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Ooz. I GLHolmesFiirnitureCo-1 Take...

Date post: 08-May-2018
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29c Ooz. I For Fresh j Ranch Eggs j ""a/* DO3. v for frtaa B* tens Rs'gi. IJ i\,r the best fresh local Wash- R lagttss t'r. ini'iv Hutter. U Ailsrus' Peat .1 iv.i ami Mocha I Offee I* tile- !ie-at money run H buy: *,v P** 't' roasted frvsti \u25a0 \u2666very clay, U TEA AND COFFEE CO. I (£1 SECOND AVENUtV, « bit*' Madia*. Sir***, fj WOOD Wood. Charcoal and Coka Seattle Coal and Wood Co. «... Street and Kallroad *»*. B> I ptoßaa* Mat. M. lad. **. EveryDay forAwhilc Demand for Pianos Continue* setlve with I' S. Jit.n- USB Co. th. big -alert. In the Perk* bull4lr.lt. a ho are ever on the akart to avail themselve* of every t***l»'' Opportunity to In. I. la.' taetr facilities » a* to not onlj .I-lain their reputation lone sin. * attabilafee.l f..r the remarkabl. a,-. rtprenented lit every Inatru- Basal a.-' 1 from this Ithmeril. M I* ntabllsh new i i*. .• I, :•. I. In I stBSO _881 h .".-'.«!\u25a0 that viia-il to r.«rv ta*a_.h' an eeun«<ntrally Ct?o**d irv>«: \u25a0-. uve purchaser who mTtiet that from IS. to lIOU saved I la that mi.- earned. Our stock at prvteal I* very complete, containing sails a .umber of special bargain* to ttl.htly used. second-hand and sasapia* pianos I «\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I fall to see v* ataatt tfc««' W* m.. \u25a0\u25a0. tune, repair, sat polish piano* In Or*! a lass \u25a0MB We Are Exclusive Agents Tar th* farnout retinites I't-tno Plar- tr BbMk a. on-- familiar wilt th. \u25a0era *f thi* the .•\u25a0'-.' of all i tlar*t* would be without If they k*v« a piano si- ' r.o one to lav it Pup In and let v* *how you the Staple*. . LN TALKING MACHINES IV*carry th* Bills Victor sr. . Co- latahta. OWtt SB bay* you step In sat hear thaw any time. A raaiplet. stark of smalt muslral "nstnaaseet* aaef *v-, ; lie* on hand at til I'm*. D.S. JOHNSTON CO SEATTIE'S LEAD- INC PIANO HOUSE KM SECOND AVENUE. __^ c.c** a. *.»». LITTLE BAND BOX MARKET Hawaii Butcher* At .**tti«. Tit Very Cholera! of Meat*. Poul- try and rtah. _, •***.!. Test* a tp.e..H-. _ 1100 First *..«„*. | Attend the Strike Sale at I :N. LEWIS & CO. I 700 First Aye. | Chicago Loan Of flee HATUIT BILVEII. Prop. 11? Tester Way. J >'"\u25a0 place to borrow money on ftamrn.* and all kinds of jewelry. Strictly rr..-.fi'l«nt I*l. *_\u25a0_______*_________________________________* I Old You See the Man? \u25a0 He Is making Hklrt. In the \u25a0Mow a' the 1207 2d *i£24p Avenue C ]_*<, TON DON LOAN OFFICE US H*ra.na| At. B. et.a' to Ouy's f.rug Wore. atoaty to Inan en Watehea, Ma- -*_»_ moods and Jewelry. r*> eot buy * warrh or diamond •**'"» you *•• our display In our window and our price*, marked In ***'» .r*a _ lss»e I.urte, Prop. Jam. nans' Hand Matin $2. 50 Shoo tot- mala at The Hub Sag, ' ( ICKMHIH !.,,,._ # a i.iiiMi- Joseph Murphy. Hun- a I * day and Monday nUhi*. hi * I* ' I'he Keny clow," Tueidu) * * til.ht tn mhiiiii Uhue." A IB Wettni.a.l.iy, Chart*. II llun- * I vtr ford In "Isat, ( -.,, nill ,| r |\u0084. A * aan;" Thursday main. h.,i,. * [ * furd In '-11111.-11,1" a i* KIIATTI.i: Htlllilay lift,., in„,,. a I * and iilkht. Junto* Kiniio hi A \u25a0 * efablo lltiin.inl '• Th* remain- a ! * dor «f ihe week th* rie.ittu- A i w will b. .tivrk. a j* Ttltltl. AVi:.Nl'i:-"Hr, Jekyll « ; * and Mr, Hyde." * I I* w I JOfCUI'H Mt'UPHV. , Jußrptl Mill |In * |«„ pluys, "The I Kerry lii.-," and "Shaiin Ittiue." ,ue jboth Irl»h love *t»rle*. each of alls | 1 tlllCt lilt .vl' and taaalh r.-plel* | with lilsh wl| and the speitiluiie.itis | run .ii ii.i, i, ii.n. of the Hibernian nature. A number of eweet old Irish JOSEPH Ml HI'HT. At the Orand In "The Kerry O.iw." *.mg* and ballad* are Introduced In. to both play* and th. atmo*pher* of the l.tticrulj lal* thoruuahly Inihue* each. Murihy ha* wnn envlabte laurel* a* a delineator of Irish char- •e-ier, and hi* Kerry blacksmith In "The Krrry tlow" Is said to be a splendid plea* of work. Hpeelal i in-, have been taken. It t* said. In the *.enlc production of both Irish play*, anal no end of re- alistic detail 1* dovetailed Into each piece. In "The Kerry ckiw" a flock of carrier pi«r..n*. fluttering around the -' .. . bear i •-- .. - from the race nmra* and Murphy make* a !,.••-. «ri ,- in full view of the aurll- ence. "Till: DONN'IR llllll.il llt'rSll." rleattl. ih-at.-r ..-\u25a0 . . lava th. vetersu actor. J. II Mtoddart, * re.u*- ii-at welcome at th. '.-- ml last \u25a0 i. \u25a0 \u25a0 tn honor of hi* ;•.•..' tri- umph* In "The Itonnle llrler Hush." a :\u25a0 .i \u25a0-\u25a0 >'\u25a0' i-in of lan Mac!_aren'. old Hcol.h folk *tory. Mr. Htoddart Has been se*n so oft.n In th* role of It. hard-hearted, uncompromt*- In. oil Presbyterian, and so much has been said about hi* splendlal charartertaatlon that little more need la* a aided, save thai even at hla advanced a.c he psirlrays It with ; the same vt(or, ,rain**« and ef- f. t'V ... 111 l"Iii.I ye i. He la ably .upporteel by that droll comedian, Reuben K*s. who*, por- trayal of I'osty Is Intmltabl*. Pas I* *• lovabl* •* ever a* th* witty. \u25a0ii i.una an an I his deliahtful com- edy Is a b«lanc. wheel for th» more ..ml iKvctlnns of th. pl.ee. M:** Irma I.a Pierre, a* Pier* t'arnpbell. whose love for a man of hl.h drfree Is the cau*. of b*r It. - Inheritance by bet stern, bard old father. I* b pretty, petit* lovelorn ml**. Th. oth.r member, of the Btml- dart company save th* veteran ad- or the most excellent *upport. "The lionnl* Urler Hush 1* ..» lit. bill at today* matinee and will be Been again tonight at tb* Grand opera h-.