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Orientation 2012

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Orientation Issue
the Racquette SUNY Potsdam’s Student-run Newspaper since 1927 Orientation Issue Summer 2012 www.theracquette.com Welcome to Potsdam Class of 2016! !"#$% ’()**% !+#*,-.#/.01#(2 Welcome to SUNY Potsdam, class of 2016! Congratulations, you !"# %&’ &()*+!,,- +% *&,,#.#/ 0#""+- fying as that might be. All that hard work and hair pulling in high school paid off. You’re probably feeling many things right now; excitement, anxiety, wondering who to talk to about where the awesome parties are. You’re most likely glancing through this paper in between nu- merous ice breaking activities and 1!%2!0&"- 3&&" 1##0+%.45 6&/ 782 like to take this opportunity to say one thing, the most important thing 7 *!% 09+%: 0& 4!- 0& %#’ 40;2#%04< Don’t just sit in your room playing video games or watching Family Guy on Hulu. College is an expe- rience waiting to happen, and all you need to do is go get it. We’ve put together this special orientation issue for you to tell you a little bit about all the great stuff to do and many opportunities to be had in Potsdam. There’s more than you’d 09+%: !0 )"40 .,!%*#/ 7 ="&1+4#5 >%2 because we have no problem with 49!1#,#44 =,;..+%./ 782 ,+:# 0& 0!:# a quick minute to say something about us, The Racquette! We are a newspaper, plain and simple. We take pride in our craft and our writing. Our staff is one of the best around, and students and townspeople alike look to our paper every week for the latest on global news, articles on music and fashion, sports recaps and scores, and previews of events to come. Our group is entirely student-run; we write, photograph, layout, copy edit, and publish the Racquette our- selves. And we are always looking for new members! No prior experience is necessary, just come to our meet- +%.4 #?#"- @&%2!- !0 A<BC +% 09# student union, and we’ll be glad to have you on our staff as a writer, a photographer, even a comic artist. You’ll gain valuable experience as a published author, and it’ll look great to future employers on your resume. Opportunities for mov- ing up in our staff come about like *,&*:’&": !,1&40 #?#"- 4#1#40#"5 7 started out as the business manager, moved up to news editor, and am now the editor in chief. That should tell you something right there. We are a friendly and welcoming group of people who like to have fun, so if you’re feeling inspired, please, come check us out! 31( 4#/(-5) 6*)*7(8 9,7:$$ ;( 6((#/< ) $,* ,2 1(-8 4)-= >*(5(/6 !"#$% ’()**% !+#*,-.#/.01#(2 D9#"#84 ! ,&0 &( 09+%.4 7 ’+49 7 9!2 :%&’% ’9#% 7 ’!4 ! ("#491!%5 7% 09# +%0#"#40 &( (;,, 2+4*,&4;"#/ 78,, 49!"# 09#4# 09+%.4 ’+09 -&; +% the hopes that they’ll help you get through what is most likely going 0& E# 09# 1&40 2+()*;,0 -#!" &( *&,- lege for you, class of 2016. Firstly, the friends you 1!:# +% 09# )"40 (#’ 1&%094 &( *&,- lege will change fast, and probably 2"!40+*!,,-5 F- 09# 0+1# 7 .&0 0& 09# end of my freshman year, the group 7 9;%. &;0 ’+09 !0 09# E#.+%%+%. was completely different. People transfer, drop out, move away, or just turn out to be people who you aren’t interested in being friends with. But that’s okay; at the time, you probably won’t even notice it 9!==#%+%.5 708,, E# 4&1#09+%. -&; look back on and see, and say to yourself, “Huh, how did that hap- pen?” But then you’ll look at all the awesome people you’ve met instead, and it’ll all make sense. Secondly, go to class. No, 781 4#"+&;45 G& 0& *,!445 H#!9/ +0 seems obvious that you should do it, but trust me. Once the middle of the semester sets in and you’ve gotten over your initial fear of your professors and college in general, you’re going to start sleeping in ,!0#5 H&;8,, 4!- 0& -&;"4#,(/ IJ#,,/ 7 ’#%0 !,, ,!40 ’##:5 7 *!% 0!:# ! 2!- off!” This is a dangerous slippery slope to start down. Sure, there’s no one looking over your shoulder like in high school to make sure you go, but the punishment comes later, in the form of bad grades and a hor- rible GPA. Don’t think that just be- cause the punishment shows up in the long term it won’t hurt less. D9+"2,-< K!%2 09+4 +4 ="&E!E,- one of the most important ones) It’s okay to be alone. And by this, 7 1#!% =9-4+*!,,- !,&%#5 7084 .&+%. to happen that one day, you won’t E# !E,# 0& )%2 4&1#&%# 0& #!0 ,;%*9 with. Or it’s a Friday night and you don’t have any plans. That’s okay. 70 1!- 4##1 ,+:# 4&1# 4&"0 &( 4&- cietal requirement to constantly be surrounded by friends and always be in what’s happenin’, but having a night off sometimes or having a quiet lunch out in the quad is okay. There’s nothing wrong with it, so don’t get worried over it. Every single person has those days too. Fourthly, make friends with your professors, and as a corollary, learn your professors’ names. For the most part at SUNY Potsdam, professors want you to succeed and they want to help you. Don’t be intimidated or scared to talk to them. Don’t be afraid to strike up a casual conversation with them about the class, or other 09+%.4 09!0 +%0#"#40 -&;5 70 ,#04 09#1 know that you aren’t an apathetic student who comes to class un- 2#" &E,+.!0+&%5 70 ,#04 09#1 :%&’ that you have an active mind. And learning their names is a good idea, because professors know when you don’t know it when you come up to them at the end of the semester %##2+%. 9#,= (&" 09# )%!, !%2 -&; babble, “Hi Professor… sir.”, or you misspell their name in emails. 70 2&#4%80 #L!*0,- 1&0+?!0# 09#1 to help you out a bunch. Having a good relationship with your pro- fessors just makes classes easier in general. >%2 )%!,,-/ E# ! .&&2 ("+#%25 That’s it, that’s all. Be a good friend. Tips from a senior, to the freshmen CHECK US OUT ONLINE: WWW.THERACQUETTE.COM Like to hike? Best places to hike in Potsdam and close by! M.5 B ?/6#+( *1#6 @((=:6 #667(A Like Music? Chceck out the best places to see music in Potsdam! Pg. 4

the RacquetteSUNY Potsdam’s Student-run Newspaper since 1927 Orientation Issue Summer 2012


