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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House Design and Access … · 2019-01-10 · Orchard Cottage...

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House Design and Access Statement November 2012
Page 1: Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House Design and Access … · 2019-01-10 · Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF Design and Access Statement

Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House

Design and Access Statement November 2012

Page 2: Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House Design and Access … · 2019-01-10 · Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF Design and Access Statement

Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House

This Design and Access Statement accompanies the planning application for the construction of an

extension to Linby House. This involves the creation of a new contemporary three bedroom apartment,

with lounge, kitchen and home office facilities to be known as ‘Orchard Cottage’

The Site

Linby House is a substantial brick and rosemary tile Victorian Villa set well back from the road within the

Linby Village Conservation Area. Linby House is not a listed building and it is not on the register of Local

Interest Buildings.

The existing property consists of a three storey original house with two wings at the rear to the east and

west which form the new apartments. The access to the development passes through a wooded area

that completely screens the buildings from the public pavement along Main Street.

Borrowing heavily from the style of the materials of the main house the new apartment is subordinate in

design with less ornament and different roof finish of red Pantiles.

Pre application Discussions

A site meeting and discussions have been held with the Planning Department in light of the reasons

outlined in the Planning Inspectors decision regarding the previous application for this part of the site.

Policy ENV30

It was considered that the current proposal is for an extension to the existing complex whereas the

development refused under planning ref.2011/0979 related to a detached structure. Policy ENV30 of

the Replacement Local Plan allows for extensions to existing buildings in defined infill boundaries of

Green Belt wash villages provided the proposals would not adversely affect the residential amenities of

neighbouring properties or the appearance of the village.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

The Site

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House

Pre application Discussions

Policy ENV15

It was also highlighted that Policy ENV15 of the same Local Plan requires proposals to respect the

appearance of the Conservation Area and refers to important open spaces being retained.

It was agreed that when compared with the previously refused proposal the development would be

further away from the neighbour at Linview and more space would be retained around the complex with

soft landscaping proposed in the form of grass and fruit trees.

The increase in distance of the proposed development from the application site boundary and retain

more open landscaping having benefits for the appearance of the Conservation Area and the openness

of the Green Belt.

Following discussions with the planning department the design team also investigated the possibility of

removing bedroom 3 and the integral parking space to further increase the distance to the boundary,

but this had to be discounted for the following reasons:

• The entrance to the existing adjacent apartment was configured through the side of the property

and could not be reworked to the front as the window openings to this elevation formed part of a

series that would not permit further sub-division.

• There was no benefit to the overall area of soft landscaping as the parking space would still need to

be provided elsewhere on the site and it was presently concealed within the built form of the house.

• The intended inclusion of additional energy saving technologies within the apartment requires a

higher level of investment than can be applied to a two bedroom dwelling.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

The Site from the East

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

The site and the entrance to the side

adjoining apartment.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House

Pre application Discussions

Gedling Borough Council has also published the Gedling Borough Aligned Core Strategy - Publication

Version for the purposes of public representation in June 2012. Whilst, the Gedling Borough Aligned Core

Strategy Publication Version is subject to a period of public representation it does reflect Gedling

Borough Council’s emerging strategic planning policies for the Borough and therefore these emerging

planning policies are a material consideration and will be taken into consideration when determining

planning applications where they are relevant.

In light of this Core Strategy it was considered that the following policies are relevant in this instance:

Policy 3: The Green Belt

Policy 8: Housing Size, Mix and Choice

Policy 10: Design and Enhancing Local Identity

Policy 11: The Historic Environment

Some of the key points taken from these policies are that the principle of the Green Belt is proposed to

be retained, residential development should maintain, provide and contribute to a mix of housing

tenures, types and sizes, all new development should be designed to reinforce local characteristics and

proposals will be supported where the historic environment and heritage assets and their settings are

conserved and enhanced in line with their interest and significance.

On review of the current proposals it was concluded that, subject to the final design and supporting

details, a formal application should be able to comply the above policies. In particular the impact on the

Conservation Area and the Green Belt have been considered in designing the proposals as follows.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House

Gedling Borough Aligned Core Strategy Policy 3: The Green Belt

Within the Aligned Core Strategy the principle of the Nottingham / Derby Green Belt will be retained

including areas where the Green Belt “washes” over a village within the Aligned Core Strategies area.

It states that where settlements are “washed” over new building would be inappropriate but infilling can

be accommodated within a defined infill boundary of the village. Linby village is also sustainable living

location with good public transport links to local amenities and Nottingham City.

The proposed extension would fall within the “infill” boundaries of the village and as such there is an

opportunity for extensions to an existing building to be carried out.

The proposals have been designed to avoid adversely affecting the residential amenities of neighbouring

properties or the appearance of the village:

• The proposed apartment is an extension the existing property, not an additional ancillary building.

• The area of soft landscaping and planting between Linby House and Linview has been increased

by the relocation of the car parking area.

