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Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption

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  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    Applying Transparent Data Encryption

    Learning Objective

    After completing this topic, you should be able to

    recognize how Transparent Data Encryption is set up

    1. Transparent Data Encryption

    Transparent Data Encryption, also known as TDE, is available with Oracle Advanced

    Security, commonly known as ASO, and provides easy-to-use protection for your data

    without requirin chanes to your applications!

    TDE allows customers to encrypt sensitive data in individual columns or entiretablespaces without havin to manae encryption keys!

    TDE does not affect access controls, which are confiured usin database roles, secure

    application roles, system and ob"ect privilees, views, #irtual $rivate Database, also

    known as #$D, Database #ault, or Oracle %abel Security!


    Selecting the link title opens the resource in a new browser window.

    Learning Aid

    Access the learnin aid Style Considerationsfor more information on the style

    considerations for the Oracle &&gDatabase used in this course!

    Any application or user that previously had access to a table will still have access to an

    identical encrypted table! TDE is desined to protect data in storae, but does not replace

    proper access control!

    TDE is transparent to e'istin applications! Encryption and decryption occur at different

    levels, dependin on whether it is at the tablespace or column level! (ut in either case,

    encrypted values are not displayed and are not handled by the application!

    )or e'ample, with TDE, applications desined to display a &*-diit credit card number do

    not have to be recoded to handle an encrypted strin that may have many more


    Several reulatory requirements have penalties for OS breaches if sensitive data is not

    encrypted in the OS files! TDE eliminates the ability of anyone who has direct access to

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    the data files to ain access to the data by circumventin the database access control


    Even users with access to the data file at the OS level cannot access the data

    unencrypted! TDE stores the master key outside the database in an e'ternal security

    module, also referred to as ES+, thereby minimiin the possibility of both $ information

    and the encryption key bein compromised!

    TDE decrypts the data only after database access mechanisms have been satisfied! TDE

    is less e'pensive to implement than either application-based or file-based encryption!

    There are some more benefits of TDE.

    encrypts data in data files, redo lo and archive lo files, memory /only for column encryption0,

    and file backups

    manaes keys automatically

    does not require chanes to the application, and

    encrypts inde'es

    TDE applies the principle of defense in depth in its desin! The key architecture is a two-

    tier system!

    The master key is stored in ES+! This is either an Oracle 1allet or a 2ardware Security

    +odule, abbreviated as 2S+! This e'ternal store is protected by a password, operatin

    system permissions, and encryption!

    The master encryption key is used to encrypt the table, and tablespace encryption keys

    are used to encrypt the data! So the data is encrypted with a key that is unique for a

    tablespace or a table! These keys are stored in the database in an encrypted form! They

    have been encrypted with the master key, which is stored in ES+ on the OS!

    Some security reulations require a periodic chane of encryption keys! This chane of

    keys means that the items that are encrypted are decrypted with the old key and

    encrypted with the new key! This is also called rekeyin!

    A ma"or advantae of the two-tier architecture is that table-level keys can be rekeyed by

    chanin the master key! This automatically causes table-level keys to be rekeyed, but

    the table-level keys remain unchaned! So the data does not require rekeyin! This

    operation meets the $ayment 3ard ndustry requirement for rekeyin, with a minimum of


    1ith TDE, you can specify different encryption alorithms to be used at the table or the

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    tablespace level! The available alorithms are 3DES168, AES128, AES192, and AES256!

    The default is AES128!

    TDE enables encryption for sensitive data in columns without requirin users or

    applications to manae the encryption key! This freedom can be e'tremely important

    when addressin, for e'ample, reulatory compliance issues!

    There is no need to use views to decrypt data because the data is transparently

    decrypted when a user has passed the necessary access control checks! Security

    administrators have the assurance that the data on disk is encrypted, yet handlin

    encrypted data is transparent to applications!

    ES+ is implemented throuh A$ that allows a variety of possible key storae solutions!

    The default ES+ is Oracle 1allet! 2S+ from several vendors are also supported for

    storae of master keys!

    TDE support of 2S+ varies by database version and whether it is column level ortablespace level!

    2. Creating te master !ey

    Transparent Data Encryption, also known as TDE, creates a key for each table that uses

    encrypted columns and each encrypted tablespace! The table key is stored in the data

    dictionary, and tablespace keys are stored in tablespace data files! (oth tablespace and

    table keys are encrypted with a master key!

    There is one master key for the database! The master key is stored in a PKCS12wallet or

    a PKCS11-based 2ardware Security +odule, abbreviated as 2S+, outside the database!