Welcome to Potsdam Class of 2016! !"#$%&'()**%!+#*,-.#/.01#(2

Welcome to SUNY Potsdam, class of 2016! Congratulations, you !"#$%&'$&()*+!,,-$+%$*&,,#.#/$ 0#""+-fying as that might be. All that hard work and hair pulling in high school paid off. You’re probably feeling many things right now; excitement, anxiety, wondering who to talk to about where the awesome parties are. You’re most likely glancing through this paper in between nu-merous ice breaking activities and 1!%2!0&"-$ 3&&"$1##0+%.45$ 6&/$ 782$like to take this opportunity to say one thing, the most important thing 7$*!%$09+%:$0&$4!-$0&$%#'$40;2#%04<$Don’t just sit in your room playing video games or watching Family Guy on Hulu. College is an expe-rience waiting to happen, and all you need to do is go get it. We’ve put together this special orientation issue for you to tell you a little bit about all the great stuff to do and many opportunities to be had in Potsdam. There’s more than you’d 09+%:$!0$)"40$.,!%*#/$7$="&1+4#5$>%2$because we have no problem with 49!1#,#44$=,;..+%./$782$,+:#$0&$0!:#$a quick minute to say something about us, The Racquette!

We are a newspaper, plain and simple. We take pride in our craft and our writing. Our staff is one of the best around, and students and townspeople alike look to our paper every week for the latest on global news, articles on music and fashion, sports recaps and scores, and previews of events to come. Our group is entirely student-run; we write, photograph, layout, copy edit, and publish the Racquette our-selves.

And we are always looking for new members! No prior experience is necessary, just come to our meet-+%.4$ #?#"-$@&%2!-$ !0$ A<BC$ +%$ 09#$student union, and we’ll be glad to have you on our staff as a writer, a photographer, even a comic artist. You’ll gain valuable experience as a published author, and it’ll look great to future employers on your resume. Opportunities for mov-ing up in our staff come about like *,&*:'&":$!,1&40$#?#"-$4#1#40#"5$7$started out as the business manager, moved up to news editor, and am now the editor in chief. That should tell you something right there. We are a friendly and welcoming group of people who like to have fun, so if you’re feeling inspired, please, come check us out!



D9#"#84$ !$ ,&0$ &($ 09+%.4$ 7$'+49$ 7$9!2$:%&'%$'9#%$7$'!4$!$("#491!%5$7%$ 09#$ +%0#"#40$ &($ (;,,$ 2+4*,&4;"#/$78,,$ 49!"#$ 09#4#$ 09+%.4$'+09$ -&;$ +%$the hopes that they’ll help you get through what is most likely going 0&$E#$09#$1&40$2+()*;,0$-#!"$&($*&,-lege for you, class of 2016.

Firstly, the friends you 1!:#$+%$09#$)"40$(#'$1&%094$&($*&,-lege will change fast, and probably 2"!40+*!,,-5$F-$09#$0+1#$7$.&0$0&$09#$end of my freshman year, the group 7$ 9;%.$ &;0$ '+09$ !0$ 09#$ E#.+%%+%.$was completely different. People transfer, drop out, move away, or just turn out to be people who you aren’t interested in being friends with. But that’s okay; at the time, you probably won’t even notice it 9!==#%+%.5$ 708,,$ E#$ 4&1#09+%.$ -&;$

look back on and see, and say to yourself, “Huh, how did that hap-pen?” But then you’ll look at all the awesome people you’ve met instead, and it’ll all make sense.

Secondly, go to class. No, 781$ 4#"+&;45$ G&$ 0&$ *,!445$ H#!9/$ +0$seems obvious that you should do it, but trust me. Once the middle of the semester sets in and you’ve gotten over your initial fear of your professors and college in general, you’re going to start sleeping in ,!0#5$H&;8,,$4!-$0&$-&;"4#,(/$IJ#,,/$7$'#%0$!,,$,!40$'##:5$7$*!%$0!:#$!$2!-$off!” This is a dangerous slippery slope to start down. Sure, there’s no one looking over your shoulder like in high school to make sure you go, but the punishment comes later, in the form of bad grades and a hor-rible GPA. Don’t think that just be-cause the punishment shows up in the long term it won’t hurt less.

D9+"2,-<$ K!%2$ 09+4$ +4$ ="&E!E,-$one of the most important ones) It’s okay to be alone. And by this, 7$1#!%$=9-4+*!,,-$!,&%#5$7084$.&+%.$to happen that one day, you won’t E#$!E,#$0&$)%2$4&1#&%#$0&$#!0$,;%*9$with. Or it’s a Friday night and you don’t have any plans. That’s okay. 70$1!-$ 4##1$ ,+:#$ 4&1#$ 4&"0$ &($ 4&-cietal requirement to constantly be surrounded by friends and always be in what’s happenin’, but having a night off sometimes or having a quiet lunch out in the quad is okay. There’s nothing wrong with it, so don’t get worried over it. Every single person has those days too.