-J.e "PAIlIc) lIOMANI-" "Por*iral." on account of th. ni- ne** of Itlfkah H*rrl*«n. and of Ihe non-arrival of svenU- equipment, ha* b**n p«*tpon*d fur on* v.*** Jamri K'ane anal company will to- I morrow .ft* n *na| tomorrow nl«ht appear In Kean*'* last **n*on's play, the dramatisation of Marie *'o- relll'B novel. 'Th* Vendetta." The I i play follows the novel closely and I deal* with th* burial stive •af S ' i.'irr. Italian neibtemnn stricken by th. I '. n-'i" at Naplea. who escape* from hi* tomb, finds his wife false. remarries her. then leading her to ht* own tomb dl*. loses his Identity. In her terror her reason Is elethroned snd she kills herself. The role of MRS. WIMSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP ka*b**n**«*bj tmi«atof i<*a.iafwn*k ...l-lr-n wtlst T~-f •*« fee e»*V tlflyV.***. it ..,.,._. is. (BILL »ei*wa la* saa... aljara all o*l», ear** wlad e.IW. .o-l 1* la. S**4 f.m_lr r.r.11ar.% aa. Twrti -r\ larr .r* __Tt__ ——_—_. ___-__-. _—-—_-._— —_—. New Spring j Jackets 110.00 buy. an t:p-to-date vert Cciat. .Ilk lined, flue.! back. On. Dollar per week takes it Westberg&Childs Cloaks, Suit* an.! Millinery. l.ii Second are. I *_B^«Liaffe?§m Mtiui, the false wife. Is taken by c'lmimtte Dean., ' in JI*KYI.I. ANH Mil. HYPE." I'i'iiy lliuitiiiK nint hi* company ii|'.'ii ill tho Tlilnl Avenue liiiuiitmvv tiflnrniHiii fur . vve.lt a oniiMfci mint 111 "lir. J.-kjII anal Mr. Ily.l-" N.vv *ieiilt- effect* me promised us tin nt- Iraetlv. tattlne fur th* paychologtral eiltl play, teii.l the auiiipiiiiy la suit! In be a in|i.ilili' one. Mull.tin * mliislirls ilia*., Itiulfht. Mine, ttrjiiiie. the areut French comedienne, ha* etulo,| ber *.•. nittl American tour, v. hit h luis been n lenmikuiily brilliant one. It wa. ttiii.iieii iii New v..ik, where eh. ptayett a return eiiaiißeiiiein, «rioi a brief trip throughout Ihn cttiiiitty. In thai Immortal old comedy, "Ttte Taming nf ili v Mtnm, Mi*« Ait.c He. ti .ii I* tlelliihiina Invert nf Hlnikes- lieare at the IJlieily theater, In New Yoik. It I* many year* «!riee Ml** lie- dan fliat pUyeil Katherlne, but Hie i \u25a0\u25a0 .. »f these have nut dimmed tho rt'itllalte a ti.irin e.f her |m|. travel. r«he I* Hie aaine bewitching. Commanding, pleading, lesiatllia, yielding creature thill f.i»t ln,ilr.| a |*i.iir „f )* tt ts t|ai In Ihe fine old Iraly et,.ya. The lauirr nf the shrew Is that spi.ii.|ld, tt.ns, 1.-iilli.ii, actor, I'hnile* lllchinaii. Ill* I'eiru, lilu Is 10 i -\u25a0"'.. and, wh*n n»rtt.aijr. *«i Imperlou* thai It »nuld have taken » mm h more BhtaWtah smii.tii to bay. 1e.1.t.-il hint than bonny Kale. Th* . iiii'.' Boppoit of Mi** Itehan I* a weiii.. one. "If ynu want to au.-.eed at any- Ihluc wher* It takea brain* or --.ii. i- . to carry y.iu slime." said James J l-t.rhetl. the et-champlun heavy-aelahi an.) a. la* at lleuck* theater. Cine iniiatt, "you must «et plenty of sleep. When I say plenty. I mean 11. I think It I* ' the niti*t eaatntlal thlna In the whole INVESTIGATES RAILROAD fttr Bcrlpp* Naw* Aaa'nl WABIIINOTON'. d C. Feb. It.— To the «'.li . a.mniltt.'* of the hoii*. rommlttee »n Interstate and faitelan cwtimtrrt, 1..11 *• with »n lnve«tl- * vi ri of the affair* of the Panama Italtrnad company, the fnllowlna *t»tement wa* pre»ent«.,| yeiterday: "The Panama Itnllroad company I* capitalised at 17. «...,.,.... I'« arena* .....ra are Ila.tto.ooo. of Whll I 112.- --«:i.000 la the value of th* road, real estate, e.|til|.merit. terminals and steamships, the balance b*ln« r»*h and treasury assets. Th* bonde«l Indebtedness of th* properly la 11.1jP.001. of which th* company owns 1517.000. Th* .raass e.itnliia* of th* enmp*ny for the att II month* w*re tLMl.tr.*. The et|w-nse nf operation wa* ll.ttt.tll fit"! rharae*. which Include* I2»0,0ti0. th. annual pnyment to Columbia. Iriter- e*| on mortt*.." %9t.n(io. .crjiilsltlon of bond* by the company 1t40.000, i.-..v i.isr a balance of I .-:i..i.4 In lie applied to dividends." FOUND SOME LOITERERS The |*'llie dra.net wa* filled to \u0084„(," in* with female Inhabitant* * i-utirti of rule* ii,,t niuit be ob •erv'sJ If you *r.< n piiifnesliitlul uth« ltle. f have found the sumo rule liaalds 1,1 ue Ruing 00 the Hinge." ClIAni.E". II HANIIiIIH. Chart*. Ii llanford rome. this Huh' In loiiiiiiitle ttrniiiii and In tnm- edy. cm \\ t.liirstliiy ivnilli* he Open. In "I >.'ii c'liisiir lie lliintit"ninl MAHit* l'll'ir.NAll. With Charles lliuiftir.l at lb* ci i a int. Thur»it»y evnlng In- take. th. rule nf lb* dusky Moor In "Othello." He-rnlc rvtifivrvgiinie end tn.iKtilfl- t cut c nf . tjsiutitliiKare snld toe bar. at (a l It.' Ihilli proalu. tl.all*. tiwen Wlsler'e "The Virginian*' will It* sren at the Umiiil Real month, with the . i •.!\u25a0!. I rust. Helen Holm*, playing the *. honliiiii ill ami l"i 'in r'uniuiu taking the title rule, "laivrr'* I ..... will be presented by the Louis. Hrandt company at the Third Avenue week nf l-Vlnunry I*. Thi* will be followed by "North- ern I. *' :- week of Manh IV. "The Mummy *nd the Iftiintnlng lllial" la *. heduled for Ihe Ciraiid BtVm. I'aul c'.lliiinre Will lute th* pari of Lord Jack Lumlry, -— - \u25a0=\u25a0—\u25a0 I 11 ll.il. \u25a0_. 4. U IDIIJ. I U \u25a0\u25a0 I!lTr»*f>ii H»i_W—BBWBBBBW DIRECT PRI MAR) LAW Do vim want the same opiairtnnlty to personally select the tiom- li..-.