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Oral exams

Date post: 22-May-2015
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Work presented by Pads in Montevideo last November 5 at liceo IBO.
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ORAL EXAMS The oral exam is an opportunity For the student to demonstrate their * Knowledge * Speaking skills * Ability to communicate
  • 1. ORAL EXAMSThe oral exam is an opportunity For the student to demonstrate their * Knowledge* Speaking skills* Ability to communicate

2. FEATURES OF GOOD ORALINTERVIEWSO A safe and relaxed environmentO A focus on communicationO Scaffolded questions 3. PARTS IN THE ORAL EXAM PART I: PERSONAL INTERVIEWO To lower the studentsanxietyO To gradually guide thestudent towards the mainparts of the oral exam 4. PART II : USING A TEXTOLevels of questions:*Summary/Definition * Analysis questions * Hypothesis questions * Evaluation questionsOSituationsOTalk about OProblem solving 5. PART III :EVALUATINGYEARLY ORAL WORKOIST YEAR: ORAL PRESENTATION : ALL ABOUT MEO 2 ND YEAR: PORTFOLIOO3RD YEAR: PUBLIC SPEAKINGO4TH YEAR: PERFORMING A DIALOGUEO5TH YEAR: DEBATEO6TH YEAR: DISCUSSION ??????? NOT SURE, CHECK PLEASE 6. IT IS IMPORTANT:O The student must be given the opportunity tocommunicate as naturally as possibleO Ask some personal questions at the beginning of theinterviewO Provide students ample wait time after asking aquestionO Make sure your students understand what youmean 7. O Give students some choices when they have problems to answer a questionO Do not over-emphasize grammar during an examO Give students opportunities to show what they know 8. THINGS TO AVOIDO Do not insist students to respond with grammatically perfect answers like Yes, I do. Any logical response such as Yes or Of course should be acceptedO There is no need to insist on complete sentences. The conversation should be naturalO Be sure you are asking what is logical 9. TIPSO Plan your questions in advanceO When asking about a course you havent taught, try to read the texts beforehandO Trust your colleagues and share your ideas, experiences and opinionsO Be fair ! 10. REMEMBER THATO The oral exam rubric focuses on COMPREHENSIONFLUIDITYVOCABULARYPRODUCTIONGRAMMAR 11. Inferior (1-4)Bsico (5-7)Superior (8-12)ComprensinNo comprende consignasComprende en trminos Comprende el idioma sin bsicas ni logra mantener generales pero persistendificultades una conversacindificultades elementalFluidezNo logra conformarArticula ideas en forma Articula ideas en forma oraciones completas nicoherente clara y las expresa sin expresar ideastitubeosElementosPobre, sin demostrarDemuestra conocimientoUtiliza rico vocabulario ylxicosconocimiento de lodel vocabulario del curso en situaciones correctas trabajado en el cursoExpresinNo logra comunicarse, noSe comunica pero conSe comunica en forma produce dificultadadecuada al nivel que cursaUso del lenguaje Errores graves queComete errores pero seLogra comunicacin con impiden la comunicacin comunicaun mnimo de errores 12. What a teacher writes on theblackboard of life, can never be erased
