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oracle atg training | oracle atg training courses | oracle atg commerce training

Date post: 28-Jan-2018
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L/O/G/O Oracle ATG Online Training http://oracleatgonlinetraining.blogspot.in/
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Oracle ATG Online Traininghttp://oracleatgonlinetraining.blogspot.in/

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ATG Components

Page Development

Working Environment Setup


Nucleus , Component,Profile,Repository Terminalogies

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Layering properties and its effect

Admin Console



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ATG Commerce

ATG Personalization

ATG Repository


Forms & Form Handlers

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Working Environment Setup

● Installing ATG on top of Weblogic & Oracle

● Create new ATG project using Eclipse plugin

● Undestanding runAssembler tool

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Page Development

● dsp tags● converters● Working with Request params● Page including● Passing parameterd/objects from one

page to another page

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ATG Components

● Creating components● Scopes● Component simple configuration● Component complex configuration● Displaying component info on pages

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● Viewing components by path● Changing the componetnt’s

configuration● Starting and stoping components

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Admin Console

● Viewing components by path● Changing the componetnt’s

configuration● Starting and stoping components

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● Custome droplet & Important points to remember

● Working with OOTB Droplets

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Forms & Form Handlers

● Custom Form Handler● OOTB FormHandlers and Usage● Form Validation and User Redirection

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ATG Repository

● ATG Repository architecture● Customer repository and working with

MySQL/Oracle● CRUD Operations Example● Simple and Complext mapping● Working with RQL● Caching● Derived properties

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ATG Personalization

● Profile Repository● Extending user profile repository● ProfileFormHandler,ProfileTools● Targetters to delivery personalized

content● Slots & Scenarios

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ATG Commerce

● Catalog Organisation,Catalog Access, Catalog Navigation

● Shopping Cart, Shipping & Payment Options

● Promotions● Express Checkout & Guest Checkout● Tracking abandon orders● Order Repository Extension● Pipelines

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