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Operating · PDF file · 2015-08-11directions and proper work procedures are...

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REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik Telephone: +49 (0) 71 95 / 185 - 0 Berglenstraße 23 - 25 Telefax: +49 (0) 71 95 / 185 - 30 D-71364 Winnenden Internet: www.reiter-oft.de Operating Manual Horizontal Conveyor Laboratory Installation Product No.: S-HFördererGB (Translation) Issue: 10/05 - 1

REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik Telephone: +49 (0) 71 95 / 185 - 0Berglenstraße 23 - 25 Telefax: +49 (0) 71 95 / 185 - 30D-71364 Winnenden Internet: www.reiter-oft.de

Operating ManualHorizontal Conveyor Laboratory Installation

Product No.: S-HFördererGB (Translation)Issue: 10/05 - 1

S-HFörderergbDB 10/05 - 1

Contents of the Operating Manual

Chapter 1 General

Chapter 2 Safety Regulations

Chapter 3 Technical Data

Chapter 4 Transport

Chapter 5 Function Description

Chapter 6 Installation

Chapter 7 Commissioning and Operation

Chapter 8 Maintenance

Chapter 9 Spare Parts

Chapter 10 Appendix (not assigned)

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1 General

1.1 IntroductionThis operating manual is intended to be read, understood and observed in all points by those re-sponsible for the installation. The same is valid for any personnel working at the installation.

This operating manual is intended to ensure trouble-free operation of the installation.

Should there be any problems please contact our service department or your local dealer which will be pleased to assist you (see chapter 9 “Spare parts“).

The operator is responsible for the correct installation, operation and maintenance of the equip-ment.

Should you intend to use the equipment in a manner different to the intended one please apply for our approval.The instruction manual must be completed with any local valid safety rules and environmental pro-tection laws.

The operating manual on hand only refers to the “Horizontal Conveyor for Laboratory Installations“.

We reserve the right to alterations in drawings and specifications necessary for the techni-cal improvement of the machine.

1.2 Operating AreaThe machine must be installed on concrete floor or a rigid foundation (supporting steel work).

Furthermore we point out that possible mounted brackets must oblige all related governmental safety regulations.

The range of use is generally restricted in any case to the limits named in the technical data sheet of this machine.

In case of doubts we recommend to contact REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik.

Table of Contents

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................11.2 Operating Area ...................................................................................................................11.3 Guarantee ..........................................................................................................................21.4 Copyright............................................................................................................................2

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1 General

1.3 GuaranteeTherefore, it is recommended to read this operating manual carefully before start-up, as we can-not be held liable for damage or malfunctions resulting from the non-observance of this operating manual.

During the guarantee period repair work and changes only may be carried out by our assemblers or with our consent.

The system is designed only for the use according to the operating area described in chapter 1.2 „Operating Area“.Any other use is considered improper and REITER can not be held liable for any possible damage.

1.4 CopyrightThe copyright for this operating manual is retained by REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentech-nik. This operating manual is intended for personnel involved in installation, operation and supervi-sion. The operating manual include regulations and technical drawings which may not be copied, distributed, used for commercial purpose or given to others, either in full or in part.

REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik Telephone: +49 (0) 71 95 / 185 - 0Berglenstraße 23 - 25 Telefax: +49 (0) 71 95 / 185 - 30D-71364 Winnenden Emai: [email protected]

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2 Safety Regulations

2.1 Explanation of symbols and special directions

2.1.1 Symbol of working safetyThis symbol accompanies all special directions for working safety given in this operating manual, the non-observance of which may en-danger life and limb. Observe these directions and take special care in these cases. Ensure all other operators are informed of these special directions. In addition to the special directions given in this operating manual, the generally valid regulations for safety and prevention of ac-cidents are also to be observed.

2.1.2 Directions for “Attention“This warning is given in this operating manual at points which are to be given special attention in order that guidelines, regulations, special directions and proper work procedures are observed, and to prevent damage or destruction of the machine and/or other parts of the plant.

2.2 Direction for working safetyThis machine can be hazardous if not used as described in the instruction manual.

We recommend to install a warning sign listing the important operating and safety rules. The sign should be in an understandable language for the operators and installed visible in the vicinity of the spray booth.

The following directions for working safety are to be given particular attention:

This machine has been constructed according to advanced technological standards and is opera-tionally reliable. Danger may, however, result from the machine if operated incorrectly by untrained persons or used for purposes other than those for which it was constructed.



