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Oracle Projects Training Presentation

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  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Projects Training

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Project Costing

    Project Resource anagement

    Project !illing Project anagement

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    A "roject is a "rimary unit of #or$ that can %e%ro$en do#n into one or more tas$s&

    Task 2.1 Task 2.2

    Task 2

    Task 1.1 Task 1.2

    Task 1


    Task 2.2.2Task 2.2.1Task 1.1.1

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Overview of Oracle Projects


    Track variouscosts related toproject, trackprofitability

    Create Budgetsand maintainfinancial control

    Track ProjectSchedule, monitorprogress, issuesand managechanges

    Report status !inancial "#ctual vsbudgets, schedule$,schedule and others

    Create resourcere%uirements for

    the project and staffthem

    Structure the project bybreaking it do&n totasks to effectively trackthe &ork to beaccomplished

    'enerate invoicesto clients

    #ccrue revenueon project basedbusinesses

    Collaborate project data across the project team seamlessly

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Overview of Oracle Projects

    Oracle Projects has many features that address common %usinessneeds'

    Project(trac$ing tools

    Cost collection and calculation ca"a%ilities

    Allocations and allocation sets features

    Project asset creation functions

    )le*i%le re+enue accrual and in+oicing functions

    Online re"orting and hard(co"y re"orting

    )ull adjustment ca"a%ilities

    ulti(national, multi(organi-ation features

    Oracle and non(Oracle a""lications integration

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Overview of Oracle Projects






    #ccounts Payable


    +)S)O CORPOR#T)O




    #ccounts Receivable

    Organi.ation/ 0mployees


    2 Schedule2 Progress

    2 )ssues2 Changes

    03penditures1fg Costs







    Project Collaboration



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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Project Costing

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    Oracle Project Costing overview




    Auto Accounting

    AP(PO(PA Integration Project .tatus Inuiry


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    Business Process

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    Oracle Projects Key Setups

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    Oracle Projects Setup

    Organi-ation Classi1cations

    Project /*"enditure5/+ent O#ning organi-ation Project Tas$ o#ning organi-ation Project In+oice Collection Organi-ation

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    Oracle Projects Setup

    Organi-ation Classi1cations

    Project /*"enditure5/+ent O#ning organi-ation

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    Oracle Projects Setup

    Organi-ation Classi1cations

    Project Tas$ o#ning organi-ation

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    Oracle Projects Setup

    Organi-ation 6ierarchy

    Project5Tas$ o#ning org hierarchy /*"5/+ent org hierarchy

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    Oracle Projects Setup

    Project .etu"

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Projects Setup

    .ta7ng .etu"

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Projects Setup

    /*"enditure5Costing .etu"

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Projects Setup

    !illing .etu"

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Projects Setup

    PA Periods'

    8e1ne PA Periods co"y from :L, deri+ed from im"lementation o"tions;

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Projects Setup

    Calendars < .hifts'

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Projects Setup

    Classi1cations= Class Categories and Class Codes

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Projects Setup


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Project classes are "rede1ned, %ut "roject ty"es are im"lementation(de1ned&

    Project Classes ProjectTypes



    Contract"Project Billing Only#

    Bi! an! Proposal


    Pro!uct %evelop&ent

    Ti&e an! 'aterials

    Cost Plus

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Projects Types

    The "roject ty"e determines ho# Oracle Projects "rocesses costs

    e*"enditure items; for a "roject and "ro+ides defaults and controls for"roject entry and "rocessing

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Projects Types


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Projects Types


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    >or$ !rea$do#n .tructure =6ierarchical %rea$u" of the "roject

    acti+ities into managea%le units )inancial >!. =To aggregate costs and manage %illing at the tas$ le+el >or$"lan =8etailed >!. to trac$ tas$ schedules

    Tas$s =To" Tas$s, .ummary Tas$s and Lo#est Tas$s acti+ities;

    !ene1ts in Oracle Projects =!udgets at tas$ le+el, costing can %e controlled,controlled %illing, summari-ation of costs, schedule trac$ing

    Source4 Oracle Project !oundation 5ser 'uide

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited



  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Tas$ 8etails5Attri%utes )inancial .tructure;

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Projects Te&plates

    Project Tem"late'8e1nes the %asic characteristics of the "roject, and

    consists of' !asic "roject information

    >or$ %rea$do#n structure >!.;

    Agreement and funding o"tional;

    Project and tas$ o"tions, including $ey mem%ers, classi1cations,Transaction controls, and any other "roject and tas$ o"tions

    !udgets o"tional; ?uic$ /ntry 1elds #hich s"ecify 1elds to enter for the ne# "roject #hen

    creating it from a tem"late

    Project O"tion controls #hich list the "roject o"tions to dis"lay for ne#"rojects created from a tem"late

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Projects Te&plates

    Project Tem"late .creenshot:

    Project Options

    "Project6TemplateSpecific Setups$

    Project #ttributes

    Copied from

    Project Type

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Projects Te&plates

    .etu" ?uic$ /ntry:

    When a Project is created

    using the template, Quick

    Entry Fields are displayed

    to be entered by the user

    (Mandatory or ptional!

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Projects Te&plates

    Project Tem"late .creenshot:

    Project Options

    "Project6TemplateSpecific Setups$

    Project #ttributes

    Copied from

    Project Type

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Projects Creation

    Project Creation .creenshot:

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Projects Creation

    Project and Tas$ O"tions

    Project Options


    Specific Setups$

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Oracle Project Costing o+er+ie#





    Auto Accounting Allocations

    AP(PO(PA Integration

    Project .tatus Inuiry


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Setup ()pen!iture Types

    /*"enditure ty"es

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Setup *on+,a-or esources

    @on(la%or Resources'

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Setup ate Sc$e!ules

    Rate .chedules'

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Oracle Project Costing o+er+ie#

    .etu" ()pen!itures


    Auto Accounting

    AP(PO(PA Integration

    Project .tatus Inuiry


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    /*"enditure' :rou" of transactions incurred %y an em"loyee or

    an organi-ation for an e*"enditure "eriod Actual Cost = To record actual #or$ "erformed or cost incurred& /g'Timecards, /*"ense Re"orts