« of your party ticket that you now have le> elect your choice at election* from the name* found on the offi. lal ballot? I'm you believe you Bin entitled to the same .lit to make your la!'..' that you now have to caat tour ballot? I"a you prrfer a i han to aeleet your choice to be the nominee for every offlrt, rather than vote at primaries for delegates ahum you elo not know who they favor? I*' you rv-allte tbat the seta* Hon of nomlneeai of Ihe popular I n*nt iiarty It actually th* selection of officer*? Ik) you. with the present .nrnple. ram tn contention plan, have anything to **v about it? Do you know that In many .drier states the people vote direct (an nominee*, end no latini*.-* nor convention* an ..sat v * Do »."i know that .Ureal primaries will give an absolutely free personal untramtnaled rboire. In making nominations, fully protected by law. with Australian ballot system etc T Iki yon know thai then your vote counts for a* much, and you ran have an equal say In selecting candidate* with the biggest po- litical I*mb* Do you not believe that thoae elected to serve and represent the people In thla dire, manner will be more responsible tv 'he people, and will reeull In mor«r efficient and honest service? 1., you want such a law. and IF BO WILL YOU. TODAY, will you NOW. rut nut this anal th* atatheil coupon, fill out and send to your .tat* senator and urg* other* to do so. ************ aT.T*Tr7* ****** a a a. **** , * t A 4 ; B « * itb lilt. . * *e*ul d»t* t"t * * * * -4 A * ' * A* * taip*y*r of your district I org* open you t. d. all tn * * . * your power to •ocompllah th* pasaaga of th* bill providing for * * a * * DIRECT l-niMAHT LAW. « * A * * * A * \u25a0 * * * Slga asm* B»re * * * * * A * * sew a * * Addrtas. * A A King county voter* should send their coupons to the following: Senator*—J. J. Smith. A. T. Van de Vantar, O. A. Tucker. A. 11-nirLh. William H. Moor*. W. G. Pott*. R. M. Klnnear. E. B. Palmer. Representative* —M. M Morrl 11. W. W. Brown. W 11. Clark. Tbi» t«nb*on, Joseph Irving. David V ... '. Erlrktain. F. A. Twltrhell. C. E. Houston. J. II Dawea. Jam.* Weir. E. E. Todd. F. 11. Rennkk. Joseph U"Oa. C. S. OItMM C. E. Vila*. R. '' Booth. ..... at \u25a0 w .-t 1 - - '•' -~ - - tl! Of the restricted dl.tilrt who so far ! trana«re*ae,l the .lute law that they evenly dared to loiter about naloon* last night. City D*t*Ct!*/M Hubbard ami rr**rti*n. with an eye to the betterment of the dlatrlct In «hla ihe greater part of their work I* carried on, bundled them -ii Into the patrol wagon and after carefully Inggtng Ihein "loiterers," sent them to the police station, where they gave their names Pearl Q Fair, Kth*l Uly. !lo»* I*ej*t*r. Pearl Ko«- j ter. Edna Hl'-ele and Lor I* WII»on. The mal-irti'. of th* number ware i scarcely out of their l-'.-l." They were all r*l"v*ed on ball of 110 each. Thtv mint, however, appear In court thi* afternoon. MRS. CHADWICK DENItS DEBTS lilt tcrll'iv* New. A«*ri I CLEVELAND. Feb. IS.—Among] the claims repudiated by Mr*. Castle j L. Chadwlrk In the bankruptcy court yesterday wa* one filial by Freda Swansirnm. her maid, who I claimed that Mr*. t'hsilwltk owed her seven months' salary at $1 ii month. J ~-7~_. "r mi \u25a0 i Allen's Lung Balsam Will Baa*l1lv»lv break on a deep. i*' kin* cough P**t relief by en her mean*. _ I HMMM B^_*BBBt—*B*Bß_a* * ll \u25a0 » THE SEATTLE AH- SATURDAY. VKSt. 18. t.,..<; East Side Will Fight COMMIBStON MEN DEMAND GOOD BILL OR NO BILL AT ALL Olympla Bureau Btaltl* Dsily Star. Olympls, VVa.h. O'.VMI'IA. Wash., I. I If -"We will Ilglit the railroad ceimmls»ion bill as uiii.ihl. .1 tit the luat elltrh." Si> Stated 11. ;.r .t. 1.1..1 ;v. Iti-ltel, Of I.lDarilu, leader of the rtunnilaslnn force*. to The Mar y*«terday. A s.~ i.i asm ns of . __.•• w* i. in«i..n legislators wa* held y*at*t day sad a course of action deter- mined 111* all Tha aentlmrnt of the rant us was that the. bill with the I.lnk ha v la «ito».i - tip amendmenta should lie fought, and that the original bill | with on* amendment should lie sup- ported The one amendment Id th*' origtaal bill took a.tv from the commission the right la Initiate ac- tion against eiistlng rale* The big fiat lit on Hie bill a* It now stands will take place In the house," said tin* of the Mil's sup- portar*. 'll will t»* » hard tuasle and will result In either the passage of a bill that means something or it" bill at all" Robbed and Wounded by Bold Bandit n_r ripe* tt*ws Asa* I NEW YORK. Feb 18-Within two door, of i It'-ii home, on On* Hundred and I nlrtyslghth atreet. early this morning. Mr. and Mr*. c'.iriilsh wm robbed of a tJ.OuO diamond lih-i |. In trying to de- fend 1.1. wife Cornish, who is re- puted to be a mtllionalrr. was shot soil aerlously wounded by the ban- ] dit, who ear aped Have you a friend •*..'> has a hard cold? Then cell him about Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how It cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep It In the house. Tell him to ask hit doctor about It. Doc- tors have known the formula for over sixty years. 1.1.'.? -_: I ALBERT HANSEN jtttrtar. wa touts our lit ABB 700 faf Avnnua NewYorkLlquorCo For Bast Wines and Liquors *17 frIRBT AYE NORTH. ti WUfc" l'l'i ivkr i rlinr.e*- Wain tlTljlnd. lilt. Now York Dental Parlors Ten year*' guarant**. f|a.-ir» I: It a. m to * p. m. Sunday*. I'M * m. to It m. •11 FIRST AYE, SEATTLE tWteonr) floor llowerd Uulldlng. BPt'talt* rein Mutual I. lf* •"ItolMttig. BBBg_BCa_gga_M_«a___— FORCED OUT The entire line .old st rnst. C.M.PESSEMIER UOOI.. AND SHOES. 