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Operating Systems: Threads 1 Threads Process : –program in execution and its context –resources...

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Operating Systems: Threa ds 1 Threads •Process : –program in execution and its context –resources assigned to it »a virtual machine with memory - segments and pages, and high level facilities »open files, semaphores, buffers etc. –scheduling and dispatching »execution interleaved with other processes; priorities »volatile context of PC, Stack pointers, registers etc. •Threads : –multiple threads can exist within a single process »creation, deletion, synchronisation –can execute concurrently »thread priorities »multiprocessor machines
Page 1: Operating Systems: Threads 1 Threads Process : –program in execution and its context –resources assigned to it »a virtual machine with memory - segments.

Operating Systems: Threads



•Process :

–program in execution and its context

–resources assigned to it

»a virtual machine with memory - segments and pages, and high level facilities

»open files, semaphores, buffers etc.

–scheduling and dispatching

»execution interleaved with other processes; priorities

»volatile context of PC, Stack pointers, registers etc.

•Threads :

–multiple threads can exist within a single process

»creation, deletion, synchronisation

–can execute concurrently

»thread priorities

»multiprocessor machines

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Operating Systems: Threads


•Unit of resource ownership remains the process

–all threads within a process share the same resources

»virtual memory - all code and data, open files, pipes, sockets etc.

–processes compete for resources from the kernel

–threads must cooperate in using their resources

•Unit of scheduling and dispatching becomes the thread

–each thread needs its own volatile context

–PC, stack and stack pointers, registers and status

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Operating Systems: Threads


•Threads can be created much more quickly than processes

–no virtual machine to be created

–just a new volatile context, stack area and registration with the scheduler

–threads are typically created to run procedures within a program

•Thread libraries available for most Operating Systems

–Windows NT/2000, Solaris, Mach, OS/2

–standard threads package - POSIX threads

•Multi-threaded concurrent languages :

–ADA, Occam

»a thread per task

»intercommunication by means of rendezvous

»inter-thread message passing very efficient - via virtual memory


»extend Thread class in java.lang package

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Operating Systems: Threads


•Benefits of threads :

–better programming paradigm for many applications

»a thread for each inherently concurrent activity

»simpler and more reliable programs

–performance gains

»example: less hold-up by blocking system calls

»ability to use multi-processor systems easily and conveniently

data can be partitioned to take advantage of multi-processing

–real-time programs:

»interrupts, signals and events occurring asynchronously

»create a new thread for each asynchronous event as in happens

–network servers:

»servers handle multiple concurrent requests from network machines

»create a thread to deal with each request separately

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Operating Systems: Threads


–distributed object servers in a network - CORBA object brokers

»a thread per object

»databases and transaction systems

–dealing with multiple input sources and outputs

»a thread per stream

–user interaction:

»foreground keyboard, mouse and screen interaction concurrent with background computation e.g. a spreadsheet

»create separate threads for foreground and background

a menu selection thread

screen update and scrolling threads

command execution thread

–checkpoint threads

»a background thread, executed periodically, that saves data

»protects against crashes

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Operating Systems: Threads


•Example: a CS4 graphics project : A Virtual Orrery

–each planet and moon represented by a thread

–work out their own motions in cooperation with other threads

•Example: a Network File Server

–for each request from a user:

»file directories accessed to get disc addresses

»page faults will cause a hiatus - delaying later requests

»server initiates disc transfers and waits for completion

»disc device driver will reschedule transfers depending on head position

»transfers may be completed out of order depending on disc rotation position

»server has to remember all requested actions still outstanding and deal with completions in any order

»effectively having to incorporate concurrency control into the server

–much easier to start a new thread for each request

»a thread held up for actions to complete does not hold up other threads

»each thread a simple sequential series of actions

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Operating Systems: Threads


–service thread :

»initialisation - takes up idle time whilst creating and opening files

»printing, importing data and “flowing” text

–event-handing thread :

»menu item selection

»window operations

»synchronising with service thread is tricky user may continue to type, or use mouse,

whilst service thread activity still in progress

user activity restricted by disabling menu items until service thread activities complete

–screen-redraw thread :

»allows redrawing to be aborted

»dynamic scrolling as user drags scroll bar event-handling thread monitors scroll bar and

redraws margin rulers

screen-redraw thread constantly monitors rulers and tries to redraw screen and catch up

