbn Street. Home 0./fo:e, 34 Commercial St., J FAMILIES. . Elkton, · W Your Groc11r CA" aell you WOODILL'S B & "'RD'S HAKINH POWUER, in peper pack· ,.Q..L ceote. FRENCH OINTMErtT · rire ,V, M. D·. PEARM N, 'fbl.tl iutmeot bu beeu usetlwhll PHCENIX Assurance · company N . .\. aucceu i tbe apeed;r eruplionl ariaiog LONDON. M\rch21 from .ao mpuro etato of tbe that may LOMBARD 81Rl£1£T & CHARING CROSS D C w. - M l:J 1 bave tl imparted by contae' w&UI d.-eaaed per· r D aooa. atever &ba eruption, or br eakiAg ottl I n ' 00 the eltin. may llch or Sail RNvm, DeXl.'t::l.&"t or &aid B d or Biug Wnrm or JlumtJN of an.,y . ' k.fod,a eure rt/kd.upoll. stimolatu bas arrived in town, 1\D-d may be consult- the actipo..of old or tu doleot Sorea. ed at Gordon Lodge. 1 obatiopte Sorea and Wouoda, &o., bealiog tbem Persons who are in ·1reed of his services meo;r cuea lm1uediately and soundly. will please call · as soon u pQSaible as his Pric;e. a& cent. a Box. At all Dealera. visit will be a .short one-. . , W· '!f CO. llnbor Gnoe. B MAaroh28IRDu 'S LJNIIENT- For Sale by Private Treaty TQAT W.ELlrKNOWN FA.RM co( E Lur'UMnl blame. . It trill C1IM JaiJJlj common 1 Oil ' tlaiHgr 'tla4l o oiMr rDiJL Jt u a JHUUI containi.og about. aix hundred acre' of Ltncl, 'tgel4lM COJapoud. / (en.e hundred ol which at'e under onltivation) . · . - - .,. by tlie b4W road• in the oountry. It ia oe1e¥atet1 for tbe core of. RHEUM A- Tbe RallwaJ Line to Ola• ke'• Beach ia aur.. TUJM. Paioa or lAmeoea io CbMt aod ve 1 ed rigb' c.brough s.be Thtt Side Sorenfll aad Sdtobel Ja sdffo... Gotdcla 'B.iyer alao llllle8 t.hroutrh it. to the joioll, Woaoct.. HI'GIIu. Cute aod .J-· bl .......... r ·u· 00 1 F ioae, Bolla. Ooroe and Feloat. TakcD l.utraallJ A mOM -•na e t-"'. a .w. • 8 "rl!l. U loataaUIJ NlieYee Plloa lo &be ' Jt no& eold bJ 'be &rat of June, wUI 1M" dt .• ObOJa aad Nerwou lleedlolae. Oolda ud Ooqbi tiderl11,_d aold ia I• Son Tlaroa&. l>lpbtlaerla.. 6o. · ApplJ to .,.. ... llol4 --- . IN 1782,. TRUSTEES .t Joaeph \Y m. Huendule, J!4iq. BoYill, .l:!:aq. 'fba Hoo. Ja&met Wt:g. .lo bo Clatt<>o, Eaq. ' Octavius l!i. Coope, EaCJ:! M.P. tieorge Arthur Obarlea B. Goodbar&, .Eaq. M. Rhode Hawklna, Eeq. · SirJobn J.ubboek, Ban., U.P., F.R.S. Ubarle11 'l'bomaa Lucaa, .Eaq. Cbarle1 J::aq. l'bo Hoo.l!:d•iu 8. l:'ortmau. Smith, .Eaq Wm. Jnme! Eaq. --- BON. JOllN J. BLOOIIIFUI.D 1 WtLLt•ll c. lhdDONALD,l P'u..NOJS fl. lliO.DONALDI r J.C,.t &crttanu - The engaROfDenta of tbU. 08ioe are guaran• teed by a Allruerou and ••lLiaJ Prvvrietary •ddition to a Lup mv•&ecl <10itel ; anrl tbe promptitude •nd liber"lity wt&\ wbioh olo&imc bate alwa71 been met, are *»·bown and aolrnowleclpd. · , 'no tnapor&alloe of 'he tndaa\ionl of the P}JmNIX FIB.E •J be ..Ucuted froa &Itt u.ar · i&l nllb' ...... .... _QOW .... ..



Local and other Items. .,.....,..,... ,,.,._ ~... ~........,...

-Tiut hritll'utioe Kulrel. audl tbe barqutuiti••e B.,.btatW. lef~ Eoglaod for tbie port tbe pu~ weet.. 'lb~a~~ v~~~Mia hue tbo gooda for tbe apriug. tradu bere. .

Tile btisrt . .tfrclic ia no• readJ for tbe Weat . IoJiee. Cap~ Cole takea ebarK•• Capt. Allao remaiuiog aabore thia trip. ·

-AuotJter literary treat ia in atore for the c;1izeoa ~r llarb<.r Grace ues& Monday eveoioll wbllll in S' Paul's Hall the Rn Mr Hood. 8 A, will duliver a popular lecture ou tbtt aubj~c~­

d your hel111 aod koep her full." 'l'h~Y, e111Au'a re~ utaliou as an eloquent platlbrm

tpea~ia aufficieu' to giv! bim a full bouae.

-~OX TU& Ic'E-Ftt!LUS.-'I'be steamer P~n · t.\tr. c..;"pt. B~trtlctt. ~~orriv11d yesterday from tb li nlf to Meaert. Baiue Jol.toatoo with a full load of H•als. The Panlkr ie Mid to have taken ber II!AI<l ncar llird Rocke. ~be briulfll the report 1bQt tht! uptaiu bolla \lea the Mruliff waa on the ~ t::. t~d:.:e of a patch or boods It. is hoped that we ruport tnay be wciJ-fouudf'd. -'l'he S S &uger1 Capt J Barb o&rrived at

Sl J ohu'• 8tO.rl.lll)' wotuiug with a. full load or S! .LOO seals

As will be aeen by tbe' c.loapalcb ro Greeoll· pond found elsewbc re, lbu IVai 01 Thuraduy a•.:ht :u r1ved at. Lh:&t place-toade . Shu reporra at.o lo11dod the atcnmtml Jf'auauar 1 llanger. Fal­C'OII and Kilt , aorl "" the rtll~ tb ~uod tripe except tuu .4urura aod l-Ag~."

-·THI; Hoos& OF ASSEliDLY.-Ou 'IUnrad" V the ~IAnltOuJ ~uffrn,.:o liill welt uuauitoou11ly r~:~j:tort· t-<1 uu by 1t select comruittee, withou1 a•ut~nllolunt A eh~rt lieu11 Ul(t) thu l'rvllli,. r '"" ' 011 1 b~ tul>lu t:uvc: ruor Ulnku'a deap~&tcu to the ~ort~lttry o f l'ila' u iu couuection with thu retuov.~l of tbtl lub· a1~r f:&ctory nt Jlaulio'1l l•oiut

A lt~l ucrum rcccivt~d 1\l 'l p eo. froco oar St. ,J nho·• corr.:ll;•o•ufu••t plac.:a ho;fore. tbe l:ITA~D· J,co's un•u t~ mthl readers aomo totere•liOJ( par­ticul~t18 iu ceijp.:.•t Lo tl•e .Buclgott . .

St. Jolm'8, 2 p.tn.., To-M.y. T ho l.nn. Rer.ei-t•er <>eoeral preauutei.IIJIII :)ud·

~01 ou 'l'buraday O!roloiog. Tho uxcesa of ruveone uv .. r tiltS t~Stiwlllt: ll is 1wo:nry-twu thou&'\nc.l tlol­ll\18. '('lie e8t1UII\tutl Wideui!IIIIOOUS nuti Clllil0 tll8 r~•· l! uu c for tlw co111iu~ y~ar is unu million· ' our lnllldrctl ucul six rbuueand clo llllr8, t • t: cXI•eodi· tnrc: one 111illio n three lluutlrc:1 1111•1 ei~hty !ft'VIln rh<IJ811!Jtl t.loll~~t·a. J'ho t.u elf pii\Cl' .. 19 ~~~t~· l": r Ctlllt. nd 111\lt•n••u tlu•y 011 hr .. ltol •uol l•i6r.Uit ( 11ot &hip's l>iiiCUil) Juri teu 1 i~ r ce:Jt uu tu~iuu~. boil era, prupvllnrtl, wl\lerw ! .. •,.Ia. 11nd •"ll 41..U!Cp4../•n bo11ta Luilt. in the colu ••Y1 llnd lor mille and factorira whiob are ucm~.

Tltu Houao w:~a eu~::ed iu Cowwittea of tbe Whole OD ~upply y~aterdny.

R.nbert A Goon. llt.U., -tlti\O llnd Prnfenor of · 6nr ery of the Ooited Statu Alt~dtCAl Uolleao EJitor of " Medieal Tr'ibouo," uye over uia o,.n ' ~iL!oatn,.e1o addreaaiDfl tbtt proprietors of W aroers &r~ Cure : •· I CIUIDO~ be true to m1 coo17jotioua uoleas I ext~od a helpiug baud nod ondoree .WI I L:uo,., t.o be J,tood and truatwort.by. Your ~trapbio di!@Criotiooe of dileaaa of the kiJney11 and liver

'hue ~twakeoed thtt mt.dical profeuiou to tbe filet lof tb~ir great iuereaae. PbJIWIQI bawe been elperiwtutaiiJ trea&io~r tbia diaeue, aod while casting aboQr. for aD aathor~d reUledJ, thei.l pt~coll hue died on &heir b.ndt." '

By Telegraph. ·

Ball DrowniD.r Ouualty at Lady Lake . -On Tbonda;r eveoil•~ Jut about foor o'oloct. a aad drowuiol{ caaoahy occurred a' ~y L.oke bywbiob Mr. Jamu Shetohao, of tbe road bJ tbac oarue. me~ an ootuuely end. The.,partioulara, a. rar aa we ban bee.o Able to gleaq them, are u rollo,r•:

Mr. Sbeeban left hia home in tha earJr moro­inll bound t~ the •ooda, for the pilrpOIIO of CU"" tinll aolue a.mall tiruber. Uo bla wa,. thhber , as ia uapal with- the people dwelling to or near I he otighborllood, he Cr<!P4!d the ,pllild. Tho ic~· wu at tha~ time anfBctently atronll to allow a tranait io 93fety, altbouuh t1111 upp11r and IOII'vr parte of the lake \YOre free. {rt tbe middle nu iee-uridJ(e of abont SOO JArda ·•id!!, reacbinJC from ebore to ahore. waa lvh., and thia tllla been used lately by tbe .onod .moo Dorin(l the pre vioua oillbt tbere bod been oonaiderablo froet,

'"wbich bad coneolidat~d wbat wu ~ft, alaahy mai'tU iuto a C011\pact mLM.' Subaequeotly, ow­inR to the warru air and A' little auo, •·itb the aotioa. or tbo waves frum tlul etrong breeze throughout tbe day, this ruaaa w~W rendered un­aafe, and in plaoea aton~ot the ~ridge tfle coverinll pould uol bo tern•o~• l tt~~ytbinsc bot aaturated aoow. Atl about 1 SO o'clock. the ume day. two mea coming acroBS fell tbrough ue11.r tho place' wbure Sheohao 1\hu~YI\rrls met bi• aad fate; ooe or tbOill Willi wirb oifttculty rMOued, and WU broulfla to a. udJ.:hboriuiOt houao lf'bure he wu Cl)mpellcd to n:u1Kin becauso of the effeoltt of hie aocidt~nt . Th1:1 ro~port soon spr.:~td thl\t 1011111 men haJ fall11u io tht1 pou•l ~~ond this untt~lly broujlbt 801118 or the rdl\~.iVtiS Of lhd rneu, tben in tht~ woof1~. to the lal:c 111 ur..Je r to warD t ere nuout thtl ltiiiO of thu ice. AmOIIJ( othera bo weot in waa ~lra. :;ib.:elum auc.l aou, a ' IKd of aboo~ tS year11 ur a~:u. Slwrtl.f 1\Ctt~r their nr,1n!\l, She~:~hun was at>en cou•lll:: 11crou .the poetrl ou 1\

sn•~tll elide drnwn by twc, Jogs, wluch i1t1 luul tnk t·n with him to givo au easy pR8811$tll 1\Croae tho 11\kU. ·1 lou. 'vifu liMit.: unt; Wllrninll hor hUll· i.;ueul to uo IJ,.cL:, thl\t tho icot WM u~oll\fe, 1\ud 1\tiYi!h.•d Uilll lu j!CI llri)UO..J tUU fOOt Of the laku .• Tbu tn"u ht~~tr•l the wtft~, hut 'Y')ether he under· s toud th.e words cauuut l.us aaio. HO'Wcver h~ Kept 011 his wny. 1\ut.l whe•! ahuu~ 100 yftr•lll from thu ehorot, tuu alid.t witll t.l1e ruin Wl!nt throu..:u. lie lny out on 1uot l!lh.lu, 1\tlll w"' hnlf iu thu wi\ICr and lutlf out. Th~t wifu ran ou~ Mid &larue · ed lbO llt'i~hbOr11 liviUJ,! auOUt ODII·lbird of llmill! our on thu r<>ad. ln 11. sl.t:>rt time, u1en with 1:111 · •lt:rs, lout:cll'8 noJ . rupee. w t~nt iu, 1\1111 did ll\'t'ry thinS[ pu8!iule w effect n rui\Cuc. A uutu with n lurlde r J•H&binl-{ nud t.lrnwiu.c it :af.er hi•o reaoht-d within 41) feet · Shct~ullu ; bu~ thu iCll wuulc uot •i!PJIOrt tGe wdd•~. ru•ti h~t wu r? rCI!tl to rwturo. The ao ul tile 1111furtuptttu rnao •l~Jl triold, wit b11 .. ui& ieaulr.-tlu.-: lc.,. wa~ eo bl\?tbat It coulo 11o; autltl\iu thu letl.lt burclen. The men relllislug th11 dau .. or of tbe uufortuuatu msu'a position reaortt:d to cvc:ry meaua to 111no him. bu~ '•itbOJlt ancoeae Sheehan waa uo'' a coneiderable tiloe iu tbo w&ter-upwarda of An hour. The wife aod aoo lfere fmutic to aee the huaband and f:uber slowly uat aurely "PIHOtLCb· iug, hie enJ, nod lhey powtri~Sllll to 8"'" him. Sheellao all tbe tiwa t.lid uot ut.t11r a wortl to be heard by lua frieoda. lu a fe.v mioutea, while the mea were a~taiu atte~ptin~ a rutcue, he waa seen to alip and \ben auddeolf to dlakppaar and wu uever afrerrrarda ~oeen. Pre•ioualy to thia. a boy wu aeo' ou~ to towo.for a boat, aod abort· 11 aftar &be mao bad gone down, a partJ of wen witb a boac. arrived. 'fho body could no' be recowored. J..ater on a aooond boa' wu taken io; abo.at nine o'oluck &he body waa brou.:h' to &be IQrface wltb a ji~Q&er. b waa couveJed out

_,_ bJ aorrowloe frieoJa. . IIAUPA¥. M.S., ~reb 28.-Briah&died ,...,. l tb .. ..a. b tth I f I

day aaor·=-•. 'l"bd fuaeral wUI lake place 00 . l .,le o,... .. ~ 1 mea pruent a e t 1oe o t ee .....,. ClliWalt7 Uaa& &be ID&D aaaoambed to tbe ohilliug

SaturdaJ. . elea&l or &be water .... d I bat be .... Jead or d,7-Roehclale Llaoola, -.. of Preelan• Liooolo; ioa aa the tim• be r..n back into UJe lall:e. Tha

laaa beta ap~ate4 American IDiat.ter &o Cina& IIOCIJ ~~~ foaod oa the bottom aoder I btl boll' 1u Britain. aaclMara& Hai...W to GenuaJ. whiob be weo\ dowo, In about f1 fatboruaof wa.ler • 61ad8tooe prucilel to ~de a& dae Paroell a1 d · o0 banquet, J.oadoa, on April ltth. Tile plaoe •be• tbe caaa fJ oocume 111 1

moaotller 8abermeo reoei~ed wi&la ~n&' atlll· prda off &be poiat to &lie ea.t~rard of tbt1 "ruuuus factioa the uno•naoemean of the reoe"al of 1\. where We b.)a~raCit'l take ~Jiaoe. CtSaceL A 1arae lao& leafe for Newfouudlaud The roueaueaa of tbe ice maJ bo irouiued for baiL from the fact that the rtoga. after beinl( Clll looae,

Muca n.-Tbe reaohation OeD111riDir tbe go... fell LbroUKb &he ioe, 'bree or foar timea b~Sfore eromeut becaue il bad no' diaallowed the Je.ait they reached Lbe abore. l'Atatea Acl of Qnebee waadefeated laa& oilfhl Ia Mr. Sbeebam wu iu·hia 67th Jeer: wu •ell· tbe Houe of Co&um6ae only Lhir&eoCJ wotiutt for known ab:»u& kJwn ; wa1 e& •obtlr,ioduatrioua mao. it. No Catholic took pau in Che dt1batt1 excepl lie Ieana a wife, L•O aooa. aod Lwo daugb'«!r. one the Mioia&er of Jaatioe and \be leader of tbtt Up· of whom ia a widow. Whbiu tho put thro4)eara poaitioo. ...,; , tbia family llU been •lllit41d b,J aad otortality,-

Fioaocial agita&IOD Ia Paria cootiooea. withio thac time eilt rua10bere of the faruily ban 'l'bere were ~weatf•Oae aaicidea in llontecarlo bee., removed by t.leath;-theae were two ~"'·

iA t•o montbt. two daughter., aud two aont-'ia-law The fuoer· MARCH SO,-A atorm at Samoa wrecked &breo al 'Q( tho deCAA~ed will take plAce to-morrow

American and three \iermao abipa, pinty·lix (Soot.lay) at 2.80 frow bia.Jate relldeooe, t.d1 Germau dro•oed. Pond Road. 1

lu tbe ant aeaaion of t.be Britiah Cabinet i& • ---it propoa4lld &ll iot.rodace a laod purcbaae echeme Oburch of ~eland llliaaion at Hear't'e ».· for &eland to bo followed by a loal gonromeo& ltgbt and Sotlly Oovo. bill making uteoaire obaufcea ta die atanagemeot uf ioteroal a.ffaira. The j~Overameot virtually

, a.dopra liberal aoioniai ecbemo;, Y eaterday tbe fiouae of Commoua dnoted the whole .... ioa. to eologiea of Briabt. Smith, Uladatone, aocl Hartioctoa were Ule priocipal apeaker..

