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Orientation responses to biological odours in the human newborn. Initial pattern and postnatal...

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  • 8/17/2019 Orientation responses to biological odours in the human newborn. Initial pattern and postnatal plasticity by Luc Ma…


    0 Academic des sciences / Elsevier, Paris

    Neurosciences / Neurosciences

    Orientation responses to biological odours

    in the human newborn. Initial pattern

    and postnatal plasticity

    Les r6ponses d’orientation aux odeurs biologiques

    chez le nouveau-n6 hurnain. itat initial et plasticit postnatale

    ’ Laboratoire depsychopbysique sensorielle, CNRS EP 618, universitP Lou& Pasteh, IO. rue Goethe,




    2 Laboratoire de comportement animal, CNRS URA 1291 et station dephysiologie de la reproduction, Inra, 37380 Not&l& France

    3 Dkpartement de psycbologie, universiti de Reims, et laboratoire de psychobiologie du developpement, &ole pratique des bautes Jtudes,

    41, rue Gay-Lussac, 75006



    Les rtponses initiales d’orientation et leur developpement precoce sont analysees chez des

    nouveau-nts exposes simultanCment a I’odeur de leur liquide amniotique (AF) et a l’odeur des

    secretions lactees (L) maternelles. L’orientation relative entre ces deux odeurs est etudiee en fonc-

    tion de l’hge postnatal


    j) et de l’experience de t&tee


    tetees). Avant le troisieme jour, les

    nouveau-n& :ne differencient pas AF de L. Cette reponse indifferenciee est interpretee en termes

    d’equivalence sensorielle et/au hedonique d’AF et de L. Apres 3 j et de 7 a 12 t&tees, une preference

    en faveur de L est exprimee, refletant a la fois l’exposition repetee a l’odeur L et un changement

    qual itatif du lait maternel lors de l’installation de la lactogenese. Cette sequence dkeloppementale

    rhele que : i) les reponses du nouveau-m? humain au colostrum pourraient etre influencees par

    l’exposition a des qualitts chimiosensorielles similaires in utero, et ii) que ces reponses sont ajustees

    au changement progressif des proprietts chimiosensorielles du lait lors de la lactogenese.

    Mats cl& : nouveau-n& humuin. fcefus, olfaction, liquide amniotique, colosfrum. lait maternel,

    plasticit comportementale, naissan ce. adaptation neonatale


    The initialpa.ttern and development of odourpreference was studied in infants simultaneously exposed

    to amnioticfltrid (AF) and maternal lactealsecretion (L). Fivegroups of varying age (range: I-5 day)

    and breast-feeding experience (range: S3.2 fee&)

    were studied. Before postnatal c&y 3, no evidence of

    differentiation ofAF and L was apparent. AjZer 3 days and 7-12 breast-feeding episodes , a rignQ ant

    preference for L arised. The initial stage (days 1-3) may reflect fetal acq uisition of AF odour and

    sensory/motivational equivalence of AF and L odours. The second stage (days 4-5) may reflect the

    infants’perctption of change in milk quality and increasing experience with milk. Thi s sequential

    development attests to a high plasticity in the initial stage of human o/facto y development.

    Key words: human newborn, human fetus, olfaction, amniotic fluid, colostrum, breast milk,

    behavioural plasticity, birth, neonatal adaptation


    prbentte par Pierre Ruser

    Note remise le 15 septembre 1997, accept& aprks r&i&n le 17 novembre 1997

    *Correspondence and reprints

    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie / Life Scien ces

    1997. 320.999-1005

  • 8/17/2019 Orientation responses to biological odours in the human newborn. Initial pattern and postnatal plasticity by Luc Ma…


    L. Marlier et al.


    Chez pluskurs esptces de mammiferes placentaires, la s&c-

    tivi tk des rkponses nkonatales envers Ies stimulations olfacti-

    ves apparair dkpendante de l’exptrience olfactive fcetale.

    L’information olfactive acquise in utero conscitue ainsi une

    solution de continuitk sensorielle lors de la transition natale.

    Une telle continuitC olfac tive transnatale a kte sugg&e dans

    le cas de l’espkce humaine. Des enfants ?I& de 2 j, nourris au

    sein, n’expriment pas de reponse d’orientation dphalique

    diffkrentielle dans un test de double-choix olfactif prtsentant

    simultan&ment l’odeur de leur liquide amniotique et l’odeur

    du colostrum maternel. Cette reponse indiffkrencide a &T

    interprkke en termes


    similaritk chimiosensorielle et/au

    motivationnelle des deux fluides pCrinatals ; cette similarit&

    rtsulterait du transfert simultane des ar6mes de I’alimenta-

    tion maternelle dans les compartiments fceta l et mammaire.

