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Orangeburg times.(Orangeburg Court House, S.C.) 1880...

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THE ORANGEBURG TIMES. I88UKD rviCKY FRIDAY MORNING MKI.LICHAMi' & hnWAKDS, rroprietors. STILES IL MBLblCHAMi» Kilitor. X^X'XXiB oi" S\i"bsci*iptioii« One Copy one Year.$1 00 «« " Six Monihit.~ 75 -:0:- Hates of Advertising. Ü7i< Square 1st Insertion***.$1 00 Each Subsequent " . 50 Notices inserted in Local Column at 20c ;ht Sjine, All Subscriptions and Transient Advertise¬ ments to be paid for in Advance- SOT" We arc in no way responsible for the views or opinions of our Correspond- Mtts. FRIDAY, FEBUAKY 27, 1830. The Father ol our Country. We cannot pass by the birthday of the distinguished father of our coun¬ try without at least recurring to Iiis noblo virtues and citing bis exempla¬ ry life foi tho emulation of our people. Washington was, indeed, "first in war, £ist in peace and first in Lhe hearts of] his countrymen," He was first, too, not account of any brilliancy of ;u- tellcct,but on account of his houcsty aud his soundness ou all practical issues. Without that lustio which dazzles the masses, there was a round¬ ness and perfection of nil the parts in bis exalted character which places him at once iu tho front rank among tho great men of tho past. His spirit was tho breath of patri¬ otism aud purity, which made him tho admiration of all good men. May the statesmen and politicians .of tho present day take their reckon¬ ing from the noble record which he has left, nnd draw inspiration from the virtues which shine along the whole line of his exemplary life. A roturn to the landmarks which ho has set up would place our coun¬ try on a plane of exaltation which is devoutly io bo desired. A Note of Warning. Tho municipal election in Colum¬ bia, talcs place on the 8th of April, but uo steps have yet been taken to call a l^cmoi ratic nominating con¬ vention. From trustworthy informa¬ tion tho Radicals aro hard at work quietly organi/.iug their forccs for a vigorous campaign. Tho plan is to nominalen full municipal ticket, and mako a straightout fight on party -Lirve-rr_""5.'ncr,T«.H.ll'iuU «tili t»UVd*iÖtttX** crs hero, with sufficient money and in- ilucnce to make them very dangerous, especially in view of the apparent apathy of their opnoncut*. ItCfpt't't I he Aged. Dcn'l neglect the old. They arc ouly waiting for iho pale mcssengor to take them to a better land. They want rest and quiet. Infirmities are creeping on them hoth in mind and body. Don't oppose their whims and peculiar notions, but give thorn their way. Their sojourn w ill not bo long, and wo will regret it if wc are harsh. There is no nobler trait m the young than respect and attention to the aged. Ab their infirmities iucreaso, the young ahoul I ro- inovo their cares by a liberal support aud a kind and loving attention. A correspondent of the Chronicle and Constitutionalist writing from Aiken says: "The list of candidates for the var¬ ious counly otliee.s is becoming actual ly formidable. As lhere is only one political party in the field, no great issues will be involved, and the eon- test bids fair to degenerate into an acrimonious rough and tumble per sonal scramble for political spoils. A good wholesome scare from the Radi¬ cals wuuld be a Cod send to the Democratic party of this county. It would re-establish the discipline, and esprit dn corps which achieved suc¬ cess in '7b and '7c5, and cheek in a largo measure the scramble for oliice which is going on. Hon. M. F. (/Connor has hcen in tiled to deliver speeches all over the United States in the iuierest of the starving Irish, but was compelled to decline on account of legislative duties. He, however, along with Senator Withers of Virginia, and Senator Jones of Florida, addressed an enthusiastic Irish meeting in Alexandria last week. Mr. O Con nor was vociferously applauded throughout his speech. Sam Lee, the notorious Radical, nuule a speech in C'amdcn last week and expiessed high hopes of tho re¬ vival of Radicalism. A Radical Plot Unearthed. Before llie Semite exodus com- mittto to-day, Scott Ray, editor of the Shelbyvdie (Indiana) Democrat, pro¬ duced and read a memorandum of a conversation which he lud liefere witnesses, who are named, with Ilonry S. Byers, ex-chairman ot the liepub licau central committee of Shelby county, Indiaim, on Jauuary 25th last. Byers said : "There is no disguising tho facti Pay, that the exodus of colored mon to Indiana is a political movement of the Republican party. 1 know it to bo a fact. Wo intended to carry Indiana with the aid of the negro vote, and if the Republican parly had taken my advice, they would have set tho movement on foot ami brought thorn here long ago. We in¬ tend to bring 8,000 of them into the State in time to vote this fall, and will place them iu closo Congressional districts and in close counties of Indi¬ ana. While it is rather expensive, it is cheaper for the party tbau buying votes on tho day of election as we have always had to t\ >." In reply to Ray's question, Byers said ho was in a position to know that this was an organized effort on the part of tho Republican managers, and said ho himself had contribute I all he was able to contribute to this object. Ray's memorandum of this conversation was admitted in evi¬ dence by tho Cornauttoj, after which they adjourned. S:lange things sometimes occur. Hon. A. H. Stephens has recently created a btir in Georgia by uniting with Dr. Felton in recommending Simmons, a famous Radical, for a Revenue appointment in that Stale. And now again ho stands up in Con¬ gress to advocate a measure backed up by tho RepubUoansand (Independ¬ ents and disapproved by the Demo erats. Aleck however does what he pleases and nothing hurts hint. No other public man could ta'.cc tho position he has in his life and live. Mr. Hill is complimentary to tho editors of the Georgia press. Ho calls them scribblers. An attempt has been made to blow up the Czar of Ii u.