Lord Daoranu oompelee for Americao 'cap. Fre&tCb Cabia~ aD&Dim.lJIIJ deoided to proao~

· cole BoaJ. ... r. . ·A atpallo plot acatan the <!ar bu beeo dia·

co•ered ; tbere bave beeo aamen.u a~"' a& OdNM, Mo.oow. aod liitff. · .

Lo..t'FI'IItWr olltdaabara .. Ia dead A le.did• Swiill ...... OOIDIDllted taiofde OW•

loa to 1011 a, • "'* •Jadloate. --

Your reader• will not· bue forgoUeo the late Church Mi11loo a~ New Perlioao iu tbe Pariah Heer&'a Cooteu,. It IDaJ iotereal ~me or &hem t.O know thar. a aimiliar work i1 uow beinl( c6rrled ou In other ,..u.lemeota of lbe aame parieb. 'l'be followloflll Ule echeme of work drawo op b)' &be Rn. A. C. W "'boroc,

Tho work commeooed · at Ueart'a Deli~rh' oa Toeeday, 26tb .Marob, aod corlbludea oa &tdr· daf, so~ ; .aod a' dctill;r <Joye, 00Uliii8Poiot oa Suday, Slat March, eoda on l'banday, '"' April. Oo eadb daf "-e 1~ial Mlaioa ~rriot il hel~ at 7. 16.~ wt&b·a .-rmo~i Re•. W. Dow. He~bMa·ooane· of ~thlloo• oa npn1811!1 or CoDfMl6b.+ ~ itrYioe, wblob ........ ao boar.- Ia f~tbWd tmcedla&eiJ ,... lllltfti0-6oo bt, Hr. Weporott i lllea Ociaa• tu wbenaD&ioDI to I fllflher aaaiated



B .. Mu' E. 0. G .. darllogchlld- ~•in. W.aud Olu&lOald Weuer. aged 6 aaoollla.

~ t •

1 Real Eatate worUI .... ~:.> .... '. 15.0CO 6.000 1 do .......... [. 2,000 2,000 1 . do ........... 1,000 1,000 ol do. .......... • ISO() 2.000

10 ltoal .Eatatea .................. 800 s.ooo SO Furoi&are aieta . :............. 200.. 6 00().

At 2 p.m. GO . do . ......... ,... • 100 8,00l 2u0 Gold Wato!Jea .... ........ 50. 10.000

On lb t7th loat,, at the l'arlo•~•-• Oot'a, O.

Drowoed, In eroaalng Lady OG 'l'b~1 e,.nlog. 18th lo.L, lb. Jamea •ltaY PODCI road •pel 67yean.-R.l.P. . . ·

pa88BN(t ¥.RlZ.ES, VALUE 1000 Silver Watcbea ............... 10 10.0(10

1000 'l'oile' Seta .............. ~ .... 6 61~ Per 8.8 C-.cripl from HaiU r:o.,.ID«• JoDM,

Ro~n: Mclnweb~ &frd, Llod Puloog, Baaru, btabl~ed io under tbe Act. of w,c.on, Rl.hnp hd ~. ..., ·

Per ~.S. Co.._ from Glugo..,.Kre Kltcbell, Kr 11nd Mra' lta.tb.INOo, IUUrt Latitfe, J Dawaoo, R Wrl~tbt, B Blair llqrretrW, A ~o. S 'E 8l841r, J Ldleuurler.- T 0 Keooed7, Be~llnl, Wonloy. Oeo

beo, ,B2 Vic., cbap 86. for &he benefit of the Df. otecao &cle&iea of Col­oniz.Atiou of the pro\tioco of Quebec.

TIOXBTS • • - - .. r ILOO Olfera are made to all wiooera to' pey theil'

• f"rizea cash, le• a commi.-loo of 10 p c. : Capital Prize-on Real Wiooer.' namei not publithed uoleu apeeialJJ. Ea~le, worth lllborized. · '· · • • • •

Koowllog aod J (' Scraag. • .)\ ' • ~5 000 00 8. B. LEFEBVRE, sec'retary: •· '111 ' • OffieeL 19 St .• l"mf'lllltrf'e~. Monr-ntlll, ca.


at 11 o'clock, on the premi.ees of . ..

================================~======================~~·~.; ... Messrs. Jillard Br,s.- :&~ C9., THE . : I


. ~ . ~ . ..

& · Twin·o· ·on:~ Household Furniture, Bal­an.ce of Utensi18 & S.hop Fittings, Dry Goods, a .nd a Carriage. Eur~itore wtty Le aeen dn "application an~

would call: attel;ltion'to 'their M:anufa.otur~s.for the ·a~a­<!ay previous to 11rtlu •

son of1889. I

By ot·•ler <1f 'fH ~)T!lUSTEES. ·ouR SrfANDARD HERRIN.G

I •

NETS, 40 to 60 Rans, made from the H Shepard Gold ·Medal" 14/6 Twines, now

~I l\rchS02i

PROCLAMA\f!ON. . ~ almflst .exclusively adopted in the Maritime Prov.inc~s.

c·o D, C~J.\..PLIN & HERK.ING\ SEINES. By UTIIORITY of & Prec.,pt froru their

~or~hipa Jou .. WILCOX.E~ and otuer Jue­

•ce" r our :Sovarei~tn Lttdy tLtS Queeu, dlltetl

Merchnnt and Fisherman. can depend up~n gctt~ng a. Seine from US tha.t will fish well, haudlc eastly, and wear satzsfocttm.ly. .

tht1 ~6 b doty of lhrch, l&s9, • I r ->

I h~~by give Notictt, tltllt n c:enPntl Qultrler Seuiooaot I lie t•eaco for tl1t1 AAicl IJis triut, ill ho holln iu . th!J Court I lo•usu "' Brig•ts on MO~ UA • th" lo~t day ~f AJiril, 1~. ot Kl11teu o'cluck ·n the fort~noou. Wb tlll All Ke.-ptl'l.l or llt't M .. j t,(8 Go~&la, auJ Con8tl\ltlut wit hill tilts s.id Vitt

1rtot, and nil othtr

IHll'MOiut co••ccroetl, are harub1 directed to goverur ~~~mkl•tt Accord;-.,giJ. ~ •

. 1 ~ .. f The Bank F.isbcrmen are now usmg arge quanbttes o our .


Jt>'R'N ~TF.R. t1y~nnd ev~nly ~red •. . -Sheriff

cqrpoN. NETTING iu Sheets, for W~ter Work and Repairs. Sberifl'a Office, llarbnr Grace, t Mftroh 27. 1AA9. · f

$100] ONE [$100

Hundred Dollars Ca,sh -FOR-

soft~ Half-Patent and Patent,' all sizes.

In Newfouodll\ud . wbo aeod (until Slat .Taly) tl>~ hngea~ number of W oodilra Germao llalt.­inll Powdur (blu11) Wrappers, aa follows:

WE are now ·prepared to supply all the abov.e goo~ at short notice and. our Newfoundland patrons can rely upon LO\YEST RA.TES, . Cor• respondence solicited and samples che~rfully givoo. $50 tO the 26 ramiJju OACb 9eodiU!( \Vrap•

per. repreaeoc.iog uot lt:a nlau tbao 11.20. . I ~STABLISHED 1842. : CAPITAL $350,000. . ONE

$25 to the 2~ f•miliea ea ~o~odio~ Wrap· pe~mpreaeutiog uot leaa valuo tbAa

I Hi~best a:rards at Boston, 1869, Philadelphia.. 1876, London Fish..-er~cs ~xbibition, 1883. · .

-~ ceata. .

' HUNDRED $25 to lbe 60 fllfuiliel eaoll aeoairg w:rap·

per. repreaeutiog not leaa y&Juo tbao SO ceuta.

American Net & Twine:· Co., New York Office, .

1.99 F,ultbn Street. Home 0./fo:e, 34 Commercial St., J

FAMILIES. . Elkton, · W Your Groc11r CA" aell you WOODILL'S B & "'RD'S G~lUlAN HAKINH POWUER, in peper pack· ,.Q..L

ag~d::e~ ~~::.dt!4 ceote. FRENCH OINTMErtT ·rire ,V, M. D·. PEARM N, 'fbl.tl iutmeot bu beeu usetlwhll th~tl(reateat

PHCENIX Assurance ·company

Balifaz~ N . .\. aucceu i tbe apeed;r oare;o!~ll eruplionl ariaiog LONDON. M\rch21 from .ao mpuro etato of tbe blo~. ~r that may LOMBARD 81Rl£1£T & CHARING CROSS

D C w.-M l:J 1

bave tl imparted by contae' w&UI d.-eaaed per·

r D aooa. atever &ba eruption, or breakiAg ottl • I • n ' 00 the eltin. may be.-wbet~r llch or Sail RNvm,

DeXl.'t::l.&"t or &aid B d or Biug Wnrm or JlumtJN of an.,y . ' k.fod,a eure y~ rt/kd.upoll. llela~ stimolatu

bas arrived in town, 1\D-d may be consult- the actipo..of old or tudoleot Ulei~ra1 ~over Sorea. ed at Gordon Lodge. 1

obatiopte Sorea and Wouoda, &o., bealiog tbem Persons who are in ·1reed of his services meo;r cuea lm1uediately and soundly.

will please call ·as soon u pQSaible as his Pric;e. a& cent. a Box. At all Dealera. visit will be a .short one-. . , W· H. 'l'HOMPSO~ '!f CO. llnbor Gnoe.

BMAaroh28IRDu 'S LJNIIENT- For Sale by Private Treaty • TQAT W.ELlrKNOWN FA.RM

WillCtaean::~~=,~~,aq'inoiDJI co( CJ1~~~foo9l~~L) E Lur'UMnl a~·,. blame. . It trill C1IM JaiJJlj common 1 Oil ' •

tlaiHgr 'tla4l o oiMr rDiJL Jt u a JHUUI containi.og about. aix hundred acre' of Ltncl, 'tgel4lM COJapoud. / (en.e hundred ol which at'e under onltivation)

. · . - - .,. ~rroqnded by tlie b4W road• in the oountry. It ia oe1e¥atet1 for tbe core of. RHEUM A- Tbe RallwaJ Line to Ola• ke'• Beach ia aur..

TUJM. Paioa or lAmeoea io tile~ CbMt aod ve1ed rigb' c.brough s.be Proper~y. Thtt Side Sorenfll aad Sdtobel Ja ~ Sid~ sdffo... Gotdcla 'B.iyer alao llllle8 t.hroutrh it. to the joioll, Woaoct.. HI'GIIu. Cute aod S~reU- .J-· bl .......... r ·u·00 1 F ioae, Bolla. Ooroe and Feloat. TakcD l.utraallJ A mOM -•na e t-"'. ~or a .w. • 8 "rl!l. U loataaUIJ NlieYee Plloa lo &be $om1.1 1Qd~to ' Jt no& eold bJ 'be &rat of June, wUI 1M" dt .• ObOJa aad Nerwou lleedlolae. Oolda ud Ooqbi tiderl11,_d aold ia I• Son Tlaroa&. l>lpbtlaerla.. 6o. · ApplJ to

.,.. ... b~r-(4 llol4

--- . ESTABLI~HED IN 1782,.

TRUSTEES .t DlREC!fOB~· Joaeph \Y m. Huendule, J!4iq. Briet~w BoYill, .l:!:aq. 'fba Hoo. Ja&met Wt:g. .lobo Clatt<>o, Eaq. ' Octavius l!i. Coope, EaCJ:! M.P. tieorge Arthur Faller, _~· Obarlea B. Goodbar&, .Eaq. M. Rhode Hawklna, Eeq. · SirJobn J.ubboek, Ban., U.P., F.R.S. Ubarle11 'l'bomaa Lucaa, .Eaq. Cbarle1 Ma~uaJ, J::aq. l'bo Hoo.l!:d•iu 8. l:'ortmau. D~dfey Rober~ Smith, .Eaq Wm. Jnme! Thompao~, Eaq. ---BON. J.HWW~OR

JOllN J. BLOOIIIFUI.D1 ~· WtLLt•ll c. lhdDONALD,l P'u..NOJS fl. lliO.DONALDI r J.C,.t &crttanu -The engaROfDenta of tbU. 08ioe are guaran• teed by a Allruerou and ••lLiaJ Prvvrietary •ddition to a Lup mv•&ecl <10itel ; anrl tbe promptitude •nd liber"lity wt&\ wbioh olo&imc bate alwa71 been met, are *»·bown and aolrnowleclpd. · ,

'no tnapor&alloe of 'he tndaa\ionl of the P}JmNIX FIB.E O~"ElvE

•J be ..Ucuted froa &Itt u.ar· i&l nllb' ...... ...._QOW

.... ==~~:=:-.aa~t


(10\Yder never vulea. mantl of por • th and wholeaomeoe Mort eoooo·

tho ordlnny klnda. and oaouo' be et.ition with the Utadt of low

t weight. alum or powrlera. i11 caflk-ROrAL PoWDIR Co.,

~at, N.Y . 1y

ESTABLISHED.lN 1856. --LESALE & RETAIL. S1.1 baoriber has again addt~d to his large

varied S~ok, a few of the newe11t le,.ding Medicines and Sundries, u followa: August Flower, Warner'a Safe Our•

'Fruit Juice. Boaohee'a G erman Syrup, Fruit Salt, Holloway a Corn Cure,

Little Liver Pilla, Balaam o£ Wild Oberry, Liquid MaH Extract, Hueline

Grat'ea' Worm Exterminator, Extract of Meat, Drainage Tultiog.

Soap, P ear's Sba.\'ing Sticka. En&mel (for 1illing teeth,)

(for oleanaing purpoaea,) ............ F amily Syriugea.

Syrup, Raevborry ~yrup, Wi1aon'e HeL·bine Bitters,

'a Anodyne Liniment, Indien {for coativenua'.

MetJicated Suger {for worms), H air tlye, Trico:>heroue

T ooth Powder, Fluid Magnesia, and Wine,

._. .... __ dl: 'Lyman' a V eget.able Diaoovery do Quinine Wino,

A.athma Remedy Citarrh Snuff. ..

Eli-dr, Hop Bitter~ ker'a Vineaar Bitttlra

Corn Extractor lnMO' Powder ck Lyman'• Emal1ior

Patner'a Kmallloa Chen')' Peotoral

Ooldeu Kedioal Dllon'lf1 Parpdwe Pellett lfuallajeoton

ftlrproof Non~Dc Aprou Spoopllllp Bi'aa (for obUdrea '"'hlq.)

Ooo&pooad Strop T.t.blul Powden

Tubina for l'eedera Hair Visor, Bay Bam Hair Bettorer, Ohitd'a TruMI• TruAn, MinArd's Linimen~

Carbolic So:lp,.ll'uller'a £arth Savery, D1ied ~~~fte, ))Lied Tbyme t'• lJnle .. ented Wino

Blood Bittera Cod Llver Oil a nd ltalt. ot Sprn~, Allen'• Long Balaam

rtid1011~1 Go!d Pllint, Judson'• Gold lnk or lf.aarnG~tia, Cayenno T..ozeng•


Legislative Council -o-·

TuUDAf, Marolt lt&la. (CoaliMIMt.)

