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oracle hrms payroll

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  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll



  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    3+. 2lick :; to close the lias indo

    31. 0n the :perations ccounting ?le@ indo, select +1+++111++++++++.

    Note% Anter each segment separately.

    3). 2lick :; to close the :perations ccounting ?le@ indo.

    3/. "ave your ork.

    33. "elect a Ne record.

    Define a Direct Deposit Payment Method

    34. *ate Track to +1-N)++1.

    35. 0n the Name field, enter *irect *eposit.

    37. 0n the Type field, select N2# &!nited "tates'.

    38. The 2urrency field defaults to !"*.

    39. The "ource 6ank 2ountry field defaults to !nited "tates.

    4+. 2lick in the 6ank *etails field, and enter the folloing information%

    41. 0n the ccount Name field, enter Payroll 2hecking.

    4). 0n the ccount Type field, select 2hecking ccount.

    4/. 0n the ccount Number field, enter 8574/+9.

    43. 0n the Transit 2ode field, enter 4+4/+9+.

    44. 0n the 6ank Name field, enter Team 6ank.

    45. 0n the 6ank 6ranch field, enter Main.

    47. Anter additional N2# information in the ?urther 0nformation field.

    48. 2lick on the :ther tab.

    49. 0n the N2# *estination 2ode field, enter 1)/345789.

    5+. 0n the N2# *estination Name field, enter 2ompany 6ank.

    51. 0n the N2# :rigin 2ode field, enter 1)/345789.

    5). 0n the N2# :rigin Name field, enter Team 6ank.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    5/. 0n the $eference 2ode field, enter P$.

    53. 0n the 6alanced N2# ?ile field, select Yes.

    54. 2lick :; to close the ?urther Payment Method 0nfo indo.

    55. 2lick on the ision :perations &!"'.

    58. 0n the ccount lias field, enter the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 2: Define Consolidation Sets

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to create consolidation sets.

    You should already have a consolidation set defined by the system. $evie the consolidationset.


    1. Navigate to the 2onsolidation "ets indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Payroll ( 2onsolidation

    ). *ate Track to +1-N)++1.

    /. Perform Buery &2trlC?11'.

    3. >ision 2orporation ill be displayed.

    4. 0n a ne record, enterXX Semi Monthly Payrollsas the name of 2onsolidation "ets.

    5. "ave your ork.

    7. 2lose the form.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 3: Define a Payroll

    Business Scenario

    This practice demonstrates the ability to create payrolls.

    Your company has a semimonthly payroll starting ith year )++1. You need to generate 7 yearsorth of calendars.


    1. Navigate to the Payroll indo using !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' Payroll ( *escription

    ). *ate Track to +1-N)++1.

    /. 0n the Name field, enter "emimonthly Payroll.

    3. 0n the Period Type field, select "emiMonth.

    4. The ?irst Period And *ate field defaults to 14-N)++1.

    5. 0n the Number of Years field, enter 7.

    7. 0n the *ate :ffset region, enter the folloing information%

    8. 0n the 2heck field, enter +.

    9. 0n the "cheduled $un field, enter -3.

    1+. 0n the 2ut :ff field, enter4.

    11. 0n the Payslip field, enter ).

    Note% The offset for the Payslip field is based on the payroll processing date. ?or e@ample,by entering ), the result is the online payslip is available ) days after the processing date.

    1. 1). 0n the *efault region, enter the folloing information%

    ). 1/. 0n the Payment Method field, select Payroll 2heck.

    /. 13. 0n the 2onsolidation "et field, select >ision 2orporation.

    3. 14. 0n the 2osting field, select +113+++++.

    4. 15. 2lick :; to close >ision 2ost lloc ?le@field indo.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    5. 17. 2lick on the "uspense ccount field to enter the folloing information%

    7. 18. 0n the "uspense ccount field, select +1+++)3)++++++++.

    8. 19. 2lick :; to close >ision 2ost lloc ?le@field indo.

    9. )+. 2lick on the ?urther Payroll 0nformation field.

    1+. )1. 0n the #ours 2alculation Type field, select nnualization.

    11. )). 0n the Prenotification lloed field, select Yes.

    1). )/. 0n the Ta@ Multiple Payments as :ne field, select No.

    1/. )3. 0n the Terminate "eeded Aarnings 6y field, select =ast "tandard Process *ate.

    13. )4. 0n the Time *efinition field, select Non llocated Time *efinition.

    14. )5. 0n the Premium 2alculation $ate field, select #igher of 6lended or Normal $ate.

    15. )7. 2lick :; to close this indo.

    17. )8. "ave your ork.

    18. )9. 2lick the >alid Payment Methods button.

    19. /+. 0n a ne record, select *irect *eposit to add to the list of valid payment methods.

    )+. /1. 0n a ne record, select Third Party 2heck to add to the list of valid payment methods.

    )1. /). "ave your ork and close the indo to return to the Payroll indo.

    )). //. 2lick on the Period *ates button to vie the schedule that the system created for thispayroll. You can adDust the system dates if needed for holidays, vacations, end of fiscal year,end of calendar year, etc.

    )/. /3. 2lose the Period *ates indo.

    )3. /4. 2lose the form.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 4: Defining GL Flefield Ma!!ing

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to understand the correlation of the Payroll 2osting segmentsto the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice ": Defining #lements for Payroll $nly

    Business Scenario

    This practice demonstrates the ability to create different types of elements.

    You must maintain the folloing types of earnings and deductions for #$M" in yourorganization.

    Element Description


    6onus ?lat amount


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    11. 11. "ave your ork.

    1). 1). 2lose the form.

    Review the Bonus Element Description Information

    1/. 1/.Navigate to the Alement indo using !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' Total 2ompensation ( 6asic ( Alement *escription

    13. 13. *ate Track to +1-N)++4.

    14. 14. Perform Buery Anter &?11'.

    15. 15. 0n the Name field, enter 6onus.

    17. 17. Perform Buery $un &2trlC?11'.

    18. 18. "elect the 0nput >alues button.

    19. 19. The 0nput >alues are described as follos%

    Input #alue Purpose $E%planation& of Entry #alue

    Pay >alue "hortcircuits formula and provides bonus payroll run result.

    mount ?lat amount of bonus

    -urisdiction Provides the location for ork done somehere other than the primary

    ork location. Antry of a location here prompts system to find thelocationGs ta@ code in the table of Durisdiction codes, and uses it tooverride the code of the employeeGs regular ork location hencalculating ta@es.

    Ta@ "eparately *efaultNomeans, apply supplemental ithholding for a supplementalrun and regular ithholding for a regular run. Yesmeans, alays applysupplemental ithholding.


    Tax Onlymeans, process ta@ deductions only for this earnings type orpayment. Pre Tax and Tax Onlymeans, process only ta@ and preta@

    deductions. *efault isAll.

    "eparate check Yessignals that this earning should be paid by separate 2heck. *efaultisNo.

    )+. )+. *eselect the $eHuired checkbo@ for all the input fields.

    Note% #ighlight the 0nput >alue to uncheck $eHuired checkbo@.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    )1. )1. 2lick on 2orrection hen reHuested.

    )). )). "ave your ork.

    )/. )/. 2lose the 0nput >alues indo.

    )3. )3. 2lose the form.

    Define a arnishment Element

    1. 1. Navigate to the *eduction indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' Total 2ompensation ( 6asic ( *eductions

    ). ). *ate Track to +1-N)++4.