-sia which resulted in the killing of six soldiers and about thirty others. Tho mine, which ,i.v^i..^ _ ._vv-, nie dining room and wits filled with gun powder and dynamite. Official investigation is in progress. It is ?nid that Carl Schürt/, and eth< r anti-third term Republicans, anticipating the nomination of (.'runt by the- Republicans, arc in consulta¬ tion with the view of nominating Hon. Thomas P. Bayard and W. R. Morrison'as opposing candidates with the expectation of their being en¬ dorsed by the Democrats in their National Convention. "TISlYlUTJB '"<> ItV.S 1»i:CT, At the last meeting of the 'Orangeburg Agricultural Society held Feb. 21st 1SS0, the following preamble and resolution*, were adopted ' WllunKAR, it has plevscd our Heavenly Father in his infinite wisdom to remove our worthy brother member Oapt. Murray Robinson, ami raise him to a higher and bet;or hpherj of being in the Heavenly World; and thst wc bow in humble sub. mission m the will of Ilim whodoeth all things well, and with faith which looks upward, with more faith than fear, and which points the wayfaring in life's journey to li^lit and love beyond the gravi-, and wenhall ever cherish the glad hope that our departed friend has gone forward to the fulliluicnt of n higher destiny; ihercfoic he il, litjolvrij. Thai in the death ofCapt. Munny ilobhi.«on, we have Ii>m an (,!<i and valuable member, and that wc are again reminded of the frailly of life, and Ihut it becomes lo be diligent,doing mir life work cheerfully and well, so that when the pale int-H.-cngi r calls us by name we mar. with unfaltering trust, approach the grave. lititolveil, That we rente ober »villi deep feeling llie rorrowing family and friends of our deceased brother, and extend to them the assurance of our tender regard and sincere sympathy in lids season of their -ore bereavement Resolved, Thai a cony of tho foregoing resolutions be forwarded to the family of the d< et used; also that each of our County papers bo furnished with a copy for publica¬ tion, and that the Secretary be instructed to copy iht-in iu llie proceedings of this meeting, and that a page of our niimile l)oolt he inscribed to his lAciuury. a OA U fl)>. Having succeed*d in making a full settle¬ ment with .Mr. 'Jhourou, Sp'g Agt for the Singer Co . 1 icspectfully return my thanks to my friends ami cuslomcss, and reeom. mend to ihetu .Mr. U U Hammit. who lina nceeptcd the Agency for thin County. II. P. THOMPSON PRIVATE SALäjT A neat Dwelling with 1 Uooiiih, Fire Place*, and Kiicbeu nlInched, with a Lot U acre; iu a healthy location. Teriua made eitny. Appy to T. C IIv'bbei.t^ Auctioneer. Town Tuot ITor Satn Extending through from Five Notch lloud, hear residence, of Mr. J II Kennekcr, tn Belleville Road (BuRseH Street.) con¬ taining nine iicres. Situated in a "rowing part of tho Town, it presents a desirable investment for any party wishing to divido it into Building Lots, a* new Street having been Surveyed, connecting a"ovo men¬ tioned Streets. Apply to feh 27 J AS. H. FOWL ES. NOTICE. "ITiinnl Dividend to Depositers of Citizens Jj Ka inns Ihink.A final Dividend of three and fonr-tonlhn per cent having heen declared from the Assets of the Citizens Savings Ifank, hankrnpt depositors at the Orangeburg Branch of Haid Bank arc here¬ by notified that this Dividend will he paid to thcin at the Ofiicc of Kirk Robinson be¬ tween February the 27th instant and the first day of May next. LOUIS LeCONTE, Trustee, fob 27 It Ordinance AguiiiMt Firing Guns, Pintols, Ac. From and after tho publication of thin Ordinance, any person convicted upon suf¬ ficient ijroof of firing within tjicso Corpo¬ rate Lindls any Cinn, Pistol, or olhcr Fire¬ arms, -hall ho Fined a sum not less than $r>, or upon failure to pay tho line, lie sub¬ ject to imprisonment far not less than Iw* days, at the option of the Mavor. (Signed.) J. 0. ALBERAjOTTI. Acting jl/ayor. C. It. JONES, Clerk. A LEFVENDAHL BOO T & SHOEMAKER, next doou to 1) K SMOAK tv- CO Respectfully informs his customers and the public generally, that he ha*.hist re¬ ceived a full stock <>f the veryTJm Mat rial and Latest Styles, just suited for S:)iingaud Summer which will be madcap in any i-tyle at from $3 50 to 4 50 for Shoes ami Gaiters, Boots from S7 up. Repairing done in tho neatest manner and on the shortest notice- 1 nl.-o keep constantly on hand a full slock of Leather, La-ts. cegs, Av.ls. 1 bread and all other Material used in ibis line Having many years experience in tho business, 1 guarantee satisfaction in my work and prices. A trial is solicited. A LEFVENDAHL. fob 27 ly Master's Salos. Robert Young vs. Demp.-ey Uarelner and others. In compliance wilh all Order of the Court of Common Picas, for the County of Oranjcburg, mads in the above end tied nc ion. I will sell at Orangebnrg Court llon-e, on the first Monday in Mirch next, at the risk of the former piircllMscrs, who have failed to comply with the I cram of sain. All that plantation or tract of land, con¬ taining 1004 acres, more or Jess. situMe ly¬ ing and being in (Uangebnrg C«»unty, on Holl Swamp, waters at* North Edlsio River an.l botllidtd on the North by lauft* oft). B. Itilcy, Fast by lands of die Estate of Freeman Hooker, on I ho South Jiy Mrs Uhner and F. Robinson, on thsnYest hy land* latelv owned bv I'. KcL*3^nd re- . I.