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CHAPTER-II ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF APSRTC- A REVIEW The way in which an organization formally groups the work activities is called organizational structure. The effectiveness of information system depends on a systematic designing of organization structure, polices and procedures. Many studies proved that there is a close relationship between organizational structure and information system. Hence studying the organization structure and ~ts functions is the pre-requisite to understand the management information. Organization structure of the APSRTC is a formal and established pattern of relationship among various divisions of the Corporation. The formal relationships in the organization are open. Of course, it may sometimes happen that when encountered with an unusual situation, new working relationship may be evolved and which may later on become a formal structure. The formal relat~onships among various levels of authorities in the organization are depicted In an organization chart. The organizational chart represents important positions and their relationship in the organization. The vertical form of the chart shows the flow of hierarchical authority from top to bottom. The closer the position to the top, the higher is its status and vice-versa. The lines joining the various positions represent the formal reporting relationship between superior and subordinate.
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The way in which an organization formally groups the work activities is

called organizational structure. The effectiveness of information system depends

on a systematic designing of organization structure, polices and procedures.

Many studies proved that there is a close relationship between organizational

structure and information system. Hence studying the organization structure and

~ts functions is the pre-requisite to understand the management information.

Organization structure of the APSRTC is a formal and established pattern

of relationship among various divisions of the Corporation. The formal

relationships in the organization are open. Of course, it may sometimes happen

that when encountered with an unusual situation, new working relationship may

be evolved and which may later on become a formal structure. The formal

relat~onships among various levels of authorities in the organization are depicted

In an organization chart.

The organizational chart represents important positions and their

relationship in the organization. The vertical form of the chart shows the flow of

hierarchical authority from top to bottom. The closer the position to the top, the

higher is its status and vice-versa. The lines joining the various positions

represent the formal reporting relationship between superior and subordinate.

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Within the organization, there are different levels, and each level has a

number of activities. Managers can be distinguished according to their level in

the organizational set up. The APSRTC organization is divided into five levels

viz., Head Office, Zonal office, Regional office, Divisional office and the Depot as

shown in the Fig 11-1. However, in recent re-organization the importance of the

Zonal and the Divisional offices are reduced. Basically, these levels were formed

based on the operations like route capacity, operations of fleet position etc.

Further, to establish a division, there must be at least four depots operating

under it.

Source: Records of APSRTC

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There are six zones, 23 regions, 69 divisions and 217 depots. The top.

level and zonal centers are engaged in monitoring the strategic managerial

activities. Regional and divisional centers constitute a middle level management.

The depot or unit level of the APSRTC acts at the bottom level. Each and every

level of the organization initiates certain decisions. Though there are different

decmions, they are well connected with reasonable coordination among their

activities and striving towards the achievement of the organizational goals. The

functions at different levels of management are stated in the following lines.


The fundamental and self-contained unit of operations is the depot. The

organizational structure of the depot is shown in the Fig.11-2. The Depot Manager

IS kept in charge of about 30 vehicles or more. Depots with less than 30 vehicles

In operation, are classified as satellite depots and are attached to the nearest big

depot for the purpose of administrative control. The Depot Manager shall have

five wings for assistance in day to day work. They are Personnel, Accounts,

Traffic, MaintenanceIMechanical, and Security and Stores.

The Depot Manager shall he responsible for all the activities undertaken in

the depot. Helshe shall report to:the concerned Divisional Manager. The Depot

Manger shall maintain all personnel records relating to employees attached to

the depot and looks after other administrative ;natters, traffic, maintenance and

financial matters including income and expenditure pertaining to the depot. The

Depot Manager is given authority for taking all the necessary decisions

concerning the depot.

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/ Depot hlsnaner !

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Thus, the depot constitutes the basic organizational unit where the

operations are carried on and revenue is generated. The Depot Manager is the

head of this unit and has wide powers to control and perform the functions

effectively. In executing each and every function the Depot Manager takes

decisions and some times in consultation with the concerned Divisional Manager

and Regional Manager.

The major functions and decisions at depot level are shown in the Table.11-

I. Proper utilization of vehicles, improving the occupancy ratio, reducing the off-

road vehicles, improving the High Speed Diesel KMPL performance, and

maintaining appropriate bus-staff ratio are the important functions and decision-

making areas at depot level management.

