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Oracle (SQL), Sulieman Khudruj

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SQl , Lectuter Sulieman M. Khudruj 0598091101
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Lab of the Database System Sulieman Khudruj

Lab of the Database


Sulieman Khudruj

Database : a collection of organized data , or set

of tables with relations.

Why oracle ??

High capacity.



Web ready

Oracle :

1) Databse

a. SQL : Structured Query Langauge

b. PL/SQL.

2) Developer

a. Forms

b. Reports

Other Tools:






Grid controls



Forms OCP


Entity Relation Ship Diagram


Symbol Meaning

Entity type

Weak Entity type

Relationship type


Relationship type


Key attribute

Multi valued attribute

Composite attribute

Derived attribue

Simple Example

Database contains 2 tables

Table 1: Emplyee

Empno Ename Sal Birthdate Mobile# Age 1 Ali 5000 14/2/1977 05467756

Table 1: Dept

Deptno Deptname

10 Computer 20 Research 30 Sales 40 Accounting















n Deptname





SQL Commands Types

DDL : Data Definition language

Create, Drop, Alter, Rename,….

DML: Data Manipulation language

Insert, Delete, Update, select

DCL : Data Control Language

Grant, Revoke, …….

Transactions : Commit, Rollback, Save



Not null : we must enter a value but duplication

is allowed.

Unique : duplication is not allowed but null

values is acceptance.

Check : Any values but must have a condition.

Primary key : Not null and Unique

Foreign key : it is a primary key or unique key

from a nother table.

Data Types

Number (5) , can be upto 5

Number (6,2)

Number , it can reserve to the highest value

but it is not recommended

Char (10) , Ahamed- - - -


Date : Store Date in many formats

1) Create user , grant create session , grant connect,


2. Create table

3. Select * from tab

4.desc name_table

5.drop table, show recyclebin, flashback

6. drop table table_name purge

7. insert

Dept table

Deptno Depname

10 Computer

20 Resaech

30 Accounting

40 Marketing


Empno Ename Sal Birthdate Mobile#

1 abdulelah 5000 14/2/1977 054545454 2 omar 6000 14/4/1993 054564645 3 khaled 8000 1/4/1990 054564564 4 mubark 5500 1/1/1990 054645646 5 saad 9000 1/1/1994 056456445 6 adel 29000 13/11/1993 045645644 7 Abd allah 30000 14/5/1996 056456564 8 amer 16000 5/7/1992 045564454 9 Abd aziz 55000 7/4/1979 045645645 10 hamad 50000 4/5/1993 045645666

8. alter a) add column

b)modify length of column

c)drop column

d)drop more than one column

e) add more than one column

9. Rename table

10. Browsing data (select)

- Firstly create the following table (empdata)

- Then enter the data

Empno Ename Sal Birthdate Mobile# nationality

1 Abdullah 5000 14/2/1977 054545454 Saudi 2 omar 6000 14/4/1993 054564645 Saudi 3 khaled 8000 1/4/1990 054564564 Saudi 4 mubark 5500 1/1/1990 054645646 Saudi 5 saad 9000 1/1/1994 056456445 Saudi 6 saad 29000 13/11/1993 045645644 Jordanian 7 Abd allah 30000 14/5/1996 056456564 Jordanian 8 Amer 16000 5/7/1992 045564454 Egyptian 9 Amer 55000 7/4/1979 045645645 Egyptian 10 hamad 60000 4/5/1993 045645666 Suadi

Until empno=10

a) select * from empdata

b) select ename,sal,nationality from empdata

c) select ename, sal*12 as ann_sal from empdata

d) select sysdate from dual;

e) select 545*87 from dual;

f) select ename || ' earns ' || sal || ' every month '

info from empdata

g) select * from empdata

where empno=10;


Type Symbol meaninig

Logical operators

= equal

< > , != , ^ = Not equal

> Less than

< Greater than

>= Less than or equal

<= Greater than or equal

Logical Bitwise and , or , not Contacts between


h) select * from empdata

where sal >5000 and nationality='Saudi';

i) select ename, sal , mobile

from empdata

where sal between 10000 and 60000

j) select ename , sal , nationality

from empdata

where ename like '%m%'

k) select * from empdata

where ename like 'm%';

L) select * from empdata

where ename like '%h';

m) select ename, sal

from empdata

where ename like '_b%';

n) select * from empdata

where ename like '____';

o) select * from empdata

where ename like 'o__r';

p) select * from empdata

where sal in (6000,5000,55000,60000)

q) select * from empdata

where ename in ('omar','Amer')

r) select ename,sal ,mobile from empdata

order by sal asc

Revision (1) A)

1)Create table “Student_info” as follows :

Filed Name Type

Student_no Number(4) , primary key

Student_name Varchar2(20)

Student_mobile Number (10)

Student_age Number(4)