Hoa. A. W. Huvn eabmltted a._,. re· cel•ed io rt~JIJ &o u a~dreu from &bit Bo1111 preaeo&ed bJ a depa&atioo to lilt .koelltDOJ &be G~YftDor, reqa..Uq 10 be furolab.d wiU. oor­retpoodtDOI IOaoblor &be remonl of a lo\)lle\' factory ia Whit. &J, a• the loa&aooe ot &be Freuob, in \be aaauoer 1888. '.l'be rep!J wu read. u followa :-'f O'lhuu, Gawrnor

Tjle Oonrnor bell' to aoknowledp the ad. draM of tbe bon. i&DtlemeD Of tbe LINI.elatiYI Couaoll, reqaeatlor tba& he "Ill f11rolab &baa bt'dJ with "all papers wblob•Ul•J be In polltl• aioo of •he Govera!Deat relatlor to tbe reaiaoy,,l of a lobeter faotoi'J from Wblte Bay donaa the year 1888, at the loeteooe of &be Freooo.'' He baa maeb pleuure lo loformlor tbe Ooanoll tbft ~bll mat-ter bu oo& bHo loet elaM of, and &bat u It teerue to be oouaidtred to form pert, not only of tbe ~eoeral quuUoo of lobatar faotoriu, bu t. of tbe Freocb treat7 rllfbC.-a aubjeot aaw promlneo~IJ aoder oooafderadou of tbe reapeo· ti'e Home Goteromenw-tbe .Qoieroor reJrlltt Uat be Ia not in a poaitloa to farollb 7011 at pN• aea\ wltb eaob portioae of &ht oet~upoode~oe .. bt ~ ..... It -btlaa laoqmplete aad moeUJ of a coafldenllal aa•are. Re hu ao' failed to IIJl· preu oa the Seoreaar, ot ·a &ate tbe aJi:dolJ fth b7 tbo lob~bltaote of Newfouadlaod for an early aolutioo of tbla dlf!ooiLJ. ·

GoYeromen• Ho011, 1'th Marob, 1889. Hun A. Huvu uld be ebodld like ~Q -., •

few wotda opoo thla repiJ. H• aeatred moa& earoeatlJ 10 l~preaa upon the E:~eoull•f Go•· arum eo& tbe l ho!J)•qlle importance of the eab-jeot luvolftd. Hera we ~au before a~tbe faa• tbat \o Jqoe or July lu• a I abater f-oto owned b7 Brltiah tahjeot.l, wu ~' tb1 h,.t•no qf the Frenob, remo•td frora Hritleb t.rritor1; ao4 I• wu auppoud tha' •• tbe ~hne tbe aflalr ~appeoed atopa woult.J be. takea to uoertaln tb1 poal~ioa thlt tboae oootemplatloa operatlooelo th• lobeter fiaher1 in future on that p&rt 'Of our oou& where tb111 J!'rtncb b11f8 \reaty priYile_get •oold be at ear-ly de6nod. 1t wae hoped tbu the (Jonrnroeot would kne plaoed U.1e oolonJ lo poueaaloo of ioformatloo tbd would •bo• that tbtJ m'ln· tAined tbe tie• ~b•~ all 6fitlab aab~ot. within Ita llmita bold lo rerard to our rlcfita It wu atlll more oec8111rJ to · uoertaln wba~ oar e&auae oo tbat coaa~ Ia aoppoted to bo by the Qrltlab GoveroQien~ beoann a lar~e lotoreat, lDfoiYioa the outlay of muoh capital, I• j(rowln~ up lo tbe lobtter faberJ, aod nen In tlte preaont year It Ia expected lbat maur lobater faotorin will b• fit· ted ou' aud mooeJUpen4pd io aeodin~e proYia ion• and other artiolee neo811U1 for tbe proeooo tlon ot tbe lo ftaherJ .to the oout in qoea· tlon. Tbi• I tioo will be defeat..d If J.bOll OQDtem(l IDIJaRlDI In the botlneu b~t 110t afforded u1anooe !bat their meaoa aud

remalp Qaotolenecl. Veop)e •Ill nat11 ......... ,, .. to riak ~beir oapl~ IP • nulnr• 'lfbttt elemtoll of protection ar1 abl,ol, aod when there uleta a prot.biliLJ tb•u an embar.ro will be rJaoed apoo theft optrllUODI bJ tb~t ,.. mont o their 11&&bllabment1 ; oot by tbe Frenoh. bel bJ the Enalleb •hom we thould oatorall7 look to u the def1Pdl" Qf our rijlhta. So fAr u we '"• ~ware from Lhe iaform•~Jno th"t haa come to bantt. 110' bnlnlf aoctll to the tlea~c.ohee un the aubj.;M, ~be lobeter lactOfJ lo Whit11 11~1 wu rt mond bJ the Hrltlth aolborhl••· oot bJ the lreocb, aod ~~ queetlou oeooeuril7 10 be aoiYed le, are tbtJ. tb" Urhiab aa.nlturltit• lfOin~t to carrJ oal lhle lin• ot pt1llo1 herMfter? Ar• the Bri&lab mto of war &bat pome annnally oo DOr oou&a, OIWIIIIbiJ CQ prptt>Ot OJJJ' ft'lhnlee. to a.dop& a ooarae of qtfnn Qlllpul"~ co jafnre Aod de~ror eome of tbe 111011 lmll~r&a~J& ~~ ~he~ '1 l'bla J. &be problem &bat 11 tProitlnAC Jbl Pli~dt of tb011t trbo are ioteruted Ia tbla ftelle'J, aaJd U11 &utU.IIOJ &be GoYeroor ahoa'ld be Ia a poehloa &o tlf• a)Jole pereoue aa aaewer wherMJ ~elr IDedltatecl...., of ao&loe IDAJ be ao•era· -d bJIOIIM ~ of..,...DtJ. 8arelJ ff \bote lobellr faotorl11 111M ut. ar ""1 be, ee~abliahed OD lU IO•oalled '1 Ffeoob llboq," do DO' iot.r• fen widt the oode.berJ ot &he i'rtraot,. tbtJ &beJ aboald 1101. aact..., lot-_rto'eta&ioa of &IJtt tfM&Iee. be I'IIDHC b7 order of &oarllab ebl.- of war. 'l'boee part. ot Jbt 0041' where tbe Freoob ban bee~a proeeoaLiow &h• oodftehtl'J for &be put tbfrtJ ,...., IN ooa Uloee le wbi.Ob the lob­••er faoiOrfN t!Mt lltn beta obfeoa-4 fo were ~reattd: aad alit,..., 111 Whlc, Q.J • .,.lfJQJed l,eat 1•ar. baa lo 110 WIJ •IJat.trer lffttrf~r~ •Jtb Ul~ Jl'r-.ncb oodllaherJ. io ,., 11 •~ ''' •w!rJ. tla~(l ,.... ao ~~'l-each oodllabtrJ 1114 U.eFI ,.,,, oo l' NnMJ jlablaa .... 1. 'here, Htnoe. tl uAr ope"tioni 111 to be forbldd.n, nen wbop 04& ioterferlar wiiiJ &M prlriiiJIM of t!11 Freoob, &ble ooloor, ehoald, •• ~ Mrll••• •aowea'- be Inform· etl tbA •aob wu tilt ~JjtiJ)plated pollo1 of oar roler11; pd oo proteeC tQqhJ b11 too loud or too

R,PIFE8,A.}{BER8,PER1l'Ult{~ltY Hair and Olotbea BRUSBRS.

aad DO meaaa wiLtliq oqr po••r loo vru& to b8 uJed Ia Jllertlon uf what ir oqr iptJtrgret.a· llor• of oar trda&J rl~rhtt : aad whlob he dHiar•4. If eubmltUd to aDJ 4Jelaterlltl'd OOilJl of arbhra • tloo, woolcl rwal' lo ~Aihmatloa of lbe ri••• that oar 8abtr!JIID eboal4 qo• be dlttaTbed Ia the proaeoatJOD or &bt f!daan. !rbiD DO' iDt.l• lenua bJ their OOIIptU&loo wi&b all• ppelldoae of che Breaob oodfleb.,r, 'fb• laoc.orr ,.,moucl Ia" Jtar wu a lJploa ont ~~ .-••ral ,, Jb' "Fll~tob Shore," ID&Df of •hi .. 1ft lfJ lQittJ• • able booo to &b8' people dwemac ,h.,., 'fb•r eaabled foQr or be tbooeaad Britlab ee&alert co proride for ••Jr eappon. chu r.UerlDJ abe pub· llo fer)lft from a ,Stmaod for pttaper nllel, and

Preaorptloo• carefallJ compounded aocl par• druga. w·. a THOMPSON.

.; ,~ltfrf11 Of TEXAS. ~ ... -++- .


CHAPTER X.V.7'f0ol'llinul.)

S, Bl.f BYCI/h.q . l.Mtd.· Col4wl Sir' J. Tuuot O'BIIU, ~

T .. O'RBII!f, c. ..... «r qf ,. liM /Jill. Uea' ·Cui., g.a.led Otykt' of 8r. lllt:ltul tl•tl

. , Go•ernx . & . f110rpd_. G pllt!rtUJr oll4 C:o.· .U DOLIIB IVDOL . - _ lLJ5) "4/JIIJ~r·!J_•r.li,if t. olld owr de He ~eM~~ oat or tbe library, fo~ hrlail. .. /lUnd of N•fiJIINdlotUl a•d iu

uotteme4l La4f Aooerl•r"• ttlecrana. and not-· ~· nolioing ~he r111tle of tlae dreae bebtGd him. wdE~ItAS bJ Cbapter V. ot the Aote ot J'or Mt. Pot&er who hu beeG pttnl.lfi"g Hke tb~ Lqlelatare ~f &bla Coloay, piiNd aG lmprl.aoned ~we and •aitin-a tor him to go to &be Tbtf&J alx&b year of ~~· B.e(Ra of Kor

• . -a . prettot llajutr. eutlti .. ,J "AD Alt &o ameod aa &way, ata.pere ouottbe httle l'OOUJ, aod ,r1~ Aoffor &be Repreaaion "''1.1 Prene~a of •bo111 a "'ery pale thonfh deterpli'Ded f•oe 1181181 arltln11 frora the O.murulo ~~~ of luto&loatln~t opoo th.ll record 'o Ts• QoUJr •• EaaoL, Llqaore and to reaull\ta tbt Sale thereof, and aod •d" it. n•er,P,mpAriog the oola a.poG tbe keae of Uaea111 Lhtref&r." 1• Ia (.lroylded her briioelt~t W'itb '~' tleeoripilim in t.hejadge'• tha•. wbeo h aball &a•e bHo mack &o appeal' to journal, mtJUering I • [dent.loal I the um.• r Ull JtltoeJ(enoy ~b· Goferaor, In Coaootl. &b-. Tbeo abe oriea • • Thft name lo my father'• two-third• of the daly cia&llf\td Eleatore of aor

• • h • Eleotoral Dlelrlot lu chi t.laod. wbo ihali ·YO&.

cas Don'• Ill•• ap ni1 p!)Ot. elok fried 1

.While tbere'e life there'• bope, 'Sit eeld 1

Btble-&mmy Pott.l I T ma a--n nuUot• at a Poll to be takeo u cberein epeoifted h!lYI ment. for birpu a felen I' and olupa her h'and deolared themaelne lO be In Jnnr or &b~ Rro. to bv }11\ar~ Ill if ehe wee:e wounded, Bu~ hlbitlon of tbe Sale of lotodoatlo~ Llqoora Ia

• fter • tame ehe mu~tera : • My father, a Ula~ localltJ, aod qalne'. lbe iaeutt of LloeUN tbiet' I· A h11urd I I'll fullow biro end .. thett'fo r, h hall ~ lawful ror life &oelle~J him bow 1 oome to. ,roar a r.rtlon of tbt u,,. Uoreroor to luu.t a ~roollltllllt iun lp tbe 1 d h d n 1 b E l , ortlluar7 forQJ, 'h~Yiusr tmbodJ'td tb1relu &be

P un er t ~~ roa 8 .... a P rro 1 oon"' ot. elmple declaration that auob Rale of fntosl~&·

Slolrer plrtOlll oftta mead i · Tltnt hl rl•• up wbeQ JOa're dead.

Parer, rloher blood 7011 aee4 1 Strtoatb and toot JOIIP IJilt"' at•• I

· Tble advloe be witt aac! heed- t 'fake ~be Q. It D. aud lin.

Thoee leUtre akqd fQr • Qoldeo.~edloal Dla· ooyery' (Dr. l'leroe'a). t~l arM& bofldln~r·op. parlfJloa, au4 dlteue·e~pellloJ r•cp•d1 of the a~. .

1follo.pay'4 ~.-Te~lo~. qf E&ped~o.oe :-1'b~t !JOlted te,tlll)ODJ of tbontaml~ e'teud(oa orer IJlOre t~ao forty,.,,, rQo~ tt,PflaiJ, reoom­JI•epcfe tueee Pille .. ~· b"' pnri~ert1 the ~qlld· u& ap,rieute. •od tlae e~eet r11tqratJree. TbeJ nner pro, .. delqalve. or alre QJIIreiJ .tewqeoruf relief, bat a&taoi all al1Q1eull of J~e etom .. oh. luolll, bear&. bead, ao4 bowel• 111 tilt Q'li.J uJe and lei!tlmatll w"1• ltJ depqra~Jt 111• blood. and ao eradloetlnll aboMlwpurltiH wblob 111 lhe allun{e antl oooathneo& of ahooet e•ery dlaeue. Their medloinal eflioao7 It woullerfal In re"oYal· In~ enfeebled oooethatlooe. 'fbtlr ao~lou om · braoee all &1\Al le tlealrable In a booeeholt1 m"dl­aiol \ .. 'fhff upel enry uo:~loua and elfete ro.t.· ler 1 etiil tb\' U,~ ••r~oit~ la nartared and I he enerilea atimulated. ___ ...,,~

Wiatt.r'e Ball&m of WU4 Oben)r.

From the KlteOSTO!f (OMT ) DAILY' Wino. 'fllle old roedloloa, tbt eter-elfeo&IYA healer or

lilt &bat fJeeb le heir to, Ia atlll before U!t public In lu lull faror· Jt 1tar~ed Qn Ita oareer. ,of QJerot Cfor • Kno4 m~td!PfJJ• \4 " CJJifOifol •aent): fqrtJ 114" no, aod le 10 diJ IOIJtib~ after by "" pblldrto of tb• aq'" wbo Q...- eoq~th~ ouc Ita ylr&ae aocl e~&.abllebed JCJ ~I'R.I· \t'~tre I' no& for lte merite I& woold lona ehaQe bart • died aod leh oo el1u,: like ma.oy a ooee poptllar our" tiYe hll rlone eteo In the Jut. fife JIAt*· WI!· ua'e K.u .. ~x or Waw Ca&ttaY t• oo artlftolal, deleterioue oompoonti . oert.aiu to afkord tempor­arJ relief only by ootLi~ ite waJ by potl'uful •JreOlJ tbroa~b •lt.alltJ, Jet lea.loif • woret lo · Jorf bebh~!J JJ. Jt It a Yelletablt, aad bJnatural romedl11 worb of c•IJ»PitJ~t~ from • ~llvbt cold to a throatenloJ oooaampdop,

60 oeote and •• a bottle., Sold bJ dealer I ~IDIMilr· anrl bJ'r. MoMurdo 4\ Co., t:Jt. J'obo'"• m~ .

C \TABBI:l .·;( Ut\'r4,~U4H DEAFNESS. HAY . F~VER

• •W IJOX& TA~iTXliCF• , . -=- 1.

Salere,. are oca aeoerallJ ~••ri ~t theee d'*-"' are OOD&ajlioua. Or &bat UieJ are . d~ to the preeeooe of ll•h•11 parultee In the linlrlK anerobraue of the nOll and et:iataohl~tn tub .. e ~Jiaroeoorlo rtMaroh, bowenr, baa proved cit., to bt • f~t, aod tb .. NIOI' II tl.U a efropl., ro1ne•IJ h•• bt~Q l9t't~ulat•d wherebt oa~rrh, OAtarrhal d .. fntM a.ocl P•J f.t!tr are perjnaaeotl1 a11rwcl in from oa• ~ thre• •Jwpte ~p'pllcatiooe mad• a~ bome by the p"tle11t onee IIJ Cwtl •••.Itt ~-lt -for oaterrbal dl.raoe peoahar tu ,d. o,a.l~te ~ whiW.) thle rtiDtdJia-. epeolfto. A pam­p!Jiet lfgltJoJRJ ~le ••• weaun~tot Ia 110' on ;,.oejp, qf '-JJ OIR~ ~1 A. 1~ . DIXO .. 6 HoM ~~ \fuc. JS.ju~ tt~, fqrq•ltq <1tJP•d• -~ci4nti1o, A ,rlcl#ll. '

IIGf1ron trqiJI q.\fltri'IJ .,q~" •~totJid ,.,.!' fallJ read tJae abor•t

II --'l'Jm VALVa 01' LOlfG.BVI'r'l';

Or. Fell :I · L Oawald, lu wrltl•l of..&4o Yallle or fqnseth,, IIJI I . •

• Uaa ·,,,., ~ a doob' &hac Burne aud Kute fort~~* &btt IIIUI Of tiJ~J1!~ttiiUflallll~ blplrf, or &baa U•rnu'-o lo &IIJ ;Jqq~ ~.t llie ..... ,, ooald rMd lhtalllii of \he dswa prlf&jlnr tt.~· burd of ~amoae faiJll t ,

• t}pln~ aad ¥chiller died a& tbe thruhol4 of -"• 1Q41; ~Ueal. Bar••J· l&aoaalt7, Haokl• and '"':;'l' &1Jtf1lol"'ltable w~P. ball ClnilbecJ 1 .. ...,, "'~.;rfqll 4"4 ., t~ ,., ... Of • IIIlA •blf' ,., ~Jq 9J,,r ~· *,II lftr approeob.

