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OpenSees: modeling and performing static analysis

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Modeling & Performing Static Analysis in OpenSees By Dhanaji S. Chavan, Assistant Professor, TKIET, Warananagar Dhanaji Chavan 1
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Modeling & Performing Static Analysis in OpenSees

ByDhanaji S. Chavan, Assistant Professor, TKIET, Warananagar

Dhanaji Chavan 1

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General steps to be followed…

i. Define ndm & ndfii. Define nodesiii. Define element(s)iv. Define material(s)v. Define boundary conditions

vi. Define matrix transformationvii. Apply loadviii. Define recordersix. Define analysis objectsx. Run the analysis

Dhanaji Chavan 2

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Example 1- Cantilever Beam

• What is the deflection of the free end of a 3 m

cantilever beam subjected to a point load of 100 kN?

(E =2*1005 kN/m2 ,c/s:0.3mx0.3m)

How to do coding for this problem in OpenSees?????

Dhanaji S. Chavan 3



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model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 3

• wipe :clears the previous coding present in OpenSees memory, if any

• model basic :key word to start the definition of model

• ndm :defines number of dimensions of the problem

• ndf :defines the degrees of freedom at a node in a model

4Dhanaji S. Chavan

Tcl script for OpenSees starts now………step 1: define ndm & ndf

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• ndm: number of dimensions

we have to specify whether problem is 2-dimensional or


How to determine whether problem is 2-D or 3-D:

If to specify the geometry of the problem only two coordinates x

and y are required , it is 2-D problem

If to specify the geometry of the problem three coordinates x,y

and z are required , it is 3-D problem

In present case ndm is 2

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How to determine ndm & ndf……….

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• We have to specify degree of freedom at a node

What is degree of freedom?

The number unknowns ,to be determined, at a node is called as

degree of freedom

In present case: three unknowns are there at each node

i. translation in x direction

ii. Translation in y direction

iii. Rotation

In present case dof is 3

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node 1 0 0

node 2 3 0

7Dhanaji S. Chavan

Step2: define nodes

Command to define node

Node number

X coordinate of node

Y coordinate of node

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In finite element method we discretize the given domain(geometry) into certain number of finite elements.

in our case 3 m long beam is the domain

in present case let’s use only one element for sake of simplicity.

The ends of an element in finite element method are called as nodes

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1 2(0,0) (3,0)

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• If we assume origin at node 1, the coordinates

for node 1 and 2 are as under:

1(0,0) & 2(3,0)

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fix 1 1 1 1

10Dhanaji S. Chavan

Step 3: boundary conditions

Command to define fixity

Node numberConstrain x-translation

Constrain y-translation

Constrain rotation

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• In our case boundary condition is : node 1 is

fixed i.e.

No translation in x direction

No translation in y direction

No rotation

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element elasticBeamColumn 1 1 2 0.25 2.1e5 0.0052 1

12Dhanaji S. Chavan

Step 4: define element


Type of element Element number

Initial node

Final node




Transformation tag


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• Which finite element to use to model the behavior of

beam? Why?

• OpenSees has wide range of elements in its library

• Is it fine if we use any element from it?

• Or we have to choose certain element only

• How to decide which element to use ?

…………..Needs some thinking…@ FEM…????????

13Dhanaji S. Chavan


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1-d element :

Used for geometries for which one of the dimensions is quite larger than rest two.

E.g. beam : in case of beam its length is considerably largerthan its breadth and depth. i.e. x >>> y, z

In FEM such geometry is represented by just a line. Whenthe element is created by connecting two nodes, softwarecomes to know about only one out of 3 dimensions.Remaining two dimensions i.e. cross sectional area must bedefined as additional input data & assigned to respectiveelement.

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Three types of elements in finite element method

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2-d element:

Two dimensions are quite larger than third one

E.g. metal plate: length & width are considerably

larger than thickness. i.e. x, y >>> z

The third dimension i.e. thickness has to be

provided as additional input in coding by user &

assigned to respective element.

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3-d element:

All three dimensions are comparable

E.g. brick: x~y~z

No additional dimension to be defined. While

meshing itself all three dimensions are


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• In our case, we understood that we have to use 1-d element.

• Which 1-d element should we use?

Should we use spring element?

Or bar/truss element?