1) Insert 2 rows to this table

Student_no Student_name Student_mobile Student_age

100 Ali 054465477 29

101 Omar 059089035 32

3)Display the fields with properties


1) list the steps to create new (RCC with password

KSU) user and

a) log in to user System / Manager

b) write create user RCC identified by KSU

2) give RCC user all the privileges

grant create session to RCC

grant connect, resource to RCC


study to the following empdata and answer the quesions

a) modify length of filed nationality to 50

alter table empdata

modify nationality varchar2(50)

b) rename the name of table to empinfo

rename empdata to empinfo;

c) delete the column birthdate

alter table empinfo

drop column birthdate;

d) drop the table to recyclein

drop table empinfo;

e) show the contents of the recyclein

show recyclein ;


study the following table and answer the quesions

a) calculate the annual salary for each employee with

column alias "emp_ann_sal”, and display the name

and the annual salary

select ename , sal*12 as emp_ann_sal from empinfo;

b) display the records of empno = 6 and empno=9

select * from empinfo

where empno in (6,9);

c) display all records of employee who earn salary

between 8000 to 16000

select * from empinfo

where sal between 8000 and 16000

d) display all records , that names contain d letter

select * from empinfo

where ename like ‘%d%’;

e)display all records , that names contain 8 letters

select * from empinfo

where ename like ‘________’;

f) return the system date

select sysdate from dual;

g) return the value of 18*35

select 18*35 from dual;


1) Single

2) Group

2) Single

a. Character

b. Number

c. Date

d. General

e. Conversion

I. Character

a. Upper

b. Lower

c. Initcap

d. Substr

e. Instr

f. Replace

g. Translate

h. Lpad ,rpad ,ltrim ,rtrim

i. length


select ename, upper(ename), lower(ename), initcap(ename)

from empdata


select * from empdata

where upper(ename) like '%S%';


select ename, substr(ename,1,3) from empdata;

d) select ename, instr(ename,'a',1) from empdata

e) select ename, instr(ename,'a',1,2) from empdata;

f) select ename ,replace(ename,'Abdullah','Abdulelah')

from empdata

g) select ename ,translate(ename,'ah','ox')

from empdata

h) select ename, lpad(sal,10,'*') , rpad(sal,10,'*') from empdata;

i) select ename , length (ename), ltrim(ename,'A'), rtrim (ename,'h')

from empdata

II) Number Function

a. Mod

b. Round

c. Trunk

a. select mod (1.5,1), mod (5,2) , mod (5,1) from dual

b. select round (137.74), trunc(137.74) from dual

III) Date Functions and Conversation functions

‘dd-mon-yy’ default , example : 15-jun-02

Rules :

a. date1-date2 = number of days

b. date1(+/-) number of days = date2

c. date1 (+/-) hours/24=date2

d. date+date = not allowed

a. select months_between ('02-12-2013', '04-6-2013') from


b. select add_months ( '2-7-2013',2) from dual

c. select next_day ('2-7-2013', 1) from dual

note : 1(Saturday) , 2( Sunday),………..

d. select last_day ('2-7-2013') from dual

e. select to_char (sysdate, 'dd/mm/yy') from dual;

IV) General Functions


insert into empdata (empno,ename,birthdate,mobile,nationality)

values (11,'Ali','4/6/1990',054546454,'Egyption');

select ename, nvl(sal,0) as " annual salary" from empdata

b. select ename, nullif (sal,60000) from empdata

c. select to_char(sysdate, 'HH:MI:SS AM ') from dual;

IIV) Group functions

a. select count (sal), sum (sal), avg(sal) from empdata

b. select min(sal), max(sal) from empdata

b. suppose this table

no name salary deptno job

1 Ali 5000 10 programmer

2 Khaled 6000 10 analyst

3 Omar 40000 10 designer

4 Sami 55000 20 manager

5 Amer 70000 20 manager

6 Nasser 5440 20 accouter

7 Rami 45400 20 programmer

8 Mubark 20000 30 advisor

9 anas 15000 30 programmer

10 mostafa 22000 30 analyst

c. select deptno ,sum(salary) from empcomp

group by deptno;

d. select deptno,job, sum(salary) from empcomp

group by deptno,job;

d. select job ,sum(salary) from empcomp

group by job;

e. select deptno,job,sum(salary) from empcomp

where deptno <> 30

having sum(salary)>10000

group by deptno, job;


select nationality, sum (sal)

from empdata

group by nationality;

delete rows , update data

a. delete from empdata

where empno=11;


update empdata

set nationality ='Saudi'

where empno =10;


Not null : we must enter a value but duplication

is allowed.

Unique : duplication is not allowed but null

values is acceptance.

Check : Any values but must have a condition.

Primary key : Not null and Unique

Foreign key : it is a primary key or unique key

from a nother table.


Table 1 : patient

Pat_no(pk) Pat_name Pat_db Pat_gender

10 Ali 4/4/1992 M

20 Omar 10/5/1998 M

30 Sami 5/5/1978 M

40 Osman 8/9/1990 M

50 Susan 7/6/1981 F

60 Asma 6/7/1997 F

70 Toni 5/7/1985 M

80 Rania 6/9/1978 F

90 Suad 6/7/1995 M

100 Tareq 5/9/1997 M


Table 2: visit

vst_no(pk) Pat_no(FK) vst_date

1 10 1/5/2011

2 40 6/5/2012

3 10 6/5/2011

4 60 8/7/2012

5 80 2/2/2013

6 40 6/6/2012

7 70 9/9/2012

8 80 4/2/2013

Join 1) Cartesian join select pat_name ,pat_db,vst_date

from patient, visit;

2) Equi join select pat_name, pat_db,vst_date

from patient,visit

where patient.pat_no=visit.pat_no

order by pat_name

3) Outer join select pat_name, pat_db,vst_date

from patient,visit

where patient.pat_no (+) =visit.pat_no

4) Non - equi join