    )or the database to use TDE, a wallet must e'ist!

    To create a wallet and a master key, create a directory to hold the wallet, which is

    accessible to the Oracle owner!

    Then specify the location of the wallet file used to store the encryption master key by

    addin this entry in 4O5A3%E62O+E7network7admin7sqlnet!ora!





    Then connect to the database as a user with appropriate privilees! The user must have

    the ALTERSYSTEMprivilee!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption



    .'#'. / ". ..,"

    After connectin to the database, create the encrypted wallet file usin this command!




    f no encrypted wallet is present in the directory defined in S8%9ET!O5A, it

    &! creates an encrypted wallet /-"''*+#120

    :! opens the wallet, and

    ;! creates the database server master encryption key for TDE

    f an encrypted wallet already e'ists, it

    &! opens the wallet

    :! creates or re-creates the database server master encryption key for TDE, and

    ;! re-encrypts the table and tablespace keys

    (efore encrypted columns can be viewed by a user, the wallet must be opened! A user

    with the ALTERSYSTEMprivilee must issue this command, where -'&$1is the

    wallet password!




    f the wallet is not open and the user attempts to access an encrypted column, an error

    messae is enerated!


    SL &$&* .&$**/*:;%


    SL .& &.*_#"*_:

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>





    O%"&' D"*",". 11;@ S&%:* 18 > 1!

    O#:; * W"''* (&$*:)

    SL .'&* >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>

    $ O'28365@ -"''* :. $* $#

    ". #sing te auto login $allet

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    )rom Oracle 1allet +anaer, open the wallet usin the password!

    The Wallet menu contains various menu options such as #ew, Open, and $ownload %rom The

    $irector Service.

    $rovide the wallet directory location if the wallet is not in the default location! /The default location

    of the wallet is 7etc7O5A3%E71A%%ETS7oracle!0&ou provide the wallet director location using the Select $irector dialog box. The directories

    listed in the Select $irector dialog box include gnome, gtk, and httpd.

    )rom the 1allet menu, select the AutoLogincheckbo'!

    Other menu options in the Wallet menu include Save 'n Sstem $e"ault, $elete, !hange

    (assword, and )xit.

    E'it Oracle 1allet +anaer by selectin E(itfrom the 1allet menu!


    $o not delete the encrption wallet* otherwise, master reke operations will no

    longer be possible. When using an auto login wallet, the new master ke is

    generated in the encrption wallet and then replicated into the auto login wallet.

    The master keys are required to access encrypted data, and you must protect these keys

    with backups! (ecause master keys reside in Oracle 1allet, the wallet should be

    periodically backed up in a secure location alon with the database data files!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    Option 3:This option is incorrect. egenerating the master ke does not cause

    column data to be re/encrpted.

    Option 4:This option is correct. &ou need to regenerate the master ke onl i" it

    has been compromised. !hanging the master periodicall ma be re+uired b


    Correct ans$er,s-+

    :! All past master keys are held in the wallet or 2S+

    ! A master key only needs to be reenerated if itBs been compromised

    n these two e'amples, a new key is enerated! The first line enerates a new key based

    on the alorithm that was specified when the table columns were encrypted!

    The second line enerates a new key and chanes the alorithm! (oth e'amples cause

    all encrypted data in the tables to be decrypted and updated with a new encrypted value!


    ALTER TA4LE &"%_#"*_:

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    unauthoried access attempts because 2S+ is a physical device and not an operatin

    system file!

    All encryption and decryption operations that use the master encryption key are

    performed inside 2S+! This means that the master encryption key is never e'posed in

    insecure memory!

    2S+ can be used for TDE Tablespace Encryption when TDE Tablespace Encryption has

    not been used before with a wallet! The e'istin master key cannot be mirated from a

    wallet to 2S+!

    f the master key is initially created in 2S+, it can be used for TDE Tablespace

    Encryption! There are several vendors that provide 2S+! The vendor must also supply

    the appropriate libraries!


    1hat are the features of 2S+@


    &! t is a physical device that provides secure storae for encryption keys

    :! t provides secure memory for performin encryption and decryption operations

    ;! t can be used for TDE Tablespace Encryption when TDE Tablespace Encryption

    has been used before with a wallet

    ! f a master key is created in 2S+, it cannot be used for TDE Tablespace Encryption


    Option 1:This option is correct. HSM is a phsical device that provides secure

    storage "or encrption kes. There are several vendors that provide HSM.

    Option 2:This option is correct. HSM provides secure computational space to

    per"orm encrption and decrption operations. HSM is a more secure alternative

    to Oracle Wallet.