Table II-1.


DEPARTMENT 1 FUNCTIONS I A Traff~r Management To be concerned w~th Operat~onal wastage.

Cancelled KMs. Cancelled trips, Route

effect~veness, Petiormance of traffic, etc

B Ma~ntenance Mallagemen1

C Personnel Management

D Financ~al Managemenl

Mater~als Management

To be concerned wlth Fleet posRlon. Off.rod

fleet pos~t~on (cause-wtse), Fuel guzzlers, Fuel

performance, Tyre disposals

To be concerned with Employee productivity and improvement, Personnel management policy decisions.

Oeus~on on.Financial results, Audlt objections.

budget allocat~ons, expenses etc.

I Purchasing dec~s~ons Mater~als Managemenl.

I D~sposal of Yeh~cler. lmprov~np the

1 pertorrnance etc - - - - _ _ _ . --A .- -- . I

'?.lrce Records OIAPSRTC

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Four or five depots are generally grouped into a Division. A Divisional

Manager heads each division and monitors the activities of the depot

management with a special reference to operational functions.

Whenever, the depot management needs assistance on operational

functions or in the course of implementation of the decisions of regional

managers on traffic (operations) functions the divisional manager extends such

help. Fig.11-3 clearly shows the organizational structure of divisional level






Source: Records of APSRTC

The organizational set-up at the divisional level is in a simple form.

Mechanical Chargemen, Stenographer, Junior Assistant (personnel) and a Traffic

Inspector (Grade-Ill), work as subordinate staff under the Divisional Manager as

shown in the figure. Regarding the functions and decisions of divisional

management, it is observed that there are no specific functions and operational

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decisions involved at this level, except some functions related to regulation of

traffic. In other words, there is no specific decision-making activity at this level.


A Region is a part of the zone. There are 23 regions in APSRTC. Each

region covers a geographical area of about a district, facilitating the people to

gain by a well-organized transportation. The organizational structure of the

region is designed based on the operating fleet strength.

Being a separate wing in the Corporation, it maintains its own structure as

shown in the Fig.11-4.

Functions of Regional Centers of APSRTC:

Regional Centers of APSRTC have multifarious functions, some of which are

listed below.

1. Management control activities of different functional aspects of the region,

2. Identification of the key area to improve the occupancy ratio,

3. Construction of managerial performance index to note the various DVM and

DMs performances at lower level of organization.

4. Review and analysis of operational results and wastage at region level

5. Review analysis of the account of cancelled Kilometers and Trips.

6. Review analysis of non-revenue kilometers, and rate effectiveness.

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Fig, 114


Supisor and Clmcal Slaf

CAO.Chlel Accounls OHicer, CME. Ch~el Eiethancal Engneer, CIM Ch~elTraRic Manager, C P Y Ch~el Personnel Managel,. Assl.Assblanl

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7 . Review and analysis of fleet position, off-the road cases, case-wise failures,

and the status of overall performance.

8. Review and analysis of fuel efficiency, HSD I Lube oil consumption and tyre


9. Preventive maintenance functions.

10. Review of employees' productivity and their performance ability.

11,Preparation of region wise list of disposable vehicles from the information

drawn out of the vehicle progressive reports.

12. Review of performance of Tyres & Tubes.

13. Identification of the depots with low-performance and follow-up to improve


14.Recruitment of required staff to place the right man at the right place,

15. Managing multifarious welfare activities for employees in accordance with the

policies of the Corporation.

16.Review and analysis of audit procedure, region-wise working results, and

financial results.

17.Performance reports, their preparation and reporting to the Corporation.

18.Annual performance reports relating to Traffic, Maintenance, Personnel and

Financial Management functions.

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Decision- Making at Regional Level:

The information gathered from the depots are scrutinized, processed and

consolidated at regional level and comprehensive information outcome is

released every month. Based on this information, the Regional Managers take

decisions regarding some specific and important issues like occupancy ratio, fuel

efficiency, breakdowns, tyre performance etc., for the improvement of the overall

performance of the regional offices.