    /. /. 0n the Name field, enter

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Input #alue Purpose $E%planation& of Entry #alue

    /. Note% Must be entered for federal ta@ leviesI ill not default to F3information.


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Input #alue Purpose $E%planation& of Entry #alue

    ill check to make sure deductions amounts for the element ill note@ceed this value.

    Number of*ependents

    alue NJ for age attachments.

    Payee *etails #olds the information about the recipient of the age attachment, likethe estranged spouse or a creditor. Must be setup as a personal paymentmethodI there can be multiple values for an employee record, such as

    to different orders, or multiple support orders.


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    4. 4. 0n the 2lassification field, select >oluntary *eductions.

    5. 5. 0n the 2ategory field, select 2haritable 2ontributions.

    7. 7. 0n the Processing Type field, select $ecurring.

    8. 8. 0n the $un Type field, select $egular.

    9. 9. 0n the "tart $ule field, select :n Antry.

    1+. 1+. "elect mount *etails tab.

    11. 11. 0n the 2alculation $ule field, select ?lat mount.

    1). 1). 0n the 0nsufficient ?unds Type region, select 6:T# rrearage and Partial *eductioncheckbo@es.

    1/. 1/.

    "elect Processing tab.

    13. 13. 2lick the ?reHuency $ules button.

    14. 14. 2lick 'for the $egular Processing Period check bo@ for "emimonthly Payroll ith aperiod type of "emiMonth.

    15. 15. "ave your ork.

    17. 17. 2lose the form.

    Review the !nited "ay Element Description Information

    18. 18.Navigate to the Alement indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' Total 2ompensation ( 6asic ( Alement *escription

    19. 19. *ate Track to +1-N)++4.

    )+. )+. Perform Buery Anter &?11'.

    )1. )1. 0n the Name field, enter !nited Fay.

    )). )). Perform Buery $un &2trlC?11'.

    )/. )/. "elect the 0nput >alues button.

    )3. )3. The folloing describes the 0nput >alues%

    Input #alue Purpose $E%planation& of Entry #alue

    Pay >alue "hortcircuits formula and provides !nited Fay payroll run result.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Input #alue Purpose $E%planation& of Entry #alue

    mount !nited Fay mount

    2lear rrears

    )4. )4. 2lose the form

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice %: Lin& #lements to a Payroll

    Business Scenario

    To activate the predefined elements, you need only define the element link. This practicereinforces the ability to link elements.

    Amployees in your payroll are eligible for the folloing elements%

    =0N; A=AMANT" Y:! *A?0NA*%

    Element Lin(ing Criteria

    6onus Payroll L "emimonthly Payroll

    2osting L +111+514++++++++I 6alancing L +1+++)3)+


    ision demo database.


    #on$%pen &inks

    1. 1. Navigate to the Alement =ink indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Total 2ompensation ( 6asic ( =ink

    ). ). *ate Track to +1-N)++4.

    /. /. 0n the Name field, select 6onus.

    3. 3. 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    4. 4. "elect the 2osted checkbo@.

    5. 5. 2lick in the 2osting field to open the fle@field indo.

    7. 7. 0n the 2osting field, select +111+514++++++++.

    Note% Anter each segment separately.

    8. 8. 2lick :; to close the 2ost llocation ?le@field indo.

    9. 9. 2lick in the 6alancing field to open the fle@field indo.

    1+. 1+. 0n the 6alancing field, select +1+++)3)+13+++++.

    Note% Anter each segment separately.

    11. 11. 2lick :; to close the 2ost llocation ?le@field indo.

    1). 1). 2lick the Transfer to

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice ': Create #m!loyees

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to create employees. Your company has / employees ho youmust move to a ne payroll freHuency.

    Amployee 1 Mary Martin%

    1. 1. n hourly employee ho is paid 14 hours per eek

    ). ). Timecard is not reHuired

    /. /. ) direct deposit payment methods

    Amployee ) 2harles 6ailey%

    1. 1. n hourly employee ho is paid by timecards

    ). ). :ne employee check payment method

    Amployee / ndre -ohnson%

    1. 1. n employee ho does not reHuire timecard

    ). ). Fith garnishment element

    /. /. :ne employee check and one third party check payment methods

    #int% Perform all the changes to Amployee 1I upon completion of Amployee 1, then performchanges to Amployee ).


    1. 1. Navigate to the People indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain

    ). ). *ate Track to +1-N)++1

    /. /. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, in the ?ull Name field, enter the folloing employeename%

    *iel+ Employee ' Employee , Employee

    *ull Name Martin, Mary 6ailey, 2harles -ohnson, ndre

    3. 3. 2lick the ?ind button.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    4. 4. ?or Amployee 1 and Amployee ), go to step 13.

    5. 5. ?or Amployee /, click the :thers button

    7. 7. "elect 2ontact from the Navigation :ptions

    *iel+ Employee ' Employee , Employee Last @@"impson

    *irst -anice

    !itle Ms.

    !ype 2ontact

    .irth Date

    Relationship A@"pouse

    Primary Contact 2hecked

    Payments Recipient 2hecked

    Share+ Resi+ence !nchecked




    8. 8. "ave your ork.

    9. 9. ?or Amployee /, click the 2ontactGs *etails button, selectEnter US Address to enteraddress information for -anice Simpson

    1+. 1+. Anter the folloing information%

    *iel+ Employee ' Employee , Employee

    A++ress Line


    1+ Palm 2ourt

    City ;aanapaliState #0

    /ip Co+e 95751

    County Maui

    Country !nited "tates

    !ype #ome

    11. 11. "ave your ork

    1). 1). 2lose the indo.

    1/. 1/. 2lose the 2ontact indo to return to the People indo.

    Enter 'ssi(nment Information

    13. 13. 2lick the ssignment button.

    14. 14. Anter the folloing information%

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    *iel+ Employee ' Employee , Employee

    Payroll "emimonthlyPayroll



    15. 15. 2lick 2orrection.

    17. 17. "elect the "tatutory 0nformation tab.

    18. 18. Anter the folloing information%

    *iel+ Employee ' Employee , Employee



    6lank blank 1 "chedule 88888++



    No Yes No

    19. 19. 2lick :; to close the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Employee ' Employee , Employee

    Percentage 1++ 1++

    Payee !ype

    Payee Name

    Issue+ 2hecked

    PreNoteIssue+ Date







    "avings ccount




    !ransit Co+e )/4)9

    .an( Name 6of

    .an( .ranch *undas 6ranch

    )7. )7. "ave your ork.

    )8. )8. ?or employee ), go to step /5. ?or employee 1 and /, enter additional paymentmethods by clicking on the Ne $ecord icon.

    Employee ' Employee , Employee

    Name *irect *eposit Third Party 2heck

    Priority )+

    .alance Amount

    Percentage 1++

    Payee !ype Person

    Payee Name "impson, Ms. -anice

    Issue+ 2hecked

    PreNote Issue+ Date 1+*A2)++1

    Account Name 2hecking

    Account !ype 2hecking ccount

    Account Num4er /44)49+/

    !ransit Co+e )/4)9

    .an( Name 6of

    .an( .ranch *undas 6ranch

    )9. )9. "ave your ork.

    /+. /+. 2lose the Personal Payment Methods indo to return to the ssignment indo.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Define Element Entry Information

    /1. /1. *ate Track to +1-an)++4

    /). /). 2lick on the Antries button to enter the folloing Alement%

    *iel+ Employee ' Employee , Employee




    //. //. "elect the Antry >alues button.