Table of Contents

2.1 Explanation of symbols and special directions ..................................................................12.1.1 Symbol of working safety ...................................................................................................12.1.2 Directions for “Attention“ ....................................................................................................12.2 Direction for working safety................................................................................................1

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2 Safety Regulations

• Itisnecessarythatallpersonsassignedwiththeinstallation,dismantlingandre-installation(inspection, maintenance, repairs) of the machine at the user’s plant, read and understand the entire operating instructions, and the chapter 2 „Safety Regulations“ in particular. The user is recommendedtohavethisconfirmedineachcaseinwriting.

• ThemachineisdesignedonlyfortheapplicationspecifiedinChapter1.2„OperationArea“.Anyusagenotcoveredinthesespecificationsisconsideredcontrarytoregulations.

• Themanufacturerisnotliablefordamageresultingfromimproperuse;theusercarriestheriskfor this alone.

• Properusealsoincludestheobservanceofprescribedconditionsforinstallation,dismantlingand re-installation, start-up procedures, operation and maintenance.

• Themachineistobeservicedandrepairedbyauthorised,trainedandinstructedpersonnelonly. This personnel must have been specially instructed regarding occurring risks.

• Responsibilityforinstallation,dismantlingandre-installation,start-upprocedures,operationandmaintenancemustbeclearlydefinedandobservedinordertopreventresponsibilitiesconcerning safety aspects from becoming unclear.

• Theswitch-offproceduresprovidedintheoperatinginstructionsaretobeobservedforallprocedures having to do with installation, dismantling and re-installation, start-up procedures, modification,adaptationandmaintenance.

• Anymannerofworkingwhichimpairstheoperatingsafetyofthemachineistobestopped.

• Theoperatorisalsotoensurethatnounauthorizedpersonsoperatethemachine.

• Unauthorizedmodificationsorchangeswhichimpairtheoperatingsafetyofthemachinearenot permitted.

• Allmaintenanceworkorrepairsonthemachinearetobecarriedoutonlywhenthemachineisnot in operation.

• Beforemaintenanceworkorrepairsarecarriedoutonthemachine,thedrivesandaccessoryparts of the machine are to be ensured against being switched on unintentionally.

• Beforestartingupafterrepairs,ensurethatallprotectiondevicesaremounted.Protectionde-vices are to be removed only when the machine is not in operation.

• Allsafetyprecautionsusedaretobetestedaftercorrespondingelectricalinstallationsorre-pairs (e.g. earthing resistance).

• Thelocallyvalidregulationsforsafetyandpreventionofaccidentsarevalidfortheoperationofthe machine under all circumstances.

• International,nationalandcompanysafetyregulationsaretobeobservedfortheinstallationand operation of the machine, as well as the procedures involved in maintenance, repairs and cleaning.

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3 Technical Data

Table of Contents

3.1 Technical Data ...................................................................................................................1

3.1 Technical DataThe horizontal conveyor primarily consists of:

• Frameswithcoverandguides

• Carriagewithballboxes

• Gearmotor

• Toothedbeltdrivewithdriveanddeflectiontoothedbeltdrive

• Incrementaltransmitterdirectlymountedonthedriveshaft

DrawingNo. 12000710

Working stroke: 3800 mm

Strokespeed: 12m/minat50Hz

Ultimateloadoncarriage: max.30kg

Drive: 0,55 kW 230/400V,50Hz converter operation

Protection: IP55

Exprotection: EEx-deIIBT4

Motorprotection: PTCresistor

Limitswitch: 2endpositionlimitswitch

Transmitter: incrementaltransmitter4096impulse/rotation

Referenceapproachswitch: NJ5-11-N-G

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4 Transport

Table of Contents

4.1 Packing ..............................................................................................................................14.2 Sensitivity ...........................................................................................................................14.3 Intermediate storage ..........................................................................................................14.4 Damage during transport ...................................................................................................1

4.1 Packing

Type of packing depends in part on the distance the machine is to be shipped. The machine is transported on square strips of timber without crate if not agreed otherwise. The designations and graphical symbols affixed to the machine are to be observed!

4.2 SensitivitySpecial care is required in transporting the machine in order to prevent damage due to extraneous forces or improper loading and unloading. Sufficient safety devices for transport are provided ac-cording to type and duration of transport.

The machine may be slung or lifted only at the designated places.

4.3 Intermediate storageIf the machine is not to be installed directly after delivery, it must be stored properly in a protected place. Ensure proper covering for storage.

4.4 Damage during transportPossible transport damage and/or missing parts are to be reported immediately in writing.


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5 Function Description

Table of Contents

5.1 Design ................................................................................................................................15.2 Function .............................................................................................................................1

5.1 DesignThe horizontal conveyor consists of the following functional groups:

• Wormgearmotorwithtransmitter

• Toothedbeltwithtoothedbeltdrives

• Carriagewithballboxes,toothedbeltconnector

• Workpiecerack

• Frameswithguideshaftandcovers


5.2 FunctionThroughafrequencyconvertertheelectricmotoriscontrolledandbyawormgearboxandatoothedbeltismoved.Onthetoothedbeltaguideissetwhichisconnectedwiththecarriage.Thereforethecarriagecanbemovedforwardandbackward.

