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Operation Lifesaver Annual Report 2010

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Operation Lifesaver is an international, not-for-profit education and awareness program dedicated to ending preventable collisions, fatalities and injuries at highway/railway crossings and on railway rights-of-way through education and in support of enforcement and engineering principles.
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As National Director for Operation Lifesaver, I am proud of all the hard work being done by our partners and volunteers to educate Canadians and to meet our goal of preventing deaths and injuries due to railway-crossing and trespassing incidents.

With 2010 now behind us, it’s appropriate to reflect on the past year and review our performance. This Annual Report examines 2010’s activities and results, both financial and safety-related.

2010 was a year of deliberation and progress for Operation Lifesaver. The Advisory Committee spent time considering the program’s direction. We really focused on our message - how best to communicate it to a variety of demographics and how to harness the power of modern communication tools to gain a wider audience.

As you’ll see in this report, 2010 saw the introduction of innovative new materials and the refreshing of existing ones. It was also a year of many successful events, held by our dedicated partners and volunteers.

Now is also a great time to congratulate our volunteers and partners for their ongoing efforts and commitment. As well, I’d like to extend my thanks to our parent, the Railway Association of Canada, our partner, Transport Canada, our Advisory Committee, the OL Program Review Committee and the Provincial OL Committees. It is the contributions of these people that make Operation Lifesaver a success.

As always, we welcome your feedback, so please share your ideas on how to reinforce our rail-safety message. Together we can make sure that our communities are a safer place to live and work.

Make safety your priority.


Daniel (Dan) Di Tota National Director

OPERATION LIFESAVERANNUAL REPORT 2010Fiscal Year Start 01-01-10Fiscal Year End 31-12-10

www.operationlifesaver.ca99 Bank Street, Suite 901Ottawa, ON K1P 6B9(613) 564-8100

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MISSION AND PURPOSEEvery year in Canada, approximately 300 collisions and trespassing incidents occur at highway-railway crossings and along railway tracks, resulting in the death or serious injury of nearly 130 people. Virtually all of these incidents could be avoided.

Operation Lifesaver is an international, not-for-profit education and awareness program dedicated to ending preventable collisions, fatalities and injuries at highway/railway crossings and on railway rights-of-way through education and in support of enforcement and engineering principles.

Our mandate is to eliminate the loss of life, injury and damage caused by preventable highway/railway crossing collisions and train/pedestrian incidents.

We make over 1,000 presentations per year and work with the rail industry, government, police, unions, the media, public organizations and the public to spread the word.

Our statistics show Operation Lifesaver education works. Over the past 30 years, we have helped reduce crossing collisions by 78% and trespassing incidents by 54%.

GOALS FROM 2009 THAT WERE MET IN 2010At the end of 2009’s Annual Report, we outlined some of the goals we were looking forward to achieving in 2010. Below you’ll find a list of those tasks that we are proud to have accomplished during the past year.

• Transport Canada required an evaluation of the Operation Lifesaver program to be completed before renewing its contribution agreement with the Railway Association of Canada for another four years of funding. In 2010, the findings of this evaluation were released and funding was renewed. • In 2010, Operation Lifesaver focused on a Communications Plan that involved reworking the website to make it more engaging for the young, web-savvy generation. Learn more about it on page 8.• A beta version of the computer based training program for Operation Lifesaver presenters was completed in December 2010. Read about it on page 7.• In March 2010, the Advisory Committee took on the difficult but necessary task of going through a Strategic Review. The goal was to analyze the program’s successes and challenges and ultimately, to determine a strategic plan for moving forward, in 2011 and beyond. The results of the review were released in October. Read more about the Strategic Review on page 7.• On June 22, 2010, Operation Lifesaver supported International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD). We plan to do the same on June 9, 2011. Learn more about this important event on page 6.• Transport Canada announced that they will be hiring four regional people (for QC, ON, MB/SK/AB and BC) to help support the Operation Lifesaver program and will increase their funding contribution to the Grade Crossing Improvement Fund by some $28M for the next five years.

