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[1]Oracle® Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide Release 11.3.2 E37744-05 November 2014
Page 1: Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics … · 2014-11-13 · 1 Introduction to Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons Installation Types of Installations Provided

[1] Oracle® Communications Data ModelAdapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Release 11.3.2


November 2014

Page 2: Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics … · 2014-11-13 · 1 Introduction to Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons Installation Types of Installations Provided

Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide, Release 11.3.2


Copyright © 2013, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Thomas Van Raalte

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ vii

Audience...................................................................................................................................................... viiDocumentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................... viiRelated Documents ................................................................................................................................... viiiConventions ............................................................................................................................................... viii

1 Introduction to Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons Installation

Types of Installations Provided for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons ................. 1-1Installation Checklist .............................................................................................................................. 1-2

2 Hardware and Software Requirements

Supported Platforms................................................................................................................................ 2-1Hardware Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 2-2Software Requirements........................................................................................................................... 2-2

Oracle Database Requirements ........................................................................................................ 2-2Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition .................................................................. 2-3Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition...................................................................................... 2-3Oracle GoldenGate............................................................................................................................. 2-4

3 Installation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons

Preinstallation Tasks ............................................................................................................................... 3-1Ensuring that Required Software is Installed ................................................................................ 3-1Grant SYSDBA to SYSTEM User............................................................................................................ 3-1Tnsnames Modifications Required for Addon Installation ......................................................... 3-1Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Preinstallation Requirements ........ 3-2

Installer Execution.................................................................................................................................... 3-2Silent Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 3-4

Selecting a Response File .................................................................................................................. 3-4Editing the Response File.................................................................................................................. 3-5Specifying a Response File and Starting the Installation ............................................................. 3-5Silent Installation Log Files............................................................................................................... 3-5Security Tips for Silent Installations................................................................................................ 3-5Error Handling ................................................................................................................................... 3-6

Postinstallation Tasks.............................................................................................................................. 3-6

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4 Deinstallation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons

Pre-Deinstallation Tasks......................................................................................................................... 4-1Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter Deinstallation Tasks ... 4-1Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter Deinstallation Tasks......... 4-2Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Deinstallation Tasks................................................... 4-2Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Deinstallation Tasks ................................... 4-4Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Deinstallation Tasks .......................... 4-6

Performing Policy Analytics BI Deinstallation .............................................................................. 4-6Performing Policy Management Adapter Deinstallation............................................................. 4-8Running the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons Deinstallation Script ................. 4-8

A BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration

Prerequisites for BRM Adapter Configuration ................................................................................. A-1Confirming that Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition is Installed................................... A-2Confirming that Oracle GoldenGate is Installed.......................................................................... A-2

Installation Overview for BRM Adapter ............................................................................................ A-2Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option) ..... A-3

Creating the ODI Connection for BRM Adapter Repository...................................................... A-3Setting up the ODI Topology ........................................................................................................ A-10

Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter .......................................................................... A-14Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for BRM Adapter ...................................................... A-15Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Target for BRM Adapter ................................................. A-16Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Source for BRM Adapter...................................................... A-17Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Source System for BRM Adapter ................................... A-19Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Source System......................................................... A-21Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Target System ......................................................... A-21Oracle GoldenGate Process Checking Command Reference ................................................... A-21

Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter ................................................................. A-22Master and Work Repository Import Errors............................................................................... A-22Error ODI-26005: Importing an Object from Another Repository ........................................... A-27Troubleshooting Error: An internal error occurred while opening the diagram... ............... A-31

B BRM Adapter Update

Pre Conditions ......................................................................................................................................... B-1BRM Adapter Configuration ................................................................................................................ B-1

Review Configuration Steps ............................................................................................................ B-2

C NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration

Prerequisites for NCC Adapter Configuration.................................................................................. C-1Confirming that Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition is Installed................................... C-2Confirming that Oracle GoldenGate is Installed.......................................................................... C-2

Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter Installation Overview............................... C-2Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter C-3

Creating the ODI Connection for NCC Adapter Repository...................................................... C-3Setting up the ODI Topology .......................................................................................................... C-8

Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter ...... C-12

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Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC Adapter ...................................................... C-13Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC Adapters ............................................... C-14 Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC Adapter ........................... C-15Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC Adapter ....................... C-15Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Source E2BE_ADMIN for NCC Adapter........................... C-17Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Source E2BE_ADMIN for NCC Adapter...................... C-18Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC Adapter ............. C-18Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Source E2BE_ADMIN for NCC Adapter............ C-18Starting Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC Adapter......................................................... C-18Oracle GoldenGate Process Checking Command Reference ................................................... C-19

D Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps

Prerequisites for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics ......................................................... D-1Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics.......................................... D-1

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Repository Merge ................................................... D-1Oracle Communications Billing Analytics webcat Merge .......................................................... D-6

E Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps

Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics .......................... E-1Non-Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Tasks....................................................... E-1Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Tasks................................................................ E-2

Additional Configuration Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics...... E-17Modifying Server Configuration File ........................................................................................... E-18Location Alias for Social Network Analytics Action Links ...................................................... E-18Setting Up the Social Network Analytics Graphical Component............................................ E-18Configuring Writeback Templates for Social Network Analytics .......................................... E-19Presentation Services Configuration File..................................................................................... E-19Merging Social Network Analytics rpd ...................................................................................... E-21Merging Social Network Analytics Webcat ............................................................................... E-21Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence .................................................................. E-21

F Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Preinstallation Steps

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Hardware Requirements .................. F-1Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Software Requirements ................... F-1Oracle Communications Policy Integration Software Requirements........................................... F-2Preinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics................... F-2

G Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps

Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics ................. G-1Prerequisites for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics ............................. G-1Oracle Communications Data Model Policy Business Intelligence Only ................................. G-2Merge Policy BI Repository with Existing Repository and Webcat .......................................... G-5Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Configuration............................................... G-11

Policy Management Adapter Installation......................................................................................... G-13

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Policy Management Adapter Postinstallation Steps ...................................................................... G-13Create sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora ............................................................................................. G-14Create Oracle Wallet ....................................................................................................................... G-14Configure Policy Management Adapter...................................................................................... G-15

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Constraints........................................ G-16

H License Information


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The Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide describes the adapters and analytics available for Oracle Communications Data Model. Since the needs of each Oracle Communications Data Model environment are unique, Oracle Communications Data Model is configurable so it can be modified to address each customer's needs. This guide covers adapter specific information and the analytics options.

AudienceThe audience for the Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide includes the following:

■ IT specialists, who maintain and adjust Oracle Communications Data Model. They are assumed to have a strong foundation in Oracle Database and PL/SQL and Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition.

■ Database administrators, who administer the data warehouse and the database objects that store the data. They are assumed to understand Intra-ETL, which is used to transfer data from one format to another; and PL/SQL and the Oracle Database.

■ Business analysts, including information and data analysts, market analysts and sales analysts.

This document is also intended for data modelers, data warehouse administrators, IT staff, and ETL developers.

Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

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Related DocumentsFor more information about Oracle Oracle Communications Data Model, see the following documents in the Oracle Oracle Communications Data Model documentation set:

■ Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics User's Guide

■ Oracle Communications Data Model Installation Guide

■ Oracle Communications Data Model Release Notes

■ Oracle Communications Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide

■ Oracle Communications Data Model Reference

ConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.

monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

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Introduction to Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons Installation 1-1

1 Introduction to Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons Installation

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons including Adapters and Analytics for use with Oracle Communications Data Model in your data warehouse:

■ Types of Installations Provided for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons

■ Installation Checklist

Types of Installations Provided for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons

Using the Oracle Universal Installer you can install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons. Installation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons components requires that you install Oracle Communications Data Model data warehouse using the separate installer before you install any of the available adapters or analytics components.

Different components are installed depending on the adapters and analytics you select from the Available Product Components dialog.

When you select an adapter, the installer creates the adapter schema in the target database and adds the adapter related files to Oracle Communications Data Model home directory.

When you select an Analytics option, the installer adds the analytics related files to Oracle Communications Data Model home directory.

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Note: To complete the installation and configuration for either the BRM Adapter or the NCC Adapter you need to perform additional steps as described in Appendix A, "BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration" and Appendix C, "NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration".

To complete the installation for the Oracle Communications Billing Analytics, Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics, or Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics, you need to perform additional steps as described in Appendix D, "Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps", Appendix E, "Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps", Appendix F, "Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Preinstallation Steps" Appendix G, "Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps"

Installation Checklist

1-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons Home Directory StructureThe installation image contains the following directories under ORACLE_HOME/ocdm:

■ addon/adapters: which contains the Application Adapters files required for adapters for Oracle Communications Data Model installation (placed in a directory: ncc, brm, or pca).

■ report: which contains the sample report files required for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons installation.

Installation ChecklistInstallation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons requires the tasks outlined in Table 1–1.

Table 1–1 Installation Checklist for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons

Check Task

Review Release Notes

Read Oracle Communications Data Model Release Notes to identify any changes for the installation.

Verify Hardware and Software Requirements

Verify that your system is one of the supported platforms and that it satisfies the hardware and software requirements as described in Chapter 2, "Hardware and Software Requirements."

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Installation Checklist

Introduction to Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons Installation 1-3

Perform Preinstallation Tasks

Identify and perform any necessary preinstallation tasks, as described in "Preinstallation Tasks" on page 3-1.

Run Installer and Perform Postinstallation Tasks

■ Select the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons components to install, as described in "Installer Execution" on page 3-2

■ Identify and perform any necessary postinstallation tasks, as described in "Postinstallation Tasks" on page 3-6.

Perform Adapter Installation and Configuration Steps

■ If you install the BRM Adapter, perform the BRM Adapter installation and configuration steps outlined in Appendix A, "BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration".

■ If you install the NCC Adapter, perform the NCC Adapter installation and configuration steps outlined in Appendix C, "NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration".

■ If you install Oracle Communications Billing Analytics, perform the installation and configuration steps outlined in Appendix D, "Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps".

■ If you install Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics, perform the installation and configuration steps outlined in Appendix E, "Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps".

■ If you install Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics, perform the installation and configuration steps outlined in Appendix G, "Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps".

Note 1: To deinstall Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons, you do not run the Oracle Universal Installer in deinstall mode. To deinstall Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons, follow the instructions in Chapter 4, "Deinstallation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons."

Note 2: For an individual component, you must deinstall the same Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons component before you re-install it over an existing version of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons.

Table 1–1 (Cont.) Installation Checklist for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons

Check Task

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Installation Checklist

1-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

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Hardware and Software Requirements 2-1

2 Hardware and Software Requirements

This chapter describes the hardware and software requirements of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons:

■ Supported Platforms

■ Hardware Requirements

■ Software Requirements

Before you install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons, you must verify that all hardware and software requirements are met.

Supported PlatformsOracle Communications Data Model Add-ons are supported on the following platforms. For each platform, the given operating system version or later versions are required:

■ Linux x86-64

– Asianux Server 3 SP2

– Oracle Linux 5 Update 2

– Oracle Linux 5 Update 5 (with the Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel for Linux)

– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Update 2

– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Update 5 (with the Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel for Linux)

– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

– SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2

– SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

■ Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)

– Oracle Solaris 10 U6 (5.10-2008.10)

– Oracle Solaris 11 11/11 SPARC

■ Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit)

– Oracle Solaris 10 U6 (5.10-2008.10)

– Oracle Solaris 11 11/11 X86

■ IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

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Hardware Requirements

2-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

– AIX 6.1 TL 02 SP1 ("6100-02-01"), 64-bit kernel

– AIX 7.1 TL 0 SP1 ("7100-00-01-1037"), 64-bit kernel

Hardware RequirementsThe Oracle Database installation guide for your platform includes procedures for checking that your installation meets the hardware and operating system requirements for Oracle Database.

Additionally, for a complete installation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons, the minimum hardware requirement is disk space of at least 10 GB.

Note: The Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Add-on has different minimum hardware requirements for disk space. For more information, see "Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Hardware Requirements" on page F-1.

Software RequirementsThe minimum software requirements for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons are as follows:

■ Oracle Communications Data Model data warehouse Release 11.3.2 must be installed.

■ Operating System: For details of supported platforms, see "Supported Platforms" on page 2-1.

■ Oracle Database, including the options specified in "Oracle Database Requirements" on page 2-2.

■ Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition or later. See "Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition" on page 2-3. This is optional for installing Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons components, but is required to view and use the associated reports.

■ Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tools Installer version is or later. See "Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition" on page 2-3.

■ Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition 11g ( or later). See "Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition" on page 2-3. This is optional for installing Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons installation but is required when you run the Application Adapters.

■ Oracle GoldenGate 11g ( or later) See "Oracle GoldenGate" on page 2-4 (optional for the BRM Adapter and for the NCC Adapter, depending on whether you are using real-time feed).

Note: The recommended patches and software versions are accurate as of product release. For the latest recommendations for database supported platforms, see https://support.oracle.com/.

Oracle Database RequirementsOracle Communications Data Model Add-ons installation requires one of the following Oracle Database releases:

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Software Requirements

Hardware and Software Requirements 2-3

■ Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) Enterprise Edition ( or later)

■ Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Enterprise Edition ( or later)

Tip: When you install the database ensure that the database character set is Unicode (AL32UTF8) to support multilanguage installations since Oracle Communications Data Model permits the installation of support for English and one other language.

Installation of the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons components requires the following options to the Oracle Database:

■ Oracle Partitioning

■ Oracle Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

■ Oracle Data Mining

After you download and install the database, upgrade to the latest patch. Patches are available from My Oracle Support at the following location:


Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise EditionYou must have the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition installed before you can view and use the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons reports (Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition is not required for the installation of the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons components and the installation of Oracle Communications Data Model Reports is valid without Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition installed).

Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition or later can be downloaded from the "Oracle Business Intelligence 11g downloads" link on Oracle Technology Network at:


Installation instructions are included in the documentation.

Confirm that Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tools Installer is InstalledSelect the version of Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tools Installer according to the version of Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition. For example, if the version of Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition is, then select Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tools Installer version is

For more information, see:


Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise EditionIf you plan to run either Oracle Communications BRM Adapter or Oracle Communications NCC Adapter, you must first install Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition. Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition is not required to install the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons. Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise

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Software Requirements

2-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Edition 11g ( can be downloaded from Oracle Technology Network at:


Installation instructions are included in the documentation.

Note: When you install Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition 11g, at the Step: Repository Configuration, choose the "Skip Repository Configuration" option.

For more information, see


For more information on Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters, see Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics User's Guide.

Oracle GoldenGateIf you install Application Adapters, using, installing, and configuring Oracle GoldenGate is optional depending on whether you want to use real-time feeds.

Oracle GoldenGate 11g ( can be downloaded from Oracle Technology Network at:


Installation instructions are included in the documentation. For more information, see


For more information on Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters, see Oracle Communications Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide.

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Installation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons 3-1

3 Installation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons:

■ Preinstallation Tasks

■ Installer Execution

■ Silent Installation

■ Postinstallation Tasks

Preinstallation TasksBefore you install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons, perform the following tasks:

■ Back up the Oracle Database.

■ Ensure that the Oracle Communications Data Model is installed.

■ Ensure that ocdm_sys account is unlocked.

Ensuring that Required Software is InstalledAs discussed in "Software Requirements" on page 2-2, you must have certain software installed before you can successfully install any of the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons components.

Grant SYSDBA to SYSTEM UserGrant SYSDBA privileges to SYSTEM user.

Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) Enterprise Edition ( or later):

grant sysdba to system container=all

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Enterprise Edition ( or later):

grant sysdba to system;

Tnsnames Modifications Required for Addon InstallationThe modification of the tnsnames entry is required only for SNA-Addon installation in an Oracle Real Application Cluster Environment.

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Installer Execution

3-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

■ The rules for the tnsnames entry for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons installation for SNA Add-on are as follows:

– Oracle Real Application Cluster Environment

For Oracle RAC environment, SID is set to lowercase tnsnames entry chosen by the user. So TNSNAMES entry should accurately reflect the SID for the system on which Add-ons are installed in an Oracle RAC environment.

Modify the tnsnames entry name to match the SID of the database node for the system. After the Add-ons installation, revert the tnsnames entry to the previous entry. Follow the same procedure during the deinstallation steps for the SNA Add-ons. When reinstalling or installing the Add-ons at a later stage, modify the tnsnames entry name.

If the SID is orcl2, you cannot set the tnsnames entry to localhost_orcl. If SID is orcl2, then the tnsnames entry must be set to orcl2.

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Preinstallation RequirementsIf you are installing Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Add-on, see Appendix F, "Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Preinstallation Steps" for specific preinstallation requirements.

Installer ExecutionBefore you install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons, perform the necessary preinstallation tasks described in "Preinstallation Tasks" on page 3-1.

Note: You must install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons on the localhost where the database server and the Oracle Communications Data Model core installation is located. You can determine the value of your localhost by issuing the following command where db-name is the name of your Oracle database.

tnsname db-name

Follow these steps to install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons:

1. Log in using the user ID that you plan to use to run the installation. You should use the same user ID to install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons as used to install the Oracle Database and Oracle Communications Data Model.

2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the location of the database on which to install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons.

For example, suppose that Oracle home is in the directory: /loc/app/oracle/product/dbhome

In a Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell, use these commands to set ORACLE_HOME:

$ ORACLE_HOME=/loc/app/oracle/product/dbhome$ export ORACLE_HOME

In a C shell, use this command to set ORACLE_HOME:

% setenv ORACLE_HOME /loc/app/oracle/product/dbhome

3. Start the installer from the directory that contains the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons installation files:

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Installer Execution

Installation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons 3-3

cd directory-containing-OCDM_Addon_installation-files./runInstaller

4. The Welcome page is displayed. Click Next.

5. In the Specify Home Details page, verify that the Name and Path correspond to the Oracle Database in which you want to install Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons. You can click Browse to navigate to any valid local data file path.

