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Open, big, small data

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Cariplo Foundation, Milan, 18/07/2013
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Open, Big and Small Data Lorenzo Benussi twitter: lorenzobenussi 1 Presentazione del progetto iC idee geniali per la cultura Centro congressi Fondazione Cariplo Milano 16/07/2013
Page 1: Open, big, small data

Open, Big and Small Data

Lorenzo Benussitwitter: lorenzobenussi


Presentazione del progetto iC idee geniali per la culturaCentro congressi Fondazione Cariplo


Page 2: Open, big, small data

a world of data<hyper-connected + socio-technical + complex-system>

Ref: National Geographic http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/big-idea/14/augmented-reality


Page 3: Open, big, small data

Value$300 billion potential annual value to US health care - more than X 2 total annual health care spending in Spain.€250 billion potential annual value to Europe's public sector administration - more than GDP of Greece.

Jobs140.000-190.000 deep analytical talent position in USA 1.5 million data-savvy managers needed to take full advantage of big data in the USA.

McKinsey: Big Data: The next frontier of innovation, competition and productivity. (may 2011)


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• Data

• Information

• Knowledge

• (Value)


Hal Varian, Google’s Chief Economist

the Value of Metrics

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When I say that innovation is being democratized, I mean that users of products and services—both firms and individual consumers—are increasingly able to innovate for themselves.(DEMOCRATIZING INNOVATION, Eric Von Hippel)


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Social graphs


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Social Media revolution

I media sociali A) sono la rappresentazione della nostra rete sociale;B) raccontano, registrano, analizzano le nostre vite;C)permettono di comprendere abitudini, preferenze, stati d’animo (dimensione qualitativa)

[Source: TIME - Person of the Year: You, 25/12/2006]


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#smalldata, and the need to prevent the centralisation of data-power in the hands of the few. Redistributing knowledge power / making it easier than ever for everyone to get their hands on the data and make it used and useable.

[Message of the Open Knowledge Foundation mailing list, 07/05/2013]


Page 9: Open, big, small data

“[Open Data] will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in

Government” Transparency and Open Government

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies (2009)



[...] Open data can be a powerful tool to help reform public services, foster innovation and empower citizens. David Cameron - Letter to Cabinet Ministers (2011)

Page 10: Open, big, small data

Open Data is a model (set of rules and procedures) that aims at making public sector information (freely) available to everybody who wants to create new tools and innovative services


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• Introduzione,dell’obbligo,di,pubblicare,i,da4,delle,amministrazioni,e,degli,organismi,pubblici,come,da#$di$#po$aperto,,cioè,liberamente,u4lizzabili,da,chiunque,per,qualunque,scopo,(salvo,rare,e,mo4vate,eccezioni,di,ordine,giuridico,e,economico).,,


• Pubblicazione,da,parte,di,ogni,amministrazione,del,catalogo$dei$da#$e$metada#$in$proprio$possesso$al,fine,di,creare,una,mappa,del,patrimonio,informa4vo,nazionale,


• L’Agenzia,per,l’Italia,Digitale,avrà,la,responsabilità,di,governare,il,processo,a,livello,nazionale,e,di,vigilare,sulla,sua,correFa,aFuazione.,L’Agenzia,definisce,il,processo,di,pubblicazione,specificando,procedure,,tempi,,licenze,,eventuali,eccezioni,,4pologie,di,da4,,frequenza,di,pubblicazione,


• Documento,programma4co,che,definisce,la,strategia$nazionale$e,individua,gli,obie;vi$generali,e,i,tempi$di,realizzazione,oltre,che,le,modalità,con,cui,promuovere$una$nuova$cultura$dei$da#.$Analisi,sullo,stato,di,avanzamento$del,processo,e,sul,suo,impa=o$economico$e$sociale,


• Introduzione,di,una,definizione,che,si,basa,su,elemen#$giuridici,$economici$e$tecnici.,


L’agenda digitale italiana, art.9 D.L.179/2012

Page 12: Open, big, small data

World of Data


We need to create the european way to (big, small, open) data


CINA: different view

of social systems

US: strong economic and

political incentives

ShanghaiSan Francisco Rome

Page 13: Open, big, small data

La valorizzazione del patrimonio informativo (dati) richiede norme adeguate, esempi di successo e una visione strategica di medio/lungo periodo:

1. cambiano i sistemi informativi (big data, linked data, ecc.)

2. cambiano i processi organizzativi (informazione è organizzazione)

3. cambiano le dinamiche di mercato (innovazione & competizione);

4. modificano le relazioni tra pubblico e privato (ma anche tra produttore e utente, autore e pubblico).


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Information is the currency of democracyBenjamin Franklin (attribution)