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Revenues 2010 2009Members’ AssessmentsTransport Canada RevenuesOther Income








Expenditures 2010 2009Coordinators’ MeetingsEducation VehicleFilm & DuplicatingGrants & Donations(including Provincial Safety Leagues)

Office and MiscellaneousPresenter’s GuidesPrinting and SuppliesPublicitySalaries, Benefits & Contracted ServicesTravelTranslation
















(unaudi ted; as at December 31, 2010)

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In 2010, over 250 dedicated volunteers, along with our partners, took part in over 1,000 activities and presentations across Canada, sharing Operation Lifesaver’s message with more than 960,000 Canadians.

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Alberta 6British Columbia 18Manitoba 20New Brunswick 34Newfoundland 4Nova Scotia 7Ontario 90Quebec 72Saskatchewan 5

Totals 256

VOLUNTEERS(January 1 to December 31, 2010)

(Source: Transportat ion Safety Board of Canada)










1980 1981 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009 2010





262 270

186 180177

109 10586

11279 83 70 81

Trespassing Accidents

Crossing Accidents

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BC AB SK MB ON QC NB NS NL2006 2007 2008 2009 2010



Notes: 2003 figures include Race Against Drug Program stats (Presentations); 2009 figures include Race Against Drug Program stats (Activities.)

PRESENTATIONS BY PROVINCE(January 1 to December 31, 2006 - 2010)

(37) (24) (12) (9)


(35) (41)(75)

(actual count shown in brackets by Province)

















2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

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ANNUAL REPORT 20105 youtube.com/Operat ionLi fesaverCA

It’s no secret that Operation Lifesaver is dedicated to preventing railway related deaths and injuries. Along with our committed volunteers, we’re out there every day spreading our message across the nation.

Here you’ll find a sample of some of the exciting events that were held in 2010, by Operation Lifesaver, our partners and some of the provincial committees, to make sure that our message remains in the foreground.

NEW DRIVER EDUCATION PROGRAMThroughout 2010 Newfoundland

Safety Services Newfoundland Labrador is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to the prevention of injuries and fatalities. In 2010, the organization developed and implemented a new driver education program that includes a rail safety component featuring information developed by Operation Lifesaver.

During the past year, 1,000 new drivers took part in the program and were given Operation Lifesaver key chains and learning materials. Students were also encouraged to visit the Operation Lifesaver website for newly licensed drivers at www.TrainToDrive.net.

CROSSING BLITZApril 23, 2010 Milltown, New Brunswick & Calais, Maine Border

On April 23, the New Brunswick Provincial Committee held their first-ever crossing blitz at the border crossing at St. Stephen (Millville) and Calais.

During the one-hour blitz, committee members and their partners were able to distribute Operation Lifesaver materials to 300 drivers.

While at the blitz, committee members learned that a customs sign near the tracks was causing drivers to stop on the tracks to identify license plate numbers. After this event, New Brunswick Southern Railway worked with customs to have the sign moved back – and had additional signs erected that advise of the danger of stopping on the tracks, thereby reducing the risks at the crossing.


Rail Safety Week (RSW) is a concentrated effort by all Operation Lifesaver provincial committees, community partners, volunteers and stakeholders to work together to create a unified, nation-wide voice around public rail safety.

2010 was the eighth year for Rail Safety Week and Operation Lifesaver and its partners held over 400 initiatives and events, in close to 200 different communities across Canada.

Transport Canada and the Railway Association of Canada worked together to develop a series of print media (including web) and radio public service announcements. Media pick-up was very impressive and led to many supplemental interviews and a great deal of media attention across the nation.

VIA RAIL SAFETY DAYMay 4, 2010 Halifax, Nova Scotia

In May, VIA Rail in Halifax hosted a Safety Day event that targeted young children. The event took place at the Halifax VIA Rail Station and 600 children from several area daycares and elementary schools took part.

Presentations were given to each group as they arrived by Operation Lifesaver Presenters and members of the Nova Scotia Provincial Committee ran a display booth and handed out Operation Lifesaver learning materials and colouring books.

Children were able to take part in Train Tours, presentations from the RCMP’s drug enforcement program K-9 unit, Ambulance Tours from Emergency Health Services and had the opportunity to view several Model Railway Displays.

Getting our rail-safety message out nation-wideEVENTS

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On June 22, 2010, Operation Lifesaver was proud to support and promote International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD), an international public-rail safety awareness program initiated by numerous agencies in the European Union. The program is jointly organized by the rail and road sectors in more than 45 countries worldwide, and focuses on educational measures and the promotion of safe behavior at and around level crossings.