    Cette etude ;apour but d’examiner deux prtdictions qui d&i-

    vent de l’hypothkse de continuitk chimiosensorielie transna-

    tale :

    i) Le de@ (de similarice chimiosensorielle des deux fluides

    devrait Ctre maximal peu aprks la naissance, lorsqu’ils sont

    soumis g l’influence simultanee du profil aromatique de la

    dikte maternelle. Cette similarit plus marquke entre les

    odeurs amniotique et colostrale devrait alors rksulter en

    l’absence de prefkrence relative chez des nouveau-n& ayant

    une expkrience nulle ou trts limit&e de la t&e.

    ii) Le traitement olfactif initialement indiffbrencik des deux

    fluides pkrinatals devrait cependant &re rapidement mod&C

    en fonction de l’%ge et de l’expkrience de t&e au sein ; en

    particulier , la direction des reponses devrait Ctre mod&&e B la

    fin de Ia phase colostra le, lorsque la qualiti aromatique des

    s&r&ions la&es est radicalement modifiee du fait de l’ins-

    tallation des mkanismes galactopokkiques.

    Ces deux hypothkses sont examinkes dans une Crude trans-

    versale de nouveau-n& Sg& de 5 h B 5 j et dont l’exposition au

    lait varie de 0 & 32 t&es.

    Cinq groupes de nouveau-n& n&s B terme (n total = 66),

    equilibrks selon le sexe, sont exposts aux tests de double-

    choix olfactif . Leurs caractkristiques d’%ge et d’expbrience ali-

    mentaire sont prksentkes dans

    le tableau I. Ces sujets

    ont et6

    exposCs d des tests de 2 min opposant des tampons de gaze

    imprdgnks soit de 20 gouttes de leur liquide amniotique

    (AF), soit d’une quantitC tquivalente des sCcr&ions 1actCes

    maternelles (L). Ces stimulations sont prksenttes de part et

    d’autre du visage de l’enfant, disposkes de faGon symktrique

    avec une excentricite de 20-70”, et B une distance de l-2 cm

    prkvenant tout contact. Mn de pallier les eff ets potentiels

    d’une 1atCralisation motrice ou sensorielle, chaque sujet est

    tgalement expose aux deux stimulations g droite et a gauche.

    Les tests sont video-enregistrks et l’analyse des rkponses est

    r&Me par un dkcodeur aveugle quant au c&C de prksenta-

    tion des stimulations. Les dukes d’orientation vers l’un et

    i’autre stimulus sont mesukes a l’aide du logiciel Observer.

    Le crittre d’orientation vers un stimulus est atteint lorsqu’un

    sujer positionne son nez au-dessus du stimulus, ce qui n&es-

    site une dCviation minimale de


    par rapport au plan sagit-

    tal. La duree d’orientation vers un stimulus est donnee

    comme la proportion moyenne du temps d’orientation vers

    ce stimulus en fonction du temps total d’orientation

    (120 s.).

    Le d&ours temporel des rkponses d’orientation relative dans

    les tests de choix est present& dam la pre 1. Une analyse de

    variance a deux facteurs (nature de I’odeur et groupe d’Sge/

    experience de t&t&e) rkvkle des eff ets principaux de l’odeur

    @ < 0,000 1) et du groupe (p < O,OOl), et une interaction

    signifkative entre l’odeur et le groupe (p < 0,001). Des com-

    paraisons intragroupes indiquent que les durkes d’orientation

    relative entre AF et L ne different pas dans les groupes 1 ?I 3

    (tableau Z). Les groupes 4 et 5 s’orientent plus longuement

    vers l’odeur L que vers l’odeur AF (tableau I). Les nouveau-

    n& manifestent une prkfkrence moyenne B l’kgard de l’odeur

    de L aprks 72 h de vie et 7-12 episodes de tCtCes. Des com-

    paraisons intergroupes r&&lent une dtcroissance de la durke

    d’orientation vers l’odeur AF et, surtout, un accroissement

    rkgulier de la duke d’orientation vers l’odeur L. Cet accrois-

    sement vers I’odeur L est signifkati fentre les groupes 1 et 2 et

    les groupes 4 et 5.