«. r.rff} .... ;. ;.iwW»s',,c0 V*^iT=Oie\half cash and the balance on credit of twcWe months. Purchaser to give bond for paid balance, bearing interest frrm t!ie day of ante ami a mortgage of the premine«, also to pay for papers and re- cordiug, and in rswo a purchaser shall fail to comply with the terms of aal«, the prem¬ ises to be resold on the next, or on some convenient sa'c dav afterwards at tie risk of the form or purchaser. AUO T. K. Stokes v«. T. 1*. Stokes. All that plantation or tract of land, «it« inte in the County of Orangeburg, in Mid¬ dle Township, containing iwa hundred and fifteen acres mo''e or less,and bounded Korth by lamU of Ur W. F. Barton, on die Must by lands of Rev L. J. < rum. on the South by lands of T. K. Stokca and Epllraim Ulsey and on the West by lauds of A. M. j Cox, it being the house tract on whieji T. P. Stokes now resides. Terms.Cash; pur¬ chaser to pay for papers and recording; also . V. L. Hut to vs. Mary Rutland and .others. All that tract or parcel of land, contain¬ ing one hundred ami forty-five acres, more or Ie*s. bounded on the North by lands of -, Sout h by lam's of lint 'an chil¬ dren and the hirer Road, on llie KaSI bv lauds of D. F. Young and V. h Hatto, situate on Wood's Br.neh. Waters of Soti'h Fdisto River. Twelve acrei on which tho Mouse staiuls and attached to Mary lvut- laud as lu-r dower is excepted. Terms -. L'nsh, Purchaser to pay for papers ami rc-« cording. A I.SO< The remainder in dower, after the life estate of Mary Rutland is detcrtnined in the said twelve r.cica Hllotcd to her as her dower. Terms---Cash. Poruhaicr lu pay for papers and recording. a i.so Wa'kei A Trenholm vs. Carrie M Heid and others. All that tract of land containing tjro hundred acres, more or less, situate in Anie- lia, Townsiilp. County of Orangeburg, on High Hill (.'reek and {tranches of i.i ick- liead. waters ofCaagaree River (being part of a plantation called Sandy Hill, devised to Margaret (Ho-er, by the lato George Uutler, lu r father, and marked No. 1. in a plat made by L. (t. Inahinet, surveyor, Match ISO, 1 sT-1. Terms (no-half Ca<di* die hal nire on a credit of one tear. Purchaser o give bond for s:ii.| bdance with interest ironi the. elay of sale and a m irtgagc of tho premises, also to pay f.<r papers and reord- mg. a i.so f». W. Price against S. M. Simons. \)l that niece or parcel of land, lying or being in tl.c County of Orangeburg, and >tatc of .South Carolina, containing sixty six ncrc, moi'c or less, und bounded North by land-of S M. Simenis, South by lands ol Mrs Ann Jefcoat, Fast by lauds of Mi-s Hnchacl Simons aud West by lands of Abraham Amakor. Terms..One half Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and recording. Master's Office ) TIIOS. W. <;L()VER-. Feb. 2, l»\SU / Master, feb 13 ;jt A U CT BOA EK U lS <*\ T. Ü. I1UBMLL WILL ATTEND TO THE SALES of Real E'tnte, Personal Pioporty, Ac., Pub¬ lic or Private Business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Orangeburg, So. Ca,, Dec. 1st 1879. nov28 1879. enry SELLIN« OFF AND CLOSING OUT AND HEAYY GOODS Butterick Patterns.New Styles White Shuttle Sewing Machine HENRY KOHN Will Arrive ON NEXT MOxST O.A.Y A car ioatl of KXttTA FINE HORSES Which will ho Fold ok low as possible. Also, in a few days, another h>t of cincinnati buggies will be received. B. lETrank. Slater, nov 21 &a» " IV ATS^ § A lifi. A Iluu*j with 4 Rooms and Itarenn nt with Fire Place* Piaaza with a latgo lot 07 ft. Front hy .'{00 ft. deep; fronting on 3 Mrc»ct.»; heal hy location. Term* ca.«y. Applv to T. C FlUHBKI.Ii, Aitctinncer. i; rap Ks- The undersigned »fler« "o the puMicgcn crallyONKTIIOUSANn 5RAPK VINKS, a latw«? itninber <>t" choice fruit tree*, and a el oico lot of llower.- «.t' every rariely. AI*», will make up and arrange Flower Harden*. All of the ahove warranted to ive naifofaction, orno pav required. jan if A. JOliliDAN. GULLEfnilN WORK::, a i 'r vi !Q*r \ n a I^LANTICkS who wi-h to have tht-ir old 9 t)in* of any Make REPAIRED bv lirnt-claM wtJjAtfPjou, pIioiiUI write u* nt unco, and have tho wLtk-dmie iu early Spring, when wo are not erowurc Jjdtll work. 'I ernifl ea*> , prices moderate <»ft^r-r^A-^-S and BUSHES KEl'AIKKD in the best man her. Addle vt O. JJ. STON K & CO., A ugu «ta Oa.. Agent*, for the Ottllett (.»ins, Plantation F.ngme*, Separators, ixnw Mill* »to jan io 2in South Carolina litul Road PaMsengcr Depart nssai ckakuk ok scuanci.r. On and niter Nov. 30lh, 1879. Passenger Train* on thin Iload will run ai follow*: till further ordert».) Ureeiivtlip Express Train. Ooiku EAST. Leave Columbia at.4 1"» P M. \rrive at CamdcN at. " Leave Oranienburg.rt l.r> " Arrive at CharloHtnn.9 30 ooiNo WRrr. Leave Charleston at. 7 00 a ?,!. heave Orangeburg at. 9 58 Leave Canulcn at . 7 tin .' Arrive at Columbia at.11 AO " Way Freigut ami Passenger Trains. ooiko KAsr. * Leave Columbia. S 30 A M Arrive at Catnden. 1 '.'0 I* M Leave Orangeburg.to 17 A M Arritc at t harlexton.... - L") P M .' .-lugiHta. not so wr.sr * Leave Charleston. '¦> 00 A M .' Amanta. 8 00 " .' Orangebnrg. I 17 P M Arrive at Columbia. ."> ;;7 " } 1* Passengers leaving Columbia or '-har¬ lexton on tbe*e train.* haVo to change ears at Branch vide to read» Charleston at 2 15 p m or Columbia at ö ;!7 p m. .Nielli Kxpress Train, l.O.N'J KAST Leave Columbia. 