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HAL Id: hal-01376749 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01376749 Submitted on 7 Oct 2016 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Optimality in Robot Motion: Optimal Versus Optimized Motion Jean-Paul Laumond, Nicolas Mansard, Jean-Bernard Lasserre To cite this version: Jean-Paul Laumond, Nicolas Mansard, Jean-Bernard Lasserre. Optimality in Robot Motion: Optimal Versus Optimized Motion. Communications of the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery, 2014, 57 (9), pp.82 - 89. 10.1145/2629535. hal-01376749
Page 1: Optimality in Robot Motion: Optimal Versus Optimized Motion · 2020. 5. 11. · Optimality in Robot Motion: Optimal versus Optimized Motion Jean-Paul Laumond Nicolas Mansard Jean-Bernard

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Optimality in Robot Motion: Optimal Versus OptimizedMotion

Jean-Paul Laumond, Nicolas Mansard, Jean-Bernard Lasserre

To cite this version:Jean-Paul Laumond, Nicolas Mansard, Jean-Bernard Lasserre. Optimality in Robot Motion: OptimalVersus Optimized Motion. Communications of the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery, 2014,57 (9), pp.82 - 89. �10.1145/2629535�. �hal-01376749�

Page 2: Optimality in Robot Motion: Optimal Versus Optimized Motion · 2020. 5. 11. · Optimality in Robot Motion: Optimal versus Optimized Motion Jean-Paul Laumond Nicolas Mansard Jean-Bernard

Optimality in Robot Motion:Optimal versus Optimized Motion

Jean-Paul Laumond Nicolas Mansard Jean-Bernard Lasserre


The paper emphasizes the distinction between an op-timal robot motion and a robot motion resulting fromthe application of optimization techniques. Most of thetime, optimal motions do not exist and when they existthey are difficult to compute. A clear distinction shouldbe made between optimal motion planning and motionoptimization.

1 Introduction

The first book dedicated to “Robot Motions” was pub-lished in 1982 with the subtitle “Planning and Con-trol” [5]. The distinction between motion planningand motion control has mainly historical roots. Some-times motion planning refers to geometric path plan-ning, sometimes it refers to open loop control; some-times motion control refers to open loop control, some-times it refers to close loop control and stabilization;sometimes planning is considered as an off-line processwhereas control is real-time. From a historical perspec-tive, robot motion planning arose from the ambition toprovide robots with motion autonomy: the domain wasborn in the computer science and artificial intelligencecommunities [22]. Motion planning is about decidingon the existence of a motion to reach a given goal andcomputing one if this one exists. Robot motion controlarose from manufacturing and the control of manipu-lators [30] with rapid effective applications in automo-tive industry. Motion control aims at transforming atask defined in the robot workspace into a set of con-trol functions defined in the robot motor space: a typ-ical instance of the problem is to find a way for theend-effector of a welding robot to follow a predefinedwelding line.

What kind of optimality is about in robot motion?Many facets of the question are treated independentlyin different communities ranging from control and com-puter science, to numerical analysis and differential ge-ometry, with a large and diverse corpus of methods in-

The three authors are with LAAS-CNRS, Univ. Toulouse,France ({jpl, nmansard, lasserre}@laas.fr)

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cluding e.g. the maximum principle, the applicationsof Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, quadratic pro-gramming, neural networks, simulated annealing, ge-netic algorithms, or Bayesian inference. The ultimategoal of these methods is to compute a so-called optimalsolution whatever the problem is. The objective of thepaper is not to overview this entire corpus that followsits own routes independently from robotics, but ratherto emphasize the distinction between “optimal motion”and “optimized motion”. Most of the time, robot algo-rithms aiming at computing an optimal motion providein fact an optimized motion which is not optimal atall, but is the output of a given optimization method.Computing an optimal motion is mostly a challengingissue as it can be illustrated by more than twenty yearsof research on wheeled mobile robots (Section 8).

Note that the notion of optimality in robot motionas it is addressed in this paper is far from covering allthe dimensions of robot motion [7]. It does accountneither for low level dynamical control, nor for sensory-motor control, nor for high level cognitive approachesto motion generation (e.g., as developed in the contextof robot soccer or in task planning).

2 What is Optimal in Robot Mo-tion Planning and Control?

Motion planning explores the computational founda-tions of robot motion, by facing the question of theexistence of admissible motions for robots moving in anenvironment populated with obstacles: how to trans-form the continuous problem into a combinatorial one?

