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  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362



    S SlumpA Iustry-by-Iustry Playboo to Help You Prepare or the Recovery



  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    Selling in a recession is tough. Salespeople know that better than

    anyone. Aggressively waiting or the phone to ring doesnt work.Neither does doing the same things with double the energy. But there

    are things you should do, and there are things you should not do, in

    times like this. Youll fnd that guidance in this eBook.

    Selling through a Slump: An Industry-by-Industry Playbook to Help You Prepare or the

    Recovery brigs together 11 top sales blogger-traier-authors rom 11 istict vertical maret

    sectors, ragig rom retail to health care to telecombecause oe size oest alays t all.

    Selling through a Slump cotais the best o the bestTop Te (a more) lists o ho to

    sell i a recessioary maret rom ell-o sales experts lie jill korath, Charles Gree,

    a dave Stei. Each list is a mixture o practical-tactical tips a experiece-base isom.

    The asers youre looig or are here.

    O the ext page, tae a quic sca to your iustry a your blogger/expert; the savor

    the ieas.

    But thats ot all. Come bac to the iex a sca the other iustries material. not all great

    ieas are iustry-uique. I youre i the meia, you might be surprise at the uggets you capic up reaig avice to layers or the public sector.

    I ay case, eoy. There are lis, o course, to ay riter you might at to explore urther.

    A thas or reaig.






    SlumpA Iustry-by-Iustry Playboo toHelp You Prepare or the Recovery

    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

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    1. Retail page 4

    Skip Anderson: Sellig or Retailers

    2. Public Sector page 6Mike Kujawski: Sellig to Public Sector Cliets

    3. Insurance page 9Mike Wise: Sellig or Isurace Agets

    4. Law page 10

    Matt Homann: Sellig or Layers

    5. Health page 11

    Anneke Seley: Sellig to Buyers o Health Care Proucts

    6. Accounting & Consulting page 13Charlie Green: Sellig or Accoutats a Cosultats

    7. Telecommunications page 15

    John Caddell: Sellig ito Telecommuicatios Marets

    8. Technology Consultants, VARs page 17

    Dave Stein: Sellig Techology

    9. Services page 19Jill Konrath: Sellig i Service Busiesses

    10.Media page 21Anne Miller: Sellig Meia

    11.Manuacturing page 22

    Dave Brock: Sellig to Mauacturers





    SlumpA Iustry-by-Iustry Playboo toHelp You Prepare or the Recovery

    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    1. Managers, get on the sales oor

    ith your employees a your custom-

    ers. Iteract ith them i a very huma

    ay to leverage those relatioships.

    delegate the busy-or to someoe

    else, a istea be visible, helpul,

    amost o allconnected.

    2. Dont wait or business to get back to

    where it used to be. The curret reces-

    sio is chagig the retailig iustry

    orever. Be orar-looig a proac-

    tive, ot bacar-looig a reactive.

    Those ho lear the e rules o retail-

    ig ill survive the curret recessio a

    become the retailig champios o the

    post-recessio ecoomy.

    3. Hold a talk to our customers event.I you have customers ho are loyal as

    that rave about your proucts, leverage

    those relatioships by ivitig them to act

    as pseuo-salespeople o a Saturay

    morig. Youll get PR uice out o the

    evet. Mae your customer-sellers easily

    ietiable to create buzz i your store.

    noboy ca sig the praises o that high-

    e barbecue grill lie the customer ho

    has bee usig it a lovig it or the last

    six moths.

    4. Distribute a daily insider sheet to your

    browsers. whe your salesperso is

    absolutely uable to get a shopper e-

    gage i a coversatio a the shopper

    isists she ust ats to brose, have

    the salesperso ha her a small isier

    sheet, hich coul eature a blurb about

    a particular prouct, a customer, a sales-

    perso, or a uavertise promo item.

    But eep it brie.

    5. On busy days, place a manager

    outside your store to greet icomig

    customers a, more importatly, to asexitig shoppers i there as aythig

    they coult or it get resolve

    urig their visit. Some ill tell you about

    their ba experieces or rustratios, or

    eve share ees they it commui-

    cate to oe o your salespeople. You o

    have a chace to get those customers

    Retailers face incredible chal-

    lenges during this recession

    and need to make real changes

    in order to survive and prosper.


    Public Sector











    Sellig or rsBY SkIP AndERSOn








    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

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    bac ito your store istea o alloig

    them to move o to your competitor.

    6. Hiresales people to sell, not customer

    service people. Its high time that the

    retail peulum sig bac to a evi-

    romet o proessioal salesmaship.

    Ayboy ca straighte stacs o seat-

    ers, but ot everyoe ca tur a $500

    sale ito a $5,000 sale.

    7. Create an invitation-only promo

    where your customers determine

    the invitation list. Tell your best cus-

    tomers that this promo ill be or oly

    the customers ries a amily, a

    as or ames a aresses, e-mail

    aresses, a phoe umbers o their

    ries a amily. Be sure the promo-

    tio provies eough beet that your

    customers ill illigly help you ivite

    people to your evet.

    8. Ask your ront-end salespeople

    where your company is missing

    opportunities at the store level.

    Mae it clear youre ot asig or sug-

    gestios o avertisig or a maagemet

    shae-up at corporate, but istea are

    looig or ieas to sell more i the store.

    Put the employee ho suggests a iitia-

    tive i charge o it, a mae sure it has

    all the support maagemet ca muster.