With tbtt • . ,e rr• oa~ ot the l'001U, oalte fuR Llqoora and euob 111~1 of I.loeDIIII tberefo•, ber mahl, and lesvlng ft qote for 4rtburaay• Ia b.Y iuob Froolamat,oa proHibited whhln aaola lng b'J~in ... lu" o<Hnpelled ~er to· fullo" her J!11eotor&l D laulot, uader the aqtborltJ It'd for (atbert wal~" •\•' Wn the uenue and meeta tiJ• ll)(oroea.to' . of tbe .aid Aot. 1 and_ fanbe,, · Lord Llnoola'at a.rrtage re'~rulng, '!'hie ahe that apoo the IMUI of a ~roolamJtloa, lp ooql etope and or~et'l tht ooao~~an to ~~e hor tQ forllllt1 wltb tbe provlaiQPI of the aald Ae~t, all F I•· ~I b h .u1 .1 &. t.. ~I011n111 In tbe Dletrlo' wl:lerela eqoh PoJI eb11ll

o ""'lOne, "'i o e ~'41 1 '4o._ u '48 "tnOWII ban beea hAd, ·~•II b~old and of oo elfeo&. her very .,otll, ~. atten4e<t ~y bl"r rqaiJ, Au.t •hereu It 14 fqrther prof{ded 1~at efloh Miae Potter ge~ to the raU.,ay ·~tioq, and Froolam"tlon ellall be In foroo (pr t~e c,rip of fiodi11g the bQa&t. rrorn Oover to Q4l .. le •il• the T hrH fura; en4 It oo ~·~ulelttoq for e t:lf'f e&rlier, 181lte beJtelf !J\._the tl'llifl to tbe torJ1lel' JfuiJ b• lMtfe wltbln 'fhree ll)ODt~e Of ~~~ If.• plaoe and prooeetl~ -fo :Qo~losnr. · ~ir\tloo qf t'he ••ld lhoolaaqatlon t~e operatlo~

Errol after walklng Jrloolllily aloqg.iqe the qf t~e uld Proplarqatiqn •~"II be oooelderr ' · f · · i IJ ,4 14 ,.,, .. 4 ~ by &be ~legtore of eqob Jll•·

clet.eotive for a <JI.l&rter o a rqale Q • ence, triot, ap4 a 01• proc}tll}atlon t"ball be J•~ie4 lltddenly pa~~~~~~ "n4 •~1• : t 'Qraokett, 'lO Qn '' of ooqrae, cqutaiolo!f lbe prorlaioaa · ot t~• to Follreetooe aqd get JP.& .,_ tioke~o. Jill be fqnper Broola!ff&tlon wblob ehall·oontlnue Jq after yon iq. a few llJinuLoa.r fqJl · e!ttO& tor Three feart froDJ tbe eJplrr

• You'll Qe late for t~e l1qst I' thereq(, aqtio~ of euob e,plradon tq be aiJeA • I 01\n't qeln t.l)tH,' re~ur111 t'l)e yoqqg OJ&O. 'fbree )1ont!J prior ther~to.

• I've left ~4Y 4noerJ~r'• t.el•gtatm ~hind ~nd •ll.er~l4 •t 4 Poll h•ld on t he Twealf• · , d aereo~b 4u of 1ebrq~tr1 Jut put. lo the Harbor

Ill~. I mlllt gat tt •t IU)f COlt I An be, Graoe Electoral m..,lliou of &be Uittriot of Von nnbPf!ding ~he detective'• remonatrnnoee, reao· ceptlon Uay.a •ott waa taken of the dnl1 qualified lutely torOK bnok toward Lord Liucoln'e villa, ~leotore of tbe eald Eleotoh l diYJ.roo In the pau\ng t.be Cllrriage that is llearing Ml:a~ Pot rorm preaorlbed bJ tbe "for~.,ld Ao&, and tbe ter on lae r WH.Y to l!•mlogne. .Nflther of them retul~ of euob Pol! haa been io fuor. of t~e 8888 the o~her·, both being too oocnpied with Prolnbltlou of tbe Sale of 1 otoxlat~tlng Ltquora: their mRt.litta tio1111 for Errol hu jut. thon~bt : l . tbe ~'eroo•, an~er tl.e ~otborlty of the 14J4 , ' '11 E· h 1 1 • . Act, du, tb•refore, 1uue t btt o~ Proclamatloq,

My H eaven I what Wl t e m•~10111 tf •he probibhloa tbe · S"le of Iot~tJoatip~e J...lijuore h~ aees lAdy Aaoerley'a telAgrum 1' Thit idea abe uld. ,Ji;leotor~l Ui•laloo of Harbor (}raoa sends him Into,. ruq. .od wbJoh Jtroolarqntioo ja to be lu foroe fo~

Aa fo1· ~Jr. Uraoket,, l)tt tr11c.J&ea oq t.QwarcJ lhJ perlqd of 1'bret~ f eare from tbe datJt here. Fulk~toue, QJQttering; 1 l 'tp afraid T~y qf .. ~erel~b,lfRrt •peoiRed, s.rah .. in't gniqg to t,eJp aqnoh to bjJt f·t~er'• . ijlno untll!r ~1 If and . atJd Seal '' innooenOA. 1 rather c.hjt)' if'• jealoqey or 8~ . .John •• Jble Elibtb ~ 9f

b ' l'k ' ( 1 tl · ., 1 ~arpb, A D .• }~. au me ot er pa~ 1 J 811J& e no. t''ll ,or t u','on fl1 ijle ~~tUeopJ'• c~lfi~"Jicl!. mAde her laqy~tldp Jl""C?b on '"' ol4 rqan ~ · · M· Jl'l:!iltl~~li.

?jqw all this i• ; .. , w~tw £qr q~~~kett, b~t · Cn?ilrrlal ikPrtto~. hfl ia ahiQin$t in r,IJttpte•J ljg~ t. l'he elder Etrol bad tliVI"n him more w uney in Bolllnnle, Q~ueen lnsuranceComp-ainy. aud Sllt"(C8'\IIt Ha·~&okt!lt. ltoul with i~ hired I he

hright.et~ miuu upon ~he !Andou detective 'APIT" T. .n2 000 01:\0 l.!terlina f'orce, ttnd eo f~&r haa IM:en t~CLiug u nder hia V ~w ' t u v , advioe. lntc'\r on, wlJen unexpected And t ry --iog olrooua11tomceaulee, Mr. Bntoktu. i" lay no QU.E.EN JNSURANO.E BU'ILT lN(I D18&Dit 110 11hrew,l, •nd get.e 1nto .-ery hot wa· LIV.ER~OOLJ '

ter • . 'J'hu t~'~rRAatnt baa ~u eent. down lly th~ Q\J ~·ElN p(Si<a.flos BUIL~INuS, Horae 9tijoe to llq" ll~t,, orqel uleoa of bqai . 60 GRAO OHTTDQH I.JTREET neae for them in IU kind ll way UlJO•il•le, ror . "'~ ~ I

Brackett ie a maG with ~ teod~tr heart. dr· LO.Nf'ON,

apU.e bia ol!lclal dntleJI, ~hough bela W'lll'lrAlly 'rW'EN'l'Y .N (~ 1 h ANNUAL REPOR'r . aop Juatly tt>flartled at Sootl•acl Yard "' t.he r~n Report• antl Acoounte f<-r ~be 1•r fool ot• ~be Curce. However, he wbluiM to 1886, preaented to the Sluu·eholdera "' the hie clog, and gettlnll tO Folkd:llOne' buy11 Mr. Annaal Meeting, on Thura<Ja' Rt.~ ·~hj, t-;rrol a tioket to Bonlogne, -being quite O&(Ml• 1887, ahoweq \n ~~~~ 1

ble of 1uqh 4qti§ft f(B.B BRAN OR, Beturn~ea to Lord Ltnooln'• tOl\M, Errol Tbat the Pl"eQlium• for 18R6, lifter ueduo.

ent.ere the lib•·"r1 oaut.iou•IJ \o obta.iq the tlug Re-ln1urancee, amounted to e&Ol,6,9, t.e lfiCJntm, and tb11 Lo11e1 to £3tSS,494 i or 68.76 per

While Mllrohfn.,. (or t.lJI~:, whlob I.e not • t. Ill ,. 080 •

ravid joh, u Mi .. .Pott.er buln her harry and IN THE LIFE BRANOli ex{)ltProent mac.le a lltler of the paper• on ThAt New Poliolee had been luued for Lolod {Jiuooln'• '""'~'~· he ia hnl'rilittd to henr .e~ll8,990, Jleldlna in premluan £Q,QJq

1 ~o$J

the ):ro~or'.~le T,..ltly crying ou~ide 1 • Oome, tbllUbe total ~~tt. vr~I}J~Illf' i!f~•l!e 'Y-t! ,fl$~.1 • Et el I" Qusok I Yotp· young mrm ball bueu STt. 'rha~ the ~fP.l'P.t• ~ P,qhPr· JJolftftJ'I too p. rur ynu all over the ""rden and can't. were ~H.7tJ. an~~ t~.~ tb~t ur, hnul .,._ sod 1 u ~ . !Je'• i~ ti~ZI 11t,~r1 no~ t inon~ by f10~bo~. ~o ,, tl,re ._,nbJ~ e~t.a,trr•••~en' of T~e ~~..at. o ..... H~ o( Pro6t and Lou,

OJitl# J1~r: qo l!'~Ytt ~~· 1~ eir•19 ~nfm1nd .tft.e~ ~lqi ~~~100Q t.o the Fire ll'un~ wa&a an . • ~ for ~lle ~ln~o,, ~ye. .. ~ T1~ •Jue~~ eo ebo'r~ tO au~oqnt to .t1Sf,19Q lQ• fq

1 amJ

4'rthqr Dtl'9" u~ ~bro.'Jfh tb~ qoor leat~ing wu di,pqaaif llf •" follq~~ j-;; fron1 th& ho~Jee atncf -.!" t.o bf~Jo ; • 4h, Qiaar- ~ ,c)Qf • Q 'lr~ I»~CIM4 M4 B9}Ui4 T~j, my hoy I Row did tb• aonlnor meal lt,'1011'1 0 44414 io Beetn-1 ~ an4 jou 1 A II rfaht, eb f To whiob i.Bra'Ol re- eo,4.88 8 41 Ouri.cl fOnrar4. c.orn.a1 • Y•-bnt I tnue~ 10 uow-bot be-- TRR YONBS fure 1 go-' aod wo~&ld eltplaio to !J~ · young Were ebown tbe~ter to ataod 1111 follo1fi :..:. m1n, bu~ &'bel e~re uaul· ruooiDc~ to hit21 ·

1 "" .... ~ .. Paid' lip ... ... ... • ........ 1180,089

~·. • Wby dtdn ' JOlt oomo to me io t-he ............... '" ......... ~,486 P.nl•• r . .. . , . . A .. ~~·• ho4 ... ... ... . • "J·~

• Yoo 'were gt>lntJ .witltoll~ IIIIDI ~·tel'f 1'0 '.1', . o'ij x'ii RANi>::: ::: .. :&t,"e:o-., romarlra +rt~r~r '"~b~• 1, J .&.•• • . -TQH.N PQR$..PK, in b.r oo m~ ~ lJOO'l ~~or, -• ~ Qlt go~ • q~ 4~•}/qt' 'AfJIII, hi" ~f note, ~ h~~~ ~~ ~la (a,are Su.-Aocn. r"~ber in:l,.,- tll•d• 'f9~ ol by YM Oon bJ .~r . •· r: J?3JSQ-\-L~. i~tf~]fattiUR~· ~~ he oqo«M ,_nt. for lbe7 .. .,.,., llri.ot. piiOid tbtm Ia a poelakla of oomfort blyold lbll

of a Jar1• pordoo ~ ~ ftebermeD a.oatec1 Ia more fuor.cl ptr&a of W ~~qJqo1· Jfow. Ia OOD-

lJ OORGATBS'l'R'BET, BO. afderluiJ 1bla 'lllMtloa OJJJ ,,.,- ,, pot of wiiiU --- : 1, tT.NION 'r&BRA.OB. fh• Ba-.aab maJ dp, If tJae _,ritf~Ja RoftrpiDIDl

• 'l'be prlot of loapyf'J WMid I eel H. atJa 'IDOflllll of oantr&aiJ .,_,..._._.~ tc ... be prolonptl ud tiiCMtld bit trltb .. ,. ••4 llle taM Of proper wedlolDII•& tbtt rftb' lliD'I.

O•laa &o &be ewe. &be wo"J· aod &be aODOJ of ''"' dar life, lb ... a. oo doubt bat ._,

lhoaaadl of lftn at~d fiOIDIQ JI/Mif ftll

were ep~aeu.billl ha *"" lqrm f , Bt Jon t ~- • -~""'EKixwcsER·A· 1 . lao .. Mill Po~car' DOble girl ' lbe *'' \.A ·~ n~

:::-,~~a :,u~u:~ !~ .'"b.,. I•n'' ., AIR~~· . COli -- -til ... tba& &be '-&r II .me4 «nJ' bJ Jlf fJ· II , .. , polleJ ol ... IIMIOIJ It lo 1M WI lhOald ......... , .. = f..Sia ordet tbaa •• .., ..,. tt

IOIM-uofaadiDIOif .... llh.tltwbur dae I:Srlaieb Clo"' •· 1......... &o Brltilb -~ ••d ... ;.

MV.• £tbel dOIIA. no\. 1•1 •"-Gtlo~a to &hle; · abe Ia qlllltiOOiDI Walb 1Mb tJ• and ID'OO~ I .• wau., clid , .. ,.-., r .

• He'. me .!f..~:d:b~, :::•; !;:I &a,. ~ . FIRE AND E.l ~t '

ftf.u.d ,~ ..... ' Qh, pap& Blt"4~LISB ~,IL A.!J, 1117 .. t9n~cJa ~ bro&~Jer and Qln ... oa, 4Q~P~'r, f '"'!!!"' w . • • , 10a 04N•o• sra..,, .r.oa.. s.o ..



- 0

~-~J3~~t~1111111~a~t-.ld.~P M ....... -n'"' l'•itttilllt I 011 dt•• '"Jo!"." oo•t•Y nf th• , .. ,..,., .. r tho• f;nm•nll· ~ tkl &11., '"" ue f"'r.uiu ... l "'' ,.j,,.,.r ,,, rhi~ t :ul"''' at L'•v r.xr.i:1il~nA at Har •

~,;-_.,Dill .. ·., r,r~;'

. • . I ... TN=f•b.la Tbe H"" .. , ... U o'oiOak!••• 10

~rtUMD.. 1

It behl• lbe hoar M.o'oted bJ Ble k.oelle.,;, &be Oo•enaor to NOel'• •lr •. llpaaker ud abe HoDH with tba· Addree. of Tbaau Ia 1apl1 1o '" ~ of lira Exoeli•DOJ OD o"eoln1 tbe pNMo' ..too of &he AuembiJ,

Mr. SJM!Abr and lila KoUM •••' cntr to Uo· nratNa& Hoaae, a11d twlnl( retaraed to lba A•· -.nblJ rooca •

Mr. I!Jp.,ak., fnfornllti the HOMe lb.& whea aa M&a11dance &~n Ria Eao.llenor lh. OonrL>Or he bad p,.11nted tne AdctrNI of •l111ok• to wblq,b Hie F:xoelleoor bad ~••n plaued to r•1•l7 aa fol· lowe· ' · Mr. ;p«~~r i ,.d Gt• IL Wll of lA. HoiiDJ'QW. H~

of Aautlblr t .~ lo aoiiDowledaiDft JOUr lo7al A\Jdreee. all'ow

me to nler JOU mJ bte• tloaallll for tbe wel001u to Newtooudlaod whloh 1ou aforckd me, ••d' l be" would •&pre•" bore I~Joar patrlotlo and 111lon1 endeavoura dqrlut tbt oomlaa aeealon will ~od to duelopa dlt J:Mt~Qreea, aad •oaQre lla11 ooutlaaed aduuoem•o• or &llaa.aoloo7 and tb• 1relfare of itt people.