    /3. /3. Anter the folloing information%

    *iel+ Employee ' Employee , Employee

    Amount 150

    Payee Details XXSimpson, Ms. Janice

    /4. /4.

    "ave your ork.

    /5. /5. 2lose the form.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice (: Create )atch #lement #ntry )atches

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces your ability to use batch element entry.

    Anter the folloing changes to 6onus information for your employee as of +1-N)++4 in abatch%

    Name Amount

    Mary Martin 1/++

    ndre -ohnson 3+++


    '5 1. Navigate to the 6atch #eader indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Mass 0nformation echange% M0 ( 6atch Alement Antry

    ,5 ). *ate Track to +1-an)++4 &this indo is date effective not date tracked'.

    5 /. 0n the 6atch Name field, enter 6onus.

    65 3. 0n the $eference field, enter "ales thru -an 14.

    75 4. "elect the 6atch 2ontrol ction 0f Antry A@ists 2reate Ne Antry checkbo@.

    85 5. "elect the $eDect if ?uture 2hanges checkbo@.

    95 7. "elect the $eDect $ollback if $esults A@ist checkbo@.

    :5 8. "elect the uto Buery checkbo@.

    ;5 9. "elect the uto >alidation checkbo@.


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    0f the bonus amount is the same amount for each employee, you can use the *efaults buttonto create a template for replicating the information for each employee.

    '65 13. 2lick the *efaults button.

    '75 14. 0n the $eason field, select Merit.

    '85 15. 0n the mount field, enter 1/++.

    '95 17. *o not close the 6atch =ine *efaults indo, instead, drag the *efault indo to theside.

    ':5 18. No, select each employee assignment and confirm or adDust the mount as needed.

    Employee Assignment num4er Amount

    Mary Martin 1/++

    ndre -ohnson 3+++

    ';5 19. "ave your ork.


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    ,:5 )8. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, in the Name field, select -ohnson, ndre .

    ,;5 )9. 2lick ssignment button.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice *: Define an +ssignment Set

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to use batch element entry ith an assignment set.

    You ill enter the folloing changes to !nited Fay information for your employees as of +1-N)++4 in a batch%

    Mary Martin /+

    2harles 6ailey /+

    ndre -ohnson /+


    1. 1. Navigate to the ssignment "et indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Payroll ( ssignment "et

    ). ). *ate Track to +1-an)++4.

    /. /. 0n the Name field, enter "

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    1/. 1/. 2lick the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    )). )). 0f the status is valid, click the Processbutton and select Transfer, then click "tartI if thestatus is Arror, you need to correct the element lines.

    )/. )/. Buery your 6atch Name to verify the 6atch "tatus eHuals Transferred.

    )3. )3. 2lose the form.

    )erify Batch Element Entry Results

    1. 1. Navigate to the Alement Antries indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain


    &N' ?astPath ( Alement Antry &to skip the ssignment step'

    ). ). *ate Track to +1-an)++4.

    /. /. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, in the Name field, select -ohnson, ndre , andclick ?ind.

    3. 3. "elect the ssignment button.

    4. 4. "elect the Antries button.

    5. 5. The Alement Antries shos the !nitedFay element generated by 6atch AlementAntry.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 1,: Define an #lement Set

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to use batch element entry ith an element set to assignelements for 2harles 6ailey.

    Time Antry Fages

    "hift *iff Pay

    #oliday Pay


    1. 1. Navigate to the Alement and *istribution "et indo using the !" "uper #$M"Manager responsibility%

    &N' Payroll ( Alement "et

    ). ). *ate Track to +1-an)++4.

    /. /. 0n the Name field, enter O14-NO#$".

    3. 3. 0n the Type field, select 2ustomization "et.

    4. 4. "ave your ork.

    5. 5. 0n the Alements region, click in the Name field.

    7. 7. 2lick the 0nclude Alement button.

    8. 8. 0n the Name field, select Time Antry Fages, and click :;.

    9. 9. 2lick the 0nclude Alement button.

    1+. 1+. 0n the Name field, select "hift *iff Pay and click :;.

    11. 11. 2lick the 0nclude Alement button.

    1). 1). 0n the Name field, select #oliday Pay, and click :;.

    1/. 1/. "ave your ork.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    13. 13. 2lose the form.

    Create Batch Element Entries usin( an Element Set

    1. 1. Navigate to the 6atch #eader indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Mass 0nformation echange% M0 ( 6atch Alement Antry

    ). ). *ate Track to +1-an)++4.

    /. /. 0n the 6atch Name field, enter -an14 #ours.

    3. 3. 0n the $eference field, enter Ne #ire -an 14.

    4. 4. "elect the 6atch 2ontrol ction 0f Antry A@ists 2reate Ne Antry checkbo@.

    5. 5.

    "elect the $eDect if ?uture 2hanges checkbo@.

    7. 7. "elect the $eDect $ollback if $esults A@ist checkbo@.

    8. 8. "elect the uto Buery checkbo@.

    9. 9. "elect the uto >alidation checkbo@.

    1+. 1+. "ave your ork.

    11. 11. 2lick the ssignment =ines button.

    1). 1). 0n the ssignment Number field, select 6ailey, 2harles .

    1/. 1/. 0n the Alement "et field, select O14-NO#$".

    13. 13. Anter the folloing information%

    Element 2ours =ultiple

    Time Antry Fages 3+

    #oliday Pay 8

    "hift *iff Pay )+ 1.4

    14. 14. "ave your ork.

    15. 15. 2lose the 6atch ssignment Antry indo.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    17. 17. 2lick the Alement =ines button to verify the element entries.

    18. 18. 2lose the 6atch =ines indo.

    19. 19. 2lick on the Processbutton and select >alidate, then click "tart.

    )+. )+. Buery your 6atch Name to verify the 6atch "tatus is >alid.

    )1. )1. 0f the status is valid, click the Processbutton and select Transfer, then click "tart. 0f thestatus is Arror, you need to correct the element lines.

    )). )). Buery your 6atch Name to verify the 6atch "tatus is Transferred

    )erify Batch Element Entry Results

    )/. )/.Navigate to the Alement Antries indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain


    &N' ?astPath ( Alement Antry &to skip the ssignment step'

    )3. )3. *ate Track to +1-an)++4.

    )4. )4. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, in the Name field, select 6ailey, 2harles , and click?ind.

    )5. )5. 2lick the ssignment button.

    )7. )7. 2lick the Antries button.

    )8. )8. The Alement Antries shos the Time Antry Fages, "hift *iff Pay and #oliday Payelements generated by 6atch Alement Antry.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 11: R-n a .-ic&Pay

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to run a BuickPay for an employee.

    6efore the scheduled payroll run, you ant to use 2harles 6ailey as a test case for the payrollrun.


    1. 1. Navigate to the BuickPay indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain

    ). ). *ate Track to 14-an)++4.

    /. /. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, in the Name field, select 6ailey, 2harles , and click?ind.

    3. 3. 2lick the ssignment button.

    4. 4. 2lick the :thers button.

    5. 5. "elect BuickPay from the Navigation :ptions.

    7. 7. 0n the $un Type field, select $egular.

    8. 8. "ave your ork.

    9. 9. 2lick the "tart $unbutton.

    1+. 1+. Fait for the cursor to return.

