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Operator saves $17M in production logging and future ...

Date post: 15-Oct-2021
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CASE STUDY Cost Reduction 7 Intelligent tracers reduce drilling and intervention cost Operator saves $17M in production logging and future drilling costs Challenge An operator needed to evaluate the performance of reservoir intervals in a subsea frac-pack completion with two stacked sands to determine the economic viability of the lower interval without intervention or wired sensors. Solution 7ZRXQLTXHO\LGHQWLȴDEOHVLJQDWXUHVRI5(60$1LQWHOOLJHQWRLO WUDFHUV5(6ȏ2Ζ/ZHUHLQVWDOOHGLQWKHVWDFNHGVDQGV)LJ WRTXDQWLI\LQȵRZFRQWULEXWLRQIURPHDFKSURGXFLQJLQWHUYDO Application 7KH5(6ȏ2Ζ/V\VWHPVZHUHLQWHJUDWHGLQWRWKHVDQGVFUHHQVDW the facilities of the completion supplier. The well completion was run in-hole without deviating from normal procedures and with no additional rig time or extra personnel at site. The traced sand screens containing the two distinct 5(6ȏ2Ζ/VLJQDWXUHVZHUHLQVWDOOHGDGMDFHQWWRHDFKRWKHU Although there was no mechanical isolation between the VDQGVWKHIUDFSDFNSURYLGHGHHFWLYHDQQXODUȵRZLVRODWLRQ 3URGXFWLRQZDVVKXWLQIRUKRXUVDQGWKHZHOOZDV UHVWDUWHG3URGXFWLRQȵXLGVDPSOHVWREHDQDO\]HGZHUHWDNHQ DWWKHVXUIDFHDQGWKHUHVXOWVZHUHPRGHOHG5(60$1ȇV SDWHQWHG)OXVK2XW0RGHO)LJZDVXVHGWRTXDQWLI\ LQȵRZIURPHDFKVDQG )LJȂ5(6ȏ2Ζ/FRQFHQWUDWLRQGDWDSRLQWVYVSURGXFHGYROXPHDQG )OXVK2XWPRGHOȴWVROLGOLQHVGXULQJVWDUWXS )LJȂ&RPSOHWLRQVFKHPDWLFVLOOXVWUDWLQJWKH5(6ȏ2Ζ/V\VWHPV LQVWDOOHGLQWKHXSSHUDQGORZHUVDQGVDVZHOODVWKHPHDVXUHG LQȵRZFRQWULEXWLRQ Upper Sand 95% 5% Lower Sand Results 5(60$1LQȵRZGLVWULEXWLRQFDOFXODWLRQV)LJ revealed that the lower sand was a minor contributor to production and, consequently, drilling and completing it was not economical. 7KHRSHUDWRUUHDOL]HG$7M in savings by not performing risky and costly production logging RSHUDWLRQVWRREWDLQVLPLODUUHVHUYRLULQȵRZ performance information. )XUWKHUPRUHWKHRSHUDWRUsaved an additional $10M by not drilling and completing the uneconomical sand in VXEVHTXHQWZHOOVLQWKHSURMHFW '21ȇ7-8670$1$*(<285:(//5(60$1$*(Ζ7 HQ ȏ1RUZD\(8 ȏ8.$IULFD ȏ5XVVLD&Ζ6 M. East ȏ)DU(DVW$VLD ȏ/$PHULFD ȏ1$PHULFD LQIR#UHVPDQQR ȏ ZZZUHVPDQQR 5(6ȏ2Ζ/5(6ȏ+2$UULYDO7LPH)OXVK2XW&KHPLFDO3/7DQG5(60$1DUHWUDGHPDUNVRI5(60$1$6 5HIHUWR7HFKQLFDO%XOOHWLQ 2,000 Cumulative Production Since Restart (bbls) 8SSHU6DQG5(6ȏ2Ζ/ /RZHU6DQG5(6ȏ2Ζ/ Model Fit :HOO6WDUWXSȂ5(60$1)OXVK2XW3URȴOHV Tracer Concentration (ppt) 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9 ,000
Page 1: Operator saves $17M in production logging and future ...

CASE STUDY Cost Reduction7

Intelligent tracers reduce drilling and intervention costOperator saves $17M in production logging and future drilling costs

ChallengeAn operator needed to evaluate the performance of reservoir intervals in a subsea frac-pack completion with two stacked sands to determine the economic viability of the lower interval without intervention or wired sensors.



the facilities of the completion supplier. The well completion was run in-hole without deviating from normal procedures and with no additional rig time or extra personnel at site. The traced sand screens containing the two distinct

Although there was no mechanical isolation between the

Upper Sand 95%



revealed that the lower sand was a minor contributor to production and, consequently, drilling and completing it was not economical. $7M in savings by not performing risky and costly production logging

performance information. saved an additional $10M by not drilling and completing the uneconomical sand in

HQ M. East


Cumulative Production Since Restart (bbls)

Model Fit


er C






3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9 ,000