912 (.ml Avenue. OONTfORGET THE TIN SALE 1 AT | Red Front Furniture Go. I a, Red Front Furniture Co. I 101 SECOND AYE. ROUTH. I \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Sjßggggl _p_ Wiitrhe*. lHamnnil* __f n'l'l Jewelry ut reason. 3T lilii* |,il.*a anil Kin* _Btf__ Watch Repnlrlng. g*> _3 HOUGHTON 4 HUNTER ; _t__L_W Jeweler*. 1 704 FIRST AYE. \u25a0SEATTLE. Take Notice ' ' I __!' -| , -.__ "— ~ ._- -.-\u25a0—- I I Saturday After Six O'clock Specials 3 ball* Coat** best Pamlng ('cit- tern Be in.- I.mi. )> nf Urea* Hon** ."••\u25a0 Corduroy Illtidllig, all color* ... 3He i Kirk* Ititsslan Hoses Toilet Soap 3'_e No __ All Silk Tsffeta Ribbon, 15c value; tonight Oe In. tonight 2IJe 40c and &0c Block Collars; to- night Sfte I'rarl Ililttiili*. all sl7.es, per eleir.- en Ue 1.-. •]. . Bklrt Hiipiicirlers; lo- nlght in. Kleliients Ilook-Oil lllitu Bup- I porters, fane y web; tonight l«e ; 10c Turkish Towel*, slightly '. .oiled; tonight Be ' '.". Itus*l*n 1.1n.n Crash; to- night 7'«_e | tOe- Hllkolln* Cushion, with ruf- fle*; tonight 38* j Ltd la. t&C Fle-eaerl Hose; to- I.:*',' .17* j Men* Otford Ca»!im*t* Sew-k*; tonight 12,* I Kll'e k DOVB Tspeatry I'phol ] •tered Fontatool, uildlzed legs. ft tsti value; Bight fttte liliby Hlichs Matin Polish, 10c value; tonight We 4Csr Men's Merino Unalershlrts; tonight Soe PETERSONS J______3J rot. XA 210 Plk* tlr.al. | a_ . j It's Not Always the quantity that'a the bargain. It', the quality that counts ii, llrtigs- that's the li.t we al- ways guard and make the prtre as low aa we ran—only ask a reasonable margin of profit- selling Fallows Syrup II in at 1 ff> Cutlrure Hoap. lee at I.V Heef Wine and Iron. ISe „. (\u25a0<>,. Melhn* Food. 7* *• &5e nromo Beltter. SOe at . Ilr Swamp Root. &0c at « |, l.lquotone, $100. *' R3e I.l'Hi-'ioiie Joe .1 t.'te Phone ut your drug wants, we deliver the g.*a"... Stone's Pike St. j Pharmacy i n.itai.;* Family and lTesrrlp- tl<m liruggltts. 419 PiKe Street Both riat.ne*. Main •„_ | t^USEMENTS AMI. SFMtMS Star Theater Cor. First and Madison Formerly Alcazar Opens Monday evening. February 20, with Continuous Vaudeville Matlm-* 2:30 to 4:30. Evening 7:30 to 10:30. 8 Big Acts 8 Headed by Mine. Zlska, Si- t.n iii.ti I I all. St AelmlKalem 10c I to any Beat. Reserved Boa Seat I _sc. I J Groenbaum's Cloak and Suit House From the anal to the wearer. 1410 RECONH AYE. j I Til suna.'i. Main 1441. ft I GLHolmesFiirnitureCo-1 f 1101-1103-1105 SECOND AYE. I \u25a0 .1 fa __ma____a *-*— •> •**-. II \/ !,i i (F^zzs^??^ Have You H . Ifai___r»7nar^fc?l_ laVC *WU U a.'es^B H * . * t I | '§______. \________\_\ a Monarch | \u25a0 I *%^r*^ .^ffitjiA/i, i i'l*" 1' -H»t, ~m-»_________ Tin. iiiont economical, N J, |flT^~Ci^^j4Z_ 3 T2_&*^^ "'""' \u0084,"'< '"", '"" __t '\u25a0 nP-t iß> $^ Down, ! rlS(F^r3 $5 a Month j I f_e_^T"_l_Si- 1 ' G______i» 1 __! .ecur i• - * ran*.* arid 3 * ~t^' \u25a0./?^-rpHff we elll take yow old fl rariKe a* jrart payment, »\u25a0* AMUSEMENTS [ r-r-rul - -~^s. i I _^^ T> A B^_TT_P_ SEATTLE'S John Cort, Mgr GRAND I HADING as \7l\Alliy' li M„.p ;.,;\u25a0 §5 Sunday, Monday Wednesday and and Tuesday Thursday --r---.r--o-_-.nj - -_-_-\u0084, _-_-^-,_-_-,_n_r^.-_r un. ! The I/lst lllglll*il*d * '"' I Mr. Joseph I Mr. Chas. B. Murphy Hanford | SUNDAY A.N'li MONDAY V _~^~-_~__„ . -_-^_-_^^__. NIOHTU Accompanied by if-cnnvmiii Miss Marie Drotnah IvLKK I uUVV '" Two Bup,rb Productions ! TUE.DAT NIOHT "DON CAESAR DE : SHAUNRHUE *IJ^*__ w,,h 'iLZt.Zr "nd "OTHELLO" -_». _. _.-. °-v THURSDAY NIGHT. PRICES-11.00 to 2Bc Bob PRICES-fIAO to 25*. Seats Heas and {.Ivans, IMI Belling Monday, 10 A. M ; SEATTLE THEATER c \\__\9 Phones—Main 43. Ind. 43 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Tomorrow, Sunday, Matinee and Night, Feb. 1 9 MORRIS B. DUDLEY PRESENTS . . . JAMES KEANE . . . Anf* Supeib Specially Selected Company, Including Charlotte | I 11. line, in * Magnificent Production and Perfect Presentation if Mart* C'airelll m.Hit widely read Novel— "FABIO ROMANI" OR THE VENDETTA 'Ml! SEASON'S BEST PEAY—PRONOUNCED BETTER THAN MONTE citiSTO. SKi: The It.. of Naples, the Tavern of Pletro. the Mausoleum of the Homanl. Moonlight Viea- of the Ancient Sepulchral Vault. , Palace of the Homanl on tin- Yineelad Slopes of Mount Vesuvius, ' the Studio of lido Ferrari, the Statue of Phryne, Na'ile* and its Picturesque Bay. Accurate Scenery. Costume, ami Accessories. Eclipsing Everything in It* Varied Originality. Eutloraed alike by ! Prca* and Public, with a Itecord hard to Ileal. POPULAR MUCH in.'.' '.•;,\u25a0 1111.1 &oc. Evening. SSc.SOc, 75c. ' WEEK COMMENCING FEB. it—A MAGNIFICENT PRO- DUCTION OF THE GREAT SACRED DRAMA "PARSIFAL." " " XHIRD AVENUE \u25a0___** afla Th* Mott Popular Th«*t*r. DREW, Men. "Till. ONLY UPTOWN THEATER."* Prlttt, Ail Mttim.a 0. and 25c, Night 2'e. 30c, 40c, 50c Both Phone*. Main 567. SEATS CAN BE SECURED SIX DAYS IN" ADVANCE. Week Starting Matinee Tomorrow, Sunday, February 19 SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Or THE STERLING CHARACTER ACTOR— MR. PERCY HUNTING \u25a0UrrOßtssTJ BY AN EXCELLENT COMPANY. IN THE PLAY THAT MADE RICHARD MANSFIED FAMOUS— Dr.JeKylbMr.liyde Produced with an Elaborate Scenic Equipment. Superbly Cos- tumed, a Noteworthy Production. Up-to-date. Startling muxes. Thrilling Situation., Realistic Effect.. Next WeeK, Louise Brant Co. in "Lover's Lane"
Page 1: Ooz. I GLHolmesFiirnitureCo-1 Take Noticechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1905-02-18/ed...29c Ooz. I For Fresh j Ranch Eggs j ""a/*DO3. v for frtaa B* tens Rs'gi. IJ i\,r

