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Oracle Academy Mid Term Exam Semester 1 Answers

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Oracle Academy Mid Term Exam Semester 1 Answers 2013-2015
Test: Mid Term Exam Semester 1 Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. The first step in system development is to document the requirements. Why? Mark for Review (1) Points Wrong. A blueprint for the database design is not needed. We can just start coding straight away. It clarifies what a business wants to accomplish, and provides measures for deciding if the system delivers all that is required. (*) It allows application development to be conducted without having to consider database design. It keeps businesses honest. Correct 2. Information which was gained from data is the same as: (Choose Two) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) Knowledge (*) Raw Materials Intelligence (*) There is no difference between data and information. Correct 3. The main subject areas taught by the Oracle Academy are: Mark for Review

Test: Mid Term Exam Semester 1

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer.

Top of FormSection 1

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. The first step in system development is to document the requirements. Why? Mark for Review(1) Points

Wrong. A blueprint for the database design is not needed. We can just start coding straight away.

It clarifies what a business wants to accomplish, and provides measures for deciding if the system delivers all that is required. (*)

It allows application development to be conducted without having to consider database design.

It keeps businesses honest.


2. Information which was gained from data is the same as: (Choose Two) Mark for Review(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Knowledge (*)

Raw Materials

Intelligence (*)

There is no difference between data and information.


3. The main subject areas taught by the Oracle Academy are: Mark for Review(1) Points

Computer Repairs

Database performance tuning

Data Modeling, SQL, and PL/SQL (*)

Systems programming and computer architecture


4. The purpose or function of a database is to: Mark for Review(1) Points

Run multiple applications on multiple client-servers

Provide integrated software on fast processing servers

Provide a structured way to access and manage data (*)

run solely as client-based software on personal computers


Section 2

(Answer all questions in this section)

5. Attributes have Instances. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 3.

6. Data models are drawn to show users the actual Data that their new system will contain; only Data listed on the Diagram can be entered into the Database. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



7. Which of the following statements about relationships are true? (Choose Two) Mark for Review(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

They become foreign keys in the database. (*)

They must be mandatory to be created in the database.

They can be either mandatory or optional. (*)

They must exist between two different Entities.


8. All of the following would be instances of the entity ANIMAL SPECIES, except which one? Mark for Review(1) Points




Leaf (*)


9. All of the following could be attributes of an ENTITY called PERSON, except which one? Mark for Review(1) Points




Natacha Hansen (*)


10. In a physical data model, a relationship is represented as a/an? Mark for Review(1) Points




Foreign Key (*)


Bottom of FormSection 2

(Answer all questions in this section)

11. Volatile attributes have special requirements and need special attention when you are doing data modelling. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



Section 3

(Answer all questions in this section)

12. Matrix Diagrams show Optionality and Cardinality of the ERDs they document. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


13. Relationship Cardinality is important. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



14. Relationships represents something of significance to the business. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.

15. To identify an attribute as part of a unique identifier on an ER diagram, the # symbol goes in front of it. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



16. When reading a relationship between 2 entities, the relationship is read both from left to right and right to left. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



Section 4

(Answer all questions in this section)

17. A business rule such as "We only ship goods after customers have completely paid any outstanding balances on their account" is best enforced by: Mark for Review(1) Points

Making the payment attribute null.

Making the payment attribute optional.

We need to trust our customers, and we know they will pay some day.

Hiring a programmer to create additional programming code to verify no goods are shipped until the account has been settled in full. (*)


18. All instances of a subtype may be an instance of the supertype but does not have to. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


19. When creating entities you must follow these rules: (Choose Two) Mark for Review(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Name them in Plural

Name them in Singular (*)

Exclude Attributes

Include Attributes (*)


20. The "Other" subtype is mandatory. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


Top of FormSection 4

(Answer all questions in this section)

21. You can only create relationships to a Supertype, not to a Subtype. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


22. A Supertype can have only one subtype. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


Section 5

(Answer all questions in this section)

23. Relationships can be Redundant. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



24. If two entities have two relationships between them, these relationships can be either _____________ or _____________ . Mark for Review(1) Points

Redundant or Required (*)

Replicated or Required

Resourced and Really Good

Redundant and Replicated


25. What uncommon relationship is described by the statements: "Each DNA SAMPLE may be taken from one and only one PERSON and each PERSON may provide one and only one DNA SAMPLE" Mark for Review(1) Points