    Cette etude met en hidence’un d&ours temporel biphasique

    de l’orientation relative des nouveau-n& vers deux substrats

    odorants auxquels ils ont ttt exposks avant ou aprb la nais-

    sance. Au tours des jours postnatals 1 B 3, les enfants n’expri-

    ment aucune diffkrenciation sensorielle ou hCdonique

    significative des deux stimularions. Cependant, en fonction

    de 1’Sge et de l’expkrience de tCtke, les enfants manifestent

    une attract ion plus grande vers l’odeur L que vers l’odeur AF,

    et cette diffkrenciation intervient de faGon significative aprks

    le troisieme jour. Les rtponses progressivement divergentes

    vers chacune des deux odeurs peuvent &re expliqu&es par

    l’action de deux processus synergiques. La premike phase

    (jours 1-3 et O-12 tCt&.s) semble refker,


    part, une

    rPponse prefdrentielle du nouveau-& ?I l’egard d’une infor-

    mation acquise B l’ktat fceta l, l’odeur du liquide amniotique,

    et d’autre part, un traitement sensoriel et/au motivationnel

    gquivalent des odeurs amniotique et colostrale. La seconde

    phase (jours 4-5 et plus de 12 t&&es) semble Stre associCe B la

    perception nkonatale d’une modification qualitative de

    l’odeur du lait ; aprks l’installation de la lactat ion, l’odeur des

    s&r&ions lacttes dhierait de faGon croissante de celle du

    colostrum, rendant la discriminat ion plus aisle entre les

    odeurs AF et L. Cette skquence de rtponses pref&entielles

    sugg&re que les phases Ies plus prkcoces du dCveloppement

    olfactif postnatal sont g la fois dependantes des acquisitions

    anttnatales et de l’exprkience nionatale. Les rCponses du nou-

    veau-nt humain au colostrum pourraient Ctre influendes par

    l’exposition g des qualit& chimiosensorielles similaires in

    utero, et elles s’ajustent au changement progressif des pro-

    pritt&s chimiosensorielles du lait qui interviennent avec la



    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Scien ces de la vie / Life Scienc es

    1997. 320.999-1005

  • 8/17/2019 Orientation responses to biological odours in the human newborn. Initial pattern and postnatal plasticity by Luc Ma…



    The succ essful transition from the amniotic to the postam-

    niotic niche requires numerous adaptations in newborn

    mammals. Beside s the well-documented cardio-vascular,

    respiratory and gastro-intestinal adaptations, they are

    endowed with behavioural and cognitive capab ilities that

    optimize early developmental adjustments [l]. Within

    hours after birth, they learn how to find and seize a nip-

    ple, and to obtain milk. The ir performance in these

    obviously vital tasks is rapidly improved and attuned

    through the experience gained from their earlier realiza-

    tion. Thus , learning and underlying neural plasticity are

    essentia l components of the adaptation to the postnatal

    niche. However, the integrative activity of the brain is not

    initiated sharply at birth [2]. The fetal brain has already

    been exposed to sensory imprints and coordinated beha-

    vioural training [3]. The experience-based plasticity for-

    med in utero has been shown to serve the succ ess of the

    very first suc:king episodes in the rat [3-51. Thus , odour

    information gained in the amniotic ‘atmosphere’ constitu-

    tes a tie of familiarity bridging the fetal and the neonatal

    niches in this specie s. The relationship of fetal learning to

    neonatal adaptation and learning has been investigated in

    other specie s, including mice [6], rabbits [7] sheep 181,

    and humans [9-l I].

    Human evidence of perinata] olfactory continuity was

    suggested in a recent report on the undiscriminative

    response of 2-day-old breast-fed newborns simultane-

    ously presented with the odours of their own amniotic

    fluid (AF) and of their mothers’ colostrum [9]. This undif-

    ferentiated olfactory response has been hypothesized to

    reflect similarity of both perinatal substrates due to the

    simultaneous transfer of the aromas ingested by the

    mother into the fetal and mammary compartments

    112, 131.

    If this chemosensory continuity hypothesis is correct, it

    forecasts two expectations. First, the degree of chemo-

    sensory similarity of AF and colostrum (also named ‘pre-

    partum mammary secretion’ [141) should be highest

    around birth when both fluids are submitted to the con-

    temporaneous priming of the mothers’ dietary aromas.