Click Next.

6. In the Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks page, if one or more items are flagged, manually verify that your environment meets the minimum requirements. For details about performing this manual verification, click the flagged item and review the details in the box at the bottom of the page.

When the status of all items are checked as Succeeded, click Next.

7. In the Available Product Components page, select the component you want to install.

Note: At least one component must be selected in this dialog. By default the Oracle Communications BRM Adapter is selected. If you do not want to install the Oracle Communications BRM Adapter, first select another component and then deselect the Oracle Communications BRM Adapter.

■ Oracle Communications BRM Adapter

■ Oracle Communications NCC Adapter

■ Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

■ Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

■ Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

Note: The installer only supports installing one component at a time. To install multiple components, run the installer for each component you want to install.

When the selection includes the component you want to install, click Next.

8. In the Specify Database Connection Information page, provide the following information:

■ Select the Net Service Name which is the alias used for a connect descriptor to connect to the Oracle Database where Oracle Communications Data Model will be installed.

Tip: A net service name is a simple name for a service that resolves to a connect descriptor. Net service names are populated from the OracleHome/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file.

■ Enter the Password for SYSTEM user of the Oracle Database where the selected Add-ons for Oracle Communications Data Model will be installed.

■ If the installation is BRM or NCC Adapter, enter the Password for OCDM_SYS schema.

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Silent Installation

3-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

■ If the installation is SNA, enter the Password for OCDM_SYS and Password for OCDM_SAMPLE schema. Note: if OCDM_SAMPLE is not installed, OCDM_SAMPLE Password is not required.

Click Next.

9. In the Specify Add-ons Information page, specify where all of the data files that correspond to the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons should reside:

■ If you do not want to use the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) feature in Oracle Database, but instead want to explicitly specify a folder name, select File System and enter a folder name. You can click Browse to navigate to any valid local data file path.

Click Next.

■ If you have stored your Oracle database files using the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) feature and you also want store Oracle Communications Data Model data files using ASM, select Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

Enter ASM Disk Group name in the text field.

Click Next.

10. The installer summarizes the information that you specified. Check that this information is correct. If necessary, click Back to return to previous screens and make corrections. When you are satisfied with the information, click Install.

After you exit the installer, perform any necessary postinstallation tasks described in "Postinstallation Tasks" on page 3-6.

Silent InstallationA silent installation has no graphical output and no input by the user. It is accomplished by supplying Oracle Universal Installer with a response file and specifying the -silent flag on the command line. Use silent installation when you want the same installation parameter on more than one computer.

Selecting a Response FileBefore performing a silent installation, you must provide information specific to your installation in a response file. The installer will fail if you attempt an installation using a response file that is not configured correctly. Response files are text files that you can create or edit in a text editor. The response file (adapters_off.rsp) is located in the /response directory (in the directory that contains the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons response path). Edit the response file according to your requirements for silent installation. To use a response file, first copy it to your system.

Note: You must install Oracle Communications Data Model on the localhost where the database server is located. You can determine the value of your localhost by issuing the following command where db-name is the name of your Oracle database.

tnsname db-name

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Silent Installation

Installation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons 3-5

Editing the Response FileUse any text editor to edit the response file to include information specific to your system. You must specify values for variables in your response file. Each variable listed in the response file is associated with a comment, which identifies the variable type. For example:

string = "Sample Value" Boolean = True or False Number = 1000StringList = {"StringValue 1", "String Value 2"}

The values that are given as Value Required must be specified for silent installation. Remove the comment from the variable values in the response file before starting the Oracle Communications Data Model installation.

Specifying a Response File and Starting the Installation

Caution: During installation, response files may be copied to subdirectories in the Oracle home. If you have provided passwords or other sensitive information in your response files, then for security purposes you should delete them after completing and verifying the installation.

Before you specify a response file, ensure that all values in the response file are correct. To make Oracle Universal Installer use the response file during an installation specify the location of the response file as a parameter when starting Oracle Universal Installer. To perform a silent installation, use the -silent parameter as follows:

./runInstaller -silent -responseFile absolute_path_and_filename

Silent Installation Log FilesThe success or failure of silent installations is logged in the installActions.log file. Additionally, the silent installation creates the silentInstall.log file. The log files are created in the /oraInventory/logs directory. The silentInstallDate_Time.log file contains the following line if the installation was successful:

The installation of Add-ons for Oracle Communications Data Model was successful.

The corresponding installActionsDate_Time.log file contains specific information regarding installation.

Security Tips for Silent InstallationsThe response file contains the installation password in clear text. To minimize security issues, follow these guidelines:

■ Set the permissions on the response files so that they are readable only by the operating system user performing the silent installation.

■ If possible, remove the response files from the system after the silent installation is completed.

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Postinstallation Tasks

3-6 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Error HandlingValues for variables that are of the wrong context, format, or type are treated as if no value were specified. Variables that are outside any section are ignored. If you attempt a silent installation with an incorrect or incomplete response file, or if Oracle Universal Installer encounters an error, such as insufficient disk space, then the installation will fail.

Postinstallation TasksAfter you execute the Installer perform the following postinstallation, cleanup, and configuration steps:

■ If you installed BRM Application Adapter, perform the additional installation and configuration steps as described in Appendix A, "BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration" to complete the installation and configuration of the BRM Adapter.

■ If you installed NCC Application Adapter, perform the additional installation and configuration steps as described in Appendix C, "NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration" to complete the installation and configuration of the NCC Adapter.

■ If you installed Billing Analytics, perform the postinstallation steps as described in Appendix D, "Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps" to complete the postinstallation steps of the Billing Analytics.

■ If you installed Social Network Analytics, perform the postinstallation and additional configuration steps as described in Appendix E, "Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps" to complete the postinstallation and additional configuration steps of the Social Network Analytics.

■ If you installed Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics, perform the postinstallation and additional configuration steps as described in Appendix G, "Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps" to complete the postinstallation and additional configuration steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics.

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Deinstallation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons 4-1

4 Deinstallation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons

This chapter explains how to deinstall Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons:

■ Pre-Deinstallation Tasks

■ Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter Deinstallation Tasks

■ Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter Deinstallation Tasks

■ Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Deinstallation Tasks

■ Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Deinstallation Tasks

■ Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Deinstallation Tasks

Pre-Deinstallation TasksPerform the following steps before deinstalling Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons:

1. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables accordingly.

2. Perform the backup, if required.

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter Deinstallation Tasks

Perform the following steps for the BRM Adapter deinstallation:

1. Sign in as DBA.

2. Find out the active BRM Adapter user session and end the session. To find the active session, perform the following steps:

■ To find the brm_stg active session:

select SID,SERIAL# from v$session where USERNAME='BRM_STG' ;alter system kill session 'SID,serial' ;

■ To find the brm_odim active session:

select SID,SERIAL# from v$session where USERNAME='BRM_ODIM' ;alter system kill session 'SID,serial' ;

■ To find the brm_odiw active session:

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Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter Deinstallation Tasks

4-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

select SID,SERIAL# from v$session where USERNAME='BRM_ODIW' ;alter system kill session 'SID,serial' ;

Note: Ensure that none of the users mentioned above have an active session.

3. Exit from SQL*Plus.

4. Execute the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons deinstallation script with the BRM parameter:

$ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/ocdm_addon_deinstall.sh brm

5. When prompted for a password, enter the SYSTEM password. The script executes the Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode.

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter Deinstallation Tasks

Perform the following steps for the NCC Adapter deinstallation:

1. Sign in as DBA.

2. Find out the active NCC Adapter user session and end the session. To find the active session, perform the following steps:

■ To find the ncc_stg active session:

select SID,SERIAL# from v$session where USERNAME='NCC_STG' ;alter system kill session 'SID,serial' ;

■ To find the ncc_odim active session:

select SID,SERIAL# from v$session where USERNAME='NCC_ODIM' ;alter system kill session 'SID,serial' ;

■ To find the ncc_odiw active session:

select SID,SERIAL# from v$session where USERNAME='NCC_ODIW' ;alter system kill session 'SID,serial' ;

Note: Ensure that none of the users mentioned above have an active session.

3. Exit from SQL*Plus.

4. Execute the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons deinstallation script with the NCC parameter:

$ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/ocdm_addon_deinstall.sh ncc

5. When prompted for a password, enter the SYSTEM password. The script executes the Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode.

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Deinstallation TasksPerform the following steps for the Billing Analytics deinstallation:

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Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Deinstallation Tasks

Deinstallation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons 4-3

1. Log in to OBIEE as an Admin user.

2. Open the current OCDM core repository.

Figure 4–1 OCDM Core Repository for Billing Analytics

3. Delete Billing Analytics from Presentation, Business Model and Mapping, and Physical sections. Save the changes.

Figure 4–2 OCDM Billing Analytics

4. Deploy the latest repository using Oracle Enterprise Manager. Restart OBIEE.

5. Login to OBIEE as an Admin user.

6. Navigate to the Catalog tab.

Figure 4–3 OCDM Catalog Tab for Billing Analytics

7. Remove Billing Analytics from the Shared Folder tab.

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Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Deinstallation Tasks

4-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure 4–4 OCDM Shared Folders Tab for Billing Analytics

8. Click OK in the Confirm Delete dialog box.

Figure 4–5 Confirm Delete Dialog Box for Billing Analytics

9. Execute the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons deinstallation script with the ba parameter:

$ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/ocdm_addon_deinstall.sh ba

10. When prompted, enter the SYSTEM password. The script executes the Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode.

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Deinstallation TasksPerform the following steps for the Social Network Analytics deinstallation:

1. Log in to OBIEE as an Admin user.

2. Open the current OCDM core repository.

3. Delete ocdm_sna from the Presentation, Business Model and Mapping, and Physical sections. Save the changes.

Figure 4–6 OCDM Sections for Social Network Analytics

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Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Deinstallation Tasks

Deinstallation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons 4-5

4. Deploy the latest repository using Oracle Enterprise Manager. Restart OBIEE.

5. Login to OBIEE as an Admin user.

6. Navigate to the Catalog tab.

Figure 4–7 OCDM Catalog Tab for Social Network Analytics

7. Remove Social Network Analytics from the Shared Folder tab.

Figure 4–8 OCDM Shared Folders Tab for Social Network Analytics

8. Click OK in the Confirm Delete dialog box.

Figure 4–9 Confirm Delete Dialog Box for Social Network Analytics

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Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Deinstallation Tasks

4-6 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

9. Execute the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons deinstallation script with the SNA parameter:

$ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/ocdm_addon_deinstall.sh sna

10. When prompted, enter the SYSTEM password. The script executes the Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode.

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Deinstallation Tasks

Perform the following steps to deinstall Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics:

1. Performing Policy Analytics BI Deinstallation

2. Performing Policy Management Adapter Deinstallation

3. Running the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons Deinstallation Script

Performing Policy Analytics BI DeinstallationDeinstallation is not required when only policy BI is installed; you can go ahead deploy another repository and webcat. You need to perform the following steps in order to deinstall policy BI when it is merged with an existing repository and webcat. In this case, Oracle Communications Data Model core and Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics use a merged repository.

1. Open the merged repository (OCDM core and OCDM POLICY), as shown in Figure 4–10.

Figure 4–10 Oracle BI Administration Tool Merged Repository with OCDM Core and OCDM POLICY

2. Delete OCDM_POLICY from Presentation, Business Model and Mapping and Physical layer and then SAVE the changes, as shown in Figure 4–11.

Figure 4–11 Oracle BI Administration Tool OCDM_POLICY Removed

3. Deploy changed repository using Oracle Enterprise Manager and then restart OBIEE.

4. Login into OBIEE using Administrator user (weblogic).

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Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Deinstallation Tasks

Deinstallation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons 4-7

5. Navigate to Catalog and select Shared Folder, as shown in Figure 4–12.

Figure 4–12 Oracle BI Administration Tool Catalog Shared Folder

6. Select Delete to delete Policy Analytics from Shared Folder, as shown in Figure 4–13.

Figure 4–13 Oracle BI Administration Tool Catalog Delete Policy Analytics

7. Click OK to confirm the delete of Policy Analytics, as shown in Figure 4–14.

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Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Deinstallation Tasks

4-8 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure 4–14 Oracle BI Administration Tool Catalog Confirm Delete for Policy Analytics

8. This removes Policy Analytics from the Shared Folder.

Performing Policy Management Adapter DeinstallationTo deinstall Policy Management Adapter follow these steps:

1. Logon to Policy Management Adapter installation.

2. Change directory to the Policy Management Adapter bin directory:

# cd <install_path>/PolicyAdapter/bin

3. Stop the Policy Management Adapter with the following command:

# ./stop

4. Go to the directory where Policy Management Adapter is installed and remove the PolicyAdapter directory.

# cd <install_path>/# rm -rf PolicyAdapter

Running the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons Deinstallation ScriptPerform the following steps for Policy and Charging Analytics deinstallation:

1. Make sure none of the Policy and Charging Analytics jobs are running:

SELECT * from DWC_PLCY_TASK where task_status = 'RUNNING';

If jobs are running, wait until all jobs complete and then go ahead with the deisntall.

2. Login to the Oracle Communications Data Model installation system.

3. Execute the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons deinstallation script with the pca parameter:

$ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/ocdm_addon_deinstall.sh pca

4. When prompted for a password, enter the SYSTEM password and the OCDM_SYS password. The script executes the Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode.

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BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-1

ABRM Adapter Installation and Configuration

This appendix shows how to install and set up the following:

■ Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons (BRM Adapter)

■ Oracle Data Integrator components to create an operational E-LT environment

■ Oracle GoldenGate Extract and Replicat processes

This appendix includes the following sections:

■ Prerequisites for BRM Adapter Configuration

■ Installation Overview for BRM Adapter

■ Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

■ Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter

■ Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

Note: The steps in this appendix can take a significant amount of time to complete.

The BRM Adapter can be installed with the Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons type installation. The BRM Adapter includes an option to feed data in real-time using Oracle GoldenGate to the Oracle Communications Data Model staging layer, or to extract, load and transform the data in batch mode using Oracle Data Integrator.

Prerequisites for BRM Adapter ConfigurationThe following are prerequisites for installing the Billing and Revenue Management to Oracle Communication Data Model Adapter:

■ Before following the steps in this appendix you must perform an Add-ons type installation, as described in "Types of Installations Provided for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons" on page 1-1 and in "Installer Execution" on page 3-2.

■ Before following the steps in this appendix, you must install Oracle Data Integrator software. For more information, see "Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition" on page 2-3.

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Installation Overview for BRM Adapter

A-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

■ Before following the steps in this appendix, if you use real-time feeds with Oracle GoldenGate, then you must download the Oracle GoldenGate software according to the Adapter source database version and Oracle Communications Data Model target database version. For more information, see "Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for BRM Adapter" on page A-15.

■ The installation and set up steps assume the following recommended Oracle Data Integrator configuration:

– The Data Warehouse database schema is hosted on the same database instance as the ODI Repository.

Confirming that Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition is InstalledTo verify your Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition installation, perform the following steps:

1. Launch ODI Studio:

■ On UNIX operating systems: ODI_HOME/oracledi/client/odi.sh

■ On Windows you can launch ODI Studio from the Start menu. On the Start menu, select All Programs, select Oracle, select Oracle Data Integrator, and then select ODI Studio.

2. In Designer Navigator, click Connect To Repository...

If Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition is not installed, see "Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition" on page 2-3.

Confirming that Oracle GoldenGate is InstalledIf you install the Billing and Revenue Management to Oracle Communication Data Model Adapter (BRM Adapter), using, installing, and configuring Oracle GoldenGate is optional depending on whether you want to use Real-time staging with the BRM Adapter.

If Oracle GoldenGate is not installed, see "Oracle GoldenGate" on page 2-4.

Installation Overview for BRM AdapterTo complete the installation of the Billing and Revenue Management to Oracle Communication Data Model Adapter, perform the tasks in this appendix sequentially.

To begin working, you need to set up the BRM Master Repository and Work Repository connection and use Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) and optionally if you are using Oracle GoldenGate, you need to install and configure Oracle GoldenGate to perform real-time ETL.

Notes:■ Before following the steps in this appendix, you must have installed the Oracle

Data Integrator software using the procedure outlined in "Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition" on page 2-3.

■ Before following the steps in this appendix, you must have installed the BRM Adapter software using the procedure outlined in "Installer Execution" on page 3-2.

■ The installation and set up steps assume the following recommended ODI configuration:

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-3

– The ODI Master Repository database schema is created in same database instance.

– The ODI Work Repository database schema is created in same database instance.

– The Data Warehouse database schema is hosted on the same database instance as the ODI Repository.

The following steps explains how to install Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) to Oracle Communication Data Model Adapter.

Oracle Communications Data Model Adapter Installation Steps:

Note: If you do not use real-time ETL, then perform step 1 and skip step 2.

1. Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

2. Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter

Note: If you need real-time ETL optionally, install and configure ODI and Oracle GoldenGate together, that is for real-time ETL, you must first perform step 1 and then step 2.

Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model use with the BRM Adapter includes the following steps:

■ Creating the ODI Connection for BRM Adapter Repository

■ Setting up the ODI Topology

Creating the ODI Connection for BRM Adapter RepositoryTo create the ODI connection for BRM Adapter Repository, perform the following steps:

1. Start ODI Studio:

■ On UNIX operating systems: ODI_HOME/oracledi/client/odi.sh

■ On Windows you can launch ODI Studio from the Start menu. In the Start menu, select All Programs, select Oracle, select Oracle Data Integrator, and then select ODI Studio.