    Commitments = )uture committed costs you e*"ect to incur& /g' PO,Reuisition

    /*"enditure items in Oracle Projects to record actual #or$"erformed or costs incurred against a "roject can %e of follo#ingty"es'(

    /nter "re(a""ro+ed e*"enditure %atches&

    4"load "re(a""ro+ed e*"enditure %atches from icrosoft /*cel& /nter e*"enditures in other Oracle A""lications, such as Oracle

    Paya%les and Oracle In+entory, and im"ort them into OracleProjects&

    Im"ort transactions from e*ternal sources&

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    ()pen!iture (ntry

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    ()pen!iture (ntry

    Entering E"penditure #tems $or a %imecard

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    ()pen!iture (ntry

    Entering E"penditure #tems $or a %imecard

    Su-&itting an! eleasing t$e ()pen!iture

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Su-&itting an! eleasing t$e ()pen!itureBatc$

    &ubmitting a 'atch

    eleasing a 'atch

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    ()pen!iture n/uiry

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Oracle Project Costing o+er+ie#

    .etu" /*"enditures


    Auto Accounting

    AP(PO(PA Integration

    Project .tatus Inuiry



  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Costing' Costing is the

    "rocessing of e*"enditures tocalculate their cost to each"roject and determine the :Laccounts to #hich the costs #ill%e "osted&

    The Costing "rocess includesthe follo#ing ste"s'

    &Calculate ra# cost ?uantity BRate;

    2&Calculate %urdened cost

    &Perform accounting 8etermine account num%ers to

    "ost to in Oracle :eneral Ledger

    Create cost distri%ution lines

    .O4RC/ ' Oracle "rojectCosting 4ser :uide

    C i

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    La%or Costs' La%or costs are calculated using the uantity and rate

    Ra# Cost D 6ours >or$edECost Rate Cost Rate is deri+ed from Organi-ation La%or Costing Rules or

    em"loyee rate o+errides

    /*"enses and 4sages' Oracle Projects calculates the cost for

    e*"ense re"orts, usages, and miscellaneous transactions as follo#s' Ra# Cost D ?uantity if in Currency, for e*am"le, Currency Amount;

    Ra# Cost D ?uantity E Cost Rate if uantity is not in Currency;

    Cost rates %y e*"enditure ty"e, or

    Cost rates %y non=la%or resource and o#ning organi-ation for usages o"tional;o+errides e*"enditure ty"e cost rate

    Cost !urdening' !urden Cost D Ra# Cost E !urden ulti"lier

    !urdened Cost D Ra# Cost F !urden Cost

    C ti

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Costing Processes

    PRC' 8istri%ute La%or Costs

    PRC' 8istri%ute 4sages and iscellaneous costs

    PRC' 8istri%ute /*"ense Re"ort Costs

    PRC' Interface .u""lier Costs

    PRC' Interface /*"ense Re"orts from Paya%les

    PRC' Interface /*"ense Re"orts to Paya%les

    PRC' Interface La%or Costs to :eneral Ledger

    PRC' Interface 4sage and iscellaneous Costs to :eneral Ledger

    PRC' Interface iscellaneous In+entory Costs from Oracle In+entory .et;

    T i

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Oracle Project Costing o+er+ie#

    .etu" /*"enditures


    0uto 0ccounting


    AP(PO(PA Integration

    Project .tatus Inuiry


    0 t 0 ti

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    4se AutoAccounting to s"ecify ho# to determine the correct general

    ledger account for each transaction /*am"les of accounting "ractices you can im"lement using

    AutoAccounting include'

    Charge central headquarters with all advertising costs regardless ofwhich region those advertisements benet.

    Credit payroll costs to the payroll liability account belonging to the

    division for which an employee works. Assign revenue from subcontractors to the company and cost center

    managing the project.

    >hen you im"lement AutoAccounting, you de1ne the rules andcircumstances that determine #hich general ledger accounts OracleProjects uses

    Oracle Projects then uses the rules #hen "erforming accountingtransactions

    0 t 0 ti

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    AutoAccounting Rule' /ach

    AutoAccounting rule you de1nesu""lies one Accounting )le*1eldsegment +alue& Thus, you need tos"ecify one AutoAccounting rulefor each segment in yourAccounting )le*1eld for each

    transactionTo de1ne an AutoAccounting rule,

    you 1rst s"ecify an intermediate+alue an Gin"utG for the rule;&3ou can dra# an intermediate+alue from one of three

    intermediate +alue sources' Constant


    .?L .elect .tatement.O4RC/ ' Oracle ProjectHs

    4ser :uide

    0 t 0 ti

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Assign AutoAccounting Rules >indo#' 4se this #indo# to assign an

    AutoAccounting rule to each segment of your Accounting )le*1eld forthe AutoAccounting transactions you #ant to use&

    o /*am"le' Accounting for La%or Costs

    La%or Cost Account )unction' >hen you run the PRC' 8istri%ute La%or Costs"rocess, Oracle Projects calculates la%or cost amounts %ased u"on em"loyee

    la%or cost rates& After calculating la%or costs, Oracle Projects uses the La%or

    Cost Account transactions to de%it an e*"ense account for ra# la%or costs&

    /na%le the Pri+ate !illa%le La%or Transaction and Assign Rules'

    Function ame! La%or Cost Account, "ransaction ame! Pri+ate, !illa%le La%or

    Number Segment Name Rule Name

    7 Company 0mployee Company

    8 Cost Center 0mployee Cost Center

    9 #ccount Private, Billable -abor

    0uto 0ccounting Setup 0ssigning ules

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    0uto 0ccounting Setup 0ssigning ules

    0uto0ccounting ule %enition

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    0uto0ccounting ule %enition

    0uto0ccounting ,ookup Set

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    0uto0ccounting ,ookup Set

    The alues ofthe .egment

    corres"ondingto the



  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Oracle Project Costing o+er+ie#

    .etu" /*"enditures


    Auto Accounting

    0P+PO+P0 ntegration

    Project .tatus Inuiry


    0P PO P0 ntegration

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    0P+PO+P0 ntegration

    /*"ense Re"orts integration #ith AP

    To im"ort an e*"ense re"ort entered in "aya%les to "rojects run the "rocess JInterface