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6 Installation

Table of Contents

6.1 General ..............................................................................................................................16.2 Provisions on site and special notes ..................................................................................16.3 Installation ..........................................................................................................................1

6.1 GeneralThe setting up and installation of the machines should be carried out only by trained personnel.

We can not be held liable for any damage caused by a installation which not carried out according to this manual.

6.2 Provisions on site and special notesSet up conditions:

• Electricpowersupply

• Safetybarrier

• Rigidfoundations

6.3 InstallationFixing the machine at the foundation with the usable screws.

• Removesalltransportlocks

• Checkingtoothedbelttension

• Checkingtransmissionsoillevel

• Themachineshouldbeconnectedaspecialistaccordingtothecircuitdiagramandinkeepingwith the pertaining electrical standards.

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7 Commissioning and Operation

Table of Contents

7.1 Commissioning ..................................................................................................................17.2 Operation ...........................................................................................................................17.3 Fault elimination .................................................................................................................2

7.1 CommissioningSecure working area of the horizontal conveyors according to the related safety regulations.

We declare that electrical work on the machine is only allowed to elec-trical specialists and always only under the restrictions of the safety rules on electric or electronics.

Minimum carriage load is not allowed to exceed (for max. load see data sheet).

Start up with slow speed and ensure free movement of carriage and all moved parts.

7.2 OperationChecking before switching on

• Ensurethattheguideelementsarekeptclean

• Ballboxeseventuallygreasing

• Lightenrunofthemechanicaltrackingelements

• Functionofthedistancemeasuringsystem

• Functionofmachinecontrol

• Functionoftheemergencyoffcontrolchain

• Noimpedinginfluencesbyadd-onorconstructions

Check the function of the end position disconnection.



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7 Commissioning and Operation

7.3 Fault eliminationAppearing troubles, possible causes and remedy

• Thecarriagemovesinnotsmoothatthereversingpoints

possible causes: a) toothed belt not tightened enough b) space between the drive shaft and the toothed belt

remedy: a) Tensionthetoothedbelt b) replace damaged parts

• Strongrunningnoisesareaudible

possiblecauses: a) Ballboxesfaulty

remedy: a) Replacing ball boxes

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8 Maintenance

Table of Contents

8.1 General ..............................................................................................................................18.2 Ball boxes and rail guides ..................................................................................................28.2.1 Lubrication and maintenance .............................................................................................28.3 Lubrication and maintenance of the gear box ....................................................................38.4 Drawing of the lubrication points ........................................................................................48.5 List of lubrication points .....................................................................................................58.6 Toothed belt drives .............................................................................................................68.6.1 Toothed belt ....................................................................................................................... Tensioning of toothed belt .................................................................................................. Mounting and Dismounting of toothed belt ........................................................................ Deflectionofthetoothedbelt .............................................................................................98.7 Incremental hollow shaft resolver ....................................................................................10

8.1 General • Themachinehastobeswitchedoffimmediatelyaftertherecognitionofrunningfailure.

• Thecurrencysupplyhastobestoppedbyturningthemainswitchtotheoffposition.

• Themachineisonlyallowedtoswitchonaftereliminatingthereasonoftherunningfailure.

• Allmaintenanceandcommissioningworkisonlyallowedinswitchedoffmodeofthemachine.

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8 Maintenance


8.2 Ball boxes and rail guides

8.2.1 Lubrication and maintenanceTheusualregulationsforrollerbearingsapply.Conventionalrollerbearinggreasemaybeused;however, different brands should not be mixed.LithiumsoapgreaseofconsistencyclassNLGI2,DIN51818maybeusedforrollerbearingguidessubject to normal wear.

Lubricate with a grease gun until lubricant is exuded.


Foroperationinenamellinglinesorsimilar,thelubricantmaylooseitslubricityrelativelyquicklydue, for example, to the evaporation of solvents.Inanycase,theoperatormustensurethatthelubricatingintervalsareshortenoughtoensuresuf-ficientlubricationofthebearings.

Ensurethattheguideelementsarekeptcleanandthatmechanicaldamage does not occur.

Compact guide unit

Ball boxes

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8 Maintenance

8.3 Lubrication and maintenance of the gear box



Whenusingmineraloils,reducedperformanceshouldbetakenintoaccount.Pleaseaskforadviceabout this.

The recommended level of oil is reached when oil drips out of the oil level screw (size 100 to 315).

For lubrication amounts refer to lubrication table.