T. U'B~au, Lt. Col .. . lith reb., '889, Goveruor.

diiW"t. ol title Jlo... ia &li~ir I I• ••• C.ltu,. ' He tru&ICI UN. JWUlion. lfon. 1ba PntUIUU& replieolth•' '"" lt.porl•"'"·

Mll.,.'bht of "''••pon., will rooo•i"" rliu ud fnr bJ the bon. m~tober will ~ f~tmlthed &L ~N'41111166 Ro•ae. .If- belltlfd t•• mnv., 1m """' ct-re .

itftlrftiC1 to tbe Priufltut aati t!l't•Qrlill}t "lo,.Moa:PilY uk\lol hn11 Uti' l' r.s.~oh:r .. ls~lht•r CO~IitUI._ it i• tho lur .. ntin n nf thl! <iO\'Ortl'""'' ' "' nro~o · ..

~.ttleliBwe IGJ'IlOrted by Mntrll Mnrplly. • r•ooH rruau Lhe Cbt.irn>I\U of ,; ... tlnud ,., -MO'IIIefliOtll. Callalum. aaol Mouri4 h """ lleahh of dt. ,John'e, "'"' if"" 1')' wh"l risn,. tlol11

NriiPHifl to Coaa•IIUIHI on CuudltJ!IliUii.·A. Hou•e 1111\J .•Ittt•ct" copy or th.• ... IU'J. ,\ to- I ······ r. Mom•• p,...o&Ja 1\ peULiOII rrom a.... ror " Ollpf of "II corre~l'n•ulrnrl' , •I " '''I'll , . . .. •: ,.

lb. 1'n~ ADd othen nf lllal(ra\•e 'l'nwn in tl,.. Johu'a 8o11rfi of il ~lllth cor the olu,. rno•u • ,h .. r .-.. f, •tfari.s&nf ISonaYia&a. ukitlj( for 1\ I(IIUo t nr •llr. ~uri the t7•1V~rttllll!llt frntn S<~·h~totlvr '""' i>A"'. for a road oonu..eda111 GnoteRt~y with Heoru .. •,. to hi Much. lnelnttt: 11110 • . wh"' '"•r ltny r'll .. •. Drook, TriuhJ Uo&J. 'J1te p .. til lou pol ttto. uUI. re~tnllltluua or luatraoliona hrwe bl'l•n for wct.,. I tba' tao IDilll route In wlat•r '"--· "'"''~ ..... b1 tho UoYer ruueut 10 •i·J llol\rtl or t iO'\ItiJ f••l' road eboald be, allfl shat tn latomer u w•ll "" Ita &CUIIiano~t . """ If eo. fo r n C•IPV tot lh~t ,.,,",. : wloter. tht ' I'!Md wnahl IHti"'"' pnblio CUlt· 11utt 11IAO '" to wh•~ m OIIAtl rn tlte (;.,v .. rn n .. nt Yenlenoio,. 81 !I""' of.- a 41C.Itrrent front t lo.- h"Ye ll•inpto' •l cit lntPnol tn Ml.•ll•t 10 111 ""i' 011~ t lltl Puat.ollloa departm1nt chi• ""• "JIIlO"d , b11l cl;>h&hurl". unw r'\Cllttlt l•1 nur nol•l11. no Ql'a:'lt hu b.eo m11tle for r•P"irlue: 11. llnu. t hto PuK~IV.It -T h11 on~urr ·•f tht\ lu.,,

~lr. \V.&Tli(Hf lapporc.li tht 11"'1" of tltil 1'''11· m•mber will ro.:olll• u 1\lt.-nltntt ""' ' rhJo luo•llr.t"t \ tlon, "nrl lu1 rer:rHit'clthnt loa b111l 110 iuaitnnt irou "tkt:•l fur hy h in1 '"ill tw lni•l ·•t•On th~ tehlu. ~f lhtt hou llll"rub..r'• iureutiou cap,. .... ,, lt. Thu (1ir hi COIIIiltllt#l .) . daeh,l'ce bet ween Georae•• Urook a1ul Utdrlu Sound Ia onl1 teo mlh•" l\1< thit Ia tbe ttllt~JI Advertisenents . pl\lut beL•"" Bonayla~tl\ "u'l 'l'nultr Bllr•. It .I• .......................... ...,, ......................... ", - ..... ~-....... -. rn•uiltJtly" "'"tter of ~"""~ hoportnne.- th ,A! thl! THIS YE -"'R ' . .;.: tolff ehuuht hi oomvl•••d In nr.J .. , thnt QUID• K 'fi::#

marnOilUoo ehnnltl h• euJI1 opeoatJ up betwua lblle) ltrO ltrttlt hl'll·;

Mr. M"ltl'Hl' p,,.,tlel1 II rethiQn from Pl~rlok A1rdina 1ud otb,•n . (\o~rtu 11al CQve. on IIlii 1111h· J•tt or" rQad oallttl the Witol\haul f\ .. n•t 'fl·l~ ro111tt ruua ahrno~th nn •~Jenal•• trapr nf 1\lll'l()UI rural 1'-nd, Ia l'"tti•U! uttlt•ti "' pru~tut. 1111rl nooly r .. quirca the t!SJit'!otfllprll ol a HlOOit'f'll8 10111 of 11101111)' t~ luotn\ltj III'" •Y llj0t41 pllrfiOJII l4 aettlu rh•re ""'' '""~~ .. i 11 •h9 (lll"nlt qf f"rntiog. II~ trn,ted th&t" t.:O'II"''''Itllt IQ 'ft•ld~td to an 1''-lri aqltural poho7 wi ll .,.• let ~hu to obtt~ln 'HtrlltH fqr tbfl .. rtfCII.




Oa motiOD of the hou p,..~,, tbe order of daJ ... d•f•rfed "''· IUitl 1101pt, the nollct of Ctpt. Oawe fqr (\Ill to atoend tllt Aot puMtl In dla 60tb Jt4rOf lbe rellf!l of Her pre•eM M~tj .. aty, eatftled " Au Aot nl11rlo~ J.O tbt ta~ln~ oJand rlab& of propen7 ist Stale, ' whlotl Sill ""•• ppou motloo, read a ftrat &l~e. and ••• ._ad 11~pt tbe aotloe of Supeaal,oo of the l~ul .. o, tb• fiQOIO

u &o eald Bill, aocl oq motloo ut ~~· hou. *'" Prem11r. uooad.-d bJ \he hop A'torue1 (jeperlll,

J/,.Hped.-'fb,., t~ f\ultl of ~· Hnn~e be ' IQir.oded Ia raareot or thll pr.lliltl of lt:" "''d ~ - ~

:tlr, ~lo11i.Qif P'"f~tth•tl" rt•Pflln fro)ut ' ' '" lrr­hci•IJ.atota ql Wuj.-y l'll llf llflll~e•) hJ•cl j)( ''II''"· iuu" r""'' ••• ppt.llp"' httrr. 'I tua ... ~.,rt hl\l! , .. r:, b~lh l'l_tllt tl•u yura. bl)l itlf utjl jly Ia 111•1111 1 1!1•· ltroyect-by thJ f•ot ~!Jat the I)OI.)' 'ltflliJif nf •oc"'o~' In it Ia thrOIJilh" Jll\tlt 'l'!tiph j11 Jlmntt ilu••lllt•Rhl·· \Ve~~leyvllle~ it" )IOUtttt " '"' &!ro .. 11111 . .. , .,,. .. ,,. .. t ,



. I to

dais __ : Awarded.! MaNN i.0·w~'s8i:oER, IntJm~ , VICTORIA ANCHOR" lJ 1


Lou o§lcn' of. A. A. T. Co. 8. 8. Jtla.IG, 110 _,_ oltd ~"' of 1M Oold Medal o•d

for aay p&nloalar, bat twry clou Diploma 'for JIIOC!U. at tAe ~~ tbe f'hvl4l &ul~rn to the Dory. ~/t£1a tc l888

''"P'-'" u ........ u ''bu ...... GOLII~If.R flr,MBU. P!TBri OIL BRUl 0111aot be fcw.IU b7 oabiH oYer l• or A.~~ x.4al at U.. Buoe1ooa owu. SzhlblUon, 1888,

ltov:• io ooe-roarth ~he room oa deck Aad oow D.Md by the lara• fteet of Mllfall', for­oolr projeodna aboqt a foot frow tbe elao and banklo~r Vueele ont of tbla r.ort. h

fide when IIOwed, • · hu RfYeD l8D81'111 eatla(IO&Ioo, t11tlmoo ale 0011:1•

-...-·~· "'""be let.so 6tocl: DRd FWu from the ina in dailr. of a Tumbler. No cock-bUHRq,

or ~loon oa bull Deoeee&~J. TESTIMONIALS. oaoaot polllblJ fonl &be (or~·fool or Tbe fo1lowlor tcoetlmoolela are from Cap,, H.ur.

wblln belnlf M011red, ua. of &be baokl~ aobooaer BppM. ud ~' II 111ler to CCII udftM aod nnw tl.ao HUDIO•. nf &be eobooner &Uaa. both of Rar-aoohor. I bor Gran:-. Flake oaa be lGM 0111 nd Nplufd Saa -t hue aeec:l tbe Vlotorla Oil BDOJ

. IDIDUII&. tJpue J'lak11 OUI be'lappllad. &I.e put IIMOD wbillt IDI"Ked iD &be S.ok ..... :a of f"MI Gtlwii~Ggf, bJ IID41DI Dmaber ery, aad, dariDI tbe ••rJ haYJ lloriDIIMOU•

teNd, ban foaocl '' 10 be all &baa Ia dtalrecl ud wbat II elai...S for lt•wbe&laer

1!:t':,IC lo.or

roaalllf, ta ltHYJ 111, or rldlar • Po tile aua. .. ,.,.... 11 .,., .. ..,,_, wbltt 1011 ••• 1H Ull a.., doa&. I WOIII4 ao& aow be ..... •• It :I!J .., -. Yoa ..... , ...-'t "' ...... 1M .. of tbe 011 ~.

llt&!HU 84WKI81.

'1'beo the lJotue ad[ouroe4 till • o'clook of t.bl• daJ.

........,..... ttnd he tru~sud :h~tl thoir u .. e,Je tu t l1iA r(' .. ro~ot f.' {b ~ :i TRPUPAJ, i'•b 2$1" •ill be auppljet1 ·

•' 'I ~~" l.l


The bouae met at" o'ulno,. Mr. W A'fSON prl!lt!lllllllR ""~it ion frnm '1•ot""ll 'l'hfl Seallor Hill ... reart • lltOODcl tlro:t • lid Stntte And oth,HI of (.;~&llllina. J'f llJIIIll rur lbu PO_'::l .... ,.-r- -o-F_F_I_C_E ___ N_O_I'_.L_-.-,.,..-.: .-,-·'·

tbe bollM E' lnd heel! huo OO~S~atltWJ of life OOll4troctlon of u rn11!J •• •lte rut o-iue of that ~ ...., _ whole tber opoo. Mr. Bradebaw lo the chair. hubqr. . ~l•n fr" IJI H!•'""''' l :n11way 11111 Other• Capt Daw aaoyed tbe readloa of ~· flr.t •~o· of T urk'• Oovu on 11111 ""'·Jo.:••t of road a. doD. I .r Mr (-ii)II:P.!IK pr~IIISIIh•lJ II a•uti rjou rrom Wuo Aft.raome~leenMioupartlalpatodln by Meaare Molloy ot ChllltOo! l 'oxu uki••2 r .. r" 111111111 """'

Morioe, 6rieYe, ~"'-'· Hond. &1ori.looo lhet~n. to JINia~ loitot In Otting 1111 " b:.tli·WilY h•••t ~'ll n t Morria, Callaltao, So t~. O':.tara. M"'ch. I be CbiUlOe (Jovu. rh.. r u:u l ·frtJon l'ort IIIII\ I c ...... . ameadmea• propo~~ed b7 ~h" ht\n, Finanoaal S.O· 'l'upMMy to Hrllllol Cu•u lt.f,,.,,.,., :•" ••'•'•"<:~ NtlfJ, ~l 011 aud after the \1& dllJ Of JaDQilry n( ~0 tUitU. ll utl there ia 1101 II " io t.:1l' hll•l'u Uf~"" 1890, It ella II no~ be l&wful to ,.a or balk Mill I, 11p11uit. 1t ia tu nuh 1o equ .. olttrl liYI'"Ill'le "·"·· ··IIJu~

P \llCF.LS SO r ti:X.e l!:l·:lli~G ~ r.·1-; I~ • Wl•;H~IIl .... ill ,uo nn•l trO ll ! 111 .l w •• >~'.)' , llf"!l loe fi'Qf'l v tt.l Itt " ' " ' Pn•t (.)l!lro• 1111•1 \'"" l)lfi,··• tn ~o~ •. :t .. nu!l lnoul 'tu;• l rnuttuoJ,ooctuu lO 1..:11 0•

&lit, " PAl\CEL. POST CIJ A..RC ~

waaloet opoa di•iaion. J.hecommhtee&bea ro111 ••• and fro m Tr~t~n..,.t'y. e'rl!oirtlly Ito 1hp .. ,,, .. r rdport.d proareu and ulle.J lean to ait •~t•la oa ~raaon au•l the """c"ar~itJ o IOIJI" avrt oc 11 hill f. to-morrow, .a, lonole pr bon-e l)f rl!l llll~ ;. 1h111 lllllofl'IHII't. s -cdnn A-~l"rhiiiiU l'rnvinaeA f\1111 Queheu,

~OTIOES o.- MUTIO!i. Tbe ij uUI!ft I~IIU HdJ)tlflldljiJII !'4t~r•l.l .. y llt!llt. R .... ~ll UIOO.. ~ .. r lb nr fi.\CtiUu otf "lu )fr, Bo•o-l"o aek th11 bnu. 6eoei•tr Cl41111lfl\l ~ ~utlnu B-Out~trio. lli\IO ll!l c.-nt" t•er Ib or

to laJ OD '"' t4hi1J ,. ·t.a"CRID\ or tfJelrQII 't . 1 ttOotiD.\T, ~&rob 7. r , ,,a• t•lll of 1\ lb IIJQ8 aod upeaditur• for rjJe , .. r Ja&S 1'ha Houle OJ.tetotld at " o'olook r ':iu •. &lun t:-.\ll\lliluua t\lllt ~Mill .\\' o•t\l T c r.

Hon. RIOEIVIB (iQEB4r,-l bea tl) Inform Mr. BRADSHAW' prt'arnh•ll " .,_,,ilion rroov thd rl •itrtl'. lutll 40 Ul l . per lb or f~otioao o f ~ ab• lton. member lbll lbe ata&emen\ will be l•i•l iuhnbitAnt• of ~a•aru IIAr~or, llury,. (,.Inn,.,. on !""'"''· •· OD ~· lableln due ooorae. tlw IIObjeot nf "br~l\k wniN: "'""· ,,., .. frnm ll oo• :" o:o·lillll ' ~-Hriti~h Colnml·ln, nat!! 4!) Cl • . rwr

Mr. Soo1r-·~·o ~ lbe loop lb• Preml•r tolay lnh .. bitftllll vf S~ulh \Vtl!l t :o""' • " '"''llT n .. t' 'l lo. O• rr .. cti••ll nl 1\ lh. oa tbe tabla a oopy 1>1 .a1 CQrrHp<ll'l"•no.t w~!ob pr11~inJl that Utll I'Utu of nut: J•pnolot!•l ,J,.u..,,. ••u DUL~S S10 ~. ::;, hea lakeD plaoe ou tltJ eqbleo& qf the appt>lur· l(rllnlert b' th.., Govern no,.ut IIJ OOJtfl ,.,,..," tori• I .:~ .} 1,arr.tl muat lhlt xcu~·l 1,..11 !.-ul In 1 .-,.~1 1 1 mea, of a LloJdl' ~or.-eror be~weeo the (to•trtt • .\lr ~l11Ut41lN- Ju "l" l''"" •J•l' '"o""'' '""''"'!; by 011., fu.ot- in \lllrh:1 o r ,1 .. 1 ,~·· · Nlnl of Newfoandlaad and l>lhJ,.._ of t ht: bt)lru "'P•·rtclt~oo Aut. Sl$ V•o . " JI' ,., h~r- PUEP,~Y.·• 1•::•1'1'.