The Corporation's management regarding the development of the regional

offices takes number of useful and pertinent decisions and fixes up

responsibilities on the concerned Depot Managers for better results. The

Regional Managers along with all other section heads follow up to improve the

inefficient activities, which in turn, form the backbone of the organizational

development. So it is the collective decision-making with proper coordination that

is paving the way for the regional level development.


For exercising effective control on transport operations, the Corporation is

conveniently divided into six zones. These Zonal offices of APSRTC are

geographically divided based on the quantum of operations in each zone. The

Fig.ll-5 shows the Corporation's Zonal arrangement.

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Fig. 11-5



Source' Records of APSRTC

For every two zones there is an Executive Director (ED) who is placed at

the headquarters of the Corporation, assisted by a Dy. Chief Personnel Officer

staying at the same zonal office. The Fig.11-6 shows the zonal level

organizational structure.

Functions of Zonal Management of APSRTC:

The APSRTC has set up the zonal centers with high expectations in the

reorganization process. The zonal organization structure is given a prominent

place after the Corporation's head office. In the recent past, taking number of

changes into account, the zonal formation has experienced contraction and some

of the powers and functions have been transferred to regional management. The

zonal offices carry out the following functions.

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I 1 rnceic] i DIRECTOR / - I


P~urct Blwldol APSRTC

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1. Review of regional management functions and decisions.

2. Inter zonal and inter state relationship continuance and related negotiations.

3. Personnel management.

4, Implementation and monitoring of government policies and regulations.

5. Review of regional accounts.

6. Transmitting of regional accounting information to the head office.

7. Recommendations for the expenditure on both regional and zonal levels.

8. Review of profit & loss accounts of regional centers

9. Review of scrap sales and auctions.

10. Managing of non-operating earnings of APSRTC.

11. Region-wise allocation of the fleet.

12. Review of appeals of maintenance staff.

13. HSD & Lube oils, inter-state transactions on oils.

14 Monitoring on KMPL.

15.All functions related to purchases and stores of APSRTC that are handled by

the zonal management.

16. Procurement of materials and stationery for various jobs and departments.

17. Purchasing of oils, tyres, buses etc., for number of depots I regional stores.

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As such, there is no major decision-making authority vested in the hands

of the zonal management. It can only review and monitor different functions

performed at lower level of the Corporation.


The organization structure at corporate level is presented in Fig.11-7. As it

can be observed that there are four grades of people involved in the entire

system. Grade-IV are the unit level managers and staff, who are directly

involved in the operational activities. The remaining grades viz., Grade-Ill, II and

I are engaged in middle and top order management activities. Each level has

different departments, and these departments are headed by the Executive

Directors (ED), supported by the staff at the remaining levels,


In the accomplishment of organization goal, management is forced to

perform certain crucial functions with a given set of resources. The functions of

management are inter-woven and interrelated. None of them can be performed

independently. Each function and technique will have a tilting effect on the other

and all are closely interrelated in a system to form the major components of the

system of management.

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t i rade. ill 1 I I

I i

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One important aspect of an organization is the designing and

establishment of departments. The word department designates a distinct area

or division of an organization over which the manager has authority for the

performance of specified activities. The departments in APSRTC are the

administrative department, traffic department, store B materials department,

finance & accounts department, maintenance and engineering department and

MIS department, as shown in the Fig.11-8.


Planning, organizing, controlling and leading are the major functions of the

administrative department of any organization. In APSRTC, these functions are

carried out by the administrative department with the aim of achieving

organizational goal in an efficient and effective mannei.




Traffic Department Department

Source: Records of APSR 1'C

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The administrators are responsible for combining and coordinating human,

financial, physical and information resources to achieve the organizational goals.

The Executive Director (ED) is the head of the department and helshe reports

directly to the Chairman and Managing Director. Chief Personnel Officer, Deputy

personnel Manager and Personnel Officer support the ED as subordinate staff.

The structure of the Administrative ~epartment is shown in the Fig 11-9.

Fig: 11-9.



ED AdminisIralion

Grade- I (Zonal)

Ch~ef Personnel Grade - I I (Regional)

I Grade - Ill Dy. Personnel (Divisional)


Grade - IV (Depot)


Source: Records of APSRTC

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The functions carried out by this department are as follows:

1. Administrative functions like planning, organizing and directing of the various departments and providing necessary guidelines.