Example: Pagemaker DTP package

•three threads always active

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Operating Systems: Threads


•Solaris Threads :

–kernel level threads

»kernel knows nothing about user-level threads

»only knows about kernel threads

»can be multiplexed onto any processor

»can be tied to run only on a specific processor

»can be pinned to a specific processor

»kernel threads for OS device drivers and other kernel functions

»all scheduling done on kernel level threads

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Operating Systems: Threads


–lightweight processes (LWP)

»one kernel thread per LWP

»LWPs scheduled with associated kernel thread

a pre-emptive priority-based scheduler

»can have several LWPs per process

–user-level threads

»only user-level threads perform user’s work

»each has to be connected to an LWP to be scheduled

LWPs can be blocked

need as many LWPs as number of concurrent kernel operations

»can be multiplexed around available LWPs dynamically or tied to one

does not require kernel interaction to do connection

may have to wait for a free LWP to be connected to

»can synchronise amongst themselves

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Operating Systems: Threads


•Solaris threads resource needs :

–kernel threads :

»small data structure and stack

»context switching between kernel threads relatively fast

–lightweight processes :

»need a process control block (PCB)

»may be quite slow

–user level threads :

»program counter, stack and pointer needed

»no kernel resources involved

»connecting user level threads to LWPs very fast

»may be lots of user level threads and fewer LWPs

kernel only sees LWPs

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Operating Systems: Threads


POSIX Threads

•system of choice for portability

–similar to Solaris threads

–incompatible with Microsoft Win32 NT threads!


–Pthreads Primer - A Guide to Multithreaded Programming, Lewis & Berg

•primitives :int pthread_create (pthread_t *ID, pthread_attr *attr, void *(*func)(void *ptr), void *arg);int pthread_join (pthread_t ID, void *arg);

int pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t *m, pthread_mutex_attr *attr);int pthread_lock (pthread_mutex_t *m);int pthread_unlock (pthread_mutex_t *m);

int pthread_cond_init (pthread_cond_t *c, pthread_cond_attr *attr);int pthread_cond_wait (pthread_cond_t *c, pthread_mutex_t *m);int pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t *c);etc. etc.

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Operating Systems: Threads


•Example : partitioned matrix multiplication :

–partition each matrix into quarters:

M1 : A1 B1 M2 : A2 B2C1 D1 C2 D2

M1 * M2 = A1*A2 + B1*C2 A1*B2 + B1*D2C1*A2 + D1*C2 C1*B2 + D1*D2

–multiplication procedure for each thread, written to deal with any quarters

–thread procedure arguments passed by pointer to structures

»first version uses separate argument structures for each thread

»second version uses one structure but then needs to synchronise use of it by means of semaphores - just for demo purposes

»also uses semaphores to synchronise thread termination

»semaphore package built from mutex functions and condition variables

»both versions do a normal N*N multiplication first for result comparison

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Operating Systems: Threads


#include <pthread.h>

struct args { float (*p)[N]; int px0, py0; float (*q)[N]; int qx0, qy0; float (*r)[N]; int n2; };

void fill_args (struct args *args_ptr,float (*p)[N]; int px0, py0; float (*q)[N]; int qx0, qy0; float (*r)[N]; int n2; ) {args_ptr->p = p; args_ptr->px0 = px0; args_ptr->q = q; args_ptr->qx0 = qx0;args_ptr->r = r; args_ptr->rx0 = rx0; args_ptr->n2 = n2;


void *matrix_mult (void *ptr) {float (*p)[N], (*q)[N], (*r)[N], sum;int px0, py0, qx0, qy0, n2, px, py, qx, qy, i, j;

p = ((struct args *)ptr)->p; px0 = ((struct args *)ptr)->px0; py0 = ((struct args *)ptr)->py0;q = ((struct args *)ptr)->q; qx0 = ((struct args *)ptr)->qx0; qy0 = ((struct args *)ptr)->qy0;r = ((struct args *)ptr)->r; n2 = ((struct args *)ptr)->n2;

for (px=px0; px<px0+n2; px++) {for (qy=qy0; qy<qy0+n2; qy++) {

sum = 0;for (py=py0, qx=qx0; py<py0+n2; py++, qx++) sum = sum+p[px][py]*q[qx][qy];r[px][qy] = sum;