    9. New and dierent sales training can

    help you weather this new and dier-

    ent selling environment. Ivite a ier-

    et sales traier to spea to your group

    to supplemet the sales traiig you

    alreay have i place. Help your team

    igite creativity, passio, a eergy ith

    some e perspectives a iormatio.

    10. Teach your employees how to reach

    out to their personal and amilyetors a tur them ito prospects

    a customers. May retail salespeople

    are otoriously poor etorers, yet

    perhaps ozes (or thousas) o

    potetial customers exist ust belo

    the surace ithi your employees

    ormal a iormal etors.

    Skip Andersonis a authority ocosumer sellig a the ouero Sellig to Cosumers SalesTraiig, as ell as the creator o3d Sellig, a sellig paraigmesige to uleash the buyigpotetial o every prospect. Siphosts a pocast, eits eslet-ters, a rites a popular blog,

    all uer the Sellig to Cosumers rubric. He is theouer o the Sales Bloggers Uio, a iteratioalgroup ith a global perspective.

    Cc Sk as S Css Ss

    t, (651) 681 8568.




    Follow on Twitter:w.c/sks

    Connect on LinkedIn:k.c//sks


    Sellig or rsBY SkIP AndERSOn



    Public Sector










    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

    mailto:%[email protected]://www.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://www.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://www.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://podcasts.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://podcasts.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://podcasts.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://www.twitter.com/skipandersonhttp://www.twitter.com/skipandersonhttp://www.twitter.com/skipandersonhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/skipandersonhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/skipandersonhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/skipandersonhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/skipandersonhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/skipandersonhttp://www.twitter.com/skipandersonhttp://www.twitter.com/skipandersonhttp://podcasts.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://podcasts.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://blog.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://www.sellingtoconsumers.com/http://www.sellingtoconsumers.com/mailto:%[email protected]://twitter.com/home/?status=RT:+Selling+Through+a+Slump:+An+Industry-by-Industry+Playbook.+Free+advice+from+sales+experts+in+every+market.+http://tr.im/jgAHhttp://thecustomercollective.com/TCC/pages/rssinfo/?type=1#customhttp://thecustomercollective.com/
  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    1. Be open to change. I the terms web 2.0 a social meia are alie to you, stop hat

    youre oig a rea up o them beore you embarrass yoursel i rot o a cliet. we o

    live i a era here the maretig lascape has bee ture completely upsie o. To-

    ay egagemet a ialogue rule this e orl, as oppose to oe-ay commuicatio.

    The techological barriers that have restricte the oe-to-may moel o commuicatio

    are o loger preset. no ayoe, ithi secos, ca start a blog, post a vieo, rite a

    revie, oi a social etor, or start a pocast a have their cotet viee or hear by

    millios at virtually o cost.

    2. Develop a personal marketing strategy.All too ote the shoemaers is have o

    shoes eect taes place i cosultig rms. whether you are iepeet or ot, you

    shoul have a maretig strategy or yoursel. All the elemets o the maretig process

    (Obectives, Segmetatio, Targetig, Positioig a Prouct, Price, Place, Promotio)

    ee to be cosiere. Everythig shoul be measure base o your obectives a

    cotiually auste as ecessary. Above all, you shoul be able to immeiately aser the

    cliet questio: why shoul I hire you over competitor X? Are you more strategy-ocuse?

    do you oer a more competitive per iem? do you have 24/7 availabili ty? do you have 30

    years o experiece i your el?

    3. Crowdsource your work! Lear ho to leverage the isom o the cro through the olie

    social collaboratio that is curretly occurrig o a global scale. Here are some ieas or you:

    Free primary research (e.g., asig your etor a questio oTitter, usig Survey Moey,

    or usig the LieI Questios eature)

    Free access to previously ivisible cotacts i your etor (usig LieI)

    Free presetatio ieas to save you time (e.g., SlieShare)

    Free cosultat reports (e.g., Scrib)


    Sellig to pc Sc CsBY MIkE kUjAwSkI

    publiC SeCtor

    Mike Kujawski oers 12 tips or

    selling to public sector clients:


    Public Sector










    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    4. Learn to give content away or ree.This is perhaps oe o the toughest cocepts or may

    cosultats to grasp, a yet it is essetial or log-term success. The more valuable a

    relevat the cotet you prouce, the more visible your olie bra a the more perceive

    authority you have. This, i tur, leas to more cliets. I retur or your eorts, you ill alays

    get 10 times the value o hat you put i.

    5. Assume that the whole world will see any digital content that you produce. Fe people

    realize that all o their uploae photos, vieos, text messages, orum commets, es metios,

    etc., ill be available o the Iteret orever. Eve elete posts a private e-mails ca be ac-cesse by someoe, somehere, at ay time. Remember this the ext time you e-mail someboy

    about ho aoyig your cliet is beig. It ca come bac to haut you years o the roa.

    6. Understand the phrase: You are whoever Google says you are. Mareters must realize

    they simply caot cotrol orgaizatioal a/or bra messagig lie they use to. People o

    Google iormatio. You ca spe all the time you at cratig the perect message or your

    ebsite or brochure, but at the e o the ay people ill clic o oe o those top 10 orgaic

    search results eeme most relevat to their search query. (You ca use Google Isights or

    Search to out hat these are.) Moitor a iterect, here appropriate. I someoe is com-

    plaiig about your service, out hy. I someoe is praisig you, tha him or her!

    7. Be your own biggest critic. Beore presetig a eliverable, you shoul be able to clearly

    ee the pros a cos o each recommeatio you are maig. Lear to play the evils

    avocate, a be able to mitigate every possible ris your cliet ill liely ietiy.