2. Sanctioning of various plans and procurements.

3. Preparation of planning and processing of recruitment of new incumbents.

4. Providing training facilities to various employees in the organization.

5. Transfer and promotion recommendations.

6. Industrial relations.


Route effectiveness analysis, identification of best profitable route to

operate the fleet, identification of high revenue routes, and identification of non-

revenue routes are the important functions of traffic management. The hierarchy

of this department is ED (Operations), Chief Traffic Manager, Dy. Traffic

Manager and Traffic Managers. The structure of traffic management is shown in

the Fig 11-10.

Operation managers are concerned with creating and managing the

system that create an organization's products and services. Typical responsibilities of operations managers in APSRTC include fleet control,

punctuality, reduction of breakdowns and cancellation of trips, etc. ED

operations handle all major duties in this area and are stationed at the

headquarters. As subordinate staff, Chief Traffic Manager, Dy. Chief Traffic

Manager and Traffic Managers help the ED to perform this function efficiently.

The major functions and decisions carried by these heads at all levels of the

organization are as follows:

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Rg 11-10


Grade- I (Zonal)

Grade - II Chief Traffic (Regional)


Grade - Ill Dy. Ch~ef Traffic (Divisional) Manager

Grade - IV Traffic (Depot) --a Manager

Source: Records of APSRTC

1. Performing the operational activities to the satisfaction of the commuters.

2, Review and identification of the rbute effectiveness.

3, identifying of revenue and non-revenue KMs.

4. Cancellation of fleet.

5. Opening of new routes.

6. Running of the buses with punctuality.

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7. Reducing of fatal accidents.

8. Identification of best profit routes through occupancy ratio calculations.

9. Avoiding the unnecessary cost in their fleet operations.

In APSRTC, operations decision-making involves traffic planning and

control. The first element of operational planning and control is the maintenance

schedule and dispatch programs, and the second element is the Corporation's

vehicle utilization. In these two areas the operational or traffic managers are very

conscious to take the appropriate decisions.


A transport service organization often groups its activities around a

process or a type of equipment. In this kind of departmentation, people and

material are brought together in order to carry out any particular operation. Fig.11-

11 illustrates organizational arrangement of Stores and Materials department.

Stores and materials management is concerned with buying the material

and resources needed to create production and services. In other words, the

concerned managers are engaged in buying the material and maintaining the

stores. The purchasing manager of the Corporation buys necessary materials,

parts and machines required by the organization.

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Grade- I (Zonal)

Grade - I1 (Regional)

Grade - I l l (Divisional)

Stores ;-i of Stores

Controllers of


Grade - IV (Depot)


Source: Records of APSRTC

The managers responsible for purchasing must balance a number of

constraints. Buying too much of materials would lead to locking up capital and

increasing storage costs. On the other hand, buying less quantity increases the

reordering costs. Hence, special care has to be taken to balance both the

aspects. The department also makes sure that the quality of what is purchased

to meets the organization's needs, besides checking up the reliability of the

supplier, and the competitive terms of financial aspects.

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The Mechanical Engineering Department of APSRTC shall prepare norms

for the consumption of standard items. These norms are reviewed from time to

time by the department and fresh norms are initiated to the Stores Officer (S&O).

The fixation of norms is done based on the previous year's consumption, fleet

strength, conditions and expected life of the spare parts. The ED Stores at zonal

level is responsible in this aspect.

1. As a functional head of the Stores & Materials Department, the ED (Stores)

performs the following functions.

a. Procurement of materials.

b. Storing of the materials.

c. Distribution of materials to different sections.

2. Chief Controller and Controller of Stores: The Chief Controller of Stores is

the head of the Stores and Materials department at regional level. Controller

of Stores assists the Controller of Stores stationed at divisional office. Both

officers function in coordination with each other while carrying out their

functions. The materials that come under the chief controller are as follows:

a. Tyre, Tubes and Flaps.

b. Vulcanizing material.

c. HSD Oil and Lube Oil purchases.

d. All other " A Class items including paper for the printing press, staff

uniforms of all varieties and cleaning cloth.

The functions of the chief controller are as follows:

1. Equipment procurement and maintenance, such as;

a. Machinery.

b. Furniture.

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2. Co-ordination of area purchasing.