Here in Canada, the Quebec Provincial Committee chose to recognize ILCAD by holding a crossing blitz at O’Brien Street in Montreal, handing out rail safety materials to every driver who went through the crossing that day.

In 2011, ILCAD will take place on June 9, and Operation Lifesaver will once more enthusiastically support and promote this important event.


After a year’s absence, due to the economic climate in 2009, the Operation Lifesaver Conference and Technology Showcase returned on September 15, 2010. The event featured keynote speaker, Terry Pringle, Team Leader for Champion Resources, who outlined how to create safety messages that will bridge the generation gap and speak to all Canadians.

The Annual Operation Lifesaver Provincial Committee Meeting followed the conference on September 16.

MOCK COLLISIONSeptember 22, 2010 St. Lambert, Québec

In September, the city of St. Lambert, Quebec was host to a mock collision, organized by Mike Melanson, Chair of the Quebec Provincial Committee and member of the CN Police Services, in partnership with the City of St. Lambert and Emergency Services.

The mock crossing incident involved an automobile, a motorcycle and a train and local drama students acted as victims. After parents and students had viewed the “collision”, they took part in a debriefing held at a local high school.

A film was produced of this mock collision and provided to Dan Di Tota, National Director of Operation Lifesaver, to be used as a teaching aid for other students. This film will speak to the target high school audience not only through its explicit content but also through its soundtrack, provided by the popular Canadian band, Simple Plan.

LINDA PURDY’S RETIREMENTDecember 2, 2010 Ottawa, Ontario

On December 2, 2010 Operation Lifesaver said farewell to Senior Administrative Assistant Linda Purdy after 10 years of exceptional service. The day marked Linda’s last day of work as she began vacation, in advance of starting her official retirement on January 5, 2011.

Linda joined Operation Lifesaver in September of 2000 and over the next 10 years acted as Operation Lifesaver’s backbone, maintaining the continuous support of volunteers nation-wide and representing the program as organized, efficient and credible.


Linda Purdy at her ret i rement party, a f ter 10 years wi th Operat ion Li fesaver, in Ottawa.

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ANNUAL REPORT 20107 facebook.com/opl i fesaver

STRATEGIC REVIEWOn March 30, the Operation Lifesaver Advisory Committee took part in a workshop, that included a program review and where members were given a stakeholder survey to complete. The purpose of this review was to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the Operation Lifesaver program and to develop a strategy to move forward with. Throughout 2010, the committee undertook a series of meetings, surveys and analysis of trends, challenges and opportunities for Operation Lifesaver.

The committee met again in October to determine the results of the review. They identified key issues to focus on immediately, including the fact that volunteers were being burnt out by trying to meet every presentation request being made and the need to move toward a risk based prioritization model to reduce this strain on resources. The committee also created a Work Plan for 2010-2011, as well as outlined a five-year priorities list.

COMPUTER BASED TRAININGA beta version of the computer based training program for presenters was completed in December 2010 and is now in the testing stage. This system will allow people who wish to become Operation Lifesaver presenters to complete some of their training online, from their own home and at their own pace. The current Presenter Program involves a two-day course taught by volunteer trainers and it’s only offered in major Canadian cities. With the new system, trainees will complete the online training at home in advance of meeting with a trainer for only one day, at which time they’ll be tested and receive their certification.

2010 ROGER CYR AWARDThe Roger Cyr Award, named after the founder of Operation Lifesaver Canada, is presented annually to individuals who help reduce highway-railway crossing collisions and trespassing incidents. The 2010 recipient was retired RCMP constable and Cobourg Police Service volunteer, Reg Chad.

For over 10 years, Mr. Chad has been volunteering 20 hours per week to raise the awareness of rail safety among motorists and students through various activities and events in Cobourg, Ontario.

Mr. Chad was presented with his award at the OL Annual Conference on September 15th at the Chateau Cartier in Gatineau, Québec.

Adapting and innovating to raise awareness with a wider audience

While Operation Lifesaver’s rail-safety message remains steadfast, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to express it – from reinvigorating existing materials, to brainstorming and implementing new strategies.

