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Operators n dirac in qm

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Lecture 3 Operator methods in quantum mechanics
Page 1: Operators n dirac in qm

Lecture 3

Operator methods in quantum mechanics

Page 2: Operators n dirac in qm


Although wave mechanics is capable of describing quantumbehaviour of bound and unbound particles, some properties can notbe represented this way, e.g. electron spin degree of freedom.

It is therefore convenient to reformulate quantum mechanics inframework that involves only operators, e.g. H.

Advantage of operator algebra is that it does not rely upon

particular basis, e.g. for H = p2

2m , we can represent p in spatialcoordinate basis, p = !i!!x , or in the momentum basis, p = p.

Equally, it would be useful to work with a basis for thewavefunction, ", which is coordinate-independent.

Page 3: Operators n dirac in qm

Operator methods: outline

1 Dirac notation and definition of operators

2 Uncertainty principle for non-commuting operators

3 Time-evolution of expectation values: Ehrenfest theorem

4 Symmetry in quantum mechanics

5 Heisenberg representation

6 Example: Quantum harmonic oscillator(from ladder operators to coherent states)

Page 4: Operators n dirac in qm

Dirac notation

Orthogonal set of square integrable functions (such aswavefunctions) form a vector space (cf. 3d vectors).

In Dirac notation, state vector or wavefunction, ", is representedsymbolically as a “ket”, |"".

Any wavefunction can be expanded as sum of basis state vectors,(cf. v = x ex + y ey + · · · )

|"" = #1|"1"+ #2|"2"+ · · ·

Alongside ket, we can define a “bra”, #"| which together form thescalar product,

#$|"" $! !

"!dx $#(x)"(x) = #"|$"#

Page 5: Operators n dirac in qm

Dirac notation

For a complete basis set, $i , we can define the expansion

|"" ="


$i |i"

where #j |"" ="


$i #j |i"#$%&!ij

= $j .

For example, in the real space basis, |"" =

!dx "(x)|x".

Then, since #x |x $" = %(x ! x $),

#x $|"" =

!dx "(x) #x $|x"# $% &


= "(x $)

In Dirac formulation, real space representation recovered from innerproduct, "(x) = #x |""; equivalently "(p) = #p|"".

Page 6: Operators n dirac in qm


An operator A maps one state vector, |"", into another, |$", i.e.

A|"" = |$".

If A|"" = a|"" with a real, then |"" is said to be an eigenstate (oreigenfunction) of A with eigenvalue a.

e.g. plane wave state "p(x) = #x |"p" = A e ipx/! is an eigenstate ofthe momentum operator, p = !i!!x , with eigenvalue p.

For every observable A, there is an operator A which acts upon thewavefunction so that, if a system is in a state described by |"", theexpectation value of A is

#A" = #"|A|"" =

! !

"!dx "#(x)A"(x)

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Every operator corresponding to observable is linear and Hermitian,

i.e. for any two wavefunctions |"" and |$", linearity implies

A(&|""+ '|$") = & A|""+ ' A|$"

For any linear operator A, the Hermitian conjugate (a.k.a. theadjoint) is defined by relation

#$|A"" =

!dx $#(A") =

!dx "(A†$)# = #A†$|""

Hermiticity implies that A† = A, e.g. p = !i!!x .

Page 8: Operators n dirac in qm


From the definition, #A†$|"" = #$|A"", some useful relations follow:

1 From complex conjugation, #A†$|""# = #"|A†$" = #A"|$",

i.e. #(A†)†"|$" = #A"|$", % (A†)† = A

2 From #$|AB"" = #A†$|B"" = #B†A†$|"",it follows that (AB)† = B†A†.

Operators are associative,i.e. (AB)C = A(BC ),but not (in general) commutative,

AB|"" = A(B|"") = (AB)|"" &= BA|"" .

Page 9: Operators n dirac in qm


A physical variable must have real expectation values (andeigenvalues) % physical operators are Hermitian (self-adjoint):

#"|H|""# =

'! !




! !

"!"(x)(H"(x))#dx = #H"|""

i.e. #H"|"" = #"|H"" = #H†"|"", and H† = H.

