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Orbital Roof Blow-out Fractures · Blow-out fractures usually involve the floor or medial wall of...

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Hugh D. Curtin 1 Patrick Wolfe 2 Victor Schramm 3 This article appears in the September / Octo- ber 1982 issue of AJNR and the November 1982 issue of AJR. Received November 17, 1 981; accepted after revision February 11 , 1982 . 'Department of Radiology, Eye and Ear Hospi- tal , 230 Lothrop St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Ad- dress reprint requests to H. D. Curtin. 2Depar tm en t of Radiology, Presbyteri an-Uni- versit y Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA 1 52 13. 3Department of Otolaryngology , Eye and Ear Hospital, Pitt sburgh , PA 1 52 1 3. AJNR 3:531-534, September / October 1982 0195-6108 / 82 / 0305-0531 $00 . 00 © American Roentgen Ray Society Orbital Roof Blow-out Fractures 531 Blow-out fractures usually involve the floor or medial wall of the orbit. However , if the roof of the orbit is thin , a blow-out fracture can occur upward into the frontal sinus. Two cases of orbital roof blow-out fractures are presented including plain films and tomographic findings. Neither fracture required surgical correction . The term blow-out frac ture was co ined by Smith and Regan [1] to describe an orbital floor fr ac tur e ca used by a very sudde n in crease in intraorbital pr es sure without co ncomit ant fr act ure of the o rbit al rim . Most blow- out fracture s involve the orbital floor. Less often the medial orbital wa ll is fractured eith er solely or in conjunction with a fr act ure of the floor [2]. Upward disp lacement fractur es involving the orbit al roof do occur but these accompa ny extens ive craniofac ial fractur es and usually involve the orbital rim. This type of fracture does not share the hydr aulic etiol ogy of true isolated blow-out fractures . We describe two cas es of iso lat ed fr ac tur es of the orbital roof with intact o rbit al rims. Case Reports Case 1 A 65-year-old man stru ck the orbital area in a fall on a curb. The left superi or li d was ecc hymoti c and crepitus was palpated. The orb ital rim was int act to palpation. Vision was normal. Ex traocul ar motion was full range, and there was no dipl op ia. Pl a in radiographs demonstrated a fragment of bone displaced into th e frontal sinus (fig. 1) . There was air in the orbi!. Pluridir ectional tomogr aphy c onfirmed th e integrity of the orbital rim and demo nstrated the bony fragment to originate from the orbit al roof. A small a mount of orb ital co ntent, presumably fat, was demonstr able into the frontal sinu s. A small density was also demo nstra ted in the ethmoid sinuses that was thought to re present a sma ll fr ac tur e th rough the lamina papyr acea. Case 2 A 1 6-year-old gir l was struck in the left eye by a baseball . Th e upp er and lower li ds were ecchymotic and a li d laceration had been sutured at another hospital. Extr aoc ular motion was full and vision was normal. Pl ain radiograph s demonstrated intr ao rbital emphy sema and a bony fragment ex tending into the frontal sinus (fig. 2). Anteroposteri or (AP) and lateral tomography c onfirmed the upward blo w- out of the orbit al r oo f with int ac t orbital rim. A sma ll amount of soft tissue was demonstr ated herniating into the frontal sinu s. Discussion The so-ca ll ed blow- out fracture of the orbit results from blunt trauma to the eye with an object of such a co nfi gurat ion that the force is first applied to the globe rather than the o rbit al rim. Commonly, this is a dashboard , fist, or bal l. In
Page 1: Orbital Roof Blow-out Fractures · Blow-out fractures usually involve the floor or medial wall of the orbit. However, if the roof of the orbit is thin, a blow-out fracture can occur

Hugh D. Curtin 1

Patrick Wolfe 2

Victor Schramm3

This article appears in the September / Octo­ber 1982 issue of AJNR and the November 1982 issue of AJR.

Received November 17 , 1981; accepted after revision Febru ary 11 , 1982.

' Department of Radiology, Eye and Ear Hospi­tal , 230 Lothrop St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Ad­dress reprint requests to H. D. Curtin .

2Departmen t of Radiology, Presbyteri an-Uni­versity Hospital, Pittsburgh , PA 152 13.

3Department of Otolaryngology, Eye and Ear Hospital, Pittsburgh , PA 152 13.

