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Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems John Huisman ID:0208506.

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Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems John Huisman ID:0208506
Page 1: Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems John Huisman ID:0208506.

Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems

John Huisman


Page 2: Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems John Huisman ID:0208506.

John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems



Introduction & Background Problems facing OS development for

Reconfigurable systems Changes to the usual development tools Unresolved Issues Conclusion

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems



The main purpose of an OS is to increase the abstraction between The Application Designer The System Software

An OS would help Reduce knowledge of hardware Increase the runtime flexibility of reconfigurable


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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Introduction cont…

An OS would also allow for better portability of programs

Resent developments in FPGA technology have allowed the exploration into an OS Increases in the density of hardware Selective reconfiguration of the hardware Ability to support many dependent and

independent circuits

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems



Few attempts to create a Reconfigurable System Operating Systems The Xputer system OS had an extension added to

communicate with reconfigurable hardware It could only handle one user at a time and used

complete context switches The SPACE.2 was also used to test an OS using

multiple reconfigurable chips Used full context switching Each user had it’s own dedicated chip

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


The challenges in developing an OS for reconfigurable systems Reconfigurable systems emulate circuits and

this removes many elements from a conventional OS Lack of a defined program counter No conventional retrieve, decode, execute cycle Can have a varying amount of pipelines, making it

harder to know how to clear the system

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


The challenges in developing an OS for reconfigurable systems In the Operating

systems discussed the reconfigurable hardware Is connected between the

I/O devices and the Memory

Is a slave to the CPU, the CPU is the control of the system

Makes the system very flexible

Figure 1: Target Architecture composed of a host CPU, a reconfigurable device, and external components

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


The challenges in developing an OS for reconfigurable systems It should be noted that tasks that makeup the

programs that run on the operating systems need to be set in a general format

Serves two purposes Increase portability of the program The OS becomes the interface between the task

and applying it on the hardware, regardless of the hardware used

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Logic Frames

To simplify the circuit outlook on the system FPGA area is viewed as a single block

The block is broken into chips, then into logic frames

This system works like virtual memory

Figure 2: the FPGA Task Graph

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems



To schedule circuits and other parts of a program each part is broken up into task Each task is either placed on hardware or

computed on a CPU A program is then composed of a task graph

By using tasks the program is already broken down and makes it easier to for multiple users

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Scheduling cont…

With scheduling for a normal OS tasks are preempted for others all the time

In a reconfigurable system it would be much harder know when to interrupt a task as the execution is more ambiguous

One idea is to implement flags into the circuit to tell the OS when the circuit can be taken out

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Scheduling cont…

As reconfigurable hardware is used multiple tasks can be run in parallel from multiple users

To order tasks to execute many things can be taken into consideration, notably Priority of the program Size of the task Task level

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Scheduling cont…

Grouping can also be used in scheduling to help reduce communication between circuit swaps and resources needed in routing

The algorithm used needs to be Small Deterministic Bounded

The above criteria needs to be true not only for grouping but for many of the OS operations

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Changes to the usual development tools

An OS needs to be able to start processing tasks/programs as quickly as possible with as little overhead as possible

To do this the development tools used to allocate, place, and route circuits needs to be changed to fit the requirements of an OS

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems



Before a circuit can be placed, adequate space needs to be found or made

Two approaches to this problem Track space taken by circuits as they are placed

onto the reconfigurable hardware through an array Scan the hardware for available space each time

a new circuit is to be placed onto the hardware The first option is favorable as it would take

less time to look up then scan the hardware

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Allocation cont…

If there is not enough room for the circuit to be placed onto the hardware the OS has two options Shelf the task to run later Remove a current task and write in the task to be

placed onto the system The scheduler can help avoid the first option

but if circuits are to be removed the OS must decide what to remove

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems



Current design tools create efficient, high quality solutions with no regard for time

For an OS, the placement algorithm sacrifices the efficient use of space for speed

As density of hardware increase the tradeoff of efficiency for speed can be justified

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Placement cont…

To decrease the time taken by the placement algorithm is to simplify its execution

To do this two approaches to placement have been looked at 1-D resource placement model 2-D resource placement model

Figure 3: Reconfigurable resource models: (a) 1D area model; (b) 2D area model.

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Placement cont…

1-D placement A fixed width for the reconfigurable area is used to

place a circuit, dividing the area into strips Each circuit gets its own strip of area Simplifies the placement algorithm by increasing

the constraints on the circuit Increases the amount of unused space on the

reconfigurable hardware

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Placement cont…

2-D placement Circuits are placed as close as possible into a

rectangle and placed onto the reconfigurable area Rectangles are used as it is easy to track used

space and place new circuits This is more complex then the 1-D model and

decreases the unusable area Increases the amount of time needed for each


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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Placement Results

As seen above the 2-D placement method outperforms the 1-D placement in terms of tasks rejected

Time increase is linearly as placement detail increases

Figure 4: (a) 1D and 2D stuffing methods for different laxity classes, (b) Runtimes of the reference and stuffing schedulers to schedule one task, depending on the laxity class.

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems



Like placing, the routing method needs to be quick and not as accurate as the current tools

As routing is NP-Hard it is hard to create a quick algorithm that can consistently generate good solutions

Two approaches to simplify routing Use more area to increase the chance of success Use predefined routing blocks provided to the OS

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Routing cont…

Largest problem with the system is the fact that if routing a circuit fails new placements and routing needs to be done

Each failure to route a circuit increases the overhead of the OS

Both placement and routing methods need to be reliable else the system would be plagued by unpredictable overhead times

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


OS Operation Time Results

Results from one of the papers outlining a new reconfigurable OS

As the characteristic dimension decreases and/or the number of tasks increase the time increases

Figure 5: The total execution time for the complete process


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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Unresolved issues in the area

No hard configuration standard for compiled general tasks representing circuits, this means OS for reconfigurable systems are only academic

Most tests done on OS where done with small dependent and independent circuits, can it continue to operate when given large circuits

As of yet there are no meaningful benchmarks to measure the effectiveness of a OS for reconfigurable systems

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems



As discussed there have been forward steps to the creation of an OS for reconfigurable systems

As reconfigurable hardware technology increases in density and complexity, an OS will be needed

Advances the prospect of software/hardware co-design

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems



1. Steiger, C., Walder, H., Platzner, M., Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Embedded Platforms: Online Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 53, No. 11, 2004, pg 1393-1407

2. Wigley, G., Kearney, D., The Development of an Operating System for Reconfigurable Computing, Proceedings. 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006, pg 1-8

3. Wigley, G., Kearney, D., The First Real Operating System for Reconfigurable Computers, Proceedings 6th Australasian Computer Systems Architecture Conference, 2001, pg 130-137

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems



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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Current Project Progress

Project is to create a co-processor to speedup the operation of the Scatter Search Algorithm

Working on the 0-1 knapsack problem as described by “Scatter Search, methodology and implementations in C” by Manuel Langna and Rafael Marti

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John Huisman Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Systems


Current Project Progress

Currently working on the implementation of the scatter search algorithm for the MicroBlaze soft-core created by Xilinx

Using the Sparta 3E starter board as the host unit the MicroBlaze is applied

Profile the Scatter Search algorithm to find bottlenecks

Create a co-processor based on the known bottlenecks in the system