In 2010, we had many opportunities to evaluate our message strategies, to rework what we’re already doing and to kick start new ideas. Here are a few examples:

Lef t to r ight: Cst . Terry Stanley of Cobourg Pol ice, Roger Cyr Award Recipient , Reg Chad, Dan Di Tota and Cst . Ray Foster of CN Pol ice.


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PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS MATERIALS UPDATEDIn December 2010, the Operation Lifesaver Professional Drivers Materials, created as part of Direction 2006, were completely redone. Incorporating input from driver instructors and professionals from each of the materials’ target industries, the new video and written materials are reformatted, with refreshed content and current statistics. In addition, the new written materials are interactive, providing links to the Operation Lifesaver website, where students can gain access to multimedia learning tools, like videos, and an in-depth explanation of signs and warning devices.

KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 3CONSTRUCTION CARDSBuilding on the learning tools offered on the Operation Lifesaver Kids website (www.olkids.ca), December 2010 saw the completion of Operation Lifesaver Construction Cards for kids in Kindergarten to Grade 3. Each card package features nine cardboard cards that can be fitted together to form a locomotive. Rail-safety information is featured on the back of each construction card, as well as in the accompanying safety information booklet. This will be a fun and interactive way for parents and teachers to share Operation Lifesaver’s rail-safety message with children, while they also learn motor skills.


COMMUNITY TRESPASS PREVENTION GUIDEThe Community Trespass Prevention Guide started as a Direction 2006 publication. It is given to municipal community groups to help them deal with railway trespassing incidents. The booklet contains tips for identifying areas of concern, who to approach and how, and offers guidelines for coming up with a trespassing solution that will work for their particular community. In 2010, the publication was reformatted as an Operation Lifesaver product.

OPERATION LIFESAVERCOMMUNICATIONS PLANIn 2010, Operation Lifesaver set into motion a communications plan intended to engage youth in the rail-safety message, using new media. The main focus of this plan was the revitalization of the Operation Lifesaver website. The final phase of the website was completed and launched during Rail Safety Week (April 26 – May 2, 2010). The new site features videos, sound clips and photos that will appeal to the online generation.

In addition, the site has been rewritten, focusing on Search Engine Optimization, so that top Internet search engines will find relevant information on the site and provide it as a useful resource for searchers. This, along with a number of imbedded links, will greatly increase traffic to the site and ensure that Operation Lifesaver is a modern program that is accessible and relevant to people of all ages.

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Visit TrainToDrive.net and learn what driver’s ed didn’t tell you about safety at railway crossings. This on-line, interactive training program is an excellent resource for newly licensed and young drivers.

Hey Kids! I’m Rover the Railway Rabbit and I want to help you learn some really important stuff about railway safety.

Visit www.OLKids.ca where you can read stories, play games and watch videos that show you what you need to know to stay safe.

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AMALGAMATION AND ELIMINATION OF REDUNDANT CROSSINGSSafety at grade crossings is a primary focus for both the railway companies and Transport Canada. As a major initiative for 2011, the railways are working with the government of Canada to reduce the number of railway crossings in this country. Particular focus will be paid to crossings that are no longer in use, as well as areas where there are multiple crossings that can be amalgamated. Once identified, crossings will be closed, the warning signals and devices removed and the roads leading to them redirected. Fewer crossings will mean fewer risks and this initiative will go a long way to helping Operation Lifesaver meet its goal of preventing railway crossing injuries and deaths.

GRADE CROSSING CLOSURE PROGRAM A further way that Transport Canada is working to reduce the number of grade crossings in Canada is through the Grade Crossing Closure Program. This is a grant program where eligible recipients – such as municipalities, provinces, businesses or private citizens – who own the rights to use a passive railway crossing can sign an agreement giving up these rights, and close the crossing. The grant recipient can receive up to $5,000 for a restricted crossing, or up to $20,000 for an unrestricted crossing.

These grants are administered under the Grade Crossing Improvement Program.

The railway companies are also very active in working to reduce the number of grade crossings, including arranging the closing of some of their own crossings. They also spend a great deal of time and funding on researching crossings that can potentially be closed, talking to road owners and road authorities and entering into closure agreements with them.