Figure A–1 ODI Studio Data Server Start Menu

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

A-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

2. In the Designer Navigator, click Connect To Repository...

Figure A–2 ODI Studio Data Server Designer Navigator

3. In the ODI Studio Data Server Login dialog box, click New.

Figure A–3 ODI Studio Data Server Login Dialog Box

4. The Repository Connection Information dialog box is displayed. Enter the appropriate information, as described in Table A–1:

Figure A–4 ODI Studio Data Server Repository Connection Information Dialog Box

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Table A–1 ODI Studio Data Server Repository Connection Information Tab Fields

Section Field Description

Oracle Data Integrator Connection

Login Name



Specify the Login Name. For example, BRM Adapter

Specify the default user name SUPERVISOR

Specify the default password sunopsis

Database connection (Master Repository)



Driver List



Specify the default user name brm_odim

Specify the default password brm_odim

Specify the default Oracle JDBC Driver

Specify oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

Specify in the format


For example:


Work Repository Select Master Repository Only

Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-5

Click OK.

5. In the ODI Studio Data Server Login dialog box, click OK.

6. In the Topology Navigator, expand the Repositories tab. Next, expand the Work Repositories tab to select the WORKREP1 tab.

Figure A–5 ODI Studio Data Server Repositories Tab

7. Right-click the WORKREP1 tab and click Open.

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

A-6 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure A–6 ODI Studio Data Server WORKREP1 Screen

If you see an error message, ignore it and click OK.

Figure A–7 ODI Studio Data Server Error Message

8. In the Work Repository Connection Information tab, click the Connection icon.

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-7

Figure A–8 Work Repository Connection Information Tab

9. In the Definitions tab, enter the appropriate information, as described in Table A–2:

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

A-8 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure A–9 ODI Studio Data Server Definitions Tab

Table A–2 ODI Studio Data Server Connection Field and Values

Field Description

User Specify the default user name brm_odiw

Password Specify the default password brm_odiw

10. In the JDBC tab, enter the appropriate information, as described in Table A–3:

Figure A–10 ODI Studio Data Server JDBC Tab Fields and Values

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Table A–3 ODI Studio Data Server JDBC Tab Fields and Values

Field Description

JDBC Driver Specify oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

JDBC URL Specify in the format jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:SID.

Replace host, port and SID with the values for the database hosting the ODI Repositories.

For example:


Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-9

Click Save.

11. Click Disconnect "BRM Adapter" from the ODI drop-down list.

Figure A–11 Disconnect BRM Adapter Option in the ODI Studio Data Server Menu

12. Click Edit in the ODI Studio Data Server Login dialog box.

Figure A–12 Edit Option in the ODI Studio Data Server Login Dialog Box

13. The Repository Connection Information dialog box is displayed. In the Work Repository section, click Browse and select WORKREP1 from the Work Repositories List. Click OK.

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

A-10 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure A–13 ODI Studio Data Server Work Repository Connection Fields and Values

14. Go to the ODI Studio Data Server Login dialog box and click OK.

The ODI Studio Data Server Master and Work Repository is successfully imported.

Setting up the ODI TopologyTo set up the ODI Topology, perform the following steps:

Setting up the Physical Data Servers

1. From the Topology Navigator display the Physical Architecture tab.

2. Expand the Technologies node.

3. Expand the Oracle node to display the Physical Data Servers.

Figure A–14 ODI Studio Physical Data Servers

4. Double-click the BRM_STG node to display the Data Server: Name dialog.

5. Display the Definition tab and enter the appropriate information, as described in.

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-11

Figure A–15 ODI Studio Data Server Definition Dialog

Table A–4 ODI Studio Data Server Definition Fields and Values

Field Description

Name Do not change name of the Data Server.

Technology Do not change the default value Oracle.

Instance/dblink (Data Server) Specify a database instance name.

Use the Oracle SID name. For example, ORCL

User Specify User Name. For example, brm_stg

This is the warehouse database user name.

Password Specify Password.

This is the default password for the warehouse database user name.

Array Fetch Size Specify a value suitable to your environment

(Do not change the default value).

Batch Update Size Specify a value suitable to your environment

(Do not change the default value).

6. Display the JDBC tab and enter the appropriate information, as described in Table A–5.

Figure A–16 ODI Studio Data Server JDBC Tab

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Table A–5 ODI Studio Data Server JDBC Tab Fields and Values

Field Description

JDBC Driver Specify oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

JDBC URL Specify in the format jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:SID.

Replace host, port and SID with the values for the database hosting the ODI Repositories.

For example:


Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

A-12 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

7. After entering the required values, click Test. This shows the dialog in Figure A–17.

Figure A–17 ODI Studio Data Server Test Connection

8. Click Test to display the Test Connection for: Connection dialog.

Figure A–18 Test Connection Information Dialog

9. Click the Save icon.

Setting up the Physical SchemaTo set up the Physical Schema for a Data Server:

1. From the Topology Navigator, display the Physical Architecture tab.

2. Expand the Technologies node.

3. Expand the Oracle node to display the Physical Data Servers.

4. Expand the Data Server node.

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for BRM Adapter (Non Oracle GoldenGate Option)

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-13

Figure A–19 ODI Studio Physical Architecture Data Server Node

5. Double-click BRM_STG.BRM_STG to display the Physical Schema: Name dialog.

6. Display the Definition tab and enter the appropriate information, as described in Table A–6.

Figure A–20 ODI Studio Physical Schema Definition Tab

Table A–6 ODI Studio Physical Schema Definition Tab Properties and Values

Field Description

Schema (Schema) Make sure that Physical Schema is selected from the drop down list.(For example: BRM_STAGE)

Schema (Work Schema) Make sure that Physical Schema is selected from the drop down list.(For example: BRM_STG)

Note: Do not change the other field values.

7. Click the Save icon.

Note: Follow the same steps (1-7) to configure BRM_SRC and OCDM_SYS Physical Schemas.

Setting up the Logical Data ServersTo set up the Logical Data Servers:

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter

A-14 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

1. From the Topology Navigator, display the Logical Architecture tab.

2. Expand the Technologies node.

3. Expand the Oracle node to display the Logical Data Servers.

Figure A–21 ODI Studio Logical Architecture for Logical Data Server

4. Double-click the BRM_STG_LS node to display the Logical Data Server: Name dialog.

5. Display the Definition tab.

6. Edit the BRM_STG_LS Logical Data Server and ensure that for the appropriate Context (for example, Global, Development...), the value in the Physical Schemas column is set to BRM_STG_BRM_STG (Physical Schema created in Physical Data Server).

Figure A–22 ODI Studio Logical Data Server Definition Tab for Logical Schema

7. Click the Save icon.

8. After checking whether the context is set properly, ensure that in the Topology->Physical Architecture tab that the context tab of physical schemas points to the right logical context.

Figure A–23 ODI Studio Logical Data Server Context Tab

Note: Follow these steps (1-7) to configure the BRM_SRC_LS and OCDM_SYS_LS Logical Data Servers. When you finish these steps, the installation of ODI is complete.

Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM AdapterTo set up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model, perform the following steps:

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-15

■ Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for BRM Adapter

■ Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Target for BRM Adapter

■ Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Source for BRM Adapter

■ Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Source System for BRM Adapter

■ Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Source System

■ Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Target System

Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for BRM AdapterTo use BRM Adapter real-time capturing, install and configure Oracle GoldenGate (GG) as follows:

1. Change directory to the database installation path (For example: /u02/app/oracle/product).

Figure A–24 Changing Directory to the Oracle Database Installation Path

2. Create a directory named (gg) for installing Oracle GoldenGate under the product folder:

[oracle@server product]$ mkdir /u02/app/oracle/product/gg

Or manually create the folder (gg) by going directly in the product folder:

[oracle@server product]$ export GGATE=/u02/app/oracle/product/gg[oracle@server product]$ cd $GGATE[oracle@server gg]$

3. Copy the downloaded software (for example: V22228-01.zip) into gg folder (for information on downloading Oracle GoldenGate, see "Oracle GoldenGate" on page 2-4).

4. Unzip the software in the folder using following command:

[oracle@server gg]$ unzip V22228-01.zip

5. After you unzip the file, use the .tar extension file with the tar command to extract Oracle GoldenGate:

Extract the Oracle GoldenGate .tar file using the following command:

[oracle@server gg] tar -xf filename.tar

6. Now export the path to GG libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH using the command:


7. Now start the GG command line utility (ggsci):

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter

A-16 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

[oracle@server gg]$. /ggsci

This command connects you to the Oracle GoldenGate server. For example:

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for OracleVersion Build 078Linux, x86, 32bit (optimized), Oracle 11 on Jul 28 2010 13:22:25Copyright (C) 1995, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved

8. Create the necessary working directories for gg:

GGSCI (server.oracle.com) 1>create subdirsGGSCI (server.oracle.com) 2>exit[oracle@server gg]$ mkdir $GGATE/diroby

9. After these steps Oracle GoldenGate is installed.

After Oracle GoldenGate is installed you prepare the source and target database for Oracle GoldenGate Replication.

Note: Steps 1 to 9 in "Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for BRM Adapter" on page A-15 are common for both the source and target databases. These same steps are shown in the section, "Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Source for BRM Adapter" on page A-17.

Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Target for BRM AdapterTo set up the Oracle GoldenGate schema, do the following:

1. Create Oracle GoldenGate schema:

SQL>sqlplus / as sysdba;SQL> create user ggate identified by ggate default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;

Note: For the Oracle Goldengate schema, a default password is provided during the setup phase. You can change the default password, but then you need to change the default password in the related prm and oby files; for more details see step 4, "Edit ggate default schema and password".

2. Grant privileges to Oracle GoldenGate Schema:

SQL> grant connect, resource, unlimited tablespace to ggate;SQL> grant select any dictionary to ggate;SQL> grant execute on utl_file to ggate;SQL> grant alter any table to ggate;SQL> grant create table to ggate;SQL> grant select any table, insert any table, update any table, delete any table to ggate;SQL>exit;

3. Copy target config file to $GGATE directory:

The files for the target system have been generated in:


These files must be copied on the target system, to the following location $GGATEE using the same directory structure.

■ Copy files contained in $ORACL_HOME\ocdm\addon\adapter\brm\goldengate_param\stg

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-17

■ Copy files contained in $ORACL_HOME\ocdm\addon\adapter\brm\goldengate_param\stg

4. Edit the default schema and password. For the Oracle Goldengate schema, a default password is provided during the setup phase. You can the default password, but you also need to change the default password in the related prm and oby files:

■ Edit file $GGATE\diroby\ brm_ogg_stg_cdc_cmd.oby according the environment; use the correct value in the following command:


■ Edit the file $GGATE\dirprm\globals.prm according the environment, change the value in the following commands:


5. Config manager port:

The default manager port at the target is 7809, if required, edit the port in the file:



The default BRM_SRC and BRM_STG schema are brm_src,and brm_stg, edit the file $GGATEE\dirprm\repbrm.prm, and change the two schema names according the environment. For example, change the following:




7. Add the Replicat group:

Execute the following command on the target system to add a delivery groups named repbrm.

[oracle@server gg]$ $GGATE/./ggsci paramfile $GGATE/diroby/ brm_ogg_stg_cdc_cmd.oby

Note: you can run the batch commands in brm_ogg_stg_cdc_cmd.oby manually to see the result of each single command. For example:

First login to ggsci and execute the following:


GGSCI (slc00tcw) 1> ADD REPLICAT repbrm, EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/rt, checkpointtable ggate.ggschkpt

Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Source for BRM AdapterTo use BRM Adapter real-time capturing, install and configure Oracle GoldenGate (GG) as follows:

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter

A-18 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

1. Change directory to the database installation path (For example: /u02/app/oracle/product).

Figure A–25 Changing Directory to the Oracle Database Installation Path

2. Create a directory named (gg) for installing Oracle GoldenGate under the product folder:

[oracle@server product]$ mkdir /u02/app/oracle/product/gg

Or manually create the folder (gg) by going directly in the product folder:

[oracle@server product]$ export GGATE=/u02/app/oracle/product/gg[oracle@server product]$ cd $GGATE[oracle@server gg]$

3. Copy the downloaded software (for example: V22228-01.zip) into gg folder (for information on downloading Oracle GoldenGate, see "Oracle GoldenGate" on page 2-4).

4. Unzip the software in the folder using following command:

[oracle@server gg]$ unzip V22228-01.zip

5. After you unzip the file, use the .tar extension file with the tar command to extract Oracle GoldenGate:

Extract the Oracle GoldenGate .tar file using the following command:

[oracle@server gg] tar -xf filename.tar

6. Now export the path to GG libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH using the command:


7. Now start the GG command line utility (ggsci):

[oracle@server gg]$. /ggsci

This command connects you to the Oracle GoldenGate server. For example:

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for OracleVersion Build 078Linux, x86, 32bit (optimized), Oracle 11 on Jul 28 2010 13:22:25Copyright (C) 1995, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved

8. Create the necessary working directories for gg:

GGSCI (server.oracle.com) 1>create subdirsGGSCI (server.oracle.com) 2>exit[oracle@server gg]$ mkdir $GGATE/diroby

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-19

9. After these steps Oracle GoldenGate is installed.

Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Source System for BRM Adapter1. Switch the database to archive log mode as follows:

[oracle@server dbhome_1]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL>shutdown immediateSQL>startup mountSQL>alter database archivelog;SQL>alter database open;

2. Enable minimal supplemental logging:

SQL>alter database add supplemental log data;

Switch log to start supplemental logging:


Verify supplemental logging is enabled (with a result of 'YES')


3. Turn off recyclebin for the database

SQL>alter system set recyclebin=off scope=spfile;

4. Create Oracle Goldengate schema:

SQL> create user ggate identified by ggate default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;

Note: For the Oracle Goldengate schema, a default password is provided during the setup phase. You can the default password, but you also need to change the default password in the related prm and oby files.

5. Grant privileges to Oracle Goldengate schema:

SQL> grant connect, resource, unlimited tablespace to ggate;SQL> grant select any dictionary to ggate;SQL> grant select any table to ggate;SQL> grant alter any table to ggate;SQL> grant flashback any table to ggate;SQL> grant execute on dbms_flashback to ggate;SQL> grant execute on utl_file to ggate;SQL> exit;

To do Trandata, you need to enable supplemental logging on the source system. To enable Supplemental logging, use the command:

alter database add supplemental log data;

6. Copy source config file to $GGATE directory

The files for the source systems have been generated in $ORACL_HOME\ocdm\addon\adapter\brm\goldengate_param\stg

These files must be copied on the source systems to the following location $GGATEE using the same directory structure:

■ copy files in $ORACL_HOME\ocdm\addon\adapter\brm\goldengate_param\stg

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter

A-20 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

■ copy files in $ORACL_HOME\ocdm\addon\adapter\brm\goldengate_param\stg

7. Config manager port

The default manager port at source is 7890. As required, edit this port in the file:


8. Config RMTHOST

Change the RMTHOST and MGRPORT in extpbrm.prm files in the $GGATEE\dirprm directory as required for your working environment:

RMTHOST Remote Host Name, MGRPORT Port

For example:

rmthost slc00tcw, mgrport 7809

9. Config BRM_SRC schema at EXTRACT

The default source schema for the BRM Adapter is BRM_SRC. Change the source schema name through your source system schemas. For example (brm_src ->pin5003)

Change BRM_SRC schema at $GGATE\dirprm\extpbrm.prm.

For example:


Change BRM_SRC schema at $GGATE\dirprm\extpbrm.prm

For example:


Change BRM_SRC schema at $GGATE\diroby\ brm_ogg_src_cdc_cmd.oby. For example:



a. In the file brm_ogg_src_cdc_cmd.oby, use the following command for all current mapping tables except table ACCOUNT_T:

ADD TRANDATA Source Schema Name.Table Name COLS(col1, col2,…), NOKEY

b. If the TRANDATA of each table has been done, use the following command to delete it:

DELETE TRANDATA Source Schema Name.*

10. Configure Change Capture using a Data Pump:

The goals of this method are to:

■ Configure and add the Extract process that will capture changes.

■ Add the local trail that will store these changes.

■ Configure and add a data pump Extract to read the local trail and create a remote trail on the target.

■ Add the remote trail.

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for BRM Adapter

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-21

Execute the following command on the source system to define an Extract group named extbrm and to define a data pump Extract named extpbrm to pull data from the local Oracle GoldenGate trail and route these changes to Oracle GoldenGate on the target.

[oracle@server gg]$ $GGATE/./ggsci paramfile $GGATE/diroby/brm_ogg_src_cdc_cmd.oby

Note: In most of the cases, run the batch commands mentioned in the oby file one by one manually in the Oracle GoldenGate command line util (ggsci).

Note: For more information on the *.prm files, see the


Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Source SystemTo start the primary Extract process and data pump Extract process, run the following command on the source systems.

[oracle@server gg]$ $GGATE/./ggsci paramfile $GGATE/diroby/brm_ogg_src_cdc_start_cmd.oby

Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Target SystemTo start the Oracle GoldenGate processes on the target system, run the following command on the target system:

[oracle@server gg]$ $GGATE/./ggsci paramfile $GGATE/diroby/brm_ogg_stg_cdc_start_cmd.oby

Oracle GoldenGate Process Checking Command ReferenceTable A–7 provides a summary of Oracle GoldenGate process commands. Note: Run these commands from GGSCI.

Table A–7 Oracle GoldenGate Process Commands Summary

Process Area Commands

To Start All Services Manager: Start Manager

Extract: Start Extract Extract Group

Replicate: Start Replicat Replicat Group

Extract & Replicat: Start ER *

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

A-22 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM AdapterTo deinstall the existing repositories, do the following:

Drop user (Master_Repo_user) cascade;create user (Master_Repo_user) identified by (pswd) default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;grant connect, resource to (Master_Repo_user);grant execute on dbms_lock to (Master_Repo_user);

This section includes the following topics:

■ Master and Work Repository Import Errors

■ Error ODI-26005: Importing an Object from Another Repository

■ Troubleshooting Error: An internal error occurred while opening the diagram...

Master and Work Repository Import Errors

Error Message:Error: /…./…./…./….xml (No such file or directory)

This error could occur when you import repositories using the "Import from a Zip File" option.