    This greater AF/colostrum odour similarity should result in

    an absence of relative preference in choice tests con-

    Plasticity of odour responses in the human newborn

    ducted with newborns having no or very limited sucking

    experience. The responsiveness of such very young, feed-

    ing-naive infants, should settle the primal stage of relative

    sensory/hedonic responsiveness to the odours of the fluid

    they experienced just before birth and of the fluid they

    will encounter when sucking at the breast. The primal

    character of this response could not be ascertained in the

    sample of infants tested previously at 2 days of age [9],

    because their response may have been contaminated by

    postnatal exposure to AF-like cues potentially carried in

    colostrum. Second, the initially similar treatment of both

    fluids is expected to change with both age and feeding

    experience, in the same time that colostrum is progres-

    sively transformed into milk with the advent of lactogen-

    esis. These two hypotheses were examined in a

    developmental, cross-sec tional study involving breast-fed

    newborns aged from 5 h to 5 days and whose amount of

    exposure to milk ranged from 0 to 32 breast feeds.

    Subjects and methods


    Sixty-six healthy term-born newborns were studied. These

    infants were exclusively breast fed from birth. They were

    divided into five groups according to their postnatal inges-

    tive experience and age at the moment of the choice tests.

    The number of subjects , age and feeding experience cha-

    racteristics of each group are given in


    1. In group 1,

    six infants had no feeding experience at all at the moment

    of the tests, and the remaining subjec ts had only lim ited

    sucking experience in the delivery room. Mothers provi-

    ded informed written consent to let their infants partici-

    pate in the tests. Each subjec t was tested only on ce.


    Two types of stimulation s were used. AF samples devoid

    of blood or meconium staining were collected at delivery

    and immediately frozen (-20 “C). The collection of lacteal

    secretions was carried out by manual expression of

    20 drops that were directly soaked (without contact with

    the nipple) on a gauze pad within the 5 min preceding the

    test. Both types of stimulations were presented at room

    Table 1. The characteristics (number, age, feeding experience) of the five groups o f newborns studied and their relative head-orientation dura-

    tions [means (M) and standart deviations (s.d.)l when exposed concurrently to the odours of their familiar amniotic fluid and their mother’s

    lacteal secretions.

    Relative orientation duration (s)


    N subjects

    Age (hi


    range (N feeds)

    Amniotic Fluid Lacteal Fluid




    1 9

    2 20

    3 12

    4 16

    5 9

    M s.d. range M s.d. M s.d

    9.67 4.12 515 o-1 0.368 0.205 0.239 0.127 1.62 NS

    33.6 8.16 22118 2-6 0.382 0.171 0.330 0.187 0.68 NS

    55.42 8.48 49-72 7-l 2 0.325 0.141 0.388 0.115 0.99 NS

    85.06 7.91 7>95 13-19 0.221 0.148 0.43 1 0.136 3.3 0.004

    114.22 11.79 96-l 40 >20 0.193 0.137 0.537 0.108 4.6 0.002

    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie / Life Sciences

    1997. 320,999.1005

  • 8/17/2019 Orientation responses to biological odours in the human newborn. Initial pattern and postnatal plasticity by Luc Ma…


    L. Morlier et CII

    temperature on 10 x 10 cm gauze pads (100 cotton,

    Hartmann, ‘Chstenois, France). T he equal amount of each

    substrate used in the paired odour tests was fixed after

    prior ratings of the intensity of their odour by an adult

    panel [9].


    When arousal state 3-4 [I51 was obtained, the infants

    were installed in a semi-reclining seat which back was set

    at a 25” angle with the vertical. Both stimu lus pads were

    fastened on an U-shaped device that allowed us to pre-

    sent them symmetrically on each side of the infants’ face

    with an exclentricity of 20-70” (for more details about the

    device, see [lo]). This device was then positioned so that

    both stimulus pads were equidistant at l-2 cm from the

    possib le trajectory of the infants’ nose. The infants’ visual

    scene was homogenized by spreading a sheet all around

    the seat; in this way the only sensory contrast they were

    exposed to was generated by the olfactory stimuli and the

    infants’ unavoidable head and arm movements.