Fourthly, make friends with your professors, and as a corollary, learn your professors’ names. For the most part at SUNY Potsdam, professors want you to succeed and they want to help you. Don’t be intimidated or scared to

talk to them. Don’t be afraid to strike up a casual conversation with them about the class, or other 09+%.4$09!0$+%0#"#40$-&;5$70$,#04$09#1$know that you aren’t an apathetic student who comes to class un-2#"$ &E,+.!0+&%5$ 70$ ,#04$ 09#1$ :%&'$that you have an active mind. And learning their names is a good idea, because professors know when you don’t know it when you come up to them at the end of the semester %##2+%.$9#,=$ (&"$ 09#$)%!,$!%2$-&;$babble, “Hi Professor… sir.”, or you misspell their name in emails. 70$ 2&#4%80$ #L!*0,-$ 1&0+?!0#$ 09#1$to help you out a bunch. Having a good relationship with your pro-fessors just makes classes easier in general.>%2$ )%!,,-/$ E#$ !$ .&&2$ ("+#%25$

That’s it, that’s all. Be a good friend.

Tips from a senior, to the freshmen


Like to hike?Best places to hike in Potsdam and close by!



Like Music?Chceck out the best placesto see music in Potsdam!

Pg. 4

2 the Racquette Orientation Issue 2012


Greek Life: a great way to get involved!"#$$%&'%("$)*

+,%--&.(#,/(SUNY Potsdam has a lot of op­

portunities to be involved in the community. One of the best ways to get involved and meet new faces is to become involved with Greek life. At SUNY Potsdam we recog­nize nine sororities, two fraterni­ties, and two music fraternities. Alpha Kappa Phi is one of the

oldest sororities in Potsdam with their history stretching back to the late 1800’s. Nicknamed “AGO,” this sorority found its home on 11 Pierrepont Ave. where you will usually see the girls who live there sporting their colors­ gold, white, and blue. This sorority works to fundraise for Hospice, which is their main philanthropy. Alpha Delta Kappa, nicknamed

“Alpha,” resides in a white and lavender house (the sorority’s col­ors) on 46 Elm Street. Their phi­lanthropy is the St. Lawrence Re­newal house. Alpha is also involved in Relay for Life, a yearly campus wide fundraiser for Cancer Aware­ness. Alpha Sigma Tau, known as

“AST,” is a national sorority found­ed in Michigan. The girls of AST wear emerald green and gold and are actively involved in their phi­lanthropy for the Pine Mountain

Settlement School in Kentucky. They also work closely with Habi­tat for Humanity, AIDS walk, and a town cleanup along with other Greek council members.Delta Lambda Nu, known as

“Delta,” was founded at SUNY Potsdam in 1970 and reformed in 1994. Their colors are brown, gold, and white, which are also the colors !"# $%&'(# )!(!('$*# +!,&(-$%&# )./­+!,&(0#1%&)&#2'(3)#(4')&#5!/&*#"!(#the Muscular Dystrophy Associa­tion and STOP DWI. These ladies also work closely with local orga­nizations such as Hospice to raise funds.Gamma Sigma Sigma, known as

“Gamma Sig,” is a national com­munity service sorority whose mot­to is “unity in service”. These ladies started a Lost and Found in the Stu­dent Union and have been keeping it going since 1980. They can also be seen in their colors maroon and white. They have numerous goals, one being “to increase involvement in community service”. Gamma Sig does numerous fundraisers and community service projects each semester.Omega Delta Phi, or “Omega,”

also holds many fundraisers such as car washes and pancake breakfasts. These ladies work together to fund­raise for the American Cancer So­ciety, Relay for Life, and other or­

ganizations. A main goal of theirs is to be more involved in community service; their mission statement ex­presses that they wish to “increase community involvement and social networking, as well as opportuni­ties to gain leadership experience ,'$%'/# $%&# %!.)&60# 7!.# 84/# 9/:#these ladies wearing their colors: red and white.Phi Kappa Pi, or “Phi K,” was

founded in 1906. Their philanthro­py is Juvenile Diabetes. They are involved in activities such as Greek Week and a campus and town wide cleanup. Phi K’s members can be seen wearing black and gold and are located at their house in on 58 Elm Street.Sigma Alpha Iota, or “SAI,” is

a professional music fraternity for women. Sigma Alpha Iota is a na­tional fraternity founded in 1903. These girls can be seen in red and white. A common bond between 5&5;&()# ')# $%&'(# 3!<&# !"#5.)'8-and you don’t have to be a music major to join. Many sisters have majors such as English, education, theater, history, etc.. Members are involved in national and commu­nity service and can be found hand­ing out programs at musical events. Sigma Gamma Phi, which is

nicknamed “Arethusa,” is a nation­al sorority founded in 1989. In their colors kelly green, navy blue, and

,%'$&-$%&)&# 34:'&)#,!(=# $!2&$%&(#to fundraise for Cystic Fibrosis. This sorority is a social/community service sorority that is actively in­volved in the community.Zeta Gamma Sigma, or “Zeta,”

can be found in their colors Green and White. The sorority, which was founded on St. Patrick’s Day sports their shamrock mascot on their house at 24 Main Street. These la­dies are also involved in commu­nity service such as Relay for Life and Habitat for Humanity.Delta Kappa Theta fraternity is

the oldest male Fraternity at SUNY Potsdam. Founded in 1946, “DK” members can be found in their col­!()#54(!!/#4/:#,%'$&-!(#4$# $%&'(#home on 53 Elm Street. DK’s phi­lanthropy is the Crumb library and the American Cancer Society; so they are actively involved in both campus and community service.Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity,

known as “Phi Kap,” is a national male fraternity that participates in Relay for Life and other campus activities. These men have a goal to “perform community service to better SUNY Potsdam and the local communities”. They fundraise for local causes, Leukemia and Lym­phoma, and for Habitat for Human­ity.Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, nick­

named “PMA,” is a national music

"(4$&(/'$*# "!(# 5&/-;.$# *!.# :!/>$#have to be a music major to join. The brothers are members from all different majors who all share a common love for music. To be eligible, you have to have taken one music class at Crane. These men can be seen in their colors red, black, and gold. They are actively involved in campus events such as Relay for Life.SUNY Potsdam offers many

different ways to get involved, but being a part of a sisterhood or brotherhood is a great way to make everlasting friendships. There are numerous rush events that are held so you can get to know the mem­bers. To be eligible, you must be at least a second semester Freshmen and have a GPA over 2.0. But if *!.#4(&#4#9()$#)&5&)$&(#?(&)%5&/@#'$# ')# 4# 2(&4$# $'5&# $!#9/:# !.$#5!(&#about each fraternity or sorority to see which is right for you because each one stands for different goals. 1!#9/:#!.$#5!(&# '/"!(54$'!/@#*!.#can contact each Fraternity or So­(!('$*# !/3'/&-&48%#%4)# 4#,&;)'$&@#email, or phone number or just go up to someone in letters and ask. SUNY Potsdam prides itself in a kind, friendly, helpful student body.