    11. 11. fter the status changes to 2omplete, click the >ie $esults button, and select the ":A$eport.

    1). 1). $evie the information.

    1/. 1/. 2lose the Amployee "tatement of Aarnings indo.

    13. 13. You are also able to vie $un $esults>vie 6alances, or vie BuickPay $unMessages from the BuickPay indo.

    Roll Back a *uickPay

    1. 1. Navigate to the BuickPay indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain

    ). ). *ate Track to 14-an)++4

    /. /. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, in the Name field, select 6ailey, 2harles , and click?ind.

    3. 3. 2lick the ssignment button.

    4. 4. 2lick the :thers button.

    5. 5. "elect BuickPay from the Navigation :ptions.

    7. 7. Buery the 14-N)++4 BuickPay record.

    8. 8. 2lick the *elete icon.

    9. 9.

    "elect Yes.

    1+. 1+. "ave your ork.


    11. 11. Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    1). 1). 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    1/. 1/. 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    13. 13. 2lick the ?ind button.

    14. 14. "elect the BuickPay $un you ant to delete.

    Note% *o not check the $etry checkbo@

    15. 15. 2lick the *elete icon on the toolbar.

    17. 17. 2lick Yes.

    18. 18. "ave your ork


    19. 19. Navigate to the Payroll Profile indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    &N' >ie ( Payroll Profile

    )+. )+. *ate Track to 14-an)++4.

    )1. )1. Press ?11

    )). )). 0n the Name field, enter 6ailey, 2harles E.

    )/. )/. Press 2trlC?11.

    )3. )3. 2lick the BuickPay button.

    )4. )4. Buery the 14-N)++4 BuickPay record.

    )5. )5. 2lick the *elete icon on the toolbar.

    )7. )7. 2lick Yes.

    )8. )8. "ave your ork.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 12: R-n the Payroll Process

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to run and if reHuired, correct payroll run results for all ofyour employees.


    1. 1. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    ). ). "electa "ingle $eHuest.

    /. /. 2lick :;.

    3. 3. 0n the Name field, select Payroll Process.

    4. 4. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    0n the 2onsolidation field, select >ision 2orporation.

    0n the *ate Aarned field, enter 14-N)++4.

    0n the *ate Paid field, enter 14-N)++4.

    0n the $un Type field, select $egular.

    5. 5. 2lick :;.

    7. 7. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    8. 8. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    9. 9. 2lick No.

    )erify the Concurrent Re+uest

    1+. 1+. Navigate to the $eHuests indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    11. 11. 6efore you proceed to the ne@t step, ensure the reHuest has been completed.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    )erify the Payroll Run Results

    1). 1). Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    1/. 1/. 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    13. 13. 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    14. 14. :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the samepayroll period, you only need to enter the payroll period in the ?rom field.

    15. 15. 2lick the ?ind button.

    17. 17. Place the cursor on the payroll run record.

    18. 18. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    19. 19. 2lick on one of your employees.

    )+. )+. >erify the folloing results%

    )iew the Statement of Earnin(s

    )1. )1. "elect the ":A $eport button.

    )). )). "elect $egular "tandard $un from the ssignment ction indo.

    )/. )/. $evie the ":A values generated by :racle Payroll.

    )3. )3. 2lose the Amployee "tatement of Aarnings indo.

    )iew Run Results

    )4. )4. "elect the >ie $esults button.

    )5. )5. Place the cursor on Time Antry Fages, and select the $un $esult >alues button.

    )7. )7. $evie the information generated by :racle Payroll.

    )8. )8. 2lose the $esult >alues indo.

    )9. )9. 2lose the $un $esults indo.

    )iew Balances

    /+. /+. 2lick the 6alances button.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    /1. /1. "elect the Ta@ 6alance "ummary option.

    /). /). 2lick the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Review the Report

    41. 41. &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &6' ?ind

    Retry the Payroll Run for Employee ,-

    The bonus amount given to employee / is not correct.

    1. 1. Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    ). ). 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    /. /. 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    3. 3.

    :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the samepayroll period, you only need to enter the payroll period in the ?rom field.

    4. 4. 2lick the ?ind button.

    5. 5. Place the cursor on the payroll run record.

    7. 7. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    8. 8. "elect the $etry checkbo@ for ndre -ohnson.

    9. 9. "ave your ork.

    Modify the Element Entries for Employee,-

    1. 1. Navigate to the Alement Antries indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain


    &N' ?astPath ( Alement Antry &to skip the ssignment step'

    ). ). *ate Track to +1-an)++4.

    /. /. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, in the Name field, select -ohnson, ndre , andclick ?ind.

    3. 3. 2lick the ssignment button.

    4. 4. 2lick the Antries button.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    5. 5. #ighlight the 6onus element.

    7. 7. 2lick the Antry >alues button.

    8. 8. 0n the mount field, enter /+++.

    9. 9. "ave your ork.

    1+. 1+. 2lick 2orrection.

    Re$Process the Payroll Run

    1. 1. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    ). ).

    "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    /. /. 2lick :;.

    3. 3. 0n the Name field, select $etry !" Payroll Process.

    4. 4. 2lick the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the Process Year field, select )++4.

    0n the Process Type field, select $un.

    0n the Payroll Process field, select 14-N)++4 &@@@@@@@'.

    5. 5. 2lick :;.

    7. 7. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    8. 8. 2lick No.

    9. 9. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 13: Process Pre/Payments

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to process prepayments for your employees.


    1. 1. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    ). ). "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    /. /. 2lick :;.

    3. 3. 0n the Name field, select PrePayments.

    4. 4. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    0n the 2onsolidation field, select >ision 2orporation.

    0n the "tart *ate field, enter 14-N)++4.

    0n the And *ate field, enter 14-N)++4.

    5. 5. 2lick :;.

    7. 7. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    8. 8. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    9. 9. Fhen the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

    )erify the PrePayment Concurrent Re+uest

    1+. 1+. Navigate to the $eHuests indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    11. 11. 6efore you proceed to the ne@t step, ensure the reHuest has been completed.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    )erify the PrePayment Results

    1). 1). Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    1/. 1/. 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    13. 13. 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    14. 14. :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the samepayroll period, you only need to enter the payroll period in the ?rom field.

    15. 15. 2lick the ?ind button.

    17. 17. Place the cursor on the Prepayment record.

    18. 18. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    19. 19. 2lick on Mary Martin.

    )+. )+. 2lick the Payment Methods button.

    )1. )1. You should see ) direct deposit accounts for this employee

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 14: R-n the Payroll +rchi0e

    Business Scenario

    Note% The Payroll rchive must be completed before submitting the 2heck Friter or N2#processes.


    1. 1. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    ). ). "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    /. /. 2lick :;.

    3. 3. 0n the Name field, select Payroll rchive.

    4. 4. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the "tart *ate field, enter 14-N)++4.

    0n the And *ate field, enter 14-N)++4.

    0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    0n the 2onsolidation field, select >ision 2orporation.

    5. 5. 2lick the :; button.

    7. 7. 2lick the "ubmit button.

    8. 8. Frite don the $eHuest 0* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    9. 9. Fhen the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 1": Process Chec&riter

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to print the checks from a payroll run.

    Note% 0f you use ""#$ Pay "lips, you must submit the A@ternal Process rchive concurrentreHuest before the 2heckFriter or Nacha processes.


    1. 1. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    ). ). 2lick "ingle $eHuest.