Eigenfunctions of Hermitian operators H|i" = Ei |i" form completeorthonormal basis, i.e. #i |j" = %ij

For complete set of states |i", can expand a state function |"" as

|"" ="


|i"#i |""

In coordinate representation,

"(x) = #x |"" ="


#x |i"#i |"" ="


#i |""$i (x), $i (x) = #x |i"

Page 10: Operators n dirac in qm

Resolution of identity

|"" ="


|i"#i |""

If we sum over complete set of states, obtain the (useful) resolutionof identity,



|i"#i | = I



#x $|i"#i |x" = #x $|x"

i.e. in coordinate basis,)

i $#i (x)$i (x $) = %(x ! x $).

As in 3d vector space, expansion |$" =)

i bi |i" and |"" =)

i ci |i"allows scalar product to be taken by multiplying components,#$|"" =

)i b#i ci .

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Example: resolution of identity

Basis states can be formed from any complete set of orthogonalstates including position or momentum,

! !

"!dx |x"#x | =

! !

"!dp|p"#p| = I.

From these definitions, can recover Fourier representation,

"(x) $ #x |"" =

! !

"!dp #x |p"# $% &e ipx/!/


#p|"" =1'2(!

! !

"!dp e ipx/! "(p)

where #x |p" denotes plane wave state |p" expressed in the real spacebasis.

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Time-evolution operator

Formally, we can evolve a wavefunction forward in time by applyingtime-evolution operator.

For time-independent Hamiltonian, |"(t)" = U(t)|"(0)", wheretime-evolution operator (a.k.a. the “propagator”):

U(t) = e"i Ht/!

follows from time-dependent Schrodinger equation, H|"" = i!!t |"".

By inserting the resolution of identity, I =)

i |i"#i |, where |i" are

eigenstates of H with eigenvalue Ei ,

|"(t)" = e"i Ht/! "


|i"#i |"(0)" ="


|i"#i |"(0)"e"iEi t/!

Page 13: Operators n dirac in qm

Time-evolution operator

U = e"i Ht/!

Time-evolution operator is an example of a Unitary operator:

Unitary operators involve transformations of state vectors whichpreserve their scalar products, i.e.

#$|"" = #U$|U"" = #$|U†U"" != #$|""

i.e. U†U = I

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Uncertainty principle for non-commuting operators

For non-commuting Hermitian operators, we can establish a boundon the uncertainty in the expectation values of A and B:

Given a state |"", the mean square uncertainty defined as

(!A)2 = #"|(A! #A")2"" = #"|U2""(!B)2 = #"|(B ! #B")2"" = #"|V 2""

where U = A! #A", #A" $ #"|A"", etc.

Consider then the expansion of the norm ||U|""+ i#V |""||2,

#"|U2""+ #2#"|V 2""+ i##U"|V"" ! i##V"|U"" ( 0

i.e. (!A)2 + #2(!B)2 + i##"|[U, V ]|"" ( 0

Since #A" and #B" are just constants, [U, V ] = [A, B].

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Uncertainty principle for non-commuting operators

(!A)2 + #2(!B)2 + i##"|[A, B]|"" ( 0

Minimizing with respect to #,

2#(!B)2 + i##"|[A, B]|"" = 0, i# =1


#"|[A, B]|""(!B)2

and substituting back into the inequality,

(!A)2(!B)2 ( !1

4#"|[A, B]|""2

i.e., for non-commuting operators,

(!A)(!B) ( i

2#[A, B]"

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Uncertainty principle for non-commuting operators

(!A)(!B) ( i

2#[A, B]"

For the conjugate operators of momentum and position (i.e.[p, x ] = !i!, recover Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle,

(!p)(!x) ( i

2#[p, x ]" =


Similarly, if we use the conjugate coordinates of time and energy,[E , t] = i!,

(!t)(!E ) ( i

2#[t, E ]" =


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Time-evolution of expectation values

For a general (potentially time-dependent) operator A,

!t#"|A|"" = (!t#"|)A|""+ #"|!tA|""+ #"|A(!t |"")

Using i!!t |"" = H|"", !i!(!t#"|) = #"|H, and Hermiticity,

!t#"|A|"" =1

! #i H"|A|""+ #"|!tA|""+1

! #"|A|(!i H")"



*#"|HA|"" ! #"|AH|""


# $% &#"|[H, A]|""


For time-independent operators, A, obtain Ehrenfest Theorem,

!t#"|A|"" =i

! #"|[H, A]|"" .

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Ehrenfest theorem: example

!t#"|A|"" =i

! #"|[H, A]|"" .