Oilqualityacc.to typelabelVis- cosityinmm2/s.lubricant (cSt)at40°C ARAL BP Esso Klüber Mobil Shell Texaco ICI/Tribol

syntheticoils PG220 Degol BPEnergol Umlauföl Syntheso Mobil Trivela Tribol (Polyglykole) 220 SG-XP220 S220 HT220 Glygoyl30 OilWB 800/220



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8 Maintenance

8.4 Drawing of the lubrication points

Lubrication nipple (4)


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8 Maintenance

8.5 List of lubrication points

PositionNoin No.oflubrication Descriptionof Symbolsoflubricantaccording to points lubrication points lubrication drawing

4 4 carriage guide

7 1 drive - worm drive



Lubrication grease (mineral oil base)

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8 Maintenance

8.6 Toothed belt drivesToothed belt drives are constructed for maintenance-free continuous operation. In normal opera-tion,retensioningisnotnecessaryifproperlymounted.

• Toothedbeltsshouldnotbebentorfoldedtightly.

• Toothedbeltsshouldneverbemountedonthebeltdrivediskswithforceandshouldnotunderanycircumstancesberolledovertheflangedwheelswithforce.

Prerequisites for trouble-free operation and long service life

• Tensionbeltasspecifiedintheseoperatinginstructions.

• Thebeltrunsstraightwhenthebeltdrivedisksarealignedinparallel.

• Thebeltshouldnot,oronlylightly,touchtheflangedwheels.

• Donotusedamagedorsoiledbeltdrivedisks.

Checking belt tension

• Belttensionissetproperlywhenthebeltcanbepresseddownwardbyvalue„f“undertestload„F“atthehalf-waypointbetweenthedisks(S/2).

• Forthesevalues,referto„Mountingandtensioningthetoothedbelts“.


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8 Maintenance

8.6.1 Toothed belt8.6.1.1 Tensioning of toothed belt

• Loosenscrews(3).

• Loosenlocknut(4).

• Slidegearinthedirectionoftensionuntilthevaluesfortoothedbeltarereached.

• Tightenlocknut(4).

• Tightenscrews(3).

Before starting the procedure ensure that the machine has been switchedoffandcannotbeswitchedonunintentionally.!






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8 Maintenance Mounting and Dismounting of toothed belt

• Removecover.

• Relaxgearmotor(seetensioningoftoothedbelt).

• Loosenscrewofslidecover.Removewasher.Removecarriagecover.

• Removehexagonheadscrew3xM8(2)withhexagonheadscrewdriverSW6fromcarriage.

• Movecarriageoffhand.

• Dismountplate(3)andplate(4)(4xhexagonscrewM8(5))

• Removetheoldtoothedbelt(6).

• Mountthenewtoothedbelt.

• Puttoothedbeltendsintoclampingplate.Putcounterplateonanddrillholethroughthetoothed belt.

• Pin4xhexagonscrewM8andthighten.


• Movecarriageonclampingplate.

• Movehexagonheadscrew3M8(2)withhexagonheadscrewdriverthroughholesatcarriageand tight them to the coupling plate.

• Tensionthetoothedbelt(seetensioningoftoothedbelt).


• Mountingofthecovers.



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8 Maintenance Deflectionofthetoothedbelt


Grooved ball bearing 6202-2RS

Grooved ball bearing 6202-2RS

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8 Maintenance

8.7 Incremental hollow shaft resolverDismounting

• Loosehexagonheadscrew(1)atclampingbush.

• Removemanuallyresolver(2)fromshaft

Do not strike shaft or resolver!


• Movemanuallyresolver(2)ontoshaft

Do not strike shaft resolver!


• Tightenhexagonheadscrew(1)atclampingbush.


1 2 3

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9 Spare Parts

9.1 GeneralA stock of the most important spare parts and parts subject to wear at the place of installation is an important prerequisite for the constant proper function and availability of the machine.

We provide a guarantee only for original spare parts delivered by us.

In case of damage resulting from the use of non-original spare parts and accessories, any liability or guarantee provided by REITER GmbH + Co. KG Oberflächentechnik is excluded.

The stock keeping of spare parts is provision for any the validity of agreements involving system availability, service times and guarantee or systems performance.

Please note that separate manufacturing and delivery specifications are often given for original and non-original parts, and that we offer spare parts constructed according to the latest technological developments and in compliance with legal regulations.

9.2 Spare parts orderTo the order make use of the spare parts list in the part documentation and parts lists.

The pieces marked with “E“ in the part list are spare parts. The pieces marked with “V“ in the part list are wearing parts.

For the spare parts order the following data shall indicate:

• Order number (see acknowledgement)

• Part number (see part list)

• Designation (see part list)

• Parts lists designation

Table of Contents

9.1 General ..............................................................................................................................19.2 Spare parts order ...............................................................................................................1