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main () {float p[N][N], q[N][N], r[N][N], r1[N][N], r2[N][N];pthread_t mmt, a1a2, b1c2, a1b2, b1d2, d1c2, c1,b2, d1d2;struct args mmt_args, a1a2_args, b1c2_args, a1b2_args, b1d2_args, c1a2_args,

d1c2_args, c1b2_args, d1d2_args;int i, j;void *status;

// arbitrary matrix values for testingfor (i=0; i<N; i++) {

for (j=0; j<N; j++) {p[i][j] = i*j; q[i][j] = i*j;

} }

// normal N*N multiplication first with one threadfill_args (&mmt_args, p, 0, 0, q, 0, 0, r, N);pthread_create (&mmt, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&mmt_args);

// print resultsprintf(“\nSingle thread result :\n”);for (i=0; i<N; i++) {

for (j=0; j<N; j++) {printf(“%4.0f “, r[I][j]);



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fill_args (&a1a2_args, p, 0, 0, q, 0, 0, r1, N/2);pthread_create (&a1a2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&a1a2_args);

fill_args (&b1c2_args, p, 0, N/2, q, N/2, 0, r2, N/2);pthread_create (&b1c2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&b1c2_args);

fill_args (&a1b2_args, p, 0, 0, q, 0, N/2, r1, N/2);pthread_create (&a1b2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&a1b2_args);

fill_args (&b1d2_args, p, 0, N/2, q, N/2, N/2, r2, N/2);pthread_create (&b1d2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&b1d2_args);

fill_args (&c1a2_args, p, N/2, 0, q, 0, 0, r1, N/2);pthread_create (&c1a2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&c1a2_args);

fill_args (&d1c2_args, p, N/2, N/2, q, N/2, 0, r2, N/2);pthread_create (&d1c2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&d1c2_args);

fill_args (&c1b2_args, p, N/2, 0, q, 0, N/2, r1, N/2);pthread_create (&c1b2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&c1b2_args);

fill_args (&d1d2_args, p, N/2, N/2, q, N/2, N/2, r2, N/2);pthread_create (&d1d2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&d1d2_args);

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pthread_join (a1a2, &status);pthread_join (b1c2, &status);pthread_join (a1b2, &status);pthread_join (b1d2, &status);pthread_join (c1a2, &status);pthread_join (d1c2, &status);pthread_join (c1b2, &status);pthread_join (d1d2, &status);

// final summationfor (i=0; i<N; i++) {

for (j=0; j<N; j++) {r[I][j] = r1[I][j] + r2[I][j];


// print resultsprintf(“\nMultiple thread result :\n”);for (i=0; i<N; i++) {

for (j=0; j<N; j++) {printf(“%4.0f “, r[I][j]);



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typedef struct semaphore {pthread_mutex_t m;pthread_cond_t c;int count;

} sema_t;

void sema_init (sema_t *s) {pthread_mutex_init (&s->m, NULL);pthread_cond_init(&s->c, NULL);s->count = 0;


void sema_P (sema_t *s) {pthread_mutex_lock (&s->m);while (s->count == 0) {

pthread_cond_wait (&s->c, &s->m);}s->count--;pthread_mutex_unlock (&s->m);


void sema_V (sema_t *s) {pthread_mutex_lock (&s->m);s->count++;pthread_mutex_unlock (&s->m);pthread_cond_signal (&s->c);


Semaphore package :

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#include <pthread.h>

struct args {float (*p)[N]; int px0, py0; float (*q)[N]; int qx0, qy0; float (*r)[N]; int n2;sema_t *args_sem, *fin_sem


void fill_args ( struct args *args_ptr,float (*p)[N]; int px0, py0; float (*q)[N]; int qx0, qy0; float (*r)[N]; int n2;sema_t *args_sem, sema_t *fin_sem ) {args_ptr->p = p; args_ptr->px0 = px0; args_ptr->q = q; args_ptr->qx0 = qx0;args_ptr->r = r; args_ptr->rx0 = rx0; args_ptr->n2 = n2;args_ptr->args_sem = args_sem; args_pts->fin_sem = fin_sem;


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void *matrix_mult (void *ptr) {float (*p)[N], (*q)[N], (*r)[N], sum;int px0, py0, qx0, qy0, n2, px, py, qx, qy, i, j;

p = ((struct args *)ptr)->p; px0 = ((struct args *)ptr)->px0; py0 = ((struct args *)ptr)->py0;

q = ((struct args *)ptr)->q; qx0 = ((struct args *)ptr)->qx0; qy0 = ((struct args *)ptr)->qy0;

r = ((struct args *)ptr)->r; n2 = ((struct args *)ptr)->n2;