For the Schrodinger operator, H = p2

2m + V (x),

!t#x" =i

! #[H, x ]" =i

! #[p2

2m, x ]" =



!t#p" =i

! #[H,!i!!x ]" = !#(!x H)" = !#!xV "

i.e. Expectation values follow Hamilton’s classical equations ofmotion.

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Symmetry in quantum mechanics

Symmetry considerations are very important in both low and highenergy quantum theory:

1 Structure of eigenstates and spectrum reflect symmetry of theunderlying Hamiltonian.

2 Transition probabilities between states depend upontransformation properties of perturbation =% “selectionrules”.

Symmetries can be classified as discrete and continuous,

e.g. mirror symmetry is discrete, while rotation is continuous.

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Symmetry in quantum mechanics

Formally, symmetry operations can be represented by a group of(typically) unitary transformations (or operators), U such that

O ) U†OU

Such unitary transformations are said to be symmetries of ageneral operator O if

U†OU = O

i.e., since U† = U"1 (unitary), [O, U] = 0.

If O $ H, such unitary transformations are said to be symmetries ofthe quantum system.

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Continuous symmetries: Examples

Operators p and r are generators of space-time transformations:

For a constant vector a, the unitary operator

U(a) = exp

'! i

!a · p(

e"ects spatial translations, U†(a)f (r)U(a) = f (r + a).

Proof: Using the Baker-Hausdor" identity (exercise),

eABe"A = B + [A, B] +1

2![A, [A, B]] + · · ·

with eA $ U† = ea·% and B $ f (r), it follows that

U†(a)f (r)U(a) = f (r) + ai1(*i1 f (r)) +1

2!ai1ai2(*i1*i2 f (r)) + · · ·

= f (r + a) by Taylor expansion

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Continuous symmetries: Examples

Operators p and r are generators of space-time transformations:

For a constant vector a, the unitary operator

U(a) = exp

'! i

!a · p(

e"ects spatial translations, U†(a)f (r)U(a) = f (r + a).

Therefore, a quantum system has spatial translation symmetry i"

U(a)H = HU(a), i.e. pH = Hp

i.e. (sensibly) H = H(p) must be independent of position.

Similarly (with L = r + p the angular momemtum operator),,-


U(b) = exp[! i!b · r]

U()) = exp[! i!)en · L]

U(t) = exp[! i! Ht]




momentum translationsspatial rotationstime translations

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Discrete symmetries: Examples

The parity operator, P, involves a sign reversal of all coordinates,

P"(r) = "(!r)

discreteness follows from identity P2 = 1.

Eigenvalues of parity operation (if such exist) are ±1.

If Hamiltonian is invariant under parity, [P, H] = 0, parity is said tobe conserved.

Time-reversal is another discrete symmetry, but its representationin quantum mechanics is subtle and beyond the scope of course.

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Consequences of symmetries: multiplets

Consider a transformation U which is a symmetry of an operatorobservable A, i.e. [U, A] = 0.

If A has eigenvector |a", it follows that U|a" will be an eigenvectorwith the same eigenvalue, i.e.

AU|a" = UA|a" = aU|a"

This means that either:

1 |a" is an eigenvector of both A and U (e.g. |p" is eigenvector

of H = p2

2m and U = e ia·p/!), or

2 eigenvalue a is degenerate: linear space spanned by vectorsUn|a" (n integer) are eigenvectors with same eigenvalue.

e.g. next lecture, we will address central potential where H isinvariant under rotations, U = e i"en·L/! – states of angularmomentum, *, have 2* + 1-fold degeneracy generated by L±.

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Heisenberg representation

Schrodinger representation: time-dependence of quantum systemcarried by wavefunction while operators remain constant.

However, sometimes useful to transfer time-dependence tooperators: For observable B, time-dependence of expectation value,

#"(t)|B|"(t)" = #e"i Ht/!"(0)|B|e"i Ht/!"(0)"

= #"(0)|e i Ht/!Be"i Ht/!|"(0)"

Heisenberg representation: if we define B(t) = e i Ht/!Be"i Ht/!,time-dependence transferred from wavefunction and

!tB(t) =i

!e i Ht/![H, B]e"i Ht/! =i

! [H, B(t)]

cf. Ehrenfest’s theorem

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Quantum harmonic oscillator

The harmonic oscillator holds priviledged position in quantummechanics and quantum field theory.

H =p2




It also provides a useful platform to illustrate some of theoperator-based formalism developed above.