    Option 3:This option is incorrect. HSM can be used "or T$) Tablespace

    )ncrption when T$) Tablespace )ncrption has not been used be"ore with awallet. The existing master ke cannot be migrated "rom a wallet to HSM.

    Option 4:This option is incorrect. '" the master ke is initiall created in HSM, it

    can be used "or T$) Tablespace )ncrption.

    Correct ans$er,s-+

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    &! t is a physical device that provides secure storae for encryption keys

    :! t provides secure memory for performin encryption and decryption operations

    The ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATIONparameter in the S8%9ET!O5A file specifies the

    location of Oracle 1allet! To use 2S+ in place of a software wallet, you need to set the

    METHODattribute of the parameter to HSM!

    f a DIRECTORYvalue is present in the ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATIONparameter,

    make sure that you do not delete it! Althouh 2S+ does not require a DIRECTORYvalue,

    the value is used to locate your old software wallet when miratin to 2S+-based

    Transparent Data Encryption!

    Also, the DIRECTORYvalue may be required by tools, such as 5+A9, to locate the

    software wallet!




    The 2S+ vendor provides a PKCS11library that you must copy to a specified directory

    so that the Oracle server can locate it!

    Dependin on the OS you are usin, you copy the library to specific locations.

    #)/0 and

    f it is for =9>, copy it to this location!The location is:



    f it is for 1indows, copy it to this location!

    The location is:


  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption





    MIRATE USIN -"''*_#"..-$%J

    n this e'ample, .%_:is the user D created usin the 2S+ manaement interfaceC

    #"..-$%is the password created usin the 2S+ manaement interfaceC and

    -"''*_#"..-$%is the password required to open an e'istin Oracle 1allet on the

    file system!

    The MIRATEUSIN-"''*_#"..-$%clause is applicable if you are already

    usin TDE! E'istin column encryption keys are decrypted and then re-encrypted with the

    new 2S+-based master encryption key!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption





    n this topic, youBve learned how TDE is set up!

    Coniguring Encrypted Columns

    Learning Objective

    After completing this topic, you should be able to

    configure encrypted columns

    1. Creating encrypted columns

    To create an encrypted column, use the ENCRYPTkeyword when the table is created or


    n this e'ample, the NOSALTkeywords are used to allow an inde' to be created over this

    column! The default is SALT!


    CREATE TA4LE &.*_#"*_:

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    SL &%"* *",' &.*_:

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption



    dentify the characteristics of the ENCRYPTclause synta'!


    &! t allows you to specify the alorithm to use

    :! The IDENTIFIED4Y#"..-$%clause is required

    ;! The NOMACparameter allows you to skip TDE interity checks

    ! The table creator determines the key lenth


    Option 1:This option is correct. The ENCRYPTclause allows ou to speci" the

    encrption algorithm to use. 8alid algorithm names are 3DES168, AES128,

    AES192=de"ault>, and AES256.

    Option 2:This option is incorrect. The IDENTIFIED4Y#"..-$%clause is

    optional. Speci"ing a password means that the ke used to protect the table will

    be based on that password.

    Option 3:This option is correct. 'n database @A.3.A.5 and @@[email protected] versions, the

    NOMACparameter enables ou to skip the integrit check per"ormed b T$). This

    saves 3A btes o" disk space per encrpted value.

    Option 4:This option is incorrect. The name o" an algorithm implicitl determines

    the ke length.

    Correct ans$er,s-+

    &! t allows you to specify the alorithm to use

    ;! The NOMACparameter allows you to skip TDE interity checks

    A (-tree inde' can be created on an encrypted column with NOSALT! A (-tree may not be

    created on a column with SALT! Equality lookup operations are supported on the inde'!

    A bitmapped inde' cannot be created on encrypted columns! TDE column encryption is

    not supported on forein keys! This is because each table has its own encryption key! )or

    this reason, do not use sensitive data items such as a credit card number or a national

    identity number as the primary key!

    nde' rane-scan operations are supported for equality lookups because the value is

    encrypted before the comparison with stored values! WHEREclauses with 4ETWEENAND

    or LIKEcomparison operators will use full-table scans!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    Tablespace-level TDE supports all inde' types, all internal data types, and forein keys!


    1hat are the considerations when creatin an inde' on an encrypted column@


    &! A (-tree inde' can be created on an encrypted column with NOSALT

    :! A bitmapped inde' can be created on encrypted columns

    ;! TDE column encryption is not supported on forein keys

    ! nde' rane-scan operations are not supported for equality lookups


    Option 1:This option is correct. - C/tree index can be created on an encrpted

    column with NOSALT. - C/tree ma not be created on a column with SALT.