Are you a student with no ma­jor? Don’t be afraid, there are many paths to take. If you don’t know what you would like to spend the rest of your life doing, you are not alone. According to Dr. Fritz Grupe, Professor the University of Nevada, Eighty percent of col­lege­bound students enters without choosing a major. Thankfully, there are many people throughout SUNY Potsdam are here to help. T h e r e 4(&#54/*#(&)!.(8&)#$!#%&3A#*!.#9/:#your way. You can attend “A Major Affair,” an informational fair that is aimed at undeclared students that

has booths for each department that describes each major and its class­es. It allows students to get a small taste of the various majors that we have here at SUNY Potsdam. Another solution that

SUNY Potsdam offers is the Career Planning Center. This department, located in Sisson Hall, offers guides to a major and a career through one­on­one career counseling ses­sions. They even have the “Unde­clared Majors Week,” dedicated to helping students without majors to 9/:#4#A4$%#$%4$#')#9$#"!(#$%&50 Both of these resources

are great for students to utilize to learn about the many career op­portunities they have here at SUNY

Potsdam. Just two years ago, I was

a student in this situation, and I jumped through many different ma­jors. From theatre to music in my 9()$#*&4(@#$%&/#54$%#&:.84$'!/#$!#4($#and communications in my second, I have experimented throughout the liberal arts majors. The best advice is to just take risks. If a class seems interesting, take it. If you see a ma­jor that you think sounds like your future, declare it. You are allowed to change your mind. There may be a lot of trial and error, but when you 9/433*#9/:#4#54B!(#*!.#3!<&@#$%&#&"­fort is worth it.


Having a good roommate can make or break your college year. I mean come on, your room is your sanctuary to get away from it all, and if you and your roommate are squabbling all the time it makes for a pretty stressful environment in what is supposed to be your place of relaxation. So here are some thing to keep in mind when it comes to being a roommate.1) Get discussions about rules

out of the way now. How late can you have someone over? How of­ten is it okay to request the room for “private interactions”? What kind !"#5.)'8#:!&)#*!.(#(!!554$&#9/:#unacceptable to play at all hours of the day? What may seem nitpicky can turn into a major cramp in you and your roommate’s relationship when they start blasting coun­try music at eight in the morning. And just remember that they might have very different rules from what you’re expecting, and vise versa.2) Respect their stuff. This goes

without saying. If it’s not yours, don’t eat it. If it’s not yours, don’t wear it. If it’s not on your side of the room, don’t move it.3) Talk about cleanliness and

where to draw the line when things start getting dirty. Some people are slobs, some are neatfreaks, and chances are you and your room­mate see completely differently about this kind of thing. So air out any grievances now before sud­denly its November and your room­mate’s dirty clothes are in a big pile

in the middle of the room.4) Don’t expect your roommate

to be best friends with you. They might want to cultivate separate so­cial circles and that’s okay. Being BFF isn’t the most important aspect of the roommate relationship any­way. What’s important is you guys can live together without climbing $%&#,433)#!(#2&$$'/2#'/$!#9)$92%$)05) While still making sure to

maintain the integrity of your stuff, don’t get all huffy if your roommate asks to use your microwave or TV. Sharing is caring.6) If you feel that you and your

roommate are experiencing ma­jor problems that you can’t solve yourself, don’t hesitate to go to your RA or mentor. They are there $!#5&:'4$&#4/*#8!/+'8$#!/#$%&#+!!(#and will be happy to help you out. Sometimes its good to have a third party’s opinion.7) Respect your roommate even

if they may have different opinions from yours or may lead a very dif­ferent life. As long as they aren’t hurting you or anyone else, live and let live.8) Understand that you are now

sharing living conditions with someone else, and as such, you’re going to be compromising a lot on many different things. If you like to go to bed at nine o’clock, but your roommate is a night owl, then both of you have to make the effort to accommodate the other. You might have to deal with their glowing lap­top screen and they have to wear earphones.9) Golden rule. That is all.

The way of the


Undeclared? No Problem

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Orientation Issue 2012 the Racquette 3



The snow is falling, falling, falling outside your window as you lazily sip from a mug full of delicious hot chocolate. As the heat runs on full blast, you lie nestled beneath a pile of blankets and relish in the cozy sanctuary of your dorm room… sounds nice, right? As the cold months wear on, however, you

,'33#5!)$#3'=&3*#9/:#*!.()&3"#2(!,'/2#(&)$3&))#as the winter doldrums take their toll on the minds and spirits of the SUNY Potsdam stu­dent body. As any seasoned veteran of suc­cessive years spent in Potsdam can attest to, the winters here are frigid, gusty and unrelent­ing, and can leave you in a serious slump if you’re not prepared. “One of the things that depresses me most

about the wintertime is knowing that I didn’t enjoy the summer and fall months to their fullest,” explained Robert Haller, a senior creative writing major at SUNY Potsdam. 1%&#4<&(42&#,'/$&(# '/#C!$):45#34)$)#"!(#9<&#months or more, and will creep its way onto campus before long. Use the following list of activities as a guide to aid you in your enjoy­ment of the comfortable weather­­­ doing so 84/#=&&A#*!.#"(!5#9/:'/2#*!.()&3"#"(!D&/#E3'$­erally!) with regret when the North Country unleashes its wintery fury.7. Take a walk with some good friends

to Ives Park. Arrive armed with stale bread and plant yourself at the water’s edge. Feed a family of geese before they have the good )&/)&#$!#+*#)!.$%#"!(#$%&#,'/$&(06. Climb one of the numerous trees on