// signal that arguments have been copied outsema_V (((struct args *)ptr)->args_sem);

for (px=px0; px<px0+n2; px++) {for (qy=qy0; qy<qy0+n2; qy++) {

sum = 0;for (py=py0, qx=qx0; py<py0+n2; py++, qx++) sum = sum+p[px][py]*q[qx][qy];r[px][qy] = sum;


// signal that this thread has finishedsema_V (((struct args *)ptr)->fin_sem);


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main () {float p[N][N], q[N][N], r[N][N], r1[N][N], r2[N][N];pthread_t mmt, a1a2, b1c2, a1b2, b1d2, d1c2, c1,b2, d1d2;struct args mmt_args;int i, j, t;void *status;sema_t args_sem, fin_sem;

// arbitrary matrix values for testingfor (i=0; i<N; i++) {

for (j=0; j<N; j++) {p[i][j] = i*j; q[i][j] = i*j;

} }

sema_init (&args_sem);sema_init (&fin_sem);

// normal N*N multiplication first with one threadfill_args (&mmt_args, p, 0, 0, q, 0, 0, r, N, &args_sem, &fin_sem);pthread_create (&mmt, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&mmt_args);sema_P (&args_sem); // wait until arguments copiedsema_P (&fin_sem); // wait until thread finished

// print results. . . . etc.

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fill_args (&mmt_args, p, 0, 0, q, 0, 0, r1, N/2, &args_sem, &fin_sem);pthread_create (&a1a2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&mmt_args);sema_P (&args_sem); // wait until arguments read

fill_args (&mmt_args, p, 0, N/2, q, N/2, 0, r2, N/2, &args_sem, &fin_sem);pthread_create (&b1c2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&mmt_args);sema_P (&args_sem);

fill_args (&mmt_args, p, 0, 0, q, 0, N/2, r1, N/2, &args_sem, &fin_sem);pthread_create (&a1b2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&mmt_args);sema_P (&args_sem);

fill_args (&mmt_args, p, 0, N/2, q, N/2, N/2, r2, N/2, &args_sem, &fin_sem);pthread_create (&b1d2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&mmt_args);sema_P (&args_sem);

fill_args (&mmt_args, p, N/2, 0, q, 0, 0, r1, N/2, &args_sem, &fin_sem);pthread_create (&c1a2, NULL, matrix_mult, (void *)&mmt_args);sema_P (&args_sem);

. . . . . . . . etc.

for (t=0; t<8; t++) sema_P (&fin_sem); // wait for all threads to finish

// final summation and print results etc.. . . . . . .

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Operating Systems: Threads


Java Threads

•Example showing interleaved thread execution :

class SimpleThread extends Thread {public SimpleThread (String str) { // superclass constructor

super (str);}

public void run () {for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

System.out.println (i + “ “ + getName() );try { sleep ((int) (Math.random () * 1000));catch (InterruptedException e) { }

}System.out.println (“Finished “ + getName () );


class TwoThreadsTest {public static void main (String[ ] args) {

new SimpleThread (“Edinburgh”).start ();new SimpleThread (“Glasgow”).start ();


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–main method starts two threads by calling the start method

»output something like :

0 Edinburgh0 Glasgow1 Glasgow1 Edinburgh2 Edinburgh3 Edinburgh2 Glasgow3 Glasgow4 Glasgow4 Edinburgh5 Glasgow5 Edinburgh6 Glasgow7 Glasgow8 Glasgow6 Edinburgh7 Edinburgh8 Edinburgh9 EdinburghFinished Edinburgh9 GlasgowFinished Glasgow

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Operating Systems: Threads


Windows NT Threads

–initial thread built automatically for a process

»more created through calls to thread library

–each thread has its own user and kernel stacks

–32 levels of priority (Java threads only have 10)

»pre-emptive priority scheduler

»threads can change their priority within limits

–mutual exclusion locks between threads

»between processes and within one process

–event objects for synchronisation

–semaphores with resource counts

»more than one thread can get a semaphore when multiple resources controlled by it

–fibers in NT Version 4 onwards

»finer user control of scheduling

–all other threads signalled when one terminates