29c Ooz. IFor Fresh jRanch Eggs j

""a/* DO3. vfor frtaa B* tens Rs'gi. IJi\,r the best fresh local Wash- Rlagttss t'r. ini'iv Hutter. U

Ailsrus' Peat .1 iv.i ami Mocha I

Offee I* tile- !ie-at money run Hbuy: *,v P** 't' • roasted frvsti \u25a0\u2666very clay, U


bit*' Madia*. Sir***, fj

WOODWood. Charcoal and Coka

Seattle Coal andWood Co.

«... Street and Kallroad *»*. B> Iptoßaa* Mat. M. lad. **.

EveryDayforAwhilcDemand for PianosContinue* setlve with I' S. Jit.n-

USB Co. th. big -alert. In the

Perk* bull4lr.lt. a ho are ever on the

akart to avail themselve* of every

t***l»'' Opportunity to In. I. la.'

taetr facilities » • a* to not onlj

.I-lain their reputation lone sin. *attabilafee.l f..r the remarkabl.a,-. rtprenented lit every Inatru-

Basal a.-' 1 from this Ithmeril.M I*ntabllsh new i i*..• I, :•. I. In IstBSO _881 h .".-'.«!\u25a0 that viia-il tor.«rv ta*a_.h' an eeun«<ntrally

Ct?o**d irv>«: \u25a0-. uve purchaser whomTtiet that from IS. to lIOU saved I

la that mi.- earned. Our stock atprvteal I*very complete, containing

sails a .umber of special bargain*

to ttl.htly used. second-hand andsasapia* pianos I «\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I fall to see v*

ataatt tfc««' W* m.. \u25a0\u25a0. tune, repair,

sat polish piano* In • Or*! a lass\u25a0MB

We Are Exclusive AgentsTar th*farnout retinites I't-tno Plar-tr BbMk a. on-- familiar wilt th.\u25a0era *f thi* the .•\u25a0'-.' of all i

tlar*t* would be without If theyk*v« a piano si- ' r.o one to lav itPup In and let v* *how you theStaple*.

. LN TALKING MACHINESIV*carry th*Bills Victor sr. . Co-latahta. OWtt SB bay* you step Insat hear thaw any time.

A raaiplet. stark of smalt muslral"nstnaaseet* aaef *v-, ; lie*on hand attil I'm*.



c.c** a. *.»».


Hawaii Butcher* At .**tti«.Tit Very Cholera! of Meat*. Poul-

try and rtah._, •***.!. Test* a tp.e..H-._ 1100 First *..«„*. |

Attend the Strike Sale at I:N. LEWIS & CO. I

700 First Aye. |

Chicago Loan OffleeHATUIT BILVEII. Prop.

11? Tester Way.J >'"\u25a0 place to borrow money onftamrn.* and all kinds of jewelry.

Strictly rr..-.fi'l«nt I*l.*_\u25a0_______*_________________________________*

I Old You See the Man?\u25a0 He Is making Hklrt. In the

\u25a0Mow a' the

1207 2d *i£24pAvenue C ]_*<,


et.a' to Ouy's f.rug Wore.atoaty to Inan en Watehea, Ma-

-*_»_ moods and Jewelry.r*> eot buy * warrh or diamond

•**'"» you*•• our display In our

window and our price*, marked In***'» .r*a_ lss»e I.urte, Prop.

Jam. nans' Hand Matin$2. 50 Shoo tot- mala at

The Hub Sag,

'( ICKMHIH!.,,,._ #a i.iiiMi-Joseph Murphy. Hun- aI * day and Monday nUhi*. hi *I* ' I'he Keny clow," Tueidu) ** til.ht tn mhiiiii Uhue." AIB Wettni.a.l.iy, Chart*. II llun- *I vtr ford In "Isat, ( -.,, nill ,| r |\u0084. A

* aan;" Thursday main. h.,i,. *[ * furd In '-11111.-11,1" ai* KIIATTI.i: Htlllilay lift,., in„,,. aI * and iilkht. Junto* Kiniio hi A\u25a0 * efablo lltiin.inl '• Th* remain- a! * dor «f ihe week th* rie.ittu- Ai w will b. .tivrk. aj*Ttltltl. AVi:.Nl'i:-"Hr, Jekyll «

; * and Mr, Hyde." *II* w I

JOfCUI'H Mt'UPHV., Jußrptl Mill|In * |«„ pluys, "TheI Kerry lii.-," and "Shaiin Ittiue." ,ue

jboth Irl»h love *t»rle*. each of alls |1 tlllCt lilt.vl' and taaalh r.-plel*| with lilsh wl| and the speitiluiie.itis| run .ii ii.i, i, ii.n. of the Hiberniannature. A number of eweet old Irish

JOSEPH Ml HI'HT.At the Orand In "The Kerry O.iw."

*.mg*and ballad* are Introduced In.to both play* and th. atmo*pher* ofthe l.tticruljlal* thoruuahly Inihue*each. Murihy ha* wnn envlabtelaurel* a* a delineator of Irish char-•e-ier, and hi* Kerry blacksmith In"The Krrry tlow" Is said to be asplendid plea* of work.

Hpeelal i in-, have been taken. Itt* said. In the *.enlc production ofboth Irish play*, anal no end of re-alistic detail 1* dovetailed Into eachpiece. In "The Kerry ckiw" a flockof carrier pi«r..n*. fluttering aroundthe -'

.. . bear i •-- .. - from therace nmra* and Murphy make* a!,.••-. «ri ,- in full view of the aurll-ence.

"Till: DONN'IR llllll.illlt'rSll."rleattl. ih-at.-r ..-\u25a0 . . lava th.

vetersu actor. J. II Mtoddart, * re.u*-

ii-at welcome at th. '.-- ml last\u25a0 i. \u25a0 \u25a0 tn honor of hi* ;•.•..' tri-umph* In "The Itonnle llrler Hush."a :\u25a0 .i \u25a0-\u25a0 >'\u25a0' i-in of lan Mac!_aren'.old Hcol.h folk *tory. Mr. HtoddartHas been se*n so oft.n In th* roleof It. hard-hearted, uncompromt*-

In. oil Presbyterian, and so muchhas been said about hi* splendlalcharartertaatlon that little moreneed la* a aided, save thai even athla advanced a.c he psirlrays It with

; the same vt(or, ,rain**« and ef-f. t'V • ... 111 l"Iii.Iye i.