9 30 P M .. < Irangeburg. 1 10 A M Arrive at Align t.t . 8 " j *' ('har'rhton. ö o0 " ooino wrsr Leave Charleston. 9 00 P M '* Augusta. 7 -10 " Orangebnrg. 'J 48 A M Arrive at Columbia. 0 o0 " New York Kxjire>s. uolNO ka*t heave Orangebnrg . ft 47 A M Arrive at Augti«u. 9 21 '. tiOiMO vtasr Leave Augmta. a Ol) P M Arrive at Orangcburg. 9 67 " The night F.xprewi Trains will run daily. All oilier tiaii.s will ran daily except Sun¬ days. Sleeping Cur* are attached to Night Kxpres*. Berth* only $1 f>0 to Charleston or Augusta. Thi» train makes «uro con¬ nection*: at Charleston with New York and lodtimore 3tcamcrx no Wednesdays and Saturdays, also with Florida Steamers on l'ucsda>s and Saturday*, also with 7 a m tram S «.V. <; Railroad for Savannah ami Florida 1'ointH. Ctmneetions made by other trains at Augusta with train- from and to that point, also with all trains front and to Charleston. 1> C ALLEN, ü P A T A. JOHN P PECK, fieneral Sunt. A I) DkSAUSBI'HL, Agt Columbia. JOSEPH EROS Confectioner and Fancy Baker, Would info:m his Friends and Patrons in general that he is still keep¬ ing tho Finest and Largest Aiaorttuenf of PURE CANDIES Bon-lions, French and American Mixtures of every detciirtion, Fresh KaiaOlis, ( vrrenls. Citre n, and always on hand, Cat.nrd Goods, Fruits and Nuts of all descriptions. A Largo Assortment of Fine CIGARS & TOBACCOS I would also inform the puhlie that I will he readv for tho Summer to Kefreih the::: with I O K CR 1?. A. INI And supply everybody with IC1*'} A call respoctfully solicited hy .TOS. Ü7.ROS, At Briggmann'a Old Stand, _______ ~. ORANGEBURG FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY Capital represented over $80,000,000 In Sound and Reliable Cons panics, viz : Liverpool o: London & Globe, Georgia Home, Firn Association, St. Paul Fire eV Marine, Continental of >>tw York, Petersburg Savings and Columbus. I_ j SlT^^^&v-r^*^^ have, paid _ them promptly and fairly. I>«>in't risk your property without Insurance, it is money well si cut. The following Letter speaks for itself. ORA NO KRU ltd, S. C, February 13th, ST80. Mil KI11K ItOB/XSOX, ISSL'JiAXCK AGIJXT: Dkau Sir.I take plvasuro in recomnu tiding vour Firo Insurance Agency to the Citizens nl Orangeburg County for Promptness ami Fair Dealing; and at the .-amc lira*, acknowledging tin- receipt of Seven Hundred and Sixty l'ollars from the Liverpool £ I London & Globe Insurance Company, paid to me this day, for damages caused to ray hoiwe, in the Town of Orangeburg, S. C, b% tire, width occurred on the 20th January, j 1*80. This is the whole amount claimed by me, ami is paid by your Company without dispute as to the claim. Yours very truly, I), LOUIS. Thanking the public for past patronage, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, ami t an assure tliohe who favor tue with their Ii s :rancc, that 1 will always oiler them -afe and reliable Companies. KIRK ROBITSTSOISr, Insurance Agon', ami Agent tor the Farmers Aid Association. MOT ICK The Copartnership heretofore existing miller the tirm name of 1> F. Joyner& W. />'. Mack, at St. Matthews, Orangcburg County S. '., is this dav dissolved by mu¬ tual eon>cnt. Feb. -0, lSsü. I> F J0YNEI», W U MACK. Ad partie* indebted to the above firm by note or odiorwi-c, are requested to coaie foward und make payment u> the under¬ signed, who will settle up all account* of he above firm. i> F JOYNER. 1 hanking our ninny friend- for their pa-i patrouagi , 1 beg leave to .state that I will continue the business heretofore carried on by itoyntr A; Maek, at their old stand, an I hope to receive y -ur patronage in the futnrc. Respect fu II v, 1) r JOYNER febUO Im I W. F. Robinson, WATCH MAKER. And Jeweler, RÜSSEL ST-. Ornngeburg, S. A TIME FOK AI L T11INUS! rANDHETirS fsEEPS have bein on the j the Market since 1784. and still keep the. lead I have the LAKOKST quantity ami eolhi ion ever brought to ürangeburg, which I warrant to be fredi. Purchase your SEEDS in time, and as I seel lVas, Hoansand Corn, by MEASURE It'* to vour advr. nlaga, and voii ran gut a look at the Seed before bur- ing. ALMANACS, with valuable informa¬ tion, free to eiiUoinerr. I now selling off my FALL STOCK of JEWELRY At LOW KATES. AI?o will order Ring«, Jewelry, Silver aid Plated Ware bedow Retail Prices, and attend to Repairing of all kinds in my Hue. W. F. Robinson. .A CHANGE OF BUSINESS U.c undersigned would respectful¬ ly inform the citizens of this and adjoining Counties, that he has given up merchandizing in order to give his wl r»?e attention to suiting- sto*?k FOR THIS M ARKET V.'ill arrive the coming wcok a largo lot of fine Harness and Saddle HOUSES which will be ofl.rcd at very reasonable prices. Having many years experience in the above business I feel confident of giving full latifrfaxtion to every one who favors me with their patronage. \V. M. SAIN, At the Old Stand. j>ToTricpr. All persons are hero by fc-ibiddcn to bar- Im-. 11r aid in any manner one Thos J Jackson, who has n'-sennded from my con* trol, ami my home, and is supposed to bo lurking somewhere in OraiigehiiFg County, die Kaid T J Jackson being a tninnor under the ago of sixteen. JOHN J .JACKSON I d) 1$, 1883 fel> 2'J H NORSK SHOKING. Tlio undersigned has opened at the old stand, opposite Mr. J. P. JIf rley, where ho is prepared, to do all kinks of work in the The Blacksmith Line, Puch as Horse-shoeing, making plows and Repairing buggies and Wagons. All work wairanted to give satisfaction. J«. 9 3m WM. HOWELL.