    /. /. 2lick :;.

    3. 3. 0n the Name field, select 2heckFriter.

    4. 4. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    0n the 2onsolidation field, select >ision 2orporation.

    0n the "tart *ate field, enter 14-N)++4.

    0n the And *ate field, enter 14-N)++4.

    Note% This is the *ate Paid or 2heck *ate.

    0n the Payment Method field, select Payroll 2heck.

    0n the "ort "eHuence field, select :rganization, Person.

    0n the 2heck "tyle field, select Payroll 2heck.

    0n the "tart 2heck Number field, enter 1.

    5. 5. 2lick :;.

    7. 7. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    8. 8. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    9. 9. Fhen the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

    )erify the Check"riter Concurrent Re+uest

    1+. 1+. Navigate to the $eHuests indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    11. 11. Fith cursor on your reHuest, select >ie :utput to vie your payroll checks.

    1). 1). 6efore you proceed to the ne@t step, ensure the reHuest is complete.

    )erify the Check"riter Results

    1/. 1/. Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    13. 13. 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    14. 14. 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    15. 15. :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the samepayroll period, you only need to enter the payroll period in the ?rom field.

    17. 17. 2lick the ?ind button.

    18. 18. Place the cursor on the 2heckFriter record.

    19. 19. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    )+. )+. 2lick on employees ) or /.

    )1. )1. 2lick the Payment button.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 1%: Process +C+

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to process direct deposits from a payroll run.


    1. 1. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    ). ). "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    /. /. 2lick :;.

    3. 3. 0n the Name field, select N2#.

    4. 4. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    0n the 2onsolidation field, select >ision 2orporation.

    0n the And *ate field, enter 14-N)++4.

    0n the Payment Method field, select *irect *eposit.

    0n the ?ile 0* Modifier, enter 1.

    5. 5. 2lick :;.

    7. 7. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    8. 8. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    Fhen the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

    )erify the #'C.' Concurrent Re+uest

    9. 9. Navigate to the $eHuests indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    1+. 1+. 6efore you proceed to the ne@t step, ensure the reHuest is comple.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    )erify the #'C.' Results

    11. 11. Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    1). 1). 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    1/. 1/. 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    13. 13. :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the samepayroll period, you only need to enter the payroll period in the ?rom field.

    14. 14. 2lick the ?ind button.

    15. 15. Place the cursor on the Magnetic transfer record.

    17. 17. 2lick the :utput button to revie the direct deposit files &.mf or .a+1'.

    Note% The 5mf is the detail file and the 5a+1 is the headerJtrailer file.

    18. 18. 2lose the files to return to the Payroll Process $esults indo.

    19. 19. Place the cursor on the Magnetic Transfer record.

    )+. )+. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    )1. )1. 2lick on employee 1.

    )). )). 2lick the Payment button.

    Process the #'C.' Report

    )/. )/. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    )3. )3. "elect "ingle $eHuest

    )4. )4. 2lick :;.

    )5. )5. 0n the Name field, select N2# $eport.

    )7. )7. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the N2# Process field, select 14-N)++4>ision 2orporationO "emi

    monthly Payroll.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    0n the Totals :nly field, select No.

    )8. )8. 2lick :;.

    )9. )9. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    /+. /+. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    /1. /1. Fhen the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

    )erify the #'C.' Report Concurrent Re+uest

    /). /). Navigate to the $eHuests indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    //. //. Place the cursor on the reHuest, and select >ie :utput to vie your N2# report.

    Process Deposit 'dvice

    /3. /3. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    /4. /4. "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    /5. /5. 2lick :;.

    /7. /7. 0n the Name field, select *eposit dvice.

    /8. /8. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the $eport *ata Type field, select *eposit dvice.

    0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    0n the 2onsolidation "et field, select >ision 2orporation.

    0n the "tart *ate field, enter 14-N)++4.

    0n the And *ate field, enter 14-N)++4.

    Note% This is the *ate Paid or 2heck *ate.

    0n the "ort "eHuence field, select :rganization, Person.

    /9. /9. 2lick :;.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    3+. 3+. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    31. 31. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    3). 3). Fhen the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

    )erify Deposit 'dvice Concurrent Re+uest

    3/. 3/. Navigate to the $eHuests indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    33. 33. Place the cursor on your reHuest, and select >ie :utput to vie the *eposit dvicereport.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 1': Process Costing and ransfer to GL

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to process costing, run the costing breakdon report, andtransfer to ie 2ost llocations.

    7. 7. "elect the 2ost llocations tab.

    8. 8. $evie the information for the 2ost llocation and 6alancing 2ost llocation accountcodes.

    9. 9. "elect the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    14. 14. "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    15. 15. 2lick :;.

    17. 17. 0n the Name field, select 2osting.

    18. 18. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    0n the 2onsolidation field, select >ision 2orporation.

    0n the And *ate field, enter 14-N)++4.

    19. 19. 2lick :;.

    )+. )+. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    )1. )1. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    )). )). Fhen the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

    )erify the Costin( Concurrent Re+uest

    )/. )/. Navigate to the $eHuests indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    )3. )3. 6efore you proceed to the ne@t step, ensure the reHuest is complete.

    )erify the Costin( Results

    )4. )4. Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using the!" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    )5. )5. 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    )7. )7. 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    )8. )8. :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the samepayroll period, you only need to enter the payroll period in the ?rom field.

    )9. )9. 2lick the ?ind button.

    /+. /+. Place the cursor on the 2osting record.

    /1. /1. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    /). /). 2lick on employee 1.

    //. //. 2lick the 2osting button.

    /3. /3. 0n the 2osted $un *ate field, select 14-an)++4.

    /4. /4. 2lick in the Alement Name field to display *rJ2r entries for each element.

    /5. /5. 2lose all indos e@cept the Payroll Processes indo.

    /7. /7. 2lick the 6reakdon button.

    /8. /8. $evie the information.

    /9. /9. 2lose the form.

    enerate the Costin( Report

    3+. 3+. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    31. 31. "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    3). 3). 2lick :;.

    3/. 3/. 0n the Name field, select 2osting "ummary $eport.

    33. 33. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the 2osting Affective *ate 6egin field, enter +1-N)++4.

    0n the 2osting Affective *ate And field, enter 14-N)++4.


    0n the 2osting Process field, select the 2osting Process.

    34. 34. 2lick :;.

    35. 35. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    37. 37. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    "elect the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

    38. 38. Fhen the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    )erify Costin( Report Concurrent Re+uest

    39. 39. Navigate to the $eHuests indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    4+. 4+. 6efore you proceed to the ne@t step, ensure the reHuest is complete.

    Transfer to eneral &ed(er

    41. 41. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    4). 4). "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    4/. 4/.

    "elect :;.

    43. 43. 0n the Name field, select Transfer to

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    5). 5). 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    5/. 5/. :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the samepayroll period, you only need to enter the payroll period in the ?rom field.

    53. 53. 2lick the ?ind button.

    54. 54. Place the cursor on the Transfer to

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 1(: Process Payroll Re!orts

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to generate other payroll related reports.


    1. 1. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    ). ). "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    /. /. 2lick :;.

    3. 3. 0n the Name field, select ?ederal and "tate Ta@ $emittance $eport Manager.

    4. 4. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter applicable reHuirements in the parameterindo for each reHuest.

    5. 5. 2lick :; to close the Parameters indo.