This research topic [22, 26] evolved in three mainstages. In the early 80’s, Lozano Perez first trans-formed the problem of moving bodies in the physicalspace into a problem of moving a point in some so-called configuration space [28]. In doing so, he initiateda well-defined mathematical problem: planning a robotmotion is equivalent to searching for connected compo-nents in a configuration space. Schwartz and Sharirthen show that the problem is decidable as soon aswe can prove that the connected components are semi-algebraic sets [35]. Even if a series of papers from com-putational geometry explored various instances of theproblem, the general “piano mover” problem remainsintractable [14]. Finally by relaxing the completenessexigence for the benefit of probabilistic completeness,Barraquand and Latombe introduced in the early 90’s

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a new algorithmic paradigm [3] that gave rise to thepopular probabilistic roadmap [20] and rapid randomtrees [27] algorithms.

Motion planning solves a point-to-point problem inthe configuration space. Whereas the problem is a dif-ficult computational challenge that is well understood,optimal motion planning is a much more difficult chal-lenge. In addition to finding a solution to the plan-ning problem (i.e. a path that accounts for collision-avoidance and kinematic constraints if any), optimalmotion planning refers to finding a solution that opti-mizes some criterion. These can be the length, the timeor the energy (which are equivalent criteria under someassumption), or more sophisticated ones, as the numberof maneuvers to park a car.

In such a context many issues are concerned withoptimization:

• For a given system, what are the motions optimiz-ing some criteria? Do such motions exist? Theexistence of optimal motion may depend either onthe presence of obstacles or on the criterion to beoptimized (Section 3).

• When optimal motions exist, are they computable?If so, how complex is their computation? Howto relax exactness constraints to compute approxi-mated solutions? Section 4 addresses the combina-torial structure of the configuration space inducedby the presence of obstacles and by the metric to beoptimized. Time criterion is considered in Section5, while Section 6 overviews practical approachesto optimize time along a predefined path.

• Apart from finding a feasible solution to a givenproblem, motion planning also wants to optimizethis solution once it has been found. The questionis particularly critical for the motions provided byprobabilistic algorithms that introduce random de-tours. The challenge here is to optimize no morein the configuration space of the system, but in themotion space (Section 7).

In the rest of the paper, optimal motion planningis understood with the underlying hypothesis that theentire robot environment is known and the optimizationcriterion is given: the quest is to find a global optimumwithout considering any practical issue such as modeluncertainties or local sensory feedback.

However, most of the time, robots do not have ac-cess to a global knowledge of their environment. Sothe problem of optimal motion planning becomes a lo-cal one. At a given time, we can only use the par-tial information available. This means that the optimalmotions deal with solutions of local optimization prob-lems. They may be computed on line giving rise toreal-time implementations based on sensory feedbackinformation, as we will discuss it in the companion pa-per [23].

3 Optimal Motion Existence

Before trying to compute an optimal motion, the firstquestion to ask is about its existence. To give some in-tuition about the importance of this issue, consider amobile robot moving among obstacles. For some right-ful security reason, the robot cannot touch the obsta-cles. In mathematical language, the robot has to movein an open domain of the configuration space. Yet, anoptimal motion to go from one place to another one lo-cated behind some obstacle will necessarily touch theobstacle. So this optimal motion is not a valid one. Itappears as an ideal motion that cannot be reached. Thebest we can do is to get a collision-free motion whoselength approaches the length of this ideal shortest (butnon-admissible) motion. In other words, there is nooptimal solution to the corresponding motion planningproblem. The question here is of topological nature:combinatorial data structures (e.g. visibility graphs)may allow to compute solutions that are optimal in theclosure of the free space, and that are not solutions atall in the open free space.

Even without obstacle, the existence of an optimalmotion is far from being guaranteed. In determinis-tic continuous-time optimal control problems we usu-ally search for a time-dependent control function thatoptimizes some integral functional over some time in-terval.

Addressing the issue of existence requires to resort togeometric control theory [18]: For instance, Fillipov’stheorem proves the existence of minimum-time trajecto-ries1, whereas Prontryagin Maximum Principle (PMP)or Boltyanskii’s conditions give respectively necessaryand sufficient conditions for a trajectory to be optimal.However it is usually difficult to extract useful informa-tion from these tools. If PMP may help to character-ize optimal trajectories locally, it generally fails to givetheir global structure. Section 8 shows how subtle thequestion may be in various instances of wheeled mobilerobots.