He la ably .upporteel by that drollcomedian, Reuben K*s. who*, por-trayal of I'osty Is Intmltabl*. PasI* *• lovabl* •* ever a* th* witty.\u25a0ii i.una an an I his deliahtful com-edy Is a b«lanc. wheel for th» more..ml iKvctlnns of th. pl.ee.

M:** Irma I.a Pierre, a* Pier*t'arnpbell. whose love for a man ofhl.h drfree Is the cau*. of b*r It. -Inheritance by bet stern, bard oldfather. I* b pretty, petit* lovelornml**.

Th. oth.r member, of the Btml-dart company save th* veteran ad-or the most excellent *upport.

"The lionnl* Urler Hush1* ..» lit.

bill at today* matinee and will beBeen again tonight at tb* Grandopera h-.-J.e

"PAIlIc) lIOMANI-""Por*iral." on account of th. ni-

ne** of Itlfkah H*rrl*«n. and of Ihenon-arrival of svenU- equipment,

ha* b**n p«*tpon*d fur on* v.***Jamri K'ane anal company will to-

I morrow .ft* • n *na| tomorrownl«ht appear In Kean*'* last **n*on'splay, the dramatisation of Marie *'o-

relll'B novel. 'Th* Vendetta." The Ii play follows the novel closely and Ideal* with th* burial stive •af S 'i.'irr. Italian neibtemnn stricken byth. I '. n-'i" at Naplea. who escape*

from hi* tomb, finds his wife false.remarries her. then leading her to

ht* own tomb dl*. loses his Identity.

In her terror her reason Is elethronedsnd she kills herself. The role of


ka*b**n**«*bjtmi«atof i<*a.iafwn*k...l-lr-n wtlst T~-f•*« fee e»*V tlflyV.***.it ..,.,._. is. (BILL »ei*wa la* saa... aljaraall o*l», ear** wlad e.IW. .o-l 1* la. S**4f.m_lr r.r.11ar.% aa.

Twrti -r\larr.r* __Tt__——_—_.___-__-._—-—_-._— —_—.

New Springj Jackets

110.00 buy. an t:p-to-date vertCciat. .Ilk lined, flue.! back. On.Dollar per week takes it

Westberg&ChildsCloaks, Suit* an.! Millinery.

l.ii Second are. I

*_B^«Liaffe?§mMtiui, the false wife. Is taken byc'lmimtte Dean.,

' in JI*KYI.I.ANH Mil. HYPE."I'i'iiy lliuitiiiK nint hi* company

ii|'.'ii ill tho Tlilnl Avenue liiiuiitmvvtiflnrniHiii fur . vve.lt a oniiMfci mint111 "lir. J.-kjII anal Mr. Ily.l-" N.vv*ieiilt- effect* me promised us tin nt-Iraetlv. tattlne fur th* paychologtraleiltl play, teii.l the auiiipiiiiy la suit! Inbe a in|i.ilili'one.

Mull.tin * mliislirls ilia*., Itiulfht.Mine, ttrjiiiie. the areut French

comedienne, ha* etulo,| ber *.•. nittlAmerican tour, v. hit h luis been nlenmikuiily brilliant one. It wa.ttiii.iieii iii New v..ik, where eh.ptayett a return eiiaiißeiiiein, «rioia brief trip throughout Ihn cttiiiitty.

In thai Immortal old comedy, "TtteTaming nf iliv Mtnm, Mi*« Ait.c He.ti .ii I* tlelliihiina Invert nf Hlnikes-lieare at the IJlieily theater, In NewYoik.

It I* many year* «!riee Ml** lie-dan fliat pUyeil Katherlne, but Hiei \u25a0\u25a0 .. »f these have nut dimmedtho rt'itllalte a ti.irin e.f her |m|.travel. r«he I* Hie aaine bewitching.Commanding, pleading, lesiatllia,yielding creature thill f.i»t ln,ilr.| a|*i.iir„f )*tt ts t|ai In Ihe fine oldIraly et,.ya.

The lauirr nf the shrew Isthat spi.ii.|ld, tt.ns, 1.-iilli.ii, actor,I'hnile* lllchinaii. Ill* I'eiru, lilu Is10 i -\u25a0"'.. and, wh*n n»rtt.aijr. *«iImperlou* thai It »nuld have taken» mm h more BhtaWtah smii.tii tobay. 1e.1.t.-il hint than bonny Kale.Th* . iiii'.' Boppoit of Mi** ItehanI* a weiii.. one.

"If ynu want to au.-.eed at any-Ihluc wher* It takea brain* or• --.ii. i- . to carry y.iu slime." saidJames J l-t.rhetl. the et-champlunheavy-aelahi an.) a. la* at lleuck*theater. Cine iniiatt, "you must«et plenty of sleep. WhenI say plenty. I mean 11. I think It I* '

the niti*t eaatntlal thlna In the whole


WABIIINOTON'. d C. Feb. It.—To the «'.li . a.mniltt.'* of the hoii*.rommlttee »n Interstate and faitelancwtimtrrt, 1..11 *• with »n lnve«tl-

*vi ri of the affair* of the Panama

Italtrnad company, the fnllowlna*t»tement wa* pre»ent«.,| yeiterday:

"The Panama Itnllroad company I*capitalised at 17. «...,.,.... I'« arena*.....ra are Ila.tto.ooo. of Whll I 112.---«:i.000 la the value of th* road, realestate, e.|til|.merit. terminals andsteamships, the balance b*ln« r»*hand treasury assets. Th* bonde«l

Indebtedness of th* properly la11.1jP.001. of which th* companyowns 1517.000. Th* .raass e.itnliia*of th* enmp*ny for the att IImonth* w*re tLMl.tr.*. The et|w-nse

nf operation wa* ll.ttt.tll fit"!

rharae*. which Include* I2»0,0ti0. th.

annual pnyment to Columbia. Iriter-e*| on mortt*.." %9t.n(io. .crjiilsltlonof bond* by the company 1t40.000,

i.-..v i.isr a balance of I .-:i..i.4 In lie

applied to dividends."



The |*'llie dra.net wa* filled to\u0084„(," in* with female Inhabitant*

* i-utirti of rule* ii,,t niuit be ob•erv'sJ If you *r.< n piiifnesliitlul uth«ltle. f have found the sumo ruleliaalds 1,1 ue Ruing 00 the Hinge."

ClIAni.E". II HANIIiIIH.Chart*. Ii llanford rome. this

Huh' In loiiiiiiitle ttrniiiii and In tnm-edy. cm \\ t.liirstliiy ivnilli* heOpen. In "I >.'ii c'liisiir lie lliintit"ninl

MAHit* l'll'ir.NAll.With Charles lliuiftir.lat lb* ci i a int.

Thur»it»y evnlng In- take. th. rulenf lb* dusky Moor In "Othello."He-rnlc rvtifivrvgiinie end tn.iKtilfl-tcut c nf . tjsiutitliiKare snld toe bar.at (a l It.' Ihilli proalu. tl.all*.

tiwen Wlsler'e "The Virginian*'will It* sren at the Umiiil Realmonth, with the . i •.!\u25a0!. I rust. HelenHolm*, playing the *.honliiiii ill amil"i 'in r'uniuiu taking the title rule,

"laivrr'* I ..... will be presentedby the Louis. Hrandt company atthe Third Avenue week nf l-Vlnunry

I*. Thi* will be followed by "North-ern I.