MKI.LICHAMi' & hnWAKDS, rroprietors.STILES IL MBLblCHAMi» Kilitor.

X^X'XXiB oi" S\i"bsci*iptioii«One Copy one Year.$1 00«« " Six Monihit.~ 75

-:0:-Hates of Advertising.

Ü7i< Square 1st Insertion***.$1 00Each Subsequent "

. 50Notices inserted in Local Column at 20c ;htSjine,All Subscriptions and Transient Advertise¬

ments to be paid for in Advance-

SOT" We arc in no way responsible forthe views or opinions of our Correspond-Mtts.


The Father ol our Country.

We cannot pass by the birthday ofthe distinguished father of our coun¬

try without at least recurring to Iiisnoblo virtues and citing bis exempla¬ry life foi tho emulation of our people.Washington was, indeed, "first in war,£ist in peace and first in Lhe hearts of]his countrymen," He was first, too,not account of any brilliancy of ;u-tellcct,but on account of his houcstyaud his soundness ou all practicalissues. Without that lustio whichdazzles the masses, there was a round¬ness and perfection of nil the parts inbis exalted character which placeshim at once iu tho front rank amongtho great men of tho past.

His spirit was tho breath of patri¬otism aud purity, which made himtho admiration of all good men.

May the statesmen and politicians.of tho present day take their reckon¬ing from the noble record which hehas left, nnd draw inspiration fromthe virtues which shine along thewhole line of his exemplary life.A roturn to the landmarks which

ho has set up would place our coun¬

try on a plane of exaltation which isdevoutly io bo desired.

A Note of Warning.

Tho municipal election in Colum¬bia, talcs place on the 8th of April,but uo steps have yet been taken tocall a l^cmoi ratic nominating con¬

vention. From trustworthy informa¬tion tho Radicals aro hard at workquietly organi/.iug their forccs for a

vigorous campaign. Tho plan is tonominalen full municipal ticket, andmako a straightout fight on party

-Lirve-rr_""5.'ncr,T«.H.ll'iuU «tili t»UVd*iÖtttX**crs hero, with sufficient money and in-ilucnce to make them very dangerous,especially in view of the apparentapathy of their opnoncut*.

ItCfpt't't Ihe Aged.

Dcn'l neglect the old. They arc

ouly waiting for iho pale mcssengorto take them to a better land. Theywant rest and quiet. Infirmities are

creeping on them hoth in mind andbody. Don't oppose their whimsand peculiar notions, but give thorntheir way. Their sojourn w ill not bolong, and wo will regret it if wc are

harsh.There is no nobler trait m the

young than respect and attention tothe aged. Ab their infirmitiesiucreaso, the young ahoul I ro-

inovo their cares by a liberal supportaud a kind and loving attention.

A correspondent of the Chronicleand Constitutionalist writing fromAiken says:

"The list of candidates for the var¬ious counly otliee.s is becoming actually formidable. As lhere is only one

political party in the field, no greatissues will be involved, and the eon-

test bids fair to degenerate into an

acrimonious rough and tumble personal scramble for political spoils. Agood wholesome scare from the Radi¬cals wuuld be a Cod send to theDemocratic party of this county. Itwould re-establish the discipline, andesprit dn corps which achieved suc¬cess in '7b and '7c5, and cheek in a

largo measure the scramble for oliicewhich is going on.

Hon. M. F. (/Connor has hcen intiled to deliver speeches all over theUnited States in the iuierest of thestarving Irish, but was compelled todecline on account of legislativeduties. He, however, along withSenator Withers of Virginia, andSenator Jones of Florida, addressedan enthusiastic Irish meeting inAlexandria last week. Mr. O Connor was vociferously applaudedthroughout his speech.Sam Lee, the notorious Radical,

nuule a speech in C'amdcn last weekand expiessed high hopes of tho re¬vival of Radicalism.

A Radical Plot Unearthed.

Before llie Semite exodus com-

mittto to-day, Scott Ray, editor of theShelbyvdie (Indiana) Democrat, pro¬duced and read a memorandum of aconversation which he lud lieferewitnesses, who are named, with IlonryS. Byers, ex-chairman ot the liepublicau central committee of Shelbycounty, Indiaim, on Jauuary 25th last.Byers said :

"There is no disguising tho factiPay, that the exodus of colored mon

to Indiana is a political movement ofthe Republican party. 1 know it tobo a fact. Wo intended to carryIndiana with the aid of the negrovote, and if the Republican parlyhad taken my advice, they wouldhave set tho movement on foot amibrought thorn here long ago. We in¬tend to bring 8,000 of them into theState in time to vote this fall, and willplace them iu closo Congressionaldistricts and in close counties of Indi¬ana. While it is rather expensive, itis cheaper for the party tbau buyingvotes on tho day of election as we

have always had to t\ >."In reply to Ray's question, Byers

said ho was in a position to know thatthis was an organized effort on thepart of tho Republican managers,and said ho himself had contribute Iall he was able to contribute to thisobject. Ray's memorandum of thisconversation was admitted in evi¬

dence by tho Cornauttoj, after whichthey adjourned.

S:lange things sometimes occur.

Hon. A. H. Stephens has recentlycreated a btir in Georgia by unitingwith Dr. Felton in recommendingSimmons, a famous Radical, for a

Revenue appointment in that Stale.And now again ho stands up in Con¬gress to advocate a measure backedup by tho RepubUoansand (Independ¬ents and disapproved by the Demoerats.Aleck however does what he pleases

and nothing hurts hint. No otherpublic man could ta'.cc tho position hehas in his life and live.

Mr. Hill is complimentary to thoeditors of the Georgia press. Hocalls them scribblers.An attempt has been made to blow

up the Czar of Ii u.-sia which resultedin the killing of six soldiers andabout thirty others. Tho mine, which,i.v^i..^ _ ._vv-, nie dining room

and wits filled with gun powder anddynamite. Official investigation isin progress.

It is ?nid that Carl Schürt/, andeth< r anti-third term Republicans,anticipating the nomination of (.'runtby the- Republicans, arc in consulta¬tion with the view of nominatingHon. Thomas P. Bayard and W. R.Morrison'as opposing candidates withthe expectation of their being en¬

dorsed by the Democrats in theirNational Convention.