    Option 2:This option is incorrect. - bitmapped index cannot be created on

    encrpted columns.

    Option 3:This option is correct. T$) column encrption is not supported on

    "oreign kes. This is because each table has its own encrption ke.

    Option 4:This option is incorrect. 'ndex range/scan operations are supported "or

    e+ualit lookups because the value is encrpted be"ore the comparison withstored values. WHEREclauses with 4ETWEENDANDor LIKEcomparison operators

    will use "ull/table scans.

    Correct ans$er,s-+

    &! A (-tree inde' can be created on an encrypted column with NOSALT

    ;! TDE column encryption is not supported on forein keys

    2. Altering an encrypted column

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    All the encrypted columns in a sinle table must use the same alorithm! f there are two

    or more columns that are encrypted, you can chane the encryption alorithm for the

    entire table with one command!


    ALTER TA4LE &.*_#"*_:

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    NCHAR, and


    Other scalar data types supported by TDE column encryption are




    ?ARCHAR2/must be less than or equal to ;,F;: bytes0

    3haracter lare ob"ects, commonly known as CLO4/Secure)iles0, and

    (inary lare ob"ect, also known as 4LO4, /Secure)iles0

    TDE column encryption supports Oracle Data Guard in the physical standby

    confiuration! To use TDE with Data Guard, both primary and secondary databases must

    be of the same version!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    encryption supports the Data Guard loical standby confiuration!

    %os may be mined either on the source or the taret databaseC thus, the wallet must be

    the same for both databases! Every time the master key is chaned usin the ALTER


    wallet must be copied from the primary database to the standby database!

    An error is raised if the D(A attempts to chane the master key on the standby database!

    f auto loin wallet is not used, the wallet must be opened on the standby! 1allet open

    and close commands on the primary are not replicated on the standby!

    A different password can be used to open the wallet on the standby! The wallet owner can

    chane the password to be used for the copy of the wallet on the standby!

    Storae overhead associated with TDE column encryption can be sinificant! 1hen

    specified, SALTrequires &* bytes! Specifyin NOSALTreduces storae requirement and

    saves 3ritical $atch =pdate, abbreviated as 3$=, cycles!

    +essae Authentication 3ode, also known as +A3, an interity check associated with

    each encrypted value, requires an additional :H bytes! n addition, TDE will pad out

    encrypted values to a multiple of &* bytes! So if a credit card number required F bytes of

    storae, encryptin the credit card number would require an additional I bytes of storae!

    Encryptin a sinle column in a table with SALTwill require between ;I and J: bytes of

    additional storae per row!

    SALTis not needed if clear te't values are unique, and SALTcannot be used with

    columns that will be inde'ed!

    n database &H!:!H! and &&!&!H!I versions, the NOMACparameter enables you to skip the

    interity check performed by TDE! This saves :H bytes of disk space per encrypted value!

    f the number of rows and encrypted columns in the table is lare, this adds up to a

    sinificant amount of disk space!

    The NOMACparameter also reduces the performance overhead! The NOMACparameter is

    applied to all columns of a table! f one column uses NOMAC, they all must use the NOMAC


    A customer encryptin a sinle column usin both NOSALTand NOMACparameters canreduce the encryption overhead to between & and &J bytes per row of additional storae,

    instead of ;I to J: bytes!

    TDE column encryption cannot be used with forein keys or with inde' types other than

    (-tree inde'es! SYSschema ob"ects cannot be encrypted!

    n Oracle Database &&g, internal lare ob"ect, also referred to as %O(, data types /such

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    as (%O( and 3%O(0 can be encrypted, but e'ternal %O(s /such as binary lare file

    ob"ects K4FILEdata typeL0 cannot be encrypted!

    Applications that need to use these unsupported features can use the TDE tablespace

    encryption! TDE tablespace encryption supports all data types, e'cept e'ternal table and

    4FILE! The SYSTEMtablespace cannot be encrypted!


    )xternal tables can have encrpted columns using the ORACLE_DATAPUMP

    access driver.

    ". Creating an encrypted tablespace

    TDE tablespace encryption is performed at the 7O level on a per-block basis! The only

    encryption penalty is associated with 7O, so the performance overhead will be seen in the7O statistics!

    1hen there are a lare number of columns in a table to be encrypted, tablespace

    encryption may provide better performance than column encryption! S8% access paths

    are unchaned and all data types are supported! (ecause the data is not encrypted in

    memory, there is no difference in the handlin of data when it is read off the disk!