• The relationship of the house to the parking areas has been improved by reducing the scale of the

main car park which appears out of scale with the other landscape features.

• The extension is very well shielded from the road by the existing woodland area to the front of the


• The eaves of the building has been minimised towards the adjoining property.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

The development is screened from the

adjoining properties and Linby Lane by

mature woodland

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House

Gedling Borough Aligned Core Strategy Policy 8: Housing Size, Mix and Choice

Within the Aligned Core Strategy it is important that the right mix of housing is developed across the plan

area over the forthcoming years.

It states that both nationally and locally, average household sizes have decreased significantly whilst the

general population has risen. The reduction of the average size of households has led to the under

occupation of properties, especially within more affluent suburbs of Nottingham, and within rural areas.

Throughout the plan area, consideration should also be given to the needs and demands of the elderly

as part of overall housing mix, in particular in areas where there is a significant degree of under

occupation and an ageing population.

The development at Linby House has added significantly to the size, mix and choice within Linby Village,

and the completed apartments are all fully occupied. This dwelling would make further contribution to

the range of residential accommodation.

• It will provide a modest sized home to suit the requirements of local residents in the current

economic climate, including older people who wish to remain in the village in private

accommodation and local first time buyers with budget constraints wishing to stay in the area.

• The attractive landscaped areas and gardens are collectively maintained which reduces the

burden on individual residents, especially those with age related disabilities.

• There is level access to the apartment which also includes an accessible toilet located on the

ground floor.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Linby Landscaping and Natural Habitat

Part of this application will involve the

completion of the landscaping scheme

following on from the successful principles

established else where on site.

The well maintained garden and landscape

areas suit those who are unable to undertake

this work themselves.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House

Gedling Borough Aligned Core Strategy Policy 10: Design and Enhancing Local Identity

Within the Aligned Core Strategy all new developments should aspire to the highest standards of design,

including construction methods and materials, and these issues should be integrated into the

development process at an early stage, along with consideration of community safety, residential

amenity and sustainable access.

The previous work at Linby House has been carried out to an award winning standard and the current

proposals reflect this attention to detail:

• Orchard Cottage has been designed so that their scale, materials and appearance sit well within

the context of Linby House which was originally built in 1894.

• The design has been kept purposely plain so it remains subservient to the main house.

• The introduction of new windows have been designed so that there are none in the elevations to Lyn

View to the east or Linby Lodge to the west to maintain privacy levels for all residents.

• The distances between the proposed apartment and neighbouring properties are such that the

development will not have any undue impact upon the residential amenity of the adjoining


• The development has been laid out to allow natural surveillance and the site is further made secure

by the gate to Linby Road.

• The external materials and detailing borrow heavily from those of the original house and recent

additions so that they will form a harmonious composition.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Linby Materials and Build Quality

Every effort is taken to ensure the highest quality in materials and construction.

The materials chosen will match those of the Coach House with similar brick, pan tile roof, eaves

and joinery details.

Arched windows at Linby Coach

House. Entrance Door at Linby Court. Windows and external lighting.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House

Gedling Borough Aligned Core Strategy Policy 11: The Historic Environment

Within the Aligned Core Strategy Development must have regard to the local context including valued

landscape/ townscape characteristics, and be designed in a way that conserves locally and nationally

important heritage assets and preserves or enhances their settings.

Proposals and initiatives will be supported where the historic environment and heritage assets and their

settings are conserved and enhanced in line with their interest and significance.

• The programme of works at Linby House has ensured its long term future and returned the property

to its former landscape setting.

• The proposals have been designed so that the historic fabric of the building can be conserved and

sympathetically extended to provide a range of living accommodation without detriment to the

original property.

• The form of the Orchard Cottage terminates the current building range so that it reflects the

character of the original extensions.

• The siting and design of proposals respects the character and appearance of the Linby Village

Conservation Area taking into account existing features such as important open spaces and trees.

• The scale, design and proportions of proposals are sympathetic to the characteristic form in the

area and compatible with adjacent buildings and spaces;

• The use and application of building materials and finishes respects local traditional materials and

building techniques.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Tree Protection and Conservation

At the start of the Linby Development a

tree and root protection area was agreed

with the Local Authority Arboricultural

Officer. Particular attention was given to

the root system of the mature copper

beech tree. This exclusion area was

robustly enforced during the works and it

is proposed to put identical measures in

place during the construction of Orchard


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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

National Planning Policy Framework encourages sustainable development that promotes high

quality inclusive design in the layout of the new developments and individual buildings in terms of

function and impact.

It encourages good design which contributes positively to making places better for people, meets

their lifetime needs and promotes personal well being. At the same time it seeks to avoid significant

adverse impacts on the environment and where unavoidable states that these impacts should be


The National Planning Policy Framework, Delivering Sustainable Development 16

• Space and Water Heating from Renewable Sources to Reduce Fossil Fuel Consumption.