    After the stiimu li were positioned symmetrically on each

    side of the infants’ head, the experimenter (who stood

    behind the infant) man ually turned the infants head in

    order to alternately orient their nose to each stimulus pad

    for 5 s. The ‘direction of this pretest orientation was syste-

    matically counterbalanced for the nature and lateral posi-

    tion of the first stimulus presented. The infants’ head was

    then returned to the sagittal position and released after

    dissipatio n of tonic neck asymmetry. Head orientation

    responses were videorecorded during a first I-min trial.

    The lateral position of the two stimuli was then reversed

    so that the stimulus presented from the right side was pre-

    sented from the left side, and vice versa. T he infants’ head

    was then again oriented manually to both stimuli before

    being released in the midline, and videotaped during a

    second 1-min trial. The lateral position of the odour sti-

    muli was controlled so that both stimuli were presented

    equally often from the right or from the left side both

    within and between subjects .

    The videorecorded tests were analysed by a coder who

    was unaware of the presentation side of the stimuli. The

    head orientation durations to either stimulus were coded

    by tracking the infants’ nose tip. The possib le trajectory of

    180” that the newborns’ nose could scan was divided into

    three an gular sectors on each side of the infants’ head: a

    sector corresponding with the stimulus (labelled ‘stimulu s

    sector’, ss), and two sectors corresponding with the zones

    free of stimulus (covering the o-20” and 70-90” angles

    with the infants’ sagittal plane; labelled ‘stimulus-free sec-

    tors’, sfs). To be considered positively oriented toward a

    stimulus, a subject had to position his nose over one of the

    ss, which required a minimal head turn of 20” in the direc-

    tion of that stimulus. The time spent over the defined ori-

    entation sectors was recorded with the internal clock of

    the compu ter through the Observer sofware (Noldu s Infor-

    mation Techn ologies, Wageningen, The Netherlands)

    with an accuracy of 0.1 s. The total time oriented to either

    stimulus was obtained by adding the different orientation

    durations recorded accross the two consecutive trials. The

    orientation duration toward a given stimulus is reported

    as the mean proportion of time sp ent toward that ss in

    function of the total time of orientation (120 s) to either ss

    and to either sfs. Interobserver agreement for orientation

    durations to the ss and sfs calculated by two coders una-

    ware of the nature of the stimuli presented was highly

    significan t (all Spearman rank-order correlation coeffi-

    cients: r > 0.95, n = 20).


    A two-way ANOVA, with odour as the within-subject fac-

    tor and age/feeding experience group as the between-sub-

    ject factor, yielded significan t main effects of odour

    (F(1,61) = 402.5, P < 0.0001) and of age/feeding expe-

    rience group (F(4,61) = 5.69, P < 0.001 ), and a significan t

    odour x group interaction (F(4,61) = 5.72, P < 0.001). The

    time course of the relative response in the two-choice test

    is presented in


    I for the different groups. Within-

    group comparisons of relative orientation duration indi-

    cate that groups l-3 do not orient significantly longer to

    the AF odour than to the lacteal (L) odour (cf. table I). In

    contrast, groups 4 and 5 orient longer to the odour of milk

    than to the odour of AF (cf. tab/e I). Thus, after 7-l 2 breast

    feeds within 72 h of life, newborns display an average pre-

    ference for the odour of their mother’s milk when it is pre-

    sented along with the odour of their own AF.

    It is notable that the stimulus bearing the lacteal odour

    elicits steadily increasing head-orientation durations as a

    function of age/feeding experience, while the orientation

    response toward AF remains stable for the first 3 days,

    and then decline s over the following 2 days (figure 7).

    Between-group comparisons indicate heterogeneity of

    orientation duration to AF throughout the 1-5-day period

    (f (4,61) = 3.68, P < O.Ol), with a significan t decrease in

    attraction to AF odour between days 2 and 5 (P < 0.05,

    post-hoc Tukey test). In contrast, between-group compar-

    isons on the orientation duration to the lacteal odour indi-

    cate a significan t increase in attraction to this odour

    between days 1 and 5 (F (4,61) = 5.7, P < 0.001). Signif-

    icant rises in orientation to the lacteal odour are situated

    between group 1 and groups 4 and 5, and between

    group 2 and group 5 (P < 0.05, post-hoc Tukey tests).

