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Optimal Bandwidth Monitoring © Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu Department of Computing Science U. of Alberta

Optimal Bandwidth Monitoring

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.BasuDepartment of Computing Science

U. of Alberta

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 2


� Introduction – The problem and objectives� The Bandwidth Estimation Algorithm� Simulation Results� Experiments on Real Networks� Conclusion

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 3

The Quest of QoS

What is Quality of Service (QoS)?

� “…Quality of Service is the set of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of a distributed multimedia system necessary to achieve the required functionality of an application…”

� QoS Parameters:� Lower Layer: Bandwidth, end-to-end delay� Higher Layer: Image/video resolution, compression

scheme, subjective image/sound quality

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 4

Resource Reservation

� Solution #1: Resource reSerVation Protocol (RSVP)� Service class beyond “best-effort”

� Flow specification� Admission control� Packet Scheduling

� Problem

� Require replacement of existing routers

� Introduce significantly heavier computation burden on routers

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 5

Content Adaptation

� Solution #2: Network-aware Application� Do not rely on underlying network to provide

guaranteed quality� Actively Monitors network performance and adapt

multimedia accordingly� Provide trade-off between QoS parameters for

certain application. E.g. Distant Education, virtual museum.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 6

1. QoS Parameters

2. Trade-off Criteria

3. Fetch Content

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 7


-connection handling-request processing

Request receptionApplication LayerApplication Layer

Adaptation LayerAdaptation Layer

-monitor/poll bandwidth

-determine object size

transform requested object to target size

deliver object To client

Monitor Prepare Transmit

Lower LayerLower Layer

Object delivery across network

feedback from network

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 8

The Bandwidth Monitoring Problem� Obviously, accurate bandwidth estimation is of critical

importancePrevious solution:

� Maintain session between server and client� Periodically send testing packets to client to obtain

bandwidth samples� Using some kind of average of sample bandwidth as

bandwidth estimation Drawbacks:

� Bandwidth sample may not be most updated� Waste bandwidth on monitoring when no actual

transmission is requested

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 9


� To design a new algorithm of bandwidth estimation for network-aware applications

Assumptions:� One client and one or more server(s) need to perform a one-

off transmission of a multimedia object� QoS parameter: end user specified time limit� First fraction of the time limit is used for bandwidth testingTarget:� Guarantees the QoS parameter to a certain confidence level� Maximize the multimedia object transmitted

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 10

The Source of Bandwidth Variance

TCP Congestion Control� Design goal: detect and sustain the available

bandwidth on the network without creating congestion

� Typical Bandwidth pattern (TCP Vegas)

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 11

TCP Evolution�TCP is an ever-evolving protocol, with new mechanisms

continuously proposed and implemented

YesNoNoCongestion Detection/ Avoidance

YesYesNoFast Recovery

YesYesYesFast Retransmit

YesYesYesAdditive Increase/ Multiplicative Decrease

YesYesYesSlow Start

TCP VegasTCP Reno (BSD Network Release 2.0)

TCP Tahoe (BSD Network Release 1.0)

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 12

Related ResearchBandwidth Estimation in TCP layer:� Jacobson, base on size of congestion window, RTT.� Mathis, Padhye, base on factors like packet loss rate, packet

size, number of timeouts, and average duration of retransmission timeout.

Pros and Cons:� Accessible to micro-factors of TCP, yielding accurate

estimation.� Need frequent revision and re-evaluation as new mechanisms

are added to TCP version.� Not available to application programmers for the purpose of

developing network-aware applications.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 13

Our Contribution

� A bandwidth estimation algorithm working on Application Layer.

� Based on statistical model, shielded from micro-factors of TCP.

� Easily integrated to network-aware applications by application programmers.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 14


� Introduction – The problem and objectives� The Bandwidth Estimation Algorithm� Simulation Results� Experiments on Real Networks� Conclusion

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 15

Assumptions and Notations

� One server and one client need to make a one-time transmission of a multimedia object (server to client).

� User specified a time limit T on client. It’s expected that the transmission will finish within T by confidence level .

� The first fraction t of T will be used for bandwidth testing.� Bandwidth testing is performed by using time slices of equal

length . Each time slice has bandwidth sample � , bandwidth population� , bandwidth samples


st sii tCx /=

stTN /= NXXX ,...,, 21

sttn /= nxxx ,...,, 21

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 16

� , is the average of bandwidth samples.

� , is the variance of bandwidth samples.

� , is actual bandwidth we try to estimate.