To obtain eigenstates of H, we could seek solutions of linear secondorder di"erential equation,

'! !2


x +1


(" = E"

However, complexity of eigenstates (Hermite polynomials) obscureuseful features of system – we therefore develop an alternativeoperator-based approach.

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Quantum harmonic oscillator

H =p2




Form of Hamiltonian suggests that it can be recast as the “squareof an operator”: Defining the operators (no hats!)

a =



0x + i



1, a† =



0x ! i




we have a†a =m+

2! x2 +p2

2!m+! i

2! [p, x ]# $% &!i!


!+! 1


Together with aa† = H!# + 1

2 , we find that operators fulfil thecommutation relations

[a, a†] $ aa† ! a†a = 1

Setting n = a†a, H = !+(n + 1/2)

Since operator n = a†a positive definite, eigenstates have energiesE ( !+/2.

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Quantum harmonic oscillator

H = !+(a†a + 1/2)

Ground state |0" identified by finding state for which

a|0" =



0x + i



1|0" = 0

In coordinate basis,

#x |a|0" = 0 =

!dx $ #x |a|x $"#x $|0" =

0x +




i.e. ground state has energy E0 = !+/2 and

"0(x) = #x |0" =*m+



N.B. typo in handout!

Page 29: Operators n dirac in qm

Quantum harmonic oscillator

H = !+(a†a + 1/2)

Excited states found by acting upon this state with a†.

Proof: using [a, a†] $ aa† ! a†a = 1, if n|n" = n|n",

n(a†|n") = a† aa†#$%&a†a + 1

|n" = (a† a†a#$%&n

+a†)|n" = (n + 1)a†|n"

equivalently, [n, a†] = na† ! a†n = a†.

Therefore, if |n" is eigenstate of n with eigenvalue n, then a†|n" iseigenstate with eigenvalue n + 1.

Eigenstates form a “tower”; |0", |1" = C1a†|0", |2" = C2(a†)2|0", ...,with normalization Cn.

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Quantum harmonic oscillator

H = !+(a†a + 1/2)

Normalization: If #n|n" = 1, #n|aa†|n" = #n|(n + 1)|n" = (n + 1),i.e. with |n + 1" = 1&

n+1a†|n", state |n + 1" also normalized.

|n" =1'n!

(a†)n|0", #n|n$" = %nn!

are eigenstates of H with eigenvalue En = (n + 1/2)!+ and

a†|n" ='

n + 1|n + 1", a|n" ='

n|n ! 1"

a and a† represent ladder operators that lower/raise energy ofstate by !+.

Page 31: Operators n dirac in qm

Quantum harmonic oscillator

In fact, operator representation achieves something remarkable andfar-reaching: the quantum harmonic oscillator describes motion of asingle particle in a confining potential.

Eigenvalues turn out to be equally spaced, cf. ladder of states.

Although we can find a coordinate representation "n(x) = #x |n",operator representation a"ords a second interpretation, one thatlends itself to further generalization in quantum field theory.

Quantum harmonic oscillator can be interpreted as a simple systeminvolving many fictitious particles, each of energy !+.

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Quantum harmonic oscillator

In new representation, known as the Fock space representation,vacuum |0" has no particles, |1" a single particle, |2" has two, etc.

Fictitious particles created and annihilated by raising and loweringoperators, a† and a with commutation relations, [a, a†] = 1.

Later in the course, we will find that these commutation relationsare the hallmark of bosonic quantum particles and thisrepresentation, known as second quantization underpins thequantum field theory of relativistic particles (such as the photon).

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Quantum harmonic oscillator: “dynamical echo”

How does a general wavepacket |"(0)" evolve under the action of

the quantum time-evolution operator, U(t) = e"i Ht/!?

For a general initial state, |"(t)" = U(t)|"(0)". Inserting theresolution of identity on the complete set of eigenstates,

|"(t)" = e"i Ht/! "


|n"#n|"(0)" ="



For the harmonic oscillator, En = !+(n + 1/2).

Therefore, at times t = 2$# m, m integer, |"(t)" = e"i#t/2|"(0)"

leading to the coherent reconstruction (echo) of the wavepacket.

At times t = $# (2m + 1), the “inverted” wavepacket

"(x , t) = e"i#t/2"(!x , 0) is perfectly reconstructed (exercise).

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Quantum harmonic oscillator: time-dependence

In Heisenberg representation, we have seen that !tB =i

! [H, B].