    /*"ense Re"orts )rom Paya%lesH

    Enter E"pense

    (eports in




    (eports in



    E"pense (eport





    (un the process:


    E"pense (eports

    To payables

    %ie back e"pense

    reports to Projects

    ()a&ple Supplier nvoices for Projects

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    ()a&ple Supplier nvoices for Projects

    0P PO P0 ntegration

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    0P+PO+P0 ntegration













    to Projects





    0P+PO+P0 ntegration

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    0P+PO+P0 ntegration

    AP(PO(PA Integration' Oracle Projects fully integrates #ith Oracle

    Purchasing and Oracle Paya%les and allo#s you to enter "roject=related reuisitions, "urchase orders, and su""lier in+oices using

    those "roducts

    0 >hen you enter "roject=related transactions in Oracle Purchasing and

    Oracle Paya%les, you enter "roject information on your source document

    0 Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Paya%les use the Account :enerator to

    determine the account num%er for each "roject=related distri%ution line

    %ased on the "roject information that you enter

    To interface su""lier related costs from "urchase recei"ts and

    su""lier in+oices, run the Concurrent Process' PRC' Interface

    .u""lier Costs& .et one of the follo#ing "arameters'

    Project elate! Purc$ase Or!ers

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project elate! Purc$ase Or!ers

    /nter Project 8etails in the Project ta% of the 8istri%ution .egment of the PO&

    Co&&it&ents n Projects

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Co&&it&ents n Projects

    Run the PRC' 4"date Project .ummary Amounts and see the commitments

    reKected through the re"orts&



  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Oracle Project Costing o+er+ie#

    .etu" /*"enditures


    Auto Accounting

    AP(PO(PA Integration

    Project Status n/uiry


    Project Status n/uiry

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project Status n/uiry

    Project .tatus Inuiry' >ith Project .tatus Inuiry P.I;, you can re+ie#

    the current status of your "rojects and then drill do#n for more

    detailed re+ie# of a "roject and its tas$s

    Project .ummary Amounts To facilitate fast and easy status re"orting

    and inuiries, Oracle Projects maintains +arious le+els of "roject

    summary amounts for cost, commitment, re+enue, and %udget

    amounts %y "roject, tas$, and resource& Oracle Projects maintains to=

    date amounts as follo#s'

    Period=to=8ate Amounts PT8;

    Prior Period Amounts PP;

    3ear=to=8ate Amounts 3T8;

    Project or Ince"tion=to=8ate Amounts IT8;

    Project Status n/uiry

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project Status n/uiry

    Run the PRC' 4"date Project .ummary Amounts "rocess for your

    "rojects& The Project .tatus #indo# uses the data that is summari-ed%y this "rocess&

    3ou can u"date "roject summary amounts anytime after you

    distri%ute costs, inde"endent of #hen you interface costs and

    re+enue to Oracle :eneral Ledger& This allo#s you to ha+e u"=to=

    date information for "roject status re"orting, inde"endent of the

    accounting Ko#&

    Current Re"orting Period' The current re"orting "eriod de1nes the

    "eriod through #hich the amounts are summari-ed for all "rojects in

    your system& A common re"orting "eriod facilitates cross="roject


    Project Status n/uiry Screen S$ots

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project Status n/uiry Screen S$ots

    Project Status n/uiry Screen S$ots

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project Status n/uiry Screen S$ots

    PS %rill !own to 0ctual transactions

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    PS %rill !own to 0ctual transactions


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Oracle Project Costing o+er+ie#

    .etu" /*"enditures



    AP(PO(PA Integration

    Project .tatus Inuiry


    0sset Capitalisation

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    0sset Capitalisation

    4sing ca"ital "rojects, #e can de1ne ca"ital assets and ca"ture

    construction(in("rocess CIP; and e*"ense costs for assets #e are

    creating& >hen the asset is to %e "laced in ser+ice, #e can generate asset

    lines from the CIP costs and send the lines to Oracle Assets for

    "osting as 1*ed assets&

    >e can also de1ne retirement adjustment assets and ca"ture cost

    of remo+al and "roceeds of sale amounts collecti+ely referred toas retirement costs, retirement, #or$(in("rocess, or R>IP; for

    assets #e are retiring that are "art of a grou" asset in Oracle


    On com"letion of retirement acti+ities, #e can generate asset lines

    for the R>IP amounts and send the lines to Oracle Assets for"osting as adjustments to the accumulated de"reciation accounts

    for the grou" asset that corres"onds to each asset&

    %ene a Capital Project

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    %ene a Capital Project

    %ene a Capital Project

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    %ene a Capital Project

    To 8e1ne Assets'

    .elect Asset information and /*"and

    .elect Assets and Clic$ details

    /nter the follo#ing Information'

    0 Asset @ame, 8escri"tion, Category, !oo$

    %ene a Capital Project

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    p j

    @a+igate to the Tas$ #indo# for Tas$&

    Clic$ the O"tionsG %utton'

    Clic$ on Asset AssignmentG %utton

    Assign the assets to the Tas$'

    0 ."eci1c5Common

    0 Tas$

    0 Asset num%er

    Asset name

    Process 4low for Capital Projects

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    p j

    >e can enter e*"enditure items for CIP and R>IP amounts directly to ca"ital"rojects from #ithin Oracle Projects& >e also can collect su""lier in+oice costs

    for the ca"ital "rojects from Oracle Paya%les& >hen #e are ready to "lace a CIPasset in ser+ice, #e can send the associated CIP asset lines to Oracle Assets to%ecome 1*ed assets

    .O4RC/ ' Oracle ProjectHs4ser :uide

    Collect Costs for Capital Projects

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Collect Costs from +arious transaction sources +i-& PO, AP,In+entory, Timecards, Pre(A""ro+ed !atches etc& and generate

    accounting Run the reuest JPRC' 4"date Project .ummary Amounts for a

    .ingle ProjectH for the "roject

    @a+igate to /*"enditures /*"enditure Inuiry Project tore+ie# the e*"enditures and there sources

    p j

    5enerate 0sset ,ines an! Place 0ssets inService

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    @a+igate to Ca"ital Projects

