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Organization Psychology Report(FINAL)

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  • 8/12/2019 Organization Psychology Report(FINAL)




    SHIKHAR AGARWAL (2012B4A8613P)




    A research oriented strategy for understanding the satisfaction level

    was conducted through an online survey consisting of around 20

    participants. It aimed at studying the motivation and satisfaction

    level of the students studying in this private institute BITS-Pilani.

    Pains have been taken to prepare the questionnaires for sophomores

    and seniors who have been here for at least a year and for the

    freshmen who joined the campus last year. Survey was conducted in

    the last week before the mid-semester.

    Relative analysis was done for every student who was characterised

    on the basis of his or her gender, batch, and academic pressure.

    Finally recommendations are provided for enhancing the quality of

    lives of students residing on the campus and to improve their human

    resource management.

  • 8/12/2019 Organization Psychology Report(FINAL)


    KEY WORDS: Student behaviour, organizational commitment,

    private institute, job satisfaction, job motivation, non-governmental

    organization, Hostel life, Mess food

    1.INTRODUCTIONThe Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani is an

    Indian institute of higher education and adeemed

    universityunder Section 3 of the UGC Act. It is a premier

    institute that trains human resources in the fields of science,

    engineering and humanities and thus cultivates in thegrowth and development of national economy.

    BITS mission is to advance knowledge and educate students

    in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that

    will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.

    The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and

    preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bringthis knowledge to bear on the world's great challenges. BITS

    is dedicated to providing its students with an education that

    combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of

    discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a

    diverse campus community.

    It becomes important from the human resource point of viewto timely know the level of commitment and motivation of

    the students which could help in finding their satisfaction.

    So based on the above core values, we are studying the

    student behaviour in our institute which will help us

    conclude their organisational motivation, commitment and

    job satisfaction.

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    The survey was conducted through google forms which

    included 20 participants from various departments as a

    sample for survey. Among the sample, 9 were from second

    year, 6 were from first year and 5 were from 3rdyear. I aimed

    to have at least 5 participants from every year which was

    successfully achieved as the turnout was appreciable.

    Questionnaire forums were mailed to respective participants

    during the pre-mid-semester period.

    2.2 SURVEY QUESTIONNAIREIt was a self-designed questionnaire which contained several

    formats of questions. Different sets of questions were

    designed for the freshmen and senior students. Three sections

    Academic, Mess food and Hostel life were kept almost same

    for all the categories. Recorded results were statistically


    2.3 DATA ANALYSISTo maintain the secrecy of the identity of the all students,each of them have been allotted certain ID codes. Each

    option in the questions of the questionnaire was scaled to a

    certain score. For a positive reply, a higher score was set and

    vice versa. Accordingly, the feedback of all students was

    scaled to the decided scores and a complete chart was made.

    i. Cumulative scores of all questions

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    Cumulative scores of questions was individually calculated

    firstly when they were categorised/sorted as per a desired

    criteria after which the calculation was rounded up to three

    places after decimal. Formula for calculation of the samecan be referred from the formula bar of the excel image


    ii. Categorising motivation and satisfaction questionsI have grouped all the questions in certain groups to measure

    the desired result. Then the students having score above thecombined average of the specific combination will be having

    good score for the respective measure. Measuring the

    satisfaction of students was difficult to measure as the

    question combination for measuring the same included

    CGPA of the student as a factor.

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    iii. Measuring how much the students are satisfied withthe facilities available on the campus.

    The various facilities are divided into subcategories- Mess

    food, hostel life and various other on-campus facilities.

    Using the formulas referred before in i. motivation and

    satisfaction level was measured.

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    iv. Calculating year wise

    Batch-wise sorting of students was done and using the

    formulas referred before in i., motivation and satisfaction level

    was measured.

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    v. Calculating gender wise

    Gender-wise sorting of students was done and using the

    formulas referred before in i., motivation and satisfaction level

    was measured.

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    3.RESULTSi. Estimating the no. of students that are satisfied with

    the various on-campus facilities.

    (MF=Mess food, HL=hostel life, CG=CGPA, OF =

    Other facilities)

    Facilities Satisfaction MotivationMF1 79.75% 79.92%

    MF2 78.31% 81.20%

    HL1 75.42% 77.12%

    HL2 77.80% 79.56%

    HL3 74.79% 71.81%

    CG1 76.04% 73.75%

    OF1 79.10% 80.46%

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  • 8/12/2019 Organization Psychology Report(FINAL)


    Now well be discussing the analysed data and results

    inferred to help us conclude further plan of action. From

    the results presented in the previous section, we can very

    roughly infer that around 60% of the students are havinga good level of motivation and satisfaction. But the aim

    of the study is also to plan our actions in the future which

    would lead to efficient human resource management and

    can thus enable us to achieve the institutes vision. To

    accomplish the same, we shall divide our whole analysis

    into four portions

    i. On-campus facilities data analysis.Under this topic, we shall study the student

    behaviour by which on a whole we could infer the

    tactics the supervisors have to follow to enrich the

    student life on the campus.