    All data types, inde' types, and even %O(s, are supported with tablespace encryption!

    Data retrieved from encrypted tablespaces is protected whenever it is written to disk,

    includin temporary tablespaces, undo tablespace, and redo los!

    Durin operations such as OINand SORT, data that is selected from an encrypted

    tablespace is encrypted when written to temporary tablespaces! Encrypted tablespaces

    are transportable if the platforms have the same endianess and the same wallet!

    There is currently no mechanism to rekey a tablespace! Tablespace encryption does not

    require additional storae space!

    The CREATETA4LESPACEcommand has an ENCRYPTIONclause that sets the

    encryption properties, and an ENCRYPTstorae parameter that causes the encryption to

    be used!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption



    IDENTIFIED 4Y #"..-$%7





    (ecause tablespace encryption is performed at the 7O level, many of the restrictions that

    apply to TDE column encryption do not apply to tablespace encryption!

    The followin restrictions apply to tablespace encryption.

    Temporary and undo tablespaces cannot be encrypted! (ut when a data buffer containin data

    from an encrypted tablespace is written to an undo or a temporary tablespace, that data block is


    The 4FILEdata type and e'ternal tables are not encrypted because they are not stored in


    Transportable tablespaces across different endian platforms are not supported!

    The key for encrypted tablespaces cannot be chaned! A workaround is to create a tablespace

    with the desired properties and move all ob"ects to the new tablespace!

    The previous version of the e'port and import utilities, #and :#, did not support TDE!

    An error messae is raised when #attempts to e'port a table with an encrypted



    EQP>!!1!@ F"*% (COLUMN ENCRYPTION) $< &$'

    ORDER_NUM4ER : *",' *",'_" :. $* .##$%*+ T

    *",' -:'' $* , #$%*+

    The Data $ump E'port utility, ##, can e'port the table! (y default, the data is stored

    in the dump file in clear te't!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption



    The same password must be used to import the dump "ile using the $ata (ump

    'mport, :##.

    Oracle Database &&gintroduces Secure)iles implementation /of %O(s0, which offers

    intellient compression and transparent encryption! Encrypted data in Secure)iles is

    stored in place and is available for random reads and writes!

    The encryption takes place at the block level! %O( implementation from earlier versions is

    still supported for backward compatibility and is now referred to as (asic)iles!


    CREATE TA4LE *.*1


    f you add a %O( column to a table, you can specify how it should be created usin

    SECUREFILEor 4ASICFILEkeywords! To ensure backward compatibility, the default

    %O( type is 4ASICFILE!

    To enable encryption of %O(s, you must create the %O( with the SECUREFILEkeyword,

    with encryption enabled /ENCRYPT0 or disabled /DECRYPT, which is the default0 on the

    %O( column! The current TDE synta' is used for e'tendin encryption to %O( data types!

    There are multiple correct synta' possibilities!

    #alid encryption alorithms are ;DES&*M, AES&:M, AES&F:, and AES:J*! The default is



    CREATE TA4LE *.*1




    n this topic, youBve learned how to confiure encrypted columns!

    /mplementing TDE

    Learning Objective

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    After completing this topic, you should be able to

    implement Transparent Data Encryption

    E(ercise overvie$

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    Steps list


    ! Type SELECT FROM $+&.*_#"*_:

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    OE!3=ST6$A69A+E, TA(%E69A+E, and

    STAT=S columns of the =SE569DE>ES table for this table! nclude the )5O+ and

    where clauses on separate lines! Then rebuild the unusable inde'!

    Steps list


    &! Type CONNECT $and press Enter

    :! Type $%"&'and press Enter

    ;! Type ALTER TA4LE $+&.*_#"*_:

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    Steps list


    &&! 3lick Submit 8ob

    &:! 3lick 9ie$ 8ob Details

    Tas! 4+ 9eriying transparent encryption

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    5+A9 backup encryption is available only in the Enterprise Edition of the database, and

    the COMPATI4LEparameter must be set to &H!:!H or hiher!

    Encrypted backup to disk does not require Oracle Advanced Security, commonly known

    as ASO, but the use of 5+A9 with a third-party media manaer library does require ASOto provide the key infrastructure!

    Encrypted backups to tape require Oracle Secure (ackup, also referred to as OS(, to

    provide the key infrastructure! OS( includes the same technoloy as ASO!

    OS( version &H!: is available in both Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition of Oracle

    Database &&g! OS( includes the secure communications technoloy of ASO in the

    Enterprise Edition to provide secure communication between hosts /administrative,

    source, and taret0 in the OS( domain!