    8. Create short, concise, deliverables. The era o the 100-page report is ea. True sill lies i pic-

    ig out the ey elemets a evisig a cocrete actio pla base o all the prior strategic or

    that you uertoo. Thro the etails i the appeix i you absolutely have to iclue them.








    Sellig to pc Sc CsBY MIkE kUjAwSkI

    publiC SeCtor


    Public Sector










    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

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    9. Avoid the use o bullets in presentations (eath by PoerPoit). I am ote shoce that

    may people i the maretig iustry still ot o ho to create egagig presetatios.

    Lear ho to a use careully selecte stoc photos to illustrate a poit. This stimu-

    lates both the let a right hemispheres o participats brais. dot believe me? Rea

    Presetatio Ze by Garr Reyols or Slieology by nacy duarte as a start. O aother

    ote, ever use the exact same presetatio or ieret cliets. Eve i its ust a e ame

    chages, statistical upates, or more relevat screeshots, e-tuig goes a log ay a is

    alays appreciate by the cliet.

    10. Meet with past clients every quarter or lunch.The itet here is ot to explicitly sell more

    services, but rather to touch base a see ho their iitiative is comig alog. Buil a log-

    lastig relatioship. Eve he you o that more services ill ot be possible, meet ith

    them. wor o mouth rom happy ormer cliets goes a log ay, especially i the era o

    social meia. Stay top o mi ith your cliets.

    11.Always be learning. I this iustry, it is easy to all behi. I you ot have the time to

    get ully immerse i all the e chaels yoursel, the get others to relevat iormatio

    or you! You ca ietiy the top 10 bloggers ithi your iche a subscribe to their posts

    (use a rss reaer). do the same or microblogs (i.e., Titter) to trac istat coversatios.Betee these to, you ill see people ebatig, ietiyig e tres, recommeig

    boos, talig about upcomig coereces, etc., all o hich ill mae it easy or you to stay

    i the loop ith miimal eort (i.e., you ill alays o i somethig sigicat is happeig

    or about to occur i your iustry).

    12.Love what you do.


    Follow on Twitter:w.c/kkjwsk

    Connect on LinkedIn:k.c//kkjwsk


    Sellig to pc Sc CsBY MIkE kUjAwSkI

    Mike Kujawskiis a maretig a

    social meia strategist itereste

    primarily i helpig public sector a

    oprot orgaizatios ays

    to achieve their obectives more

    ecietly a eectively. He helpe

    lauch the Cetre o Excellece or

    Public Sector Maretig, here he

    o leas the evelopmet o maor atioal, provicial,a muicipal public sector a oprot cliet maret-

    ig strategies. Mies specic iche is strategic egage-

    met through social meia a the stuy o the broaer

    cultural/athropological chages beig brought about by

    these chaels.

    publiC SeCtor


    Public Sector










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    1. Assess the prospects channel-o-

    choice: ace-to-ace, phoe (home orcell?), e-mail, web-chat, virtual, socialetor, text. Be comortable a uer-sta the etiquette o all meia.

    2.Assess and continuously improve yourwriting skills.Tae a typig course. Pursue

    bloggig or other orms o creative ritigaythig to help ith spee a eective-ess o your ritte commuicatios.

    3. Network continuously, in-person and on-line. wor-o-mouth reerrals ill get you irot o the right perso at the right time.

    4. What is your message? Uerstahat your auiece ats. do they atto see proo sources? do they at tobecome a mii-subect matter expert?Or o they at you to be o call he-ever a questio comes up?

    5. Understand reerrals. why o yourcliets reer you? kolege aboutisurace? Goo guy? Ethics a trust?Persoal relatioship? Somethig else?Cultivate your har-core as ito steaystreams o reerrals.

    6. Develop a proessional blog. Let it be yourmai ebsitesomethig simple lie oh-oe.com or somethig clever lie bestliei-surace.com. Either ay, its all about youa hat you o a ho much youcare about helpig people. A its iterac-tive. Let it be your prospectig orhorse.

    7. Develop a Web storeront.This is hatyour blog poits to. Agai, remember cha-el-o-choice. You ee a ebsite hereprospects ca ru quotes, see brochures, useees calculators, see es about you, etc.

    8. Use automated tools (e.g., auto-respo-ers) to or leas at the top o the uela to stay i touch ith a cross-sellexistig cliets.

    9.Add value within your community orsphere o inuence. Be the go-to perso.what are your talets outsie o or?Ho ca those talets be use to helpothers ith o expectatio or repaymet?They ill remember youre the isuraceexpert alog the ay.

    10.And o course, understand your product

    inside and out.


    Sellig or isc asBY MIkE wISE


    Mike Wiseis Vice Presiet,

    Isurace Techologies, or

    IeaStar Ic, here he leas

    e-commerce eorts i the isur-ace iustry, primarily the health

    a lie sectors. with more tha

    20 years i techology a sales

    i three ieret iustries, his

    experiece i e-commerce proects is eep a ie.

    A requet speaer, paelist, a webiar preseter,

    Mies specialty is traslatig complex web cocepts

    ito practical strategies a tactics.

    Mike Wise oers 10 tips or

    selling or insurance agents:


    Follow on Twitter:w.c/kws07

    Connect on LinkedIn:k.c//kws07


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    1. It costs less to delight a client than

    it does to rustrate him.You pay to

    elight them oce, but you pay or

    rustratig them orever.

    2.Youll never be passionate about selling

    yoursel until you start searching or cli-

    ents youll be passionate about serving.

    Remember, a great cliet is oe or homyou or or ree, but oe ho ever

    as you to.