Our Problem is:� First, given N, n, , , give an estimation of , so that

. � Second, determine optimal value of n, in order to maximize

. [Exercise: FIX ONE PROBLEM IN THE PROB. Expression]

x 2s µ( ) αµµ =<estP

( ) sest tnN ⋅−⋅µ

( )1




= ∑ =



i i


i i∑ == 1µ



i i∑ == 1

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 17

� is a continuous random variable following

“student-t” distribution.

Student-t Distribution





xd µ

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 18

� Probability distribution � Safe bandwidth estimation

� t-distribution table ( values)

Safe Bandwidth Estimation




( ) 1, −−⋅⋅−=


nsdx nest αµ

( )nd ,α








© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 19

� Expect Object Size� Important property of V(n):

Statistically (if we view random variable and s as constant),V(n) has a single maximum value. (Proof omitted)

� Intuition of the property:When n is too large, too much time is used for bandwidth testing, leaving little time for real object transmission;when n is too small, value is too large, leading to great margin of under-estimation of bandwidth.

Expected Object Size

( ) ( ) ( ) sest tnNnnV ⋅−⋅= µ


( )nd ,α

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 20

Single Server Optimal Bandwidth Testing

� The Algorithm:obtain samples ;

Calculate V(1) and V(2);


while (V(n)>V(n-1)) {


obtain sample ;

Calculate V(n);


return ; �

321 ,, xxx


1+← nn1+nx


© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 21


�Introduction – The problem and objectives

�The Bandwidth Estimation Algorithm

�Simulation Results

�Experiments on Real Networks


© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 22

Goal of Simulation Experiments

� Verify the effectiveness of the algorithm on:� How well the confidence level on time limit is

met?� Does it find the optimal amount of bandwidth

testing?• Use the real object transmission time as a gauge to

measure the merit of algorithms• Comparing our algorithm with a straightforward

method of taking fixed number of bandwidth samples.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 23


Set parameter

Start Simulation


Parameters:• , which represent the bandwidth characteristics of the channel.• N, total number of time slices• , the confidence level on time limit.

σµ ,


© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 24

Simulation Process�Bandwidth testing

� A normal distributed random number is generated as the bandwidth of the time slice.� Our algorithm is used to determine whether bandwidth testing should continue and the expect object size V(n).

�Real Transmission� For each time slice a random number is generated again and usedto compute the byte count received in this slice.� The byte count is subtracted from the remaining object size. The transmission finishes when remaining size drop below zero.

�Results� Transmitted object size. Whether it finish within time limit. Real transmission time.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 25

Continuous decrease method

� Although Statistically, V(n) has one maximum, it is actually serrated, with multiple local maximums.

� We use three continuous drop in V(n) as the termination condition.

� Results is not very good.

Serrated V(n) curve

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 26

Hotel 2

Hotel 1


Moving Average Method

� We keep the average of past four V(n) for each time slice. � The simulator terminates the bandwidth testing when there are

three continuous drop in this “moving average” of V(n).� Results is much better.

Results much better

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 27

Real Transmission Time, Fix Sampling

Experiment parameters: alpha=0.95, 500 total time slices. Bandwidth average 100kbps, standard deviation is {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,35, 40, 45, 55, 60}.

Large sample numberssuffers because too muchtime used for BW testing.

Small sample numberssuffer because of largeUnder-estimation Margin.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 28

Our Algorithm vs. Fix Sampling, 500 slices

Room information




© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 29

Experiment parameters: alpha=0.95, 100 total time slices.Bandwidth average 100kbps, standard deviation is {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,35, 40, 45, 55, 60}.

Real Transmission Time, Fix Sampling 2

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 30

Our Algorithm vs. Fix Sampling, 100 slices



© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 31

Time Limit Confidence Level Results

Time Limit Confidene Level Result (100 slices)






5 10 15 20Number of Fix Samples


ber o

f Ove



n (o

ut o

f 200




Time Limit ConfidenceLevel Result(500slice)



10 20 30 40Number of Fix Samples


ber o

f rtim


un (o

ut o

f 200




7% 5.5%

� Each bar is average of all the bandwidth standard deviation.� Alpha has been 0.95 for all the experiments.� The number of runs exceeding time limit is around 5.5% and


© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 32


�Introduction – The problem and objectives

�The Bandwidth Estimation Algorithm

�Simulation Results

�Experiments on Real Networks


© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 33

Purpose of experiments on real networks

� Verify assumption� We assume the first n samples are representative

of the entire bandwidth population

� Address practical issues� E.g.: selecting time slice size

� Check computation cost

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 34


Parameter Setting

Start Simulation


Bandwidth Samples

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 35

Transmission procedure

Client runs our algorithm to perform bandwidth testing, until the termination condition is met.