    The choice pattern of individual infants was further

    examined by comparing the number of subjec ts spending

    longer oriented toward one stimulus than toward the

    other. Infants were defined as orienting longer to one stim-

    ulus than to the other when they spent more than 50 of

    the total orientation time to both stimulus sectors turned

    .toward that stimulus . From groups 1-5, respectively 2 on

    9 (22 %I, 8 on 20 (40 ), 6 on 12 (50 %), 13 on 16

    (81.25 ) and 8 on 9 subjects (88.89 ) oriented longer


    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Scienc es de la vie / Life Scien ces


  • 8/17/2019 Orientation responses to biological odours in the human newborn. Initial pattern and postnatal plasticity by Luc Ma…


    Mean relatlue dumtbn










    Groups 1 2 3 4 5

    Figure 1. Mean relative durations (i confidence intervals at 5

    risk) of head orientation of five groups of breast-feeding infants of

    different ages exposed to choice tests opposing simultaneously an

    odour from the prenatal environment (amniotic fluid: Af; hatched

    columns) and an odour from the postnatal environment (maternal

    lacteal secretions: L; black columns).

    For fhe number of subjects , range of age and of breast-feeding expe-

    rience in each group, see table I. Intra-group differences in orienta-

    tion duration: ” P < 0.0 1.

    to the odour of their mother’s lacteal secretion than to AF

    odour (x2 = 14.47, df = 4, P < 0.01). The percentage of

    subjec ts orienting more to the lacteal odour than to the AF

    odour is not statistically different in groups 1, 2 and 3, but

    it is between these groups and groups 4 and 5 (groups l-

    4: x2 = 8.36; groups l-5: x2 = 8.10; groups 2-4: x2 = 6.22;

    groups 2-5: x2 = 6.0; in all cases , P < 0.02; groups 3-4:

    x2 = 3.07, P = 0.07; groups 3-5: x2 = 3.5; P = 0.06;

    x2 tests;

    in all cases , df = 1).


    This study reveals a biphas ic time course of relative prefe-

    rence of breast-fed newborns between two biologically

    relevant odours experienced either prenatally or postna-

    tally in assoc iation with ingestion. On days l-3, the

    infants do not show evidence of a reliable differentiation

    of both odours. This outcome may result from their lack of

    ability to either i) detect the low intensity odours carried

    in biologic al fluids, ii) discriminate them on chemosen-

    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie / Life Sciences

    1997. 320, ‘X9-1005


    of odour


    in the human newborn

    sory basis, or iii) discriminate them on hedonic basis. Pre-

    vious experiments demonstrated clear detection a bilities

    of the faint odour borne in biologic al substrates in new-

    borns soon after birth [9, 10, 161. As both other alternati-

    ves cannot be singled out with the present experimental

    paradigm, we will consider parsimoniously that the sub-

    jects tend to process amniotic and lacteal odours as che-

    mosensorily and/or hedonically similar before and on

    postnatal day 3.

    However, with both increasing age and exposure to

    feeding cues, infants display greater attraction to their

    mother’s lacteal odour than to their own AF odour. A

    steady increase in relative orientation length to lacteal

    odour ca n be observed throughout the 5-day period cov-

    ered by the present study, but it differentiates significantly

    from the attraction duration toward the AF odour after the

    3rd day. Thus, our results suggest that some s pecia l events

    might occur after the 3rd postnatal day to modify the bal-

    ance of relative response between AF and lacteal odours.

    Several processes may be involved in the sequential

    development of relative preference behaviour evidenced

    by the two-choice test. i) The motor constraint associated

    with the head-turning task might exceed the newborns’

    abilities during the first 3 days after birth. It cannot be

    excluded that the recording of less demanding responses,

    such as oral or vocal activities, or state changes, would

    bring about an earlier disc rimination ability of both types

    of odours. However, hour-old newborns were capable of

    expressing directional head turning and focused crawling

    responses in a much more demanding situation (in which

    they were laid prone on their mother’s chest midline in

    order to reach a nipple without any assistan ce [l 11). Thus,

    age-increasing motor capab ilities do not adequately

    explain the observed pattern of preference development.