    /nter your Project @um%er and clic$ 1nd %utton Clic$ the Assets %utton&

    Ta% to Actual +ate in &er-ice $ield and enter the actual date in *hich theasset *as placed in ser-ice

    5enerate 0sset ,ines an! Place 0ssets inService

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Ta% to Actual 8ate in .er+ice 1eldand enter the actual date in #hichthe asset #as "laced in ser+ice

    .a+e your #or$ and close the Asset#indo#&

    Clic$ the J:enerateH %utton togenerate Asset Lines

    /nter the date in the JIn .er+ice8ate ThroughH )ield& a$e surethat the PA through date is the lastdate of the PA "eriod for #hich theasset is %eing created& 8o not

    forget to select the IncludeCommon Tas$s chec$%o* to includeyour common costs& Clic$ OM

    .end the asset lines to oracle assets %y running the "rogramJPRC' Interface Assets to Oracle AssetsH

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Project Resourceanagement

    Topics+ Project esource 'anage&ent

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    p j g

    Oracle Project esource 'anage&ent overview

    .etu" Reuirements


    Candidate anagement

    Team .chedule

    O+er commitments

    Oracle Project esource 'anage&ent

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project Resource anagement' Pro+ides you the tools to

    manage your "roject resource needs and organi-ation utili-ation, %ylocating and de"loying uali1ed and a+aila%le resources to your

    "rojects across your enter"rise& )eatures include'

    8e1ning resource reuirements for a "roject

    .earching for'

    ?uali1ed resources to match reuirements Reuirements for #hich resources may nominate themsel+es

    Trac$ing candidates for reuirements

    Automatically "rocessing a""ro+als

    anaging team schedules of the "roject team, including timeline +ie#s

    Performing analysis and 1nancial forecasts on the "rojects

    Business Process

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    :Source 4 Oracle user 'uide

    6ser oles

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project anager = Initiates creation of "roject and reuirements&

    Can also search for candidates and create "ro+isional assignments

    .ta7ng anager = )ills the su""ly side of the tas$ Ko#s, manages

    schedules and utili-ation of resources& Can search and nominate

    for reuirements

    Resource anager = Con1rm or deny the resource assignments,manage the schedules and utili-ation of direct re"orts

    Team em%er = Project resources, can +ie# their schedule of

    "roject assignments, also search for reuirements and nominate


    !usiness anager = Access 1nancial forecasts for a single "roject,

    a grou" of "rojects, or an organi-ation

    Topics+ Project esource 'anage&ent

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Project Resource anagement o+er+ie#

    Setup Reuirements


    Candidate anagement

    Team .chedule

    O+er commitments


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    8e1ne Organi-ations = 8efault O4, 6R Org, Project /*"5/+ent,

    Project Tas$ o#ning org

    Organi-ation 6ierarchies

    No%s and No% a""ing'

    8e1ne No% :rou"s

    8e1ne No%s in each No% :rou"

    8e1ne No% Le+els = Loo$u" form

    No% a""ing = a" jo%s in dierent jo% grou"s

    8e1ning Resources

    /m"loyees = 6R /m"loyees form

    Primary Assignment



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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


    Com"etence .tructure

    Rating .cales

    8e1ne Com"etencies

    Assign Com"etencies = No%s, Roles


    8e1ne Roles and Role controls

    Role Lists

    Acuire Resources from 6R. PRC' aintain Project Resources = Co"ies Resources from 6R. to



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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Other Pro1le o"tions

    PA' Project Resource No% :rou" set the jo% grou" #hich #ould%e used;

    PA' 8efault Calendar

    PA' :lo%al >ee$ .tart 8ay

    PA' A+aila%ility5O+er commitment Calculation "eriod

    PA' Percentage of ResourceHs ca"acity

    PA' A+aila%ility 8uration

    PA' O+ercommitment Percentage

    Ad+ertisement Rules, Team Tem"lates

    Security in Oracle Projects

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Res"onsi%ility %ased security ( 4sers ha+e +ie# access for all the

    "rojects #ithin the O"erating unit attached to the res"onsi%ility /*am"le' Project .u"er 4ser res"onsi%ility, Project anager Res"onsi%ility,

    Team em%er Res"onsi%ility PA' :lo%al >ee$ .tart 8ay

    Role %ased security ( Controls user access %ased u"on the role the

    user is currently "laying on a "roject /*am"le' 3ou could "lay a role of a Project Lead for months, and later as

    .enior Consultant for months on the "roject& The function access for these

    2 roles may %e dierent& If role %ased security is ena%led, you #ould get

    dierent access for these time "eriods as "er the role;& 3ou could ho#e+er

    %e using the same JTeam em%er Res"onsi%ilityH during the entire "eriod

    Organi-ational .ecurity = /na%les you to s"ecify the authority for a

    resource at an organi-ational le+el

    Organi3ation Security

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Organi-ational Authority ena%les you to s"ecify the authority for a

    resource at an organi-ational le+el

    Project Authority = Allo#s you to "erform sta7ng functions on any "roject in

    the organi-ation

    Resource Authority = Pro+ides you authority o+er resources of a s"eci1corgani-ation you can con1rm assignments for these resources;

    4tili-ation Authority = /na%les you to calculate and +ie# utili-ation for the


    )orecast Authority= /na%led you to generate and +ie# forecast information

    for "rojects in the s"eci1ed org

    Project oles

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project Team' A collection of "eo"le #ith dierent roles on a "roject

    .cheduled team mem%ers' .cheduled team mem%ers are those "eo"le for#hom you #ant to trac$ the hours, utili-ation, and 1nancial im"act costs,

    re+enue, and margin;& 3our scheduled team mem%ers for a "roject are also

    referred to as the deli+ery team

    @on(scheduled team mem%ers' @on=scheduled team mem%ers of a "roject

    com"rise the e*tended team& These team mem%ers are distinguished from

    the deli+ery team %ecause their time is not s"eci1cally trac$ed .u%teams'.u%teams ena%le you to classify your "eo"le on your "roject into

    logical grou"s&

    Team Role' A "roject reuirement or an assignment& 4ses Role as a

    tem"late& Attri%utes are defaulted from the Role, can %e modi1ed

    Sc$e!ule! People

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Topics+ Project esource 'anage&ent