Client finishes receiving, records finish time, calculates and displays statistics of the transmission.

Client: creates a TCP connection to server, and sent a TEST command.Server: begin to send a stream of random bytes to client

Client tears down the TCP connection and makes a new one.Client sends a TRANSMIT command with parameter of target object size,

which equals to ( ) esttT µ⋅−

( ) esttT µ⋅−Server sends the object with size

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 36

Experiment Scenario 1: campus network


Campus Network


© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 37

Experiment results

204Total No. of Exception in 100 runs

9.859.80Actual Total Time (s)

9.679.49Actual Transmission Time (s)

13611337Actual Object Size (KB)

140.8141.0Actual Bandwidth Avg (kbps)

138.5137.8Estimation (kbps)

8.657.71Sample Standard Error

140.6141.2Sample Average (kbps)

8.714.6Average No. of Sample

0.750.95Confidence Goal Parameters:Time limit: 10sTime slice: 0.02sResults are average of 100 runs.Controlled under-estimation

95-97% of time used for real transmission!

Time limit confidence level satisfactorily met.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 38

Comparison with fix sampling

Our algorithm

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 39

Experiment Scenario 2: Internet

Client -- home PC

100Mb Ethernet Hub


university edge router

University campus networks

Server -- ipiatik.cs.ualberta.ca

ADSL Modemother PC

Experiment Settings:� Server: Intel Pentium II 400MHz, 512MB RAM, Redhat Linux 6.1.� Client: Intel Celeron 433MHz, 256MB RAM, Window 2000 Professional. � 11 hops between client and server.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 40

Experiment results

163Total No. of Exception in 100 runs

9.699.61Actual Total Time (s)

8.928.60Actual Transmission Time (s)

13941345Actual Object Size (KB)

156.4156.4Actual Bandwidth Avg (kbps)

145.7144.8Estimation (kbps)

28.9324.34Sample Standard Error

152.9156.0Sample Average (kbps)

8.414.0Average No. of Sample

0.750.95Confidence Goal Parameters:Time limit: 10sTime slice: 0.05sResults are average of 100 runs.

In turn, less time for real transmission.

Time limit confidence level still within range.

Relatively larger standard error in samples.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 41

Different time slice size

Time slice = 0.02s Time slice = 0.05s

Time slice = 0.10s

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 42

Different time slice size










0.05 0.100.02Time Slice Size (s)

100500Total time slice number

9.025.5Average No. of Sample

154.7153.8Sample Average (kbps)

20.147.4Sample Standard Error

143.3136.4Estimation (kbps)

155.4156.3Actual Bandwidth Avg (kbps)

130K129KActual Object Size (KB)

8.348.26Actual Transmission Time (s)

9.519.06Actual Total Time (s)

No. of sample decrease, but sampling time increase!

6% different in estimation

3.5% different in object size.

There is a best slice size which maximize object size. However, the difference between using different slice sizes is relatively small.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 43

Experiment Scenario 3: Internet with wireless link

Home PC (Router)

100M b Ethernet Hub


university edge router

University campus networks

Server -- ipiatik.cs.ualber ta.ca

AD SL M odem

other PC

C lient laptop

Experiment Settings:� Server: Intel Pentium II 400MHz, 512MB RAM, Redhat Linux 6.1.� Client: Intel Pentium MMX 233MHz laptop, 64MB RAM, Window 98. � 12 hops between client and server.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 44

Experiment results10010Wireless link distance (feet)

112Total No. of Exception in 100 runs

8.649.01Actual Total Time (s)

7.297.77Actual Transmission Time (s)

90K126KActual Object Size (KB)

124.0162.3Actual Bandwidth Avg (kbps)

101.4141.6Estimation (kbps)

39.726.3Sample Standard Error

124.5155.9Sample Average (kbps)

11.110.0Average No. of Sample

100100Total Time Slices NumberResults at different distance.

Alpha=0.95 in both cases.

Results similar with wired link.

Lower bandwidth

Larger variance

Low time limit utilization

More exception runs

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 45

Experiment results summary

� The assumption that bandwidth samples represent the entire bandwidth population is reasonable.

� Slice sizes within a relatively wide range all perform quite well.

� The algorithm runs smoothly on 233MHz laptop with Java implementation. The computation requirement is not high. The algorithm should be suitable to run on handheld devices.

© Y.Yu, I.Cheng and A.Basu, UofA 46


�Introduction – The problem and thesis objective

�The Bandwidth Estimation Algorithm

�Simulation Results

�Extension of the Algorithm to Multi-server Scenario

�Experiments on Real Networks