The class of optimal control problems for which theexistence of an optimal solution is guaranteed, is lim-ited. The minimum time problems for controllable lin-ear systems with bounded controls belong to this class:optimal solutions exist and optimal controls are of bang-bang type. However the so-called Fuller problem mayarise: it makes the optimal solution not practical at allas it is of bang-bang type with infinitely many switches.Other examples include the famous linear-quadratic-Gaussian problem (the cost is quadratic and the dy-namics is linear in both control and state variables),and systems with a bounded input and with a dynam-ics that is affine in the control variables. In the former aclosed loop optimal solution can be computed by solv-ing algebraic Riccati equations, whereas in the latterthe existence of an optimal control trajectory is guar-anteed under some appropriate assumptions.

In more general cases, we can only hope to approx-

1Here and in the following, we use the terms trajectory andmotion as synonyms.

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Fig. 1: A modern view of the “piano-mover” problem: twocharacters have to move a piano while avoiding surroundingobstacles.

imate as closely as desired the optimal value via a se-quence of control trajectories. There is indeed no op-timal solution in the too restricted space of consideredcontrol functions. This has already been realized in thenineteen-sixties. The limit of such a sequence can begiven a precise meaning as soon as we enlarge the spaceof functions under consideration. For instance, in theclass of problems in which the control is affine and theintegral functional is the L1-norm, the optimal controlis a finite series of impulses and not a function of time(see e.g. [29]). In some problems such as the controlof satellites, such a solution makes sense as it can ap-proximately be implemented by gas jets. However, ingeneral, it cannot be implemented because of the phys-ical limitations of the actuators.

Changing the mathematical formulation of the prob-lem (e.g., considering a larger space of control candi-dates) may allow the existence of an optimal solution.In the former case of satellite control, the initial formu-lation is coherent as an “ideal” impulse solution can bepractically approximated by gas jets. However, in othercases the initial problem formulation may be incorrectas an ideal impulse solution is not implementable. In-deed, if we “feel” that a smooth optimal solution shouldexist in the initial function space considered and if infact it does not exist, then either the dynamics and/orthe constraints do not reflect appropriately the physi-cal limitations of the system or the cost functional isnot appropriate to guarantee the existence of an opti-mal solution in that function space. To the best of ourknowledge, this issue is rarely discussed in textbooks orcourses in optimal control.

4 Optimal Path Planning

Considering that a motion is a continuous function oftime in the configuration (or working) space, the im-age of a motion is a path in that space. The “pianomover” problem refers to the path planning problem,i.e. the geometric instance of robot motion planning.The constraint of obstacle avoidance is taken into ac-count (see Fig. 1). In that context, optimality deals

with the length of the path without considering timeand control. The issue is to find a shortest path be-tween two points.

Depending on the metric that equips the configura-tion space, a shortest path may be unique (e.g. for theEuclidean metric) or not unique (e.g. for the Manhat-tan metric). All configuration space metrics are equiv-alent from a topological point of view (i.e. if there isa sequence of Euclidean path linking two points, thenthere is also a sequence of Manhattan paths linkingthese two points). However, different metrics inducedifferent combinatorial properties in the configurationspace. For instance, for a same obstacle arrangement,two points may be linked by a Manhattan collision-freepath, while they cannot by a collision-free straight linesegment: both points are mutually visible in a Man-hattan metric, while they are not in the Euclidean one.So, according to a given metric, there may or may notexist a finite number of points that “watch” the entirespace [25]. These combinatorial issues are particularlycritical to devise sampling based motion planning algo-rithms.

Now, consider the usual case of a configuration spaceequipped with an Euclidean metric. Exploring visibilitygraph data structures easily solves the problem of find-ing a bound on the length of the shortest path amongpolygonal obstacles. This is nice, but this is no longertrue if we consider three-dimensional spaces populatedwith polyhedral obstacles. Indeed finding the short-est path in that case becomes a NP-Hard problem [14].So, in general, there is no hope to get an algorithmthat computes an optimal path in presence of obsta-cles, even if the problem of computing an optimal pathin the absence of obstacle is solved and even if we allowthe piano-robot to touch the obstacles.