GRADE CROSSING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Grade Crossing Improvement Program is designed to provide up to 80 percent of the cost of a crossing improvement project. Funds from this program will go to improvement projects that include:

• The installation of flashing lights, bells and gates• The addition of gates or extra lights to existing signal systems• The interconnection of crossing signals to nearby highway traffic signals• The modification of operating circuits within automated warning systems• The improvement of roadway alignment or grades• The modification of nearby intersections, including the addition of traffic control signals in some circumstances

These funds are distributed in response to applications made by the road authority or rail company, as a result of an inspection by a Transport Canada railway safety inspector, due to a recommendation made after an accident or in response to a safety complaint about a crossing.

The railway companies also provide financial contributions of up to 80 percent for Grade Crossing Improvement Program projects.

These programs serve to underscore the environment of cooperation that exists between the railway industry and the government of Canada to make rail safety a priority.

Helping to shape our industry for the good of all CanadiansADVOCACY

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ANNUAL REPORT 201011 twi t ter.com/opl i fesaver

WHAT’S AHEAD IN 2011? As you’ve seen in the proceeding pages, 2010 was a busy year for Operation Lifesaver. 2011 is well underway and we’ve hit the ground running! Here are a few of the exciting things we have on the agenda for 2011:

• Representatives from Chuggington, a popular train-based television program for preschoolers, have approached Operation Lifesaver about collaborating on an initiative that would see our rail- safety message promoted by the program’s three train characters.

• In 2010, the Advisory Committee identified students in Grades 7 and 8 as a key target for the program. This is also the most challenging demographic to reach. In 2011, we will be focusing on finding messaging and activities that will engage and interest this age group. Our goal is to make Grade 7 and 8 students active participants in the Operation Lifesaver rail-safety message, so that they’ll communicate the message to their peers.

• We’re looking forward to, and preparing for, another successful, event-filled Rail Safety Week, scheduled for May 2 to May 8.

• June 9 will be the third annual International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD). Operation Lifesaver was proud to support and promote the event last year and will be doing the same this year. In 2010, more than 45 countries worldwide participated in ILCAD and we expect even more participation this year. Here in Canada, Transport Canada will recognize ILCAD by holding the Atlantic Region Railway Conference in Moncton, New Brunswick.

• The Operation Lifesaver Annual Conference and Technology/Services Showcase will be taking place again this year, but with a new format. This year, we’ll be moving from a one-day to a two-day conference and focusing on a new audience. While past conferences involved OL volunteers and stakeholders, this year’s participants will be representative of Operation Lifesaver’s “Three E’s”: enforcement, engineering and education. Invitations will be extended to professional drivers, driving instructors, law enforcement agencies and school bus and trucking companies. The conference will feature two keynote speakers and expose participants to Operation Lifesaver’s products, including the key website, TrainToDrive.net and the newly redone Professional Drivers Materials. The conference is scheduled for September 13 and 14 at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Ottawa.


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A Partnership in Public-Rail Safety


Your on-line library to public-rail safety

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ANNUAL REPORT 201013 youtube.com/Operat ionLi fesaverCA




Luc BourdonDirector General , Rai l SafetyTransport CanadaOttawa, ON

Stephen CoveyChief of Pol iceCNMontréal , QC

Paul GoyetteDirector, Publ ic Affai rsThe Railway Association of CanadaOttawa, ON

Robert GraySenior Manager, Heal th, Safety & Emergency PreparednessVIA Rail CanadaMontréal , QC

Matt Hol landDirector, Safety & Secur i tyMetrolinxToronto, ON

Daniel LafontaineChief Engineer, Rai l Safety Operat ionsTransport CanadaOttawa, ON

Chris LungstrassInspector, Ontar io Provincial Pol ice - Eastern Region HeadquartersOntario Provincial PoliceSmith Fal ls, ON

Mike LowengerVice-President,Operat ions & Regulatory AffairsThe Railway Association of CanadaOttawa, ON

Raynald MarchandGeneral Manager, ProgramsCanada Safety CouncilOttawa, ON

Ivan McClel landChief of Pol iceCP Police ServiceCalgary, AB

Rob SmithNational Legis lat ive DirectorTeamsters Canada Rail ConferenceOttawa, ON

Adam ThompsonPol icy AnalystFederation of Canadian Municipalit iesOttawa, ON

Jean TierneySenior Director, Safety, Secur i ty and Risk ManagementVIA Rail CanadaMontréal , QC

Bi l l WalkerPresident & CEOSafety Services NBFreder icton, NB