845A.)#4/:#9/:#)4/8$.4(*#'/#$%&#)%4:&#!"#'$)#abundant leaves. Before long, the tree will be stripped of its greenery and you will be bun­

dled in so much clothing that agile movement will be but a distant dream.5. Ditch the shoes and run barefoot through

the grass. Lehman Park offers vast expanses through which to run, so head there and give those precious feet of yours something to rem­inisce about when they’re smothered in those unsightly but functional winter boots. 4. If you have a car (or a friend in posses­

sion of one), drive down a long, open road with the windows rolled down. Inhale large quantities of fresh air, and don’t be afraid of looking like a dog taken along for a car ride.3. Set aside an afternoon for a serene excur­

sion on the water. “Kayaking on the Grasse River, located less than an hour away in the northwest Adirondacks, is very peaceful,” said Geoffrey VanderWoude, a philosophy major at Potsdam. Or for those who prefer to remain closer to campus, SUNY Potsdam’s Venture Outdoors offers affordable kayak and canoe rentals to students who wish to take them out on The Racquette River. In next to no time, an afternoon on the water will in­volve physically walking on top of it. 2. Rise with the sun and go for an early

morning jog. It’s much easier on the lungs and more pleasant if you do so soon, rather than on a morning when, even with the added warmth of the sun, the temperature rises bare­ly above zero.1. Indulge in some quality time spent with

Potsdam’s famous stone goddess Minerva, who resides at the entrance to the academic quad. She goes unappreciated in the winter 5!/$%)#,%&/#%&(#+!,&()#4(&#2!/&#4/:#)%&#')#covered in a blanket of snow. So show her a little love, and let her know how well her +!,&()#8!5A3'5&/$#%&(#)='/#$!/&0####

Things to do in Potsdam before you can’t

The best hiking spots close to Potsdam'%(,/(&C)*/$

D)(6/(&!E4&45#,)(If you’re new to the Potsdam region

and would like to explore the beautiful area surrounding the college before the permafrost sets in November, then look no further than this comprehensive list of some of the most scenic (and easily acces­sible) areas found in St. Lawrence County:Allens Falls ­ For a lot of Potsdam

students, Allens Falls is a no­brainer in the realm of quick and simple getaways. While it’s a relatively short drive (about ten minutes, biking distance even) the falls are a poster child for the multitude of gorgeous locales with a close proximity to SUNY Potsdam. The trail to the falls is relatively short and there’s plenty of clear­ings to sit and relax if you want to pack a picnic. All in all, there’s really no reason you shouldn’t spend at least one afternoon at Allens Falls. Eisenhower Lock ­ Located in Mas­

sena, you’re going to need a car to get to this one. I assure you though, it’s well worth the drive. While watching boats +!4$#$%(!.2%#4#3!8=#54*#/!$#)&&5#$!!#$4/­talizing, the lock is a prominent feature as it is the gateway for ships looking to access the Great Lakes from the Atlantic and some massive vessels make their way through. In addition to being a great ex­ample of your tax dollars at work, the lock is located within the Robert Moses State Park which has an excellent beach and modern facilities for those looking to go for a swim when the warmer weather hits.Lampson Falls ­ More waterfalls, yes,

but anyone who’s been to Lampson will

tell you it warrants a visit. Located in Russell, Lampson Falls is about a twen­ty­minute drive. The trail is short and well kempt, and the falls are absolutely breathtaking as they’re some of the larg­er in the area.Stone Valley ­ Located just off of

Route 56 in Colton, only about a ten minute drive from Potsdam, Stone Val­ley is an excellent choice if you’re look­ing for a moderately long hike that also has some stunning views. Because there are a lot of small swimming holes and large rocks to lay on, Stone Valley is an excellent candidate if you’re trying to cool off. The current is more rapid in some areas, so if you’re planning on


swimming make sure you take friends and use appropriate caution!Lehman Park ­ If you just can’t

make it to any of the other locations, don’t forget our school has a great pic­nic spot just west of Pierrepont Ave. The park is a ten­minute walk and there are picnic areas and lots of open, +4$#4(&4# '"#*!.>(&# 3!!='/2# $!# $%(!,#4#ball around. With all of the hubbub of the Adirondack Park, it’s easy to for­get students have a beautiful and clean area right at their disposal.Happy travels, and remember to be

respectful of the trails and abundant wildlife when you visit!




4 the Racquette Orientation Issue 2012


Arts & Entertainment

sit down + enjoy your meal

Lehman choice is yours


Residential Dining­ as little or as much to eat

as you want for breakfast, brunch, lunch or


Healthy options every day and an allergen

free food area for people on special diets.

If you’re bored and looking for a

place to hang out, then maybe swing

by Hurley’s Nightclub located be­

low Lehman dining center. Every

week there’s a new and diverse

lineup of events such as live bands,

comedians, raves and Hurley’s cam­

pus renowned Coffehouse. The Cof­

feehouse is a special affair that takes

place every Thursday at 7:00PM

and features a headlining act, which

is then followed by an open mic

where anybody is able to showcase

his or her talents! Since Hurley’s is

a school funded venue students will

never have to pay a cover charge, so

a whole night of entertainment and

fun won’t cost you a single cent.

!"#$%&"$%'( '")( *#+'( ,$%-.)( /))0+(of arriving on campus people will

be constantly urging you to “go out

and meet people!” well Hurley’s

is the perfect place to do that! So

why go out to a sketchy frat party

and drink crappy beer when you can

hang in Hurley’s and drink Jones

Soda while listening to a live band?