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Project Resource anagement o+er+ie#

    .etu" e/uire&ents


    Candidate anagement

    Team .chedule

    O+er commitments

    e/uire&ents Overview

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project Reuirements = Resources that are reuired to com"lete the

    "roject& Ty"ically reuirements are created for s"eci1c roles& /g' 8!As,

    )unctional Consultants

    Reuirements can ha+e .ystem statuses O"en, Cancelled, )illed

    Add Reuirements = .ingle, ulti"le

    A""ly Team Tem"late ( A team tem"late is a "rede1ned set of

    reuirements that you can a""ly to your "roject& A %ene1t of the team

    tem"late is that you a+oid the re"etiti+e creation of the same

    reuirements on common "roject teams&

    Reuirements 8etails

    !asic Information

    .chedule = 8ates, >or$ "attern Com"etencies = 8efaults from Role



    )inancial Information

    0!!ing e/uire&ent

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    e/uire&ents 0!vertise&ent ules

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Ad+ertisement Rules = Control the +isi%ility of a reuirement, %oth

    inside and outside an organi-ation

    Actions = Pu%lish to All, Pu%lish to Project Authority, Pu%lish to

    Organi-ations, /scalate to @e*t Le+el, .end /mail, .end

    @oti1cation to Person, .end @oti1cation to Project Role, 4"date

    .ta7ng Priority

    Actions e*ecution conditions can %e %ased on

    @um%er of days since the ad+ rule #as initiated

    @o of days remaining until the start of the reuirement

    Com%ination of a%o+e t#o

    Perform Action Rules = Concurrent Process

    ie# Audits of an ad+ertisement rule

    0!vertise&ent ules

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    0!vertise&ent ules + 0ctions

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    4illing e/uire&ents

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    )illing Reuirements

    8irectly identifying a $no#n resource = Pro+isional assignments

    .earching the resource re"ository to 1ne suita%le resources

    If you ha+e resource authority o+er the resource you ha+e

    "ro+isionally assigned, it gets con1rmed automatically&

    Other#ise, it #ill go through an a""ro+al "rocess

    Topics+ Project esource 'anage&ent

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Project Resource anagement o+er+ie#

    .etu" Reuirements


    Candidate anagement

    Team .chedule

    O+er commitments


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project Assignment is a 1lled #or$ "osition for a s"eci1c resource

    for a designated "eriod of time& >hen a reuirement is 1lled, an

    assignment is created

    Assignment Life Cycle = Pro+isional, Con1rmed, Cancelled

    Calendar O"tions = Project Calendar, Resource Calendar or other

    Assignment A""ro+al If #or$Ko# is ena%led, the #or$Ko# automatically for#ards to the


    Resources are chec$ed for "otential or e*isting conKicts& If yes, the

    assignment reuest is su%mitted #ith conKict

    Primary Contact = )irst A""ro+er Resource anager = .econd A""ro+er

    0!! 0ssign&ents

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    0ssign&ent Su-&it for 0pproval

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Topics+ Project esource 'anage&ent

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Project Resource anagement o+er+ie#

    .etu" Reuirements


    Can!i!ate 'anage&ent

    Team .chedule

    O+er commitments

    Can!i!ate 'anage&ent

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Candidate Lifecycle'The candidate life cycle %egins #ith the search

    for candidates for o"en reuirements& Candidates are nominated for

    reuirements, their uali1cations and com"etencies re+ie#ed, and

    1nally selected and assigned&

    Resource .earch = Performed to 1ll a resource reuirement

    .earch Criteria

    Organi-ational 6ierarchy, .tarting Org inimum A+aila%ility Percentage= Re"resents each day a resource has

    a+aila%ility from sys date

    O"tional .earch criteria

    Include Pro+isional assignments

    in and a* No% Le+els

    Com"etencies = andatory are searched, o"tional ones are dis"layed in

    *5y format e&g& Q5;


    esource Searc$

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Can!i!ate 'anage&ent

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    A+aila%ility Percentages = Percentages used during search, de"ending

    on the conte*t

    A+aila%ility atch Percentage4sed during Reuirement searches;

    AP D C6 = A6; 5 R6 E 00

    A+aila%ility Percentage 4sed during general candidate search;

    AP D C6 = A6;5C6 E 00

    !oth the a%o+e Percentages could %e de1niti+e or "otentialA6 = A+aila%le 6ours, C6 = Ca"acity 6ours, R6 = Reuirement 6ours

    A+aila%ility .etu"

    A+aila%ility Calculation "eriod daily or #ee$ly; = !ased on the #or$

    "attern, the a+aila%ility may dier if the calculation is daily or

    #ee$ly& /&g& QE0 D Q0 6ours, SEDQ0 6ours& If it is #ee$ly, then

    a+aila%ility is J0H& If it is daily, then day is a+aila%le

    Can!i!ate Scoring

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Candidate .core >eightings = /na%le you to de1ne the le+el of

    im"ortance of the a+aila%ility, com"etencies and jo% le+el #hen

    matched to reuirements

    .coring Percentage )ormula'


    C D Com"etence atch

    C> D Com"etency atch >eighting

    A D A+aila%ility atch

    A> D A+aila%ility atch >eighting

    NL D No% Le+el atch

    NL> D No% Le+el atch >eighting


    C> F A> F NL>;

    Can!i!ate Score an! Searc$ Settings

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    0uto&ate! Searc$ an! *o&ination

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    8e1ne Candidate .core >eightings and setu" your "references for

    automated candidate nomination "rocess

    .chedule PRC' Automated Candidate .earch for a single "roject

    All candidates nominated %y this "rocess ha+e a system as

    J.ystem @ominatedH

    Topics+ Project esource 'anage&ent

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Project Resource anagement o+er+ie#