"TISlYlUTJB '"<> ItV.S 1»i:CT,At the last meeting of the 'Orangeburg

Agricultural Society held Feb. 21st 1SS0,the following preamble and resolution*,were adopted '

WllunKAR, it has plevscd our HeavenlyFather in his infinite wisdom to removeour worthy brother member Oapt. MurrayRobinson, ami raise him to a higher andbet;or hpherj of being in the HeavenlyWorld; and thst wc bow in humble sub.mission m the will of Ilim whodoeth allthings well, and with faith which looksupward, with more faith than fear, andwhich points the wayfaring in life's journeyto li^lit and love beyond the gravi-, andwenhall ever cherish the glad hope that our

departed friend has gone forward to thefulliluicnt of n higher destiny; ihercfoiche il,

litjolvrij. Thai in the death ofCapt.Munny ilobhi.«on, we have Ii>m an (,!<i andvaluable member, and that wc are againreminded of the frailly of life, and Ihut itbecomes u» lo be diligent,doing mir lifework cheerfully and well, so that when thepale int-H.-cngi r calls us by name we mar.with unfaltering trust, approach the grave.

lititolveil, That we rente ober »villi deepfeeling llie rorrowing family and friends ofour deceased brother, and extend to themthe assurance of our tender regard andsincere sympathy in lids season of their-ore bereavement

Resolved, Thai a cony of tho foregoingresolutions be forwarded to the family ofthe d< et used; also that each of our Countypapers bo furnished with a copy for publica¬tion, and that the Secretary be instructedto copy iht-in iu llie proceedings of thismeeting, and that a page ofour niimilel)oolt he inscribed to his lAciuury.

a OA U fl)>.Having succeed*d in making a full settle¬

ment with .Mr. 'Jhourou, Sp'g Agt for theSinger Co . 1 icspectfully return my thanksto my friends ami cuslomcss, and reeom.mend to ihetu .Mr. U U Hammit. who linanceeptcd the Agency for thin County.


PRIVATE SALäjTA neat Dwelling with 1 Uooiiih, Fire

Place*, and Kiicbeu nlInched, with a LotU acre; iu a healthy location. Teriua madeeitny. Appy to

T. C IIv'bbei.t^ Auctioneer.

Town Tuot ITor SatnExtending through from Five Notch

lloud, hear residence, of Mr. J II Kennekcr,tn Belleville Road (BuRseH Street.) con¬taining nine iicres. Situated in a "rowingpart of tho Town, it presents a desirableinvestment for any party wishing to divido itinto Building Lots, a* new Street havingbeen Surveyed, connecting a"ovo men¬tioned Streets. Apply to

feh 27 J AS. H. FOWLES.

NOTICE."ITiinnl Dividend to Depositers of CitizensJj Ka inns Ihink.A final Dividend ofthree and fonr-tonlhn per cent having heendeclared from the Assets of the CitizensSavings Ifank, hankrnpt depositors at theOrangeburg Branch of Haid Bank arc here¬by notified that this Dividend will he paidto thcin at the Ofiicc of Kirk Robinson be¬tween February the 27th instant and thefirst day of May next.

LOUIS LeCONTE, Trustee,fob 27 It

Ordinance AguiiiMt FiringGuns, Pintols, Ac.

From and after tho publication of thinOrdinance, any person convicted upon suf¬ficient ijroof of firing within tjicso Corpo¬rate Lindls any Cinn, Pistol, or olhcr Fire¬arms, -hall ho Fined a sum not less than$r>, or upon failure to pay tho line, lie sub¬ject to imprisonment far not less than Iw*days, at the option of the Mavor.

(Signed.) J. 0. ALBERAjOTTI.Acting jl/ayor.C. It. JONES, Clerk.


next doou to

1) K SMOAK tv- CORespectfully informs his customers and

the public generally, that he ha*.hist re¬ceived a full stock <>f the veryTJm Matrial and Latest Styles, just suited forS:)iingaud Summer which will be madcapin any i-tyle at from $3 50 to 4 50 for Shoesami Gaiters, Boots from S7 up.Repairing done in tho neatest mannerand on the shortest notice-

1 nl.-o keep constantly on hand a fullslock of Leather, La-ts. cegs, Av.ls.1 bread and all other Material used in ibisline

Having many years experience in thobusiness, 1 guarantee satisfaction in mywork and prices. A trial is solicited.

1» A LEFVENDAHL.fob 27 ly

Master's Salos.Robert Young vs. Demp.-ey Uarelner and

others.In compliance wilh all Order of theCourt of Common Picas, for the Countyof Oranjcburg, mads in the above endtied nc ion. I will sell at OrangebnrgCourt llon-e, on the first Monday inMirch next, at the risk of the formerpiircllMscrs, who have failed to complywith the Icram of sain.All that plantation or tract of land, con¬

taining 1004 acres, more or Jess. situMe ly¬ing and being in (Uangebnrg C«»unty, onHoll Swamp, waters at* North Edlsio Riveran.l botllidtd on the North by lauft* oft).B. Itilcy, Fast by lands of die Estate ofFreeman Hooker, on I ho South Jiy MrsUhner and F. Robinson, on thsnYest hyland* latelv owned bv I'. KcL*3^nd re-

. I.«. r.rff} .... ;. ;.iwW»s',,c0V*^iT=Oie\half cash and the balance oncredit of twcWe months. Purchaser togive bond for paid balance, bearing interestfrrm t!ie day of ante ami a mortgage ofthepremine«, also to pay for papers and re-cordiug, and in rswo a purchaser shall failto comply with the terms of aal«, the prem¬ises to be resold on the next, or on someconvenient sa'c dav afterwards at tie riskof the form or purchaser.

AUOT. K. Stokes v«. T. 1*. Stokes.