AJNR 3:531-534, September/ October 1982 0195-6108/ 82 / 0305-0531 $00.00 © American Roentgen Ray Society

Orbital Roof Blow-out Fractures


Blow-out fractures usually involve the floor or medial wall of the orbit. However, if the roof of the orbit is thin , a blow-out fracture can occur upward into the frontal sinus. Two cases of orbital roof blow-out fractures are presented including plain films and tomographic findings. Neither fracture required surgical correction .

The term blow-out fracture was co ined by Smith and Regan [1] to describe an orbital floor fracture caused by a very sudden increase in intraorbital pressure without concomitant fracture of the orbital rim . Most blow-out fractures involve the orbital floor. Less often the medial orbital wall is fractured either solely or in conjunction with a fracture of the floor [2]. Upward displacement fractures involving the orbital roof do occur but these accompany extensive craniofac ial fractures and usually invo lve the orbital rim . Thi s type of fracture does not share the hydraulic etiol ogy of true iso lated blow-out fractures . We describe two cases of isolated fractures of the orbital roof w ith intact orbital rims .

Case Reports

Case 1

A 65-year-old man struck the orbital area in a fall on a cu rb. The left superior lid was ecchymotic and crepitus was palpated. The orbital rim was intact to palpat ion. Vision was normal. Extraocular motion was full range, and there was no d iplopia.

Plain rad iographs demonstrated a fragment of bone displ aced into th e frontal sinus (fig. 1). There was air in the orbi!. Pluridirection al tomography confirmed th e integ rity of the orbital rim and demonstrated the bony fragment to originate from the orbital roof. A small amount of orbital content, presumably fat , was demonstrable into the frontal sinus. A small density was also demonstrated in the ethmoid sinuses that was thought to represent a small fracture th rough the lam ina papyracea.

Case 2

A 1 6-year-old girl was struck in the left eye by a baseball . The upper and lower lids we re ecchymotic and a lid laceration had been sutured at another hospital. Extraocular motion was full and vision was normal. Pl ain radiographs demonstrated intraorbital emphysema and a bony fragment ex tending into the frontal sinus (f ig. 2). Anteroposteri or (AP) and lateral tomography confirmed the upward blow-out of the orbital roof with intac t orbital rim . A small amount of soft ti ssue was demonstrated herni ating into the frontal sinus.


The so-called blow-out fracture of the orbit results from blunt trauma to the eye with an object of such a configuration that the force is first applied to the globe rather than the orbital rim. Commonly, this is a dashboard , fist, or bal l. In

Page 2: Orbital Roof Blow-out Fractures · Blow-out fractures usually involve the floor or medial wall of the orbit. However, if the roof of the orbit is thin, a blow-out fracture can occur

532 CURTIN ET AL. AJNR :3, September / Oc tober 1982

Fig . 1.-Case 1. A , Frontal view. Left intraorbital emphysema and frag ­ment of bone displaced upward in to left front al sinus (arrow). B , Pluridirec­tional AP tomogram at 19 cm confirms integ rity of orbital rim . C , Tomogram al 18 cm. Frag ment o f orbital roof disp laced into frontal sinus (arrow). Soft-

their c lassic ex periments, Smith and Regan [1] demon­

strated that the orbital contents were necessary to produce a typi cal orbital floor blow-out. They postulated that the sudden inc rease in intraorbital pressure caused the orbital contents to herniate through the weakest part of the orbit. Clinica lly and experimentally, blow-outs occur most often through the posterior orbital floor just medial to the infraor­bital groove [2]. Less often, the orbital plate of the ethmoid is involved so lely or in combination with the f loor fracture. Distribution of blow-out location results from a combination of thinness of the bone and its geometri c relati on to the orbital ax is. Complications of blow-out fracture such as diplopia and enophthalmos have several causes and may require surgery to release the entrapped soft tissue and to reconstruct the orb ital floor .

tissue density in ethmoid sinus (arrowheads) suggests lamina papyracea fracture. D, Lateral tomogram . Thin bony orbit al roof; fragm ent of bone displaced into frontal sinus (arrow).