    3. The most eective way to get new

    clients is to impress old ones. Measure

    the happiess o your existig cliets ith

    the same iligece you measure your time,

    so you ca or less o evelopig e

    busiess a more o eservig it.

    4. When meeting a potential client, dontsell your competence, sell your com-

    passion.They must o you care about

    them beore theyll care about you.

    5. Recognize that while it is usually easier

    to ask or new business rom prospective

    clients tha it is to as or more busiess

    rom curret oes, it is rarely more protable.

    6. The most compelling thing you can

    sell to a prospective client is more

    sleep. As hat problems eep them

    up at ight, a buil your busiess

    arou solvig them.

    7. There are (at least) 10 things your cli-

    ents wish youd do dierently, a I bet

    you ot o hat they are. Iovatiobegis ith coversatio. Egage your

    cliets so theyll eep egagig you.

    8. I your clients can go months without

    hearing rom you, they can go orever

    without recommending you. To layers,

    iierece a icompetece are to i-

    eret thigs. To cliets, they are oe a

    the same.

    9. Never assume your current clientsknow all you can do or them. never

    believe your ormer cliets remember all

    you i or them. Reach out to both a

    remi them. ne busiess ill ollo.

    10.The single best sales strategy in the

    world is to your best cliets a as

    them, Ho o I get more cliets lie you?


    Sellig or lwsBY MATT HOMAnn



    Ask your clients what they buy rom you.

    I it isnt time, stop selling it!


    Follow on Twitter:w.c/ Connect on LinkedIn:


    Matt Homann is a layer,

    meiator, blogger, a etrepre-

    eur a a iovator i ays

    to chage the practice o la tobeet both layers a cliets.

    Fouer o LexThi LLC, Matt

    avises layers o billig strate-

    gies, creative maretig tech-

    iques, prove customer-service priciples, a the

    applicatio o cuttig-ege ieas rom other iustries

    a proessios.

    Matt Homann oers 10 tips or

    selling or lawyers:


    Public Sector










    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362



    1. Find out what its like to be in your customers shoes. As questios about theirbusiess

    a acial targets. I you are sellig to octors or other health care proviers, or example,

    mae this iquiry: what are you tryig to accomplish i your meical practice this year?

    2. Align your marketing strategy and programs with sales goals, both long-term and

    short-term. Maretig a sales people that mae strategic ecisios a create programs

    together a have share success metrics a compesatio have a greater lielihoo o

    succeeig. do your sales a maretig orgaizatios have ieret eitios or your

    target auiece or the characteristics o a qualie sales opportuity (or the volume requireto meet quota)? with collaboratio, youll ot oly see better results youll also establish a

    more harmoious relatioship that is ultimately better or your customers.

    3. Help your customers win. desig maretig a sales materials that help your buyers

    achieve theirbusiess goals (ot yours). whe sellig to meical practices, or example, pro-

    vie tools to help them icrease their reveues a better serve their patiets.

    4. Dont assume that what worked in the past is still eective.Traitioal, expesive sales

    a maretig approaches are ote ieective a ieciet or your customers as ell as

    or your compay. Ca you ietiy areas to loer sales a maretig costs, such as replac-ig expesive semiars ith olie evets?

    5. Try engaging prospects by phone and the Web. just because youve alays met your

    buyers ace-to-ace a bought them luch he they are rst begiig the buyig process,

    oest mea that thats prouctive. There are may examples o health care buyers ho

    preer the coveiece o a sel-service approach or a quic phoe cosultatio to a legthy

    meetig. Some ae beets: Its more cost-eective or you a coul give you a substa-

    tial competitive avatage.

    Sellig to bs h C pcsBY AnnEkE SELEY


    Anneke Seley oers 10 tips

    or selling to buyers o health

    care products:


    Public Sector

















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  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362



    Sellig to bs h C pcsBY AnnEkE SELEY


    Anneke Seley is the CEO a

    ouer o Phoe wors LLC, a

    sales strategy a implemeta-

    tio cosultacy that has helpe

    more tha 300 large a small

    busiesses buil a restructure

    sales teams to achieve preict-

    able, measurable, a sustaiable

    sales groth usig Sales 2.0 priciples. Phoe worsspecializes i helpig compaies icorporate phoe

    a web sellig ito their sales moels. Aee

    as the 12th employee at Oracle a the esiger

    o Oracledirect, the compays revolutioary isie

    sales operatio.

    6. Try strengthening customer relationships by phone and Web. Its a loer-cost ay to

    icrease commuicatio a eep customers egage ithout travel a typically leas

    to icrease reveue a reerral busiess. Its also better or the eviromet.

    7. Measure your sales process. Research shos that the most successul sales orgaizatios

    have the most cosistet, yet fexible, use o process i aitio to the strogest relatioships

    ith customers. A measurable sales process maes your orecasts a sales results more

    preictable, hich maagemet appreciates. Plus, its goo or your compays valuatio a

    stoc price.

    8. Strengthen your online presence. More a more buyers across iustries are eucatig

    themselves beore maig purchase ecisios ithout egagig ith a salesperso. They are

    atchigYouTube, oiig commuities, a ig ebsites via olie search. Is your com-

    pay tracig your customers use o e meia a usig iovative olie tools to provie

    value a buil trust?

    9. Collaborate with other salespeople. Your o sales team members a eve those i

    other compaies or iustries - are great sources o iormatio about successul sellig.

    Share best practices a lear hat is resoatig ith toays customers.