Or beam element


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In present case,

– Shear force &

– Bending moment

will be developed in the cantilever beam.

We have to choose 1-d finite element in such a way

that it will take both shear force & bending moment

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We can not use spring or bar element because

Spring element models axial load only

Bar elements model axial load and axial stress

However beam element takes axial, shear &

bending stresses. Hence….

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Different materials behave differently when subjected to load.

This behavior is represented by stress-strain curves. e.g.

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Step 5: define material

Elastic Spring

Mild Steel


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• In present case material has been defined implicitly.(slide no:12)

• However in many other cases we have to define material separately

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Step6:define geometric transformation

geomTransf Linear 1

Role : performs a linear geometric transformationof beam stiffness and resisting force from thebasic system to the global-coordinate system.

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Step 7: define recorders

• Purpose: to get results of analysis as an output such as……..

i. Reaction

ii. Displacement

iii. Force

iv. stiffness

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To Record reactions at nodes…..

recorder Node -file Rbase.out -time -node 1 2 -dof 1 2 reaction

Dhanaji Chavan 24



keywordName of the output file



Node numbers




keywordto get reactions as output

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To Record displacements at nodes…..

recorder Node -file Dbase.out -time -node 1 2 -dof 1 2 disp

Dhanaji Chavan 25

Name of the output file

keywordto get displacements as output

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To Record force in element…..

• recorder Element -file ele_Lfor.out -time -ele 1 localForce

• recorder Element -file ele_Gfor.out -time -ele 1 globalForce

Dhanaji Chavan 26

Name of the output file

keywordto get local force as output

Name of the output file

keywordto get local force as output

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Step 8: application of load

pattern Plain 1 "Constant" {load 2 0 -100.0 0.0}

Dhanaji Chavan 27


Type of load pattern

Number/tag of load pattern

Type of time series


Node number

Load in x-direction

Load in y-direction

Moment applied

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• Defines the way time series, load & constraintsare applied. E.g.

i. pattern Plain: ordinary pattern

ii. pattern UniformExcitation- transient analysis

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Time series

• Constant: load is constant throughout the analysis

• Linear: load varies linearly with time

• Sine : sinusoidal variation of load

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Step 9: defining analysis commands

system UmfPack

constraints Transformation

test NormDispIncr 1.e-6 200 1

Algorithm Newton

numberer RCM

integrator LoadControl 1 1 1 1

analysis Static

analyze 1

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• system UmfPack

– solution procedure, how system of equations are solved

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command Type of equation solver i.e. specific algorithm

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constraints Transformation

how it handles boundary conditions, enforce constraints

e.g. fixity, equalDOF etc.

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command type

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test NormDispIncr 1.e-6 10 1

Sets criteria for the convergence at the end of an iteration step.

Dhanaji Chavan 33



Convergence tolerance

maximum number of iterations that will be performed before "failure to converge" is returned

To print information on each step

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Algorithm Newton

uses the Newton-Raphson method to advance to the next time step.

The tangent is updated at each iteration

Recommendation: numerical methods for engineers by Chapra

Dhanaji Chavan 34

command type

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numberer RCM

how degrees-of-freedom are numbered

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command type

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integrator LoadControl $dLambda1 <$Jd $minLambda

$maxLambda> $dLambda1:

– determine the predictive step for time t+dt

– specify the tangent matrix at any iteration

Dhanaji Chavan 36


DOFPseudo-time step

Subsequent time increment

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integrator LoadControl $dLambda1 <$Jd$minLambda $maxLambda>

$dLambda1:- first load-increment factor (pseudo-time step)

- Usually same is followed further

<$Jd: - must be integer

-factor relating load increment at subsequent time steps

minLambda, maxLambda:-decides minimum &maximum time increment bound

- optional, default: $dLambda1 for both

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analysis Static

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commandType of analysis to be performed

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analyze 1

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Command to start analysis

Number of analysis steps

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Ex. 2: Quad element

model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 2

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Material has to be defined separately

nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic $matTag $E $v

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Assign material to element……..

element quad $eleTag $iNode $jNode $kNode $lNode $thick $type $matTag <$pressure $rho $b1 $b2

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recorder Element -ele 3 -time -file stress1.out -dT 0.1 material 3 stress

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recorder Element -ele 3 -time -file strain1.out -dT 0.1 material 1 strain

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