As a consequence of such poor results, optimal pathplanning is usually addressed by means of numericaltechniques. Among the most popular ones are the dis-crete search algorithms operating on bitmap represen-tations of work or configuration spaces [3]. The out-puts we only obtain are approximately optimal paths,i.e. paths that are “not so far” from a hypothetical (orideal) estimated optimal path. Another type of meth-ods consists in modeling the obstacles by repulsive po-tential. In doing so, the goal is expressed by an at-tractive potential, and the system tends to reach it byfollowing a gradient descent [21]. The solution is onlylocally optimal. Moreover, the method may get stuckin a local minimum without finding a solution, that asolution actually exists or not. So it is not complete.Some extensions may be considered. For instance ex-ploring harmonic potential fields [8] or devising clevernavigation functions [34] allow providing globally opti-mal solutions; unfortunately, these methods require anexplicit representation of obstacles in the configurationspace which is generally not an available information.At this stage, we can see how the presence of obstaclesmakes optimal path planning a difficult problem.

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5 Optimal Motion Planning

In addition to obstacle avoidance, constraints on robotcontrols or robot dynamics add another level of diffi-culties. The goal here is to compute a minimal-timemotion that goes from a starting state (configurationand velocity) to a target state while avoiding obstaclesand respecting constraints on velocities and accelera-tion. This is the so-called kinodynamic motion planningproblem [12]. The seminal algorithm is based on dis-cretizations of both the state space and the workspace.It gave rise to many variants including nonuniform dis-cretization, randomized techniques, and extensions ofA∗ algorithms (see [26]). They are today the best algo-rithms to compute approximately optimal motions.

Less popular in the robot motion planning commu-nity are numerical approaches to optimal robot con-trol [11]. Numerical methods to solve optimal controlproblems fall into three main classes. Dynamic pro-gramming implements the Bellman optimality princi-ple saying that any sub-motion of an optimal motionis optimal. This leads to a partial differential equa-tion (the so-called Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equationin continuous time) whose solutions may sometimes becomputed numerically. However dynamic programmingsuffers from the well-known curse of dimensionality bot-tleneck. Direct methods constitute a second class. Theydiscretize in time both control and state trajectoriesso that the initial optimal control problem becomes astandard static non-linear programming (optimization)problem of potentially large size, for which a large va-riety of methods can be applied. However, generally,local optimality is the best one can hope for. Moreover,potential chattering effects may appear hidden in theobtained optimal solution when there is no optimal so-lution in the initial function space. Finally, in the thirdcategory are indirect methods based on optimality con-ditions provided by the PMP and for which, ultimately,the resulting two-point boundary value problem to solve(e.g. by shooting techniques) may be extremely diffi-cult. In addition, the presence of singular arcs requiresspecialized treatments. So direct methods are usuallysimpler than indirect ones even though the resultingproblems to solve may have very large size. Indeed,their structural inherent sparsity can be taken into ac-count efficiently.

At this stage, we can conclude that exact solutionsfor optimal motion planning remain today out of reach.Only numerical approximate solutions are conceivable.

6 Optimal Motion Planningalong a Path

A pragmatic way to by-pass (not overcome) the intrin-sic complexity of the above kinodynamic and numer-ical approaches is to introduce a decoupled approachthat solves the problem in two stages: first, an (opti-mal) path planning generates a collision-free-path; thena time-optimal trajectory along the path is computed

while taking into account robot dynamics and controlconstraints. The resulting trajectory is of course nottime-optimal in a global sense; it is just the best tra-jectory for the predefined path. From a computationalpoint of view, the problem is much simpler than theoriginal global one because the search space (namedphase plane) is reduced to two dimensions: the curvi-linear abscissa along the path and its time-derivative.Many methods have been developed since the introduc-tion of dynamic programming approaches by Shin andMcKay [36] in configuration space and simultaneouslyby Bobrow et al [4] in the Cartesian space. Many vari-ants have been considered including the improvementby Pfeiffer and Johanni [31] that combine forward andbackward integrations, until the recent work by Ver-scheure et al [39] who transform the problem into aconvex optimization one.