3. Body Building Units, such as all "A" and " 0 class items.

4. Import, Tax, License work.

5. Co-ordination of ancillary development units.

3. Stores Officer: The stores officer is responsible for the acquisition and

seeking the following:

(I). All "C" class items for Body Buildings Units.

(ii). Medical.

(iii). Stationery and Forms.

(iv). Local purchase items.

Decision-making -Stores & Materials Department:

Material accounting as an important part of the accounting system due to

its cost saving nature is mainly based on correct receipts, issues, returns, and

rejections that are the part of transaction processing system of the organization.

For the purpose of material management, a comprehensive database with all the

three components viz. purchasing, inventory, and material review are of utmost


The purchasing department decisions'are responsible for the efficient

Purchasing process which is highly cost effective in its nature, besides helping

the administration in setting up policies for perfect purchase indents, acceptance

of tenders, monitoring of purchase orders against schedules of delivery, vendor

rating, and monitoring payments against deliveries.

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The inventory (Stores) department decisions are responsible for the

efficient stores management procedures to be adopted in the organization as the

good administration of stores will prove a super saver to the administration and

can set the principles for preparing standard consumption specifications for

regular consumption items, for undertaking prompt inspection and acceptance of

delivered goods, preparation of receipt documents, monitoring stock balance,

purchase dues, indents dues, monitoring the procurement of regular

consumption items, decentralized consumption control, analysis of consumption

and movement of items for control, forecasting and budgetary control of

consumption and procurement and so on.


Finance and Accounting function plays a significant role in the

management control. Hence, management controls system functions around the

finance and accounting department.

Financial accounting system is intended to report the outcome of the

business operations and its financial position. There are sub-systems that have

been developed for recording the business events and preparation of financial

statements, i.e. the journal, the ledger and the trial balance. Cost accountant

assists in the presentation of in-depth cost per unit information from cost records,

which are helpful to the managers for decision-making. It also assists in

collection, classification, analysis, allocation and absorption of costs through

appropriate accounting system.

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Financial Control:

The Chief Accounts Officer is the head of the Finance & Accounts

Department of APSRTC and the immediate subordinates are the Chief Auditor,

Deputy Chief Accounts Officer, and Accounts Officers placed at various levels of

the organization, as shown in Fig 11-12.

Fig 11-12.


Source: Records of APSRTC




I Grade- I F.A B CAO (Zonal)

Grade - II Auditor (Regional)

Dy. Chief Grade - I11 (Divisional)

Grade - IV Accounts (Depot) Officers

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Financial Managers deal primarily with an organization's financial

resources. They are responsible for the activities such as accounting, cash

management, and investments. In APSRTC, financial manger's responsibilities

are so many in counts. These responsibilities of managers at different levels are

as follows:

The main functions of accounts and finance department are as follows:

1. Advising the management on the advantages of its operations from the

appraisal of the periodical assessment of the performance in relation to

operations prepared by the managers.

2. Review of monthly production in workshops. '

3. Periodical review of expenditure and income, and their targets.

4. Coordinating in the preparation of budgets.

5. Forecasting the extent of financial requirements, which would be useful for

the internal generation of funds and for the outside borrowings.

6. Controlling of expenditure to ensure reasonable return on capital invested.

7. Attending to all tax matters of the Corporation.

8. Assessing the total working capital requirements and investing surplus

funds in interest earning deposits.

9. Monitoring and implementation of financial policies laid down by the


10.Providing specialized services in respect of all aspects of financial 4 functions of Depot Managers, Divisional Managers and other staff


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11. Advising the depot managers in all financial and allied matters to enable

them to achieve the organizational objectives.

12.Responsible for planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and

controlling of both accounting and audit wings to ensure the successful

accomplishment of this function.

13.Analyzing the variation between actual performance and budget


14. Responsible for the assessment of the required total working capital of the

organization in each year.

15. Coordinating all the matters concerning the stores department.

Decision Making in Financial Management

Management Information System requires necessary database comprising

the inputs like cash transactions, receipts, issues, returns, interests, depreciation,

etc. The other inputs are counted in the routine procedures of accounting and

salary I wage payments. Based on the above different daily, monthly statements,

and final accounts (profit 8. loss accounts, balance sheet) are prepared

scrupulously by the finance and accounts department.