    10.Constantly try new things. Are your buyers o Faceboo orTitter? Ho o they preer to

    commuicate? what are they tellig you about themselves i social meia that coul lea to a

    coversatio a the begiig o a truste bo? May health care buyers may ot be there

    yet, but maistream tres have a ay o eterig the orl o busiess commuicatios.

    (Thi e-mail a the Iteret.) Coul you create a competitive avatage by beig there rst?


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    1. Surprise your clients with something or ree, even in tax season, when everyonethinks youre busysay, a 2-to-3 hour cliic or your cliets is ho are o collegegrauates o ho to o their o taxes.

    2. Hold topical, lunchtime, 60-minute phone calls or fve o your medium-sized clientstreasurers on recession-relevant topics.You ru the logistics a lie up the topics.A o it he theyre hurtig, eve i youre busy ith tax seaso.

    3. I youre a proessional services frm with underemployed sta, oer to swap them ora clients similarly underemployed sta. Both ill gai valuable perspective a experi-ece ithout beig tae o critical or. The employees ivolve ill eel grateul achallege. A the liages betee the rms ill be stregtheeoe o hich oulhappe easily i goo ecoomic times.

    4. In tough times, shit your business development eorts away rom new client acquisi-

    tion to existing client development. not oly is curret-cliet bizev alays more eciet,but this is the time to sho the love. This is ot a recessio; this is the bottom hal o a atu-ral busiess cycle. This is the time you ear the loyalty that cliets ill remember later.

    5. Buy two tickets now or a major cultural or athletic event scheule or mi- to late2010. Se oe o the ticets to a highly avore customer or cliet, ith a ote sayig:we ill get through all this, together, a I loo orar to celebratig ith you oce eo. keep this ticet i a sae place, because mie is the seat ext to yours.

    6. Oer to deer payment i, i the mile o a importat assigmet, a ey cliet tells youhe cat aor or you to ish the or. Tal it over ith him a oer to ait ut il he capay. That coul be a log time. But i the relatioship is goo, this geerous oer createstrust a greatly reuces the ris o opaymet. A the cost o acig these ays is


    Sellig or accs & CssBY CHARLES H. GREEn

    aCCounting & ConSulting

    Charles Green oers 10 tips

    or selling or accountants

    and consultants:


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  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    very lo. It oest cost much to be geerous, a itloers creit ris by creatig trust a reciprocity. Alittle aith a courage ca o oers or a relatio-ship!

    7. Its a naked worldyou really cant hide anything anymore thas to e-mails, meetigsat Starbucs, a cell phoe recors. You may be practicig trasparecy uitetioally.But oops momets mae you loo eceitul, especially i sales. So, ot o that. dot say

    or rite aythig you oult mi everyoe reaig i the espaper. Hoesty a lac ospi i sales i otimes is so rereshigly couter-ituitive that your sales ill icrease.

    8. Once you develop your plans or addressing the recession, share your inormationand concerns with key customers, icluig ho your plas coul aect the relatioship.This ca create a itese, positive iscussio.

    9. Do NOT tell your business development people to close existing client deals sooner

    ust thi ho you eel he a veor is pressurig you or more sales i a otur.Istea, re-eploy resources rom e cliet acquisitio so you ca over-ivest i a betterob o sellig, absorbig loger time rames as ecessary.

    10. There are no ree lunches. O course you have to trim bac. But trim bac o seco-tiercliets a e busiess evelopmet. This is the time you mae the case or loyalty. Thisis the time to ear trust by ivestig selectively i ey cliets. This is he you buy lo, soyou ca reap the beets o sell ig high later.


    Sellig or accs & CssBY CHARLES H. GREEn

    aCCounting & ConSulting

    Charles H. Green is a speaer,

    executive eucator, a author

    o trust-base relatioships a

    trust-base sellig i complex

    busiesses. As ouer a CEO

    o Truste Avisor Associates, he

    has spoe about, cosulte o,

    a coucte semiars about

    truste relatioships i busiess or a ie a globalrage o iustries a uctios. with a MBA rom

    Harvar, he as previously vice presiet o strategic

    plaig at Gemii Cosultig. His articles have

    appeare i Harvar Busiess Revie a America

    Layer, amog other publicatios.


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    1. (Financial) Engineer It! I telecom, capi-

    tal expeitures are easy targets or the

    buget-cutters. I youve sol your pro-

    uct as a high-uprot-cost item, cosier

    movig to a lease/retal or SaaS moel.

    2. Go ater the ones that got away.

    The recessio has tae its toll o your

    competitors, too. Go bac through re-cet losses a see i you ca get bac

    i the game at the expese o a ea-

    ee competitor.

    3. Get more out o customers existing

    processes.The ucertaity o the times

    meas that most telecom compaies

    have o stomach or large-scale or is-

    ruptive chage (there are exceptios

    see belo). I your prouct helps themimprove prouctivity ithout isturbig

    their orgaizatios or systems, youll

    have a maret or it.

    4. Help companies reinvent themselves.

    not every compay ca maitai the

    status quo. Some are i ager a

    esperately ee to chage ho they

    o busiess. I those cases, a poerul

    (though risy) strategy is to parter ith

    them o a raical chagelie Erics-

    so recetly i by outsourcig Sprits

    etor maagemet.

    5. Make use o stranded assets.

    Telecom compaies have iveste teso billios o ollars i their etors.

    Some o that equipmet is ot operatig

    at ull value. Help compaies tae ava-

    tage o these ueruse assets, a

    theyll cosier buyig your services.

    6. Help them improve the end-customer

    experience. job oe or telecom

    compaies is holig oto customers.


