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Open Educational Resources: Nuts & Bolts of Developing an Online Plagiarism Tutorial

Date post: 09-Feb-2015
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Presentation given by Jennifer Collery, College Liaison Librarian at University College Dublin Library to LIR Annual Seminar, Dublin, Ireland on March 21, 2014.
Open Educational Resources: Nuts and Bolts of Developing an Online Plagiarism Tutorial
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Open Educational Resources: Nuts and Bolts of Developing an Online Plagiarism Tutorial

Jenny Collery, UCD LibraryLIR Annual Seminar, 2014

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What’s the link?OERs & Open Access

• Open Educational Resources have been described as a “public good” where “the producers of the good decide that they do not want to exclude people from this resource.” (Billings et al., 2012)

• OERs are part of “Open Movement” (JISC and McGill, 2013)

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UCD eLearning Teamest. May 2013

Jenny Collery,Plagiarism Lead

Diarmuid Stokes

Sonya Hood

Michelle Dalton

Gerard Walsh

Susan Boyle

James Molloy, eLearning Lead

Carmel Norris

Emily Doherty

Sue Daly

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Nuts & Bolts: Searching for OERs • Top locations - JORUM, Flickr,

Google, YouTube and Slideshare etc. (Graham and Secker, 2012)

• Sharing practice: visit to team by Philip Russel, Deputy Head of Library & Information Services at ITT Dublin

• Local over International (de Beer,


• Benchmarking & idea generation (Common Wealth of Learning and UNESCO, 2011)

Courtesy of LOC, Hollem, Howard R., (photographer)

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ITT Tutorial - Perfect structure

High Quality Academic Standard

User tested

Clear, intuitive design

Major learning objectives covered

Plain English

Image courtesy of Phil Gyford

Compatible s/ware used

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Branding & Localisation

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Mobile Ready, Interactivity & Assessment

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Mobile Ready, Interactivity & Assessment

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Kolb (1984)

Multi-sensory learning

Image courtesy of Joalo Loureiro

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Plagiarism as Gaeilge

• Request from UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish Folklore & Linguistics

• First Irish Language Plagiarism Tutorial*

• Collaborated with Bord na Gaeilge, UCD (translation & audio narration)

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Where to share OERs?Professional Networks…

“I think the online tutorial is excellent – very clear, with lovely interactive aspects, and the Irish is a delight. It’s sadly rare to come across something of such high quality in Irish…”Coláiste na hÉireann/Gaelchultúr

“it's really high quality, we are all delighted with it.”School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Folklore & Linguistics, UCD

“Delighted by this tutorial as #Gaeilge on avoiding plagiarism Fáilte roimh an suimh seo - conas bradáil a seachtaint, Bríd McGrath, McGrath Barrett Consulting

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Where to share OERs?Professional Networks…

• Request for Multi-Lingual IL resources for “Overview of Information Literacy Resources Worldwide” (Horton Jr., 2013)

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Where to share?OER Repositories…

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hurdles + (training + patience) = success

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Using OERs: Evaluation• OERs provide a Vygotskian “Scaffolded Learning Environment”

(Daniels and Net Library Inc., 2005)

• Sharing in OER repository makes the invisible, visible (Hughes & McKenna, 2012)

• Adaptable across institutions, e.g. MOOCs

• Time efficiency*

• Adapt for new technology

• Team Feedback & Review

• Professional Development

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Billings, M. S., Hutton, S. C., Schafer, J., Schweik, C. M. and Sheridan, M. (2012) 'Open Educational Resources as Learning Materials: Prospects and Strategies for University Libraries', Research Library Issues: A Bimonthly Report from ARL, CNI, and SPARC, (280), pp. 2-10.

Common Wealth of Learning and UNESCO (2011) Guidelines for Open Educational Resources (OER) in Higher Education. Available at: http://www.col.org/resources/publications/Pages/detail.aspx?PID=364

Daniels, H. and NetLibrary Inc. (2005) An introduction to Vygotsky London ; New York: Routledge,. Available at: http://eproxy.ucd.ie/login?url=http://www.netLibrary.com/urlapi.aspx?action=summary&v=1&bookid=122960

de Beer, T. (2012) SCORE Library Survey Report: SCORE. Available at: http://www.open.ac.uk/score/news/score-library-survey-report

Graham, N. and Secker, J. (2012) Librarians, information literacy and open educational resources: report of a survey. Available at: http://delilaopen.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/findingsharingoers_reportfinal1.pdf

Horton Jr., F. W. (2013) Overview of Information Literacy Resources Worldwide, Paris. Available at: http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/news/overview_info_lit_resources.pdf

JISC and McGill, L. (2013) What are Open Educational Resources JISC. Available at: https://openeducationalresources.pbworks.com/w/page/24836860/What%20are%20Open%20Educational%20Resources 2014

Russell, P., Ryder, G., Kerins, G. and Phelan, M. (2013) 'Creating, Sharing and Reusing Learning Objects to Enhance Information Literacy', Journal of Information Literacy, 7(2), pp. 60-79.

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Thanks for Listening…

Jenny [email protected]

Tel: 01 716 7097