As students here at SUNY Pots­

dam we are constantly given oppor­

tunities to do fun activities and join

cool clubs, but where else can you

get the chance to have your own ra­

dio show? All you need is 8 hours

of radio training before you’ll be

able to have your very own block

in 90.3fm WAIH’s schedule. When

you complete your training you’ll

have the option to host your very

own show, create your own DJ

name and play the music that you

think everybody needs to hear. If

this sounds like something you’d

want to be a part of then feel free

to stop in during one of their meet­

ings at the Fireside Lounge (located

above the Union Market) every

Sunday starting at 5PM or add

90.3fm WAIH “The Way” on Face­


The WAIH!"#$"%&'()"*+(







Orientation Issue 2012 the Racquette 5


1­2­3 textbook ordering

Add your books to your cart,

register as a user, and checkout,

selecting “Ship UPS” or “pick up at

the store.” We must have the

STUDENT name and contact

information, as well as the

PURCHASER’S name and credit

card information in our system to

process the order. We’ll contact

you if there are any changes to

your order via email.

Books are charged to credit cards

or Bear Express Accounts when

packed ­ about two weeks prior to

the start of term. Check email

regularly for updates and


http://bookstore.potsdam.edu http://bookstore.potsdam.edu http://bookstore.potsdam.edu http://bookstore.potsdam.edu


select books ........

compare prices with our online tool

select term, department, course, section

Federal Law requires that course materials be listed online when students

become eligible to register for classes. This means stores must list costs as of

that date often 3 ­ 6 months in advance. Actual costs are displayed on

August 1 and 2 weeks prior to the start of the Spring Semester, when we

have researched, competed, negotiated and bargained for the best deals

on textbooks.





If you’ve ever walked into the

village of Potsdam, you’ve no­

ticed the Roxy Theater. The old

fashioned billboard style marquise,

framed in glowing yellow lights,

tips you off that this is not your

average corporate mega­plex. In

fact, the Roxy has a unique history

all its own. Built in 1950 and orig­

inally opened in 1952, the Roxy

has operated under 4 owners and

is still in business. By most stan­

dards, this is reason enough to call

it a gem.

When the theatre opened for

'")( *#+'( '12)( 13( 45678( 1'( $99)#):(1,000 seats and a single screen.

In 1977, the theatre converted to

two screens, and in 2002, made the


that it remains today.

The Roxy is currently owned

by Jeff Szot, who purchased it in

1981, adding it to the corporation

JS Cinemas. JS Cinemas also cur­

rently owns the 56 Auto Drive­In,

Massena Movieplex and the Amer­

ican Theatre in Canton. The Roxy

is managed by Dave Rude, a Clark­

son Alumni who met Mr. Szot at a

showing of The Rocky Horror Pic­

ture Show. A mutual interest in the

*.2( >-#$?;?.@( 1..%213;'):( ?@(A#B(Rude’s Rocky­themed costume)

was the starting point of a now 30

year old friendship. Mr. Szot hired

him on, and he worked part time at

the theatre in the early 1980s. In

1984, he transferred to the Malone

theatre where he held a manage­

ment position for nearly twenty


The Roxy has been an asset to

the college community for decades.

If independent American or foreign

*.2+(&#;?(@$%#(13')#)+'8(@$%(+"$%.:(check out Cinema 10. Cinema 10

1+(;(3$3=-#$*'8(<$.%3'))#(&#$%-('";'(aims to provide the town of Pots­

:;2(/1'"(;(?#$;:(<;#1)'@($9(*.2+(throughout each academic year.

According to Holly Chambers, a

Cinema 10 board member as well

as SUNY Potsdam’s Senior Assis­

tant Librarian, Cinema 10 has been

operating out of the Roxy since

1984. Each semester, the board

votes for 10 independent American

$#(9$#)1&3(*.2+('";'(;#)(+,"):%.):(to be shown once a week, Mondays

at 7:15 p.m.

For those who appreciate music

or stage theatre, the Roxy was also

recently equipped with a satellite

receiver in order to gain access to

live broadcasts from The Metro­

-$.1';3(C-)#;(13("1&"(:)*31'1$3(;+(well as The National Theatre in the

U.K. A recent addition to the Roxy

includes a $20,000 sound system

equipped with 6 channel sound.

In fact, the Roxy has been un­

dergoing constant updates and re­

modeling for years. Some of the

more involved updates include

keeping up with the new wave of

technology. In preparation for the

release of Avatar, Mr. Szot took on

an $85,000 project to enable the

+"$/13&( $9( DE( *.2+B( ( F<)3( ";<­ing experienced an iMax 3D, wall

to wall screen and sloped seating,

the presentation at The Roxy is im­


These renovations are part of

the reason 3D ticket prices are just

a few dollars more. According

to Dave Rude, Theatre Manager,

nearly 2/3 of the ticket price goes

:1#),'.@( '$( '")(*.2( ,$2-;31)+( 9$#(royalties. After the sales tax is de­

ducted (which is already included

in the ticket price), the theatre prof­

its very little. The truth is, a $7

ticket just barely covers costs. The

Roxy is also generous enough to

offer “Student Night” every Tues­

day, when a student ticket costs

just $4 with your student ID.

The theatres are small, provid­

ing an intimate environment. The

G$$#+(;#)($3.@(+.1&"'.@(+.$-):8(?%'(enough so that you don’t have to

worry about your view being ob­

structed by the tall kid in the seat in

front of you. The traditional theatre

going atmosphere hangs heavy in

the air. There’s something sweetly

3$+';.&1,(;?$%'(+))13&(;(*.2(;'('")(Roxy. Stop in some Tuesday night

and take a moment to appreciate

this gem in our little town.

The Roxy is the place to be for movie lovers in PotsdamK"-7&9#1N1%.