In addition to this, the systems like management accounting, cost

accounting, pay-roll accounting, supplier ledgeh, and the preparation of capital

and revenue budgets, investment and budget planning support the organization

of finance department enabling it to bloom into a versatile, comprehensive and

efficient unit of the Corporation. Thus, the financial department with its perfect

financial system provides a backbone support to the concerned officials

responsible to take decisions in the organization.

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In any Road Transport Corporation, healthy fleet is one of the vital

parameters, which contributes for its success in a big way. Indeed, vehicles are

the prime property of the Corporation and much of the capital of the Corporation

is in the form of vehicles. Hence it is imperative that the vehicles are maintained

in healthy condition, throughout their life in order to make them serve the

Corporation on the most possible economical and profitable terms.

The APSRTC is adopting two-tier system in their fleet maintenance. The

first system envisages route preventive maintenance activities, such as Schedule

I, 11, Ill, IV, Oil changes, Unit Changes, Fitness Condition and the Running

Repairs jobs as per permissible repair schedules.

The second system of preventive maintenance is at regional workshops

which facilitate repairs and overhauling of vehicles. The preventive maintenance

is provided with multi-skilled labour, sophisticated machinery, testing the rings

and expensive spare parts, that are required for undertaking major repairs.

Generally, regional workshops are designed to cater to the needs of a fleet of

about 12000 to 15000 vehicles, which can accommodate and afford the optimum

utilization of machinery and men.

Efficient fleet operations and effective maintenance of the vehicles ensure

safe, reliable, punctual, efficient and economical vehicle operations. The

Corporation reviews from time-to-time the maintenance policies. The Executive

Director of Engineering acts as the head of the Mechanical Engineering

Department (Maintenance), who will be ultimately responsible to the Managing

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Director for assuring the healthy condition of fleet against minimum expenditure.

AS subordinates, the Chief Mechanical Engineer, Dy. Chief Mechanical Engineer

and Asst. Mechanical Engineer support the ED in carrying out the functions

effectively. Fig.11-13 shows the structure of Maintenance Department of


Fig 11-13:

Grade- I (Zonal)

Grade - I1 Chief Mech.

(Regional) 1 Engineer I I

Grade - Ill (Divisional)


Grade - IV IDeoot) Asst. Mech.

I Enaineer. 1

Source: Records of APSRTC

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Executive Director- Engineering, Chief Mechanical Engineer, Dy. Chief

Mechanical Engineer and Asst. Mechanical Engineer are the managers in this

department. As it is an important functional area of the organization, the

Corporation pays much attention to the activities of this department.

The main functions of the maintenance department are as follows.

1. Maintenance: It is a major function in the Corporation, and the Executive Director is responsible to monitoring it as a head of the department of maintenance.

2. Chassis procurement

3. Bus body fabrication.

4. Land acquisition for new bus depots, and bus shelters.

5. Construction of bus depots, busstations and workshops.

6. Monitoring Workshop production.

7. Tyre, bus body building and unit production.

8. Land acquisition and construction of depots, bus stations and workshops.

There are two types of maintenances, preventive maintenance and,

breakdown maintenance. While preventive maintenance can be planned in

advance, the breakdown maintenance is invariably unplanned and sudden. While

talking about preventive maintenance, one cannot forget that perfect planning

and scheduling are immensely important in respect of the benefits like time

saving and cost reducing.

For taking comprehensive and effective decisions, the Corporation

generates MIS reports for equipment control, such as equipment register,

equipment histo iy and major failure report, forecast on maintenance schedules,

report on work control, workshop performance report, mechanics' performance

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report, maintenance planning efficiency report, over time report, resource leveling

,,port, delay cause reports etc.

The Corporation shall carry on preventive maintenance as per the

following schedules:

r Daily Maintenance - Schedule-I.

r Weekly Maintenance - Schedule-11.

r Monthly Maintenance - Schedule-Ill.

r Quarterly Maintenance - Schedule-IV

r Oil Changes at prescribed kilometers.

k Fitness Certificate of vehicles at prescribed intervals

r Major unit changes on chasseing of the vehicle.

hecution of Schedule-I Maintenance (Daily)

The daily maintenance is derived from the daily check up of the vehicles. It

enables the maintenance department to diagnose any damage or trouble such as

leakage, loose nuts, and incorrect level of oils in all the vital parts of the vehicle

and FIP, besides paying attention to the items mentioned in the Schedulal.