Qoll. ab,e PaKXIIR-Th• ou,...f'RIIrl•noe 'Dpnu ~dr kno•J) .- •h.- Pernaiu'l,o ~p1, ""' ' t lo,e nra , • '!'lu• o•l'lltll 111 ,1,t 1., ftll C'\llt!A bt tttt1 ;,1 ,1 1, ab• ea""-S Ia nq& yet JOUJPI•tt'4), .. en11nlrlu 111111 AN• In "'I'P"''"'ent •httr•'•'· '"' '' "~ IIi&"•"' I I' 1 1 • 1 r 1, 1 r .i:!"' ,11 .• , w•" , .... ... b , r:..,,.... ..... ·r "'~" •. '''" ''~U • '"""" ,,..,11:, apoD ..,. aabJ• arJ ll pap..,,,,.,, ten the W '~""'' t ,.., ~'""'rut w,,,n,, • •n,.oe .-.~•Jl r&~ • ... .., .. , I! ~~: oo Hho .. l bJ thn aeuoler. oorrtllpODd8JJGe II OQQ~J)IttJ,ed h wJII bw furuiabed fiL'triOit to till• Jri"U"'" fuw oiQy• 1\j~O. \'lit. lhl\t ~lOIH•' UF PO:o;l 'ING '· to the lloiJII. Jhl• llill ia oot hllf'U~t!J hi eh~r t i•J! l'~'""'llllle ·•f ,J • ~ • .~.

Mr,lkJon'-To -.k ~~~ J're ... ler ""''~"" ID1 t lot!• IIIW,.. h at.otn,ta "' !'(!of•' II'• b')~ ll' "r•lr 1•1 ., j . I•;~ cit l'orc.,l til II"' h•• ,.t .. w l1 ' ''"' " :•• I. ·' i •h II_.._ f I d J& I I ter Ita nrnv~••"u• wit'· re..:•rol hll)\1 toru1oolrllt,lft of t lo,. f••11 ,.,J .tr,•ll• '1( tlo•• 1''*'11011. IJr .wh'l•ll t h d

=:o ~ o:r .,::..);":, ~h:ra:'oa;:·~~;;r .... ' .. ,,~llalll• yut';, ·~ ... qt~rrtl !"~ lh,ll .~lr"f"'''Jnf. 11f the "''" l'"rCttl '" ito•ulltit'•l Tht• w o•J,. .. l,ouu>~l l'on ·1

.... .c....,. aoctrB;/I.(q. of 8'- , .. ,.,, ~~ llqunr~tlu "" 7 t1J41rt$!1 Qr JuR:•IJty, T he rr~ll · lhJUiol •he " rlll eu iu lit" u ...... r luh h'lnrl .-orne' I ""- • _.., ftl•_._, ce • n1aoeotla en& '"• r""nlr.., tw•1 -lhJr•l• .,r all •"'"' on at to n{ 1 ht! I' .reel, " 1111 "'''\ til~> '•"'"" ~<nJ ll•l•lro•u of o:d:;;:i ~hi,O~aa'-• •• ,t;;;::. -~ ~~p17 bu be Ia fu~: ut prourJJitiu~ th~~t .. '"'I! uf hquur bu· I lot! s, ... ,,.,,., •··~ t lttt ''"'" 111 l'"~dnt: ,\ Pa rcel beaD m.c~ .. ,, ,..u .. trlr•o &!JerttQ. for• the ~o& 01111 potf!\t iulO opcnlltiou, ""'' thu IIIU•I IIUJ tw pnaLect in 1\ l~ultor Mox, uu~ Ulllllt ill

a-. ..... =-'1'h~ (I!:Pl'-"'"n refer,.cl a01111Ktm•at uow lntrNluouol niHil u ll tooriuw t h11 •" O.olffl'l llll 1"1<un hsto .. Pun UIJl~ll. ud ptiiAallt• • •J ..... t ~IT " f etj fat UH! ,.jckeL.

10 ·~..... ytd bj UJ• '"••-t" ··~II Mtop , .. nil .,, 1\ llllljtlrliJ or Ylll\!1 c .. .n. ,\ 181 <.:U~TUMS' DP.t.: LA RA'l'ION. andtr 00Diii41~D. Ap IDIWr, wJU ~ irfY~p 1lh! eorpe nttf\arltt !11 UJihHtllliou, be b"llll!!'l rq IIJ'I'" , boa aed laND...S OJji'Di~r lp I r,. d~r·· cbe ltoo ud rt:adi,.~ uj '"" IJjll: .. llru·e~l· "ill 1•11 lillh!u \0 • Hill til~ l>nll!'ll 'Inc\

"!''le 801111 llaea a-i,.nrod ,atJ tp-morrbw •' The 11101lou w"" 4~U• Itodcol by ,\J· ~JoriiJ• . r.,g&JI.••Ivn•. lto•l t)o,. ~11Jo~r •·( ... wit L'• rce l ·~Ill 4 ......... AI" {fKKIXI IOOfj!tl the • ...Cqood '"".,li t/~ of t he btl r~qolrctJ 10 ll)to,k.. a <.;u .. tuu.t J eol&ri\WIIl

bill fnr the prevomtfop of ortttthf 111 lfllitlll\ll Jt faroi•hlng-•lpO•I II IJio:"l"• fo r m OrOYideci (np propoMI ao ah11r but. •llfChf11 tip~ II"' ~hleh !11 "' 1b1 purvutll whioh Ollll bu tlhtollttt!ll ~~~ ttny Po'' prl!•ttnt In fo rpa 011 nur •ll).t Uill bvr•k& . ""' ' • hjoh O i1to11-.sll ~oour:tllJ llahtn~..: oo~ u( tho~ u llti On~e ..... I• nul, ... ~ .. fnlllo l l UJHI.!r r•riu.,. ~t'IUtlttt~l A lid ,IIIUd, t oo ""'" or pn•raoo.:. 1\tlll Utot :SIItt. lur" -Ill pill' 1•1~ IIU•It•r • Pr .. ywutJotn of or&JIIItJ •n t l!fl '"'ll' " lf..ll•l flhtoe trf lJUI•·'" <.;.,,.,,lllt•t Oolllve auloooa". • Ill HI j n 0""''l"r JIIIIUII, 11o Jth ' "'1/" '}J rl,., "¥•11 a., ~lh!lll t!O llll ;,ul l\'••• J . , • , pru'''-101111 ah .. '"'f'!!f'•' ~,,, quder Mu~tt.Qif''; ,J?uai:HDI Il!.t~ A llT ((J:..l! i, lt.fatDI Itiorp ' If.-!~""' ltd IQ J.ltp !urrodQOti\•IJ ,,~ ..\ . .l'rUCt!luoUIIl 1111~ Cllll ':ollo 1\lt)' IIXjiiQ 1\'U, COitl t

tlila bill bJ u. P•li .. r ~~~& o'J' I'I'Upl~ •ro UJCI., buata ~lu, or di\UJ(eTnn• ••rhu!t'l. s.or ouy artlal~t of orollliqtth...lf &r ttJp Ul qf "PIQl,.Jt ~ijnntut other, a penelu!bl11 ch"raotdt, !'or ' ' ' lu lda l)rmottt~• h l;e, aarl Jh•tr• prp~ht eJI••• IJJ ~uwfoaodlaurl. it 11 to inJure othl' r p1raele or •uall trl4uanuulooe. ''~' more frytn tboa~Cbtlcaenau Utllll olht- r· .t>AOKl NO 011 P ,\R0ELS. wi~~e' ''"~~"" Ot!rlain thllt sornllhy i ll Ullt lu- P llrauiA Abnllld ltu OIV'I \rulj' ""d a'uh•"'uciaiiJ hnt~nt lo r lJI•ople. II• ml&hltAJ thllt tnll iut. u · paola,• I, ulu111l.l auu lll•' '"u by tbe~ aendt~r, duotloo 0 thia hUI fulluwa, or DecaMilJ UOIJO cite GJi~~ i.!: ltA r. aotlon of tbelr Kaoollouolu~r H I'Od lAdy HI".""· \YI)'erll 1111~ rtvnu11" 11 ~ tu ,,,;, for .. aolnt: ra lee, ... ,. loatromeotal Ia the flrn plao8lu.ori(IIOIIItojt the G•oerul Kti(Uit\liullll ur tbe l uiand P"rcel ao rotormal oommatu. , , ' cbe -~·•bJa~bUI\!h' vf l'lon 'l'ill •poly 11flU"IIJ lO tbr P .\fOtl i•oat 10 • Societ} for tic~ Pre••utiOII or cr., .. l&JhC.O ~Ill· Oalltldl& malt, eod wblob oomm~UN , .. ouml)litu4 of ~he • ~oa tbe Pretpler, ttfr \1 llllaep WhJtto••T" l'd ..,,. inti pr ... o~Dl araoLJe~P,eD. •pol ,,YINI IJ1•·111j1JIIf hue aiNAIIJ boau lwld by ~""J rt •• J't •IJl•lllcd to hooorrqrate r)la aool••7· AOIJ •bu l'l'flfll!' <II•' i& be~ uo1 btt,n dQRe. lwfo,r• l,. "'l"' rhe IIOQIIIIY. ttac a~rno• or blla11 "'II~ whfl l~e t••r•tol IIIOil'IJ hl J4ujj~d and wJeJnpfo Alto 1., ubt•i" lllii11Jllt• efuo· to protlJ lba •llrd • ~OJaJ' 110 l~ JtaRI•· ba, &a wah li•df oer~o p,-hta~Jr.~rJfll ~·r• llwep pe ~·~~"- lD tit• m,aoJ.•n•. ho.,.~,r, Js11 .,_1 at. lilat ~IJCb 1 be nerlltlJlf nf I• ~' · .. n,m S.r'lJeorr ~~e whit•t ~· f;•uJI• •1, lbe

J . O. FRASER, J'ol1· .VOfttr Gfncrtzl,

(feperel Fo•t UIBoe. St. Jnbn'at

"~' ·~''' ~IMI PYR'RI.,ct ~ '-'••tb., N••· fo1Jnlflt•4 ·~,.. *?r ~ qnQAl dan .. • I on frum Ita ra11d1 'Ue .... .,eel to ntOft ''" I&'IIIJII Il rt.tadlnl( of tba bUI. . ·n ..... udruOM mad• bJ I ... Coaocll lo WIJ daelhuc Blll wwra rHd " IM'OOnd tin..,,

•n. lllll for abe t'..-Yoollou of ~r '!'It rQcl ............ aad ref"'ed &u If_ aiu•••' $..11•PI}Iit· M••• of ~ ... L "i-~4. q"l•l•'•'l ""· J;i urr· ..,...,_ ,,._ ,,..,..,,, Mr. c.,,, •u.J rile

l..>to. 19. lt~S8 l!:l f

STEWAR r MUrtN & co., I

Shipping a.nd Commission Merch.an ts,

22 St. John Street, Montreal .


a.. · ~ tj L-'-- ~EY HAVE. BA ll'"' ~lt~ft tltate '$-..v-· Wau the preeeu-:.G"ovemmeo' .. arucl -ANn- the reiu of powtW, it wa tbudl1 propbeei~

~().VCT;~~ ... ~~~ .... .'~~R!_!.f~l?'! ... w.. thd tbent would be KD ead &o ••II ~; ~A I'UKUA Y. MAitCH :i~H. ltsd:l. ~ th~tt, true t.o oommeroit&l OORMirnW.a., ewer1·

___ ....,...._.. ____ ............... ...,.," ......... ~~ ..... ~ ..... --. tbiosr w~&a to be abut down-in ord.sr ..0 reduoe THE BUDGET SPEECH. t..xation t.o the anaalleet proportions pouible ;

- s.hat, in hlct1 comruercLtl-intere.w would be"' JusT on. the O''e of going\opre'ss a tele- •II tituee uppcrm011t in the n~ind of the Gov. ~m from our ~t. John'' correspondent emment, t.o the prejudice of e~ry os.her oon· 1nforme<). us that the Hon. Rooeiver Gen- Aidet-ation. Bu~ corumeaoe does no~ m~n en.l presented his Budge!. Speech on· llllrrow, contracted tbouqhtantl ttot.iou I ThA Thunday ovening. H wns "een th~re- legis.imllte commerce of the world baa beeu from t.baUhe reveuue WI\Sin exoessoft.be lhe pionettr of civilis"tion •ud progreu; .estimntes ·22.000 dollars i that the esti- ~rueliorv.ting the prh•ationa ol nu&nkind, e¥ .. mated miscellaneous ana oll8tomA' rev- tendiug ktlowledge, qrv.wing'nationa and peo· .,nue for tbe C\Uren t yMr is 81,406,000,tbe pies t..'ore oloaely to~eether • prool•iming, un · expenditure. 81,387 ,()()(). . tler every 6ag, \hat people the world over ut.:y

• 'l'he Tarift'places 20percent. (\.dvalorem aud Hbould help uob otber, duty on bread and biscuit (not. bowevet:, 'l'hua it cow~ to paaa thllt the present Gov ..

n sbipt~' biscuit.); ~n per cent o~ engines, ernment amd s.beir frieo.da 0110, ~ dlly ,poiot to boilers, l>~llcns, water·wbeele, nnd a re401·d ol pros;:roea f1ar in •dvllnce of r.b .. t of

ws, excetJt for b6ats boUt in the~olony, any previous •dmiuistration. TbP Pltlcen~ia and as well for mills and factories w.hich R~tilwlly i.$ a tponumt~nt t.o the wiadom aud are ex em p~. boldn888 of the pow era tltat be. The l1ou.

The above o~r readers will find inter- Mr. Goodrirlge, as would havd been oW!erved, ~ng# .'fbe print.ed Speech bas no~ yet ~id in l)b place in the Assembly, the other ~~eat b.Q.Pd. day, Lhat, lUI a-eo--ards the H~ll's Blly'lll'llilway,

• • • • " th~ Goverl'lmeuL m~nt. ~UHiness I" This ia IT ia wjtb feeliugv of sin\1-e pfeasure tJiat aufficieutly oooclusive, were t.here-nothioa: elae

we have to annouuoo to dll . l.hllt no fM\IIh case to iudioale the in~ntion of the Go\·ernmenr. j of amalJpo~ h~ Ri()C8 httiL • •lA appened in but tluwe ia DO )~&ole of evidence 108 tO thill ,.n.y of the qutlt'41ltined h 11 I. ht.md Cove. rail wily beiniJ a tixt:d a·esolve of the E,ectJLive. Tbe l3ollr4 of Health fl,lA as nsn"l, nn TIHII'Il· There Oee<l be no utisgivingJ upnn the ttubjec~. dtty rut. . Much felicit hm WILS ft.lt ,over '.rlaA GoYerntneoL will extwciflo ju.iicioua pru,. "he p!Msin~ f~tct refer• to lliJove--wLich deuce in arl'tlnging for ~xpeoditures on this l.nteoailiee the belief tLil' hu disease ia now tUO!It importan~ enterpri~W. 'fhe a~d, whe'l •ell und,er control, amd th o ftJr~her d11nA !orurr.euoed and compl,etoo in se~tio s, can be sec. ia to b6 "PJll'elteDdtlU C.O the puhlio be~tltb Utilized 1\ll it (lrOgreKM&l; 110 thtLt t. ltllliUill Q{ the district Jt•utn the llllli<lious distemper. ontlllya will be m~t by lm~edtllte money re-'.fbia anrely of '*II others i11 a hope in which t.urn11. · ' t~very one, wit4ollt e¥ception, will join with Tile JJa!wt Ace ro~ects Jtre&t credir. oo t.he heart and aool. · Government., upon wLLom the reaponaihility

Quanta:-tine C1ll 13 of the 30 houRes at Is· raate(\ of ptls.'ling ir. into lll.W. i\.lthou~oth lan<t .Cove ,,as rllisetl yesteru11.y~ll qllnJ:"r Mr. Bontl deservea credit for introtlncin~,; c.it~J tQ he apprehended froJ"Q. the oont~ion (1!0 ltu· m~snt-e, yet it mqst be re1uembe1·ed, tlut~ ,u th~ ~re ~n~~rned) bl)ing believ.eu to uu Oppositt&n rue1ubPrs oy(" fly kit611" without .past. ... •~ronsil.lility. 'l'llis. i11 ft 't!((ll9t;lly done t.o

:!lllbamt:Sll ll Uoveromenr.-tu l'l~tce them j.n" corner, aud · turn the tidt> at:llin~tt the cu. '.rh~.-u Wll8 no h&ittltion ill p~tssi•ut tlut Bt~llo~ A:ct, 1\ll the 1'8li!JOnsibiliti~s of wl.ich th~ Gov~ flrument. profqptly assumed-the hnn. AttOl'- · ney Genentl, if. will bu a·ettlt~mbe!'t!tl, ul!tint: t.owttrds the itUJIOrtant. olel\81\l"e in 11uch · ft w.1y au. to CllHIJre fori~ tbe cxreful, ~hou~htfnl deli~.! · erll~ion, nof &JOIIO of 0110 bt't'.UOh, ~UL olf h\Jth bt-a••.:hua" boc.h sides. ; tbe m~ttLtsr WtUt tcto•