    From the results provided in the above section, MF2

    and OF1 are having highest overall satisfaction and

    motivation, whereas HL3, CG1 and OF2 are having

    the lowest scores. MF1, HL1 and HL2 are

    maintaining an average score in this respect.

    Looking at the above results, appropriate actionsneed to be taken to revise the course structure. More

    over issues regarding sanitation need to be taken

    care of.

    ii. Batch based analysis

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    With the time and experienced gained during the

    tenure of each student in the institute, he/she

    incorporates in itself several different changes either

    positive or negative. This generally affects thestudent behaviour which we shall be discussing

    under this heading.

    Looking above in preceding section, 1st year students

    are least motivated and satisfied. Then a sudden

    increase is observed in the scores when for the 2nd

    year students. This might be because of the fact that

    by now they are well settled in the college as well in

    the organisation. A slight drop is observed for the

    3rd year students for which the most probable reason

    is increment in academic pressure. 4th year students

    have maximum motivation and satisfaction which is

    due to the fact that by this time, their academicpressure is also low and due to much less

    involvement in other activities, they can give most of

    their time to the institute.

    iii. Gender based analysis

    In BITS, Pilani, the sex ratio of the students isaround 125/1000 and given the atmosphere and

    environment in the town, it sometimes becomes

    necessary for the administration to impose certain

    rules in order to protect and ensure the safeguard of

    the females. So gender based analysis plays might

    not seem to be factor but plays an important role in

    shaping student behaviour.

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    The preceding data tells that gender isnt a very big

    factor in deciding the motivation and satisfaction

    level of the students. But still, there are restrictions

    because of which girls are not able to show their fullpotential, for example, time restrictions.

    iv. CGPA/Academic pressure based analysisIn this competitive world, for the college students,

    most of the time success is measured on the base of

    academic excellence of the student, which in turn

    leads to an another important factor of academic

    pressure. But since many of the students constituting

    the sample are freshmen, measuring the CGPA effect

    on all the students might not be a very good option.

    5.CONCLUSIONSi. Appreciation to mess workers and officials of

    various departments such as SWD and ARCD should

    be given so that they can feel good and proud of the

    work that they are doing. This would further help

    them in increasing their motivation. This also tells

    us that a large no. of students is satisfied with thequality food served in the mess. Moreover, many feel

    that departments like ARCD and SWD are providing

    quality services to them.

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    ii. The variety of food served in the mess needs to beimproved. Moreover, the sanitation facilities

    provided in the hostel need to be taken care of.

    iii. Security guards of respective hostels should becomemore responsive. Course structure, at BITS, needs to

    be revised. Moreover, the cleanliness issue of the

    campus must be taken into consideration. This will

    build up the motivation level of students and thereby

    enhance the integrity of the institute.

    iv. Seniors must encourage freshmen so that they canincrease their motivation and commitment level.

    Human resource team must also be formed as it

    would help in increasing the bonding and interaction

    amongst the seniors and freshmen.

    6.REFERENCESOnline help:

    i. Docs.google.comii. Various student satisfaction survey reports

    available online.

    Software used:

    i. Microsoft office 2008-2010ii. IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20

    (Questionnaire provided on the next page)**

  • 8/12/2019 Organization Psychology Report(FINAL)



    1.What is your age?i. 18ii. 19iii. 20iv. 21v. 22vi. 23vii. 24viii. None of the above2.Which of the following year of study do you belong to?

    i. First yearii. Second yeariii. Third yeariv. Fourth yearv. Fifth yearvi. None of these

    3.What is your gender?i. Maleii. Female

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    4.To which of the following range does your CGPA belong to?i. 4-5ii. 5-5.5iii. 5.5-6iv. 6-6.5v. 6.5-7vi. 7-7.5vii. 7.5-8viii. 8-8.5ix. 8.5-9x. 9-9.5xi. 9.5-10

    5.How do you find the quality (or taste) of the food available inthe mess? Rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 denotes the

    worst case and 10 denotes an excellent quality.

    i. 1ii. 2iii. 3iv. 4v. 5vi. 6vii. 7viii. 8ix. 9x. 10

    6.Do you think that the mess workers are cooperative with you?i. Yesii. Noiii. Sometimes

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    7.Do you think the hostels security guard is cooperative?i. Yesii. Noiii. Sometimes

    8.Do you think the Hostel toilets are kept clean as and whenrequired?

    i. Yesii. Noiii. Sometimes

    9.Rate the condition of the furniture available, for use, in yourroom, where 1 stands for very poor quality and 10 stands for

    an excellent quality.

    i. 1ii. 2iii. 3iv. 4v. 5vi. 6vii. 7viii. 8ix. 9x. 10

    10. Rate the quality of infrastructure provided by BITS on ascale of 10 where 1 denotes very poor condition and 10

    denotes an excellent condition.

    i. 1ii. 2

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    iii. 3iv. 4v. 5vi. 6vii. 7viii. 8ix. 9x. 10

    11. Do you feel that you timely served as and when you needhelp from departments like ARCD and SWD?

    i. Yesii. Noiii. Sometimes

    12. Do you feel motivated after joining such a prestigiousinstitute?i. Yesii. Noiii. Cant say