Workaround:To resolve this error "unzip" the Master and Work Repository zip files and start the import again using the "Import from a Folder" option.

Error Recovery: Reimporting Master RepositoryTo import a master repository (in an existing master repository):

1. From the Topology Navigator toolbar menu select Import > Master Repository... (as shown in Figure A–26).

To Stop All Services Manager: Stop Manager

Extract: Stop Extract Extract Group

Replicate: Stop Replicat Replicat Group

Extract & Replicat: Stop ER *

To Check Services Status All Services: Info All

Manager: Info Mgr

Extract: Info Extract Extract Group

Replicate: Info Replicat Replicat Group

To View Report Extract: View Report Extract Group

Replicate: View Report Replicat Group

Table A–7 (Cont.) Oracle GoldenGate Process Commands Summary

Process Area Commands

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-23

Figure A–26 ODI Studio Import Master Repository

2. Select the Import Mode, the "Import from a Folder" and click OK (Figure A–27).

Figure A–27 Reimport: Import From a Folder

The specified file(s) are imported into the current master repository.

3. Browse the Master Repository from the specified location:

Repository Location: $BRM_OCDM_HOME/odi_repository/brm_ocdm_adapter_master

Figure A–28 ODI Studio Open and Import Master Repository

Figure A–29 ODI Studio Import Master Repository Progress

4. You can check the Import Report and you can save this report by clicking Save.

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

A-24 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure A–30 Reimport: Import Report Listing

Error Recovery: Reimporting Work Repository

To import a work repository:1. From the Designer Navigator toolbar menu select Import > Work Repository... (as

shown in Figure A–31).

Figure A–31 ODI Studio Import Work Repository

2. Select the Import Mode: Import From a Folder or Import From a Zip file, and click OK.

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-25

Figure A–32 ODI Studio Import Work Repository from Zip File

The specified file(s) are imported into the work repository.

3. Browse the Work Repository from the specified location.

Repository Location:


Figure A–33 ODI Studio Import Work Repository from Zip File

Figure A–34 ODI Studio Open and Import Work Repository Progress

Figure A–35 Reimport: Work Repository Warning Message Dialog

You can check the Import Report and to save report, click Save.

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

A-26 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure A–36 Reimport: Work Repository Report

View the Designer tab Projects and Models areas to see the contents of the work repository.

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-27

Figure A–37 Shows the ODI Designer Navigator with Projects and Models

Error ODI-26005: Importing an Object from Another Repository

Error Message:ODI-26005: You are importing an object from another repository with the same identifier...

Possible cause: An object in the import file has an identifier which already exists in the repository.

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

A-28 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure A–38 Troubleshooting BRM Adapter Problems

Workaround:Consider manually changing the "com.sunopsis.dwg.dwgobj.SnpImportRep" object section of the import XML file to use a unique identifier.

To resolve this error (ODI-26005), make changes depending on the repository:

■ Resolve ODI Error on Master Repository

■ Resolve ODI Error on Work Repository

Resolve ODI Error on Master RepositoryMaster Repository: To change the ID of ODI master repository, you can "Renumber.." the repository ID with these steps:

1. From the Topology Navigator, expand Repositories tab.

2. Right click Master Repository and click "Renumber", as shown in Figure A–39.

Figure A–39 Renumber Master Repository

3. This opens the dialog, "Renumbering the repository - Step 1". Click Yes to renumber the repository ID, as shown in Figure A–40.

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-29

Figure A–40 Renumber Repository Step 1

4. Provide the New ID for the Master repository and click OK. This displays the Renumbering the repository - Step 2 dialog, as shown in Figure A–41.

Figure A–41 Renumber Repository Step 2

5. To check the changed ID, double click master repository and open version tab and check if the new ID is assigned, as shown in Figure A–42.

Figure A–42 Check Repository ID

Resolve ODI Error on Work RepositoryTo change the ID of ODI work repository, you can "Renumber.." the repository ID as follows:

1. From the Topology Navigator, expand Repositories tab.

2. Expand the "Work Repositories", Right click Work Repository and then click "Renumber".

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

A-30 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure A–43 Renumber Work Repository

3. This opens the dialog, "Renumbering the repository - Step 1". Click Yes to renumber the repository ID.

Figure A–44 Renumber Work Repository Step 1

4. Click OK in the Renumbering the repository - Step 2 dialog.

Figure A–45 Renumber Work Repository Step 2

5. Provide the New ID for the Work repository and click OK.

Figure A–46 Renumber Work Repository Step 3

6. Click Yes to confirm the change.

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration A-31

Figure A–47 Verify the Renumber Operation

7. To check the changed ID, double click work repository and open version tab and check that the new ID is assigned.

Figure A–48 Verify the Changed Repository ID

Troubleshooting Error: An internal error occurred while opening the diagram...The following error may happen and is related to an issue with ODI version

ERROR: An internal error occurred while opening the diagram

Workaround: From ODI Studio, open the corrupted Integration Interface, go to the "Version" tab, and get the internal ID. Connect to the database that hosts the ODI Work Repository tables, run the following SQL commands, and apply the changes:

delete from SNP_TXTwhere I_TXT in (select I_TXT_XMI_DATAfrom SNP_DIAGRAMwhere I_POP = <your internal ID>);delete from SNP_DIAGRAMwhere I_POP = <your internal ID>;commit;

When you open the Integration Interface the next time, it creates a new Mapping and Flow map, and hence the issue should be resolved.

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Troubleshooting the Installation of the BRM Adapter

A-32 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

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BRM Adapter Update B-1

BBRM Adapter Update

If you previously installed the BRM Adapter Oracle Communications Data Model 11.3.2 version, the Oracle Communications Data Model update of the BRM Adapter requires a full reinstall. You need to follow the BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration instructions in Appendix A, "BRM Adapter Installation and Configuration". After the BRM Adapter is reinstalled you need to complete the post-installation and configuration steps in this appendix.

Pre ConditionsIf the Oracle Communications Data Model patch is not installed, do the following:

1. Run Oracle Communications Data Model 11.3.2 patch script. The scripts are available with bug 17863837.

BRM Adapter ConfigurationThe patch adds a CONFIG folder to the BRM Adapter work repository. You need to login Oracle Data integrator using ODI Connection and then check for the CONFIG folder under BRM-OCDM, as shown in Figure B–1.

Figure B–1 BRM Adapter Files CONFIG Folder

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BRM Adapter Configuration

B-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

The CONFIG folder contains Oracle Communications Data Model procedures and the Oracle Communications Data Model 11.3.2 packages. You need to open procedure to complete configuration and then run package.

Note, do not run the procedure alone, this will fail and might lead to configuration issues. If the package fails, do not run it again. You need to check the failures and then run manually from failed step onwards.

Review Configuration StepsThe BRM Adapter configuration includes multiple steps, you need to review the steps as follows.

1. Step 0 - SERVICE_T_MAP_VW - create view

This step creates mapping table in BRM_STG schema. You do not need to review this.

Note: refer DWL_SRVC_TYP table. If a new service is added then you need to make entry into DWR_SRVC_TYP table.

2. Step 10 - BRM_DD_OBJECTS_MAP - create table

This step creates table in BRM_STG schema for default mapping values. You do not need to review this step.

3. Step 20 - brm_dd_objects_map - insert

This step inserts mappings between BRM services. The BRM Adapter uses mappings. This step includes different insert statements as shown in Table B–1. You need to update these insert statements for your needs.

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BRM Adapter Configuration

BRM Adapter Update B-3

Table B–1 BRM_DD_Object_Map Statements

Mapping Description

SERVICE_MAP This mapping helps to provide proper names to different BRM services. Using the BRM services name directly in the reports may not make any sense. In this mapping you assign proper, that is understandable names to each of the BRM services:

insert into brm_dd_objects_map values (1868, '/service/email', 'EMAIL', 'SERVICE_MAP', sysdate, 'admin');

1. Obj_id0 column from dd_objects_t table.

2. Name column from dd_objects_t table (/service/*).

3. User understandable service name.

4. Map type - do not change this column (key column used in adapter mapping).

SERVICE_TYPE This mapping defines the type for BRM services. Values added services are tagged as 'VAS'

insert into brm_dd_objects_map values (1868, '/service/email', 'REGULAR', 'SERVICE_TYPE', sysdate, 'admin');

1. Obj_id0 column from dd_objects_t table.

2. Name column from dd_objects_t table (/service/*).

3. Service type

4. Map type - do not change this column (key column used in adapter mapping).

PRICE_TYPE This mapping helps in mapping BRM price types to Oracle Communications Data Model price types. Oracle Communications Data Model has defined certain price type and these price types are used within IETL to generate derived and aggregated tables.

Oracle Communications Data Model specification:

1. 1% Recurring Fee

2. 2% Onetime fee

3. 3% Onetime usage

4. 4% Duration based usage

5. 5% Volume based usage

6. 6% Free of charge

7. 7% Usage discount

8. 8% Other discounts

9. -5000 unknown

You can extend this list.

INSERT INTO BRM_DD_OBJECTS_MAP VALUES (1696,'/item/cycle_arrear','1100', 'PRICE_TYPE',SYSDATE, 'admin');

1. Obj_id0 column from dd_objects_t table.

2. Name column from dd_objects_t table (/item/*).

3. Price type

4. Map type - do not change this column (key column used in adapter mapping).

Note: refer DWL_PRICE_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table. If new price type is added then make sure to add entry into DWL_PRICE_TYP table in Oracle Communications Data Model.

Make sure to map '/item/adjustment' as 'ADJUSTMENT'. This is used in mapping to find adjustments items.

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BRM Adapter Configuration

B-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

INVC_ITEM_TYPE You need to define the item type for each of invoice items. It is similar to PRICE TYPE. Oracle Communications Data Model specification:

1. 1% Recurring Fees

2. 2% One Time Fees

3. 3% Usage (any type)

4. 4% Recharges (any type)

5. 5% to be defined

6. 6% Discounts

7. 7% Carry Over

8. 8% Penalty

9. 9% Specials (adj, write off, redirection,...)

Insert into brm_dd_objects_map values (1696,'/item/cycle_arrear','1000','INVC_ITEM_TYPE',SYSDATE, 'ADMIN');

■ Obj_id0 column from dd_objects_t table.

■ Name column from dd_objects_t table (/item/*).

■ Invoice item type

■ Map type - do not change this column (key column used in adapter mapping).

Note: refer DWL_INVC_ITEM_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table. If new invoice item is added then make sure to add entry into DWL_INVC_ITEM_TYP table in Oracle Communications Data Model.

Table B–1 (Cont.) BRM_DD_Object_Map Statements

Mapping Description

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BRM Adapter Configuration

BRM Adapter Update B-5

4. Step 40 - BRM_DD_OBJ_MAP_DEFAULT - create table

This step creates default mapping table in BRM_STG schema. You do not need to review this step.

5. Step 50 - BRM_DD_OBJ_MAP_DEFAULT - insert

DWL_INVC_DISC_TYP Here you can map BRM discount types to Oracle Communications Data Model mapping. BRM discount type can derived from event POID type.

Oracle Communications Data Model specification:

1. 1% Recurring Discount

2. 2% Onetime Discount

3. 3% Onetime usage discount

4. 4% Usage Discount

You can extend this list.

INSERT INTO BRM_DD_OBJECTS_MAP VALUES (2214,'/event/delayed/session/telco/gsm','4000', 'DWL_INVC_DISC_TYP',SYSDATE, 'admin');

1. Obj_id0 column from dd_objects_t table.

2. Name column from dd_objects_t table (/event/*).

3. Discount Oracle Communications Data Model map

4. Map type - do not change this column (key column used in adapter mapping).

Note: referDWL_INVC_DISC_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table. If new discount type is added then make sure to add entry into DWL_INVC_DISC_TYP table in Oracle Communications Data Model.

EVENT_TYPE_MAP You can map different event POID type to some understandable names. This will help you for better reporting with meaningful names for event types.

INSERT INTO BRM_DD_OBJECTS_MAP VALUES (2244,'/event/delayed/session/telco/gprs','USAGE','EVENT_TYPE_MAP', SYSDATE, NULL);

1. Obj_id0 column from dd_objects_t table.

2. Name column from dd_objects_t table (/event/*).

3. Event type map

4. Map type - do not change this column (key column used in adapter mapping).

Note: referDWL_EVT_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table. If new event type is added then make sure to add entry intoDWL_EVT_TYP table in Oracle Communications Data Model.

ROAMING_TYPE_MAP This mapping is used to find roaming and non-roaming events. You need to configure this to distinguish between roaming and non-roaming calls.

Oracle Communications Data Model specification:



INSERT INTO BRM_DD_OBJECTS_MAP VALUES (2216,'/event/delayed/session/telco/gsm/roaming','ROAM','ROAMING_TYPE_MAP', SYSDATE, NULL);

1. Obj_id0 column from dd_objects_t table.

2. Name column from dd_objects_t table (/event/*).

3. Roaming type map

4. Map type - do not change this column (key column used in adapter mapping).

Note: referDWL_RMNG_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table

Table B–1 (Cont.) BRM_DD_Object_Map Statements

Mapping Description

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BRM Adapter Configuration

B-6 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

You can skip this step review, but it is recommended to review. Here you can define default values, in case mapping is not available for DD_OBJECT. If this step is not configured for any of mapping then it will return -5000 by default.


a. Map type (refer BRM_DD_OBJECTS_MAP table).

b. Default value (make sure this value is available in respective lookup table).

6. Step 60 - BRM_GET_DD_OBJ_MAP - create function

This step creates BRM_GET_DD_OBJ_MAP function. You do not need to review this step.

7. Step 70 - brm_odi_exception_handle - create table

This step creates exception handling table. You do not need to review this step.

Note: refer exception handling in Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics User's Guide.


This step provides extensions to the existing DWC_ETL_MATRIX_OCDMLKUP_MATCH mapping. This mapping is extended as shown in Table B–2:

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BRM Adapter Configuration

BRM Adapter Update B-7

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BRM Adapter Configuration

B-8 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Table B–2 ETL OCDM Lookup Extensions

Table Mapping Description

DWL_INVC_ADJ_TYP You can map BRM adjustment type to Oracle Communications Data Model for better reporting. BRM adjustments are defined in STRINGS_T table in BRM. It is recommended to consult BRM developer for detail regarding VERSION range used for adjustment type. Actual adjustments event are available in EVENT_T and EVENT_BILLING_MISC_T BRM table.

Oracle Communications Data Model specification:

1. 2% Credit reasons

2. 8% Debit reasons

3. 3% Bill settlements

4. 4% Write off

You can extend this list.

Note: refer DWL_INVC_ADJ_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table. If you are adding new entry, then make sure to add same into DWL_INVC_ADJ_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table.


1. SRC_SYS_TAB_COL_VAL - BRM adjustment value. You need to configure this according to BRM system configuration.

2. OCDM_TGT_TAB_COL_VAL - Oracle Communications Data Model mapping value. Can set any value by following Oracle Communications Data Model specifications mentioned above.

You are not allowed to change the rest of columns as these are used in adapter mapping to refer this mapping configuration.

Note: refer DWL_INVC_ADJ_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table. If you add new adjustment type then make sure to make entry into DWL_INVC_ADJ_TYP table. If you do not want to make entry into DWL_INVC_ADJ_TYP table then recommended disabling respective constraints. If not done, it might lead to BRM adapter data load failure.

DWL_INVC_ADJ_RSN You can map BRM adjustment reasons to Oracle Communications Data Model. BRM adjustments reasons are defined in STRINGS_T table in BRM. It is recommended to consult BRM developer for detail regarding VERSION and STRING_ID range used for adjustment reason.

Actual adjustments event are available in EVENT_T and EVENT_BILLING_MISC_T BRM table.

Oracle Communications Data Model specification:

1. 2% Credit reasons

2. 8% Debit reasons

3. 3% Bill settlements

4. 4% Write off

You can extend this list.

Note: refer DWL_INVC_ADJ_RSN Oracle Communications Data Model table. If you are adding new entry, then make sure to add same into DWL_INVC_ADJ_RSN Oracle Communications Data Model table.


■ SRC_SYS_TAB_COL_VAL - BRM adjustment reason. If you need to configure this according to BRM system configuration. This column value is combination of both VERSION and STRING_ID from STRINGS_T table (VERSION || '_' || STRING_ID). This helps in assigning reason codes to respective adjustment types.

■ OCDM_TGT_TAB_COL_VAL - Oracle Communications Data Model mapping value. Can set any value by following Oracle Communications Data Model specifications mentioned above.

You are not allowed to change the rest of columns as these are used in adapter mapping to refer this mapping configuration.

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BRM Adapter Configuration

BRM Adapter Update B-9

DWL_CUST_TYP You can map BRM customer residency type to Oracle Communications Data Model customer type. Different business types are defined CONFIG_BUSINESS_TYPE_T BRM table. BRM adapter moves this table data into DWL_CUST_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table.

Oracle Communications Data Model specification:

1. IND - individual customers

2. ORG - Business customers

You can extend this list.



2. OCDM_TGT_TAB_COL_VAL - Oracle Communications Data Model mapping value. Can set any value by following Oracle Communications Data Model specifications mentioned above.

You are not allowed to change the rest of columns as these are used in adapter mapping to refer this mapping configuration.

DWL_BLLG_PRD You can map BRM "BILL WHEN" to Oracle Communications Data Model mapping. You do not need to change this mapping but still recommended to review.

Oracle Communications Data Model specification:





You can extend this list.

Note: refer DWL_BLLG_PRD Oracle Communications Data Model table. If you are adding new entry, then make sure to add same into DWL_BLLG_PRD Oracle Communications Data Model table.



2. OCDM_TGT_TAB_COL_VAL - Oracle Communications Data Model mapping value. Can set any value by following Oracle Communications Data Model specifications mentioned above.

You are not allowed to change the rest of columns as these are used in adapter mapping to refer this mapping configuration.



