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Open Educational Resources for Spanish Teachers

Date post: 20-Jun-2015
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The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) presents OER for teachers of Spanish, including the Spanish in Texas project.
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Open Educational Resources for Spanish Teachers Rachael Gilg Projects Manager, COERLL Jacqueline Larsen Serigos Content Manager, Spanish in Texas Project
  • 1. Open Educational Resources for Spanish Teachers Rachael Gilg Projects Manager, COERLL Jacqueline Larsen Serigos Content Manager, Spanish in Texas Project

2. www.nflrc.org http://www.coerll.utexas.edu Center for Open Educational Resources & Language Learning (COERLL) 3. Mission LRC Mission: to improve the teaching and learning of foreign languages by producing resources (materials and best practices) that can be profitably employed in K-12 and higher education settings. COERLL's Mission: to produce and disseminate Open Educational Resources (OER) (e.g., online language courses, reference grammars, assessment tools, corpora, etc.). 4. What we mean by OER Coined in 2002 during a UNESCO meeting, the term OER refers to any educational material offered freely for anyone to use, typically involving some permission to re-mix, improve, and redistribute. 5. Types of OER Open Courseware Power point slides, audio/video lectures, syllabi Open Textbooks Digital / print-on-demand Classroom Activities, Lesson Plans, Quizzes Homework and Practice Exercises Authentic L2 Content (e.g., texts, video, audio, images, realia) 6. What we mean by OPEN 1. Free Access (online, no passwords, no fees) 2. Enable the 4 Rs Reuse - copy verbatim Redistribute - share with others Revise - adapt and edit Remix - combine with others 7. Gratis vs. Libre Photo source: free (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonx/2698947622/) / tonx (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonx/) / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/) 8. Creative Commons: Open Licenses File:Tyler.stefanich_Creative_Commons_Swag_Contest_2007_2_(by).jpg found at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki / BY-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) 9. Benefits of Open Licenses You are allowed to: Copy and distribute without having to ask permission from the copyright holder. Legally download and publish the material in a stable location so you dont have to rely on just linking. (In some cases) adapt and customize the materials for your learners. 10. 13 million free media files (photos, videos, sounds) http://commons.wikimedia.org 67 million free, shareable photos. (CC BY-NC-SA) http://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/ 40,000 public domain books (65 languages) http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/ 4 million openly-licensed videos (CC BY) 11. http://search.creativecommons.org CC Search 12. More Places to Find OER for Language Learning 13. COERLLs OER 16 languages Full language courses (French and German 14. COERLLs OER for Spanish Teachers Resources for teaching & learning Spanish Proficiency Exercises Spanish Proficiency Training and Learner Corpus Spanish in Texas Project / SpinTX Archive Foreign Language Teaching Methods Professional Development Webinars 15. http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe 16. http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spt 17. http://www.spanishintexas.org 18. The Spanish in Texas Project Goal: Make publically available authentic data about variation in Spanish as spoken in Texas for research (sociolinguistics) for education Encourage teachers/students/public to view local varieties as a resource 19. Spanish in Texas Videos Participants: Undergraduate students at UT Austin and their Spanish-speaking family, friends, or acquaintances in communities around Texas Format: 30-40 minute interviews, using sampling of a large set of questions (~75) from NPR Storycorps (Historias) Language: Spanish and mixed 20. Sample Video Clip 21. A free and open video archive for teachers & learners 550+ video clips from 60 speakers living in Texas Clip length between 1-4 minutes Fully transcribed, captioned, and annotated Videos can be downloaded and shared Teacher-friendly search and tools for activity development 22. Video Introduction to SpinTX Watch intro video. 23. http://coerll.utexas.edu/spintx 24. Using SpinTX in the Classroom When to Use Video A simple template Example Lesson Other ideas 25. Use SPinTX videos For what content? When? 25 Grammar CultureVocabulary To tie it all to together To transition To practice To Introduce 26. Simple SpinTX formula 1. Brainstorm Structured: Transcript Unstructured: Questions 2. Observe 1. Reflect 1. Produce 27. El Spanglish y el subjuntivo Sample Lesson Alessandra Julio 28. Antes de ver los video 1. Qu es el spanglish? 1. Quines lo usan y por qu lo usan? 29. Los Videos 1. Qu opina Alessandra del Spanglish? Qu dice sobre uso del Spanglish? 1. Qu opina Julio del Spanglish? Qu dice sobre uso del Spanglish? 30. Subraya el subjuntivo y el trigger Creo que es ahora, ya es inevitable el que se mezcle el ingls y el espaol. O sea, no creo que est bien necesariamente, pero no creo que tenga nada de malo querer separar el ingls y el espaol porque... porque tuvimos que adaptarnos, tuvimos que inventar el Spanglish para ser ms aceptados 31. Produccin 1. Escribe 2 oraciones sobre Julio y Alessandra una sobre una creencia sin subjuntivo otra sobre una duda, negacin o emocin subjuntivo 2. Imagina que Julio y Alessandra se encuentran en una fiesta y empiezan a hablar del Spanglish. Escribe un dialogo entre ellos 32. More ideas Retell Predict Extend Quizzing Engaging Inspiring Describing Elaborating 32 33. Introduction to a topic Topic of cultural differences: http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/1551 Pre-video questions What are your favorite Mexican foods" ? How often do you have them? Which of these foods are actually Mexican and which are American? Video & follow up questions: Which foods were listed? Did you know that? Do you agree with him? Contrastive essay 33 34. Segue between activities Moving between vocabulary & irreg preterit: Just finished section on camping and being outdoors What would you bring with you on a trip? Video 0:00 1:05 http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/video/1523 34 What did he bring? What did he forget? What is this word here - dijeron? It's a different conjugation its missing an i 35. Coming Soon! 36. http://coerll.utexas.edu/methods 37. COERLL Workshops & Webinars 2013 June Webinar Series: Introduction to Open Educational Resources 2014 June Webinar Series: Introduction to Digital Badges Recordings available on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/coerllut 38. http://openbadges.coerll.utexas.edu 39. Links & Contacts Rachael Gilg: [email protected] Spanish in Texas: http://www.spanishintexas.org COERLL: http://coerll.utexas.edu THANK YOU!