    7. 7. 2lick the "ubmit button.

    8. 8. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    9. 9. $epeat the same procedure for the folloing reports%

    Re1uest Name Re1uest ID

    Amployee $un $esults $eport

    =ocal Ta@ $emittance $eport Manager

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    11. 11. "elect $eHuest "et.

    1). 1). 2lick :;.

    1/. 1/. 0n the Name field, select Payroll ctivity $eport.

    13. 13. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the applicable data in the parameter indo foreach reHuest.

    14. 14. 2lick :; to close the Parameters indo.

    15. 15. 2lick the "ubmit button.

    Re1uest Name Re1uest ID

    Payroll Acti?ity Report

    Payroll ctivity $eport

    Payroll ctivity Totals

    17. 17. $epeat the same procedure to submit the folloing reHuest set reports &in bold'%

    Re1uest Name Re1uest ID

    Payroll Register Report

    Payroll $egister

    Payroll $egister Totals

    S Gross to Net Summary

    Pre$eport Processor


  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 1*: Process 5oid Chec& 6 Re0ersals 6 .-ic& Pay

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to understand reversals. The Payroll :ffice entered incorrecthours for 2harles 6ailey. "ince the adDustment is significant, the Payroll :ffice has decided tovoid the check, reverse the payroll run, and issue an e@ternal check.


    Record the Check #um/er for the Employee

    1. 1. Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    ). ). 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    /. /. 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    3. 3. :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the samepayroll period, you only need to enter the payroll period in the ?rom field.

    4. 4. 2lick the ?ind button.

    5. 5. Place the cursor on the 2heckFriter record.

    7. 7. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    8. 8. 2lick on employee ) &6ailey, 2harles '.

    9. 9. 2lick the Payment button.

    1+. 1+. Frite don the check number OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    11. 11. Frite don the check id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO generated by the system.

    )oid the Check

    1. 1. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    ). ). "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    /. /. 2lick :;.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    3. 3. 0n the Name field, select >oid 2heck Payments.

    4. 4. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing information%

    0n the Payment $un field, select 14-N)++4 &nnnnnnn'.

    0n the Affective *ate field, enter 15-N)++4.

    Note% Affective *ate is usually todayGs date.

    0n the $eason field, enter missing hours incorrect pay.

    0n the "tart 2heck Number field, enter 2harles 6aileyGs check number.

    0n the And 2heck Number field, enter 2harles 6aileyGs check number.

    5. 5. 2lick :; to close the Parameters indo.

    7. 7. 2lick the "ubmit button.

    8. 8. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    )erify the )oid Check

    9. 9. Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    1+. 1+. 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    11. 11. 0n the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the same payroll period, you only need to enter the payrollperiod in the ?rom field.

    1). 1). 2lick the ?ind button.

    1/. 1/. Place the cursor on the 2heckFriter record.

    13. 13. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    14. 14. 2lick on employee ) &6ailey, 2harles '.

    15. 15. 2lick the Payment button.

    17. 17. >erify the "tatus of the check is >oid.

    18. 18. 2lose all indos to return to the Payroll Processes indo.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    )erify the )oid Payment

    The voided payment is displayed based on effective date of the >oid 2heck Payments process.

    19. 19.Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    )+. )+. 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    )1. )1. 0n the ?rom field, select ) )++4 "emiMonth.

    )). )). 0n the To field, select ) )++4 "emiMonth :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the same payroll period, you only need to enter the payrollperiod in the ?rom field.

    )/. )/. 0n the ction field, select >oid Payment.

    )3. )3. 2lick the ?ind button.

    )4. )4. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    )5. )5. >erify 2harles 6ailey has a void payment record.

    )7. )7. 2lose the form.

    Record an E0ternal Payment

    1. 1. Navigate to the People form using !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain

    ). ). ?rom the ?ind Person indo, select 6ailey, 2harles , click the ?ind button.

    /. /. *ate track to 14-N)++4.

    Note% This is the original check date.

    3. 3. 2lick the ssignment button.

    4. 4. 2lick the :thers button, and select A@ternalJManual Payment.

    5. 5. "elect the Pay checkbo@ on the check for the e@ternal payment.

    7. 7. 0n the Method field, select 2ancel Payment.

    8. 8. "ave your ork.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    9. 9. 2lose the form.

    Process a Reversal

    1. 1. Navigate to the $eversals indo using !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain

    ). ). ?rom the ?ind Person indo, select 6ailey, 2harles , click the ?ind button.

    /. /. *ate Track to 15-an)++4.

    3. 3. 2lick the ssignment button.

    4. 4. 2lick the :thers button.

    5. 5. "elect $everse $un from the Navigation :ptions indo.

    7. 7. "elect the $everse checkbo@.

    8. 8. "ave your ork.

    )erify the Reversal Results

    1+. 1+.Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    11. 11. 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    1). 1). 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    1/. 1/. 0n the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the same payroll period, you only need to enter the payrollperiod in the ?rom field.

    13. 13. 0n the ction field, select $eversal.

    14. 14. 2lick the ?ind button.

    15. 15. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    17. 17. Place the cursor on 2harles 6ailey, and click the ":A $eport button.

    18. 18. >erify the amounts have been reversed.

    19. 19. 2lose the form.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Process PrePpayments for the Reversal Check

    The prepayments process prevents the reversal check from being included in the ne@t payrollrun.

    )+. )+.Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    )1. )1. "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    )). )). 2lick :;.

    )/. )/. 0n the Name field, select PrePayments.

    )3. )3. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    0n the 2onsolidation field, select >ision 2orporation.

    0n the "tart *ate field, enter 15-N)++4.

    0n the And *ate field, enter 15-N)++4.

    Note% This is the *ate Paid or 2heck *ate.

    0n the :verride Payment Method field, select Payroll 2heck

    )4. )4. 2lick :;.

    )5. )5. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    )7. )7. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    )8. )8. Fhen the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

    )erify the PrePayment Concurrent Re+uest

    )9. )9.Navigate to the $eHuests indo using !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    /+. /+. 6efore you proceed to the ne@t step, ensure the reHuest is complete.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    )erify the PrePayment for the Reversal

    /1. /1.Navigate to the Payroll Processes indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Payroll Process $esults

    /). /). 0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    //. //. 0n the ?rom field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth.

    /3. /3. 0n the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the same payroll period, you only need to enter the payrollperiod in the ?rom field.

    /4. /4. 0n the ction field, select PrePayments.

    /5. /5. 2lick the ?ind button.

    /7. /7. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    /8. /8. >erify 2harles 6ailey has a pre payment record for 15-an)++4.

    /9. /9. 2lose the form.

    Note% The original 2heck is no longer displayed in "elf "ervice.

    Enter 'dditional .ours

    1. 1. Navigate to the Alement Antries indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain

    ). ). *ate Track to 14-an)++4.

    /. /. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, in the Name field, select 6ailey, 2harles , and click?ind.

    3. 3. 2lick the ssignment button.

    4. 4. 2lick the Antries button.

    5. 5. Place the cursor on the Time Antry Fages element, and click on Antry >alues.

    7. 7. $eplace 3+ ith 8+ in the #ours field.

    8. 8. "ave your ork.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    9. 9. 2lose the Alement Antries indo.

    Process a *uickPay

    1. 1. Navigate to the Alement Antries indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain

    ). ). *ate Track to 14-an)++4.

    /. /. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, in the Name field, select 6ailey, 2harles , and click?ind.