*' :- week of Manh IV.

"The Mummy *nd the Iftiintnlng

lllial" la *.heduled for Ihe CiraiidBtVm. I'aul c'.lliiinre Will lute th*pari of Lord Jack Lumlry,

-— - \u25a0=\u25a0—\u25a0 I 11 ll.il.— \u25a0_. 4. U IDIIJ. I U \u25a0\u25a0 I!lTr»*f>ii H»i_W—BBWBBBBW

DIRECT PRIMAR) LAWDo vim want the same opiairtnnlty to personally select the tiom-

li..-.« of your party ticket that you now have le> elect your choice atelection* from the name* found on the offi.lal ballot?

I'm you believe you Bin entitled to the same .lit to make yourla!'..' that you now have to caat tour ballot?

I"a you prrfer a i han to aeleet your choice to be the nomineefor every offlrt, rather than vote at primaries for delegates ahumyou elo not know who they favor?

I*' you rv-allte tbat the seta* Hon of nomlneeai of Ihe popularI n*nt iiarty It actually th* selection of officer*?Ik) you. with the present .nrnple. ram tn contention plan, have

anything to **v about it?Do you know that In many .drier states the people vote direct (an

nominee*, end no latini*.-* nor convention* an ..sat v *

Do »."i know that .Ureal primaries will give an absolutely freepersonal untramtnaled rboire. In making nominations, fully protectedby law. with Australian ballot system etc T

Iki yon know thai then your vote counts for a* much, and youran have an equal say In selecting candidate* with the biggest po-litical I*mb*

Do you not believe that thoae elected to serve and representthe people In thla dire, manner will be more responsible tv 'hepeople, and will reeull In mor«r efficient and honest service?

1., you want such a law. and IF BO WILL YOU. TODAY, willyou NOW. rut nut this anal th* atatheil coupon, fill out and send toyour .tat* senator and urg* other* to do so.

************aT.T*Tr7* ******a a a. **** ,* t

A 4 ;B «* itb lilt. .* *e*ul d»t* t"t ** ** • -4A * '* A* * taip*y*r of your district I org* open you t. d. all tn ** .* your power to •ocompllah th* pasaaga of th* bill providing for ** a

* * DIRECT l-niMAHT LAW. «

* A

* ** A

* \u25a0 * ** Slga asm* B»re ** ** *A ** sew a ** Addrtas. *A A

King county voter* should send their coupons to the following:Senator*—J. J. Smith. A. T. Van de Vantar, O. A. Tucker. A.

11-nirLh. William H. Moor*. W. G. Pott*. R. M. Klnnear. E. B.Palmer.

Representative* —M. M Morrl 11. W. W. Brown. W 11. Clark. Tbi»t«nb*on, Joseph Irving. David V ... '. Erlrktain. F. A. Twltrhell.C. E. Houston. J. II Dawea. Jam.* Weir. E. E. Todd. F. 11. Rennkk.Joseph U"Oa. C. S. OItMM C. E. Vila*. R. '' Booth...... at \u25a0 w .-t1 - - '•' -~ - - tl!

Of the restricted dl.tilrt who so far !trana«re*ae,l the .lute law that theyevenly dared to loiter about naloon*last night. City D*t*Ct!*/M Hubbardami rr**rti*n. with an eye to thebetterment of the dlatrlct In «hlaihe greater part of their work I*carried on, bundled them -ii Into thepatrol wagon and after carefully

Inggtng Ihein "loiterers," sent themto the police station, where theygave their names *« Pearl Q Fair,Kth*l Uly. !lo»* I*ej*t*r. Pearl Ko«- jter. Edna Hl'-ele and Lor I* WII»on.

The mal-irti'. of th* number ware i

scarcely out of their l-'.-l." They

were all r*l"v*ed on ball of 110 each.

Thtv mint, however, appear In courtthi* afternoon.


lilt tcrll'iv*New. A«*ri I

CLEVELAND. Feb. IS.—Among]the claims repudiated by Mr*. Castle jL. Chadwlrk In the bankruptcy

court yesterday wa* one filial byFreda Swansirnm. her maid, who I

claimed that Mr*. t'hsilwltk owedher seven months' salary at $1 • ii •month. J

~-7~_. "r mi \u25a0 i

Allen's Lung BalsamWill Baa*l1lv»lv break on a deep.i*' kin* cough P**t relief by en hermean*. _

I HMMMB^_*BBBt—*B*Bß_a* * ll \u25a0 »


East SideWill Fight



Olympla BureauBtaltl* Dsily Star.

Olympls, VVa.h.

O'.VMI'IA. Wash., I. I If -"Wewill Ilglit the railroad ceimmls»ionbill as uiii.ihl. .1 tit the luat elltrh."

Si> Stated 11. ;.r .t. 1.1..1 ;v. Iti-ltel,Of I.lDarilu, leader of the rtunnilaslnnforce*. to The Mar y*«terday.

A s.~ i.i asm ns of . __.•• w* i.in«i..n legislators wa* held y*at*tday sad a course of action deter-mined 111* all

Tha aentlmrnt of the rant us wasthat the. bill with the I.lnk hav la «ito».i - tip amendmenta should liefought, and that the original bill |with on* amendment should lie sup-ported The one amendment Id th*'origtaal bill took a.tv from thecommission the right la Initiate ac-tion against eiistlng rale*

The big fiat lit on Hie bill a* Itnow stands will take place In thehouse," said tin* of the Mil's sup-portar*. 'll will t»* » hard tuasleand will result In either the passageof a bill that means something or it"

bill at all"

Robbed andWounded by

Bold Banditn_r ripe* tt*ws Asa*I

NEW YORK. Feb 18-Withintwo door, of i It'-ii home, on On*Hundred and I nlrtyslghth atreet.early this morning. Mr. and Mr*.c'.iriilsh wm robbed of a tJ.OuOdiamond lih-i |. In trying to de-fend 1.1. wife Cornish, who is re-puted to be a mtllionalrr. was shotsoil aerlously wounded by the ban- ]dit, who ear aped

Have you a friend •*..'>

has a hard cold?Then cell him about Ayer'a

Cherry Pectoral. Tell him howIt cured your hard cough. Tell

him why you always keep

It In the house. Tell him to

ask hit doctor about It. Doc-tors have known the formulafor over sixty years. 1.1.'.? -_:

I ALBERT HANSENjtttrtar. wa toutsour lit ABB

700 faf Avnnua

NewYorkLlquorCoFor Bast Wines and Liquors

*17 frIRBT AYE NORTH.ti WUfc" l'l'i ivkr i

rlinr.e*- Wain tlTljlnd. lilt.

Now York Dental ParlorsTen year*' guarant**.f|a.-ir» I:It a. m to * p. m.

Sunday*. I'M* m. to It m.•11 FIRST AYE, SEATTLE

tWteonr) floor llowerd Uulldlng.