Orbital roof fractures usually are part of severe cran iofa­cial injuries . Isolated superior orbital rim fractures result from extensive or localized trauma. Displacement of the orbital rim can cause linear extension into or comm inution of the orbita l roof. With entrapment of the orbital soft tissues or persistent displacement of the globe, surgery is some­times required to prevent permanent functional and cos­metic impairment [3, 4]. These fractures are not pure blow­outs in that the roof fracture results from direct compressive or buckling forces rather than the hydraulic pressure. McClurg and Swanson [5] reported a roof fracture causing dip lopia as part of a more extensive skull fracture . They postulated that elevation of the intraorbital pressure accom­panying a fracture dislocation Clf the orbital roof caused the orbital fat to become entrapped when the fracture immedi-

Page 3: Orbital Roof Blow-out Fractures · Blow-out fractures usually involve the floor or medial wall of the orbit. However, if the roof of the orbit is thin, a blow-out fracture can occur

AJNR :3, September / Oc tober 1982 ORBITAL ROOF BLOW-OUT FRACTURES 533


ately and spontaneously reduced. The mechanism of injury. the fracture of the orbital rim. and the severe accompanying cerebral. skull. and facial injuries makes this distinct from a blow-out fracture. Therefore. they proposed the designation frontosphenoidal fracture with orbital entrapment. Converse et al. [6] relate the rare observation of blow-outs through the greater wing of the sphenoid and roof of the orbit in association with other fractures of the facial and cranial bones.

Fractures of the orbital roof without concomitant fractures of the orbital rim are unusual . Isolated orbital roof fractures can result from penetrating injuries [7]. Very rarely . the orbital roof can be blown downward by distant skull frac­tures. This results from a sudden increase in intracranial


Fig . 2.-Case 2. A, Detail from AP plain fil m. Bone fragment displaced in to left frontal sinus (arrow). Small amount of soft tissue hern iates under hinged trapped door-like fragment. B , AP tomog ram. Displaced frag ment of orbi tal roof; intraorbi tal emphysema. C , Lateral tomog ram. Intraorbital em­physema (arrow). Lucency behind frontal sinus is spurious shadow and does not represent pneumocephalus.

pressure being transmitted through the anteri or fossa and decompressed by a fracture of the orbital roof [8].

The mechanism of injury and integrity of the orbital rim make our cases similar to the common blow-out fractures of the floor and medial wall of the orbit. In these patients. the thin bone between the frontal sinus and the orbit offered the least resistance to the sudden increase in intraorbita l pres­sure (fig . 3). The thinness of the bony plate in these parti c­ular pati ents may be due to extension of the large frontal sinuses posteriorl y into the orbital roo fs. The intraorbital emphysema in these cases may have come from the frontal sinus or from associated lamina papyracea fractures into the ethmoid . Neither pati ent had diplop ia. limi tation of ocu lar motion . or enophthalmus, and no surgery was required. No

Page 4: Orbital Roof Blow-out Fractures · Blow-out fractures usually involve the floor or medial wall of the orbit. However, if the roof of the orbit is thin, a blow-out fracture can occur

534 CURTIN ET AL. AJNR:3, September/ October 1982

Fig . 3. -Mechanism of upward blow-out fracture : kinetic energ y of ball deform s relati vely noncompressible orbital contents. Hydraulic pressure is then dissipated by fracture of least resistant surrounding bone, in this case orbital roo f.

fracture of the f loor of the anterior fossa communicating with the frontal sinus was demonstrated , indicating that the ri sk of ce rebrospinal f luid leak or meningitis was low.


1. Smith B, Regan WF Sr. Blowout fracture of the orbit: mecha­nism and correc tion of internal orbita l frac tures . Am J Oph­thalmo/1957;44 :733-739

2. Jones DEP, Evans JNG . " Blowout " fractures of the orbit: an investigation into their anatomical basis. J Laryngol Otol 1967;8 1 : 1109-1120

3 . Stranc MF, Gustavson EH. Primary treatment of fractures of the orbital roof. Proc R Soc Med 1973;66 :303- 304

4. Bloem JJ, Meulen JC, Ramselaar JM . Orbita l roof fractures. Mod Probl Ophthalmo/1975;14 : 51 0-512

5. McClurg FL, Swanson PJ. An orbital roof fracture causing diplopia. Arch Otolaryngo/1976; 102: 497 -498

6. Converse JM , Smith B, Obear MF, Wood-Smith D. Orbital blowout fractures: a ten-year survey . Plast Reconstr Surg 1967;39: 20-36

7. Zizmor J, Noyek AM . Orbital trauma. In: Newton TH , Potts DG , eds. Radiology of the skull and brain. SI. Louis: Mosby, 1971 :551-558

8. Sato 0, Kamitani H, Kokunai T. Blow-in fracture of both orbital roofs caused by shear strain to the sku ll. J Neurosurg 1978;49 : 734-738