    3. 3. 2lick the ssignment button.

    4. 4. 2lick the :thers button.

    5. 5. "elect BuickPay from the Navigation :ptions indo.

    7. 7. 0n the $un Type field, select $egular.

    8. 8. 0n the *ate Paid field, enter 15-N)++4.

    9. 9. "ave your ork.

    1+. 1+. 2lick the "tart $un button.

    11. 11. Fait for the cursor to return.

    1). 1). fter the status changed to 2omplete, click on the >ie $esults button, and select ":A$eport and select $egular "tandard $un.

    1/. 1/. $evie the information.

    13. 13. 2lose the Amployee "tatement of Aarnings indo.

    14. 14. You can also vie $un $esults, 6alances or BuickPay $un Messages.

    15. 15. $emain in the BuickPay indo.

    Process the *uickPay PrePayments

    17. 17. ?rom the BuickPay indo, click the "tart Prepayments button.

    18. 18. You receive a *ecision popup indo% QYou have tried to start a BuickPay Prepaymentprocess ithout saving a BuickPay definition. *o you ant to save this default definitionand start the Prepayment processRS "elect Yes.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    19. 19. $emain in the BuickPay indo.

    Note% 0n real orld, you need to run A@ternal rchive Process, 2heck Friter, 2osting,Transfer to

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 2,: 5ie7 and +d8-st a )alances

    Business Scenario

    This practice reinforces the ability to vie and adDust nonta@ and ta@ balances.


    )iew the Bonus Balance

    1. 1. Navigate to the Amployee 6alances indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Amployee 6alances

    ). ). *ate Track to /1-an)++4.

    /. /. Buery the employee.

    3. 3. 2lick the 6alances button.

    4. 4. 0n the ision 2orporation.

    5. 5. 0n the 2lassification field, select "upplemental Aarnings.

    7. 7. 2lick the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    14. 14. "elect dDust 6alance from the Navigation :ptions indo.

    15. 15. 0n the Alement Name field, select 6onus.

    17. 17. 0n the Pay >alue field, enter 1++.

    18. 18. 0n the mount field, enter 1++.

    19. 19. "ave your ork.

    )+. )+. 2lose the form.

    )iew the Ta0 Balances

    )1. )1. Navigate to the Amployee 6alances indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( Ta@ 6alances

    )). )). *ate Track to /1-an)++4.

    )/. )/. Buery the employee.

    )3. )3. 2lick the 6alances button.

    )4. )4. 0n the ision 2orporation.

    )5. )5. 0n the Ta@ Name, "tate, =ocality, "chool *istrict fields, select a value using =ist of>alues.

    )7. )7. 2lick the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    /3. /3. 2lick the :thers button.

    /4. /4. "elect Ta@ 6alance from the Navigation :ptions indo.

    /5. /5. The indo displays the city, county, state, and zip code of the employeeGs defaultork location, and the default consolidation set of the employeeGs payroll. You can changethese defaults if necessary.

    /7. /7. Anter the Aarnings Name,

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 21: R-n the Payroll Process or&flo7

    Business Scenario

    You have learned ho to run processes in the payroll cycle on a stepbystep basis. No youill learn ho to process payroll using the Payroll Process Forkflo, hich is a orkflo processthat enables the completion of all the individual payroll processing steps by submitting a singleconcurrent reHuest.


    Definin( 'pplication !ser

    1. 1. Navigate to the !sers indo using the "ystem dministrator responsibility%

    &N' "ecurity ( !ser ( *efine

    ). ). Anter the user name as specified in the practice, prefi@ed ith your groupidentifier.


    /. /. Anter the passord for your user. !se :racle as the initial passord. Press tab.Anter :racle as the passord again.

    3. 0n the Person field, select the first employee, Martin, Mary

    4. 4. 0n the Affective *ate field, enter +1-N)++1

    5. 5. 0n the *irect $esponsibilities region, enter the folloing responsibilities forM$T0N%

    Responsi4ility Security Group Effecti?e


    !" "uper #$M" Manager "tandard +1-N)++1

    "ystem dministrator &N:T dministration' "tandard +1-N)++1

    Forkflo !ser Feb &Ne' "tandard +1-N)++1

    7. 7. "ave your ork.

    8. 8. 2lose the form.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Test the 'pplication Si(non

    1. 1. 2lose all indos to display the application logon screen.

    ). ). =og on as M$T0N, and enter the :racle as the old passord.

    /. /. Anter Felcome in the to Ne Passord fields.

    3. 3. "elect the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility.

    Define an .R2Payroll Representative

    1. 1. Navigate to the Payroll indo using !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' Payroll ( *escription

    ). ). *ate Track to +1-N)++4.

    /. /. Buery your payroll, @@ "emimonthly Payroll.

    3. 3. "elect the ?urther Payroll 0nformation field.

    4. 4. 0n the #$JPayroll $epresentative field, select Martin, Mary .

    5. 5. 2lick :; to close the ?urther Payroll 0nformation indo.

    7. 7. "elect 2orrection.

    8. 8. "ave your ork.

    9. 9. 2lose the form.

    Enter Element Entries

    1. 1. Navigate to the Alement Antries indo using !" "uper #$M" Manager. This timeyou ill use the ?astpath navigation to access the Alement Antries indo.

    ). ). &N' ?astpath ( Antries

    /. /. *ate Track to 15-N)++4.

    3. 3. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, in the ?ull Name field, select 6ailey, 2harles , andclick ?ind.

    4. 4. 0n the Alement Name field, select Time Antry Fages.

    5. 5. 2lick the Antry >alues button.

    7. 7. 0n the #ours field, enter 8+.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    8. 8. "ave your ork.

    9. 9. 2lose the form.

    Su/mit the Payroll Process "orkflow Concurrent Re+uest

    1. 1. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    ). ). "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    /. /. 2lick :;.

    3. 3. 0n the Name field, select Payroll Process Forkflo

    4. 4.

    2lick on the Parameters field to enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the Payroll Name field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    0n the 2onsolidation "et Name field, select >ision 2orporation.

    0n the *ate Aarned field, enter /1-N)++4.

    0n the *ate Paid field, enter /1-N)++4.

    Note% This is the *ate Paid or 2heck *ate.

    0n the Payroll $un Type field, select $egular.

    0n the N2# Payment Method, select *irect *eposit.

    0n the 2heck "tyle field, select Payroll 2heck.

    0n the 2heck Friter Payment Method, select Payroll 2heck.

    0n the "tart 2heck Number field, enter 4.

    0n the Third Party Payment Method, select Third Party 2heck.

    0n the Third Party "tart 2heck Number field, enter 4.

    0n the *eposit dvice *ata Type, select *eposit dvice.

    5. 5. 2lick :;.

    7. 7. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    8. 8. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    9. 9. Fhen the $eHuest "ubmitted dialog bo@ is displayed, click No.

    )erify the Concurrent Re+uest

    1+. 1+.Navigate to the $eHuests indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    11. 11. 6efore you proceed to the ne@t step, ensure the reHuest is complete.

    Note% 2heck the $eHuest "tatus

    Start the Payroll Process "orkflow

    1). 1).Navigate to the Notifications indo using Forkflo Feb !ser &Ne' responsibility.

    Note% You do not have to close the form. Toggle to the #omePage ebpage using =T key.?rom the #omePage, select the Forkflo Feb !ser pplications responsibility.