4 the Racquette Orientation Issue 2012








Shops and restaurants

within walking distance

from Potsdam campus:


Orientation Issue 2012 the Racquette 5










*All photos taken by Amanda Stockwell


8 the Racquette Orientation Issue 2010


the RacquetteGet fit at the Maxcy Hall Fitness Center


The Shane T. Shaul Fitness Center exists

to enhance the health and well­being of all

SUNY Potsdam Students, faculty, staff and

community members through the provision

!"# $%&'($# &)*#+()%,,# ,%-./0%,# &)*# 1-!2-&3,#delivered in a safe, clean and positive envi­


Part of a person’s overall well­being in­

0'4*%,#,(&5/)2#+(6#7''#,(4*%)(,#&-%#%)0!4-&2%*#to take advantage of the physical activities

and resources on and off campus provided by

($%#+()%,,#0%)(%-6#The Shane T. Shaul Fitness Center, located

!)#($%#($/-*#8!!-#/)#9&:05#;&''<#/,#&)#=<=>>#,?4&-%# "!!(# ,(&(%@!"@($%@&-(# +()%,,# "&0/'/(56#A%)!.&(%*#/)#B>>C<#($%#+()%,,#0%)(%-#$!4,%,#D=#1/%0%,#!"#0&-*/!.&,04'&-#%?4/13%)(<#3!,(#with personal cardio theatre. Dumbbells,

Olympic weights, a Cybex Eagle selectorized

circuit and a variety of training tools are also

&.&/'&E'%6#F$%#,(4*%)(#,(&""#&(#($%#+()%,,#0%)­ter are friendly and extremely helpful in help­

/)2#!-/%)(&(%#($!,%#)%G#(!#($%#+()%,,#0%)(%-6H*%)(/+0&(/!)# /,# -%?4/-%*# &)*# 34,(# E%#

1-%,%)(%*# 1-/!-# (!# 4,/)2# ($%# +()%,,# 0%)(%-6#7''#4,%-,#34,(# ,/2)# /)#&)*#&-%#&,I%*#)!(# (!#bring valuables since SUNY Potsdam is not

responsible for unsecured items. Lockers are

available for those who wish to use them. No

personal belongings, save for a change of

footwear, are permitted in the Fitness Center.

To preserve equipment, shoes must be

changed prior to using the facility. Sandals

&-%# )!(# &''!G%*6#711-!1-/&(%# %:%-0/,%# &((/-%#is required. Shirts must be worn. Sports bras

and other midriff revealing tops, along with

undergarments, are not considered appropri­

ate attire.

The Fitness Center also requests that users

wipe down all equipment after use. Sanitiz­

ing wipes are provided for that purpose. Use

of a personal towel is strongly recommended

while exercising. Profanity while in the facil­

ity is discouraged. For everyone’s safety and

comfort, users must return weights, dumb­

bells and accessories to their proper racks

after use. The use of a spotter is encouraged

on all heavy lifts. No food, drink or tobacco

is allowed in the Fitness Center. Water, how­

ever, is permissible. Children under the age

!"# JC#34,(# E%# &00!31&)/%*# E5# &# 1&-%)(# !-#responsible adult. Lastly, children under the

age of 12 are not permitted in the Fitness


The Fitness Center offers countless pro­

grams and services. Facilities available in­

0'4*%# ($%# +%'*# $!4,%<# -&0?4%(# 0!4-(,<# &)*#pool.

F$%# +()%,,# 0%)(%-# &',!# 1-!./*%,# ,%.%-&'#2-!41# +()%,,# 0'&,,%,# /)0'4*/)2# I/0IE!:/)2<#CORE sculpt, spinning, and boot camp.

Kickboxing, one of the best attended group

+()%,,#0'&,,%,<# /,#&#K"&,(#1&0%*#*5)&3/0#&0­tivity to music utilizing blocks, punches and

kicks providing the optimum in cardiovas­

cular and interval workout: aerobic exercise,

free­standing heavy bags, low stance­work,

wooden swords and ab­work with stretch­

ing. Thomas Sokol, SUNY Potsdam’s Self

L%"%),%# H),(-40(!-# &)*# M!334)/(5# ;%&'($#


7)!($%-# ,%-./0%# !""%-%*# E5# ($%# P/()%,,#M%)(%-# /,# &($'%(/0# (-&/)/)26# 7''# 1&-(/0/1&)(,#of the 15 intercollegiate teams must have a

0!31'%(%*#3%*/0&'#"!-3#!)#+'%#/)#($%#&($'%(/0#training facility prior to engaging in practice

or contests. Forms should be sent to: SU­

QR@S!(,*&3#T1!-(,#9%*/0/)%<#9&:05#;&''U7($'%(/0,<# VV#S/%--%1!)(#7.%<# S!(,*&3<#QR<#JDCWC6# T(4*%)(# &($%'%(%,# &-%# %)0!4-&2%*# (!#E-/)2#?4%,(/!),#(!#($%#;%&*#7($'%(/0#F-&/)%-<#M$-/,#X6#X!-,(&*<#&(#YDJZ[#BCW@BD>V6#7($'%(%,#!)#1-%,0-/1(/!)#3%*/0&(/!)#"!-#7((%)(/!)#L%"­/0/(#;51%-&0(/./(5#L/,!-*%-#Y7L;L[must document their diagnosis and medi­

0&(/!)#G/($#($%#T1!-(,#9%*/0/)%#T(&""#E%"!-%#the start of any intercollegiate activity. If not,

&)# &($'%(%\,# %'/2/E/'/(5# /,# N%!1&-*/O%*# E5# /)­2%,(/)2# &# ,4E,(&)0%# E&))%*# E5# ($%# QM77<#as per bylaw 31.2.3. The Fitness Center pro­

./*%,#3!-%#/)"!-3&(/!)#&E!4(#QM77#24/*%­'/)%,#&(#*-42"-%%,1!(60!3U-%07',!<# /)0!3/)2# P-%,$3%)# &)*# (-&),"%-#

students interested in intercollegiate athlet­

ics must have a Physical Examination form

,/2)%*#E5#($%/-#1$5,/0/&)<#&)#7($'%(/0,#S&-(/0­/1&(/!)#T(&(%3%)(<# &# T(4*%)(@7($'%(%#;%&'($#;/,(!-5#]4%,(/!))&/-%#&)*#&#;HSS7#A%'%&,%#P!-36#7''#"!-3,#&-%#&.&/'&E'%#($-!42$#GGG6potsdam.edu.

