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Oort BTLE 4.0 based system - soon on Kickstarter

Date post: 26-Jun-2015
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oort is the first complete universal wireless Internet of Things BTLE iBeacon system
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Comming Soon to

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The Inspiration

As smart devices and apps have improved many facets of consumers’ lives for several years now, people are now looking to use them to control their own environments. What if your phone could control your house or business to protect your family or improve efficiency? oort’s goal is to empower consumers to build their own Internet of Things connected worlds.

oort is the first complete universal wireless Internet of Things BTLE iBeacon system

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The Technology

To enable devices to communicate, oort utilizes Bluetooth low energy (BTLE) and iBeacon. BTLE is poised to become the platform-of-choice of the Internet of Things (IoT) due to its low energy footprint, cross-platform accessibility and widespread use in devices that consumers already own. iBeacon, an indoor positioning and notification technology created by Apple, is currently experiencing rapid adoption. With all iOS 7+ and Android 4.3+ devices supporting the technologies, it is interoperable with the vast majority of new smart devices on the market.

The oort experience

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The PossibilitiesYou can…• Manageallyourbeacons(from any manufacturer)

• Setanyactionyouwant (from data transmission to eFencing, micro-fencing or access control)

• Createreportson-the-fly(e.g. energy consumption management and measurement, air quality, presence control or traffic analysis)

• Improveinteractionswithaccesstodata (from Bluetooth and WiFi-enabled devices)

• Useitanywhere(home, office, factory, hospital or school)

• Trackandlistentoyourbeaconsanywhere (distributed through a cloud central management system)

• Buildyourownwirelesssmarthomeand/orbusiness• Createcustomizedanalyticsreports

The possibilities are endless!


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How does it work?• oortconsistsofamulti-radioWiFi/BTLEhubanddifferenttypesofbeacons,sen-sors, switches and more that connect to cloud and mobile management applications.

What makes oort unique?• Itisauniversalandflexiblemodularsolution• ItcanautomaticallyintegrateanyBTLEdevicewithiBeaconprofiles• Itisasimpleadd-ontoyoursmartphone• Theusercantracktheirdatainnewwaysanduseittogeneratereportsandactions• Itisuserexperience-drivenandappliescutting-edgeusabilityandsimplicity• Itismultifunctional–anyonecanuseitfortheirownpurposes• Itisreasonably-pricedandsecure

What do you have so far?• Workingprototypesofthehub,beacons,powerstrip,lightswitch,thermometerandair quality control sensor• Analphaversionofthereal-timemanagementsystem(cloud+mobile)

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Radek Tadajewski, CEORadek started his first business at the age of 17 selling electronic components and com-puter hardware. Since then he has become a success-addicted tech geek. He founded or co-founded and scaled up a few successful companies like the biggest Polish investment firm focused on trading gold, which broke a decades-long monopoly on the local market within two years, and one of the leading interactive agencies which was ranked 7th in the market 3 years after its set up. During his career, he successfully led 3 IPO’s of his compa-nies. Recently, he served as the CEO of a VC fund investing in technology-related projects. Currently, he is the captain of our oort team. He holds a MBA from the European University Viadrina Frankfurt, and was one of the first Polish scholars at the Haniel Foundation. Out-side of business, he is a business practice lecturer at the University of Wrocław.

Adam Handzlik, CTOAdam has worked as an electronic embedded system architect and project manager for over 20 years. He stubbornly claims that he was born with a soldering iron in his hands, but he has no proof of that. At primary school, he created his first radio all by himself. In his career, Adam was involved in many innovative projects, and even for the Army and Navy. He managed team projects with EADS, Airbus, Thales and Fraunhofer Institute. He partici-pated in designing HPEC solutions for radars and sonars. He worked for Microtech Inter-national SA, AGILENT Technologies Poland and Techdesign. He took part in numerous R&D projects, e.g. ESTERA which had been realized as part of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, where he dealt with designing electronic devices for Active Flow Control in aviation. Adam graduated from the Faculty of Electronics at the Wroclaw University of Technology. He also studied business management at the J. F. Kennedy University in California and Wroclaw University of Economics.

Maurycy Graszewicz, CB&DOSpecialist in branding and brand strategy. He lives in his imaginary world of experiences, creating new identities, personalities and lifestyles for companies. CEO & founder of the MorrisMarlowe branding agency. University teacher at the University of Wroclaw and SWPS –UniversityofSocialSciencesandHumanities.Heisapromoterofbranding.Initiatorandco-creatorofImageCommunication–afieldofstudywhichallowsstudentstoacquirecompetence in brand management, PR, advertising and design. Author of numerous pa-pers on communication.

Leadership Team

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Joanna Fołta, CSOB2B commerce specialist. Inherited leadership and sales skills from her mother, whom she used to watch during work as a child. She has many years of experience in sales process optimisation and implementation of new tools supporting the business lead generation. She graduated from the Wrocław University of Economics and completed a post-graduate course of study in sales management at the Warsaw School of Economics.

Mateusz Zelek, Inventor of oort air quality sensorEngineer and indoor air quality specialist. He claims to be a building doctor that can heal any building by means of his magical tools. Works on a daily basis as a designer of air con-ditioning systems in one of the design studios in Wrocław. He is the inventor of a device measuring air parameters. Co-implementer of such projects as: Colgate-Palmolive and Silver Tower Center in Wrocław, Poland. He graduated from the Faculty of Environmental Engineering at the Wrocław University of Technology.

Szymon Janiak, CMOMarketing strategy & public relations expert. Although he has initiated thousands of me-dia publications, officially he has not admitted to the authorship of any of them because he prefers to stay in the background. He has got a lot of experience in realizing marketing projects for entities in the technology sector. Recently PR & Marketing Manager at Grupa Trinity S.A. Public relations lecturer at the University of Wrocław.

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Contact Us

3 Ways to Support oort 1. Post on Your Blog We’re providing bloggers with all the resources they’ll need. Do you need more information? Or an interview? Email us at [email protected] 2.ShareviaSocialMediaWe’d love for you to help us get the word out about our project. Please share any way you can. 3.BackUsYourself!If you’re not able to write about us, feel free to back us with a monetary contribution to our Kickstarter cam-paign once launched and help with the advancement of the Internet of Things (and also swag!).

Media Contact

JamesGerber,[email protected] +1 617 960 9875

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