    1/. 1/. "elect "elf "ervice Forkflo.

    13. 13. "elect Notifications.

    14. 14. 2lick the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    3. 3. 0n the To field, select ) )++4 "emiMonth :ptionally, in the To field, select 1 )++4 "emiMonth. 0f the ?rom and To is the same payroll period, you only need to enter the payrollperiod in the ?rom field.

    4. 4. 2lick the ?ind button.

    5. 5. Place the cursor on the payroll run record.

    7. 7. 2lick the ssignment Process button.

    8. 8. $evie the payroll information for each assignment.

    9. 9. 2lose all indos to return to the Payroll Processes indo.

    )erify the Concurrent Re+uests 3after Payroll Process4

    1+. 1+.Navigate to the $eHuests indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &b' ?ind

    11. 11. You can revie reports submitted by the Payroll Process Forkflo at this point.

    Start the Pre$Payment Process "orkflow

    1). 1).Navigate to the Notifications indo using the Forkflo Feb !ser &Ne'responsibility.

    1/. 1/. "elect "elf "ervice Forkflo.

    13. 13. "elect Notifications.

    14. 14. 2lick the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 22: R-n RetroPay 9y #lement

    Business Scenario

    Mary Martin has a salary increase backdated to 15-N)++4. You need reHuired to process aretropay for her. ?or the !" legislation, e use $etroPay by Alement as the retropay option.


    Define an 'ssi(nment Set

    1. 1. Navigate to the ssignment "et indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Payroll ( ssignment "et

    ). ). *ate Tracked to +1-an)++4.

    /. /. 0n the Name field, enter ""0

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    4. 4. 2lick in the Name field.

    5. 5. 2lick the 0nclude button.

    7. 7. 0n the Name field, select $egular "alary.

    8. 8. "ave your ork.

    9. 9. 2lose the form.

    Define a Salary Increase

    1. 1. Navigate to the People form using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain

    ). ). ?rom the ?ind Person indo, select Martin, Mary , and click the ?ind button.

    /. /. *ate track to 15-N)++4.

    3. 3. 2lick the ssignment button.

    4. 4. 2lick the "alary button.

    5. 5. "elect a ne record.

    7. 7. 0n the 2hange *ate field, enter 15-N)++4.

    8. 8. 0n the 2hange >alue field, enter 4++.

    9. 9. "elect the pproved checkbo@.

    1+. 1+. "ave your ork.

    11. 11. 2lose the form.

    Run the RetroPay Process

    1. 1. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    ). ). "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    /. /. 2lick :;.

    3. 3. 0n the Name field, select $etroPay 6y Alement.

    4. 4. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    0n the ssignment "et field, select ""0

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Practice 23: #nhanced RetroPay

    Business Scenario

    ndre has a salary increase backdated to 15-N)++4. You need to process a retropay forhim. ?or the !" legislation, use Anhanced $etroPay as the retropay option.


    1. Anable *ynamic Triggers.

    ). *efine ?unctional reas for !".

    /. >ie Table Avent

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    *iel+ #alue

    Triggering ctions% 0nsert "elected

    Triggering ctions% !pdate "elected

    Triggering ctions% *elete "elected

    3. 3. 2lick the ?ind button.

    4. 4. !se the *on rro key &from the keyboard' to locate the Trigger *escriptions hichstart ith U2ontinuous 2alculation TriggerVS

    5. 5. Make sure these triggers are

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Define a RetroPay Element

    )1. )1. Navigate to the Aarnings indo%

    &N' Total 2ompensation ( 6asic ( Aarnings

    )). )). *ate Track to +1-N)++5.

    )/. )/. Anter the folloing information%

    *iel+ #alue

    Name $etroPay

    $eporting Name $etroPay

    2lassification Aarnings

    2ategory $egular

    Type Nonrecurring

    2alculation $ule ?lat mount

    )3. )3. "ave your ork.

    )4. )4. 2lose the form.

    &ink the RetroPay Element

    )5. )5. Navigate to the Aarnings indo%

    &N' Total 2ompensation ( 6asic ( =ink

    )7. )7. *ate Track to +1-N)++5.

    )8. )8. 0n the Name field, select $etroPay.

    )9. )9. "elect the Q=ink To ll PayrollsG checkbo@.

    /+. /+. "ave your ork.

    /1. /1. 2lose the form.

    )iew the Ta/le Event roup

    /). /). Navigate to the Table Avent

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    //. //. Press ?11.

    /3. /3. 0n the Avent

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    Enter a Pay Increase for 5ohnson6 'ndrew 77

    1. 1. Navigate to the People form using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain

    ). ). ?rom the ?ind Person indo, select -ohnson, ndre , and click the ?ind button.

    /. /. *ate track to 15-N)++4.

    3. 3. 2lick the ssignment button.

    4. 4. 2lick the "alary button.

    5. 5. "elect a ne record.

    7. 7. 0n the 2hange *ate field, enter 15-N)++4.

    8. 8. 0n the 2hange >alue field, enter 4++.

    9. 9. "elect the pproved checkbo@.

    1+. 1+. "ave your ork.

    11. 11. 2lose the form.

    Run the Retro$#otification Report

    1+. 1+. Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Manager


    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    11. 11. "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    1). 1). 2lick :;.

    1/. 1/. 0n the Name field, select $etroNotification $eport &Anhanced' P*?.

    13. 13. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    0n the Template Name field, select Q$etroNotification $eport &Anhanced'G.

    14. 14. 2lick :;.

    15. 15. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    17. 17. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    18. 18. "elect No.

    19. 19. &M' >ie ( $eHuests ( &6' ?ind

    )+. )+. #ighlight your on reHuest id, and select >ie $eport button.

    )1. )1. 2lose all indos.

    Run the Retropay 3Enhanced4 Process

    )). )). Navigate to the "ubmit $eHuest indo using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' Processes and $eports ( "ubmit Processes and $eports

    )/. )/.

    "elect "ingle $eHuest.

    )3. )3. 2lick :;.

    )4. )4. 0n the Name field, select $etropay &Anhanced'.

    )5. )5. 2lick in the Parameters field, and enter the folloing parameters%

    0n the Affective *ate field, enter +/?A6)++4.

    0n the Payroll field, select "emimonthly Payroll.

    )7. )7. 2lick :;.

    )8. )8. 2lick the "ubmitbutton.

    )9. )9. Frite don the reHuest id OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    /+. /+. "elect No.

    Review the RetroPay Status

    1+. 1+. Navigate to the $etroPay "tatus ebpage using the !" "uper #$M" Managerresponsibility%

    &N' >ie ( $etroPay "tatus

    11. 11. 0n the Name field, select -ohnson, ndre .

    1). 1). 2lick the

  • 8/10/2019 oracle hrms payroll


    13. 13. "elect 2lose Findo link.

    Review the RetroPay Results

    14. 14. Navigate to the People form using the !" "uper #$M" Manager responsibility%

    &N' People ( Anter and Maintain

    15. 15. ?rom the ?ind Person indo, select -ohnson, ndre , and click the ?ind button.

    17. 17. *ate track to +1?A6)++4.

    18. 18. 2lick the ssignment button.

    19. 19. 2lick the Antries button.

    )+. )+. "elect the $egular "alary element ith the $etroactive checkbo@ checked.

    )1. )1. 2lick the Antry >alues button.

    )). )). You see )4+ in the Pay >alue field.

    )/. )/. 2lose the form.