• Enhanced Building Fabric Performance to Reduce

Heat Loss and CO2 Emissions.

• Selection of Energy Saving Appliances to Reduce Energy Use.

• Facilities to Support Sustainable Living.

• Surface Water Dealt with on Site to Reduce Impact on Public Sewer System.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Space and Water Heating from Renewable Sources to Reduce Fossil Fuel Consumption

The use of fossil fuel will be minimised through the

use of renewable and sustainable technologies.

This will include the installation of an air source

heat pump controlled by a fully digital control unit

to ensure optimum energy efficiency.

Air Source Heat Recovery System – This will provide

the central heating via a 250 Litre capacity

domestic hot water cylinder for space heating and

will be be capable of an output of approximately


This will deliver a temperature between 30C-40C

and will be combined with underfloor heating and

high-efficiency low flow temperature radiators.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Enhanced Building Fabric Performance to Reduce Heat Loss and CO2 Emissions

The proposed house has taken a ‘fabric first’

approach to reducing the heat loss and CO2

emissions whilst retaining a traditional appearance.

To achieve this the following construction

techniques will be used:


Xtratherm Cavity Therm 100mm full fill wall

insulation board with profiled facing. This will be

used in conjunction with energy efficient

Thermalite blockwork and facing brickwork to raise

the Fabric U Value of the walls to 0.15 W/m2K.


Xtratherm Thin R 100mm thickness insulation

between rafters with Xtratherm Thin R 72.5mm

thickness insulation below rafters. This will raise the

Fabric U Value of the roof to 0.13 W/m2K.

Ground Floor

Xtratherm Thin R Underfloor Insulation 125mm

thickness with perimeter insulation to wall junction.

This will raise the Fabric U Value of the ground floor

to 0.14 W/m2K.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Selection of Energy Saving Appliances to Reduce Energy Use

The selection of energy saving appliances will play

an important part in the reduction of energy use

by the occupants. The following will be


Low Energy Light Bulbs - These will be used in all

locations throughout the house.

Solar Powered External Lighting – This will be

installed around the property where required.

AAA Rated Appliances Recommended by the

Energy Saving Trust – The Washing Machine,

Dishwasher, Fridge and Dryer will all be selected

from ranges that have achieved the Energy Saving

Trust Logo which is only awarded to the most

energy efficient products.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Facilities to Support Sustainable Living.

As well as improvements to the fabric of the building

and the provision of sustainable and renewable

energy and water sources within the development a

number of facilities have been introduced to allow

and promote sustainable living for the occupants.

These include:

A Home Office – this has been provided to reduce

the reliance on commuting and transport.

Recycling Facilities – in addition to the provision for

waste separation a garden compost area has also

been identified.

Drying Facilities – A minimum of 6 meters running

length of drying line will be provided within the

bathroom or utility area along with external drying


Cycle Store – A secure storage area for 4 cycles will

be created as part of the development.

A Home User Guide – will be provided to ensure that

the house is operated and maintained efficiently.


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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Surface Water Dealt with on Site to Reduce Impact on Public Sewer System

All surface water falling onto the site will be dealt

with through the use of permeable and semi-

permeable materials.

Any surface water that collects on an area of

semi-permeable material will be collected in a

drainage channel and taken to a suitably sized

soakaway located a minimum of 5.0 meters from

the buildings.

The soakaway will be constructed from a

lightweight modular system incorporating a tray

that prevents the gravel being flushed out of the


This minimises the size of the soakaway whilst

maximising the permeability of the system over a

longer period of time.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Parking and Access

The vehicle access to the site is from Linby Lane. The road offers fine visibility in both directions and is

relatively clear of parked cars. It is proposed to use the existing access to the site without alteration.


There is ample parking provision on site for both the residents, visitors and deliveries.

Two parking spaces will be allocated to the new dwelling.

It is not envisaged that the provision of an additional three bedroom dwelling will add to the

frequency of goods deliveries or effect current conditions.

The development is fully accessible to visitors with mobility problems

Pedestrian Access

The pedestrian access to the site is from Linby Lane. The route is graded to allow level access.

Disabled Access

The dwellings have been designed to be fully inclusive including level access to the main entrance.

The proposals will comply with Part M of the building regulations. An accessible downstairs toilet has

been provided near the entrance door.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Site Management Plan

The Code for Sustainable Homes acknowledges that the quality of site management during the

development is very important. The Linby House Development has already achieved two Local

Authority Building Control Gold Awards and is seeking to build on this.

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Orchard Cottage Extension at Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby, NG15 8AF

Design and Access Statement

Welham Architects

52 Normanton Lane,



NG12 5HA


Clive & Jane Welham

Tel: 0115 846 1732

Clive: 07740 085 370

Jane: 07833 933 726

email: [email protected]

www: welhamarchitects.com