    Sellig ito tccs mksBY jOHn CAddELL


    John Caddell oers 10 tips or

    selling into telecommunications





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  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    1. Dont sell technology, sell business improvement. Your customers buget holers

    rarely care about the eatures o your techology. Right o they at to o oe thig:

    hat you ca o to get them through this ecoomic situatio. Tell them.

    2. Understand that risk is a big concern to your customers. They are very cocere

    about ristheir compaies, their obs, their proects, your prouct, a maig a mistae.

    Uersta, aticipate, a mitigate their cocers. dot ait or them to as. Provie

    reereces, assuraces, proo statemets, examples, try-a-buyshatever it taes.

    3. I you have a truly unique product, demo early.

    I ot, emo late. dot oster the prouct bae-o

    approach by asig your customers to compare your

    prouct to the competitios. O the other ha, i you

    have a uique prouct, grabbig the prospects mi-

    share early ca pay o.

    4. Qualiy some more. I may compaies, IT bugets are

    roze. Sice may salespeople te to uer-qualiy, Ill as you this: Are you sure your

    prouct is see as critical by your customer? I it ist, a you cat reasoably positio itthat ay, cosier speig less time o that oe a more o aother opportuity.

    5. Execute better than your competition.There are eer eals out there. You ee to

    i more o them. Pla a precisely execute every phoe call, emo, presetatio, a

    reerece visit so you are measurably better tha your competitio.

    6. Leverage the trend: IT people are becoming more business-oriented. There is icreasig

    pressure o IT maagemet to be more attue to their compaies busiess goals a


    Sellig tcBY dAVE STEIn

    teChnology ConSultantS, VarS

    Dave Stein oers 10 tips or

    selling technology:



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  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362



    strategies. Coach your IT sposors o the busiess impact o your solutios so they ca be

    better equippe i positioig them to their superiors a busiess maager couterparts.

    7. Dont get distracted by all this new technology: Sales 2.0, Faceboo,Titter, LieI.

    There are plety o e applicatios out there, a some ca be very useul i helpig to

    a i e customers. But right o reps that are iig B2B eals are ocuse

    o hat has bee prove to orolloig a buyer-cetric sales processithout

    shortcuts, silver bullets, or the approach du jour.

    8. Focus on what and how your customers want to buy.

    Collaboratio cotiues to be a eective sales approach.

    I your customer ats to phase i your prouct, or he

    ats oly oe moule istea o the suite, ot ght it.

    Help him buy hat he ats to buy o. I it gets the ob

    oe, hell buy the rest later.

    9. Leverage your sales engineers. May salespeople ot uersta the impact sales

    egieers ca have. Iclue them i plaig sessios. keep them iorme. Coach them o

    your strategy a the politics i the accout. Mae them a critical part o your overall pla.

    10.Tune up your competitive selling skills.As your competitors get more esperate, theyll

    try aythig to i. Aticipate hat they ill o, he they ill o it, a ith hom i

    your customers orgaizatio. Oly the ca you protect your pla, your relatioships, a

    your value propositio rom attac.

    Sellig tcBY dAVE STEIn

    Dave Stein is CEO a ouer

    o ES Research Group Ic. (ESR),

    hich provies iepeet a-

    vice about sales traiig programs,

    sales perormace improvemet

    tools a approaches, plus evalu-

    atios a comparisos o the

    compaies that oer them. dave

    has ore i a variety o sales executive positios i23 coutries ith compaies ragig i size rom the

    Fortue 10 to start-ups. dave is a popular blogger,

    semiar leaer, a speaer.


    tobuy. Blog:


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    1. Adopt your customers objectives as your own. Ivest time gettig the straight scoopo their ey perormace iicators, strategic imperatives, a top priorities. As yoursel,Ho ca I help my customer achieve these obectives? Cotiually loo or ay ieasthat coul have a impact.

    2. Make sure every single contact is valuable or your customer. woul your customerpay you $500 or every meetig? I ot, youre vulerable. Uless customers thi theirtime ith you is ell spet, theres a high lielihoo they coul isappear ito a blac hole.

    3. Challenge your customers thinking.

    As provocative questios, brig resh isights romoutsie the iustry, oer a ieret perspective,a aress assumptios or busiess irectivesthat ot quite mae sese.

    4. Slow the decision process down. Harrie cus-tomers, racig to get thigs oe, at the actsas ast as you ca eliver them. But too much gets misse ithout a ull uerstaig.Help them uersta hy multiple coversatios help them mae better choices.

    5. Bring your customers a way to spend less money with your company. while thismay hurt you acially at the oset, the trust it egeers pays or itsel may timesover. A, its better or you to brig up this topic tha or your customer to hear aboutit rom competitors.

    6. Frame everything rom your customers perspective. Phoe calls, meetigs,presetatios, a proposals are alays about ho you ca help your customer achievehis or her obectives. Remember, your oerig is simply a tool; its ot hat she ats.


    Sellig i Svc bssssBY jILL kOnRATH


    Jill Konrath oers 11 tips or

    selling in service businesses:



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    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    7. Update customers on what their colleagues are doing. Corporate ecisio maers, ith

    their ose to the gristoe, ote have o iea hat others i the orgaizatio are oig.

    Brig them ieas rom their peers i ieret ivisios. Set up meetigs to share best

    practices. Be the etor.

    8. Respect their time; its their most precious commodity.The ays o igig it are past.

    Customers toay expect you to research their compaies prior to meetig, come i ith a

    agea, as isightul questios, a lea the coversatio.