7 Optimization in motion space

Extensions of path tracking methods may be consideredas soon as we allow the deformations of the support-ing paths. In this section we assume that some motionplanner provides a first path (or trajectory). Dependingon the motion planner, the path may be far from beingoptimal. For instance, probabilistic motion planners in-troduce many useless detours. This is the price to payfor their effectiveness. So, the initial path has to bereshaped, i.e. optimized with respect to certain crite-ria. Geometric paths require to be shortened accordingto a given metric. The simplest technique consists inpicking pairs of points on the path and linking themby a shortest path: if the shortest path is collision-free, it replaces the corresponding portion of the initialpath. Doing so iteratively, the path becomes shorterand shorter. The iterative process stops as soon as itdoes not improve the quality of the path significantly.The technique gives good results in practice.

Beside this simple technique, several variationalmethods operating in the trajectory space have beenintroduced.

Among the very first ones, Barraquand and Fer-bach [2] propose to replace a constrained problem bya convergent series of less constrained subproblems in-creasingly penalizing motions that do not satisfy theconstraints. Each sub-problem is then solved using astandard motion planner. This principle has been suc-cessfully extended recently to humanoid robot motionplanning [9].

Another method introduced by Quinlan and Khatibconsists in modeling the motion as a mass-spring sys-tem [32]. The motion then appears as an elastic bandthat is reshaped according to the application of an en-ergy function optimizer. The method applies for non-holonomic systems as soon as the nonholonomic metricis known [16] as well as for real-time obstacle avoidancein dynamic environments [6].

Recently, successful improvements have been intro-duced by following the same basic principle of optimiz-

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v +


ωFig. 2: A car (logo of the European Project Esprit 3 PRO-Motion in the 90’s) together with the unicycle model equa-tions.

ing an initial guess in motion space. Zucker et al takeadvantage of a simple functional expressing a combina-tion of smoothness and clearance to obstacles to applygradient descent in the trajectory space [40]. A keypoint of the method is to model a trajectory as a geo-metric object, invariant to parametrization. In the sameframework, Kalakrishman et al propose to replace thegradient descent with a derivative-free stochastic op-timization technique allowing to consider non-smoothcosts [19].

8 What we know and what we donot know about optimal mo-tion for wheeled mobile robots

Mobile robots constitute a unique class of systemsfor which the question of optimal motion is best un-derstood. Since the seminal work by Dubins in thenineteen-fifties [13], optimal motion planning and con-trol for mobile robots has attracted a lot of interest.We briefly review how some challenging optimal con-trol problems have been solved and which problems stillremain open.

Let us consider four control models of mobile robotsbased on the model of a car (Fig. 2). Two of them aresimplified models of a car: the so-called Dubins (Fig. 3)and Reeds-Shepp (Fig. 4) cars respectively. Dubins carmoves only forward. Reed-Shepp car can moves forwardand backward. Both of them have a constant velocity ofunitary absolute value. Such models account for a lowerbound on the turning radius, i.e. the typical constraintof a car. Such a constraint does not exist for a two-wheeldifferentially driven mobile robot. This robot may turnon the spot while a car can’t. Let us consider two simplecontrols schemes of a two-driving wheel mobile robot2:in the first one (Hilare-1), the controls are the linearvelocities of the wheels; in the second one (Hilare-2), the

2The distance between the wheels is supposed to be 2.

v = 1 and −1 ≤ ω ≤ 1

Reachable set in the (x, y, θ)-configuration space

Fig. 3: Dubins car

v = ±1 and −1 ≤ ω ≤ 1

Reachable set in the (x, y, θ)-configuration space

Fig. 4: Reeds-Shepp car

controls are the accelerations (i.e. the second system isa dynamic extension of the first).

8.1 Time-optimal trajectories

Car-like robots of Figures 3 and 4 represent two exam-ples of non linear systems for which we know exactlythe structure of the optimal trajectories. Note that inboth examples the norm of the linear velocity is as-sumed to be constant. In those cases, time-optimal tra-jectories are supported by the corresponding shortestpaths. Dubins solved the problem for the car movingonly forward [13]. More than thirty years after, Reedsand Shepp [33] solved the problem for the car movingboth forwards and backwards. The problem has beencompletely revisited with the modern perspective of ge-ometric techniques in optimal control theory [38, 37]:the application of PMP shows that optimal trajectories

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v1 +



v2Rotation on a spot Straight-line segment

Fig. 6: Hilare-1: a differential drive mobile robot. First model: the controls are the velocities of the wheels. The optimalcontrols are bang-bang. Optimal trajectories are made of pure rotations and of straight line segments.