You can configure different payment methods available in BRM system to Oracle Communications Data Model. BRM payment methods are configured in CONFIG_PAYMENT_PAY_TYPES_T BRM table. BRM adapter moves data from CONFIG_PAYMENT_PAY_TYPES_T table to DWL_PYMT_MTHD_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table.



2. OCDM_TGT_TAB_COL_VAL - Oracle Communications Data Model mapping value.

You are not allowed to change the rest of columns as these are used in adapter mapping to refer this mapping configuration.

Table B–2 (Cont.) ETL OCDM Lookup Extensions

Table Mapping Description

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BRM Adapter Configuration

B-10 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

9. Step 90 - EVENT_BAL_IMPACT_COLL_VW - create view

DWL_CALL_TYP You can configure call type using this configuration option. Balance impact category can be used to configure different call types.

Oracle Communications Data Model specification:

1. NTNL - National calls

2. LCL - Local calls

3. INTL - International calls

You can extend this list.

Note: refer DWL_CALL_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table. If you are adding new entry, then make sure to add same into DWL_CALL_TYP Oracle Communications Data Model table.


1. SRC_SYS_TAB_COL_VAL - BRM balance impact category

2. OCDM_TGT_TAB_COL_VAL - Oracle Communications Data Model mapping value for call type map.

You are not allowed to change the rest of columns as these are used in adapter mapping to refer this mapping configuration.



You can configure call termination cause. Termination cause is available in EVENT_SESSION_TLCS_T table.

Oracle Communications Data Model specification:

1. SUCC - Successful call

2. FAIL - Call failed



2. OCDM_TGT_TAB_COL_VAL - Oracle Communications Data Model mapping value for call termination.

You are not allowed to change the rest of columns as these are used in adapter mapping to refer this mapping configuration.

DWL_INVC_STAT This mapping is used configure invoice status. You do not need to make any changes to this mapping but still recommended to review. STATUS column from INVOICE_T is BRM source for invoice statues.

Oracle Communications Data Model specification:

1. 1% Invoice is open but pending (not yet physically or digitally created to dispatch)

2. 2% Invoice is created but not yet dispatched

3. 3% Invoice is created and has been sent or published for customer to see (sub-types allowed)

4. 5% Invoice has been fully paid.

5. 9% Invoice was sent but came back.

You can extend this list.

Note: refer DWL_INVC_STAT Oracle Communications Data Model table. If you are adding a new entry, then make sure to add same into DWL_INVC_STAT Oracle Communications Data Model table.


1. SRC_SYS_TAB_COL_VAL - Invoice STATUS from INVOICE_T table

2. OCDM_TGT_TAB_COL_VAL - Oracle Communications Data Model mapping value for invoice status.

You are not allowed to change the rest of columns as these are used in adapter mapping to refer this mapping configuration.

Table B–2 (Cont.) ETL OCDM Lookup Extensions

Table Mapping Description

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BRM Adapter Configuration

BRM Adapter Update B-11

This step rebuilds the EVENT_BAL_IMPACT_CALL_VW view. You do not need to review this step.

10. Step 100 - EVENT_BILLING_PAYMENT_T_MAP_VW - create view

This step rebuilds the EVENT_BILLING_PAYMENT_T_MAP_VW view. You do not need to review this step.

11. Step 120 - OCDM SYS - Disable Constraints

This step disables few of OCDM constraint.You do not need to review this step.

12. Step 130 - DWL_ADDR_TYP - insert

You can configure different address type using CONTACT_TYPE column from ACCOUNT_NAMEINFO_T table. You need to configure it same as BRM value.

13. Step 140 - DWL_BLLG_PRD - insert

You do not need to makes changes to this step. Refer step 80 for more detail.

14. Step 150 - DWL_BLLG_STAT_TYP - insert

You do not need to make changes in this step but recommended to review. Source for this mapping is BILLING_STATUS column of BILLINFO_T BRM table and OCDM target is BLLG_STAT_CD column of DWR_ACCT table.

15. Step 160 - DWL_INVC_ADJ_RSN - insert

You need to review this mapping and also verify with step 80 (DWL_INVC_ADJ_RSN)

16. Step 170 - DWL_INVC_ADJ_TYP - insert

You need to review this mapping and verify with step 80 (DWL_INVC_ADJ_TYP)

17. Step 180 - DWL_INVC_DISC_TYP - insert

You need to review this mapping and verify with Step20 (DWL_INVC_DISC_TYP)

18. Step 190 - DWL_INVC_DLVRY_TYP - insert

You can configure different invoice delivery types. STATUS from INVOICE_STATUSES_T table is BRM source. BRM adapter uses this information to find delivery type and invoice dispatch date.

19. Step 200 - BRM_ETL_PARAMETER - TO_DATE_ETL(null)

This step alters BRM_ETL_PARAMETER table, makes TO_DATE_ETL as nullable. You do not need to review this step.

20. Step 210 - BRM_ETL_LOAD_PLAN - create table

Creates table for load scheduling.You do not need to review this step.

21. Step 220 - GRANT ALL TO OCDM_SYS

22. Step 230 - grant all to ocdm_sys

Grants BRM_STG object access to OCDM_SYS schema. This is required in BRM adapter mapping. You do not need to review this step.

23. Step 240 - DWL_SRVC_TYP - insert

You do not need to review this mapping configuration.

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BRM Adapter Configuration

B-12 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

24. Step 250 - BRM_ETL_PARAMETER - insert

Deletes existing BRM_ETL_PARAMETERS and makes dummy entry. You do not need to review this step.


Updates DWL_ONOFF_NET table with proper OCDM lookup values.

26. Step 270 - dwl_rmng_typ - insert (NONROAM)

Makes entry into DWL_RMNG_TYP table for NONROAM. You do not need to review this step.

27. Step 280 - DWR_BLLG_CYCL - insert

Makes entry into DWR_BLLG_CYCL table for billing cycle. You do not need to review this step.


Makes dummy entry into DWB_INVC table.You do not need to review this step.


BRM add new call direction type as call forwarding. This step adds the entry into DWL_CALL_DRCTN table. You do not need to review this step.

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NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration C-1

CNCC Adapter Installation and Configuration

This appendix shows how to install and set up the following:

■ Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model (NCC Adapter)

■ Oracle Data Integrator components to create an operational E-LT environment

■ Oracle GoldenGate Extract and Replicat processes

This appendix includes the following sections:

■ Prerequisites for NCC Adapter Configuration

■ Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter Installation Overview

■ Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

■ Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

Note: The steps in this section can take a significant amount of time to complete.

The NCC Adapter that is installed with the Add-ons type installation feeds pre-paid billing data from the Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control application to the Oracle Communications Data Model. The NCC Adapter includes an option to feed data in real-time using Oracle GoldenGate to the Oracle Communications Data Model staging layer, or to extract, load and transform the data in batch mode using Oracle Data Integrator.

Prerequisites for NCC Adapter ConfigurationThe following are prerequisites for installing the Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model (NCC Adapter):

■ Before following the steps in this appendix you need to perform an Add-ons type installation, as described in "Types of Installations Provided for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons" on page 1-1 and in "Installer Execution" on page 3-2.

■ Before following the steps in this appendix, you need to install Oracle Data Integrator software. For more information, see "Confirming that Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition is Installed" on page C-2.

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Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter Installation Overview

C-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

■ Before following the steps in this appendix, if you select to use real-time feeds with Oracle GoldenGate, then you need to download the Goldengate software according to the NCC Adapter source database version and Oracle Communications Data Model target database version before starting this adapter installation. For more information, see "Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC Adapter" on page C-13.

■ The installation and set up steps assume the following recommended Oracle Data Integrator configuration:

– The Data Warehouse database schema is hosted on the same database instance as the ODI Repository.

Confirming that Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition is InstalledTo verify your Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition installation:

1. Start ODI Studio:

■ On UNIX operating systems: ODI_HOME/oracledi/client/odi.sh

■ On Windows you can launch ODI Studio from the Start menu. On the Start menu, select All Programs, select Oracle, select Oracle Data Integrator , and then select ODI Studio.

2. In Designer Navigator, click Connect To Repository...

The Oracle Data Integrator Login dialog is displayed.

If Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition is not installed, see "Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition" on page 2-3.

Confirming that Oracle GoldenGate is InstalledIf you install the Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model (NCC Adapter), using, installing, and configuring Oracle GoldenGate is optional depending on whether you want to use Real-time staging with the NCC Adapter.

If Oracle GoldenGate is not installed, see "Oracle GoldenGate" on page 2-4.

Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter Installation OverviewTo begin working, you need to set up ODI Master Repository and Work Repository and use Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) and optionally if you are using Oracle GoldenGate, you need to install and configure Oracle GoldenGate to perform real-time ETL.

1. Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

2. Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

Note: If you need real-time ETL optionally, install and configure ODI and Oracle GoldenGate together, that is for real-time ETL, you must first perform step 1 and then step 2.

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration C-3

Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model includes the following steps:

■ Creating the ODI Connection for NCC Adapter Repository

■ Setting up the ODI Topology

Creating the ODI Connection for NCC Adapter RepositoryTo create the ODI connection for NCC Adapter Repository, perform the following steps:

1. Start ODI Studio:

■ On UNIX operating systems: ODI_INSTALLATION_LOC/oracledi/client /odi.sh

■ On Windows you can launch ODI Studio from the Start menu. In the Start menu, select All Programs, select Oracle, select Oracle Data Integrator , and then select ODI Studio.

Figure C–1 ODI Studio Data Server Start Menu

2. In the Designer Navigator, click Connect To Repository...

Figure C–2 ODI Studio Data Server Designer Navigator

3. In the ODI Studio Data Server Login dialog box, click New.

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

C-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure C–3 ODI Studio Data Server Login Dialog Box

4. The Repository Connection Information dialog box is displayed. Enter the appropriate information, as described in Table C–1:

Figure C–4 ODI Studio Repository Connection Information Dialog Box

Table C–1 ODI Studio Data Server Repository Connection Information Tab Fields

Section Field Description

Oracle Data Integrator Connection

Login Name



Specify the Login Name. For example, NCC Adapter

Specify the default user name SUPERVISOR

Specify the default password sunopsis

Database connection (Master Repository)



Driver List



Specify the default user name ncc_odim

Specify the default password ncc_odim

Specify Oracle JDBC Driver

Specify oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

Specify in the format


For example:


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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration C-5

Click OK.

5. In the ODI Studio Data Server Login dialog box, click OK.

6. In the Topology Navigator, expand the Repositories tab. Next, expand the Work Repositories tab to select the WORKREP1 tab.

Figure C–5 ODI Studio Data Server Repositories Tab

7. Right-click the WORKREP1 tab and click Open.

Figure C–6 ODI Studio Data Server WORKREP1 Screen

If you see an error message, ignore it and click OK.

Work Repository Select Master Repository Only

Table C–1 (Cont.) ODI Studio Data Server Repository Connection Information Tab Fields

Section Field Description

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

C-6 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure C–7 ODI Studio Data Server Error Message

8. In the Work Repository Connection Information tab, click the Connection icon.

Figure C–8 ODI Studio Work Repository Connection Information Tab

9. In the Definitions tab, enter the appropriate information, as described in Table C–2:

Figure C–9 ODI Studio Data Server Definitions Tab

Table C–2 ODI Studio Data Server Connection Field and Values

Field Description

User Specify the default user name ncc_odiw

Password Specify the default password ncc_odiw

10. In the JDBC tab, enter the appropriate information, as described in Table C–3:

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration C-7

Figure C–10 ODI Studio Data Server JDBC Tab Fields and Values

Table C–3 ODI Studio Data Server JDBC Tab Fields and Values

Field Description

JDBC Driver Specify oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

JDBC URL Specify in the format jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:SID.

Replace host, port and SID with the values for the database hosting the ODI Repositories.

For example:


Click Save.

11. Click Disconnect "NCC Adapter" from the ODI drop-down list.

Figure C–11 Disconnect NCC Adapter Option in ODI Studio Data Server Menu

12. Click Edit in the ODI Studio Data Server Login dialog box.

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

C-8 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure C–12 Edit Option in the ODI Studio Data Server Login Dialog Box

13. The Repository Connection Information dialog box is displayed. In the Work Repository section, click Browse and select WORKREP1 in the text field. Click OK.

Figure C–13 ODI Studio Data Server Work Repository Connection Fields

14. Go to the ODI Studio Data Server Login dialog box and click OK.

The ODI Studio Data Server Master and Work Repository is successfully imported.

Setting up the ODI TopologyTo set up the ODI Topology, do the following:

■ Setting up the Physical Data Servers

■ Setting up the Physical Schema

■ Setting up the Logical Data Servers

Setting up the Physical Data ServersTo set up the Physical Data Servers:

1. From the Topology Navigator, display the Physical Architecture tab.

2. Expand the Technologies node.

3. Expand the Oracle node to display the Physical Data Servers.

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration C-9

Figure C–14 ODI Studio Physical Data Servers

4. Double-click the NCC_STG node to display the Data Server: Name dialog.

5. Display the Definition tab and enter the appropriate information, as described in Table C–4.

Figure C–15 ODI Studio Data Server Definition Dialog

Table C–4 ODI Studio Data Server Definition Fields and Values

Field Description

Name Do not change name of the Data Server.

Technology Do not change the default value Oracle.

Instance/dblink (Data Server) Specify a database instance name.

Use the Oracle SID name. For example, ORCL

User Specify User Name. For example, ncc_stg

This is the warehouse database user name.

Password Specify Password. For example, ncc_stg

This is default password for the warehouse database user name.

Array Fetch Size Specify a value suitable to your environment

(Do not change the default value).

Batch Update Size Specify a value suitable to your environment

(Do not change the default value).

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

C-10 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

6. Display the JDBC tab and enter the appropriate information, as described in Table C–5.

Figure C–16 ODI Studio Data Server JDBC Tab

Table C–5 ODI Studio Data Server JDBC Tab Fields and Values

Field Description

JDBC Driver Specify oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

JDBC Url Specify in the format jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:SID.

Replace host, port and SID with the values for the database hosting the ODI Repositories.

For example:


7. Click Test to display the Test Connection for: Connection dialog.

Figure C–17 ODI Studio Data Server Test Connection

8. Click the Save icon.

Note: Follow the same steps (1-8) to configure NCC_BE, NCC_CCS and OCDM_SYS Physical Data Servers.

Setting up the Physical SchemaTo set up the Physical Schema for a Data Server:

1. From the Topology Navigator, display the Physical Architecture tab.

2. Expand the Technologies node.

3. Expand the Oracle node to display the Physical Data Servers.

4. Expand the Data Server node.

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Configuring Oracle Data Integrator for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration C-11

Figure C–18 ODI Studio Physical Architecture Data Server Node

5. Double-click NCC_STG.NCC_STG to display the Physical Schema: Name dialog.

6. Display the Definition tab and enter the appropriate information, as described in Table C–6.

Figure C–19 ODI Studio Physical Schema Definition Tab

Table C–6 ODI Studio Physical Schema Definition Tab Properties and Values

Field Description

Schema (Schema) Make sure that Physical Schema is selected from the drop down list.(For example: NCC_STG)

Schema (Work Schema) Make sure that Physical Schema is selected from the drop down list.(For example: NCC_STG)

Note: Ensure that you do not change the other field values.

7. Click to save the details.

Note: Follow the same steps (1-7) to configure NCC_BE, NCC_CCS and OCDM_SYS Physical Schemas.

Setting up the Logical Data ServersTo set up the Logical Data Servers:

1. From the Topology Navigator, display the Logical Architecture tab.

2. Expand the Technologies node.

3. Expand the Oracle node to display the Logical Data Servers.

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

C-12 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure C–20 ODI Studio Logical Architecture for Logical Data Server

4. Double-click the NCC_STG_LS node to display the Logical Data Server: Name dialog.

5. Display the Definition tab.

6. Edit the NCC_STG_LS Logical Data Server and ensure that for the appropriate Context (for example, Global, Development...), the value in the Physical Schemas column is set to NCC_STG.NCC_STG (Physical Schema created in Physical Data Server).

Figure C–21 ODI Studio Logical Data Server Definition Tab

7. Click the Save icon.

Note: Follow the same steps (1-7) to configure NCC_BE_LS, NCC_CCS_LS and OCDM_SYS_LS Logical Data Server.

Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

To set up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model, perform the following steps:

■ Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC Adapter

■ Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC Adapters

■ Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC Adapter

■ Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC Adapter

■ Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Source E2BE_ADMIN for NCC Adapter

■ Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Source E2BE_ADMIN for NCC Adapter

■ Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC Adapter

■ Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Source E2BE_ADMIN for NCC Adapter

■ Starting Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC Adapter

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration C-13

Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC AdapterTo use NCC Adapter real-time capturing, installing, and configuring Oracle GoldenGate (GG), perform the following steps:

1. Change directory to the database installation path.

For example: /u02/app/oracle/product

2. Create a directory (gg) for installing Oracle GoldenGate under the product folder:

[oracle@server product]$ mkdir /u02/app/oracle/product/gg

Or, manually create the folder (gg) by going directly in the product folder:

[oracle@server product]$ export GGATE=/biaora/home/db11gR2/product/ggOr setenv GGATE /biaora/home/db11gR2/product/gg[oracle@server product]$ cd $GGATE[oracle@server gg]$

3. Copy the downloaded Oracle GoldenGate software (for example: V22228-01.zip) into gg folder (for information on downloading Oracle GoldenGate, see "Oracle GoldenGate" on page 2-4).

4. Unzip the software in the folder using following command:

[oracle@server gg]$ unzip V22228-01.zip

5. After you unzip the file, use the .tar extension file to extract Oracle GoldenGate.

6. Extract the Oracle GoldenGate .tar file using the following command:

[oracle@server gg] tar -xf filename.tar

7. Now export the path to GG libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH using the command:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/u02/app/oracle/product/ggor,


8. Now start the GG command line utility (ggsci):

[oracle@server gg]$. /ggsci

This command connects you to the Oracle GoldenGate server.