    ii) The nasal chemosensory system of the human newborn

    may have to reach a certain level of maturation to support

    fine-grained discrimination of odour qualities. Earlier

    investigators have demonstrated, however, that olfactory

    discrimination can operate from the day of birth in term

    newborns [I 7, 181, and that preterm newborns already

    show evidence of differential responses to different odour

    qualities [19]. iii) The neonatal brain may have to inte-

    grate a certain level of exposure with a ‘novel’ odour to

    positively respond to it and to overcome the prenatally

    acquired positive response to AF odour. The above data

    would suggest that, on average, more than 7-l 2 nursing

    episodes might be necessary within the first 3 days for the

    infant to become sensitized or familiarized with the odour

    of milk, and to perceive lacteal odour as different from, or

    more strongly reinforcing than, AF odour. However, one

    study indicates that newborns exposed to an arbitrarily

    selected artificial odour in associa tion with breast feeding

    display evidence of conditioned responses in favour of

    that odour 2 h after only one acquisition sessio n [201. Fur-

    thermore, ‘mere’ exposure to an artificial odour without

    associa tion with feeding has been suggested to later elicit

    attraction responses [18]. Thus, the accumu lation of expe-


  • 8/17/2019 Orientation responses to biological odours in the human newborn. Initial pattern and postnatal plasticity by Luc Ma…


    L. Marlier et al.

    rience with lac teal odour in the feeding context does not

    fully explain the relative preference for milk odour emerg-

    ing after daly 3. iv) An additional process may involve a

    progressive change in the quality of milk which facilitates

    the differentiation of its odour from that of AF. As tran-

    sudates of maternal plasma, both fluids have overlaping

    compo sitions majorly influenced by the aromas of the

    mother’s diet. Thus, amniotic and lacteal fluids should

    share a high degree of similarity during the initial colostral

    phase, when their aromatic profiles are elaborated under

    the synchronous influence of exogenous aromas. Th is

    degree of similarity decreases then during the first post-

    partum days, and especially after day 3 with the inception

    of lactogene sis [14, 21, 221. Accordingly, the olfactory

    discrimination of amniotic and lacteal fluids is easier in

    newborns aged more than 3 days. Finally, v) the rise of rel-

    ative attraction to the lacteal odour may be explained in

    terms of growing avoidance of AF odour. The reduction in

    attractiveness of AF odour is most apparent after day 3.

    Previous choice tests contrasting AF odour with a control

    stimulus inclicat e that AF odour does not become aversive

    after day 3, however [9]. This reduction may rather reflect

    a process of conditioned extinction of AF odour associ-

    ated with the decrease in re-exposure to AF-like odour

    cues carriecl in lacteal secretions, and repetition of expo-

    sure to novel cues in lacteal odors.

    The progressively divergent orientation response curves

    to either odours may reveal the action of two concurrent

    processes involving learning in the perinate. The initial

    stage (days l-3 and up to 7-l 2 feeds) may reflect the new-

    borns’ use of an odour template derived from their expe-

    rience with AF and the quasi-similar sensory or

    motivational treatment of AF and lacteal odours. The sec-

    ond stage (days 4-5 and more than 12 feeds) may reflect

    the infants’ perception of chemosensory change in milk

    quality and the sharpening of milk odour with increasing

    exposure time to it. This sequential development attests

    for a high level of functional plasticity in the initial stages

    of olfactory development in the human perinate, as was

    previously described in animal newborns [23, 241. It is

    worthwhile to underline that this notion of perinatal olfac-

    tory plasticity is enrooted in the ability of the human fetus

    to encode odour information from its amniotic environ-

    ment, and to retain and us e it transnatally.


    This study reveals that human newborns may be anticipa-

    torily adjusted to the chemosensory qualities of colostrum

    through their experience with similar qualities in utero,

    and that by age and feeding experience they re-adjust to

    the progressive change in lacteal chemosensory proper-

    ties occurring with lactogenesis onset. A s in other mam-

    malian newborns [3, 5, 7, 8, 23, 241, human newborns

    may be born with chemosensory images that direct the

    initial expression of attraction or withdrawal when they

    are confronted with biologica l odour s timuli in the pos-

    tamniotic environment. The procedure used here does not

    allow us to separate the relative contributions of age and

    feeding experience in the development of the positive res-

    ponse to lacteal odours. An ongoing longitudinal study

    should allow us to separate the effects of both factors in

    testing same-age children differing in their spontaneous

    amount of breast-feeding experience.

    Acknowledgments: This work was supported by grant R96/07 from Direction g&n&ale de I’Alimentation. ministere de I’Agriculture

    (to BS and RI;), and a fellowship from Danone Institute (to LM). We are indebted to the direction, midwives, nurses and technic ians

    of the clinique Sainte-Anne, Strasbourg, for their help throughout the study, and to the parents, for letting their infants participate

    in the study.


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