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Oracle Systems _ Solaris and Oracle Enterprise Linux Oracle’s two OS strategy.pdf

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The most comprehensive Oracle applications & technology content under one roof The most comprehensive Oracle applications & technology content under one roof Solaris and Oracle Enterprise Linux: Oracle’s two OS strategy Nathan Kroenert Frontline Systems Australia and Melbourne Solaris Users Group ‘President’
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The most comprehensive Oracle applications & technology content under one roof The most comprehensive Oracle applications & technology content under one roof

Solaris  and  Oracle  Enterprise  Linux:  Oracle’s  two  OS  strategy  

Nathan  Kroenert  Frontline  Systems  Australia  

and  Melbourne  Solaris  Users  Group  ‘President’  

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•  The  role  of  the  OS  in  applicaBon  delivery  •  Oracle’s  two  OS’s  •  Key  advantages  of  each  OS  •  WHY  TWO???  •  How  should  I  choose?  •  Summary  

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Unix  and  Unix  Like?  

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The  role  of  the  OS  in  applicaBon  delivery  

•  What  does  the  OS  actually  do  for  us?  •  Do  some  do  different  jobs  bePer  than  others?  •  NaBve  OS  features  versus  bolt-­‐on  features  •  The  OS  is  NOT  unimportant  –  even  (or  especially!)  on  Hypervisors  

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Oracle’s  two  OS’s:  Solaris  and  OEL  

•  Solaris  –  Acquired  in  the  purchase  of  Sun  – Best  scaling  OS  – Largest  install  base  of  large  Oracle  installaBons  – Leader  in  performance  and  scale  in  many  categories  

– Support  for  SPARC  and  X-­‐64  systems  from  many  vendors  

– Comfortably  scales  beyond  512  threads,  TB’s  of  memory,  hundred  of  I/O  adapters  

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Oracle’s  two  OS’s:  Solaris  and  OEL  

•  OEL  –  refined  from  the  Red  Hat  source  base  – Now  Includes  Unbreakable  Enterprise  Kernel  by  default  

– CAN  be  fully  Redhat  compaBble  – Supported  by  Oracle  for  enterprise  DB  before  any  other  vendor  

– Used  in  original  Exadata  

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Upgrading  or  starBng  fresh  

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Key  Advantages  of  OEL  

•  Is  Linux!  (Some  organizaBons,  and  ISV’s  require  it,  aPracBve  development  environment.)  

•  Can  leverage  the  global  community  in  terms  of  available  applicaBons  and  OS  development  

•  Has  the  mindshare  as  ‘Linux’,  which  is  separated  from  UNIX  

•  Support  on  a  variety  of  hardware;  though  OEL  is  only  X-­‐64.  

•  Support  for  many  devices  

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Key  Advantages  of  OEL  

•  Has  Bered  support  pricing  (Network,  Basic,  Premier)  

•  Is  more  familiar  to  School/University  leavers  than  UNIX  

•  Has  the  OVM  Hypervisor  as  an  opBon,  which  can  contain  OEL,  Solaris,  Windows,  etc.  

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Key  Advantages  of  Solaris  

•  Support  for  SPARC  hardware  – T-­‐series  systems    

•  Best  performance  per  waP    •  Up  to  512  threads  in  5RU  •  Consolidate  old  Solaris  systems  whilst  barely  breathing  

– M-­‐series  systems    •  mainframe  like  reliability    •  HA  with  No  Single  point  of  failure  in  large  scale  systems  •  Hardware  Domainable  

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Key  Advantages  of  Solaris  

•  Fastest,  highest  scaling,  most  resilient,  more  widely  supported  UNIX  

•  KEY  OS  capabiliBes  that  include    

•  Resource  Management  •  SMF  •  FMA  •  Full  support  for  LDOMS  •  Wholly  owned  

•  Dtrace  •  ZFS  •  Containers  •  SMF  •  Branded  Containers  

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Why  BOTH?  

•  Opportunity  to  make  the  best  of  all  worlds:  – Tightly  integrated  and  opBmized  for  the  total  Oracle  stack  

– Opportunity  to  shape  the  OS  as  Silicone  is  developed,  and  take  advantage  of  it  first  

– Tightest  integraBon  with  Oracle  DB  – Build  largest,  most  resilient  and  scalable  systems  – Many  elements  CORE  to  the  OS,  rather  than  bolt-­‐on.  

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Why  BOTH?  

•  OEL  – Broad  compaBbility  with  Linux  Ecosystem  – Pricing  opBons  – Choice  of  Kernel;  Faster  and  bePer  scaling  Unbreakable  Enterprise  Kernel,  or  the  fully  RedHat  compaBble  Kernel  

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Wonder  Twin  Powers:  AcBvate!  

•  Both  OEL  and  Solaris  can  be  managed  by  OEM  Ops  Centre  

•  Using  OEM,  both  can  be  supported  by  the  one  support  team  from  an  operaBonal  perspecBve  

•  Regular  configuraBon  to  use  OEL  in  smaller  web-­‐facing  environments,  and  Solaris  on  the  larger  systems  in  the  back-­‐end  

•  ‘Red  Stack’  –  It’s  actually  not  just  a  markeBng  thrust.  

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How  do  I  choose?  

•  SOE  /  Strategic  Architecture  /  Vendor  ojen  determines  rather  than  choice  

•  Where  more  business  criBcal,  higher  value  transacBons  are  involved,  Solaris  is  typically  a  bePer  choice  –  even  if  only  for  DTrace,  SMF  and  FMA.    

•  Horizontal,  node  based  scaling  typically  targeted  for  OEL.    

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The  best  of  both  worlds  •  Whether  you  want  speed,  scale,  access  to  the  most  packages,  best  tools,  greatest  diagnosBc  capabiliBes,  highest  resilience,  Oracle  has  you  covered  in  the  Linux/Unix  space.  

•  OEL  6  has  released,  now  with  unbreakable  kernel  by  default  

•  Watch  this  space  for  Solaris  11  –  There  is  an  Express  Version  already  Available  

•  Wait  and  see  what  the  next  GeneraBon  SPARC  T-­‐series  systems  can  do!  

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Summary:  •  Typically  not  as  simple  as  one  or  the  other  •  If  you  are  leaning  towards  verBcal  scale  and  high  value  business  transacBons,  Solaris  

•  If  you  need  greatest  reliability  or  diagnosability,  Solaris  

•  If  you  are  leaning  towards  lower  cost  compute,  or  business  transacBons,  OEL  

•  If  you  have  a  need  to  get  or  use  more  of  the  ‘linux  /opensource’  community  sojware,  OEL.    

•  Frequently  use  both!  

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