    9. Help customers understand and navigate the internal barriers to changes.

    The complexity o toays solutios, combie ith the challege o gettig iteral buy-i

    a support, ca be overhelmig or people ho mae these ecisios oce every e

    years. Give them guiace.

    10. Use changing priorities to continually bring value. keep up-to-ate o hats happeig

    i your customers orgaizatio, a alays be asig: what ramicatios oes this have

    or his busiess? Ho ca our proucts/services mae a positive impact? Brig your

    ieas to your customer.

    11. Detach rom the outcome. Sales is ot all about closig. I thats your ocus, your

    customers ca smell it a mile aay. Istea, ocus o hether the ecisio maes sese

    or your prospecta be illig to al rom the opportuity i it oest.


    Jill Konrath, author o Sellig to

    Big Compaieshich as select-

    e as a Fortue must reahelps

    sellers crac ope corporate ac-

    couts, shorte their sales cycles,

    a i big cotracts. Shes a

    requet speaer/traier at atioal

    sales meetigs a iustry evets.

    Sellig i Svcs bssssBY jILL kOnRATH



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    1. Stay current on position changes.

    Rea the traes a olie sites. whe

    people move, that ca be a opportuityor you to a busiess elsehere or a

    excuse to call o their replacemet.

    2. Know your advertisers business issues:

    obectives, challeges, curret solutios.

    3.Ask how your advertiser sees himsel in

    his competitive set. The aser ca give

    you ae isight as to hy he shoul

    avertise ith you.

    4. For high-end products, establish the

    value o a customer. For example, i I buy

    three Calvi klei suits a year at $900 each,

    a to o my ries love my suits abecome customers, too, ith each o them

    ultimately buyig three suits a yeartheoe customer is orth $8,100 a year. Fur-

    thermore, i a customer tes to be a loyalcustomer or three years, the the true value

    o oe customer is $24,300. This ol-

    ege helps you ee the avertisig value

    o your publicatio or ebsite.

    5. Kill the canned general presentations.

    Tailor every presetatio to each aver-

    tisers ees a situatio.

    6. Integration is key. what other ays ca

    you help a avertiser reach his maret?

    Prit, olie, mobile, etc.?

    7. Be an intelligence resource to your

    advertisers.They are esperate or ior-

    matio that ca help them maret to their

    customers. Sho them ay latest stuies,

    relevat articles, a tre reports you see.

    8. Dont get stuck calling on your riends

    or trapped at one level. Meet the pla-

    ers, but also the accout maagers,

    meia irectors, etc.

    9. Its the clients money. Meet ith the

    cliets ey players. Brig maagers,research people, a maretig pros to

    sho youre really orig to help solve

    their problems.

    10.Talk at the contextual level o the per-

    son you are seeing: prots a maret

    share to seior executives a mareters,

    eciecies a reach to meia plaers.


    Sellig mBY AnnE MILLER




    Anne Milleris a author, speaer,

    a semiar leaer hose special-

    ty is the art a sciece o com-

    muicatig complex messages toey costituecies or the purpose

    o proessioal sellig a prese-

    tatios. Cliets iclue Mereith

    Corp., Citigroup, Yahoo!, do

    joes, The Blacstoe Group, a the Un. She rites

    to esletters, The Metaphor Miute a Mae

    what You Say, Pay. Her boos iclue Metaphorically

    Sellig a Presetatio jazz! Ae is a associate

    ith Ala krisy Associates a ith EQmetor.

    Anne Miller oers 10 tips or

    selling media:


    Public Sector












    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

    R il

  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    There are a couple o ways we can look at it. You ca sell proucts, services, or solutios

    to help mauacturers esig, evelop, mauacture, a support the proucts they evelop.

    Or you ca sell compoets, parts, or subassemblies that are embee ito the proucts the

    mauacturer buils. Lets loo at both.

    1. I you normally turn right when walking through your customers ront door, on your

    next visit turn let. Too ote e call o the same ol people all the time. Explore your cus-

    tomer, call o e people, e uctios, e ivisios. I you last sol to the mauactur-

    ig a prouctio lies, this time go to evelopmet a egieerig. Meet them a see

    i you ca help them solve problems. I you ormally eal ith a certai egieerig group,

    call o the egieers oe cubicle over. You may e opportuities.

    2. Look upstream and downstream in the process ow. I you supply proucts or services

    to support the mauacturig (or egieerig esig/evelopmet) processes, loo at ho

    you t ito the process. Ca you exte your reach upstream or ostream to mae the

    process more eciet a better itegrate? I you supply compoet parts, loo at the

    parts you coect to. (Thi the hip boe coecte to the thigh boe, the thigh boe co-ecte to.) Ca you supply those compoets or eve a subassembly? Ca you icrease

    your part cout i each prouct?

    3. Look at key/hot issues the industry aces, a sho your customer ho your proucts

    a services aress those issues. For example, i you ca help mae peaut proucts

    sae, youre gol! Are there saety, evirometal, regulatory, or compliace issues your cus-

    tomer must aress that you ca solve? Ca you help ith sustaiability or eergy issues?

    Yes, the manufacturing sector has

    been hit hard. Plants are closing.

    Companies are looking to get rid o

    excess capacity. No ones buying.

    How do we fnd ways o creating

    revenue in this sector?