All that plantation or tract of land, «it«inte in the County ofOrangeburg, in Mid¬dle Township, containing iwa hundred andfifteen acres mo''e or less,and bounded Korthby lamU of Ur W. F. Barton, on die Mustby lands of Rev L. J. < rum. on the Southby lands of T. K. Stokca and EpllraimUlsey and on the West by lauds of A. M.

j Cox, it being the house tract on whieji T.P. Stokes now resides. Terms.Cash; pur¬chaser to pay for papers and recording;also .

V. L. Hutto vs. Mary Rutland and .others.All that tract or parcel of land, contain¬ing one hundred ami forty-five acres, more

or Ie*s. bounded on the North by lands of-, Sout h by lam's of lint 'an chil¬dren and the hirer Road, on llie KaSI bv

lauds of D. F. Young and V. h Hatto,situate on Wood's Br.neh. Waters of Soti'hFdisto River. Twelve acrei on which thoMouse staiuls and attached to Mary lvut-laud as lu-r dower is excepted. Terms -.

L'nsh, Purchaser to pay for papers ami rc-«cording.A I.SO<

The remainder in dower, after the lifeestate of Mary Rutland is detcrtnined inthe said twelve r.cica Hllotcd to heras her dower. Terms---Cash. Poruhaicrlu pay for papers and recording.

a i.soWa'kei A Trenholm vs. Carrie M Heid

and others.All that tract of land containing tjrohundred acres, more or less, situate in Anie-

lia, Townsiilp. County of Orangeburg, onHigh Hill (.'reek and {tranches of i.i ick-liead. waters ofCaagaree River (being partof a plantation called Sandy Hill, devisedto Margaret (Ho-er, by the lato GeorgeUutler, lu r father, and marked No. 1. in aplat made by L. (t. Inahinet, surveyor,Match ISO, 1 sT-1. Terms (no-half Ca<di* diehal nire on a credit ofone tear. Purchaser ogive bond for s:ii.| bdance with interestironi the. elay of sale and a m irtgagc of thopremises, also to pay f.<r papers and reord-mg.

a i.sof». W. Price against S. M. Simons.\)l that niece or parcel of land, lying orbeing in tl.c County of Orangeburg, and

>tatc of .South Carolina, containing sixtysix ncrc, moi'c or less, und bounded Northby land-of S M. Simenis, South by landsol Mrs Ann Jefcoat, Fast by lauds of Mi-sHnchacl Simons aud West by lands ofAbraham Amakor. Terms..One halfCash.Purchaser to pay for papers and recording.Master's Office ) TIIOS. W. <;L()VER-.Feb. 2, l»\SU / Master,feb 13;jt


WILL ATTEND TO THE SALES ofReal E'tnte, Personal Pioporty, Ac., Pub¬lic or Private Business entrusted to himwill be promptly attended to.Orangeburg, So. Ca,, Dec. 1st 1879.nov28 1879.





HEAYY GOODSButterick Patterns.New Styles

White Shuttle Sewing Machine



MOxST O.A.YA car ioatl of

KXttTA FINE HORSESWhich will ho Fold ok low as possible.

Also, in a few days, another h>t ofcincinnati buggies

will be received.B. lETrank. Slater,

nov 21 &a»"

F«IVATS^ §A lifi.A Iluu*j with 4 Rooms and Itarenn nt

with Fire Place* Piaaza with a latgo lot07 ft. Front hy .'{00 ft. deep; fronting on 3Mrc»ct.»; heal hy location. Term* ca.«y.Applv to

T. C FlUHBKI.Ii, Aitctinncer.

i;rapKs-The undersigned »fler« "o the puMicgcn

crallyONKTIIOUSANn 5RAPK VINKS,a latw«? itninber <>t" choice fruit tree*, and a

el oico lot of llower.- «.t' every rariely.AI*», will make up and arrange FlowerHarden*. All of the ahove warranted toive naifofaction, orno pav required.jan if A. JOliliDAN.

GULLEfnilN WORK::,a i 'r vi !Q*r \ n a

I^LANTICkS who wi-h to have tht-ir old9 t)in* of any Make REPAIRED bvlirnt-claM wtJjAtfPjou, pIioiiUI write u* nt unco,and have tho wLtk-dmie iu early Spring,when wo are not erowurc Jjdtll work.'I ernifl ea*> , prices moderate <»ft^r-r^A-^-Sand BUSHES KEl'AIKKD in the best manher. Addle vt

O. JJ. STON K & CO.,A ugu «ta Oa..

Agent*, for the Ottllett (.»ins, PlantationF.ngme*, Separators, ixnw Mill* »tojan io 2in

South Carolina litul RoadPaMsengcr Departnssai

ckakuk ok scuanci.r.On and niter Nov. 30lh, 1879. Passenger

Train* on thin Iload will run ai follow*:till further ordert».)

Ureeiivtlip Express Train.Ooiku EAST.

Leave Columbia at.4 1"» P M.\rrive at CamdcN at. lö "

Leave Oranienburg.rt l.r> "

Arrive at CharloHtnn.9 30ooiNo WRrr.

Leave Charleston at. 7 00 a ?,!.heave Orangeburg at. 9 58Leave Canulcn at . 7 tin .'

Arrive at Columbiaat.11 AO "

Way Freigut ami Passenger Trains.ooiko KAsr.

* Leave Columbia. S 30 A MArrive at Catnden. 1 '.'0 I* MLeaveOrangeburg.to 17 A MArritc at t harlexton.... - L") P M

.' .-lugiHta.not so wr.sr

* Leave Charleston. '¦> 00 A M.' Amanta. 8 00 "

.' Orangebnrg. I 17 P MArrive at Columbia. ."> ;;7 "

} 1* Passengers leaving Columbia or '-har¬lexton on tbe*e train.* haVo to change earsat Branch vide to read» Charleston at 2 15p m or Columbia at ö ;!7 p m.