1/2(v1 + v2)cosθ1/2(v1 + v2)sinθ

v1 − v200



u1 +


u2 Clothoid Involute of a circle

Fig. 7: Hilare-2: a differential drive mobile robot. Second model: the controls are the acceleration of the wheels. The optimalcontrols are bang-bang. Optimal trajectories are made of arcs of clothoids and of arcs of involute of a circle.

Fig. 5: The Hilare robot at LAAS-CNRS in the 80’s

are made of arcs of a circle of minimum turning ra-dius (bang-bang controls) and of straight line segments(singular trajectories). The complete structure is thenderived from geometric arguments that characterize theswitching functions. Dubins and Reeds-Shepp cars areamong the few examples of non linear systems for whichoptimal control is fully understood. The same method-ology applies for velocity-based controlled differentialdrive vehicles (Hilare-1 in Fig. 6). In that case, optimaltrajectories are bang-bang, i.e. made of pure rotationsand straight line segments. The switching functions arealso fully characterized [1]. This is not the case for thedynamic extension of the system, i.e. for acceleration-based controlled differential drive vehicle (Hilare-2 inFig. 7). Only partial results are known: optimal tra-jectories are bang-bang (i.e. no singular trajectory ap-pears) and are made of arcs of clothoid and involutes of

a circle [15]. However, the switching functions remainunknown. The synthesis of optimal control for Hilare-2system is still an open problem.

While the existence of optimal trajectories is provenfor the four systems above, a last result is worth men-tioning. If we consider the Reeds-Shepp car optimalcontrol problem in presence of an obstacle, even if weallow the car touching the obstacles, it has been proventhat a shortest path may not exist [10].

8.2 Motion planning

The results above are very useful for motion planning inthe presence of obstacles. In Figures 3 and 4 we displaythe reachable domain for both Dubins and Reeds-Sheppcars. While the reachable set of Reeds-Shepp car is aneighborhood of the origin, it is not the case for Dubinscar. Stated differently, Reeds-Shepp car is small-timecontrollable, while Dubins car is only controllable. Theconsequence in terms of motion planning is important.In the case of Reeds and Shepp car, any collision-free –not necessarily feasible– path can be approximated by asequence of collision-free feasible paths. Optimal pathsallow to build the approximation, giving rise to an ef-ficient motion planning algorithm [24]. Not only suchalgorithm does not apply for Dubins car, but also weeven do not know today whether the motion planningproblem for Dubins car is decidable or not.

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In [24], we prove that the number of maneuvers topark a car varies as the inverse of the square of theclearance. This result is a direct consequence of theshape of the reachable sets. So, the combinatorial com-plexity of (nonholonomic) motion planning problems isstrongly related to optimal control and the shape of thereachable sets in the underlying (sub-Riemannian) ge-ometry [17].

9 Conclusion

When optimal solutions cannot be obtained for theo-retical reasons (e.g., non existence) or for practical ones(e.g., untractability), we have seen how the problem canbe reformulated either by considering a discrete repre-sentation of space and/or time, or by slightly changingthe optimization criterion, or by resorting to numeri-cal optimization algorithms. In all these cases, the re-sulting solutions are only approximated solutions of theoriginal problem.

In conclusion to this rapid overview, it appears thatthe existence of optimal robot motions is rarely guar-anteed. When it is, finding a solution has never beenproven to be a decidable problem as the motion plan-ning problem is. So, “optimal motion” is most of thetime an expression that should be understood as “opti-mized motion”, i.e. the output of an optimization nu-merical algorithm. However, motion optimization tech-niques follow progress in numerical optimization witheffective practical results on real robotic platforms, ifnot with new theoretical results.

The distinction between optimal and optimized mo-tions as it is addressed in this paper is far from coveringall facets of optimality in robot motion. In the compan-ion paper [23] we consider the issue of motion optimalilyas an action selection principle and we discuss its linkswith machine learning and recent approaches to inverseoptimal control.


The paper benefits from comments by Quang CuongPham, from a carefull reading by Joel Chavas, andabove all, from the quality of the reviews. The workhas been partly supported by ERC Grant 340050 Ac-tanthrope, by a grant of the Gaspar Monge Program forOptimization and Operations Research of the FderationMathematique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH) and by thegrant ANR 13-CORD-002-01 Entracte.


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