Execution of Schedule-11 Maintenance (Weekly) :

The schedule-ll maintenance is mainly intended to ensure proper greasing

of the vehicles. Separate staff are allotted for this maintenance schedule as due

importance is very much necessary.

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Execution of Schedule-Ill Maintenance (Monthly):

The monthly maintenance schedule is one of the important and basic

schedules at the depots level to ensure breakdown free services during each


Execution of Schedule-IV Maintenance (Quarterly) :

It is an important schedule of maintenance, as it provides for major

attention to the vehicle in general compared to any other schedule.


Information systems are an important part of any modern organization. Its

impact on the organization will be cognizant and its effects are felt in a variety of

ways. In particular, information system will bring about a thorough positive

change in the successful performance of the organization. Organizations install

information system because they think that the introduction of IT in the

organization will bring about the required effectiveness and efficiency.

Indeed, consensus seems to be growing towards the feeling that a well-

defined information system is beneficial for any organization. Organizations need

to invest time and resources to go for reorganization, and accomplish creation of

well-structured information system.

In APSRTC, ED- MIS is responsible for maintaining the department of

information system. The ED- MIS is placed at zonal level who reports to the top


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AS subordinates, the Chief Statistical Officer of Gradell level, the Chief

statistical Officer (Computers) of Grade -111 level, and the Statistical Officer of

Grade - IV level will assist the ED-MIS. The structure of Management

Information System department of APSRTC is shown in the Fig 11-16.

Fig 11-16.




Grade- I (Zonal)

Grade - II (Reg~onal) Off~cer

Grade - Ill (Dlvls~onal)

Grade - IV Statrsttcal (Depot)

Source Records of APSRTC

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The main function of MIS department is to prepare and organize the data

reports of various departments and make them available to concerned decision-

makers. The main functions carried out by this department are as follows.

1. Preparation of information reports based on the information collected from

the depots and divisional offices.

2. Sending the information reports to the concerned decision-making


3. Designing of computer networking for processing information.

4. Preparation of detailed reports on the performance ability of the


5. Sending the prepared reports to the concerned department heads.

6. Storing of information for future references.

In sum, organizational structure of APSRTC is a formal and established

pattern of relationship amongst various levels and departments. The Corporation

is divided into five levels viz., Head office, Zonal office, Regional office, Divisional

office and the Depot. There are six zones, 23 regions, 69 divisions and 217

depots. Each and every level of the organization initiates certain managerial

functions and decisions.

The depot constitutes the basic organizational unit where the operations

are carried on and revenue is generated. Proper utilization of vehicles, improving

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the occupancy ratio, reducing off-road vehicles, improving the HSD KMPL

and maintaining appropriate bus-staff ratio are the important

functions and decision-making areas at depot level management. The depot

manager is responsible for all the activities undertaken in the depot.

Four or five depots are generally grouped into a division. Divisional

manger heads each d'ivision and monitor the activities of the depot management

with a special refer to operational functions. A region is a part of the zone, and

each region covers particular geographical areas of about a distinct facilitating

the people to gain by a well-organized transportation. The organizational

structure of the region is designed based on the operating fleet strength and

have multifarious functions. The information gathered form the depots are

scrutinized, processed and consolidated at regional level and comprehensive

information outcome is released every month.

The zonal office of APSRTC is geographically divided based on the

quantum of operations in each zone. For every two zones there is a Executive

Director who is placed at the headquarters of the Corporation, assisted by a

Dy. Chief Personnel Officer staying at the same zonal office. The zonal officers

carry out the various functions.

The head office or corporate level organizational hierarchy has the four

grades of people; they are Grade-I, 2, 3 and 4. Grade4 are the unit level

managers and staff, who are directly involved in the operational activities , and

the remaining viz., grade-3,2, and 1 are engaged in middle and top management

activities. The departments in APSRTC are the administrative, traffic, stores and

material, finance and accounts, maintenance and engineering, and MIS

departments. These departments carried out different functions and decision-

makings for the betterment of the organization.