    .etu" Reuirements


    Candidate anagement

    Tea& Sc$e!ule

    O+er commitments

    Project Sc$e!ule

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project .chedule' The schedules are com"rised of #or$ "atterns

    that include #or$ing hours and e*ce"tions, such as +acation days&

    /ach schedule is %ased on the calendar for the organi-ation or an

    indi+idually assigned calendar&

    ie# resource schedules in a list or a timeline format

    /*tend 8uration = Can enter a dierent status for the e*tended"eriod

    .tatus= /ither for a s"eci1ed duration or entire team role

    Timeline +ie#s

    Team .chedule = All reuirements un1lled;, and assignments

    Resource .chedule = .ingle or multi"le

    PRC' Re%uild Resource Timeline

    Tea& Sc$e!ule

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    esource Sc$e!ule

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Topics+ Project esource 'anage&ent

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Project Resource anagement o+er+ie#

    .etu" Reuirements


    Candidate anagement

    Team .chedule

    Over co&&it&ents

    Over co&&it&ents

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    O+er commitments = Resources are considered as o+ercommitted

    #hen their con1rmed assignments e*ceed ca"acity %y a s"eci1c


    O+er commitments Pro1le O"tions'

    8aily or >ee$ly %asis same as used for a+aila%ility;

    O+er commitment Percentage a threshold le+el;

    ConKict Resolution = 2 "ossi%ilities

    Create the ne# assignment #ith conKicts

    Remo+e conKicting hours from con1rmed assignments

    esource Over co&&it&ent

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project !illing


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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Oracle Project !illing O+er+ie#

    Contract Projects

    Agreements and )unding !udgets


    Re+enue Accrual and In+oicing

    Oracle Project Billing

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Allo#s you to de1ne re+enue and in+oicing rules for your "rojects,

    generate re+enue, create in+oices, and integrate #ith other Oracle

    A""lications to "rocess re+enue and in+oices&

    /nter "roject customers and contacts #ith #hom you ha+e

    negotiated and contracted "roject #or$&

    /nter agreements contracts; from your customers and fund "rojects

    #ith those agreements

    :enerate re+enue using +arious methods including time and

    materials, "ercent com"lete, and cost "lus

    Create draft in+oices from detail transactions and milestones for

    online a""ro+al %y your "roject or accounting managers

    Interface re+enue to Oracle :eneral Ledger and in+oices to OracleRecei+a%les #hile maintaining a detail audit trail

    Re"ort "roject re+enue, in+oice, and recei+a%les status online and in


    Business Process

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Setup Project Type "Billing Options#

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    .etu" !illing O"tions for a Project Ty"e

    Setup ate Sc$e!ules

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Rate .chedules

    Contract Projects

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    ContractProjects = To trac$ acti+ities, cost, re+enue, and %illing for

    ser+ices "erformed for and reim%ursed %y a customer

    Time and aterials

    )i*ed Price

    Cost Plus

    Contract Project )lo#'

    Create a Contract Project < Tas$s,

    /nter an agreement

    )und the "roject

    /nter and %aseline a draft re+enue %udget

    8istri%ute costs, generate re+enue and in+oices

    Contract Projects

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    8istri%ution Rules = 8istri%ution rules determine ho# Oracle Projects

    generates re+enue and in+oices for "rojects

    Billing 1ethod ;escription

    Cost6Cost#ccrues revenue and bills using the ratio of actual costto budgeted cost "percent complete$

    Cost60vent#ccrues revenue using the ratio of actual cost tobudgeted cost "percent complete$ and bills based onevents

    Cost6(ork#ccrues revenue using the ratio of actual cost tobudgeted cost "percent complete$ and bills as &orkoccurs

    0vent60vent #ccrues revenue and bills based on events

    0vent6(ork#ccrues revenue based on events and bills as &orkoccurs

    (ork60vent#ccrues revenue as &ork occurs and bills based onevents

    (ork6(ork #ccrues revenue and bills as &ork occurs

    Contract Projects

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    !ill Rate = A %ill rate is an amount or "ercentage that is a""lied to a

    unit of time and materials; to calculate re+enue and in+oicing& !ill

    rates are used for time and materials "rojects& 3ou can s"ecify thefollo#ing %ill rates in Oracle Projects'

    0 /m"loyee !ill Rates'.tandard hourly %ill ratesor "ercentage mar$u"sassigned to em"loyees&

    3ou can assign a dierent%ill rate to each em"loyeefor customer in+oicing

    0 No% !ill Rates' .tandard

    hourly %ill rates assigned

    %y jo% title& )or e*am"le,

    all .ystem Administrators

    can ha+e one %ill rate,

    #hile all Consultants can

    ha+e a dierent %ill rate& @on=La%or !ill Rates' .tandard %ill rates or standard mar$u"s assigned

    to non=la%or e*"enditure ty"e or non=la%or resources&

    0gree&ents an! 4un!ing

    Refer @otes for 8etails

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Agreement = Re"resents any form of contract, #ritten or +er%al,

    %et#een you and one of your customers& An agreement contains the

    follo#ing'Chec$ing this %utton#ould not allo# there+enue accrual%eyond the )undingamount&


    mentAmount C








    0gree&ents an! 4un!ing

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    )unding' )unding is the

    ste" that allocates an

    amount associated #ith

    a customer agreement

    to a s"eci1c "roject&

    The total amount ofallocated "roject funding

    must eual the currenta""ro+ed "roject

    re+enue %udget amount

    in order to successfully

    %aseline the "roject

    3ou can fund at To" Tas$

    Le+el or Project Le+el

    0gree&ents an! 4un!ingRe"resents the

    ) d d

    Refer @otes for 8etails

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    amount )unded tothe "roject out ofthe total a+aila%lefund, i&e&, theagreement amount

    This re"resents the"roject that is %eingfunded %y theagreement&

    )unding cane+en %e done atthe "roject le+el

    Amount stillunallocatedand a+aila%lefor funding

    )4@8I@: T6/ PRON/CT

    (vents Refer @otes for 8etails

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    /+ent' .igni1es the occurrence of an e+ent in the course of the "roject ha+ing

    a re+enue and5or in+oice im"act& /g' A milestone, in+oice reduction

    Automatic anual

    evenue 0ccrual

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Re+enue = Oracle Projects

    generates re+enue %ased on

    the transactions that youcharge to your "rojects

    >hen you generate re+enue,

    Oracle Projects calculates

    re+enue, creates e+ent and

    e*"enditure item re+enue,determines :L account

    com%inations, and maintains

    funding %alances

    3ou can generate re+enue for

    a range of "rojects or for asingle "roject

    evenue 0ccrual Process

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    &elect eligiblee"penditure

    items, e-ents

    reate +ra$t(e-enue

    alculate Potential(e-enue, re-enue



    E"ceeds 1ard2imit 3

    )eri$y a-ailabilityo$ $unding




    evenue 0ccrual

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    :/@/RAT/ 8RA)T R//@4/

    evenue 0ccrual

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Clic$ therelease %uttonto change thestatus to