.Nielli Kxpress Train,l.O.N'J KAST

Leave Columbia. 9 30 P M.. < Irangeburg. 1 10 A M

Arrive at Align t.t . 8 " j*' ('har'rhton. ö o0 "

ooino wrsrLeave Charleston. 9 00 P M

'* Augusta. 7 -10 "

Orangebnrg. 'J 48 A MArrive at Columbia. 0 o0 "

New York Kxjire>s.uolNO ka*t

heave Orangebnrg . ft 47 A MArrive at Augti«u. 9 21 '.

tiOiMO vtasrLeave Augmta. a Ol) P MArrive at Orangcburg. 9 67 "

The night F.xprewi Trains will run daily.All oilier tiaii.s will ran daily except Sun¬days. Sleeping Cur* are attached to NightKxpres*. Berth* only $1 f>0 to Charlestonor Augusta. Thi» train makes «uro con¬nection*: at Charleston with New York andlodtimore 3tcamcrx no Wednesdays andSaturdays, also with Florida Steamers onl'ucsda>s and Saturday*, also with 7 a mtram S «.V. <; Railroad for Savannah amiFlorida 1'ointH. Ctmneetions made byother trains at Augusta with train- from andto that point, also with all trains front andto Charleston. 1> C ALLEN,

ü P A T A.JOHN P PECK, fieneral Sunt.A I) DkSAUSBI'HL, Agt Columbia.

JOSEPH EROSConfectioner and Fancy Baker,Would info:m his Friends and Patrons in general that he is still keep¬ing tho Finest and Largest Aiaorttuenf of

PURE CANDIESBon-lions, French and American Mixtures of every detciirtion, FreshKaiaOlis, ( vrrenls. Citre n, and always on hand, Cat.nrd Goods,Fruits and Nuts of all descriptions.

A Largo Assortment of Fine

CIGARS & TOBACCOSI would also inform the puhlie that I will he readv for tho Summer toKefreih the::: with

I O K CR 1?. A. INIAnd supply everybody with IC1*'}

A call respoctfully solicited hy .TOS. Ü7.ROS,At Briggmann'a Old Stand,



Capital represented over

$80,000,000In Sound and Reliable Conspanics, viz :

Liverpool o: London & Globe, Georgia Home, Firn Association, St. PaulFire eV Marine, Continental of >>tw York, Petersburg Savings andColumbus.I_j SlT^^^&v-r^*^^ have, paid _them promptly and fairly. I>«>in't risk your property without Insurance, it is moneywell si cut. The following Letter speaks for itself.

ORANOKRU ltd, S. C, February 13th, ST80.Mil KI11K ItOB/XSOX, ISSL'JiAXCK AGIJXT:

Dkau Sir.I take plvasuro in recomnu tiding vour Firo Insurance Agency to theCitizens nl Orangeburg County for Promptness ami Fair Dealing; and at the .-amc lira*,acknowledging tin- receipt of Seven Hundred and Sixty l'ollars from the Liverpool £I London & Globe Insurance Company, paid to me this day, for damages caused to rayhoiwe, in the Town of Orangeburg, S. C, b% tire, width occurred on the 20th January,j 1*80. This is the whole amount claimed by me, ami is paid by your Company withoutdispute as to the claim. Yours very truly, I), LOUIS.Thanking the public for past patronage, I would respectfully solicit a continuanceof the same, ami t an assure tliohe who favor tue with their Ii s :rancc, that 1 will alwaysoiler them -afe and reliable Companies.

KIRK ROBITSTSOISr,Insurance Agon', ami Agent tor the Farmers Aid Association.

MOT ICKThe Copartnership heretofore existingmiller the tirm name of 1> F. Joyner& W.

/>'. Mack, at St. Matthews, OrangcburgCounty S. '., is this dav dissolved by mu¬tual eon>cnt.

Feb. -0, lSsü.I> F J0YNEI»,W U MACK.

Ad partie* indebted to the above firm bynote or odiorwi-c, are requested to coaiefoward und make payment u> the under¬signed, who will settle up all account* ofhe above firm.


1 hanking our ninny friend- for theirpa-i patrouagi , 1 beg leave to .state that Iwill continue the business heretofore carriedon by itoyntr A; Maek, at their old stand,an I hope to receive y -ur patronage in thefutnrc.

Respectfu IIv,1) r JOYNER

febUO Im I

W. F. Robinson,WATCH MAKER.And Jeweler,

RÜSSEL ST-.Ornngeburg, S.


rANDHETirS fsEEPS have bein on thej the Market since 1784. and still keep

the. lead I have the LAKOKST quantityami eolhi ion ever brought to ürangeburg,which I warrant to be fredi.Purchase your SEEDS in time, and as I


lVas, Hoansand Corn,by MEASURE It'* to vour advr. nlaga, andvoii ran gut a look at the Seed before bur-ing. ALMANACS, with valuable informa¬tion, free to eiiUoinerr.

I now selling off my FALL STOCK of

JEWELRYAt LOW KATES. AI?o will order Ring«,Jewelry, Silver aid Plated Ware bedowRetail Prices, and attend to Repairing ofall kinds in my Hue.

W. F. Robinson.


BUSINESSU.c undersigned would respectful¬

ly inform the citizens of this andadjoining Counties, that he has givenup merchandizing in order to givehis wl r»?e attention to

suiting- sto*?kFOR

THIS MARKETV.'ill arrive the coming wcok a

largo lot of fine Harness and SaddleHOUSES which will be ofl.rcd atvery reasonable prices.

Having many years experience inthe above business I feel confident ofgiving full latifrfaxtion to every one

who favors me with their patronage.\V. M. SAIN,At the Old Stand.

j>ToTricpr.All persons are heroby fc-ibiddcn to bar-

Im-. 11r aid in any manner one Thos JJackson, who has n'-sennded from my con*trol, ami my home, and is supposed to bolurking somewhere in OraiigehiiFg County,die Kaid T J Jackson being a tninnor underthe ago of sixteen.

JOHN J.JACKSONI d) 1$, 1883fel> 2'J H

NORSK SHOKING.Tlio undersigned has opened at the old

stand, opposite Mr. J. P. JIf rley, where hois prepared, to do all kinks of work in the

The Blacksmith Line,Puch as Horse-shoeing, making plows andRepairing buggies and Wagons.

All work wairanted to give satisfaction.J«. 9 3m WM. HOWELL.
