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Open Access and Research Integrity Workshop Introduction - 2014

Date post: 23-Dec-2014
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A presentation given at the IFMSA August Meeting Pre-GA 2014 talking about Open Access and what students can do. More can be found at www.righttoresearch.org/learn/IFMSAAM2014
Open Access and Research Integrity – An introduction Saturday 2 nd August Joe McArthur - @Mcarthur_Joe Assistant Director, Right to Research Coalition Co-founder of the Open Access Button
  • 1. Open Access and Research Integrity An introduction Saturday 2nd August Joe McArthur - @Mcarthur_Joe Assistant Director, Right to Research Coalition Co-founder of the Open Access Button

2. My Story 3. Launched in Summer 2009. Built around the Student Statement on the Right to Research: access to research is a student right International alliance of 77 graduate & undergraduate student organizations, representing nearly 7 million students. Our program areas include Education and Advocacy 4. Whats wrong? Introducing Open Access What you can do (tomorrow) www.righttoresearch.org 5. www.righttoresearch.org 6. www.righttoresearch.org 7. www.righttoresearch.org Source: Research Information Network, How researchers secure access to licensed content not immediately available to them, December 2009 40% of researchers cant access resources they need on a DAILY or WEEKLY basis 8. The average academic library in the UK has access to just HALF of all journals www.righttoresearch.org 9. www.righttoresearch.org 10. www.righttoresearch.org 11. Whats going wrong? www.righttoresearch.org 12. www.righttoresearch.org 13. www.righttoresearch.org ??? 14. www.righttoresearch.org 15.234 Prices generated with Elseviers pricing tool, for an institutional subscription with more than 5 users for an academic institution in Poland with less than 10,000. Pricing tool URL: http://www.myelsevier.com/browse/product_details.jsp?productId=ELS_AG_BS-PRD-00942# 15. www.righttoresearch.org $39,082 Robert Darnton, The Library: Three Jeremiads, New York Review of Books, December 23, 2010 http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2010/dec/23/library-three-jeremiads 16. Average journal price in Health Sciences: www.righttoresearch.org Chemistry = $4,450 Physics = $3,893 Agriculture = $1,441 = $1,482 Source: Library Journal 2013 Periodicals Pricing Survey The Winds of Change | Periodicals Price Survey 2013, by Stephen Bosch and Kittie Henderson. Library Journal, April 25, 2013: http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2013/04/publishing/the-winds-of-change-periodicals-price-survey-2013 17. www.righttoresearch.org Source: Library Journal 2013 Periodicals Pricing Survey The Winds of Change | Periodicals Price Survey 2013, by Stephen Bosch and Kittie Henderson. Library Journal, April 25, 2013: http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2013/04/publishing/the-winds-of-change-periodicals-price-survey-2013 18. www.righttoresearch.org -25% 25% 75% 125% 175% 225% 275% 325% 375% 425% 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 %ChangeSince1986 Source: ARL Statistics 2010-11 Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. *Includes electronic resources from 1999-2000 onward. Graph 2 Monograph and Serial Costs in ARL Libraries, 1986-2011* Serial Expenditures (+402%) Monograph Expenditures (+71%) Monographs Purchased (10%) 19. Publishing obscure academic journals is that rare thing in the media industry: a license to print money. www.righttoresearch.org The Economist, Open Sesame, April 14, 2012: http://www.economist.com/node/21552574 20. www.righttoresearch.org Publishing is big business 39% 40-50% 21. Is there a reason publishing should be this expensive? www.righttoresearch.org 22. www.righttoresearch.org http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=1200 23. www.righttoresearch.org 80% of research is publicly funded 1 Academic Publishing: Survey of funders supports the benign Open Access outcome priced into shares, HSBC Global Research, February 11, 2013: https://www.research.hsbc.com/midas/Res/RDV?ao=20&key=RxArFbnG1P&n=360010.PDF 1 24. Shouldnt our publishing system what we entrust to distribute the knowledge we work so hard to create share our values? www.righttoresearch.org 25. Shouldnt our publishing system what we entrust to distribute the knowledge we work so hard to create Increase our researchs integrity? www.righttoresearch.org 26. As defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative Free, immediate online access to scientific & scholarly articles with full reuse rights 27. www.righttoresearch.org What Open Access isnt Low quality publication Publication without peer review 28. www.righttoresearch.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5rVH1KGBCY 29. www.righttoresearch.org Two paths to Open Access Self- archiving Open Access Journals 30. www.righttoresearch.org X 2,000 1. Publish (almost) anywhere, deposit into an open-access repository 31. www.righttoresearch.org 1. Publish (almost) anywhere, deposit into an open-access repository 32. www.righttoresearch.org 2. Publish in an open-access journal X >9,000 33. www.righttoresearch.org 2. Publish in an open-access journal $ $or 34. The Power of Open Access www.righttoresearch.org 35. www.righttoresearch.org We dont know when this impact will happen, or how it will happen, or what the impact will be 36. Conclusions Overall, articles published OA appear to show a higher number of citations, though the effect is small, and the data provided does not allow us to control for possible confounding effects such as the posting of articles in repositories, the number and location of authors, and the possibility that authors are selecting their best papers to publish on OA terms. Similarly, any effect of OA on the timing of citations appears to be small, and we have not been able to control for possible changes such as increased awareness of the journal on the part of both readers and authors. But although the impact on citations is small, the impact of open access publication on HTML views and PDF downloads is large and significant, suggesting increased visibility for the open access papers. http://www.nature.com/press_releases/ncomms-report2014.pdf 37. Credit to Cameron Neylon for this. http://www.slideshare.net/CameronNeylon/network-enabled-research-the- role-of-open-source-and-open-thinking 38. The Story of Jack Andraka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSVjqtOj4oM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G55hlnSD1Ys www.righttoresearch.org 39. Tangents www.righttoresearch.org 40. www.righttoresearch.org McKiernan, Erin (2014): Being open as an early career researcher. figshare. http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.954994 41. What does Wikipedia have to say? Adapted from Wikipedia on 01/08/2014 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impact_factor#Validity_as_a_measure_of_importance The impact factor is based on the arithmetic mean number of citations per paper, yet citation counts follow a Bradford distribution (i.e., a power law distribution) and therefore the arithmetic mean is a statistically inappropriate measure.[8] For example, about 90% of Nature's 2004 impact factor was based on only a quarter of its publications, and thus the importance of any one publication will be different from, and in most cases less than, the overall number.[9] It is important to note that impact factor is a journal metric and should not be used to assess individual researchers or institutions.[15][16] 42. www.righttoresearch.org 43. Altmetrics and Article Level Metrics Credit to Ian Mulvany from: https://twitter.com/IanMulvany/status/424904870643384320 44. Lets talk licensing Image Attributed to Creative Commons 45. Lets talk licensing Image Attributed to Creative Commons 46. Lets talk licensing Image Attributed to Creative Commons 47. Summary www.righttoresearch.org 48. Questions? www.righttoresearch.org 49. www.righttoresearch.org Thank you! [email protected] @mcarthur_joe www.righttoresearch.org www.sparc.arl.org