Furthermore, the Fitness Center offers

open swim and recreational skate at no cost

"!-#&''#T^QR#S!(,*&3#,(4*%)(,6#9&:05#S!!'#_1%)#TG/3#/,#$%'*#9!)*&5#($-!42$#P-/*&5#"-!3#JB#1636#4)(/'#J#1636#&)*#W`D>#1636#4)(/'#9 p.m. Open swim is also available on Sat­

4-*&5,#&)*#T4)*&5,#"-!3#B#1636#4)(/'#V#1636#A%0-%&(/!)&'# ,I&(%# &(# ($%# 9&:05# 7-%)&# /,#held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:15

until 11 p.m. Students can rent skates for free




Intramurals are a great opportunity for active students

at SUNY Potsdam.

The Intramural Basketball Program is conducted dur­

/)2#($%#"&''#,%3%,(%-6#7''#(%&3,#%)(%-%*#&-%#*/./*%*#/)(!#leagues. There is a round­robin tournament within each

'%&24%#%)(%-/)2#($%#7''@M!''%2%#,/)2'%#%'/3/)&(/!)#(!4-­ney. Entry sheets will be distributed approximately two

weeks prior to the start of competition. The competition

/,#$%'*#/)#($%#9&:05#;&''#a53)&,/43<#9!)*&5#($-!42$#Thursday. Each team typically plays twice a week, either

9!)*&5#&)*#b%*)%,*&5#!-#F4%,*&5#&)*#F$4-,*&56Broomball leagues for men and women are also very

1!14'&-6# 7''# E-!!3E&''# 2&3%,# &-%# $%'*# /)# ($%# 9&:05#;&''#H0%#7-%)&#*4-/)2#($%#%.%)/)26#T%%#1!(,*&36%*4U/3UE-!!3E&''U-4'%,60"3# "!-# ($%# 0!31'%(%# S!(,*&3# E-!!3­ball rules.

7)!($%-# /)(-&34-&'# ,1!-(# !""%-%*# /,# P'&2# P!!(E&''6#Kc&0$#(%&3#34,(#$&.%#&#-!,(%-#!"#&(#'%&,(#J>#1%!1'%#E4(#)!#3!-%#($&)#JZ#1%!1'%<#E4(#($%#(%&3#!)#($%#+%'*#34,(#!)'5#E%#W#1'&5%-,6#7''#3%3E%-,#!"#&#(%&3#&-%#%'/2/E'%#(!#receive forward passes.

7)!($%-# /)(-&34-&'# ,1!-(# !""%-%*# /,# -&0?4%(E&''<# "!-#singles and doubles. In order to be victorious, a side must

G/)#(G!#!4(#!"#($-%%#2&3%,6#a&3%,#&-%#1'&5%*#4)(/'#JZ#points are scored, unless a tiebreaker occurs, in which

case a game is played to 11 points.

H)*!!-#M!@%*#T!00%-#/,#&.&/'&E'%<#G/($#+.%#1'&5%-,#(!#&#team, including the goalie, and one team captain for each

team. Every team must have at least one woman present

at all times in the game. The team with the most points

at the end of regulation is the winner. Should a tie occur,

($%#2&3%#G/''#%)(%-#&#+.%@3/)4(%#,4**%)#*%&($#!.%-(/3%6#Co­Ed Soccer teams consist of nine players. Leagues are

set up with a round­robin tournament, with a set of single

%'/3/)&(/!)# 1'&5!""# 2&3%,6# T%%# 1!(,*&36%*4U&($%'%(/0,U/3U,!00%-U-4'%,60"3#"!-#0!31'%(%#-4'%,67)!($%-#1!14'&-#/)(-&34-&'#%.%)(#/,#($%#9&*,(!1#d!&(#

Race. Participants must design and build a two­person

corrugated cardboard and duct tape boat capable of rac­

/)2# ($-%%# '&1,# &-!4)*# ($%#9&:05# 1!!'6# d!&(,# 34,(# E%#3&*%#G/($#0&-*E!&-*#&)*#*40(#(&1%#!)'56#7G&-*,#2/.%)#(!#the fastest boat, best looking, best costume, best sinking

E!&(6# T%%# 1!(,*&36%*4U&($'%(/0,U/3U3&*,(!1E!&(,U-4'%,6cfm for complete rules.

Co­Ed softball is offered in the second half of the

spring semester. In order for a team to be eligible, they

34,(#$&.%#&(#'%&,(#(G!#"%3&'%#1'&5%-,6#e/,/(#1!(,*&36%*4U&($'%(/0,U/3U,!"(E&''U-4'%,60"3#"!-#0!31'%(%#-4'%,6#H)# &**/(/!)<# 9&:05# !""%-,# ($-%%# */""%-%)(# .!''%5E&''#

programs. During the spring semester, men’s and wom­

en’s volleyball, known as Intramural volleyball, is held.

M!@%*#.!''%5E&''#/,#&',!#$%'*#/)#($%#,1-/)26#7''#(%&3,#($&(#enter are placed into leagues for round­robin play. The

+-,(#&)*#,%0!)*#1'&0%# (%&3,#/)#%&0$# '%&24%#G/''#1'&5#&#,/)2'%#%'/3/)&(/!)#(!4-)&3%)(#(!#*%0/*%#($%#7''@M!''%2%#M$&31/!)6#a&3%,#&-%#1'&5%*#!)#($%#,/:#0!4-(,#'!0&(%*#/)#($%#253)&,/43#!"#9&:05#;&''6#P!-#0!31'%(%#-4'%,<#,%%#1!(,*&36%*4U&($'%(/0,U/3U3&*,(!1E!&(,U-4'%,60"3

Intramurals are worth it Join the Racquette!


Student Union!