Wednesd!U''s MtJTcury contained a very im· portant as well lilt very opport one dOC II mtm t -Ute &epott of tho St. J"ohn'a .Bo~rd of Jlealtb, 'lf;•icl.a, jt ~ms. WII.S r&td on the previons dtly in tho House of AASeml.ly. Annexed are report11 of a number of the lend ing rueJic..l m~n of tiJe tlff\tropoliM, e·nbO<Jy~ joz: very Vllluable snggel'ltions ll3 to the best roea:hocls ot dealing with dipL1t.htwitt, now atlarmingly prevalent thet-e. The Uhllirll}an of the . .Bo4rd, Judge Conroy, fnrnil!uetl valuallle Rt.lttement, gj,·iug a complete history of the epidemic from dte comlllencnnJenr, th~tt with tqe repor"~ of.-tlte medi~l ·ll)en, will cJis­f\buae tiJe llnblic OJind in re~llrd to the itn":' presllions m.&de IJy f~&lse aqd ruiale~ding Htllte­

Jnente in tlae columns of ono of oul' contttw poraries, &'I to the negligence and •par.h~ of the Bo~&nJ of (:fe4lt.h. " It will be seen tbaL witb th~! {K>"'ef'3 a&nd IDft&US IlL their diRJ)()Sill, the .SO.rd. Ol)tlld not have done more t.luua luUI been doQe, And that the aanikry dep~trtuaent h•• been •cLive and efticiens.. ~t ia also seen that o~e Qhhe m&in C.Cs.on in con~inni~tg llnd "P1'81ldiQg the di.aeue b"a beeu Lbe extrllor ttioaril7 daaap ••tber which hiLII 1•rev~iled. Aaodler ~ the pi'!Wioe of conoealing t.he ~or dipb~ in their horna lWiaicb too 1U1t1 -·• pr.c&ioed. Thi" realOrt 81a&&en iQ ~r kqe l~t. aqd roll OOtlQ&t'lriiOt ...._ ,tiel ..,.. be..-1• U&lQitnnioua wbicb laan ..._ •bro.d. I& ...._. olear trorD. .thia

&q& Ule Beard or Jlealtla are ... ~ pa~ wida tbe di~~~&~~e, and thttt ail 'AD& .. ~ .... lfleau and .• IQW81'

•ill ~1, be pen b1 the oo~ern• JMDt. Qqllicte intenerenoeoonld nut. •ocorn· plleb mac6, a aabaipaon liat open'kl (or the feliel ohbe aQfl'enn •oqld, howewer, bo m~ ...,.., ; 4Qd &lp.e dligbt. be clone at once,"

mit of lliiY' unrtue JII'C.Icipit.Kncy. aown by t.he bon. Attorney (;cuurnl,

in Great Bdt.~tin t.be B~tllot Acr. w111l aiut. adopted until ir. hRd, under onA fo·a·m or Rll'

oLber, been under diacn~U.ion loy . the Legi!illl· ture tor y&trs, 1tnd when it 01\me l.letorA the House for the IM' t.imu before it Wll't ltcl'lpl­ed, it Wll8 not p~d iu tht= orclinllry <;vnrHu of·bills; tb" bill Wll8 releg~ttetl Lo '-' .. t:lt!Ot. cowmil.t.ee which ditl noc. report. .undl r.lu~ 811u· ceeding eessioo ; r.be daROuasion upun ir. wn~t 10 careful and exbaustiYe thllt Lin~ Lill Nil•

not p11ued nnt.il two ye~trs ~tfter r.he Kelect commir.tee hlld reported. 'flma it wu LbllL the Btallot Acs. &ow on the atllt.nte l.oolt WIUt

p•aeed IUid haade the lttw ofthe I&Gd. It will come ins.o opend.ion for t.h" tir~~s. r.imtt 1aox1. • f•ll; s.he ooming election will be conducted undtor.ita proviaiona, All the reA?ODiribiliLies oC tbe Acl were, 'u w~ remark..U, pro111pt.ly !IllUmed b7 t.be Qovemment.

The same may •leo be Mid or 'bat. other pro­greaelve m.,..qre, manboodaulfl'll~whloh c.be Guw~ont. b .. londled with all th«J oare of " uune. Here, too, 'fe oogbt noL t.o omit awardin~t all due credit to lab. Morine-not only tor life ooncetJt.ion, but tor !lia enlighten· fOCI, very able h•ndhog oC t.bH qu•t.ion IJe(llre t.be A~~~~eroblY.

WAt11A1 f.;.ileaaly--dtmy it who can 1-t.hat. t.he Goweromeat baa ahuwu that. their chief oon011rn baa been to lurther the true icitere.t.t of the l*l•le; and t.b~t&. they well deisdrve a cout.inu•noe •lf tbe public contiueooe, They h~t.vu earne4 it. I

Jt i.e a aa~C.CUon &6 kno..- that a larp "u..-wr or penona in Harbor 0l'"Aoo .. Wftll

llf in &he oatiJnlg aeulementll have aYailed ot daatgre..t a•revenr.ive-vacdnation. Than tbia We in tbia count.ry ~re somewhat be;oncl D~ing copld l)e wiser. Tbe Government by t.he acope of the iufhrencea llt wurk in other pw!amat{on on the 20th of tlatt DU~~~trlt\.1 nr~ting the e~td1111ion ot ntilrOildll ; Ill mont.b .,ut iq forCW~ the provision" of t.hfll l~ough, h"t>Jaily, w" •re bitginning t.o re~&lize •! ~c~ mpecting Ute pre,ent.jon ol8rottlliJOx,'" tb"." we bane ~n ult=el' &.OO long. An all. Wlthm * Elect.o.-.1 Divt~~ion or Hllrbor rllil jounatty frott. New .. f"t'rlt to· UaiiQOn ia Once, aud for thllt en«t ap~ibtftd v .. eciq'\to!T talbJ •bout as nofiruprolltthh,. Wltllt. thi8 in the •id diviaion. It ... 'herein spool&· rDelliUI ma1 be a..therecl ft-oll\ the mil81lrte to cally at.ia)ulared th•t-- .,- •

l~tt povered by MUCh a rnilwtty-.. r.,llow- ;..,.-'Whe11 ~i• o\ot ahall hue bda pnt into op. Ne• York ta Uriliah Golarqbia ...... S,tiCIO rnilea.

,.tigo &!t• Yaocinato111 ahaJI car" out &he pr'l- Untieh Uolun~bia tn Uebriul( ~trait-. 2 000 a1ji~L Yiaion5 thereof by ma\inr enqninPta "' to eu9'h Ueb'rluac ~u-e.ita to Or•l Muuutaiu• ••. h.600 rnile4 peNO~ .. haye nolo beeq e.r~ctiYelr nocloattd n l ... 1 La d ..... .,. ·1

a. I I--"" yta a&OUD!f Ill 5u D 011 ............ " •""" WI tiL or w.,o aave 11"' a """"7 bad eau,li·po¥, and __ aball reqnire lheqa to be neoinatetl, or io &be Totalt: ~ow Yorlt1o~odoa all-tail.a .QO& .. llee

' cue 91 obiltfrea abatl req~ tbtrtr ~rtot• or fta•rdi• ... to tabmlUach chlldNII for vaooioatloo.' Tbia wont.l be a loog riJe. •nd yet it-woald A~ fprtber, tul 'UJ ,....., or .raarc!iau of _anl1 oconp~ al tim .. u long •• the ~Ol\rney aor ohUd 10 requited to 'le ~naaed, or an1 fronl N~tw York Lo BthiKb UolaQ\bLt--11 O!Ja.er per.oa aoti11« in oont~Qendon or. or fail· qu~ne_r ot ever1di7 uperiellOd I_ lntt In oo:apl7 wlth. ' thtJ pfUvielone of tide AOC. or u7 '*"'" wqrolly ,.....,.., ... a .-ooioacoc •• .-rrl~t~t oq,ltb' prowl.._. of tlda ~oe. or MIJ ,...,.. ~ .. 1 antfet tit .. Ace teaoep.ra., ._Offtitlect h1• ,..,.'* "'a!:o P-.wo....,. ,... M......,. IQ •ho. o• ~e ptrfOflaa•" fll IW Dftff ... to Jfat

.... , IDOQ' fM

:More :French Pretensf.QDB. -L.ur ,..Ion or the Le,rialatnre, oat .-d~ era ,will remember, •fi Acto WIUI paned re­•t.leoting the Loblter 6ahery. B1 •bla it wu •tipul•ted (1) 'hat aher tlatt ht d•y of F.,b. ru•a·y. llllt1 ir. woald be onla..,fql for any per· aoo to oatcb, kill; apear, cabj bur, Mll, or hue in hia poueaion uy lobeter of INR t!a•n· lOt inohee in lengt.b, under " renal'T of uot ex~ 1100 !'lr 011cb oft'enoe ; or in de· fllult of 'f)&.JID&n'; impri.aonmeot for 11111 term not exceedinc SO dRys. 4nd (2) that no lobaler aball be taken beforo tl.e Jat. day of Febru~tl'1 or aftar the 3-ht. dlly of A.uguat., iil any yetr under a peualtyaimilar to .tbat juar. ruentioned. 1 •

It ia ho(>f'd tbl\t the .4\iove strict regula· tiona roa1 bllVe tL.e elfoct Of p~ning and atrengLIJouing the •bovo~ tidlery wbicll, like oLhera of our 'attaple. induss.riea, ia auft'ering beol&use of oert.biu ipjurioua pt"llcticea lately reaorted tA 'Tie alw~tya Ito I A. rapidly ex .. ptlnding iq.duatry ruined ~ over-6abiug, w11nt of p1·oper care, and the ot.htlr deletenoua pt'lloli061l bad recourse to hy our peo11le I

Newfoundhlnd is not- alq,ne in (t .. bJiug atatatllble re§ulat.iontt for the better pt'Ot.eu,. tion of l•er lobate•· fiabory . • We ROO it. R~t.eJ in n lat.e nu10ber of the Oa~ :&nn 4dwrtu41' tbllt the M•ine Honse of Aepre11811t.at.ives a short. ~fq1e "gn pllsted a riew loh!f~e'· h\!1 milk-. iug it unlrt\'lfjl to, u•~·O,h 1 .btJJ , or !'~11,, 0~ lllC

pose fu1· M~~le, or IIO:Aie!Slt."'lor Knv Jmrpu'IO, l•o· c.weea\ 1 bt~ ti'r~~t .:11.Y of J4lly and tin: ti•-;q. tlocy· of tlae (ullowin~ · l<'ol•rnttry, Ill HI (1"111¥ 1 hu li nc~ J .,y of 4Jidl t11 ,,,_, fh'RL cf~ty uf tlau lull••wmt: M"Y• KIIY lulH~t· l~ · ll't.hMil 10! incllf'~ ill lrll~th j t~llll d •t¥~11'"' the UIUIIthll ul· lo'tthl'll•ll'\' ! ., J. . ~1\lh, M-•t Mllll Jn.lllfi\IIY htlo~IHr In~ c.lutu lll"" ill\lllt'.t i11 '"".!;~' ' ; ~tl11n f"at.icl·litJ!: c.he ~uttil.l{ ca· (111t, .. rv iul[ uf lui'"'""' el("'"" r, ,l•u·­iu~ 1.ltt1 aubnth~t uf .M11y "iul ,Jmat=, un·l1.h11·iu~ l'lli\l!).l.l th it~olu'll l•u utai,IIVftll_.tu Cllll ut• JlrH­

"" '' ''" lvl11oltu'H 1 .. .-. tlnm ttillf• lnoh'~ iu lt-11~\1• : provi.l ... l, lw ""•W, thMt it. Khnll lttt lllwful f,,,. IIHu letK .tu p~r"ti iu l'i"klt:~ '"' \'ill~:.{·u· Much MllqtiiiK Ht.•ouk out fOI' ~ r&UU~UUII UI&DIIv~ lltJ

lli14p0 wJ 111 01 ht'rw '""· J : • T .ti:t, ir. w•ll I.e ""I'll, i'f A\'flll 1t more tlNHLio

Itt W tllull did UIIU UI.)W Ul\ llolr llt.ltlUC.u ~001.:.

lr~ tl i .. conu~c.inu, Will ipt.,reating ~~h·& tt cupv uf t.ltti dclllnta.ob l~tid on th~ '"i,)'u of lito Hol\ ~ti on t.htt l910h iu!lt.. IJy t ins lum. tlu• Pa-.,lllit>r-1\ desp.&r.ob " fa-ow thtt ~crt~llu·y ~.~r Stltl" lOl' the C<>louies, transaui~~;iu:.; t\ \luna · muuic.&Lion from "F. vI ,Lvttun to tht! MKI qui" ••t .:.Jit4hmy on Ft-eifi1b ll'it~h•·•·y High~.:,." This he:"' ~ill h•v"" IJl>l:uli.aaL· iut.tst~\.

:\1 r l..uno.- . , 1 IJ"v" che bllnnr t" erlcio,e herewith '" J''lUr

Lo(d&hip, extr1101ed fro'.\! th11 J mm;al Ojfo ;el of thitt ri"J'· a I t!pnrt or ll llll II lOll llU' W I led l''reucl( Miuit~ttr of Fort=ia:n. Alf~tira i " thtt ~Mte Vl!tlhsr­day aftPfiiOOU, by Atl•ninal v eroo, with rttrt:rtiiiCOS &.o '"Le Habe~illll on ,lhe .. fn·ooh Sh\:int" of ~os~­fonndhu•J, an•l or M Gpblec a repiJ.

Ali mimi ·v~rou ll~tlt!,d 'tJ.ti p~pantion11 •ere bti~ "'i»!tJe fur the dupa-.; ftu Freooh vee­sell. 1Jeltlo year. wher&:U ouly one l.lllld (,eeo sent io lhe yeta 1~. tO talte par& in the Cod an~ l.oblltllr ftaheri~ on . U)~ ·• French ~bore," but tba~ i' would be uaelllllf'" lo p,ro<'eerl witb these preparation• "'nleea •"'·GO"tl~~uicm't. could.~o~ive anraoo.. ''••l tber. woale1 be tio further 'intt-~· fereol)e witb this iodollrJ oo tbe p&rt. of tbe Hrh­i'b Lolwcer fao&oriee, now tweuty-oue ia number. t:~~tabliabed uu ~· ·~ prolitio portioo of t.llb Sbori. wbere the Adruiral urged rb~ waa an eJtcla•i•e riJbt. or fiaberr vu&ed iu ,,. .Freach ftaberwf'n H,. called upon GoYerncuen' there­fore to 11&!.41 wbet~r 'h"1 were ready to &iYe tbie aaenranoe. • _

61. (fl)blet replied r.b.at Frooch fiahermeo hMI ata i•dilflurable right ~ ft•h for booatera aa iwell u for cod; bot tbat 8ridab ftsblolf eatablisb­mea~e bad bee" ..o.:llfln"IIJ altnacted U> the • ¥-reocb Sbore' bJ tbe .FreDoh flabermeo th~• ulw .. , aod tbat &beM ea~lilbmeota were tbbre­foN eotitled to a C.r&&io toleiaace, 10 long aa tbey dJd DOt atand u. die. W&J or Freach eater­priMa of tbe aaaoe charao~er. Ne~otlatiooa were prooeedlor witb the nrllii& Go'feromeot, witb a view &o &be· remowal of eome of the Britleh f~re­roriee lo 'qaeat.ioa ,.. l•od·-ia Lb' PIODLitoe tbe Freaoh (lovernQ14JO' . would oniJ d.olare &bl& over1 f)Ofllible proteot.iorr;.would bfl ea&abl .. bed t.o . FreQCh YeeMII e~ fo llbe -.caeiueta,

&1. Goblet alao olahued ored~ .tor concea~oae o.bcatoed hom t~e Nt•foaa:ilaqcl Go•enuuea• in OGJlDeo&ioa/wltiJ tM &hoou ft4erll!tl aod the die­&iuotiYe DIUke b-J'orJb &o be"pplied lO fbahioar buata aalllog ondw eo part]col"'--ftW· .

Hla ExooUeae1 de01illf'11 t9. bu led iako t~a• Quetio .. of a aoPJtQder or f.a,~h ........ iD New• fooudlaad io e&obabll for &'he etelallllte aC9Ilhi· &ioo of the Ntw Hebn4ea. .• ,polal wbiot) , .... delloheiJ eet .-Ide by t~ Q9DCIUiion of tie 'n· OWD' ¥1'UII~·III OHoeroloir U.• lat~r ~1&04.

Ia&~ ••• . (ditd), Jifrt'ON.