Therefore, making use of the identity, [H, a] = !!+a (exercise),

!ta = !i+a, i.e. a(t) = e"i#ta(0)

Combined with conjugate relation a†(t) = e i#ta†(0), and using

x =2

!2m# (a† + a), p = !i


2 (a! a†)

p(t) = p(0) cos(+t)!m+x(0) sin(+t)

x(t) = x(0) cos(+t) +p(0)


i.e. operators obey equations of motion of the classical harmonicoscillator.

But how do we use these equations...?

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Quantum harmonic oscillator: time-dependence

p(t) = p(0) cos(+t)!m+x(0) sin(+t)

x(t) = x(0) cos(+t) +p(0)


Consider dynamics of a (real) wavepacket defined by $(x) at t = 0.Suppose we know expectation values, p2

0 = #$|p2|$", x20 = #$|x2|$",

and we want to determine #$(t)|p2|$(t)".In Heisenberg representation, #$(t)|p2|$(t)" = #$|p2(t)|$" and

p2(t) = p2(0) cos2(+t) + (m+x(0))2 sin2(+t)

!m+(x(0)p(0) + p(0)x(0))

Since #$|(x(0)p(0) + p(0)x(0))|$" = 0 for $(x) real, we have

#$|p2(t)|$" = p20 cos2(+t) + (m+x0)

2 sin2(+t)

and similarly #$|x2(t)|$" = x20 cos2(+t) + p2

0(m#)2 sin2(+t)

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Coherent states

The ladder operators can be used to construct a wavepacket whichmost closely resembles a classical particle – the coherent orGlauber states.

Such states have numerous applications in quantum field theory andquantum optics.

The coherent state is defined as the eigenstate of the annihilationoperator,

a|'" = '|'"

Since a is not Hermitian, ' can take complex eigenvalues.

The eigenstates are constructed from the harmonic oscillator groundstate the by action of the unitary operator,

|'" = U(')|0", U(') = e%a†"%"a

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Coherent states

|'" = U(')|0", U(') = e%a†"%"a

The proof follows from the identity (problem set I),

aU(') = U(')(a + ')

i.e. U is a translation operator, U†(')aU(') = a + '.

By making use of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdor" identity

eX eY = eX+Y+ 12 [X ,Y ]

valid if [X , Y ] is a c-number, we can show (problem set)

U(') = e%a†"%"a = e"|%|2/2e%a†e"%"a

i.e., since e"%"a|0" = |0",

|'" = e"|%|2/2e%a† |0"

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Coherent states

a|'" = '|'", |'" = e"|%|2/2e%a† |0"

Expanding the exponential, and noting that |n" = 1&n!

(a†)n|0", |'"can be represented in number basis,

|'" =!"



n!|0" =



e"|%|2/2 'n



i.e. Probability of observing n excitations is

Pn = |#n|'"|2 = e"|%|2 |'|2n


a Poisson distribution with average occupation, #'|a†a|'" = |'|2.

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Coherent states

a|'" = '|'", |'" = e"|%|2/2e%a† |0"

Furthermore, one may show that the coherent state has minimumuncertainty !x !p = !

2 .

In the real space representation (problem set I),

"%(x) = #x |'" = N exp

'! (x ! x0)2

4(!x)2! i



where (!x)2 = !2m# and

x0 =


2m+('# + ') = A cos ,

p0 = i


2('# ! ') = m+A sin ,

where A =2

2!m# and ' = |'|e i&.

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Coherent States: dynamics

a|'" = '|'", |'" ="


e"|%|2/2 'n



Using the time-evolution of the stationary states,

|n(t)" = e"iEnt/!|n(0)", En = !+(n + 1/2)

it follows that

|'(t)" = e"i#t/2"


e"|%|2/2 'n


e"in#t |n" = e"i#t/2|e"i#t'"

Therefore, the form of the coherent state wavefunction is preservedin the time-evolution, while centre of mass and momentum followthat of the classical oscillator,

x0(t) = A cos(, + +t), p0(t) = m+A sin(, + +t)

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Summary: operator methods

Operator methods provide a powerful formalism in which we maybypass potentially complex coordinate representations ofwavefunctions.

Operator methods allow us to expose the symmetry content ofquantum systems – providing classification of degeneratesubmanifolds and multiplets.

Operator methods can provide insight into dynamical properties ofquantum systems without having to resolve eigenstates.

Quantum harmonic oscillator provides example of“complementarity” – states of oscillator can be interpreted as aconfined single particle problem or as a system of fictitiousnon-interacting quantum particles.