For example:

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle Version Build 078 Linux, x86, 32bit (optimized), Oracle 11 on Jul 28 2010 13:22:25 Copyright (C) 1995, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

9. Create the necessary working directories for Oracle GoldenGate:

GGSCI (server.oracle.com) 1> create subdirsGGSCI (server.oracle.com) 2> exit[oracle@server gg]$ mkdir $GGATE/diroby

10. After these steps Oracle GoldenGate is installed.

After you install Oracle GoldenGate, you prepare and configure the source and target database for Oracle GoldenGate Replication.

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Note: Steps 1 to 10 in "Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC Adapter" are common for both source (CCS_ADMIN and E2BE_ADMIN) and target systems.

Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

C-14 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC AdaptersTo set up Oracle GoldenGate Schema, perform the following steps:

1. Create Oracle GoldenGate schema:

SQL>sqlplus / as sysdba;SQL> create user ggate identified by ggate default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;

Note: For Oracle GoldenGate schema, the default password is set during the setup phase. For example, ggate. To change the password, change the default password in the related prm and oby files. For more information, see "Edit Oracle GoldenGate schema and password."

2. Grant privileges to Oracle GoldenGate schema:

SQL> grant connect, resource, unlimited tablespace to ggate;SQL> grant select any dictionary to ggate;SQL> grant execute on utl_file to ggate;SQL> grant alter any table to ggate;SQL> grant create table to ggate;SQL> grant select any table, insert any table, update any table, deleteany table to ggate;SQL>exit;

3. Copy the target configuration file to the $GGATE directory. The files for the target are generated at the following location:


Copy the files to $GGATEE using the same directory structure.

■ Copy file in $ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/addon/adapter/ncc/goldengate_param/stg

■ Copy file in $ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/addon/adapter/ncc/goldengate_param/stg

4. Edit Oracle GoldenGate schema and password.

The default schema and password are ggate.

■ Edit file $GGATE/diroby/ ncc_ogg_stg.oby according to the environment. Use the correct value in the following command:


■ Edit the file $GGATE/dirprm/ globals.prm according to the environment. Change the value in the following command:


5. Config the manager port. The default manager port at the target is 7809. If required , edit the port in the file:


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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration C-15


The default NCC_SRC schema is ncc_src_demo,the default NCC_STG schema is ncc_stg. Edit the file $GGATEE/dirprm/ rep1.prm and $GGATEE/dirprm/ rep2.prm , change schema names according to the environment. For example:

Change file in rep1.prm




7. Add the Replicat group.

Execute the following command on the target system to add a delivery group named repncc and repbe.

[oracle@server gg]$ $GGATE/./ggsci paramfile $GGATE/diroby/ ncc_ogg_stg_cdc_cmd.oby

You can run the batch commands in ncc_ogg_stg_cdc_cmd.oby to see the result of each single command. For example,

1. Log in to Oracle GoldenGate schema:


2. Execute the following:

GGSCI (slc00tcw)>DBLOGIN USERID ggate, PASSWORD ggateGGSCI (slc00tcw)>ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE ggate.ggschkptGGSCI (slc00tcw)> ADD REPLICAT rep2, EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/rb, checkpointtable ggate.ggschkptGGSCI (slc00tcw)> ADD REPLICAT rep1, EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/rc, checkpointtable ggate.ggschkpt

Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC AdapterFollow the same steps in "Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC Adapter" to install Oracle GoldenGate in source system where CCS_ADMIN schema is located.

Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC AdapterTo set up Oracle GoldenGate Schema, perform the following steps:

1. Switch the database server to archive log mode.

Connect to sqlplus from oracle user:

[oracle@server dbhome_1]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL> shutdown immediateSQL> startup mountSQL> alter database archivelog;SQL> alter database open;

2. Enable minimal supplemental logging:

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

C-16 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

SQL> alter database add supplemental log data;

Switch log to start supplemental logging:


Verify supplemental logging is enabled (with the following command showing a result: 'YES').


3. Prepare the database to support database replication. Turn off recyclebin for the database:

SQL> alter system set recyclebin=off scope=spfile;

4. Create Oracle GoldenGate schema:

SQL> create user ggate identified by ggate default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;

Note: For Oracle GoldenGate schema, the default password is set during the setup phase. For example, ggate. To change the password, change the default password in the related prm and oby files. For more information, see Edit Oracle GoldenGate schema and password. "Edit ggate default schema and password".

5. Grant necessary privileges to Oracle GoldenGate schema:

SQL> grant connect, resource, unlimited tablespace to ggate;SQL> grant select any dictionary to ggate;SQL> grant select any table to ggate;SQL> grant alter any table to ggate;SQL> grant flashback any table to ggate;SQL> grant execute on dbms_flashback to ggate;SQL> Grant alter any table to ggate; SQL> grant execute on utl_file to ggate;SQL> exit;

To do Trandata, you need to enable supplemental logging on the source. To enable Supplemental logging, use the following command:

alter database add supplemental log data;

6. Copy source config file to $GGATE directory. The files for the source system are generated at the following location:


Note: Files in $ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/addon/adapter/ncc/goldengate_param/src/src_be are configuration files for source where e2be_admin schema located.

These files must be copied on the source to the following location $GGATEE using the same directory structure:

■ Copy files in goldengate_param/src/src_ccs/dirprm to $GGATEE/dirprm

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration C-17

■ Copy files in goldengate_param/src/src_ccs/diroby to $GGATEE/diroby

7. Config manager port. The default manager port at source is 7890. As required, edit this port in the file:


8. Config RMTHOST. Change the RMTHOST and MGRPORT in dpump.prm files in the $GGATEE/dirprm directory as required for your working environment:

RMTHOST Remote Host Name, MGRPORT Port

For example:

rmthost slc00tcw, mgrport 7809

9. Config CCS_ADMIN schema at EXTRACT. The default CCS_ADMIN schema for the NCC Adapter is NCC_SRC_DEMO. Change the source schema name according to your source schemas. For example, change schema NCC_SRC_ DEMO to CCS_ADMIN.

■ Change NCC_CCS schema at $GGATE/dirprm/ext1.prm. For example, change Table ncc_src_demo.CCS_BALANCE_TYPE; to Table CCS_ADMIN. CCS_BALANCE_TYPE;

■ Change CCS_ADMIN schema at $GGATE/dirprm/dpump.prm. For example, change Table ncc_src_demo.CCS_BALANCE_TYPE; to Table CCS_ADMIN.CCS_BALANCE_TYPE;

■ Change CCS_ADMIN schema at $GGATE/diroby/ ncc_ogg_src_cdc_cmd_101_sms.oby. For example, change ADD TRANDATA ncc_src_demo.* to ADD TRANDATA CCS_ADMIN.*

10. Configure Change Capture using a Data Pump. The goals of this method are to:

■ Configure and add the Extract process that will capture changes

■ Add the local trail that will store these changes.

■ Configure and add a data pump Extract to read the local trail and create a remote trail on the target.

■ Add the remote trail.

Execute the following command on the source CCS_ADMIN system to define an extract group named ext1 and to define a data pump extract named dpump to pull data from the local Oracle GoldenGate trail and route these changes to Oracle GoldenGate on the target.

[oracle@server gg]$ $GGATE/./ggsci paramfile $GGATE/diroby/ ncc_ogg_src_cdc_cmd_101_sms.oby

Note: In most cases, run the batch commands in the oby file one by one manually in the Oracle GoldenGate command line util ggsci.

Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Source E2BE_ADMIN for NCC AdapterFollow the same steps in "Installing Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC Adapter" to install Oracle GoldenGate in source system where E2BE_ADMIN schema is located.

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

C-18 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Source E2BE_ADMIN for NCC AdapterFollow the same steps in "Configuring Oracle GoldenGate on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC Adapter" to configure Oracle GoldenGate in source system where E2BE_ADMIN schema is located.

Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC AdapterTo start Oracle GoldenGate schema on source, perform the following steps:

1. Log in to Oracle GoldenGate schema:


2. Start running the Manager:

GGSCI (gbr40193) 1> star mgr

3. Start all extract processes:

GGSCI (gbr40193) 2> star er *

4. Check the processes status:

GGSCI (gbr40193) 3> info all

Figure C–22 The Processes Status for NCC Adapter on Source

Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Source E2BE_ADMIN for NCC AdapterFollow the same steps in "Starting Oracle GoldenGate Processes on Source CCS_ADMIN for NCC Adapter" to start processes in the source server where E2BE_ADMIN schema is located.

Starting Oracle GoldenGate on Target for NCC AdapterTo start Oracle GoldenGate schema on source, perform the following steps:

1. Start running the Manager:

GGSCI (slc00tcw) 17>start mgr

2. Start all replicat processes:

GGSCI (slc00tcw) 18>start er *

3. Check the processes status:

GGSCI (slc00tcw) 19> info all

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

NCC Adapter Installation and Configuration C-19

Figure C–23 The Processes Status for NCC Adapter on Target

Oracle GoldenGate Process Checking Command ReferenceTable C–7 provides a summary of Oracle GoldenGate process commands. Note: Run these commands from GGSCI.

Table C–7 Oracle GoldenGate Process Commands Summary

Process Area Commands

To Start All Services Manager: Start Manager

Extract: Start Extract Extract Group

Replicate: Start Replicat Replicat Group

Extract & Replicat: Start ER *

To Stop All Services Manager: Stop Manager

Extract: Stop Extract Extract Group

Replicate: Stop Replicat Replicat Group

Extract & Replicat: Stop ER *

To Check Services Status All Services: Info All

Manager: Info Mgr

Extract: Info Extract Extract Group

Replicate: Info Replicat Replicat Group

To View Report Extract: View Report Extract Group

Replicate: View Report Replicat Group

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Setting Up Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Communications Data Model NCC Adapter

C-20 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

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Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps D-1

DOracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps

This appendix describes the prerequisites and postinstallation steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics. It includes the following sections:

■ Prerequisites for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

■ Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

Prerequisites for Oracle Communications Billing AnalyticsThe following are the prerequisites for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics (BA):

■ Before the postinstallation steps in this appendix, you must install the Billing Analytics component.

■ Before the postinstallation steps in this appendix, you must install Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) To complete the Billing Analytics Repository merge on a Windows system, you must use Oracle BI Administration Tool version and Repository version 325 or above.

■ Before the postinstallation steps in this appendix, you must configure Oracle Communications Data Model sample reports on Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)

■ Before the postinstallation steps in this appendix, you must copy the Billing Analytics repository files from the following Oracle Communications Data Model location:


Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing AnalyticsThis section contains the following topics:

■ Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Repository Merge

■ Oracle Communications Billing Analytics webcat Merge

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Repository MergeTo complete the repository merge for the Oracle Communications Billing Analytics, perform the following steps:

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

D-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

1. Start the Oracle BI Administration Tool. In the Create New Repository - Repository Information screen, enter the appropriate details, as described in Table D–1:

Figure D–1 Oracle BI Administration Tool Repository Information Screen

Table D–1 Oracle BI Admin Tool Repository Information Screen Fields

Field Description

Create Repository Select the Binary option

Name Specify the default Name Dummy.rpd

Location Retain the default location.

import Metadata Select No

Repository Password Specify a password

Retype Password Specify the same password

Click Finish.

2. Select the current OCDM repository in the Oracle BI Administration Tool.

Figure D–2 Oracle BI Administration Tool

3. From the File menu, select Merge.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps D-3

Figure D–3 Oracle BI Administration Tool Billing Analytics Screen

4. The Merge Repository Wizard screen is displayed. Select Select Input Files and enter the appropriate information, as described in Table D–2:

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

D-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure D–4 Oracle BI Administration Tool Select Input Files Tab

Table D–2 Oracle BI Admin Tool Merge Repository Wizard Screen Fields

Field Description

Merge Type Select the Full Repository Merge option

Original Master Repository Click Select and select the default dummy.rpd repository

Repository Password Specify a password

Modified Repository Click Select and select the current OCDM repository

Repository Password Specify the default password Odwt123456

Current Repository No changes as this field is grayed out

Save Merged Repository as Click Select and select the merged repository

Repository Password Specify a password

Click Next.

5. Select Define Merge Strategy in the Merge Repository Wizard screen. You will see the current repositories listed in the Conflicts section. Select Current from the Decision drop-down list for all the current repositories.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps D-5

Figure D–5 Oracle BI Administration Tool Define Merge Strategy Tab

Click Finish.

Note: The Repository Merge may require a significant amount of time to complete, based on the size of the repositories.

When the Repository Merge is complete, it is saved in the Save Merged Repository field as shown in step 4:

Figure D–6 Oracle BI Administration Tool Repository Merge ocdm.rpd

6. Validate the information in the Connection Pool screen and enter the appropriate information, as described in Table D–3:

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

D-6 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure D–7 Oracle BI Administration Tool Connection Pool Screen

Table D–3 Oracle BI Admin Tool Connection Pool Fields

Field Description

Name Specify the default Name Connection Pool

Call Interface Select Default (OCI 10g/11g) from the drop-down list.

Maximum Connections Select 10 from the drop-down list.

Data source name Specify the data source name. The name can be the TNS name or the TNS description.

Shared logon Select the check box

User Name Specify a user name

Password Specify a password

Enable connection pooling Select the check box

Timeout Select 5 minutes from the drop-down list.

Use multithreaded connections

Select the check box

Parameters supported Select the check box

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics webcat MergeTo complete the webcat merge for the Oracle Communications Billing Analytics, perform the following steps:

1. Check the billing_analytics directory at the following location:


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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps D-7

2. Verify the webcat sample reports for the current OBIEE.

3. Login to Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g and perform the following steps:

1. Expand the Business Intelligence tab and click coreapplication

2. Click Deployment and then click Repository

3. In the BI Presentation Catalog, verify the catalog location:


Figure D–8 Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g coreapplication Tab

4. In the ocdmwebcat, change the directory name to Shared folder.

Figure D–9 ocdmwebcat Directory

If there are existing billing+analytics and billing+analytics.atr folders, delete it.

5. Copy billing+analytics and billing+analytics.atr folders from the billing_analytics webcat to ocdmwebcat.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

D-8 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure D–10 billing_analytics to ocdmwebcat Folder

6. In instanceconfig.xml , perform the following steps:

■ Update instanceconfig.xml to update account GUIDS after webcat merge. The instanceconfig.xml is available at the following location:


■ Search for Catalog in instanceconfig.xml

Figure D–11 Catalog in instanceconfig.xml

■ Add <UpdateAccountGUIDs>UpdateAndExit</UpdateAccountGUIDs>

Figure D–12 Adding GUIDs in instanceconfig.xml

7. In NQSConfig.INI file, perform the following steps:

■ Update NQSConfig.INI to update roles and users reference GUIDS. The NQSConfig.INI file is available at the following location:


■ Search for FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS in the NQSConfig.INI file.

Figure D–13 NQSConfig.INI file

■ Update the FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS to refresh GUIDS for users and roles.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps D-9

Figure D–14 Refresh GUIDS for Users and Roles

8. In Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g, expand the Business Intelligence tab, click coreapplication, and then click Lock and Edit Configuration.

Figure D–15 Oracle Enterprise Manager Lock and Edit Configuration Tab

After the lock is set, upload the merged repository.

Figure D–16 Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g coreapplication Tab

9. Next, restart OBIEE using opmnctl by performing the following steps:

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

D-10 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

■ Run $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl stopall

■ Run $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startall

■ Run $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl status

Figure D–17 Processes in Instance Screenshot

Note: The status for OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent must be in Down state.

10. Revert the instanceconfig.xml and NQSConfig.INI changes added in step 6 and step 7.

Figure D–18 Processes in Instance Screenshot

Restart OBIEE.

Note: The status for all the ias-components must be in active state.

11. Login to Oracle Communications Billing Analytics. Select Dashboard and expand the Billing Analytics dashboard. The BA Dashboards tab will be displayed.

Figure D–19 Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Dashboard Tab

12. Click BA Dashboards to view the Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Homepage.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Postinstallation Steps D-11

Figure D–20 Oracle Communications Billing Analytics Homepage

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

D-12 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

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Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-1

EOracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps

This appendix describes the postinstallation steps and additional configuration steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics (SNA). It includes the following sections:

■ Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

■ Additional Configuration Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

This section contains the following topics:

■ Non-Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Tasks

■ Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Tasks

Non-Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition TasksThe non-Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) tasks consists of the following optional topic:

Modifying the Degree of ParallelismPerform the following steps to modify the Degree of Parallelism (DOP):

1. Install Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics (SNA) on Oracle Communications Data Model Core or Oracle Communications Data Model Sample. SNA Schema objects are installed with DOP = 1, by default.

2. To modify the DOP, use the following script:

$ cd ORACLE_HOME/ocdm/addon/analytics/sna/install/sql

3. Login to ocdm_sys and ocdm_sample schema, if applicable. Change the DOP using the following script:

SQL> @ocdm_sna_alter_parallel.sql

4. When prompted, enter a new value for DOP and press Enter.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

E-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition TasksThe Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition consists of the following topics:

■ Importing Users and Groups

■ Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for Social Network Analytics

■ Creating Social Network Analytics Roles

■ Creating Social Network Analytics Application Policies

■ Altering Privileges

Importing Users and GroupsPerform the following steps to import the users and groups for the OBIEE task.

1. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. Expand the Services list and click Security Realms.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-3

Figure E–1 Oracle WebLogic Server Admin Console Security Realms Screen

2. Click Migration and then click Import in the Settings for the myrealm section. Enter the following path in the Import Directory on Server field:


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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

E-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure E–2 Oracle WebLogic Server Admin Console Screen

Click Save.

Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for Social Network AnalyticsTo set up OBIEE for SNA, following are the details of users, groups, and application roles:

Table E–1 Users, Groups, and Application Roles

User Group Application Role

sna ocdm_sna_admin_grp ocdm_sna_admin_approle

sna1 ocdm_sna_admin_grp ocdm_sna_admin_approle

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-5

In Table E–1, the default user login of SNA Webcat is sna and the default password is sna12345. For all other users, the default user login is sna1/2/3/4/5/6 and the password is welcome1.