One to Many Optional

One to Many Mandatory

One to One Optional (*)

Many to Many Mandatory


26. Which of the following pairs of entities is most likely to be modeled as a M:M relationship? Mark for Review(1) Points






27. Intersection Entities are at the Parent end of the newly created 1:M (Parent:Child) relationship; therefore, the original entities are the children of the newly created intersection entity. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


28. Intersection Entities often have the relationships participating in the UID, so the relationships are often barred. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



29. What do you call the entity created when you resolve a M:M relationship? Mark for Review(1) Points

Intersection entity (*)

Inclusion entity

Recursive entity

M:M entity


30. A non-transferable relationship means the detail can be changed to point to a new master. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 1.

Bottom of Form

Section 6

(Answer all questions in this section)

31. The candidate UID that is chosen to identify an entity is called the Primary UID; other candidate UIDs are called Secondary UIDs. Mark for Review(1) Points

Yes, this is the way UID's are named. (*)

No, it is not possible to have more than one UID for an Entity.

No, after UIDs are first sorted, the first one is called the Primary UID, the second is the Secondary UID, etc.

No, each Entity can only have one UID, the secondary one.


32. A unique identifier must be made up of more than one attribute. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


33. An entity without repeated values is said to be in 1st Normal Form. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



34. No commercial database systems in the world will accept tables that are not on 3rd Normal Form. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


35. Any Non-UID attribute must be dependent upon the entire UID. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)


Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 3.

Section 7

(Answer all questions in this section)

36. Historical data must never be kept. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


37. All relationships participating in an arc must be mandatory. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


38. Which of the following would best be represented by an arc? Mark for Review(1) Points

TEACHER (Female, Bob)

DELIVERY ADDRESS (Home, Office) (*)

PARENT (Girl, Bob)

STUDENT (Grade A student, Average Student)


39. Arcs are Mandatory in Data modeling. All ERD's must have at least one Arc. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


40. An arc can also be modeled as Supertype and Subtypes. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



Section 7

(Answer all questions in this section)

41. Which of the following is NOT a relationship type? Mark for Review(1) Points

Some to None (*)

One to One

One to Many

Many to Many


42. A particular problem may be solved using either a Recursive Relationship or a Hierarchical Relationship, though not at the same time. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



Section 9

(Answer all questions in this section)

43. Modeling historical data is optional. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



44. If a system includes the concept of time and it stores Start Dates, then End Dates becomes Mandatory. For each Start Date attribute you create, you MUST create an End Date attribute and it must be mandatory. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


45. Which of the following is a logical constraint that could result from considering how time impacts an example of data storage? Mark for Review(1) Points

An ASSIGNMENT may only refer to an EMPLOYEE with a valid employee record at the Start Date of the ASSIGNMENT. (*)

EMPLOYEE periods can overlap causing the database to crash.

End Date must be before the Start Date.

Dates must be stored with Time.


46. You are doing a data model for a computer sales company where the price of postage depends upon the day of the week that goods are shipped. So shipping is more expensive if the customer wants a delivery to take place on a Saturday or Sunday. What would be the best way to model this? Mark for Review(1) Points

Use a Delivery Day entity, which holds prices against week days, and ensure the we also have an attribute for the Requested Delivery Day in the Order Entity. (*)

Email current prices to all employees whenever a price changes.

Update the prices in the system, print out the current prices when they change, and pin them on the company noticeboard.

Allow them to enter whatever delivery charge they want.


Section 10

(Answer all questions in this section)

47. Formal rules do exist for drawing ERD's. Even though they are only guidelines, you should always try to follow them. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points

True (*)



48. Which of the following statements are true for ERD's to enhance their readability. (Choose Two) Mark for Review(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

It is OK to break down a large ERD into subsets of the overall picture. By doing so, you end up with more than one ERD that, taken together, documents the entire system. (*)

Avoid crossing one relationship line with another. (*)

The crows feet (many ends) can point whichever way is the easiest to draw.

You must ensure that you have every single entity--even if hundreds of them exist--on one single, big diagram.


49. A datamodel containing generic modeling techniques must not be mixed in with non-generic models. The generic entities MUST be drawn on a diagram of their own. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)


50. All datamodels must be transformed from specific to generic. True or False? Mark for Review(1) Points


False (*)