    R/I/> A@8 R/L/A./ R//@4/

    Clic$ here todrill do#n into

    the details

    evenue 0ccrual

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    R/I/> A@8 R/L/A./ R//@4/

    evenue 0ccrual

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    I@T/R)AC/ R//@4/


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    In+oicing' 3ou can manage and control your in+oices, re+ie# and adjust them

    online, and re+ie# the detailed information that %ac$s u" your in+oice amounts&


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    :enerating In+oices'3ou can generate an in+oice for a single "roject,

    or for all "rojects ha+ing "otential in+oices

    )or a single "roject, run PRC' :enerate 8raft In+oice"rocess .u%mit the PRC' :enerate 8raft In+oices for a Range of Projectsin the

    .u%mit Reuest #indo# to run multi"le in+oice generation "rocesses in



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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    I@OIC/ R/I/>


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    I@OIC/ R/I/>I@OIC/ 8/TAIL LI@/.


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    After clic$ing on the a""ro+al %utton mentionedin the "re+ious slide, the Release %uttona""ears& On clic$ing the release %utton, thein+oice num%er needs to %e entered #hich hel"sinterface the Project odule #ith Recei+a%les

    I@OIC/ R/L/A./

    0gen!a Project 'anage&ent

    Overview of Project 'anage&ent

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    O e e o ojec a age e



    !udgeting and )orecasting

    Issue and Change anagement


    Oracle Project 'anage&ent

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project anagement' Pro+ides "roject managers a solution for

    maintaining control and +isi%ility of all as"ects of their "rojects

    Create, manage, +ersion, and +ie# #or$"lans

    Trac$ "rogress against the #or$"lan

    Lin$ icrosoft Project #ith Oracle Projects ena%ling you to #or$ #ith a

    "roject using %oth a""lications&

    Create %udgets and forecasts to "lan and manage the 1nancial

    "erformance of "rojects throughout the "roject lifecycle&

    Pro+ide a timely and consistent +ie# of "roject status information to all

    audience mem%ers and "roject sta$eholders&

    anage issues such as concerns, "ro%lems, and outstanding uestions for

    "rojects and tas$s&

    anage actions or changes that aect the sco"e, +alue, or duration of

    "rojects and tas$s&

    Attach and manage documents for "rojects and tas$s&

    Project ,ist

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Project 'anager7s %as$ Boar!

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited



    . O i l;

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Progress .tatuses O"tional;

    0gen!a Project 'anage&ent

    O+er+ie# of Project anagement

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited



    !udgeting and )orecasting

    Issue and Change anagement



    > $ l Ch R

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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    >or$"lan Change Reasons


    T $ T

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Tas$ Ty"es


    ! d t T

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    !udget Ty"es


    !udget Change Reasons

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    !udget Change Reasons



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    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited





    !udget /ntry ethods

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    !udget /ntry ethods


    . /*cel Integration for !udgeting and )orecasting

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    . /*cel Integration for !udgeting and )orecasting


    from Oracle


    /*cel to




    :o to V



    !udget >or$Ko#s' 5ou can implement the 'udget Work$lo* to initiate an

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    !udget >or$Ko#s' 5ou can implement the 'udget Work$lo* to initiate an

    appro-al process *hen you submit a budget or $orecast6

    'udget E"tensions: 5ou can use the budget e"tensions to de$ine budgeting and

    $orecasting rules

    'udget alculation E"tensions: 7se the budget calculation e"tensions to

    de$ine rules $or calculating budget and $orecast amounts6

    'udget )eri$ication E"tension: 7se the budget -eri$ication e"tension to

    de$ine rules $or -alidating a budget or $orecast *hen it is submitted or you

    create a baseline

    0gen!a Project 'anage&ent

    O+er+ie# of Project anagement

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    !udgeting and )orecasting

    Issue and Change anagement



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    Workplan contains a hierarchical organi8ation o$ unlimited le-els o$ tasks

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    Workplan contains a hierarchical organi8ation o$ unlimited le-els o$ tasks

    *ithin a project6

    Workplan structures helps project managers and team members deli-er projects

    on time

    Financial structures help project and $inancial administrations track $inancial

    in$ormation $or a project

    Enable Workplan &tructures and optionally share it *ith Financial &tructures

    +e$ine %ask %ypes, Phases and 2i$ecycles

    Workplan in$ormation setup

    2i$ecycles, current phase

    Enable *orkplan -ersioning

    Enable *ork /uantity

    .utomatically update transaction dates 0 applicable only i$ structures are shared

    .uto publish upon project creation

    +e$ine .ppro-al options $or *orkplan

    Workplan &etupWorkplan &etup

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    >or$"lan Creation and aintenance

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    >or$"lan Creation and aintenance

    Create Tas$s = 4nlimited hierarchies

    Co"y Tas$s = )rom the same "roject or from outside "rojects

    Indent, Outdent, o+e tas$s

    4"date Tas$ 8etails

    .chedule dates are rolled u" from lo#est tas$s to to" tas$s

    4"date Tas$s = ass u"date tas$s

    8elete Tas$s = ar$ed for deletion in +ersion ena%led cases

    8orkplan %isplay

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    >or$"lan ersioning

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    >or$"lan ersioning

    Allo#s you to create multi"le +ersions of #or$"lans

    .tatuses' >or$ing, .u%mitted, A""ro+ed, Rejected, Pu%lished

    >or$"lan Pu%lishing'

    If you ha+e not set an a""ro+er, it gets "u%lished automatically

    .u%mitted to a""ro+er if you ha+e set an a""ro+er

    >hen the a""ro+er a""ro+es, it goes to A""ro+ed status, after #hich youcan "u%lish

    Auto("u%lish after a""ro+al, if o"tion is ena%led

    @oti1cation to team mem%ers u"on #or$"lan "u%lish

    8orkplan 9ersioning

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    0gen!a Project 'anage&ent

    O+er+ie# of Project anagement


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    >or$("lan Bu!geting an! 4orecasting

    Issue and Change anagement


    Bu!geting an! 4orecasting

    !udgets' An estimated cost or re+enue for a "roject or a tas$

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    !udgets' An estimated cost or re+enue for a "roject or a tas$

    >!. Le+el of entering %udget

    Time(Phasing .ummary %udget lines or categori-ed %y resources

    !udget amounts = Ra#5!urdened

    !udgeting %y >!.


