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Open Marine Science: Can we afford NOT to?

Date post: 18-Oct-2014
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Marine Sciences are of relevance to many societal challenges, as well as able to capture public imagination and interest. Despite that potential, we are not the leaders we could be at making all our research output publicly accessible, to allow citizen science to take place and facilitate public awareness efforts. Open Science principles not only feed the need for impact in a "publish or perish" reality, it also fully complements Ocean Literacy and the need to educate and engage the public in marine policy formulation based on sound science. So, can we afford NOT to make Marine Science open by default? Invited Presentation at the CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille 29th Oct 2013
Open Marine Science: Ivo Grigorov EURO-BASIN Project Manager DTU Aqua CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille, 29 Oct 2013 Can we afford not to ?
Page 1: Open Marine Science: Can we afford NOT to?

Open Marine Science:

Ivo Grigorov

EURO-BASIN Project Manager

DTU Aqua

CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille, 29 Oct 2013

Can we afford not to ?

Page 2: Open Marine Science: Can we afford NOT to?

“Open  science  is  the  umbrella  term  of  the  movement  to  make  scien'fic  research,  data  and  dissemina'on  accessible  to  all  

levels  of  an  inquiring  society,    amateur  or  professional.”      

CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille, 29 Oct 2013 www.fosteropenscience.eu

Source:  Wikipedia,  Aug  2013    

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Image:  Science-­‐Metrix  Inc  link  

Collaborations are following funds …

… or are hampered by barriers ?

CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille, 29 Oct 2013 www.fosteropenscience.eu

Page 4: Open Marine Science: Can we afford NOT to?

‘‘60% of UCL-published research was easily


Source: Paul Ayres, Senior Manager University College London,

Library & Infomation Services (pers. comm.)

… and the rest ?

‘‘around 50% of scientific papers published in 2011 now

available for free’’

Source: Proportion of Open Access Peer-Reviewed Papers in 2004-2011,

Science Metrix Aug 2013, EC Commissioned Study http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-786_en.htm

2002 2011

CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille, 29 Oct 2013 www.fosteropenscience.eu

Page 5: Open Marine Science: Can we afford NOT to?

Source: Personal Trials 2009-2011 using Google Scholar

… among “OCEAN ACIDIFICATION” & “GEO-ENGINEERING” publications …

2008                                        2009                                      2010  

visible on Google Scholar


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… so, how can we make EACH step of Marine Research open to society …

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Open Science Mutiplies Serendipity in other fileds …

CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille, 29 Oct 2013 www.fosteropenscience.eu

Page 8: Open Marine Science: Can we afford NOT to?

…  so  why  not  in  OURS  ?  

Source:  Grigorov  2011,  ”Should  Ci'zen  Scien'sts  play  with  Climate  &  Ecosystem  Moldes?”,    European  Geoscience  Union  NewsleQer  

Jim Hansen’s collaborator at NASA GISS, Dr Ruedy says:

CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille, 29 Oct 2013 www.fosteropenscience.eu

“I hope to switch to your version.”

Page 9: Open Marine Science: Can we afford NOT to?

FUNDERS:  Na9onal  &  EC  

Academic  Staff  

Today`s    Graduate  Student  

Scien9st  of  Tomorrow  

Project  Managers  

Rese  arch  Ins9tu9ons  


How can we implement OS in Marine Science ?


CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille, 29 Oct 2013 www.fosteropenscience.eu

Page 10: Open Marine Science: Can we afford NOT to?

And one final thought:


CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille, 29 Oct 2013 www.fosteropenscience.eu

Uncertainties associated with lack of synoptic data and marine ecosystem baseline measurements act only as

motivators to advance our research.

If our disciplines are of such relevance to societal challenges, and if Open Science feeds the need for impact,

why do we adopt a ”wait and see” attitude in the face of scientific publishing ”uncertainties” ?


Page 11: Open Marine Science: Can we afford NOT to?

Thank you for the invitation & your attention!

Join the Open Science experiment at www.fosteropenscience.eu

@ OAforClimate ivgr @ aqua.dtu.dk

CIESM 40th Congress, Marseille, 29 Oct 2013 www.fosteropenscience.eu