Creating Social Network Analytics RolesPerform the following steps to create the SNA roles:

1. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. Expand the Business Intelligence list and click coreapplication.

From the Business Intelligence Instance drop-down list, select Security, and then click Application Roles.

sna2 ocdm_sna_admin_grp ocdm_sna_admin_approle

sna3 ocdm_sna_user_grp ocdm_sna_user_approle

sna4 ocdm_sna_user_grp ocdm_sna_user_approle

sna5 ocdm_sna_viewer_grp ocdm_sna_viewer_approle

sna6 ocdm_sna_viewer_ltd_grp ocdm_sna_viewer_ltd_approle

Table E–1 (Cont.) Users, Groups, and Application Roles

User Group Application Role

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

E-6 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure E–3 Oracle WebLogic Server Admin Console Application Roles Tab

2. Define roles with the display name and description and assign groups to roles.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-7

Figure E–4 Oracle WebLogic Server Admin Console Application Roles Tab

Creating Social Network Analytics Application PoliciesPerform the following steps to create the SNA application policies:

1. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. Expand the Business Intelligence list and click coreapplication.

From the Business Intelligence Instance drop-down list, select Security, and then click Application Policies.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

E-8 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure E–5 Oracle WebLogic Server Admin Console Application Policies Tab

2. Assign privileges to application roles.

The admin and users roles are assigned the manageRepositories and manageCatalog privileges.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-9

Figure E–6 Oracle WebLogic Console Admin and Users Roles

The viewer and viewer limited are assigned the manageRepositories privilege.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

E-10 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure E–7 Oracle WebLogic Server Admin Console Viewer Roles

Altering PrivilegesPerform the following steps to alter privileges:

■ Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. In the upper right pane, click Administration.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-11

Figure E–8 Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Screen

■ Click Manage Privileges.

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E-12 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure E–9 Oracle WebLogic Console Manage Privileges Option

■ Edit the OBIEE Presentation Services Privileges relating to ocdm_sna_* users or roles:

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-13

Figure E–10 OBIEE Presentation Services Privileges Screen 1

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

E-14 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure E–11 OBIEE Presentation Services Privileges Screen 2

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-15

Figure E–12 OBIEE Presentation Services Privileges Screen 3

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

E-16 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure E–13 OBIEE Presentation Services Privileges Screen 4

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Additional Configuration Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-17

Figure E–14 OBIEE Presentation Services Privileges Screen 5

Additional Configuration Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

This section contains the following topics:

■ Modifying Server Configuration File

■ Location Alias for Social Network Analytics Action Links

■ Setting Up the Social Network Analytics Graphical Component

■ Configuring Writeback Templates for Social Network Analytics

■ Presentation Services Configuration File

■ Merging Social Network Analytics rpd

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Additional Configuration Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

E-18 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

■ Merging Social Network Analytics Webcat

■ Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence

Modifying Server Configuration FilePerform the following steps for modifying the server configuration file:

Modify NQSConfig.INI at the following location:


The default setting is 0. Change the setting to 1.

# EVALUATE_SUPPORT_LEVEL:# 1: evaluate is supported for users with manageRepositories permission# 2: evaluate is supported for any user# other: evaluate is not supported if the value is anything elseEVALUATE_SUPPORT_LEVEL = 1;

Location Alias for Social Network Analytics Action LinksSet up an action link location alias for current server with logical name snaactionsrv by performing the following steps:

1. Modify the file ActionFrameworkConfig.xml located at the following directory:


2. Edit the file information:

<aliases> <location-alias> <alias>snaactionsrv</alias> <actual>testsystem.com:7001</actual> </location-alias> <location-alias> <alias>localactionsrv</alias> <actual>localhost:7001</actual> </location-alias> </aliases>

Setting Up the Social Network Analytics Graphical ComponentPerform the following steps to set up the SNA graphical component:

■ Use the files from the following location:


Use the notes from the following location:


■ Use the ant utility to install the SNA graphical component. To ensure that MW_HOME and other environment variables are set, run the following commands:

$ echo $SHELL/bin/bash$ export MW_HOME=/biaora/home/MWHome

# start Node Manager

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Additional Configuration Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-19

$ cd $MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/bin$ . ./setWLSEnv.sh &

■ Customize the following ant command:

ant -f deploySNAViewer.xml deploy -DWL_HOME=/biaora/home/MWHome # your MW Home directory-DWL_PORT=7001 -DWL_DOMAIN=bifoundation_domain -DWL_USER=sna -DWL_PASS=sna12345 -DDB_HOST=testsystem.com # your db server-DDB_PORT=1521-DDB_NAME=orcl -DDB_USER=ocdm_sna-DDB_PASS=ocdm_sna

For example,

ant -f deploySNAViewer.xml deploy -DWL_HOME=/biaora/home/MWHome -DWL_PORT=7001 -DWL_DOMAIN=bifoundation_domain -DWL_USER=sna -DWL_PASS=sna12345 -DDB_HOST=testsystem.com -DDB_PORT=1521 -DDB_NAME=orcl -DDB_USER=ocdm_sna -DDB_PASS=ocdm_sna

Check for errors in the ant command.

Configuring Writeback Templates for Social Network Analytics Perform the following steps to configure the writerback templates for SNA:

■ Use the files from the following location:


■ Add the files to the custom messages folder of the presentation services on the OBIEE server. For example, BI_INSTANCE_HOME/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes/customMessages

■ Restart the Oracle BI Presentation Services component coreapplication_obips1.

Alternately, you can restart all the Oracle BI Presentation Services.

Presentation Services Configuration FilePerform the following steps for the Presentation Services configuration file:

■ Modify the Presentation Services configuration file instanceconfig.xml at the following location:


■ Edit the Views tag:

<Views> <Cube> <CubeMaxRecords>80000</CubeMaxRecords> <CubeMaxPopulatedCells>240000</CubeMaxPopulatedCells> </Cube> <Pivot>

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Additional Configuration Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

E-20 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

<MaxPagesToRollOutInDelivery>2000</MaxPagesToRollOutInDelivery> <MaxVisibleColumns>2000</MaxVisibleColumns> <MaxVisiblePages>10000</MaxVisiblePages> <MaxVisibleRows>5000</MaxVisibleRows> <MaxVisibleSections>9000</MaxVisibleSections> <DefaultRowsDisplayed>25</DefaultRowsDisplayed> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager--> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery>75</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager--> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>7500</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager--> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--> <DisableAutoPreview>false</DisableAutoPreview> </Pivot> <Table> <MaxCells>200000</MaxCells> <MaxPagesToRollOutInDelivery>8000</MaxPagesToRollOutInDelivery> <MaxVisiblePages>10000</MaxVisiblePages> <MaxVisibleRows>5000</MaxVisibleRows> <MaxVisibleSections>8000</MaxVisibleSections> <DefaultRowsDisplayed>25</DefaultRowsDisplayed> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager--> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery>75</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager--> <!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control--> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>7500</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload> </Table> <Trellis> <Simple> <MaxCells>1000</MaxCells> <MaxVisibleSections>10</MaxVisibleSections> <MaxVisiblePages>1000</MaxVisiblePages> <MaxVisibleRows>100</MaxVisibleRows> <MaxVisibleColumns>75</MaxVisibleColumns> <MaxPagesToRollOutInDelivery>1000</MaxPagesToRollOutInDelivery> <DefaultRowsDisplayed>10</DefaultRowsDisplayed> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery>100</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>6500</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload> </Simple> <Advanced> <MaxCells>5000</MaxCells> <MaxVisibleSections>50</MaxVisibleSections> <MaxVisiblePages>1000</MaxVisiblePages> <MaxVisibleRows>250</MaxVisibleRows> <MaxVisibleColumns>150</MaxVisibleColumns>

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Additional Configuration Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics Postinstallation Steps E-21

<MaxPagesToRollOutInDelivery>1000</MaxPagesToRollOutInDelivery> <DefaultRowsDisplayed>25</DefaultRowsDisplayed> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery>250</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery> <DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload>10000</DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload> </Advanced> </Trellis> <Charts> <MaxVisibleColumns>2000</MaxVisibleColumns> <MaxVisiblePages>10000</MaxVisiblePages> <MaxVisibleRows>5000</MaxVisibleRows> <MaxVisibleSections>8000</MaxVisibleSections> <JavaHostReadLimitInKB>16384</JavaHostReadLimitInKB> </Charts> <Narrative> <MaxRecords>80000</MaxRecords> <DefaultRowsDisplayed>25</DefaultRowsDisplayed> </Narrative> <Ticker> <MaxRecords>80000</MaxRecords> </Ticker> </Views>

■ Edit the ODBC tag:

<ODBC><!--This Configuration setting is managed by Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Manager--><ResultRowLimit>100000</ResultRowLimit></ODBC>

Merging Social Network Analytics rpd Merge SNA rpd into OCDM rpd.. Ensure that you include the variables and initialization blocks when merging SNA rpd into OCDM rpd..

Merging Social Network Analytics Webcat Merge OCDM sample reports with SNA reports by performing the following steps:

■ Create a new shared folder and set the relevant permissions and privileges. For example, Shared Folder/Social Network Analytics.

■ SNA webcat contains a shared folder Social Network Analytics with alias sna. Copy and merge the new shared folder Shared Folder/Social Network Analytics into the existing webcat which is used for Billing Analytics, OCDM sample reports, and other adapters. All the SNA objects are located within the new shared folder Shared Folder/Social Network Analytics.

Starting and Stopping Oracle Business IntelligenceFor information on starting and stopping Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI), refer "Using Fusion Middleware Control to Start and Stop Oracle Business Intelligence System Components and Java Components" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

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Additional Configuration Steps for Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

E-22 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

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Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Preinstallation Steps F-1

FOracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Preinstallation Steps

This appendix covers the following topics:

■ Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Hardware Requirements

■ Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Software Requirements

■ Preinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Hardware Requirements

For installation of Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Add-on, the minimum hardware requirement is disk space of at least 500 GB.

The following hardware requirements are specified to achieve the published performance numbers for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics:

■ Oracle Communications Data Model must be installed on a server with a minimum of 16 CPU Cores and 128 GB Physical Memory (RAM).

■ Oracle Communications Data Model must be installed on a server with a minimum of 12 disks, in addition to system disks, dedicated for analytics data throughput and storage. Disks must be setup in RAID 10 Configuration. Each disk should be a minimum of 600 GB making it 3.6 TB of usable storage in a RAID 10(mirrored) configuration. This is important to have enough disks to achieve published throughput and data storage. This will allow PER storage for three days at maximum throughput before purge process starts. For longer term PER and Analytics storage, adding more disks is required.

■ Minimum Disk specifications: 2.5 inch 600Gb SAS (Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s) 10,000rpm.

■ Policy Adapter Server must be installed on a server with a minimum of 8 CPU Cores and 64 GB Physical Memory (RAM).

Note: System has been tested on a Sun Fire X4-2L server. This information has been provided as a reference.

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Software Requirements

The following software requirements are specified to achieve the published performance numbers:

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Oracle Communications Policy Integration Software Requirements

F-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

■ Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure for 11g Release 2 for a standalone server. Create a diskgroup with redundancy level set to "External".

■ Oracle 11g Release 2 Database instance must be default initialized as a Bigfile tablespace configuration.

Oracle Communications Policy Integration Software RequirementsThe following software requirements are required for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics:

■ Use of Policy Server release 10.5 and above is required.

Preinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

The Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Add-on Release requires that you first install Oracle Communications Data Model.

Before you install Oracle Communications Data Model do the following:

1. Ensure Oracle database instance was created with Bigfile tablespaces before running the tablespace creation commands listed in this section. Note: if Oracle database instance was not created with Bigfile tablespaces, connect to the Oracle database as user SYS and run the following command:


2. Log in to SQL*Plus as user SYS and add Oracle Communications Data Model tablespaces with the commands as shown in this step for the tablespaces listed in Table F–1.

Table F–1 Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Bigfile Tablespaces

Tablespace Description

TBS_AGGREGATE This tablespace stores Oracle Communications Data Model aggregated data.

TBS_AGGREGATE_INDX This tablespace stores indexes created on aggregated tables.

TBS_BASE This tablespace stores base tables data. Tables within this tablespace store data at granular level and it is recommended to assign large enough space for this tablespace for your expected future needs.

TBS_BASE_INDX This tablespace stores indexes for base tables

TBS_DERIVED This tablespace stores derived table data. Base table data is aggregated at the day level and stored in derived tables.

TBS_DERIVED_INDX This tablespace stores derived table indexes.

TBS_REFERENCE This tablespace stores reference tables.

TBS_REFERENCE_INDX This tablespace stores reference table indexes.

TBS_LOOKUP This tablespace stores lookup tables.

TBS_LOOKUP_INDX This tablespace stores lookup table indexes.

TBS_MV This tablespace stores materialized views.

TBS_OCDM This tablespace stores Oracle Communications Data Model and Policy OLAP data.

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Note: In these commands replace <DATA File location> with the ASM disk group.

Preinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Preinstallation Steps F-3













3. Install Oracle Communications Data Model. When you run the Oracle Communications Data Model installation after completing step 2, you are prompted for the <Data File Location> for each of these tablespaces. Use the same value as you used in step 2 for each tablespace. These commands override the values specified in the Oracle Communications Data Model installer. So any erroneous entry for a Data file location name specified in the Oracle Communications Data Model installation should not cause problems.

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Preinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

F-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

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Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps G-1

GOracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps

This appendix describes the preinstallation and postinstallation steps and additional configuration steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics. It includes the following sections:

■ Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

■ Policy Management Adapter Installation

■ Policy Management Adapter Postinstallation Steps

■ Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Constraints

Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

This section covers the following topics:

■ Prerequisites for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

■ Oracle Communications Data Model Policy Business Intelligence Only

■ Merge Policy BI Repository with Existing Repository and Webcat

■ Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Configuration

Prerequisites for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging AnalyticsThe following are the prerequisites for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics:

■ Preinstalallation Steps have been completed as outlined in Appendix F, "Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Preinstallation Steps".

■ Oracle Communications Data Model and Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics component is installed. For more information, see "Installation of Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons" on page 3-1.

■ Before the postinstallation steps in this appendix, you must install Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)

■ To complete the Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Repository merge on a Windows system, you must use Oracle BI Administration Tool version and Repository version 325 or above.

■ Before performing the postinstallation steps in this appendix, perform the postinstallation steps for Oracle Database parameters, as specified in

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

G-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

"Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Database Parameter Changes".

■ Before the postinstallation steps in this appendix the repository is copied or downloaded into the local system from Oracle Communications Data Model installation location. For example, copy the zip file to your local system from:


The plcy_bi.zip zip file contains policy webcat and repository.

Policy Analytics BI can be installed in either of two ways:

■ Oracle Communications Data Model Policy Business Intelligence Only

■ Merge Policy BI Repository with Existing Repository and Webcat

Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Database Parameter ChangesThe following post install steps are required to achieve the published performance figures. Perform these steps to resize Oracle Database tablespace and change oracle parameters. Connect to Oracle database using sqlplus as "sys" user specify the following command:


where: G stands for Gigabytes.

Replace XXX with the amount of storage to be assigned. The value depends on the amount of storage available. In general you allocate 40% of your available storage for this tablespace.

With 3.6 TB of storage, PERs are stored for a Maximum of 3 days.


Oracle Communications Data Model Policy Business Intelligence OnlyWith this type of installation Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is dedicated to Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics. In this case you copy plcy_bi.zip onto the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition server and perform following tasks:

1. Unzip plcy_bi.zip. This creates the plcy_bi directory in the current working directory.

2. Change directory to the plcy_bi directory. The directory contains the RPD file ocdm_policy.rpd and the ocdm_policy directory.

3. Copy the ocdm_policy directory to:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/$COMPONENT_NAME/catalog/cp -r ocdm_policy $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/$COMPONENT_NAME/catalog/

4. Open ocdm_policy.rpd using OBIEE Administrator client tool as shown in Figure G–1 (on a Windows system).

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps G-3

Figure G–1 Oracle BI Administration Tool

5. Validate Connection Pool information and change accordingly, (see Figure G–2).

Figure G–2 Oracle Communications Data Model Policy Connection Pool Administration

a. For inset 1 shown in Figure G–2, Double click OCDM_POLICY_LOCAL in the navigator to open the connection pool.

b. For inset 2 shown in Figure G–2, change the Data source name accordingly. It can be a TNS name or a TNS description. The TNS description must be a single line.

c. For inset 3 shown in Figure G–2, enter the OCDM_SYS password and confirm the password when exiting the connection pool.

d. Next, click OK to exit.

e. Then SAVE repository changes.

f. Enter Yes for Global Consistency check (see Figure G–3). This process might take some time.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

G-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure G–3 Oracle BI Administration Global Consistency

6. Open oracle enterprise manager (http://<machine name>:7001/em/).

Enter login credentials.

7. Navigate to deployment -> repository tab, as shown in Figure G–4.

Farm_bifoundation_domain => Business Intelligence => coreapplication => Deployment => Repository

Figure G–4 BI Deployment Repository

8. Lock and Edit configuration in order to make changes as shown in Figure G–5. Then close the confirmation screen.

Figure G–5 BI Deployment Repository Lock and Edit Configuration

9. Enter values and upload ocdm_policy.rpd, as shown in Figure G–6.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps G-5

Figure G–6 Oracle BI Deployment Repository Upload BI Server Repository File

■ Repository file: ocdm_policy.rpd

■ Repository password: <password>

■ Confirm password: <password>

■ Catalog location:


■ Apply Changes and then Activate Changes

10. Perform the configuration as shown in "Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Configuration" on page G-11.