    OS( encrypts the transmitted data and control messaes with a default key of &,H: bitsenerated for each session usin secure sockets layer, also known as SS%!

    OS( provides this key from an embedded wallet that is separate from Oracle 1allet used

    by 5+A9 to encrypt backups!

    f 5+A9 encryption is provided, OS( does not encrypt the data aain for transmission!

    (ut if 5+A9 encryption is disabled, and the OS( host encryption policy is set to required,

    the OS( encryption will be used for the dataC if the OS( encryption policy is set to

    allowed, in principal, the decision is referred to the ne't lower level!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    version of the wallet does not require a password!

    The obfuscated wallet is created when the wallet is opened and destroyed when the

    wallet is closed! This wallet, which is scrambled but not encrypted, enables the OS(

    software to run without requirin a password durin system startup!

    The password for the password-protected wallet is enerated by OS( and not made

    available to the user! The password-protected wallet is not normally used after the

    security credentials for the host have been established because the OS( daemons use

    the obfuscated wallet!

    To reduce the risk of unauthoried access to obfuscated wallets, OS( does not back

    them up!

    The obfuscated version of a wallet is named &-"''*+..$! (y default, the wallet is

    located in this path on %inu' and =9>, and on 1indows, it is located in this path!


    On Einux and F#'G, the wallet is located in the "ollowing path:


    On Windows, the wallet is located in the "ollowing path:


  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    secures your file-system backups over the network by usin SS%!

    5+A9 can create encrypted backups on tape usin OS( or a third-party media manaer

    with ASO!

    2. Creating 7'A);encrypted bac!ups

    )or improved security, 5ecovery +anaer, commonly known as 5+A9, backups created

    as backup sets can be encrypted! mae copy backups cannot be encrypted!

    Encrypted backups are decrypted automatically durin restore and recover operations, as

    lon as the required decryption keys are available, by means of either a user-supplied

    password or Oracle Encryption 1allet!

    5+A9 supports three encryption modes.


    password, and


    Transparent encryption does not require D(A intervention as lon as the required Oracle

    key manaement infrastructure is available!

    Transparent encryption is best suited for day-to-day backup operations, where backups

    will be restored on the same database that they were backed up from!

    Transparent encryption is the default encryption mode!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption




    *",'.#"&_" ON


    create a $allet

    The first step is to create a wallet usin Oracle 1allet +anaer! (y default, an unencrypted

    wallet /&-"''*+..$0 is created when Oracle Database is installed! An encrypted wallet

    /-"''*+#120 is recommended for use with backup set encryption! $lace an entry in the

    S8%9ET!O5A file!

    open te $allet

    (efore you can use backup set encryption, you need to make sure that the wallet is

    opened by your instance! The password specified with the ALTERSYSTEMcommand is the

    same password you specified when you created the wallet!

    set te master !ey

    1hen the wallet is opened, you need to set the master key from within your instance!

    conigure te 7'A) encryption level< and

    The CONFIUREENCRYPTIONcommand is used to specify encryption settins for the

    database or tablespaces within the database, which apply unless overridden usin the SET


    Options specified for an individual tablespace take precedence over options specified for

    the whole database!

    set an encryption algoritm< i needed

    8uery ?RMAN_ENCRYPTION_ALORITHMSto obtain a list of encryption alorithms

    supported by 5+A9! The default encryption alorithm is &:M-bit AES!

    1hen you use password encryption, you must provide a password to create and restore

    encrypted backups! 1hen you restore the password-encrypted backup, you must supply

    the same password that was used to create the backup!

    $assword encryption is most appropriate for backups that will be restored at remote

    locations, but which must remain secure in transit! To enable password encryption, use

    this command in your 5+A9 scripts!



    $assword encryption cannot be persistently confiured! The Enterprise +anaer interface

    will place the proper command in the 5+A9 backup scripts that it enerates!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption



    The )ncrption section o" the )nterprise Manager inter"ace is open. &ou use this

    section to encrpt the backup using the Oracle )ncrption Wallet, a user/supplied

    password, or both, to protect sensitive data. The section includes the Secure the

    backup using ecover Manager encrption checkbox, which is selected, and the

    )ncrption -lgorithm drop/down list, in which -)S@3 is selected.

    The )ncrption Mode subsection contains two checkboxes: Cackups will be

    encrpted using the Oracle )ncrption Wallet and Cackups will be encrpted using

    the "ollowing password, which is currentl selected. This section also contains the

    (assword and !on"irm (assword "ields. Coth "ields are "illed.