    Dave Brock serves up 11 tips to

    help you make that sale:


    Sellig to mcsBY dAVE BROCk



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    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

    R t il

  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    4. Leverage plant consolidation and downsizing to your advantagea to help the

    customer. I shuttig o plats, customers have to cosoliate operatios ito eer

    acilities. This creates a hole rat o ightmarish problems or mauacturers. Ho o they

    hale the logistics? Ho o they mae their lies more fexible? Ho o they trasitio

    proucts? Ho o they o better plaig/orecastig or the combie orloas? Ho

    o they better maage prouctivity, quality, a eciecy i a smaller umber o plats that

    are oig more. This is a terric opportuity i you ca solve those problems.

    5. Make sure they are using your products and services as efciently and eectively as

    possible.Are they gettig the most bag or the buc/euro/yua? Auit the use o your

    proucts a services to see i they are operatig at top eciecy. Loo at the parts you

    supply: Ca you suggest other parts that oul be more eective or eciet? This is also

    a terric opportuity to loo at aitioal services you might provie (a charge or), a

    to eucate your customers about ho get the most out o your proucts a services by

    maig them more olegeable, prouctive, a comortable ith your oerigs. At the

    very least, he they start buyig agai, they ill te to buy hat they o a trust.

    6. Focus on supply-chain efciency. Ca you rig out costs i the supply-chai/procure-

    met processes? I you supply parts, ca you tae over more o the logistics maagemet

    heaaches? They probably have gotte very lea, a supply-chai maagemet may be a

    big problem. I you supply equipmet/systems/services, sometimes commo tools use by

    suppliers help ramatically reuce costs a improve eciecy through the hole value-

    elivery chai.

    7. Ask your best customers to introduce you to their most important suppliers.

    I you have create great value a eciecy or your customers, it oly serves them to









    Sellig to mcsBY dAVE BROCk



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  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    have suppliers that are achievig the same value a eciecy i their operatiosit ca

    reuce your customers costs.

    8. Look at what is happening to your customers customers. Ca you ietiy thigs that

    are happeig that preset opportuities or your customer to gro his busiesshich

    may rive ema or your oerigs? Helpig your customer gro his busiess is the surest

    ay to gro yours.

    9. Become best riends with the fnance/controller unctions in your customer.Mae certai you uersta ho they evaluate ivestmets. Mae certai you uersta

    ROI/paybac hurles they apply i their aalysis. Loo at here they are tryig to tae cost

    out o operatios or ho they are tryig to improve the acial positio o the compay.

    Mae certai you coverse i their laguage a ligo.

    10.Focus on rich collaboration with your customer. Become a itegrate part o his team.

    I you sell parts, become part o his egieerig a esig teams to help esig better

    proucts, thus reucig esig time a costs. I you sell equipmet/systems services, loo

    at ho you ca establish a eeper relatioship ith the customer.

    Im giving you 11 tips instead o 10 or two reasons: First, I alays try to give my cus-

    tomers more tha they as or. Seco, prime umbers have a certai elegaceso I ha

    to e this list o a prime umber.

    11.Ask your customer how you can help, and listen to what he says. Sometimes, thats all

    the help he ees, but o oe ever pai attetio.


    Sellig to mcsBY dAVE BROCk




    Follow on Twitter:w.c/vck

    Dave Brock is Presiet a

    CEO o Parters i EXCELLEnCE,

    a global cosultig compay

    ocuse o improvig peror-

    mace i sales, maretig, a

    busiess strategy. He has avise

    executives i the high-tech, ius-

    trial proucts, a proessioal

    services els, orig ith both large corporatiosa start-ups. Parters i EXCELLEnCE has traie

    more tha 100,000 sales proessioals globally i ho

    to outsell a outperorm their competitio. dave is

    a boar member o several compaies a ot-or-

    prots a has hel executive positios ith IBM,

    Tetroix, a keithley Istrumets.

    Cotact dv bck, ps i excc,

    (949) 305 7146.


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    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

    http://www.excellenc.com/http://www.excellenc.com/http://www.excellenc.com/http://partnersinexcellence.blogspot.com/http://partnersinexcellence.blogspot.com/http://partnersinexcellence.blogspot.com/http://www.twitter.com/davidabrockhttp://www.twitter.com/davidabrockhttp://www.twitter.com/davidabrockmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.twitter.com/davidabrockhttp://www.twitter.com/davidabrockhttp://partnersinexcellence.blogspot.com/http://partnersinexcellence.blogspot.com/http://www.excellenc.com/http://www.excellenc.com/http://twitter.com/home/?status=RT:+Selling+Through+a+Slump:+An+Industry-by-Industry+Playbook.+Free+advice+from+sales+experts+in+every+market.+http://tr.im/jgAHhttp://thecustomercollective.com/TCC/pages/rssinfo/?type=1#customhttp://thecustomercollective.com/
  • 8/6/2019 Oracle Tcc eBook Sellthru Slump 337362


    Yes, selling through a slump is tough. But you can use that adversity

    to your advantage, and turn it into opportunity.

    Focus o the basics, hatever your el.

    Be creative. Put yoursel i your customers shoes.

    Most important: Be your customers ally.

    Use e techology a web 2.0 tools lie Titter, LieI, a Faceboo to eep o top

    o hat customers are thiig a to stay coecte.

    Use ay tools you ca to help your customers o their obs better.

    You ill have their loyalty he the ecoomy pics up.

    To coect ith the thought leaers ho have share their avice here, a or more valuable

    olege rom these a other leaig sales experts, be sure to oi the coversatio at

    The Customer Collective.

    Goo luc, a happy sellig!




    A Iustry-by-Iustry Playboo to

    Help You Prepare or the Recovery

    Selling through a Slump | 2009 The CUSTOMeR COLLeCTIVe