• BPt'talt* rein Mutual I.lf*•"ItolMttig.


FORCED OUTThe entire line .old st rnst.


912 (.ml Avenue.


Red Front Furniture Go. Ia,

Red Front Furniture Co. I101 SECOND AYE. ROUTH. I\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Sjßggggl_p_ Wiitrhe*. lHamnnil*__f n'l'l Jewelry ut reason.3T lilii* |,il.*a anil Kin*

_Btf__ Watch Repnlrlng.

g*> _3 HOUGHTON 4 HUNTER; _t__L_W Jeweler*.1 704 FIRST AYE.


Take Notice


I __!' -| , -.__ "— ~ ._- -.-\u25a0—-


Saturday AfterSix O'clock

Specials3 ball* Coat** best Pamlng ('cit-

tern Bein.- I.mi. )> nf Urea* Hon** ."••\u25a0Corduroy Illtidllig,all color* ...

3Hei Kirk* Ititsslan Hoses Toilet

Soap 3'_e

No __ All Silk Tsffeta Ribbon,15c value; tonight OeIn.tonight 2IJe

40c and &0c Block Collars; to-night Sfte

I'rarl Ililttiili*.all sl7.es, per eleir.-en Ue

1.-. •]. . Bklrt Hiipiicirlers; lo-nlght in.

Kleliients Ilook-Oil lllitu Bup-I porters, fane y web; tonight

l«e; 10c Turkish Towel*, slightly'. .oiled; tonight Be' '.". Itus*l*n 1.1n.n Crash; to-

night 7'«_e| tOe- Hllkolln* Cushion, with ruf-

fle*; tonight 38* jLtd la. t&C Fle-eaerl Hose; to-

I.:*',' .17* jMen* Otford Ca»!im*t* Sew-k*;

tonight 12,*

I Kll'e k DOVB Tspeatry I'phol ]•tered Fontatool, uildlzed legs.

ft tsti value; Bight fttteliliby Hlichs Matin Polish, 10c

value; tonight We4Csr Men's Merino Unalershlrts;

tonight Soe

PETERSONSJ______3Jrot. XA 210 Plk* tlr.al.

|a_ . j

It's Not Alwaysthe quantity that'a the bargain.It', the quality that counts ii,llrtigs- that's the li.t we al-ways guard and make the prtreas low aa we ran—only ask areasonable margin of profit-sellingFallows Syrup II in at 1 ff>Cutlrure Hoap. lee at I.VHeef Wine and Iron. ISe „. (\u25a0<>,.

Melhn* Food. 7* *• &5enromo Beltter. SOe at . IlrSwamp Root. &0c at « |,l.lquotone, $100. *' R3eI.l'Hi-'ioiie Joe .1 t.'te

Phone ut your drug wants, wedeliver the g.*a"...

Stone's Pike St. jPharmacy i

n.itai.;* Family and lTesrrlp-tl<m liruggltts.

419 PiKe StreetBoth riat.ne*. Main •„_


Star TheaterCor. First and

MadisonFormerly Alcazar

Opens Monday evening.February 20, with


Matlm-* 2:30 to 4:30. Evening7:30 to 10:30.

8 Big Acts 8Headed by Mine. Zlska, Si-

t.n iii.ti I I all. St AelmlKalem 10c Ito any Beat. Reserved Boa Seat I_sc. IJ

Groenbaum's Cloak andSuit House

From the anal to the wearer.1410 RECONH AYE. j

I Til suna.'i. Main 1441.


I GLHolmesFiirnitureCo-1f 1101-1103-1105 SECOND AYE. I

\u25a0 .1

fa __ma____a *-*—•> •**-. I I \/ !,ii (F^zzs^??^ Have You H. Ifai___r»7nar^fc?l_ laVC *WU U

a.'es^B H *. * t I

| '§______. \________\_\ a Monarch |\u25a0 I *%^r*^.^ffitjiA/i,ii'l*"1' -H»t, ~m-»_________ Tin. iiiont economical, NJ, |flT^~Ci^^j4Z_3T2_&*^^ "'""' \u0084,"'< '"", '"" __t

'\u25a0 nP-t iß> $^ Down,

! rlS(F^r3 $5 a Month jI f_e_^T"_l_Si- 1 ' G______i» 1 __! .ecur i• - * ran*.* arid 3* ~t^'\u25a0./?^-rpHff we elll take yow old j»fl rariKe a* jrart payment, »\u25a0*

AMUSEMENTS[r-r-rul - -~^s.


I _^^ T> A B^_TT_P_ SEATTLE'S John Cort, Mgr

GRAND I HADING as\7l\Alliy'liM„.p ;.,;\u25a0 §5

Sunday, Monday Wednesday andand Tuesday Thursday

--r---.r--o-_-.nj - -_-_-\u0084, _-_-^-,_-_-,_n_r^.-_run. ! The I/lst lllglll*il*d* '"'

I Mr. Joseph I Mr. Chas. B.Murphy Hanford |

SUNDAY A.N'li MONDAY V _~^~-_~__„ . -_-^_-_^^__.

NIOHTU Accompanied by

if-cnnvmiii Miss Marie DrotnahIvLKKI uUVV '" Two Bup,rb Productions


w,,h 'iLZt.Zr "nd "OTHELLO"-_». _. _.-. °-v THURSDAY NIGHT.PRICES-11.00 to 2Bc Bob PRICES-fIAO to 25*. Seats

Heas and {.Ivans, IMI Belling Monday, 10 A. M


\\__\9 Phones—Main 43. Ind. 43

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTTomorrow, Sunday, Matinee and


Anf* • Supeib Specially Selected Company, Including Charlotte |I 11. line, in * Magnificent Production and Perfect Presentation if

Mart* C'airelll m.Hit widely read Novel—



SKi: The It.. of Naples, the Tavern of Pletro. the Mausoleumof the Homanl. Moonlight Viea- of the Ancient Sepulchral Vault., Palace of the Homanl on tin- Yineelad Slopes of Mount Vesuvius,

' the Studio of • lido Ferrari, the Statue of Phryne, Na'ile* and itsPicturesque Bay. Accurate Scenery. Costume, ami Accessories.Eclipsing Everything in It*Varied Originality. Eutloraed alike by

! Prca* and Public, with a Itecord hard to Ileal.

POPULAR MUCH in.'.' '.•;,\u25a0 1111.1 &oc. Evening. SSc.SOc, 75c. 'WEEK COMMENCING FEB. it—A MAGNIFICENT PRO-


" "

XHIRD AVENUE\u25a0___**afla Th* Mott Popular Th«*t*r. DREW, Men.

"Till. ONLY UPTOWN THEATER."*Prlttt, Ail Mttim.a 0. and 25c, Night 2'e. 30c, 40c, 50c


Week Starting Matinee Tomorrow, Sunday,February 19




Dr.JeKylbMr.liydeProduced with an Elaborate Scenic Equipment. Superbly Cos-

tumed, a Noteworthy Production. Up-to-date. Startling muxes.Thrilling Situation., Realistic Effect..

Next WeeK, Louise Brant Co. in "Lover's Lane"