We.• tH ata&elatnt ....._ --;a iu Whi'-a a, .... tt. autbo)'i&iw,-DM b7_ lrow \bit, .,_..,_, inolilie\ to· 11 ~ uawari'U&al.le prooecl11re were .m-der tbe lutnetioa ot a Briti•l• ~r .... t-, ii il, •e mbmit, optu t.o ·~~teiiouf objeo tion. We maiot.in, .. ·~fill!· before •ld, ~til ~.,...., be any •Lt.enaPt .. to latertere wi.t.h u11r people by tlaa cap'-io. ~r an; Bri&iali pan-of'-wa~ their belt., a:r.fedp'aDd mod e4'eo · ti"e course wunld lte--u.WDing, t.bat. II, t.be1 J&re soi'tt 4£ ~heir 1round....,.rr.a1e:.t.bat they bc.ve an indiapuc.ble rigb,t,..~y vili\Je ut long poaateuion (IIIJ lL period or DO' ),... than forty yean) t~ the lalOd on. 1f'hich their faotoriee are oreoted ;-r.hetr uf..._ b8at.and m•r. •eoUve conrae, we 1'eP9't, would be t.o firmly and reeolt,fely tell_t'Y Brit.\th c'lwroander who 11\llJ a.ttl'LnfJL to iuterfea·e· aud ad' i.HA them to 1o •• 1.huy we1·e pot chilD.., arrogantly ordered b1 the Frea'tcluueu-to WllrD him !.hat. he will mol ,-,at. thew "t hi" +'"ril; tb~atlbey were Brit.i31t aubjeotll on Bri,iah J&Oil-!tlQL Fronob ! -Rut it it abouhl ~me to p&aa 't.'b~ they llte never­theless interfered with by th~ BritU.h capbtin, then their pl•in aud sim1-:fe duty will be to lily an t~ctlon for t.ltlmll~ againat bim in tlae Su1••-eme CoiJrt of' tl\ia ~ouutry. Thia we bJ&Ve llll vi Ked before; we do 10 ~in to· dtLy. Tlwt, depend upon it, wollld t~oon bring tbing" to '111n h~d ; Mnd the WllLter could no longer be i!tnoretl t.y the Imperi11l lluthori'i~. \'16 woulli then laopft to Sl)e the llldt of the lttiu~ fair~ polioy which hllft (OI' yeara )Jt&St

ru~t~>kud the I!Ooduct of tlie British Govfta·n~ ment towuua t.I.Ji11 ol•l, thit~ mnch vexed quea· tion, wbich hu 110 loug !teen ll' sonr-ce·of en<l­Jega ~rouble 1\lld 9'\oy~tnce to the old colony lln1 her peoplt!.


[,..0 ,I& hOf"f<~.lt o~· Till> SV.l'UAIU>) l> tiAR ·~llt.-

1'-:']_lli, Hoos to 8'\V. thrnn\!h ynhi'"COIUIIIIIII. lhat .. Jl,.tfl'' noi•u ltll~r~tt•otl my r~•u~trk;s 111 r~Jo=rcuce t.o 1 fie IIUIIII.Itsr uf (.; ,.,.,,,Jj,"' utJiceholtlcr& ( l U.lKJ\1 ), nucl. ~tltto \O '''" J.lrub.,lti lil v ur utht<r .. is._. uf Cu,.. luo.le't.u i••n lo,.CN•IIi"IC "" l~!-tutt . •• Ouu \\' hn •VKIJ 1•r~:•un~·· ll"V" tltd·currt:Ct Y.:r11iou of thtlolll 1111int11.

.u the rosvruJn.: iou1 ur UIY MS. \\'ill J.IIUfu j( U~IUI\ry. '

P.:rm" 1011 tn 11•1·1, in ttltllv lo :\lr. Mnriuu'11 l.,ttcr i~o your l~•• tl uf tht! IUth iu~t • '''"' Ill) llHtt!IIU!IIt ~tJ. l.;11rUUII 1\f Wlla l!ltiCIIy Corn'(ll, 111\IIIUiy. ah~ I l.uuJ • lldhl 1\t:Vo:ntl llllll":i" I .r tllu li:tolruA IIIlO" winch h .. b~U~ed 11111 ll .. t'rlhuo-{ill th .. W•lrt(ll H( •' lli!ryl'IJ''} •• tlilal thl'rd wouh( b.: aw ·• u.-u•twhllhsfcr'U> rt,.OU tu olal't'Ct t..X11tiou ahcr ' • lJ.Ho(cJrl"l\IHIII : MIIJ Willl CUO:O:It' 1\IIJ CUIIVi•tC• •· iu~· l~tuo>l 1111J ll'~tures cuoolul!iv,ly J.IIU\'dcl 1h11t ·• 11111 llcc .. h·.-r l.i~:u'ctal ul thd Coluuy w .. utJ .. h"lvu i11 hi~ hand• " llhn.ur 10uuey clrtltltcr by ·• l•llnu J9:W,OOO. ''""I Chu IIIUnhut wlo1ch '"'would " b11 c •llu•l nvoo tu Ji..,ltul'l!d for thos tlifft~reut .. vnblio 11urvtu~t1 · tlleu uuder the coutrol of ''•~ Uulo,uy "

Kuuwiost thAt l wl\8 Up'!cted to reply to 1\lr. -M•triu.,; Rod inle1ulinl( ' au oaurlidly uXRmiuo tie funuJMitJII of .'l COUll lit ructa'' 1\lt•l " fh:n·IJ)I, " 11 111111 wlo1ch !itt haJ rul\red, ole 1 bdietl•, ~ CI'IIXY "'t(Jt!r<ll ruc1urtl, 1 wmte lli10 ll I'Ot ite no\tt ou Thllrt•h•y thtt :Ha' o.f trllbruuy. to •h~· rlf11ot tlr11t 1 wo:-:IJ th1mli: him to J:iv J mt~ iu 11 tl•y ur twu, :\ COJH' or t he li~tUrllll rcferrl'll to. On I h• uuu c.! a)' tFrh.lu.)') l rt!Ctlivosrl thll [ul lo..,iusc uoftl.

.. liualst> ot• AS::ili)IOL\', tit.. Johu'-, .f11b. 22, 188!1

U~An Bow"r.s.- , . I will uwluavour ,to a•1polx you to-morrow

with thu figures, or a di~ca' ol tbum, to 'which you rt~Cer': • 'I •

l'"oun, etc., A. a. MoittN&." l aeot Mr. 1\J. A. U11Yjne for thoo on Satur­

day •• be alao oalll'd on '1\J.,iday; aud at the l"'il · wa9 Depot. on lui\Vin~ for Caruouear, requl!sterl a bl\ltulll frie11d. who ie a me10bt1r of thtl Huuae, &o aee Mr. Morioe and d"'irtt him to forwArd me we .fi;.curee uked fUr by Toeeday's mail, ad· -ue .... d to Carboue'11r .- beuce JOU w1ll aue, Sir, cbe et:uemeut, Lb"' I l1ad aeuc ·• 80Yeral times" to Mr. Moriue· for tb& lil(Ur~a waa atr\Ptly truu, for ae~ral means a oUtuber. more ~bau twu

~~~ mealoioniug tfiia .tnauer in my. add rea ·at C~booear. I atA~d fMtl wfttrnat hnpotiulf mo· th·.e.U I ato etill anxious Lo aett tile lii(Ure& re· ferr'ed t-o, for tllougb a moutLL baa ~litp&ed Mr. M,c:. o has uo~ kcpr the promiros ('ODfd,Yc=d iu lli~ aote Fu\>ruarr, 2~od ,

Uop 11, 11ho1~c.l Mr. MoriDe p1ooe hie' 6jlures' before e Harbor Hrace Literary lnatilufe wlliob did ae ice .. , CArbonear, uo Jaouaey 16tlf, but W DO' telldy to ~oth•,e ~e a U\Outb 8UbeequeotiJ, t a~ r.bos STANOAitl) • will prfeer,·e tbe111 io am bet.'

i rewaio, your. r:c•ah:o•folly. J> .ll ~0 W ERS.

St. Jobu '1, Abr11b 2Srrl Isbg.

(roll THK KAB80R'OtuC£ srlz.ro.&RD.) ..

......... or tta. _.., u.. u4 ora. w u ...

.DI,bli4J j~rpe~ ... , -~·IIIJI a "le Ia ~ ..... to ... ..................... ...... Ia ~ . .oilier ....,.. _..,.._,to

euriellich....-..1& ·' · . • ......... ,.w:ot .. ri .... ~' of ...,..._ .,.,_. ·die i!IOCl people of tJpu-iarfilSeJ. ·-a. ,.. ben &i ellb6 aa .. e towtta~ Uo. Olllw ·,.._.04l ......... ..: aod Ia apl&e ol &M a.rm n •u a .,... 11110011 ......... '- to ~ .. &o 1St eo IDaaJ pre,-.t.. Whb~.to ....... laoo<l .r.-.. be furt .clad to ..._. bia auditDCe &ha' lo a ~- d&J• i& woald * •e Ia• of &be land, diat WtrJ JOilDJ IDU tl pan of ue,nd over wcMlld '""e a voiie Ia the i'o...-aaeaaof bil OOQD&rf .lD paaaio1 &bia law ,, WU but doiDIC \aa ao~ of 'jnatlce. aqd oonferrioa a boon lbat woo1d qqtltly.ndouod to the oolony'a ~ood.

On lb' icnporant qll .. tiou of CoDfedltratioo he propc>Md 1.1) ~pet.lt to thecn \a tbe afmpl .. , , manoer aad no& Lhroaa:h the 111ediam of an arrAy of ftsrurn. wbiob were.lo lohe~ulyet tiretoane­b11t limrly &o baYe a oba& wit!J them oo tbe aub­jf'o&. lle 'propoeed 1.0 ehow th'IID •ithoa& eo­terfaglar~reiJ into a\Atiatioa wberein Coufed.era. tioo would beat effec~ tbe ooloay, and matent•lly • improYe tbe cooditloo of &he people. ln 1869 the qnt~~tion o( a uoion or Newfooodlaod •ith Canada wAt aot. rejec~ by . tbe people of the former oo ilf merit& 1~ waallttnply one, of terwa. '!'be term• o~ned by our dele:l<l'tee to <?"~~"' were placed before our peopto who oohHtlatldJC-Iy reje~tud them. Ooufederauon hu RK~ia crop • . ped up, tbe l!ircamataueea aorrouDdiog wbich were well known U; tbe-' i\odieoce ~boy of us wbo in" 'ti9 voted against the proposed union mijtla aince bnoeeeo ~ reaaona wby we ahoalri ohau~ta our opioiona lo tbia re.Jifot. He dwelt extcultiVIliY upon tbs relttiYe condition otthe tleh~ lltl»llll of Camtda l,!ld those of Nvwfouudl.aod. ll.hoy of you. he said, "hove beeo on bOilrd of a N o•a ScoLino banker, nnd hue ooliced llow much SUperior ller equiplll11Ut.8 were tO those of your ewo baukera. '!'be Canadian C?&D build aod ril( his velael iu tbe- woat. lboroullh u:.anoer, put liabing-~e~r aDd etorea oo bqard. aoc:taeod ber to the ban .. a. M " coet t.wentJ-tiVO per oaot. le.u lhRu can Lhe Newfouutllander. · Oaoada i'llpoaea '" '· rtncy on anJ~hing .neoeaiary to oarryiug Oil tho liahuriea. aorl. allows a libenrf bolln~y oo tbe rdult or the ftahurllll\10. CI\U·h In addition. aa Can11rlian marke"* arc llt.Jr.- 01•en to cowpetitioa., 1\ hi ather price is rt:ahJ.:d for fUh. It it$ we cou. 1 r11ry with tlttt tlaloc.ru~tli or thia country. ll t1 ia coUJvluldy hllrh:t!•l iu by t1utiee. H hu atteu•ptll IO buit.l a vu.uwl, with lhtt t:XCI.'lJliou uf th" tiw· h~r bu ubt11iua 111 ll1 i8 c .. uu•ry. 1'v~:ry arnclo is dutiothld. Tht~ rhc~:inl(. Ollll'lltd 4111Uhor11 aud CRblu 11re hiwhlv tft..X11•I. ll os ~ ...... o~ di~t•uifld her o:; h,.r II•Ju,.;,,.r 8 vuy~tU" 1•it h••nt p~tyiu~: cuor11101111 Jtuirt. 011 •:,It, huuklf ""' I hiot'll, twiutl, uc:t•1 IJUI\Ir4.fllu•l 1.'\'t'rV lutiulu ell pruvl~tuus.

Or1 lil t~ llllllt.,r uf rullw"V", l'I\.UIIJ" \O'Oolol l!tlltrrultcu 118 It II !!X(I<!IIthCtlrr ~;( vrullably.S8.0lltJ -liUU 10. .c,n•trnot 11 r"il"'"" t tl ll ~ll's H"Y· and I rom H1e cru111iua: "I"'" lhu l::x • · l ~riltl t:lvcrr lort~Uwh '" l' t:lCtJII c•ot IRtllll or lhu iute:r.iur lu ~ .. C~··O r.:e's u .. y. Ae 111011 IIJI.Yitt'lll wonl tl pr61bllblyl·e COlli• plor:rerl In live J'PRrot, i~ 10~1111~ "" t!XJreutJitore"of ~l.UU'' .1100 y ... ,rty . • T hts rt'tllll t or lhilf Wlltllti PrDfe o( iau:alcnltthle,6fn()$! tu th11 colony. £iYiDJl to 111 11 uu.,mvluve•l work. re•lucin~: the uu1alk!ra allcllilin~t the rit~h~trie•-''fbioh could uot hur. pro1·u bt!of'lio•Rl to ouretl\(llu indu•try, inaamucb as the tiAbinlt llrOnude wnuld Ct:al" to btl ovdr• crowdc:d,aod prnetn thu gluttint.C or onr m>~rkt~ll, whioh often or.ont'l of httu yo:~ara. If there were l11aa 6ah11rrnep there would btl better chaacea of mOrt! succeesfnl iuc.;ividulll voyawea. and thtt re­ducliou of "'" lotul c:atcll would rl!eolt in beet ef ~JriC&i. . '('h~ COOitrUC\iOII Of thll raiiWilJ 110,

h11iu.: under intcrual control, Inch aa ' WAS the PIIICIIII!.i•t ltHil .way t tbo v.lu" or labor wonltl of ue~·e:saily riee to tbtl alanlillrli to wltioh it ia i11 CMoatln, where tile. wo>rkio" mao receivea frPUl ~1.10 to 81.'!0 pur ciay. •

A r•ilway tftr.lOIJlt c)aia Colony uDdet IJomio· iou maoa~.te•oegt. would reaul\ iu cbe interual dos· vctucment of tl-.e oouotry. b wo~d'be to tb~t iutereet or \be Dotoiuiou to create trade io ort.ler to maie th11lr roads pay, eod ~:Uo thie the lid3 of emitcraliou ltOOid be turoect to our abore11. The coal, iroo, aud copper which OYerywllero abouud iu our lan•lll(ould.be tbrowu to.oveo capi­taliste. aurl gavo l11bor in the devclopmoot. '!'hid wiutor emvloymcllt or r..tilway oooatrucrion would be &lljttUllllted by h,\!a)\kriUI!. 'IIIIE cudlog Newtoundlaod'e urcat evil-euCorctld h.ll~theas for eix 01ontha of the y1111r. ·

Tho control cf your local affaira-ednCAtioo, road·rllpalrioSJ aud oou5lruotioo, et.c.-woulc:taa oo• remain iu l.be haod~& of your Lellielature a' St. John'L 'fhe Domiuioo would take cblll'lfe tof JOUr Custom11, Postal t:i.nice. I.igMbo.ullla, etc , aod protect your titlberiu. You would bA•e re­prcaeo~tive't in tbe DoU)ioion Parliameuc to loolt after dfo Colooy'e 2reater io~nsta.

'l'be lecturer ~·e tiscuree &o pro, e •ba& onder Oouredenalioo tbe l.Joloov'i iDoo•oe would e:t• ceed ber expeodituro ~oYer $16,0\.X', theallow. auce from the l>omioion and revvnoe from otb• enurcoe beio~t about ttHO,OOO., Onr ~x" wonltl be rllduCf'd from a6.00 per bead wbich we oow­~y. to $6.20 wbluh the people or (;aoada paJ.

'fbe Uotolnioo io addhiou to a tb'oroa~b ex.· teoeloo of li"ht h0uee1 around our coast, would boild breakwater~~ and otb11r coonoieocee for alliplliDif.

'l'be Oomlaion, he aaid. imposed No direct tcuu, aud owiog to •be peculiar oonditiou• of tho popu­lation of Nc•fouudlaud it could uo~ do 110 if il wonld 1

A& the cloae of the leotnre, Me, MoriDe wa" .. ked qneat.iooa bJ aeuntl of the audieaoe. 01' wat~ra oount10ted wi&h &he sobj!O• of s.bt neD· ia.111 11weoh. Mr. M. pn tilts utmoe' •Uafac. tioa. A vote of tbankl waa paaed anaohnOnaiJ "ud wu teudered b.1 tbe aew. Ubairmau. . Mr. llorfue, iu repiJiur. "1acskelf tbe a.,.aieooe for &be kiado... wi&b whiola lua coff•lfll were reoeivecl. aod •itt tba& au &be whol11 :,., hail C\UI&iDII to ~ Jhtt. ha tia •iii& &o Spuaiard • U.V •