    %or securit reasons, it is not possible to permanentl modi" our existing backupenvironment so that M-# backups are encrpted using password mode. &ou

    can enable password/encrpted backups onl "or the duration o" an M-#


    Dual-mode encrypted backups can be restored transparently or by specifyin a


    Dual-mode encrypted backups are useful when you create backups that are normally

    restored usin Oracle Encryption 1allet, but which occasionally need to be restored

    where Oracle Encryption 1allet is not available!


    'n the )ncrption Mode subsection, in this example, the Cackups will be encrpted

    using the Oracle )ncrption Wallet and Cackups will be encrpted using the

    "ollowing password checkboxes are selected.

    To create dual-mode encrypted backup sets, specify this command in your 5+A9 scripts!



    =se the SETDECRYPTIONcommand to specify one or more decryption passwords to be

    used when readin dual-mode or password-encrypted backups!

    1hen 5+A9 reads encrypted backup pieces, it tries each password in the list until it finds

    the correct one to decrypt that backup piece! An error is sinaled if none of the specified

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    keys are correct! f you lose the password for a password-encrypted backup, you cannot

    restore that backup!


    SET DECRYPTION IDENTIFIED 4Y G#"..-$%_1GB G#"..-$%_2GBBG#"..-$%_G

    (ecause the Oracle key manaement infrastructure archives all previous master keys in

    the wallet, chanin or resettin the current database master key does not affect your

    ability to restore encrypted backups performed usin an older master key!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    Option 2:This option is incorrect. '" ou lose the password "or a password/

    encrpted backup, ou cannot restore that backup. -lso, i" ou lose the wallet

    containing the ke "or a transparent encrpted backup, ou cannot restore that


    Option 3:This option is incorrect. Cecause the Oracle ke management

    in"rastructure archives all previous master kes in the wallet, changing or resetting

    the current database master ke does not a""ect our abilit to restore encrpted

    backups per"ormed using an older master ke.

    Option 4:This option is correct. When M-# reads encrpted backup pieces, it

    tries each password in the list until it "inds the correct one to decrpt that backup

    piece. -n error is signaled i" none o" the speci"ied kes are correct.

    Correct ans$er,s-+

    &! TheSET


    command is used to specify decryption passwords

    ! 1hen 5+A9 reads encrypted backup pieces, it tries each password in the list

    until it finds the correct one

    There are certain considerations for 5+A9-encrypted backups!

    Any 5+A9 backups created as backup sets can be encrypted! 2owever, imae copy

    backups cannot be encrypted!

    The ?RMAN_ENCRYPTION_ALORITHMSview contains a list of encryption alorithms

    supported by 5+A9! f no encryption alorithm is specified, the default encryption

    alorithm is &:M-bit AES!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    ". Data ump encryption

    Every file that could contain sensitive data should be protected in some wayC the dump

    file produced by Data $ump E'port is no e'ception! n Oracle Database &&g, Data $ump

    E'port can encrypt the dump file!

    Data $ump file encryption requires that Oracle Advanced Security, commonly known as

    ASO, be installed! The ##process receives the data unencrypted from the database,

    even if the data is encrypted in the database with Transparent Data Encryption,

    abbreviated as TDE!


    The #process cannot decrpt data that has been encrpted with application

    encrption, such as D4MS_CRYPTOprocedures.

    Data may be e'ported across network connections! f the ##process connects to the

    database usin a service name, the data may be encrypted if ASO network encryption is

    specified between the client /where ##is e'ecutin0 and the server!

    The ##process may also connect usin a database link specified with the

    NETWORK_LINKparameter! The data will be sent across this link in clear te't unless the

    database link has been confiured to use network encryption!

    The ENCRYPTIONparameter determines the scope of the encryption ? that is, which data

    elements are encrypted! The ENCRYPTION_MODEparameter determines the type of

    encryption used ? that is, the type of key used! The ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDinteracts

    with both the other parameters!


    -n example o" a service name is hr0IIIIJH;$C.


    dentify the features of Data $ump encryption!


    &! t requires that ASO be installed

    :! The ENCRYPTION_MODEparameter determines the scope of the encryption

    ;! The ##process receives the data unencrypted from the database

    ! Data cannot be e'ported across network connections

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    The NONEsettin is the default! f ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDis set and ENCRYPTIONis not

    set, ENCRYPTIONdefaults to ALL!

    The ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDparameter may be used by itself in the command line or

    the parameter file! ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDspecifies a key for re-encryptin encrypted

    table columns so that they are not written as clear te't in the dump file set!

    f the e'port operation involves encrypted table columns, but an encryption password is

    not supplied, the encrypted columns will be written to the dump file set as clear te't, and

    a warnin will be issued!