    To" Tas$ Lo#est Tas$

    To" tas$s and lo#est tas$s

    Time Phasing

    PA Periods

    :L Periods 8ate Range


    Bu!get 9ersioning

    ' d ) i i bl d l di$$ l i i $

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    'udget )ersioning enables you to model many di$$erent planning scenarios $or

    a plan type6

    .$ter creating a *orking plan -ersion, plan amounts can be entered by one o$

    the $ollo*ing methods:opy amounts $rom another plan -ersion or $rom actual transactions entered on the

    same project6Enter plan amounts in Edit Plan pages+o*nload the plan -ersion and edit the amounts in a Microso$t E"cel spreadsheet

    Bu!get (ntry

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    "y j "

    Co"y %udgets from earlier %udget +ersions

    Co"y Actuals to %udget amounts for "eriod(%ased;

    8elete a draft %udget

    .u%mit and !aseline a %udget +ersion !udget >or$Ko#s and %udget e*tensions if reuired

    4inancial Planning

    8e1ne Period Pro1les = Time "eriods that are a+aila%le #hen you

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    " y

    enter, edit and +ie# "lan amounts

    Time("hased %udgets either PA or :L "eriods

    2 PA or :L "eriods

    Preceding or .ucceeding "eriods

    8e1ne Planning O"tions

    .et at Project Tem"late or Project le+el

    Plan Ty"e le+el

    Plan ersions le+el

    4inancial Planning

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    4inancial Planning

    Plan settings' ."ecify ho# to enter and +ie# "lan +ersion amounts =

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Plan amounts in multi"le currency, )actor "lan amounts %y, Amount

    entry o"tions, Amount re"orting o"tions

    Plan O"tions' /na%le you to de1ne the le+el of details at #hich you

    enter "lan amounts

    Planning Le+el = Project, To" Tas$, Lo#est Tas$, To" and Lo#est Tas$ Resource Information = .elect a resource list, select resources

    Time Phase = PA Period, :L Period, 8ate Range, @one

    Currency .ettings' 8e1ne con+ersion attri%utes for use in con+erting

    "lan amounts in transaction currency to "roject or functional


    Add Transaction currencies

    4inancial Planning

    Planning /lements'Tas$s and resources that you select for a %udget or forecast

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    .elect Tas$s

    .elect Resources for Tas$s or Project = Resource :rou" or Resource le+el

    Plan Ty"e= /na%les you to de1ne the %udgets or forecasts that you #ant to "lan for

    e&g& a""ro+ed cost %udget, %id;

    Attach multi"le "lan ty"es to a "roject

    Cost Only

    Re+enue Only

    Cost and Re+enue together

    Cost and Re+enue se"arately

    ."ecify "lanning o"tions for a "lan ty"e

    Only one "lan ty"e that is designated as JA""ro+ed CostH and JA""ro+ed Re+enueH

    Plan Type !enition

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    4inancial Planning

    Plan ersions' /na%le you to model dierent "lanning scenarios for a

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    "lan ty"e

    aintain Plan ersions ' >or$ing, !aselined

    Create a #or$ing co"y of a +ersion

    Co"y Plan amounts

    /dit Plan ersion = Plan Lines

    /dit in /*cel

    ie# Plan ersions

    'anaging Bu!get 9ersions

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    (!iting Bu!get 9ersions

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    0gen!a Project 'anage&ent

    O+er+ie# of Project anagement


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited



    !udgeting and )orecasting

    ssue an! C$ange 'anage&ent


    ssue an! C$ange 'anage&ent

    Issue and Change anagement = A colla%orati+e #ay or resol+ing

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    issues and managing changes in a "roject

    Partici"ants= Creator, O#ner, Assignee, A""ro+er

    Control Item Ty"e Classes = Issues, Change Reuests and Change


    Control Item Ty"es = Classi1cation categories, A""ro+al, CI creation,

    "roject ty"es that can use

    ssue 'anage&ent

    Create Issues

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    2009 Infosys Technologies Limited

    Choose the issue ty"e

    /nter descri"tion, classi1cations 8e1ne and assign actions = Re+ie# or 4"date action

    Attach documents

    anage Issues = arious +ie#s "ro+ided

    8ays since u"dated

    8ays until due

    ssue 'anage&ent

    Issue Progress, Interaction 6istory

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    Action Resolution

    Action assignees get the list of actions on team mem%er home "age

    Reassign action to another "erson

    Closing Issues

    /nter resolution if reuired

    .u%mit for a""ro+al if a""ro+al is ena%led, close it after it is a""ro+ed

    /lse, directly close the issue

    C$ange 'anage&ent

    Change Reuests = 8ocument "otential changes to sco"e and facilitate a""ro+al


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    Change Orders = Trac$ and im"lement the im"acts of changes to a "roject A change reuest should %e included into a change order to get im"lemented

    Change 8ocuments can ha+e Im"acts de1ned







    0gen!a Project 'anage&ent

    O+er+ie# of Project anagement


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    !udgeting and )orecasting

    Issue and Change anagement


    Project Perfor&ance 'onitoring

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    Project Perfor&ance 'onitoring

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    Project Status eporting

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    Sources of nfor&ation

    Content in this "resentation has %een com"iled %y using

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


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    information from follo#ing sources'

    /. Academy P200 .tudy aterial

    Oracle Project )oundation 4ser :uide

    Oracle Project Im"lementation :uide

    Oracle Project anagement 4ser :uide

    Infosys Internal Training ision Instances

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Projects Training Presentation


    Than$ 3ou