Merge Policy BI Repository with Existing Repository and WebcatUsing this option, Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is already used for other purposes and Policy BI is installed on top of an existing repository and webcat. This is a two step process:

■ Repository Merge

■ Webcat Merge

Repository Merge1. Create a new repository using the admin tool and do not import metadata.

Provide a name for the new repository. For example, Dummy.rpd as shown in Figure G–7.

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G-6 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure G–7 Policy BI Merge Create New Repository Page

2. Open Oracle BI Administration Tool and Open Current Oracle Communications Data Model core RPD to merge, as shown in Figure G–8.

Figure G–8 Oracle BI Administration Tool Showing Business Model

3. Go to File and select Merge....

Figure G–9 Oracle BI Administration Tool Start Merge Wizard

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps G-7

4. The Merge Repository Wizard page appears, as shown in Figure G–10.

Figure G–10 Oracle BI Administration Tool Merge Repository Wizard

■ Merge Type select Full Repository Merge.

■ Original Master Repository: <path>/dummy.rpd

Repository Password: <password>

Select dummy.rpd (created in Step 1).

■ Modified Repository: ocdm_policy.rpd.

Repository Password: <password>

■ Current Repository: <Auto selected>

The currently opened repository is selected.

■ Save Merged Repository as: ocdm_core_policy.rpd.

Repository Password: <password>

Enter name for merged repository name and password.

■ Review configuration and then click Next.

5. Define Merge Strategy.

In the Decision column select Current for all from the Decision column menu, as shown in Figure G–11. Click Finish.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

G-8 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Figure G–11 Merge Repository Wizard Define Merge Strategy

The repository merge process might take time based on size of the repositories.

6. Merge process completed. The merged repository is saved in the location specified during step 4 (Save Merged Repository as) and opens in the Oracle BI Administration Tool, as shown in Figure G–12.

Figure G–12 Oracle BI Administration Tool with Saved Merged Repository

7. Validate Connection Pool information and change accordingly in merged repository, as shown in Figure G–13.

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps G-9

Figure G–13 Connection Pool Information

■ For inset 1 - Double click OCDM_POLICY_LOCAL to open connection pool.

■ For inset 2 - Change data source name accordingly. It can be TNS name or TNS description. TNS description must be a single line.

■ For inset 3 - Enter ocdm_sys password. Need to confirm the password when exiting connection pool.

■ Click OK to exit.

■ Then SAVE repository changes. Click Yes for Global Consistency check.

Figure G–14 Oracle BI Administration Global Consistency

This process might take some time.

Webcat Merge1. Unzip plcy_bi.zip file. This creates the plcy_bi directory in the current working


2. Change directory to ./plcy_bi/root/shared/.

cd ./plcy_bi/root/shared/

3. Copy policy+analytics and policy+analytics.atr to the current webcat.

cp-r policy+analytics* $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/$COMPONENT_

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

G-10 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide


4. Open oracle enterprise manager (http://<machine name>:7001/em/).

Enter login credentials.

5. Navigate to deployment -> repository tab.

Farm_bifoundation_domain => Business Intelligence => coreapplication => Deployment => Repository

Figure G–15 BI Server Repository Deployment

6. Lock and Edit configuration in order to make changes.

Figure G–16 BI Server Repository Deployment Lock and Edit Configuration

Close confirmation screen.

7. Upload ocdm_core_policy.rpd.

Figure G–17 Upload RPD File

■ Repository file: ocdm_core_policy.rpd

■ Repository password: <Enter password for merged repository>

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps G-11

■ Confirm password: <Confirm password for merged repository>

■ Catalog location: < No Change>

8. Apply Changes and then Activate Changes.

9. Continue on to "Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Configuration" on page G-11.

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Configuration1. Update instanceconfig.xml to update Account GUIDs after the merge. The file

instanceconfig.xml is available under the directory:


■ Open instanceconfig.xml and search for <Catalog>:

■ Add <UpdateAccountGUIDs>UpdateAndExit</UpdateAccountGUIDs>

2. Update NQSConfig.INI to update roles and users ref GUIDS. NQSConfig.INI is available under:



■ Update the FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS to refresh GUIDs for users and roles:

3. Now restart the OBIEE using opmnctl.

a. $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl stopall

Wait for opmnctl to complete.

b. $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startall

Wait for opmnctl to complete.

c. $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl status

View the status of OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent. The status should show: Down

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Postinstallation Steps for Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

G-12 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

4. Revert back the instanceconfig.xml and NQSConfig.INI for the changes made at step 1 and step 2 and restart the OBIEE as mentioned at step 3.

All components should be in Alive state.

5. Login into OBIEE and check for Policy and Charging Analytics under Dashboards.

6. Select Policy and Charging Analytics. This shows the Policy and Charging Analytics dashboard home page, as shown in Figure G–18.

Figure G–18 Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Dashboard

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Policy Management Adapter Postinstallation Steps

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps G-13

Policy Management Adapter InstallationThe installation of the Policy Management Adapter must be performed by the user under which the Policy Management Adapter runs. To install the Policy Management Adapter execute the following steps:

1. Unpack the archive with Policy Management Adapter using the following command:

# tar xzf PolicyAdapter.tgz

2. Change the working directory to PolicyAdapter:

# cd PolicyAdapter

3. Make the install.sh script executable:

# chmod u+x install.sh

4. Invoke the installation script and specify the path where the Policy Management Adapter will be installed. Invoke install.sh and the script prompts for the fully qualified path where to install the Policy Management Adapter. The script creates the PolicyAdapter directory and copies all necessary files there. You need to have the correct privileges to create the PolicyAdapter directory:

# ./install.shStarting the Policy Adapter installationPlease specify the directory where the adapter will be installed.Installation directory: <install_path>Installation successfully finished.

Optionally Policy Management Adapter can be configured to automatically start when the computer reboots. Use the script policyadapter for this purpose. Execute the following commands with proper administrator privileges.

1. Go to Policy Management Adapter bin directory:

# cd <install_path>/PolicyAdapter/bin

2. Copy the startup script:

# cp policyadapter /etc/init.d/

3. Configure the script:

# for num in 2 3 4 5; do ln -s /etc/init.d/policyadapter/etc/rc${num}.d/S99policyadapter; done# for num in 0 1 6; do ln -s /etc/init.d/policyadapter/etc/rc${num}.d/K01policyadapter; done

Policy Management Adapter Postinstallation StepsAfter installing the Policy Management Adapter, perform the following steps:

■ Create sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora

■ Create Oracle Wallet

■ Configure Policy Management Adapter

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Policy Management Adapter Postinstallation Steps

G-14 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Create sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.oraTo create the Oracle TNS admin files:

1. Go to Policy Management Adapter Home:

# cd <install_path>/PolicyAdapter

2. Create new empty directory:

# mkdir tns_admin

3. Go to the newly created directory:

# cd tns_admin

4. Create sqlnet.ora file with the following content:


5. Replace <ADAPTER_WALLET> with <install_path>/PolicyAdapter/tns_admin

6. Create tnsnames.ora file with the following content:


7. Replace string <OCDM_HOST> with IP address of the Oracle server.

8. Replace string <SERVICE_NAME> with the service name of the Oracle Communications Data Model database.

Create Oracle WalletTo create the Oracle Wallet:

1. Login to the oracle server. For example:

# ssh oracle@<oracle_server_IP>

2. Create directory for the Oracle Wallet:

# mkdir wallet

3. Go to the wallet directory:

# cd wallet

4. Create the Oracle Wallet files. It will ask you for a password. Provide one and record the password as Oracle Wallet password:

# mkstore -wrl . -create

5. Directory will contain the following two files:

# ls cwallet.sso ewallet.p12

6. Put the Oracle Communications Data Model Oracle Database credentials into the newly created Oracle Wallet. The command prompts for the wallet password.

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Policy Management Adapter Postinstallation Steps

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps G-15

Enter the same password as provided in step 4.

# mkstore -wrl . -createCredential OCDM <user> <password>

7. On the Policy Management Adapter system go to PolicyAdapter directory:

# cd <install_path>/PolicyAdapter

8. Create directory for Oracle wallet:

# mkdir wallet

9. Copy the Oracle wallet files created in the steps 1 to 6, at the Oracle system, into this directory.

Configure Policy Management Adapter1. Run the configuration script

# bin/configurePA

2. The configuration script prompts for the Oracle Wallet configuration:

■ TNS admin location

■ Wallet location

■ TNS name

Enter these values:

Name Value

TNS Admin location <install_path>/PolicyAdapter/tns_admin

Oracle wallet location <install_path>/PolicyAdapter/wallet


Note: Both TNS Admin files and Oracle Wallet files do not need to be located in PolicyAdapter directory. They can be located anywhere in the system assuming they are readable by the user under which Policy Management Adapter is running. These files are located in the PolicyAdapter directory for convenience. If they are located in a different location must specify the location.

TNS name must be the same as the connect string when creating the Oracle wallet.

3. The script tests the Oracle Communications Data Model database connection and if it is successful it will proceed with Multimedia Policy Engine (MPE) configuration. The configuration script will not allow you to proceed without successfully testing the Oracle Communications Data Model connection.

4. Enter the list of Multimedia Policy Engine (MPE)s. The configuration is interactive and you can issue the following commands:

Action Command Description

Add an MPE A Adds an MPE to the list.

It prompts for a valid IP address optionally followed by colon and port number. For example

Delete an MPE D Deletes an MPE entry.

It prompts for the MPE index

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Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Constraints

G-16 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Note: If you are reconfiguring the Policy Management Adapter after it was successfully configured, you need to restart the Policy Management Adapter for the changes to take effect.

Sample configuration session:

/home/oracle/PolicyAdapter $ bin/configurePATNS Admin location: /home/oracle/PolicyAdapter/tns_adminOracle Wallet location: /home/oracle/PolicyAdapter/walletTNS Name: ocdmTesting OCDM database connectionConnection successful

Please provide IPs of the MPEs

{Add,Delete,Flush,Quit}: ampe-1:

List of MPEs:mpe-1:

{Add,Delete,Flush,Quit}: ampe-2:

List of MPEs:mpe-1:

{Add,Delete,Flush,Quit}: qPolicy Adapter successfully configured

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Constraints

List MPEs L List the currently configured MPEs.

Delete all MPEs (Flush) F Deletes all MPEs in the list.

Quit Q Saves the configuration and quits the configuration.

Table G–1 Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Constraints

Constraint Name Description

Supported Throughput Maximum of 20K TPS (PERs per second) can be acquired and analyzed from Policy Server. Note: This requires recommended hardware and software configurations specified in "Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Hardware Requirements" on page F-1 and "Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Software Requirements" on page F-1.

Single Policy CMP Solution Solution supports receiving PERs from Policy MPEs that are managed by same Policy CMP.

Number of Policy MPEs Not Limited if the Maximum TPS is 20K

Reliability No redundancy is available. Failure of any of the system component in the end-to-end architecture will result in data loss

Quota Tracking Quota Analytics are supported for only Monthly billing cycles

Action Command Description

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Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Constraints

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Postinstallation Steps G-17

Policy Adapter Only one instance of Policy Adapter can be installed for a policy (MPEs and CMP) deployment

Table G–1 (Cont.) Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Constraints

Constraint Name Description

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Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics Constraints

G-18 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

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License Information H-1

HLicense Information

Product Subproduct Licensing Description

Oracle Communications Data Model

Oracle Communications Data Model is a standards-based, pre-built approach to communications data warehousing enabling a communications company to realize the power of insight more quickly.

Oracle Communications Data Model includes the following:

■ Communications industry specific data model conformance certified with TM Forum's Information Framework (SID).

■ Physical implementation of the data model consisting of a foundation layer in third-normal-form schema, as well as dimensional models leveraging star schemas and OLAP cubes.

■ Automatic data movement (intra-ETL) to populate the dimensional models based on data from the foundation layer.

■ Pre-defined data mining models for churn prediction, churn factors, customer segmentation, customer sentiment, and others.

■ Pre-built sample reports and dashboards.

Prerequisites: Oracle Communications Data Model requires the use of other Oracle software, which must be licensed separately. Contact your Oracle sales representative for additional information.

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H-2 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Oracle Communications Data Model - Application Adapters

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model

The Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model (NCC Adapter) extracts data from an Oracle Communications Prepaid Charging application and loads and transforms that data into an Oracle Communications Data Model environment.

The NCC Adapter supports two options for data loading:

■ Standard - where data is loaded to Oracle Communications Data Model in customer defined intervals.

■ Real-Time - where data is loaded to Oracle Communications Data Model staging in near-real-time intervals as transactions occur in NCC.

Prerequisites: NCC Adapter requires the use of other Oracle software, which must be licensed separately. Contact your Oracle sales representative for additional information.

Oracle Communications Data Model - Application Adapters

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model

The Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model (BRM Adapter) extracts data from an Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management application and loads and transforms that data into an Oracle Communications Data Model environment.

The BRM Adapter supports two options for data loading:

■ Standard - where data is loaded to Oracle Communications Data Model in customer defined intervals.

■ Real-Time - where data is loaded to Oracle Communications Data Model staging in near-real-time intervals as transactions occur in BRM.

Prerequisites: BRM Adapter requires the use of other Oracle software, which must be licensed separately. Contact your Oracle sales representative for additional information.

Product Subproduct Licensing Description

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License Information H-3

Oracle Communications Data Model - Application Adapters

Oracle Communications Policy Management Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model

The Oracle Communications Policy Management Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model (Policy Management Adapter) interfaces with an Oracle Communications Policy Management application using the Policy Event Records Distribution option to accept policy event records (PER) as well as policy reference data (PRD) and loads the data into an Oracle Communications Data Model environment. The Policy Management Adapter is developed using Java.

Prerequisites: Policy Management Adapter requires the use of other Oracle software, which must be licensed separately. Contact your Oracle sales representative for additional information.

Restricted Use: The included Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is restricted to use solely to run the Oracle Communications Policy Management Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model as provided by Oracle.

Oracle Communications Data Model - Analytic Applications

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics

Oracle Communications Billing Analytics is a separately licensed add-on option to Oracle Communications Data Model. Billing Analytics provides a set of reports and dashboards built using Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. The reports and dashboards cover the following categories:

■ Billed Revenue - Revenue related metrics such as total revenue, ARPU, adjustments, collections, and so on.; viewable across various parameters

■ Billing Efficiency - Based on TM Forum's business metrics, these reports are centered on a billing operations efficiency such as payments by payment method, % e-bills issued, % of bills adjusted, and so on.

■ Customer Metrics - Customer acquisition and churn metrics viewable across various parameters

■ Prepaid Metrics - Prepaid specific metrics such as total, average recharges, disturbed recharge cycles, and so on.; across various parameters

■ Usage Metrics - Usage specific metrics such as total minutes of usage, number of calls, top users (voice, data, SMS), across various parameters

Prerequisites: Billing Analytics requires the use of other Oracle software, which must be licensed separately. Contact your Oracle sales representative for additional information.

Product Subproduct Licensing Description

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H-4 Oracle Communications Data Model Adapters and Analytics Installation Guide

Oracle Communications Data Model - Analytic Applications

Oracle Communications Social Network Analytics

Social Network Analytics uses call detail records (CDRs) to identify the communities that exist based on the social interactions between users (for example. calls, texts, mms). Oracle Advanced Analytics (Data Mining) determines the following:

■ Social relationship communities

■ Subscriber roles

■ Influence scores

■ Churn pressure

■ Community and subscriber value

■ Value at risk

Results are stored in output tables, and displayed using Oracle Business Intelligence reports and dashboards. Customers can leverage this valuable information and use it for viral marketing campaigns as well as customer retention initiatives.

Prerequisites: Social Network Analytics requires the use of other Oracle software, which must be licensed separately. Contact your Oracle sales representative for additional information.

Oracle Communications Data Model - Analytic Applications

Oracle Communications Policy and Charging Analytics

Policy and Charging Analytics leverages policy event records (PER) and policy reference data (PRD), and optionally charging data that has been loaded into the appropriate Oracle Communications Data Model tables. It performs aggregation and calculation of various metrics using this data. Results are displayed in Oracle Business Intelligence reports and dashboards. The dashboards fall under the following categories:

■ Policy Execution

■ Quota Usage

■ Customer Metrics

The information can be leveraged by operations teams in order to improve policy operations, as well as by marketing to aid in developing new offers.

Prerequisites: Policy and Charging Analytics requires the use of other Oracle software, which must be licensed separately. Contact your Oracle sales representative for additional information.

Product Subproduct Licensing Description

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Aapplication adapters

BRM adapter, A-2, D-1, D-6NCC adapter, C-1

BBilling and Revenue Management Adapter for Oracle

Communications Data Model Add-onsapplication adapter, A-1

BRM Adapter, A-1, D-1, E-1, G-1


Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons, 1-2, 3-1, 3-2, 3-4, 3-6

NNCC Adapter, C-1NCC adapter

application adapters, C-1installation, C-2with Oracle GoldenGate, C-2

Network Charging and Control Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons

application adapter, C-1

OOracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition

downloading, 2-3Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue

Management Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons, A-1, D-1, E-1, G-1

Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons, 3-1home directory structure, 1-2installation process, 1-2installer execution, 3-2postinstallation tasks, 3-6preinstallation tasks, 3-1silent installation, 3-4types of installations, 1-1

Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons

installationhardware requirements, 2-2Oracle Database requirements, 2-2software requirements, 2-2supported platforms, 2-1

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control Adapter for Oracle Communications Data Model Add-ons, C-1

Oracle Solaris, 2-1

Pplatforms for Oracle Communications Data Model

Add-ons, 2-1postinstallation tasks, Oracle Communications Data

Model Add-ons, 3-6preinstallation tasks, Oracle Communications Data

Model Add-ons, 3-1

Rrequirements for installation

hardware, 2-2software, 2-2


Oracle Solaris supported platforms, 2-1supported platforms for Oracle Communications Data

Model Add-ons, 2-1

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