    There is no connection or dependency between the key specified with the Data $ump

    ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDparameter and the key specified with the ENCRYPTkeyword

    when the table with encrypted columns was initially created! )or e'ample, suppose a

    table is created with an encrypted column whose key is 3%!




    1hen you e'port the EMPtable, you can supply any arbitrary value for

    ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD! t does not have to be 3%! $asswords should never be used

    in a command line!

    As a best practice, you should place the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDparameter in a

    parameter file!

    )or network e'ports, the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDparameter is not supported with user-

    defined e'ternal tables that have encrypted columns! The table will be skipped and an

    error messae will be displayed, but the "ob will continue!





    1hich statements most accurately describe the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD



  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    &! t may be used by itself in the command line

    :! t specifies a key for re-encryptin encrypted table columns

    ;! t is supported with user-defined e'ternal tables that have encrypted columns

    ! There is a dependency between the key specified with this parameter and the key

    specified with the ENCRYPTkeyword at table creation


    Option 1:This option is correct. The ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDparameter ma be

    used b itsel" in the command line or the parameter "ile.

    Option 2:This option is correct. ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDspeci"ies a ke "or re/

    encrpting encrpted table columns so that the are not written as clear text in the

    dump "ile set.

    Option 3:This option is incorrect. %or network exports, the

    ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDparameter is not supported with user/de"ined external

    tables that have encrpted columns.

    Option 4:This option is incorrect. There is no connection or dependenc between

    the ke speci"ied with the $ata (ump ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDparameter and

    the ke speci"ied with the ENCRYPTkeword when the table with encrpted

    columns was initiall created.

    Correct ans$er,s-+

    &! t may be used by itself in the command line

    :! t specifies a key for re-encryptin encrypted table columns

    The ENCRYPTION_MODEparameter sets the method of obtainin the key for encryptin

    the dump file! The ENCRYPTIONor ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDparameter must also be set

    when specifyin the ENCRYPTION_MODEparameter!

    f the encryption wallet is confiured and TRANSPARENTis specified, the dump file is

    encrypted with no intervention by the D(A required! The ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD

    parameter is not needed, and the ##process will return an error if

    ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDis specified!

    A dump file e'ported in transparent mode may be imported transparently if the encryption

    wallet is available! These dump files should be imported to the same database that they

    e'ported from!

    1hen PASSWORDmode is specified, the password is not stored, but must be specified on

    import! Dump files created in password mode are best suited for cases where the file will

    be imported offsite where the encryption wallet is not available!

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    ENCRYPTION_PASSWORDmust be specified when usin this mode! To import the dump

    file, the same password must be specified, and the taret table must have the same

    encryption attributes as the source table /the same columns must be declared as


    Dual mode allows the dump file to be imported transparently where the encryption wallet

    is available, or with a password where the wallet is not available!

    TDE allows you to protect your database data files and imae backups by encryptin the

    data of sensitive columns!

    Data $ump E'port allows you to e'port that data into a dump file or an e'ternal table that

    is created in >+% format! (y default, the data in the dump file is in clear te't! n the

    e'ample, you can encrypt only the data, or you can encrypt the entire dump file! This

    e'ample uses transparent mode!


    ## % TA4LES=#'$.

    DIRECTORY="*"_##_:% DUMPFILE=%_#+#



    1hen you want to encrypt in the dump file, only the columns that are encrypted in the


    must be specified! Therefore, ENCRYPTION_MODEmust be PASSWORD!

    This e'ample uses password mode to enerate the key! t also uses the encryption

    password on the command line! $asswords should never be placed on the command

    line! =se PARFILEwith ##or :##to specify ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD!


    ## $ TA4LES=&.*_#"*_:

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    #sing 7'A) 6ac!up :ile Encryption

    Learning Objective

    After completing this topic, you should be able to

    create and recover backups

    E(ercise overvie$

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    E>A+$%E tablespace to 7home7oracle7backup7e'ampleHH&!bck! Set *"; =

    *%".#"%*so that it can be specified in the restore command! nclude the format and

    ta clauses on separate lines!

    Steps list


    &! Type ," *",'.#"& "#'and press Enter

    :! Type

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Database 11g Transparent Data Encryption


    Steps list


    &! Type RESTORE TA4LESPACE "#' FROM TA *%".#"%*7and press Enter

    :! Type SET DECRYPTION IDENTIFIED 4Y #"..-$%17and press Enter

    ;! Type RESTORE TA4LESPACE "#' FROM TA #"..-$%7and press Enter
